Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 08, 1899, Image 1

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The Eagle is the popular Wheel for ' 99. Turning out ; i com
plete Wheel every three minutes , and working twenty-four hours a
day , the Factory is still 2,000 Wheels behind. I have them in stock.
Bicycles , Edwin P.
Sundries and . Myers ,
Repairing. Opposite Fanners Bank.
' ' :
l * m
- "
H .
* i : ? '
J. G. HAEBEULE.v.z. .
Farmers , ask my competitors if they can carry $1,000.00
of Insurance against Fire , Lightning , Tornadoes , Cyclones
and Wind Storms for qight years for $15. That's what I can
do , and in a company that has over $27,000,000 of insurance
in force in this state. E. C. HOUSE.
& &J8 K8K& & 8& & & : S&8&8 ! 5 ?
$ m % 1
We will meet ,
competition on ' '
HI anything in our line. You need some fjf
p Fancy Screen Doors , and our styles | f
g | are the latest , and quality the best , | i
1 $ We have just received a car of W
1 Also a car of RED CEDAR POSTS. 8
H We have good WHITE CEDAR W
H Our Roofing Material & Shingles f |
'M are the best on the markfit. "i *
H To get good goods at reasonable | |
MJ | prices , you must go to M
$ | j S&
i Poster & Smith Lumber Co. |
ft WILL L , RULE , Manager , | |
p . - :
"Wholesale Cigar Store ,
Afjont lor A.T , Morris , of Clnoin-
untilOhio llcst brands of Cluars
nnd Tobacco nt wboloanlo nnd ro-
tnll. First door south ot Kopub-
llcnn olllco.
Local Mention.
Job printing at thitt oilice.
Cannon City coal at Diorks
Lumber Co *
Another fire rain visited thin lo
cality thiH morning.
Curtain poles , new and nobby ,
go at 25o. A.W. DRAKK
All kinds of bulk ard package
garden seed for ualo at J. N.
Poale's. f
N. J. Otten and Ole Johnson of
Round Valley kindly remembered
this oQico yesterday.
City and larm properly insured
against tire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KlMllUHMXQ.
FOR SALE A second band Viotor
sowing machine , in good repair , for
live dollars. Inquire at this olh'co.
Doctor Day hag located in our
city and has his ofllco over Ryor-
BOU'B grocery store south of Post-
Frank John , formerly a traveling
saleman has , bought a half interest
in the J.N. Pealo stock of gro
Foil SAI.K Two houses ; ono two
blocks east of Hquaro , and ono woHt
of Glebe hotel. Enquire at Bangs'
Dr. C. Piokett attend the M. B.
A. banquet at Analey Tuesday. Ilo
and slate manager liayman were
the speakers of the occasion.
Rev. J.W. Megon of this city ,
and Rev. J. J. Clilton of Arnold ,
went to Grand Island Tuesday , to
attend a ministerial convention.
Bed room suits lower than over ;
tine couches ; to appreciate quality
and price ooino and see thorn.
Bert Carter and Miss Alice
Brookeof York wore married Mori-
day , by Judge Armour. The RK-
puiii'iovN extends congratulations ,
The U.S. land otlioo is soon to bo
moved to roouiH in the second story
of the posit oilice building. The
vault in being constructed for the
Minnie and Am a Amsborry went
o Grand Island Sunday to attend
ho commencement exorcises of the
jr.ind Inland college , which will be
oncluded tonight.
Mrs. E M. Frazier has purchased
ho Jot * n G. Manlick residence prop
erly in the south part of the city.
The deal wasconsumatou to day.
Consideration $1100.00.
Farms for sale and lands for rout
tfow is the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
> rices are commencing to advance
rapidly- J.G Broni/.ur.
If you are in need of glasses ,
wait for Dr. Sejmoiir at the Grand
Jon'.ral hotel July 5th. an ho wil
lave the largest aHSoruuent of op
tical goods over shown in this oily.
At the Sunday School convention
awt week Mrn Ifi.J.Putaway , WilliH
Jadwull and Perry Motoalf were
elected delegates to the Hlate con
vent'on that meets ui Iloldrego next
Many of our readers who were
unable to meet Dr. Seymour during
his previous visit , will bo glad to
learn that ho will bo in Broken Bow
July 5th , for one day , at the Grand
Cuntral Hotel.
To the farmers of Caster county :
If you want honest Hail Insurance
at honest prices insure in the United
Mutual Hail Insurance Co. ot
Lincoln Nebraska Peter Richling
president , S II , Barnhan treasurer.
Bring your girl or your follow 01 *
jour mother-in-law to the lawn
sociable next Tuesday evening June
13th , .1 the Pronbytomn manse.
The Senior Christian Endeavor
will satisfy you with lee Kroam ,
and Kako.
Mandolins , three only left ; no
room for them ; they go at one-
fourth price. Pastel and oil pic
tures go for less than costof frame.
Iron beds $1,50 to $75. I buy all
kinds of goods , and advance money
on any article of value.
Bert Situs was over fromCallaway
yesterday ,
II. 11. Andrews of Callaway was
i city visitor Tuesday evening.
A Forth of July mooting is to bo
told at .ho court house at 4 o'clock
this evening ,
Silas Thompson and J. F. Bryson
of Upton were among the city vis-
tors yesterday.
The ladies of the M. E. ohuroh
will servo ioo cream in the p ; > rk
every Saturday evening.
CATTIK Foil SAI.K : At all times
on my ranch B'IX miles southwest of
Urokon Bow Jesse Gandy.
Wanted , a girl to do general
loiiso work. Good wages to the
right person.
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting tooth is absolutely pain-
ess , No sore month , as in the use
of other local auMsthotios. a25
The Broken Bow hospital is in
splendid condition for earing for
the sick. Trained nurses in attend
ance. Prices reasonable. tf
The W. C. T. U. will have their
annual convention in Broken BOA' ,
n the Baptist Church , next week ,
Juno 14lh , and 15th. Everybody
Pat Kilfoil and Con Flcshman , of
Morna who arc numbered among
the substantial friondH of the Re
publican made this oflico a welcome
call Saturday.
Come and onjoyour "Children's
Day" exercises , at the M.E. church
loxt Sunday. The little folks have
charge of the morning service and
the older ones in the evening.
Win.Blair and J.G. Painter wont
to Norfolk yesterday with Geo.P.
Bailey of lied fern table and Michael
Dolan of Ansloy. Dolan imagined
the "Mollio McGuiros" were after
Persons wishing to lei rooms or
take Summer School boarders , are
requested to report to the county
superintendent , giving prioonitmbor
of students that cnn bo accommo >
dated , etc. 21
Before having any hail insurance1
written on your crops HOC W. D.
Black well the agonl of the old
and reliable St Paul Fire ami
Marino insurance Co. and got his
rates and teims.
W. II. Predmoro is resident agent
for the Farmers Mutual Hail In
surance Association , of Fairfield.
Nob. ; also agent for bog cholera
insurance. Insurance at actual
cost. Office at Ryorson's storo.
J. R. Doa-j loft yesterday morn
ing on a short visit at DCS Moines
Iowa with his sister , who is the wife
ol the State Superintendent of Iowa.
He will attend the meeting of iho
Grand Lodge of Masons at Lincoln
on his way.
Geo. Davidson , the popular pro-
pi iotor of the butcher Hhop at
Morna ma e thin oflico a friendly
call yesterday and left his order for
a supply of stationeiy and had his
name enrolled upon the increasing
list of the
The robors of the Union Pacitio
express train a foiv days ago are
still at largo. The posse after
them have had two lights with
them , one last Sunday in which
several horses were killed , yester
day in their second encounter , forty
miles north of Casper Wyoming ,
they killed Sheriff llanxou of
Douglas , after which they escaped .
.Iho district W.C.U. convention
will bo hold in this city Wednesday
and ThurHday of next week. The
sessions will bo hold in the Baptist
church. The program waH furnish
ed us thiH morning for publication
bat it ia quite lengthy and it is im
possible for us to publish it and got
our paper out today. It in a good
program nnd those who can shouli1
C. S. Onborne , who has boon fore
man of this otlice for the past two
years left to day for Sargont witli
a printing outfit , where ho will os
tabliuh a paper for himself , the
Sargent Loader , He expects to yet
out the initial number next week.
Mr. Osbornehis been anooiated
with the news papers of this city
most of the time for the paHt thir
teen years. Ho is a proficient
workman in all departmontH of the
printing buninoHS. llo in a young
man of more than ordinary ability ,
line Mocial qualities and will prove
quite an acquisition to Sargont and
vicinity. The RKPUIILIOAN wiHhoa
him success in his now enterprise ,
Dispensers of Alcohol ( Jot in Trouble. '
iMonday was a rod-letter day in
the uounty court , and uitlior n blue
day for several of the dnggists ol
the uounty. On complaint , of tliu
county attorney , warrants were
issued to search the drug. stores of
John Anderson of Borwyn , Dr. J ,
W. Waniok of Sargent , Dr. A. . ) .
MoArthurof Weelorvillo and Dr.
Wamsloy and Smith of West Union
for intoxicants with power to arrest
said partiuH providud any of the forbidden -
bidden fruit \\-iu found tit their
possession and bring thum botoro
the court for a hearing. The war
rant for the Borwyn druttdtoro wan
placed in the handu of constable 11.
M. Bnnvnoll. AH a roHult of hit *
Hearoh brought back with him one
keg of poach brandy , ono keg of
gin and "a number bottles of boor"
and the druggist John Anderson ,
waived examination and waH bound
over to the Diatriot court and the
i > oods were retained waiting the
judgement of the court. Sheriff T.
A. Loisiro armed with a warrant
visited Wool Union where ho cap
tured two full barrolH of boor , con
taining 72 bottlcH oaoh , ono barrell
containing 3(5 ( boltluH of boor , ono
10 gallen keg of whiskey , ono 10
gallon Keg of port wuio. Dr.
VVaniHloy and Bert Smith , were
brought along. Their caHo wan
continued to Juno Mlh.
Deputy Sheriff E. Taylor visited
Sargont witli ms warrant and proceeded
coodod to bciiruh the store of Dr.
Waynick and brought back with
him Mr , Wayniok , and good an fol
lows , 10 gallon oiink of gin , 0 gallon
cask ol brandy , 10 gallon oank of
blackberry brandy , 0 gnlloiiH of old
07 rye , 0 gallon of Bourbon , J8
gallon cask of ooon olub rye , 80
bottles of beer , ono barrel HiippOHod
to contain boor , ono quart bottle of
supposed wiskoy or bitters , and 0
bottles of French whiskey. The
hearing of thin oaHo was continued
to Juno 14th. Brownoll who wont
to WoHtorvillo to Hcnroh Dr. Me-
Arthur drugstore failed to llnd any
of the forbidden and ; IH a roHiilt did
not moloHt the Dr.
Yesterday evening W. D. Cole of
the Crystal drug store wan .again
arrested and had IIIH CUHO continued
to Juno 1 Ith , we failed to learn
what goodivoro foiuid if any in IUH
A. Fond n of Ooonto WUH arrested
and brought before Judge Armour
yonlorday evening on oomplaint of
oouiuy attorney Kirkpatriok on the
charge of illicit Rolling whiskey.
Ho gave bond for hit" appearance at
Jr. W. K. Tiilbol l roinok'il.
The many friends of Dr. WilliH
Talbotwill bo pleased to learn that
ho recently n-ooivod another pro
motion and now rankH as captain.
Tlio State Journal of yoHtorday in
speaking of it sayH : "Tho governor
han appointed WilliH 1C. Tilbot : of
Broken Bow first aHsintant Hiirgoon
of the Firht NobraHka in place of
Aseislant Surgeon Jensen of Ornaln ,
who resigned on accot > nl ot his
health. Mr. Talbot will rank HH
captain from Juno 1. Ilo is nerv
ing as assistant nnrgoon with the
regiment at Manila , llo lofl No.
br.ifiku with the regiment , going an
an enlisted man.
School District No. : (2. (
Juno Int 18 ! ) ' , ) .
Miss Minnie Amsbory olost-d a
successful nine montliH term ol
Hohool in King School District last
Friday week. The occasion WUH
celebrated by a well selected pro
gramme consisting of HongH , reoita-
tiotiH and Holect reading Noarlv
all the patronH were there and en
joyed the oxeroiHCH , which WITO di'-
livered in Hiiuh a way that they rclloct-
ed credit on both pupils and teacher.
After completing the programme
free speeches from the visitors and
members of the board Hoomod to bo
the order in which several partici
pated ; the teacher JJalso rcHponded
in a very pleasant manner. It
ono of those oooasioiiH when iho
district wan Bat'iHliod and improved
thiH opportunity to give the teacher
the HatiHfaction of knowing it ,
Letter I.Ish
Following is the dead letter Hat
for week ending Juno Oth.
MJHH Mary Arlington , Mrs Mary
Thurmond , Mr. Paul England , Mr.
John llolvoi-Mon , MTH. G. H. Miller
Mr. J. 1J KobbuiH , Mrs. A.
TibbitH , MIHH Bortlia Woof , Mi.
CharlvH W. B. Branch ( card ) .
Parties calling for any of the
above will ploaHo way ' 'advcrliHud. "
L. H. JKWBTT , P. M.
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeg'uards the food
against alum *
Alum baking ; powders arc Uie prcatcst
tncnaccn to health of the present day.
At the regular mooting of the
horud Monday night iho following
leauherH were oleclod'.J.E. Adanson ,
Principal ; iliss Abbotl , assistant.
For the north sulo Miss Tuckerof
GeorgetownMit B Whitehead , Mrs.
Thompson and MiB8 LDownoy.
South side MIHHOH Benlu , Alexan
der , Warriugton , and llarwood-
The board decided to got along
with ono less teacher thiin lant year ,
by having Prof Adamson take both
the eleventh and twelfth gradostho
same as last termafter Miss Abbott
was taken Hick.
Walter Waters and wife who
have boon teaching at cjholton the
past year are al homo ngain on a
vinit , and will Hpond llioir vacation
hore. Wo understand that they
mot with good RIIOOCSH at Shelton ,
which wo are plenum ! to note. Thwy
are both graduatoH of the Broken
Bow HohoolH. Mr. Waters has boon
elected principal of two schools in
lalt County for the ensuing year.
le has decided to accept the ono
it Petersburg , it being the best of
the two. The ShoHon Clipper in
speaking of Mr Waters , bus the
following :
Prof. W. W. Walerd returned
Saturday from Petersburg where
no had boon called by the school
lio.ard who hauloolul ! him 'totho
iVosilion of principal of the public
schools , 't position in a v. ry
lonirablo ono and ll n many friends
Prof. Waters has made during his
residence of ! OHH than a year in
Shelton will bo glitd to learn of his
Hecuring the position , llo ban proven
von himself a most excellent educator
cater und Iho people jf Petersburg
are axnured thai Ihoir nchoolH will
bo in gnod hands. Tin Halary
attached to llu- portion IH $7'JO per
year There are six regular loaohois
in the Petersburg HohoolH and two
HubHtiUituH who loach on half time.
Mrs Waters was UHO ! tnmlcrcd a
Hilion in Iho schools bill did not
accept H as HIO ! prefered not to
loach the coming year. There wan
in the nuighborhood of a hundred
applicants for the posilion Hocarod
by Prof. Walters. Professor and
MTH. Waters left 'l.jiesdiiy for
Broken Bow where Ihoy will spend
iho Htimmor _
Itrokt'ii linn Schools.
Tim financial condition of iho
city schools is not as hcallhy as it
should bo. Al a mnultng of the
Holiool board Monday night a review -
view of tbo eituation diholo-eu that
there is a bonded unduhlcdiicsH of
$18000. OU on the district , $1500 00
of whii-li iH held by eastern parlies
and $3000 00 by tint district. In
addition to thiH a lloating du-bt of
$710850 ropn-huiiU'd by rog'iHted
tinppid win rants is hanging ovrr tlio
diHlriot. AgauiHt ibis doltlhereis
$ U070. ( < 0 in lht > Hinking fund to
inuot the bonded und djtt-dness and
210.00 in hands of oonnly Iroasuror
and 47 ! 10 in handn ol sohool dis-
Iriot iroasarcr to mud the Heating
debt. The board at UH last meet
ing ordered the pit'Sideat of the
board to lake such flcpn as art )
noooHHary lo npproprnue Iho nink-
ing fund to the payiuunl of register
ed warrants and the nmllor will bo
proHonlcd to thr cuunly bn.trd at its
noxl moot. It was uHiimaled by
the board that the running I'xpoiiH s
for the onuuoing Hohool your will
aggregate $5870.00. Tic ! aHHessed
value of tlio property of diHtriot 25
is $1:30070.00 : and againslthis a
20 null levy was ma < lo by tlio board ,
This will raise § 2000.00 to pay
$5070.00 if all Iho UXM arc paid ,
and 10 lliis will probably bo added
1000.00 more from ilnr suto ap
portionment , ' will leave an
inor.oaHbd debt al thu o d of tlio
school year of * 'J070.00. The
qncHtion thai comfronls iho board
in to provide ft way to moot the ex
penses that must bo incurred , with
Iho moans at hand for paying the
S/ /