Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 25, 1899, Image 1

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    Stftto III it 1 lbr-l n Booloty
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Sf T \ t I SI
1 I f \ l T i r m
m JL OLJL JL X Uv3 f m
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M'tt 1m
' .
The mystery of our pronounced und unequaled
success is not because wo are gifted with any super
natural qualification ) ; , nor is it duo to our liberal ad
vertising ; not in our "aystem" nor in our ability to
convince people that black is white when it isn't.
The explanation is very simple. The position we
have acquired as the loading and most successful Dry
Goods bouse is only due to the fact that we give the
and doing so enables us to hold our custom. Best LL
Muslin always in stock at 3o to customers only ; other
prices according.
Leaders m Low Prioea.
Bangs' Studio
is now newly furnished and fitted
with large and the latest scientif
ic instruments. Largs groups
taken as well as the smallest pic
tures. Call and see the new work.
I Once Was Lost , "but Uow I Have
Pound it-
Whore ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , ray dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam
moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
me ; posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Christmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
National Bank.
W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.
bearing ?
f. It is a bearing- which the
§ balls touch at two dianietri-
j | cally opposite points if the ) '
% touch the cup at only one
point and the cone at only
one noiut. This gives less
friction than three point
bearing's. Eagles have two
point , others three point
EDWIN F. MYKKS , Agent ,
Telephone No. 41 ,
Broken Bow , - Nebraska.
"Wholesale Cigar Store ,
Agent for A.T , Morris , of Cincln-
natti.Ohlo. Best brands of Cigars
and Tobacco at wholesale and re *
tail. Flrnt door eoutb of Itopub-
llcau ofllco.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oflioe.
Try my evaporated fruits.
J. N.
Cannon City coal at Dierka
Lumber Co *
I have alfalfa and millet seed for
sale. J. N. PICA i , ic.
HUBO Hrown , of Cat Crook , wan a
oity viaitor Tuesday.
I buy and sell corn and oats.
J. N. Pealo.
Ben Kellenbarger , of Merna , waa
a oity visitor Monday.
Curtain poles , now and nobby ,
go at 25o. A.W. DUAKK.
R. P. Sohrltzmyor , of Lillian , wan
a social caller Tuesday.
H. VV. George- Georgetown ,
was a friendly caller today.
C. W. Lincoln , of Turner Valley ,
was a oity visitor Monday.
F. 11. Young wont to Omaha
Monday , and will return tonight.
Judge Sullivan wont to Kearney
Monday to hold a session of court
B F. Empfield , of Ryno , made
this office a friendly call Monday.
Win. Blair haa a force at work
this week grading the court house
yard ,
All kinds of bulk ard package
garden seed for sale at J. N.
Mrs. R. J. Klatt , of Anaolmo ,
made this office a welcome call
H. J. Vaughan , of Council Bluffs ,
Iowa , haa leased the Globe barn of
fi. P. Groat.
Alba Hay wood and his peerless
company will be at Broken Bcw
May 3 frit.
Have you had a plass of the ice
cream soda at Ed McComns' aoulh
aide drug atoro.
T. C. II. Bayrhoflior , oi Cnator
pieoiuct , wta a welcome caller at
tins office Friday.
CATTLK FOH SAMJ : At all tunes
on mv ranch six miles southwest of
Broken Bow Jesao Gandy.
Foit SALE A HIX room house
barn and other improvements. For
particulars call at this office. tf
U. L. Ward and G. T. Robinson
had a number of cattle vaccinated
recently to prevent black log.
City and ( arm property insured
against tire , lightning and torna
Jos. Whitehead , of thia oity , will
deliver an address to the graduating
olass at Call away Friday night.
Hugh Konoyor , of Co. M. , who
waa wounded several weeks ago at
Manila , arrived at San Francisco
Tuesday on his way home.
W. II. Thompson and A. G.
Hoffman , of Arnold , wore oity vis
itors yeaterday. They report a
heavy rain in that vicinity.
WANTED A few good carpen
ters ; a few good common laborers ;
and also work for masons and pain
ters. Work in the vioinity of
Broken Bow and Sargent. Those
wishing work of this kind will do
well to see ino soon while the places
are vacant. Call on or address mo
at Broken Bow or Sargent , Nebr.
Try a glass of those elegant phos.
phatcs with any llavot at Ed Mo
Comas' Routh aide drug Rtoro.
Dr. Cyrus Piokett is at Lincoln
this week attending a mooting of
the State Electric Medical Society.
FOH SAI.K A second hand Viotor
sowing machine , in good repair , for
lire dollars. Inquire at thia office.
Rev. .1. J. Clifton and wife , of
Arnold , spent Monday nigh' , in the
oity. They returned homo Tuesday.
When wheeling stop and get a
drink of ice cold soda water at Ed
McComas' south aide drug store
Doctor Day haa located in our
city and haa his office ever Ryor-
son's grocery atoro aouth of Post-
Fou SAI.B Two houses ; one two
blocks east of pquaro , and one west
of Globe hotel. Enquire at Bangs'
Prof. Deal , of Mason City , was
in the oity yesterday interviewing
the school board with a view of
getting a position.
While driving you can have ice
cold aodn served in your carriage at
Ed McComas' south aide drug
Juet received , a new line of ladies
and gouts pocket books at roasona-
prices at Ed Mi-Comas' mouth side
drug store.
The Broken Bow hospital is in
splendid condition for oaring for
the sick. Trained nurses in attend
ance. Prioea reasonable. tf
Wanted , a girl to do general
house work. Good wages to the
right person.
Johnio Robertson , son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Robertson , of this
oity , who has boon very sick for
several weeks , is improving.
Bed room suits lower than over ;
fine couches ; to appreciate quality
and price como and see them.
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting tooth is absolutely pain
less. No sere mouth , as in the nso
of other local anoisthetios. a25
G. Guyle , of Walworth , was a
friendly caller Tuesday. He was in
the city negotiating for another
quarter flection of land in bis vi
Mrs Julia Robinson and children
of Grand Island , who have been
visiting in thii vicinity for a couple
of weeks , returned homo Monday
This locality , as well as the whole
county and state , haa boon blessed
with an abundance of rain the past
week. The present outlook for
crops is most favorablo.
Kov. J. 8. Hadden will preach
the memoiial sermon of the G.A.R.
post at Mason City next Sunday ,
and Rev. Hornaday w'll ' deliver the
address on Decoration Day , Tues
day following.
W. II. Predmoro is resident agent
for the Farmers Mutual Hail In
surance Association , af Fuirtield.
Nob. ; also agent for hog cholera
insurance. Insurance at actual
cost. Office at Ryorson's store.
The Wesleyan Quartette enter
tained a fair sized audience at the
M. E. church Tuesday night. They
are fine singers and the entertain
ment wns very much enjoyed by all
who had the pleasure of hearing it.
Dr. W. T. Mason , of Omahawho
haa recently looated at Berwyn ,
made this office a friendly call last
D'riday. Dr , Mason was a student
at the medical college with Dr
Mi'llins. who speaks very highly
of him.
Mandolins , three only loft ; no
room for them ; they go at one
fourth price. Pastel and oil pic
tures go for less than cost of frame
Iron beds to $7/5. / I buy al
kinds of goodc , and advance money
on any article of value.
The mooting of the Custer Conn
ty Medical Society , held at Calla
way Tuesday , is reported to have
been quite a suocoab , Those it
attendance from Broken Bow were
Dr. and Mrs. C. L , Mullius , Dr. am
Mra. C. W. Hakes , Dr. aud Mra. J
J. Piokett and Miss Myrtle Frey
Married , on May 24th , at noon
Mr. Owens A. Owen and Graoie
D. Empfiold , at Ryno , Roy. T. M
Bull , of Broken Bow , officiating
Many guests wore present to greo
the happy couple , and leave wltl
thorn many nice presents , Ma ]
they live long and happy.
Before having any hail insurance
vritton on your crops see W. D.
Blnokwoll the agent of the old
and reliable St Paul Fire and
Marino insurance Co. and got bin
rates and terms.
To member ? of Sons and
of Protection : AssoHsmont No
3 , 1800 , is now duo and must bo
mid before the 28th. The literary
> rogram has boon postponed until
June 3d. R.D. PIOKKTT , Soo'y.
The managers of the Greater
America Exposition are offering
120,000 in premiums to counties
hat will make an exhibit of agri
cultural products. All counties
hat desire to compote are required
o apply for space by Juno 28th.
[ 'ho premiums are $400 , $500 , $000 ,
$700 and $1,000. Counties making
a worthy display , that do not win a
> rize will lie awarded $250 oaoh.
The west bound passenger train
collided with two freight cars at
Uerna Sunday night. The onginnor
and a tramp sustained broken limbs ,
Hit no one else was injured. The
wind had blown the empty freight
oars from the nido track to the
main line , unknown to tbo crow.
The engine was badly dairigod nd
t caused a delay of six hours bc-
'oro the train could proceed wont.
The Peter Coopi r club banquet at
Diuaha Saturday night , waa attended
by J. G. Painter and E. R. Purooll ,
of thia city. It waa a demo pop
OVQ fenat , in which ox-Col. W. J.
13ryan , J. B. Weaver , ox-Gov.
Poyntor , ox-Gov. Holoomb aud our
own J. B. Jones , discussed why
'uflion should bo continued indefi
nitely. J. B. Jones was president
of the coinmittoo on program and
arrangements. There were U20
seats sold , at one dollar oaoh ,
Tuesday evening a special pas
senger train pnssod through the oity
about eight o'clock , consisting of
one dining car , two parlor ears and
one slooporoarryiug representatives
of the Burlington freight depart
ment west. Their objective point
was Billings. The train stopped
liore but < fi1u > rl t'unw.
upwards of sixty in the party , rep
resenting the various freight divis
ions of the C. B. & Q. and B. & M
R. R. systems. They are on u tour
of inspection , with a view of bun-
ofitting the freight department.
'Ihoy will return by way of Denver
and the B. & M. route m southern
Today wo place on sale the rarest
bargains wo ever offered. 000 yds
20 inch best quality , full standard
Percales at only 0 cents a yard ,
notwithstanding the big advance in
cotton. You never saw them loaa
than 10 to 12 o , and they would be
cheap at lOo i any market. These
goo s wore bought by a manufac
turer to make up into shirt waists ,
wrappers and men's dross shirts ,
but ho couldn't stand the wave of
proapority and had to close the
factory ; you can now buy the goods
for fir less than he paid in the
mills. Wo also offer choice Madras
Cloths , woven colors , patterns suit
able for shirt waists , children's
dresses , aprons , etc. ; those goods
sell the world ever at 20c. ; our price
at ibis sale 12 c a yard , Sale con
tinues Mntil tie lot is gone. Don't
miss these bargains.
The preliminary trial ol Phillip
K. and F. L Hoffman , of Callaway ,
who were charged with disponing of
cattle not belonging to them , WPS
had before Judge Armour last
Thursday. They made no denial of
the charge , but plead extenuating
circumstances , which the Judge
thought was sufficient oauao , and
dismissed the case against them.
The Callaway Courier , in speaking
of the trial , says :
The case of the State against
Hoffman Bros , of Callaway , charged -
d by cattle companies of Omaha
and Kearney with selling cattle
whioh were left with them to feed ,
oamu up in the county court ycstor
day and was dismissed. The evid
ence showed that while the boys
really did dispose of some of the
cattle , as the only means they had
to pay for food bills and damages ,
yet it wes evidently done without
criminal intent , and the judge so
ruled. Brega and Cameron appear *
ed for tliojdofonso , while Kirkpatriok
and Gutteraon ropreaented the atato ,
About a dozen Callaway mon wore
subpoenaed as witnesses.
Notice ,
Taken up , at my place in Broken
Bow , Nebraska , one white steer ,
supposed to bo one year old , past ,
April 24th , 1600. 5
J.U.U. Cnosa ,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
menaccrs to health of the prmnt day ,
A mooting of the businoHB mon
of the oily was liohl Saturday morn
ing at lluuuau'a olliuu , with the viovv
of adopting Homo mothocl by whioh
the oily might bo liyhtud by oloo-
tnoity. An organization was
effected by clouting G. L. Tumor
chairman and D. 11. Amsberry hoc-
rotary. After discussing the matter -
tor quito generally it was thought
adviBablo to organize a joint tttook
company to cooperate with the oily
in putting in n plant , with a view
of turning the Htook ever to the
oity at par aa fast aa the tinanooa
would justify the expense. Aa an
induoomout for the business mon to
take Htook it wan thought faatublo
to gunrantoo a oortnin per cent in
lightu on their stock. For instance ,
if ratoa nro ( ixod at sixty cents per
liglit , $7.20 a year , the atookholdor
should bo outitlod to a orodit of 15
per oont , or $1.08. If this plan is
finally adopted it would prove a
good iuvoatmont for all who expect
to UHO olt'Otrio lighta , besides helping -
ing along a laudable ontorpriao. It
wan finally duoidod to refer the
matter to a oommittoo of six , who
wore authorized to draft artiolofi of
incorporation aud make auoh inves
tigations an it should doom WIHO ,
and'roporl to subsequent mooting.
The chair , who wna authorized to
appoint the oornmiltoo , appointed
J. A. Harris , 3. 13. Thompson , I.A ,
lloucau , Alpha Morgan , Jauios
Stookham and 1) . M. Amsborry.
The coinmittoo organi/.od by ol-
ooting D. M. Amaburry chairman
and L A. Itenoau secretary. The
oommittoo haa had two meotinga
aiuio ita organization , and the work
in progroaaing niooly. The articles
oi incorporation aa drafted ohriaton
the outorpriao under the .name of
the "Ouster County Ehotrioal Co. "
It limita the oxiatonoo of the com
pany 10 thirty yearn , and authorizou
a capital of $20,000 , of which at
leant twenty per cent must bo paid
up before commencing IHIH'IIIUHH.
Stock non-iHBOHsablo. The cora-
mitteo wan divided on the question r
of the amount that ahould consti
tute a share * 25 or $100. The
matter wa loft for the next guuoinl
mooting to determine. The aoore-
tary of the committee ia authorized
to open corroapondonco with
manufacturing companies , with a
view of getting bida for pu'.ting in
Hiiuh a plant as ia needed hero. Aa
Horn an autlioiout data and informa
tion ia gathered to justify , the
committee will call a mooting of
the citizens to conHidor matters
MoHlliSBKT Tcesduy , Miiy'i'M , MUa Murjr Mor-
rlisey , ut tlie homo of tier mother In tills city , of
typhoid fever.
The deceased is a sister of the Morrifl-
aey who wag burned to ileiuh a low weeks
RJO ncnr lloat in a prairie liro. Tuo
funeral waa conducted today from tbo
Ciituollu churuli tit 10 n. in. It waa
largely attended.
BPISNOB Mr . J. Spcnco. or Halt I , ke City , May
May 10th , or llvur troulilu.
The deci'iined was for a number of
years n resident of thin oilyand was held
In hlrfh eBteum by nil who know hur. She
left hern last fall with Imr huBbtud , to
make ber borne in Salt hnko , on tbo our-
neut flollclUllon other clilldron wtio live
there , We are informed through n letter
received hero by J. F. lltitcblnBon , from
hlfl brother , Hint Mrs. Hpence bad gone
to n hospital , where she waa aubjoutod to
surgical operation , from the eiTecto of
which she lived but a few cluya.
The board of direotora of the
Lillian Irrigation District will moot
on the Oth day ot Juno aa a board
of equalization. G.W. DUWKV ,
Moved !
on cor. south of P. O , ,
Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly
'north ' aide ,