Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 15, 1899, Image 5

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And tliouo contemplating bii > Ing n
We are handling
* > . ,
Geiser Engine
This Mnclilno differs soinewluit
from other machines. The
holler has a doviyo which prevents -
vents tlio wntor from hcroining
low In going down or up hill ,
keeping tlio crown Hheut nnd
lltiefl cdyorcd , prevents them
Irora being biirnuo out , The
Separator hns no oiovea or anything to botlior in cnruiKlng from ono
kiud of grain to another , which can bo done without stopping the irm-
chino. If you hro thinking of buying write or call on us , and wo will
Bend catalogue , which explains the machine thoroughly. Wo propoeo
to start all machines sold by ua , nnd B O that everything IB In Rontl or
der. Ucruember If you buy of IIB vou will not have to wait for nn ex
pert two or three weeks. Wo will give you the befit outfit ever sold In
Ctiater county. We can leo neslet In getting a competent encincur.
Can glvo Buch Instruction BB will enable any person of ordinary ability
to run an engine in R few dnye. Wo are prepared to do Lathe Work
nnd moat anything that can be done In an ordinary Machine yiiop.
Hello , Central ; Give me Geo. Willing.
llfl this vou , Willing ? " ( > Yes. " "Sond mo ono of those PenlnBular IMan-
lehcd Steel Ranges ; 1 have seen a grout many of them In use ; they lire line ; and
Bend tno ono of your White Sewing Machines. I tlnd they are world beaters
Also tend me tllty feet of that 0 } cent Kubbor lloee , and ono of your Koynl Clothes
Wringers , which I understand ha < > the beat rubber. I want some ecreon dooiR
nnd screen wire , and ono of your Leader 15c plow tiles. Send mo your $25.00
Lncledo JJicycle ; It its equal to a 835,00 wheel. I want n Buggy and Humes * . I
understand you have a nice job lot for S'10.00 and § -15.00. Also Spring Wngonp
nnd all kinds of UarresB Goods ; I will bo sure and see them before I buy. Oh
yes , I want one of those Ideal Deerlug Binders ; they give eucl ) good pnttafnutlon.
Thai's the Binder to buy.
Your Deerlng Twlno Is the beet I have ever used ; nil my nelRhhors eay BO ,
and will UBO no other this voar. Wbilo this is n Inr e order to give through the
telephone , but I ( eel eatifliod that your prlcca nrc rlftlit , as all of my neighbors
trade with you. " "Hello' ! " "Hello ! " "Say , you forgot to order Furniture ,
* ' Iron Beds , Lounccs-.those 25c Curtain Springs , Guns nnd Revolvers ; Glldden
p" " JSarfo Wire and Hog Fencing ; gooo dieter Machine Oil ; my own make Tinware ,
" which Is the beat and the cheapest at th1 mrt. We always keep n good tinner ;
* bring In yonr repairing and job work. The Wonder Ice Cream Fiee/.pr Is the
I i * best made ; Lnwti Mowers ; well , in fact you know I Imvo everything. Oh yes , I
' * ' * forgot to mention that I am nfjent for the Aultman & Taylor Threehlug Mnchines
( * ' nnd Engines ; If you know of anyone wanting a threshing outfit send them to mo ,
' nnd 1 will show that I have the beat. As heretofore , I have always been the
? leader In low prices , and inv goods are as represented. Good bye , I will see you
4 soon. GEO. W1ELING.
" 4 I keep a full line of Undertaking Goods. Calls attended to night or Day.
U. S. Land Office ,
JAMES WniTElIEAD , - Register
F. H. YOUNG , . . . - Kocelvor
U. S. Land Olllco I
llroken How , Nob. , March 15 , IfcW. f
A Btifllclcnt contest ntllduvit hnvlug been Hied
n this oillcc Jnnunry 3d , 1899 , by Eniust Klccb ,
contestant , agnlust II. K. Xo , 310 , inailo by Ucrt-
Ina Drown , Sopt. 19. 189 , for vV'g uw sec , 8 , tp
18 N. , H. 10V. . , by iieitlim Itrovvn. contcBtoo , In
which It U alleged that tbii ciild Itertlnn Orowu
' has wholly abandoned said tiuct ( or moru than
Biz montli9 last past , Ima not reHlilcd on Bald
tract or Improved and cultivated tbe mime UK 10-
qalrcd by law. Said jiartlcg fire bhroby notllied
to appear , rcppnml and offer cvlilence.on tbe "Kb
1 day of Juno , Ib99 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , before the
T IteitUter and I t'Celver , at tbo United states Lniid
I- , ' A OlQcu at Bow , Nebraska. The paid con-
} * . tcstant In a pronor nlllcluvlt. filed March II , 189y ,
1 I. , narlng sot forth iacts which show that nfter dne
T r dlllguiio ) pirii < iniil Hurvl iif lliix notleu riinnot
r , boraadn. it Is bcreby ordered nnd directed that
{ * each notlco bit given by duo and proper pulillcii-
! ' ' tton. TheCustor County Kepnbllcan Is deslc-
V ' ' nuted OB the paper In which this notice shall bu
i i published.
Land Office at North I'lntto , Neb. , I
JunuO. 1809. f
Notlco IB hereby glreu that the following-nam
ed Eottlcr hns Illcd notice of her Intention to imiko
final proof In eupport of her claim , and that said
proof will be made before County Judge , at Itro.
ken How Neb , , on July SUt , 18)0 ! ) , vix :
Harali Ann Cliapul ,
H. E. No. 17357 , for tbo wH ee , of eeo S3. nnd
\v'/i ncU , of PCC. 'JO. townetiip 10 , N. , range 21 , W.
Htio uimiCK the following wltnefses to jiroTOhcr
contlnnous residence npon and cultlviitlon or ,
enld land , TK ! : John bqnlroc , George Wateri * ,
Charles WI1IU nnd Chariot ! Chapel , nil of llroken
llow , Nebr. OKO. K. FKKNCII , Keglutcr.
Land Office at North Platto. Neb. , I
JunuOth , 1899. f
Notlco is hereby given that the following unm-
ed settler has filed notlco of his intention to
inaEo final proot In eupport of his claim , and
that fcald proof will bo made before tbo Couuty
Judge , Cnster county , Nob. , at broken BowNeb ,
on July iilst , 1899 , viz :
ClinrleH C. Cltiipcl ,
H. K. No. 17731 , for the nii swy , swK nwfc , of
section 23 , township 1C N. , H. SI W.
Ho unities tbo following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
tald land , viz : John 13. Palmer , Uoelve Bolin ,
Illllery Kohiusou and James Swopoall of Broken
Dow , Nebr.
janlS-flt OKO. K. FUKNCII , Hcglster.
Laud UQlce at Broken Bow , Neb. , I
l Jane 13 , lew. i
i : ] Kotlce U hereby given that tbo followlnL'-nam , .
- ' ed settler has filed notice nf IMs Intention to
inakoOnnl proof In support of Ids rlulm , and
that said proof will bo in rule before Hcglster and
Ittcelvcr , at Broken Bow , Neb. , on July gotU
ItiOO. viz :
JOIIH M. ClirlNtciiHuii ,
ot Uerwyn , NobrnskR , for thu II. 15.No. KM
tec. B3T. 17 N. R. IV W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous rcildenco upon and cultivation of
aid land , viz1'elor It. PcterBen , Jauira M.
Vlrule , of Berwyn , Nebraska ; Hasmni Andor-
f on , and John Johnson.of Broken Bow Ni-braska ,
JAMES W1UTKHKAD , Itcgieter.
Land Olllco at llroken How Nob. , I
Ma > 0. 1HOO. f
Notice IB hereby given that tbo following narr.
od eattlcr has filed notlro of his Intention to make
Html proof In support of his claim , nnd that said
proof will bo made bcfero ItogUter and Iteccivur ,
at Broken Uow , Neb , on Junul5,1899 , viz :
John M. ItraiicleiilMirK ,
of Mcrnn , Neb. , for the II. G. No. 313 , SwH sec.
20 , T. 18N.K. ! > 1 W.
lie numcH the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : Mndleon ItroTHVllllM Hnnna ,
Iteubon Gordon , Warrou Gordon , nil of Meruu ,
JAMES W111TEHKAU , Ki'glfller.
Land OIllcu at Broken How , Ncli. , I
May Hth. 1809. (
Notice Is hereby given that the folUmliitf.imtn-
od pettier Ima tiled notlco of hln Intention to
inuku llniil proof In support of hln claim , nnd
that said proof will bo made before Kc lHtcr and
Itccclver , at Broken Bow , Neb. , on Juno IMh ,
1899 , vU-
V.'UUam " . Tooley ,
of Broken Bow , Neb. , for the H. K. No. ! ? , e
noU ei ! seW stc.SuT. 18 N. , K. 20 West , lie
narne the rollowlng wltntsBfM to prove Ma con
tinuous residence upon ami cultivation of , oald
land , viz : 1'reteman J. Ulubard-on , Alfred Slog *
uctt , William tinrltigetnbu , Lou Byvrs , nil of
Broken Bow , Neb.
Laud Omcoiit llrokon Bovr , Nob. , I
May.'ilst , 1809. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-nam
ed settler bag II I ml notlco of his Intention to make
flnul proof In support of his claim , and that naltl
proot will bo raado before IleKlctor nnd Receiver ,
at Broken Bow , Neb. , nn July 8th , 169J , vli :
Hpencer J. i.ucp ,
of Mllbnrn , Neb. , forll. It. Vo. Ifil ) , nwM , ccc ,
14 , T. SUN ,11. SI W. Honamcs tbo following
witnesses to prove hix routlnuuiiH resldunrp npot ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : Altnn IVtil-s
( Jcorgo Dubray , Jea Lcep and Hubert Furluat
of Mllburn , Nobr.
JAMK8 W1I1TBIIEAO , Hcglatcr.
Laud Ofllco at Broken Bow , Neb. , I
Mnylid , 1K09 [
Notlco Is hereby Riven that the following *
named fottler has mod notice of her Intention to
maku Uu nl proof In eupport of her claim , and t'mt
euld proot will bo made before Register nnd Io- (
cclvor , nt Broken Bow , Neb. , on July 8th , 18V9
1C. ClirlHiiiati ,
of Broken Dow , Nob. , for the lid No. 916 , rc4 !
su (4 wH se ! < n'i ne4 ! sec , 9 , tp 18 N. . H. SO W
him names thti following wltuewccs to prove her
rontlnuuus residence upon , and cultivation of
said land viz : Charles H. 'I ooley , Pressman J
Klchardsou. Alfred Slogye-tt. Marcus A. Chris
man , nil of Broken Bow. Nob.
JAMES W1I1TKHEAU , Iteglstor.
U. S. Laud Offlco , Broken Bow , Neb , I
May liith , iB'Ju. f
Notice Is hereby given that LKWIS K. .MEAD
of Onilow , la , baa died notice of Intention t <
nuke tlnal proof before KoRlxt r and Ueceiver. a
their office In llioken llow , Neb. , on the 'd day
of June , 1809 , on timber culture application No
7403 , foi the noK BW ! < of section No. 7 , In town
ship No. 18 N. , raugo No 18 W. Testimony o
claimant will bo taken before the Clerk of the
District Court of Jones county , low * lie
names as wltneieos ; Amoa N , Wcsthrook
Frank Knight , John Kulgbt , John Wlttcmyer
all of Homorford , Neb.
Broken Bow , Nrb. , Mny Pth , 1809.
Notlco l tiortby given tlmt in imrwnmico of
Infitrnctloim from tlio Commissioner nf the Gen.
oral Land Ofllre , under Authority vpsU'd In him
by section 2i.r , I' , H , I ( v. Ht t. , ftR M' elided by
act of Congress , approved February SOth , 189. % ,
r will proceed to oiler at public nalo , on tbo
I Oth ilny of Jane 1890 , next. At thli > ottlco , the
following tnict * of inml , to-wlt : NH snU fee ,
3. In township 30 , of range .
Any And nil pprnona clnlmlng ndvorsi > ly the
above described lands am Advised to flic their
claims In this office on or hoforo tno day Above
designated for the commencement of said snle ,
otherwise their rights will bo forfeited.
JAMKS WII1TI51IKAD , Hegiitor.
Date , May Oth , 181W.
In the District Court of CnMor county , Nob.
In the matter of tbo ostnte of I
J. L. 11. Knlcht deceased. f
And now this flrut day of May , 1809 , thU cause
rau.o on for hearing upon the pcMUonof Mary M.
Knight , the executrix of the last will nnd testa *
ii cut of J. L. II. Knight deceased , praying for
A license to toll the uwK oftho : nwj < ! aml the wVi
of the nwU , and the n > { of tbo swU the J4 of
the suU anil the u > ( of the nnl ( of rrcllon U township -
ship 16 range 17. In t ustor connty , Ncnraskn , for
the purpose of pnylng the debts allowed ttKalnat
said estntonnd costs of the administration of snld
rstnto , then' not being eulllclont personal prop
erty to pay enld debts nnd oipcnpcs.
It la therefore onlorod by the court that nil per
sons interested In said citnto appear before said
court at the court room In llroken How , Nobrnskn ,
on tlioi''nd day of Juno , IBl"J , nt 10 o'clock a , in. ,
to ( bow cmuu why n llcenso should not bo grant
ed to tbo raid oxocutrlx lo sell so much of the
nbovo deecrlted real rstato of n ld deceased as
shall bo necessary to pay snld debts and expenses.
And It IB further ordered that snld notice shall
bo Riven by publishing a copy of this order nt
least four weeks In the Ouster County Kopubll-
can , a newspaper printed nt Brokcd How , Neb ,
II. M. UHIMKS , Judgu 1'rcslddtng ,
In District Court of Ouster County , Nebr.
NOTICK or mm1.
Margurot McCready , 1'laliitltl , }
vs. I
Wnlkup Herring , Angellno Herring , his
vlfcand Mnttlti Nloliole , lU'fondants )
The above named defendants , ntid each of them
\lll take notice that on tbo llth day of May , 1800 ,
Manrnrot McCready , plnlntllF herein. Hied her
letltlon In the District Court of Ciistcr count ) ,
< cb. , the object nnd prayer of which Is to fore
close a certnln mortuigo , executed by the dc-
ondnntH , Wnlkup Herring nnd Angcllno Her.
Ing , to Stark A Moshcr , of York , Nebraskn , on
ho 15th day of March , 1887 , upon the o'/f of tlio
mv' . { of section 16 , nud the eii BWU of section 10 ,
nil In township 17 N. of range 10 U' . , to secure
he payment of one certnln iiromtssory note In
ho sum of $600 , dated March 15th. 1887 , nnd duo
.sud payable llvojycarn fro > i the date thereof ;
lint said ) note and morlgagu at thu maturity
hereof waa extended by written contract nnd
agreeinuut , under dnto of May 13th , IBM , upon
and under the same terms nnd conditions of tno
otlglral note anil mortgage for it further period
of Hvu > ears , and until tbo l&th dny of Alarcli ,
897 That said note nnd inorlgAKo hat been duly
srlgncd by tbo snld Stark iV AlOhbor to the
) lalutitr herein , who Is now the holder and owner
hereof ; that default but been made In the pay
ment of said note , and that there Is now due up
on said note nnd mortgage from said defendants
o this plaintiff the sum of gli7.60 ! , tind Interest
hercon nt the rate of lUpcr cent from thu | 15th
ay of May. 1809 ; That the snld dcfendante have
niled to pay the taxes upon snld premises , nnd
ho plnlntllf herein linn paid the name lo the
mount of fCU , which Bum so paid for tuxes ho-
omes a pnrt of the p inclpnl sum seen ed by
aid mortgage , making n total aum of 8I.OS7.W ) ;
nil plaintiff praye for a decree that snld defend-
nte be required to pay the same , or that H Id
iromleen be bold to satisfy the amount found due
lioreou. .
You are required to uuawcr said petition on or
eforo tbo 1Mb day of Juno , 1809.
Dated Mny llth. 1899.
A. It. 1IUMP11KBY , Attorney forl'lalutlll.
In tbo district court of Ouster county , Nobr ,
John Jamci , Plaintiff. 1
John F.Flossner , Gerlno Flt'Bsnor.Dort C. Bull-
ncr and Mrs. Bert C Buflnor , his wife , first
name unknown , Defendants.
To John F. Flessner , Oeslno Flcssner , Bert C.
Inffuor and Mia , Bert C , Bullner , bl wife , first
name unknown , non-resident defendants : You
ml each of you will take notlco that on the 18th
ay of April , 1899 , plaintiff filed a petition In the
( strict court of Ouster couuty , Nebraska , against
ou and each of you , the object nnd prayer of
vhlch lire to foreclose u certain mortgage exe
cuted by the defendants , John F. Flcesuor and
li'slno Flestner , to tbo Nebraska Mortgage &
Trust Co , , und duly sold und assigned to this
damtllT , upon the following doscrlb"d premises ,
viz : Tbo southeast quarter of section 14 , In
township 19 north , range 23 West &Uth P. M ,
which raid mortgage wns given to secure the
myment of a certain promissory note , dated on
hu 0lh day of March , 181)3for ) the sum of $ : tOO.UU ,
ogctber with interest coupons thereto attached ,
and duo and payable In live years from date
thereof. That tbero Is now duo upon raid note
and mortgage the * um ot $370,82 , nnd lutere't
ben on at 10 per cent from April 1st , 1809 , And
plaintiff pruya that said premises may bo decreed
o be sold , to satisfy the amount due thereon.
L'OU and each of you are notlfli d to answer said
> ettlon ! on or before the 17 h day ot July , 18IH ) .
) atcd tills 5th duy of June , 1899.
JOHN JAMKS , Plaintiff.
jn8jn'0-17-it By Holcomb Bros , , Attorneys ,
City Estimate of Expenses.
Be It remembered , tlmt nt n regular meeting of
be cl'y council of tbe city of Broken Bow , the
allowing pacceding * relating to thu mutter ot
uunlclpal expcnuos for thu current year , 1890 ,
vnre had and done , to wit-
Beit resolved , by the major nnd city coun.ll :
ot the city of Itrokcu llow , tlmt wo estimate the
> robablo amount ot money nocertmry to be raised
> y taxation for all purposes to defray the ex-
> eneeH of euld city of Biokon Buw for the unsu
ng litcat year , beginning on the Urst Tuesday In
May , 1899. an follows.
Htrco and bridge fund $ ' ,000
Wrterwords 3 , M
Onicerflfnud 1,500
General fund 1,750
JddfOiiont fund 750
Electric llcht fund GOO
City Clerk. Mayor.
Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. ,
Successor to Lr. U. C. Blystone.
Office over Chryslal Drue Store. Calls prompt
ly aiibwtred from olhce , day or night.
Richardson's Livery
at the old stand , between tlio hurling *
ton mill Glebe Hotels. Tulephouo con *
neutlon. lleiiilqiiiirtcrti of Calluway
stagu line , Katus reaBonablo.
T. W. Bass ,
All work first , class. Rooms on 2d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Broken Bow , Nobr.
Moved !
on cor. south of P. O. ,
Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins
Oflioo over post office. Rcsidoooo ,
north side.
Thos. A. Turnbull ,
Faithful work done , prices reason
able and all wortc guaranteed.
Broken Bow , Nobranka.
Shoe Shop.
Repairing promptly anil neatly done on short
order. 1'rlcci reasonable. Second door south
ot the poet olllco ,
J. M. BiaiONHON.
Juno 13 , ' 09.
Several Tklnabln lunsoa Imvo dint in thli vl-
rlnltj dnrlni ? the last fir uook Suspicions of
tool piny Are enterUlnrd.
\VliCAt AS a general thing In looking very pnor.
The Old Sottlers' picnic at f ardent was ( inltu
lariroty nltrndcd. A plitAsnnt tlmnIIK cnjored
liy all The people of this vnllcy should take
nioro Interest In this nssoclatlon ,
Mies Jennie Dlckson who bus boon staving nt
lierwjn tlio Unt few months , WAS nmrrlivlto Mr ,
I'onlston of that place n few days ago , Mr ,
I'enlston nnd his bride wore given * reception
nt the homo of tbo bride's parents Sntnrdar oven-
Wo are Informed that Wlllnrd Writ expects to
buy A threshing mtchlno In the fall.
Juno 14. 'W.
1'toil Conlcy and family , Aceompnnlcil by bis
brother J. O. and sister Kllcn , with tuo wavons
nud one baggy and a bunch of cattle , started ru
route for lUckborry , Oklnbomn , thli nuirnlnn. 1
am sorry to write that thcad good neighbour ! are
lo iliit , but our lost will bo Oklahoma's gnln. I
trust they will have a pleasant trip , and Und what
they are soeklug.
With a grateful heart , I dvnlru to return tlmnks
to tbo giver of nil loot ) , coupled with the eklll
nnd kind cure of Dr. Tnlbot , for the recovery of
my health ,
Mr. ShuniAu hns been Informed by Chnrlca
Ili-ok , tlmt hit father has returned to Nehrnka.
Hi ) U still demented , and U not considered to be
at liberty , as ho Is handy with n gun. Arrange *
mcnti nro being made to return him to the asylum
at Norfolk , where ho had been previous to hligO'
Ing to Indlnnn.
Wo have been favored with nn abundance of
rain since Monday night , down to Wednesday
morning , putting the ground In flno slmpo for
crop growth.
John Baldwin has bought n buggy nud Imrncxtt ,
and ho Informs me tlmt ho has snveral high step
ping ponies. I wonld suggest to the Wood lllvcr
Klrla to look n little out , as there la no tolling how
fast he may drive
A considerable portion of the fields of small
; raln and corn nan adopted the Olilcngo platform ,
10 weeds to 1 stalk of grain.
Lincoln. Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Uhtcngo , llutte ,
HI. Joseph , Portland ,
Kansas City , SMt l.ako City
StI.oulB , anil nil Bun Frnnoleoo
points eaptund sonth. and nil points wott
No.-U. Local express dally , Lincoln , OnmhA ,
nnil nil points cant 0W ; ! a.m.
No , 40. Through frok hi east Inlly..5:1)11 : ) n. m.
No. 48 , Local freight east nrr. dally la.00
Departs nt 1.05 p.m.
Except Sunday.
No.41. . Local express dally , Ilolonn , llutto
i'ortlaml , till points went Ill p. m
No. < Ui. " " went " 10-58 n. in
No. 47. " " " " U:1B : ji. m
Departs nt 2.45 p , m
Except Bunday.
Sleeping , dining nnd reclining chair cnrH ( scats
Irco ) on through trains. Tiekun Hold and bag
gage checked to uny point In tin United States
and Canada.
No. 48 has merchandise cars THO d ys , Thurs
days and Saturdays.
No. 4li will carry pnBsoiifiorg for Anaulmo , Hal
> r. Hcnecn , Whltnmti nnd Alllnnco.
No , 40 will carry passer gi-rs for KavoniiR
llrnnd Inland , Hewu-d nnd Lincoln.
information , maps , time tables anil ticket
rail on or wrllu to II , L. Ormaby , agent , or J
Francis , (1. 1 * . A. , Omiihv , Nebraska.
H. L. OnMBur , Aeont.
Central Nebraska
Summer School ,
llrokon low ! , Nohraeka , Juno 12
to July 21,190. Tuition , 85.00.
Announcement mulled you on ap
plication to U. B , ilawthorno ,
Mertm , Neb.
E. B. Mullins ,
Physician - and - Surgeon ,
Sargont , Nobr.
Wm. F.
. . Hopkins ,
Plans and Specifications on Bhort notlco. Ma
terial fmnlshod and buildings coinploU l clioapui
than any man In thu state. Satisfaction guaran-
tued as to plans and specifications.
Hag Carpet
Sold clump , In nny length pieces desired. Car
pet we.ivlng follclled. Prices reasontblo.
MTH. houiso liaymond.
West of Bowen's Store.
Hoi ins 8-9 Ilealty block , Broken llow , Nnb.
School and Church ,
For School Furniture , School Supplies
or Ctmicli Furnlturo , I offer tlio bout
terms the innrkot affords.
Hrokon Uow , Nob.
All lnda of work In our line done
promptly and In Ilret-olass order. Kcd
Sbop on the corner , west of itio hoao
house. Otvo us & trial.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public , -
And Justice of tbo I'caco. Special attention glv
en to collection ) ) . Depositions taken , peuslou
vouchers neatly executed , and all kinds of IOKU !
papers written. Olllco weft aldu iimuro , llroken
Uow , Neb.
jj uujunuiu , illjf
Boots nnd Shoos , Wagons , Buggies ,
| Coiuc and sco mo , and I promise you good goods and
prices as low as the lowest.
HAS u full line o (
Drugs , Paints .and Wall Paper.
MBO a Kino Linn of Hooks , Stationery , Tollot ArtiotoH , oto. Stores on
both North ami South Sidus , Broken How , Nob. V
4 * I ?
. . , . 'I
V. 0. WOUNAUi I'roMdrnt.
A. J. KOBUllTBON , Vlco-1'rcH.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts n Qonoral Hanking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
I Once Was Lost , but ITow I Have
Found it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is nt the Eagle Grocery , a mammoth -
moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you overheard > i
hoard of , The Englo has been reading the papers and keep-
ij posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Torbackor and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
* Tistmas committees are invited to call and got my prices.
jmombor the place , on the big corner , just cast of First
National Bank.
W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.
Look Out. Look Out.
Before you buy' HCO II. B. Carter's line line of Household Goodu.
Everything , from a tin oup to
Fine Polished Finished Suites ,
Side Boards and Book Oases ,
At prices never hoforo quoted in Broken Bow.
Suites . * 12.00 to $25.00
Book Canon . * (5 ( 00 to * 20.00
Sitlo Boards . * M.OO to * 25 00
Ire UcdH . $8.50 to fclft.OO
$1.00 to § ( ) 00
'MattrcsHCB , TahloH , SofaH , UliairH , Rookorn , Window Sliadoa ,
Picture FratnoH and PiotnroH.
Do not forget to ROO mo at my now location , woflt Hide Htjuaro.
Yours for
n' . iKMM . ! ! . vAv , - , > rol''lIl10"V . , ' Wiicoln llow , Neb. II. J. O JI , HOdEUS. KIMIIKHMNU Oashlor , AnH't , llroken Cftehler Bow. ,
First national Bank ,
General Banking Business Transacted.
S. H. Burnbam U H.Jowett. UIUKCTOHB U. C. Tnlbot. : O. P. Parley. II. O. Ilogera.
United States Nntloinl Bunk. Onmlm. OOIIIIKHPONIIKNTH Chase National : Bank , Now York. American
, .
Nothtpfattott'Neb ? ' Notion * Bunk. Urnnd Island , First Nntloiml Bank ,
I CLOSES OCTOBER 31st , 1899.
Will Eclipse Last Year.
Colonial People 3 :
Birds Animnls , . . = :
Products , Homes =
Pain's Fireworks 3 =
Art Exhibit , Me-H :
chanical Exhib * s =
ib , The Midway , S
Godfrey's British gj
Military Band. . . . *