Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 15, 1899, Image 8

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    JJx „ , . _
JLJ ftj i II.
Harry Day & Cos
In order to reduce the Salisbury stock of
Goods we recently purchased so as to en
able us to consolidate our two stores as soon
as possible , we will for the
continue to give our customers better prices
than they can secure at wholesale. We
bought these goods in a lump , and at figures
below eastern prices , hence we have no
competitors in prices or quality of goods in
Broken Bow. If you want real bargains in
Dry Goods , Boots , Shoes , Clothing ,
Call and sec lus at
in the Realty Block.
Lot lor from , Iolm Itunjiiiiiiu to Ills folks.
OAJ.UMHT , H. I , Apr. 25) ) , ' 99.
Dear OnoH at Homo : Well , wo
uro Btill on the firing line and tak
ing a now town every day or two.
Maj. Mulford is in command ands \
trying to got UB roliovcd. Ho wont
to Gen. MoArlhur nnd told him ho
wanted a rest for himBolf and mon.
MoArthor afikd him how provost
guard would bo , and Mulford said
ho did not want it at all. He told
him ho wanted to got in barracks in
town Homowhorc , with nothing to
do hut rest. Mulford told him that
if wo hud to work all the time wo
would jufll as soon ho on the , firing
lino. You probably know all
our movements by the papers
I can't write much , for this is all the
paper I have , and the only envelope.
All my writing malarial got wet
when I swam the rfvcr before wo
took Calumpit. All our offioorH
think wo will bo relieved in a day or
two , for wo sadly need it 1 am all
right and in good health , but pretty
badly worn out.
Prom your loving son and
May 31811809.
I want to sugiiost through the
iiLicAN that wliun company M.
returns thn reception tendered them
and all the volunteers who enlisted
from this county bo given by
Ouster county. Why not Broken
Bow initiate the movement for a
two days encampment for the old
solders and the no * with all their
friends ? Ouster county looks upon
company M. as representative of all
our pooplo. Many townships have
furnished one or more of the noble
youth of whom wo all arc so proud.
At the Decoration Day services in
Sargent on motion of Comrade
Morris it was unannmiusly voted to
'havo a spoolal day reception for all
who wont from this section. But
why not a general county reception ?
To this end a commilteo might bo
appointed by Broken Bow Post of
the Commanders of each G. A. II.
Post in the county. Such u committee
mitteo to prepare a program , while
Washburn Post of Broken Bow bo
a special committee or arrangmont
and entertainment If the soutimuut
is as warm in olhor sections as hero
Broken Bow would have a crowd
surpassing any previous record.
For onoo lot our boys bo the guests
of honor of the county. Lot thorn
como together after a few days or
wooka rest as may bo doomed best
to renew comradship while wo
citizens thank and congratulate
thorn for the record they helped to
make ior our state and the nation.
Respectfully submitted.
On ( lie Itoad to Prosperity-
EUITOH RicrumauAN :
Wo sec by the Beacon that the
lories are not dead yet. This gov
ernment IH too liberal , for BOIUO
people are so blatant that they con
demn everything that is not done
by their party. The only punish
ment that I would wish them , would
bo to send them to Russia , whore
they would bo educated to know
the right , and do the same. The
Koaoon says that things are so cor
rupt that they can scarcely exist.
When a man makes the prayer that
the Dutchman did , you can know
liis calibre , for his interest was to
have God bless him and his wife ,
his son John and bin wife , us four
and no more , O Lord. " When
people want to bo smart , and arc
blessed with shortsightedncBH , they
will endeavor to run the affairs of
state hnaven and hell , but they are
like the shell wliun the oyster is
gone , they are dead issues. Progress
is too fast for thorn. They cannot
run , nor even stand alone , but must
go with the tide , or not at all.
What has the populist parly over
done but to find tault. and endeavor
to adorn themselves with angel
wings , with which they would bo
out of their element , for to do righter
or wrong is their only policy , HO
that they may line their own pock
ets. Mr. Bryan is in the soulh , try
ing to bo a Wheeler or Joe Hooker ,
but having lopped his political
horns , he , like Bon Butler , will have
to take his pay in spoons instead of
office. When the sun of heaven
looks down and smiles upon our
administration , the pops and demo
crats are simply foxes before the
liounde. Ihoy seek their place of
safety , and snarl , snap and bark to
show that they fight and run away ,
to live to fight another day.
homo of the groom's parents , in
Borwyn Precinct , Juno 8th , 1800 ,
by Rev. R. Belli * , Mr. Charles K.
Pounistou , of Borwyu , and Miss
Jennie Dioksou , ot West Union.
The ceremony wns witnessed by a
largo and very pleasant company of
relatives and friends , BOIUO of whom
had come * from distant parts of our
broad domain. The young people
received very many beautiful and
useful presents , aftrr which the
company pat down to a marriage
feast worthy of a king.
Ebtmy Notice.
Taken up at my plaoo of residence ,
i two year old bay mare , weight
about , nine hundred pounds. Nine
and half miles north and went of
West Union. Louis BKAGKU ,
0 1C Gt.
( Inuiil Rally iinil Hull Cull.
There will beC'.nind Rally , Roll
Cnll and Ordination Services held
in tin.JJaptist Church , at Broken
How , Nebr. , on Saturday and
Sunday , June 24th and 25th , 'W.
The following- the
Address of Welcome by the 1'astor
Response by Kev. S. C. Greene ,
of Blair.
1:30 : i' . M. Prayer uml Song- Ser
vice , Rev. J. S. Ifadden.
2:00 : Roll Call and Offering- .
3:00 : Short Addresses by City
3:30 : Sermon by Kcv.S.C.Cadwell
8:00 : Song- Service by Kcv. J. S.
8:15 : Address by Rev. J.J.Clifton ,
of Arnold.
8:45 Address by Rev. J.R. Wood ,
of Mason City.
10:00 : A.M. Song Service by Rev.
J. S. TIaddcn.
10:15 : Ordination of Deacons.
11:00 : Sermon by Rev. i'M. ' .
Williams , of Lincoln.
12:00 : M. Sunday School.
II , Y. 1' . U. MKUTING.
2:30 : P. M. Song- Service by Rev.
J. N. Caress.
3:00 : Paper -How to Conduct a
MeetingB. . W. Sillivan.
Duet by Mrs. Dr. Day and Mrs.
J. J3. Adamson.
3:30 : Declamation by KateKclsey
Solo by Mrs. R. II. llubbard.
3:45 : Paper by Mrs. J. II. Kerr ,
of Ansley.
4:00 : Address by Rev. J. E. R.
Folsom , of Hustings.
Quartet by Lewis Bros.
7:45 : Song- Service by Rev. J. S.
8:00 : Sermon by Rev. S.C.Greene ,
of Blair.
Don't miss seeing that funny
little show at the opera house , June
21st. 10 , 20 , 30 cents.
I ndinc Wnnffvl oyotywhoro to msll clr-
LclUlL3 > UIUIXU online , 8 mple mid copy
letter * nt homo. Hoply with ptampod envelope.
I'EKIILKHB Co. , 8011 111 licnd , Intl.
At opera house Juno 21st , Imsou's
Comedians. Prices , 10 , 20 , 30 els.
Before having any hail insurance
writlen on your crops BOO W. D.
Black well Iho agent of the old
and reliable St Paul Fire and
Marino insurance Co. and got his
rales and leims.
Farm Tor Sale.
Four and half miloRHOulh-wost of
Borwyn of 100 aoroH , 75 acre * in
cultivation , ( I acres of live timber ,
sod house , shingle roof , well , wind
mill and sod stable , For particulars
write or sec mo at Broken Bow for
the next 30 days. J. L , GnmicB.
( I 8 3.
Monies Strayed.
From my place of residonoo one
dark bay mare , with wire cut on
one fore , foot , and one light bay
mare. Any information loading to
their recovery will bo appreciated
by the undersigned.
0 10It. . Borwyn Nobr.
House fur Sale.
TlioJ. S. Klrkpiitrick property , tbree
blocka from public square' also a good
bicycle ( or sale. Enquire ot
HiirlltiKtou Uoute-Clienp Tickets to De
troit , Mich.
Take advantage of the low rate * .one
faro plus 82 ( or tbo round trip to Detroit
the Kouto made
- - which Uurllngton has
fur the ' 09 meutluj ; ot the Uurlatian
Eadoavorors ana co east at About naif
iiBuulcost. July 3,4 and 6 , are the
dutes of auto. Berths , tickets and la-
formation about return limits , side trips
from Dntrolt , etc. , can bo had at any
liurhngton Kouto ticket olllco. J ,
Francis , General PnRoonger Agnnt ,
Oinalm , Nob.
Spend the Summer in California.
The cost of gelling ihero need
not Bland in your way. Lalo in
Juno and early in July , the Burling ,
ton Kouto will sell round-trip
tiokela lo Los Angeles at just about
half the usual rate. Liberal return
limits and slop-over privileges.
For a hundred dollars you can
not only go lo LOH Angles and back ,
but you can , in addition , see protly
nearly all of southern California
that is worth seeing.
Information and California litera
ture on request. J. Francis , Gen
eral Passenger Agent , Omaha
Neb ,
Getting there coats very llttlo--ono
faro plus $2,00 for the round trip every
day from Juno 25 to July 11. Tickets
good to return until October 31st. See
nearest Burlington agent and got partic
Tito time to go to California.
IB in summer. This summer-lalo
in Juno or early in July-then sea
and sky and vine-clad slope are at
their best when the rate it ) litll
more than half as much as usual.
If you take the Burlington Route
you will have cooler woatlior and
finer scenery then via any other line
to California.
Information and California litor-
aluro on request. J. Francis , Pass ,
enger Agent , Omaha , Nob. (
CIIHCT | I'oiml ) Annual lUiijclii Mrol
At Broken Bow , Nebraska , on
Saturday , Juno 17th , I80H , to lake
place al Iho fair groundn , one milo
e.-iHl of thn < ! ily , races to begin at
1:30 : p. in. ;
IMlfMlllAX or MAOKH.
Half Mllu Open.
Int prl/o , cnsli $ . ' > 00
M prl/u , cash : i. < M
: M j > rUocmli i ( U
One Mile Handicap.
lr < t | .ri ; . " end nnd collar lior , mlun ? 4.00
1M MiCotna * .
! M prl/u plnturonnil frame , value f.'Jri
11. II , Carter.
: M prl/.c w ltd , vnluo $1 00
Wllnon .V DrnUo
Ith prim I box lion bens , value ( jOc
K. A. Moore.
One Milo Open
1st | irl/.o 1 pnlr Itarllaii Tires , raluo $0.50
Kilwlu F , Mycrx.
2il nrlzo 1 box clKiirt , vnluo $2 60
John btiivciieon.
3d prize bntllo of perfume , ralne $1 00
I. W. Wnynlck
Illi prl/o blc/ulo cap , Tnluo 75c
ynydcr Uros
lloyn' HUGO. II Yearn and under , One-halt Mile.
latlirl/.c pocket knife , value $2.00
O. W. Apple.
-I prl/o lilcyclu swcntcr , yaltioSl.OO
II. O. liny.
; tl prlr.o lie , vnluo60c
W. II I'cnii.
Quarter Milo Opoti.
1st prize 2nlmTllil ? llckelB , VnlllO 12.00
0. W. WablnndA. O. ItockhitcUcr.
yd prl/o 1 diaUiiK ticket , vnluo Sl.OO
J. II Jolincou.
3d prize 1 box cliuuliiR gum , value 81.00
llyi'rson & Hone.
till prl/ti 1 lie , value MJc
O. 1' . I'orlcy.
1'nrMilt Unco , One Mile.
Utprlzu a boxen cigars , mine 85.00
J. S. Hatred uml U. J. Htiick.
' 'd prl/u 1 box cik'urs , vnluo g2f > 0
Jaa. Larger
: ld iirlzo llmll bat , vnluo $1 00
J. O. Hacburlo.
Halt Mile IlimdlcM' ' .
1st prl/o..OtiBtcr ( ! o. Chief , 1 your , vnluo 11.50
1'nrccll llros.
ad prUo China cup and sancer , vnluo$1.00
J. 0. llowon ,
3d prl/.e 1 box gum , vnluo $1.00
Fred Hlnne.
4lli prl/.o cigars , vnluo 50c
W , 8 Swan.
OHi i > rl/.e shaving briiBli , vnlno DOc
W.J. Woods.
No entrance fee will bo charged ,
except the cash race. In caae of
rain , meet will bo held one week
atcr , Juno 24th , ' 09. AdmiHBiou ,
gentlemen , 15c ; ladies free. Thiu
will bo the raying event of the
season. Don't miss it.
Letter List.
Following in the dead letter Hat
for week ending Juno 12th , 1800.
M'ISH Alary Anderson , Air. John
Doit , Q W. Coon , AlrH. K. Potter
and Mr. K. A. Waddell ( card. )
Parties calling for any ol the
above will ploaao way ' 'adverliaed. "
ICHtray Notice ,
Taken up , at my place in Broken
Bow , Nebraska , one white nicer ,
BtippoHcd lo bo one year old , pa l ,
April 2-ltli , 1800. 5
Every day from Juno 25 to July 11 ,
Quo faro plus $2.00 1'or the round trip to
Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , and
Glomvond Springs. Tickets oud to re
turn any time until October 31st.
Never before such nn opportunity.
Fake advantage of It and spoun tbo sum
mer In the bearl of the Rockies where
huat and dunt are unknown wtiure tbo
eky IB ua brlgbtly blue us Italy1 ? , nnd tbo
air ns Invigorating as a tonic wbtro you
can blithe , and awlm , and climb moun
tains all day , and every day.
Sou nearest Burlington ticket agent
and got full particularsor if you prefer ,
write J. Francis , Gon'l Passenger Agent ,
Burlington Kouto , Omaha , Neb.
WANTED A few good carpon-
torH ; a few good common laborers ;
and also work for masons and pain
ters. Work in the vicinity of
Broken Bow and Sargent. Those
wishing work of thia kind will do
well lo BOO uio soon while the places
are vacant. Call on or address me
at Broken Bow or Sargent , Nobr.
W. F. lloi'KINB.
on the low rates via the Burlington
Route every day from Juno 25 to
July 11 Denver , Colorado Springs , I'u
oblo , and Glonwood one far plus $2.00
tor tbo round trip. See nearest lui-
lington agont.
City Feed Mil ,
E. F. McCuniK , Prop.
llyo Flour and Graham , ground on
Btono burr. All kinds of grinding
done for loll or exchange , to suit
ouBlomor * Agent for condensed
CibiiB Slock Food.
.nit : A i.
I have a largo list of farms fo >
Bale in all parts of the county. Low
pricoB and easy terms of payment
Write for prices.
It's easy to
haul n big
load up nj
big hill if '
you grease
the wagon
wheels with
MICA Axle Grease
Get n IKIX nnd loom n hy It's tbo
IK-HI Kiruec cer put on an nxlu.
Holil i-\nry huru , UuUo by
Don't give you so much WIND , but here
are n few FACTS. They soil BETTER
can get elsewhere. They
guarantee mvtimi as iepresentsd ,
Gilt Edge Shoo Blacking 20o LL Muslin So
Boston Shoo Blacking 20u
The BoHt Slock of Embroidery and L'tces at prices away BELOW
ALL COMPETITION ; 2c to 30o per ynrd.
Handled Tea CupB and Saucers , per
Hot 40o
Dinner PiatOH , per HOI fCc
Pie Plates , per not 30e
Ilawhido Buggy Whips 4Co
Ladies' Fine Doncola ShoeH ,
,75oto $2.2C Calico , per yard 3o lo flo
Wo have just received the Lirgest and Fumst Stock of Plaids ,
StripPB and all color ? , in all Silk Ribbon in Iho oily , at a price lower
lhan can be bought olfiewhore.
Ladies' all Silk RlittB. . . .15o lo r 5o
MOII'H Summerrjnderwear Suit. .COo
Letter Files 25c
Note Paper 30 sheets for f > o
Envelopes 50 for fie
Tablets , all kinds , lo , 3o , 4c , fie , lOc
BealB All Lead Pencils , each . . . . Ic
Fabor's Bank Pencils , each Cc
Men's Unlined Work Gloves ,
20o to OOo
A fine line of Ladies' and Children's
Oxfords and Toe Slippers , at Rock Bottom
A nice lot of Fancy Lamps ,
85o lo fcl.70
Overalls , heavy 40c
A fine lol of Men's and Boys' Shirts ,
25o lo 08o
Puff Bosom Shirla f > 0o
Mirrors 15c lo 45o
Lamps , complete 20c , 25o , 35c
All Copper Tea Koltles 7lj
All Copper , Nickel Plaleci Tea
Kollles 890
Granilo Coffee Pols 25o to 4.rc
Tin Cups 3 for 5o
Best 0 cord Snool Cotton.ter doz.3oo
Best Tnblo Oil Cloth , per yd . . .lie
Ladies' Shirt-waists 30o to 40o
Boys' Summer Suits. . . . GOc lo 80c
Sun BonuotB 22c
Men's Shoes 98c lo $2.60
Children's Shoes 18o to SI.50
Men's and Boy's Hals , in all slyles ,
at prices lower lhan over.
Men's Suiles , at § 2 85 and up.
7 inch Rubber Combs , 5o ; 0 for 25o
Ladies' Gauze Vesta 5o to 22o
Hunter Flour Sifter lOo
Engraved Waloi Glasses per Bel , 20o
Heavy Black Saloon Underskirls.OOo
Fancy Stand Covers 15o
Ladies' GaunlM Gloves 47o
Ladies' Cotlou Gauntlet Gloves , 20o
Knives and Forks , per sot 34o
Straw Hats ,5o to 25o
Muslin , per yard 2 o
Table Linen , per yard. , .20o lo 80o
Celluloid Collars 4o
Linen Collars 8c
Ladies' Hose , per pair 5c
Rock ford Socks , per pair 5c
Coffee Mills Ific
Wash Boards 15c lo 23o
Glass Wash Boards 38o
Bridle Bits 5c lo I7o
Hamc Staples , per pair ' . ' . ,5o
Tug Clips , per pair 5o
Wash BoilorB 7Jc and up
Pocket Knives , all kinds , at 25 per
cent lower lhan elsewhere.
W i nan save you 50 per cent on
If you do not call and fee the Goods at thn RACKE I1 STORE
before buying , you will miss some GREAT BARGAINS ,
! a n m m HB a m m MB
For the Benefits
of the patrons of the store of .1 N. Pealo , I have taken
in a pirtncr , and the slock wi'l ' bo "up to its old time
standing , and everything in the line of
will always bo found in utook , the frosluflt and the best.
Wo make a specialty of
We are also anxious to reduce our stook of Queonswire ,
and anyone wishing to purchase anything in thin line ,
will find it to their interest to oill on UH , for prices will
bo made to suit the customer. Hemembor wo keep up
the order business. Give us a call.
Yours for business ,
TIlS ( jGlYl Just out Cut this ad
* v t *
. - out and send U to in , ,
win 51 no and w will send you one of the H1
mw tieni l > raplioplionu by Express , C O U
siibji-ri to examination You can examine it at
> uur express oDice and if found exactly as reprcsenied
entirely satisfactory in every way , and the equal In
\ alue to any mauhinc sold at f 10 and * 12 , pay our aircnt
Our Special Olfcr Price , $5 oo. and express charges
! ! . > > the l icnt w ith order For home amusement this
King of Alerry-Alakers
. . , . . . . . . . . .
I , ; , --f- t UI < H vr-l l\ * l WIII. U11C tlCi
billon Records ( musical or t.ilking ) f a dozen , lie each.
Hl Tif ? " " " ' "IfVKin * oscV ,
. . . _ . _ . . I * _ . . . or . . ear uuc
in mini-it.-
jf CIS att anil InOVe aS ilnlive Keproduces in miniature the same suljjccts as the large hundred del
Rl ) Hng Picture Macrjines The parlor . "Kay" Moving I'.cture . Macnine , three belts .ih . each machine ar
Send ustl and we will end \ on either machine b > Express C O D subject to exVmlni nn if i
ex telly as represented and entirely satisfactory in exery way , pay the asemOTr price iSifh-Sl itU"S
order Complete new Illustrated kinetoscor * ; GraphophonVayRecorTcataloL
" " ' " ' " ' "E " " ' " " .
- "
linn of l-irce exhibition show outfits "crip.
, ranging from J10 to ja > . sent Irce on request
rlnrgerfc Blish , Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Alain St. , Dubuquc , Iowa
Box B. 100