Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 18, 1899, Image 8

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    Must Give Possession of Building Juno Js ( ; .
o. tl. y evis ,
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i. ' * " < ( * ii' ' - ' Mi' " - i.i' ' " iii'ii - ' ' < ' v' i- " < ' ' " ! - " * \ .V'4-.V ! ' ' ' c > f > : M ! " * 'it.Vtl t'j wtl t'Wii * l'-\'i tj \ ' ' l.'tVit \ 'VH VA'
&AEtf $ tf
NewYorkstore : : ,
eieE ? mmrnim mm m !
Going out of Business in a Blaze of Bargains.
Bargains that will set a pace for value-giving ,
and that will be remembered for years to come.
Everything goes. Pine Dress Goods , Silks , Table
Linens , Napkins , Towelings , Bed Spreads , Laces ,
White Goods , etc. Drop in ; you will meet a crowd.
4'Cheap John" goods in my stock.
DIVA } .
CoFMlAN Pnrah Kntbertno Coltinan , f Mason
City , Hiimlny afternoon , May 1,1th , IbV.l , at 2
o'clock.of heart dUoane , oge 10 ycura , 0 months
and 10 daye.
The deceased is the j'oung'csl
claujfhtcr of Mr. and Mrs.'II. T.
CofTman , of Mason City , Nebr.
She was a native of the slate , was
born in Howard county in 1879 ,
and came to this county about
sixteen years ago with her parents ,
who located near Mason City ,
where they have since resided.
Two years ago she was converted
and united with the Baptist
church , of which she has since
been a faithful member , remain
ing1 true to her Saviour to the
i last. The funeral was conducted
from the residence of her parents
Wednesday afternoon , by Rev. J.
S. lladden , of this city. Her
church and Sunday School deco
rated her coffin elaborately with
wreaths of ilowers and boquets.
A touching1 scene was made at the
grave by her Sunday School
classmates marching1 03' the open
grave , and depositing1 upon the
coffin in which the remains of their
friend was laid , botnietsof Mowers.
The funeral was very largely
attended , there being1 fort } ' bug
gies and wagons in the procession
from the house to the cemetery.
The parents have the sympathy
of the community in their sad be
Miss Liggett , win has rcconlly
relocated in the oily , has put in a
complete line of millinery goods
Saturday , May 20th , the store will
bo open , aud a cordial invitation is
extended to the Indie-t to call and
inspect her goods. The goods are
all now und of the latest styles.
She has a nice line of pattern hats ,
which you should BCO before pur
chasing. Locution , in the Uartloy
room , Realty block , south side of
The oily authorities are still try
ing to prohibit the sale of intox
icants in the city. Tuesday city
attorney Ledwich issued another
warrant for the arrest of W.I ) . Cole ,
druggist of the Crystal Drug store.
in searching the marshal ! ouly found
two quart bottles of whiskey.
The prisoner was takott b fore judge
Armour , where ho was required to
give bond in the sum of $300 , for
his appearance May
All parties who signed the list
for tickets to the Alba Heywood
show , arc notified that reserved
scat tickets will go on sale at the
P. O. store and at Wilson &
. Drake's on Wednesday morning ,
May 24th. On this date only those
who arc on the list can procure
tickets. On the following day the
reserved seat sale will be open to
I > ecr CruuU
Weather very cold for this time of the
II. J. Kdlnglon and Mr. Wolf went
to Broken Uow last Monday aa witness *
ea forHulgar Sangun , who proved up
on his farm.
Emery Cllne IB eu jTorintf with sore eyea
George Ilontz la paltitluKfor Mr. Tay
lor this week.
There is considerable talk of a now
school house at New Hope thla fall. I
if anyone would take a peep at
lluo'd out ; they would be In favor of It.
S unu of the corn IH coming up In thin
locality ,
Oliniley Howen spout last Saturday
mill Sunday al home , but started away
n iilti on Monday.
Rathbr a dry time for Items , a every
one la at work and too busy to talk.
The fall rye anemia to be winter killed
pretty bnilly.
Rev. IColley anil wife epoko fit the
echoo ! house laet Tuesday evening , and
filflo hnd an appointinutit for Sunday
eveningbu' the weather was stormy.
Weather lias been cold and oloudy
ainee Hiittirdny ; clear and wnim tliln
Wednesday mnrnluiz.
Small grain and grass are Hue ; too
jold fur corn , of which a largo nuruago
haft been planted
Mr. RetHorn linn tlnlalied a hydraulic
well ( or II G. Donuel , with an abun-
diuiro of water at 110 feet ; eighty feet In
the tub' ) . Dounol will drink all no needs
hud HIIVO Borne for IIOUHO nee , and pur
noses to Irrigate some garden and Hinall
A. F. Mclntosh hat ) arrived from Kan
sas ; bo IB prepared to farm , but has
fmltd to 11 ud luiiU avi.llable.
Joseph Kudelka again carries the Ryno
Goo. Oscar Smith sports a now buggy.
Donnel , Qrltllth and Sherman have
planted a largo number of fruit trees
und small fruit.
G. W. Hoadley's bah ; IB very alck.
Mrs. Stabuaker ha ? been nllllcted with
a felon on tier thumb for six weeks , and
no prospouta of an early recovery.
I. K. Slabnakor's team ran away last
uvenlng while goluj ; through tbe gate
near Ryno. A good workman may re
pair the bugerr ; no injury 10 the hoi sea.
Central Nebraska
Summer School ,
Broken How , Nebraska , Ji tie 12
to , Iuly 21 , Ih09. Tuition , 5 00.
Announcement mulled you on ap
plication to B. B , Hawthorne ,
Morna , Neb.
I.orvcr Deer Creek ,
II. W. George retnmod Sunday from
York , where ho had gonn to attend the
etato encampment of the G. A. R.
.Too rigman has his corn all planted.
Mr. Daugherty Is not much Improved
at this writing.
Mr * . Win. Davis Is watching Will do
the cooking now days , as oho had the
misfortune to atop on a nail last Satur
day ,
Mr. Plttaway , of Broken Bow , was
down on Deer Crook last week.
Mr. and Mrs E. C. Cross , of Miller ,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Joseph Piginau bought a Hue three
year old coli of Aaron Ross lait week.
Another Hue rain here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. \ . George returned
from Kearney Monday.
Ud Lewis IH working for Mr. Daugli-
orty thla week.
A number of the farmers are planting
corn ; the grouud la in thin condition am
everybody la smiling.
Geo. Williams had n runaway lasi
Saturday He was hauling a load o
hay. and one of the front wheels broke
down , causing the wagon to tip over.
Tine ruouiuiL'e IIKTUBN.
Said lie to his friends. O yo / , I must KO
Ho lie middled and bridled his home Just to ;
Then mounted and Started with u tear In his eyr
And elowljr ho rode 'til n nulglibor paf ed by.
Wliun once Ibrongh tlio gate and mounted once
He dunlied elf at a f peed ne'er aeon before ;
And say * be to hlmtelf , I'm started t last ,
for Hed Cloud I'm bound , for tba homo ot til *
Then tlio sorrowful friend * ho bad left behind
Complained ot his going , but tried not to nil ml
Aa the iablo tbej nuriouuded thej laid , wuat a
Muuor ,
To IC T lu iiicb batte , not naltlug for dluuer ,
So they mourned and they united , expecting to
Of him gutting to Heel Cloud , not thinking him
near ;
iVbnn lo and behold on Sunday he came
UltlliiK buck to lili friends , wbo wore glad just
fben ot nil tbo queer qnestloni that ever wore
How were the people at Ited Cloud , how wore
the crops that yon passed ?
Hut jiIeaBBiit aud urulllnn , bo answered them al ,
And wo bollevc bo WBB Klad to be within cull.
The Greater America Exposition ,
Which will open at Omaha Neb
July 1st and close November 1st
1809 , will be the moHt unique as
well : IH the most successful Exposi
tion that hat ) ever been hold in the
United States. The opportunity for
npocial features which reoont oonq-
uostH have given tlio management ,
will be utilized to the fullest extent.
In addition to the regular feature * * ,
Hiic.h as exhibits of all of the indus
trial iutor < 6ts of the ci. untry agri
culture , mining and arts , there will
HI a most uomplotn oollootion of
war relics , direct from the seat of
war , which will bo of great interest
oall An exhibit will espec
ially appeal to the people in gener
al , will bo the colonial exhibits from
the Philippines , fsom Cuba and
from Hawaii. Not only the representative
ontativo people from these islands
will bo at t.ho exposition , but they
will be placed before you in their
own habitations , just suc'a as they
live in , in their own countries , sur
rounded by tropical plants and trees ,
such as you would find wore you to
visit thois faraway islands. Even
more excellent musical talent has
been neoured than last year , among
them being London's best band.
Rev. Ferguson will preach the
eerinon to the graduating class , in
the M next Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock.
We are in receipt of tbo program
for Decoration services at Merna
May 80thbut for lack of time to so
it we can not run it in this inane. *
Wo wjll publish it next wook.
Hpray Your I'rult Trees.
Spray your bearing fruit trees
with London Purple and kill the
Codling Moth. This will give you
clean , smooth fruit We soil the
Excelsior Stahi Spraying outfit , the
best sprayer made To be effect
ive spraying must bo dona as early
as April and May. Wo also have
a general assortment of forest aud
fruit trees , small fruit plants , roses ,
ornamental shrubs and rod cedar
evergreens. Oall at Norfolk Nur
sery , or address'lfi. D. Hammond ,
Norfolk , Nob. a20-8t
Cheap Tickets to California.
The lowest rates of the year are
thoBo which the Burlington Route
will make hto in June aud early in
July , for the annual mooting of the
National Educational Association ,
at Los AngelcB Liberal icturu
limits and stop-ovor privileges.
The coolest route to the Coast is
through Douvor aud Salt Lake
Oity. Go that way aud for a day
and a night you ride through the
Wonderland of the world past
canons , mountainn , rivers , waterfall
and landscapes gay with flowers.
Information and California literature
aturo on roquost. J Fniuoia , General -
oral Passenger Agent , Omaho Neb
As wages of workingmen through
out the country rise higher , the
voice of the calamity howler sinks
lower.Troutou ( N. J ) " Gazette. "
Richardson's Livery
AND Fictci ) KTAIU.B ,
at the old stand , between Mm hurling-
'on and Globe Hotels. Telephone ) con-
uentlon , HendquartPM of Callaway
ntngu line , Kates
Hag Carpet
Sold chciBi , In any length pieces dculrcd. Carp -
p < 't iiK Killcltcd , Prlcen reaaomble.
Mrs , Louise Raymond.
Wont of llciwen'B Store.
Wm.-F. Hopkins ,
liana and HpncincattonR on abort notice. JU
Inrlnl fmnlnhod and Imlldltign completed cheaper
limn Kiiy man In tin ) atate. Satisfaction guaran
teed a to plans and specifications.
School and * Church
FnrHuhool Furnlturi ) , Fohool Supplies
or ( Mmmil Furniture , J uffor the bi. '
terms the mnrkut affords.
Broken How. N b.
& u
| ll 1C A I. liN'rATIC
I have a largo Hat of farms foi
sale in all parts of the county. Low
prices and easy terms of payment ,
VVnto for jjrict'H.
C. P.Kussell&Co. ,
Beal ( fotutc
Uavu ranches and landH for sale in
( Junior and adjoining connticH.
Also ranohcH and lauds for
rout term of years.
Dealer in Chattels and Auctioneer.
Bioken Bow , Neb.
Two Houses for Salo.
Tliu J. G. Mauliok property , aouth of
the south Bide eobool house , ana the J.
3. Klrkpatnok property , threu block
from public square- also n good bicycle
for sale. Enquire of J. C. AUur.iCK.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public , -
and Justice nt the 1'caoo. Speolal attention giv
en to collections. Depositions taken , pension
vouchora neatly executed , und all klndi of legal
papers written. Ofllco weftaldu Kinaro , Broken
liow , Mob.
and estimates onpahort no
tlce. Broken Bow , Neb.
All clnda ot work In our line done
promptly and In flrat-olaas order. Red
Shjp on the corner , weat of tbe hose
house. Give us a trial.
T. W. Bass ,
All work first class. Rooms on 2d
floor , northwest corner Realty
block , Broken Uow , Nebr.
The City Mills
E. F. McCLUflK , Prop.
Rye Flour and Graham , ground on
stone burr. All kinds of grinding
done for toll or exchange , to suit
customer- Agent for condensed
Gibus Stock Food.
Thos. A. Turnbull ,
Faithful work done , prices reason
able and all work guaranteed.
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. ,
Successor to Ur. M. C. IJlyatone.
Office over Chtystal Drug Store , Calls prompt
ly anawired from office , day or night.
R. B. Mullins ,
Physician - ami - Surgeon ,
Sargent , Nobr.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Olllco over Uyerson'a grocery. Rculy
deuce ( ith house weat of UaptiHt church.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
Ollioo over post oflico. Residence ,
north side.
Doctor Pennington ,
Member N.A.It.S. Ki-AnUtaut Surgeon St. Joe
and O. I. It. K. ; alee K. A O. H. U. Late k'rad *
mite of the Unlreriltr of I'enntjrlranla. OfUre
three doom south of Kd McCoinai drag itore
All culli Oiled , day or night.
llynrdnrof llm Itontd of dlroctnrn nml fcloisk-
boldcraof Ibo llruknn llow Ilullillnt ! A I.n n
Atdiclatlon , 1 will fell nt public nuctlnn , nt Hi"
front iloor > f llnlrnmli llroi. onico , nn Matnril'y.
June 2 h , IbW , at S o'clock t > . m.nll of tbe prop-
rll H , croillti , rent acconutB , ilellmiuciit dues
nd Inlerml , inortBttRog mid ccnrl les of cveiy
imlurr aud dctcrlptlon bclouglut ; to nml dnn to
natilcMoelntlou. J'roiiritlniriiiiilitof :
Lotn 5 and 0 , In Ulok IS , In J. f. ( tiMitly dl-
Lol 1 and S,1n Mock .1 , A W. dandy's nddllloii
Sontlicast < | iinrter cif block 1 , lu Jonoll'a nddl-
° '
3 < 'lxU4M feet In N K quarter \V'iimrlor | , J-
IT-'JO , known a tbe Hnyinoml property.
Lot 0 , In block 7. original town.
Lot c , In block 14 , J. I' . Uamly'a nd lltlon.
All of block 10 , In Bast Ilrokrn llow.
IWlx150 ftot III U quaitiT , 8V quurter , IU-I7-
'M , unown as tbo Dodd property.
IS3 xll4 feet In NW ( juarter lot 4. K. IteyuorV
addition to Ilrok en llow. . . . .
UoccoHof $51.1.00 , rendered flth day ot March ,
1809 , ( ccnred by mortcsgo on lots 3 and ! , block
'Ji , J P Oandy'n addition to llroknn How , Nebr.
Decree of fKI.30 , rtndorcd 8th day of March ,
11 , J'krtfftnl Vli-W addition to Ilroke./
lli'i fur $111 (17 ( , mnlrrnl ---'d day of
nry , 180pccorod by inorteacn on lota 1 and S ,
block 18 , orlKlrml towi. of llrokrn llow , Nebr.
J > ccrco fur fiWI.SO , rcnderodaitb day of Jami
arr , 181' ' ' ) , pccurrd by innrteme on lots 3 , 4 anil & ,
In Sec. ill , T | > . iO UK SO , C'mtcr county , Ncfcr
Notvr and nrcoiiulH r < > n ntntt vnrloun parties
fnriimrlv Btoi'.kbolderp and tcnnntsof i nid associa
tion. 'i'nrnis of sale Ull notn ncconnn , dccnies
and crcdltn < ' .nb In band on dny of Bliln. All real
oMtato onn half pnrohiv > o price cnMi In linnu ,
credit of four inontlu will IHI KlTcn on other half.
C. 11.11 LlMMIJ.Hec'y
NOTICK All partit'y are hereby
uotiiu'd ball playing in the siroots
and parks of the city will not bo
tolciatod. P. M To'.Vfllt'y Marshal.
Krowh vout-tableH and fruits for
at , J. N.
WSWW * fcW
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: * ij § For patronising Otionp , 1'oor.stook & Go Ho will nfvrr trade with *
j r. : them again ; but will hen alter nHvnya i urohneo liin Hnilding Material of
m Foster & Smith Lumber GoAt - ,
Sir :
At Broken How , Neb.
They always keep a wnll n = HortPd ptock of tlin bePt qtialliy , in
botb Yellow and White Pine Lumber. Cull and get our usiiumtes on
your interior fldlah , Windows and Doors , and you will bo patlsllod
with the quality of our goods and our priucs. 'J'rj' our Nut Coal for
WILL L. EULE Manager.m
. , - Manager.
S. II. liURNHAM. rresldcnt , Lluculii , Nob. II. O. IOJKHS ( ( , Onsblor , llrnken How
O. i' . I'EKLUY , V-l'res. , IJrnkon How. -I. M KIMIIKUUNO , Ani't Ciifhle
First National Bank ,
General Hanking HUKUIUKH Transacted.
oiRKOTuna :
S. II. Durnlmni. L. H. Jowctt. It. C. 'Calbot. o. 1 > . 1'erloy. II. ( I. lingers.
couuKeromivNTH :
United States NntlonM Hank. maa. Cbase National llanli , N nv York. American
Kxchangii Uank , Lincoln. First National llunk. Urund Uliuul , First National Hank ,
North Pintle , Neb.
Has No Equal.
The manufacturers hao in thn past winter greatly improved their
ormer machine , and it is now without an equal in Nebraska. It is anew
now machine , new patents , and aa an introduction to Cnsler county
farmoiH for the season ot 181) ) ! ) , the manufacturers will make it an object
for thoflo who want to purchase a machine lo HOC thuir agent before buy
ing. For particulars see or write
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
Look Out. Look Out.
Bcfoio you buy1 SPO H. B. Carter's line line of Hoi.sohold Goods.
Everything , from a tin cup to
Fine Polished Finisiiet ! Suites
Side Boards and Book Oases ,
At prices never before quolori in Broken Bow.
Suites $12 ot ) to$25 oo
Book Cases * G 00 to 420.00
Side Boards $14.00 to * 25 00
Iiou Beds lo , < . , f ( 00
Springs $ li0o to § 000
MattreKsps , Tables , Sofas , Chairn , [ Rockers , Window Shades
Pint tire Frames and Pictures.
Do not forgot to HCO mo at my now location , wowt side nquaro.
VourH for