Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 11, 1899, Image 1

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The mystery of our pronounced and uneqnaled
success ia not because wo are gifled with any nuper-
natural qualifications , nor is it due to our liberal ad
vertising ; not in our "system" nor in our ability to
convince people that black is white when it isn't.
The explanation is very simple. The position wo
have acquired as tiio loading and most successful Dry
Goods house is only due to the fact that wo give the
and doing so enables us to hold our custom. Best LL
Muslin always in stock at 3u to customers only ; other
prices according.
Leaders in Low Prices.
Central Nebr , Summer School ,
.Broker ) Bow , Nebr. ,
JUNE 12 to TO JULY 21.
Tuition , $5,00 , or $1.00 per week
The school this year is to be
conducted by , T. G. W. Lewis and
B. B. Hawthorne.
Which wheel bears most of
Si j'our weight _ ? The rear one.
& -t- s
The Eagle people are the
only makers who put Fort } '
spokes in the rear wheel ; all
others contain but. thirt-six.
ft J4
EDWIN F. Mvuits.
KM All partiea having judgements
Id- against Cii'ilor county can now bo
paid. Interest Htops May 1 , 1800.
J. A. AitMOim , Co. Judge.
Hpray Vour Pmlt Treen.
Spray your bearing fruit trees
wilh London Purple and kill ihe
Codling Moth. This will give you
clean , smooth fruit. Wo neil the
Excelaior Slahi Spraying oultit , iho
besl sprayer mado. To he effect
ive spraying must bo done aa early
as April and May. We alao have
a general asBortnionl of foresl ane
fruit trees , small fruil plants , roses
ornamental Hhrnbs and red cedar
overgreona. Call at Norfolk Nur.
scry , or address E. D. Hammond
Norfolk , Neb. a20-8
We were in error last week in
giving the name of the man that
waa sent to thu Norfolk asylum for
trealment. It was Edwiu S. John
son , and not Merrill Johnson , whiol
we are pleased to note. Our in
formant was ono of the examining
board , hence wo had no doubt o
its correctness.
Fresh vegetables and fruits fo
sale at J , N , 1'ealo'n.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oflioe.
Try my evaporated fruits.
J.N. Pcn'o. '
Cannon City ooal at Diorks
Lumber Co *
I hnvo alfalfa nnd millet seed for
sale. J. N. PKALK.
) . C. Birdeoll , of Alliance , Hponl
Tuesday in the city.
Fen SAUC : A good farm horse ,
enquire at this oflluo. if
I. J. Dings , of Now Helena , was
a friendly caller Tuesday.
Hereford bulls for sale ; yearling
nnd two year old. 4 E. SKINNKH.
A oup of good tea is health. Try
the ton leaf. J. C. HOOEN ,
G. Guylo , of Wai worth , was a
welcome caller at this oflioo Satur
I buy and sell corn and oats.
J. N. Pealo.
8. S. Stewart , of VVesterville , was
a friendly visitor at this ollico last
All kinds of bulk ard package
garden seed for sale at J. N.
Frank Searson , of Georgetown ,
was a friendly caller at this oflicc
Have you had a plans of the ioe
oream soda at Ed MoComas * south
side drug store.
B. F. Morrow , of Doer Creekwas
doing business in the city ihe lalter
pail of lasl week.
Hon. W. J. Taylor and family , of
Morna , were city visitors the latter
part of last week.
Dr. Day reports the arrival of aDen
Don at iho homo of O. C. Y. Stand
ley , Monday , May 8th.
FOR SALE A six room house
barn and other improvement ? . For
particulars call at Ibis office. if
A Bath Cabinet IB a home com
fort. Price only * 4.5J5. '
CATTLE Fen SALE : At all times
on my ranch six miles southwest of
Broken Bow Jesse Gandy.
City and ( arm property insured
against fire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KIMDKUUNO.
WANTED Cattle to pasture. For
particulars enquire of E. M. Scott ,
of Anselmo. or W. C. Gregory. 4
Try a glaaa of those elegant phos-
> hates with any fiavoi at Ed Me
Comas' south side drug sioru.
Miss May Stewart , of Wostorvillo
s employed in the oflioe of thu
ounty judi',0 at the presonl lime.
B. W. Blair brought in several
ars of uallle from Sioux Cily lasl
week , which he is selling lo farmers.
When wheeling stop and get a
rink of ice cold soda water at Ed
iloComaa' south side drug slore.
Doolor Day hau loualed in our
city and has his ollico ever Ryor-
on's grocery store south of Posl-
E. B. Magan , of Now York , was
n Ihe city the first of iho week
ooking after his land inlereslH in
his county.
Juat received , a new line of ladies
and gents pocket books at ruasona-
> rices at Ed MeComau * south side
drug Plore.
Marl Leirgell and family , of
Fhedford , are visiting in this com
munity , and expect to spend ihe
summer here.
This locality has been favored
with several light rains of late , and
the small grain and pasture have
been greatly heneh'tled.
The Broken Bow hospital is in
aplendid condition for caring for
Ihe siok. Trainud nurses in attend
ance. Prices reasonable. if
Wanted , a girl to do general
house work. Good wages lo ihe
right portion.
Aa our physicians nay , we cannel
nol have health unless wo eat pure
food produoltt. They can be ob
tained only of J. C BOWJCN.
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting tooth is absolutely pain-
less. No sore mouth , as in the use
of other local antostholius. a26
J. R. Dean wunt to Lincoln Mon
day au a delegate to the Grand
Lodge of the A.O.U.W. , from the
Broken Bow lodge , which convened
there Tuesday ,
While driving you o u have ice
cold soda served in your carriage at
Ed MoConms' soulh aide drug
Goo. Palmer , who weul lo Cuba
about two mouths ago with horses
for nalo , returned homo laat Thurs
day uighl. Ho ruporls having had
a fine trip.
The ladies aid society of the M.
E. church will give an ioe cream
and strawberry social at the homo
of Mrs. M. E. Gandy , next Wed-
uesday evening , May I7lh.
Farms for sale and lands for rent
Now ia the time lo get a farm cheap ,
ad the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G Bronizer.
Good ooffo3 is a blessing to any
homo. J C. Bowen is agent for the
Conuly of Cuslor , j Try il
Chase & Sanborn , > ( or
ICe , 20o , 2r o , 30c , 37o. j breakfast.
Before having any hail insurance
written on your crops see W. D.
Blaokwoll the agent of the old
and reliable St Paul Fire and
Marine iiiHiiranoo Co. and got \ \ \
rates and teimn.
Hon. W. G. Eastman , of Myrtle
township , made thia office a social
call Tuesday. Mr. Eastman speaka
very favorably c/f iho lam logisla-
lure , and says il was bolter llian
i wo years ago.
W. II. Prodmoro isresirtonlagunl
for Iho Farmers Mutual Hail In
surance AsHooialion , af Fairiiold.
Nob. ; also agenl for hog cholera
insurance. Insurance al actual
coat. Oflioo at Ryerson's Hloro.
A. W. George , of-/Georgetown ,
and Ralph Drake , of Sumuer , weru
friendly callers at this olh'oo Tues
day. Mr. Drake waa one of ihe
pioneers of Iho South Loup , and
still retains his stock ranch there.
Hirry Coffman , of Mason Cily ,
spent Sunday in the city. He look
home with him Kitlie ( 'oilman and
Blanche Runyan , awho have boon
visiting in the city the pasl three
weeks wilh Iho family ot ye scribe.
O. P. Purloy , who liaa boon con
fined al his homo for the past month
with a severe altaok of pneumonia
and typhoid fever , wo are glad to
sue is again able , to bo out. He
was out first Monday , but ia yet
quite weak.
Glen Johnson of this city hus
been granted oaloon license at Ans
ley , where we are informed he will
soon move. Ho had a potilion for
saloon license at Callaway , which
was granted him , but ho withdrew
his application.
To the members of Sou ? and
Daughters of Protection : You are
each requested lo bo present at the
next regular meeting , Friday , May
10th. A literary and musical pro
gram will bu given in addition lethe
the regular work.
1,000 head of oallle wanted to
pasture for summer season , in CUH-
tor oounly , Neb. Fine range , blue
slom , reel top and Buffalo gratis ;
abundance of walor ; graes land all
fenced. II. J. VAUOHAK ,
Council Bluffs , Ia.
To businoHB men of Broken Bow :
You are hereby notified that your
city occupation tax is now duo.
I shall proceed lo collect iho same
during Iho week of May 15th lo
20ih. R. D. PICICKTT ,
Cily Clerk.
We by an ovarsighl failed lo
mention last week in our notice of
Iho oily council proceedings that
W. J. Woods was elected premdonl
of the council by a unanimoiiH vole.
Mr. Woods has been favored wilh
ihe honorable position sovtral terms
Dr. Murray and wife , of Nampa ,
Idaho , formerly of Arnold , were
visiting in Ihe oily Iho lirsl of ihe
wotk with her sislor , Miss N. E.
Robertson. The doclor ia on hia
way lo Chicago , where ho will lake
a post graduate course in liis pro
Every now subscriber to the
REPUBLICAN for the next Ihirly
days will gel Iho Farm Journal for
live years free. Now is your time
lo subscribe. This offer also in
cludes all drlinquonl subscribers
who pay up arrearages and ono
year in advance.
Dr , Rea , of Louisville , Ky. , who
is ono of Iho prominent specialists
in America today , is a graduale of
a number of Iho best medical col
leges in our land. His visits lo
this city are becoming monthly of
more importance and he is consult
ed by hundreds of people each time
he comes.
Mrs. Martha Gregory , Juatiu'j
Gregory and Tom Guthorinvcro in
Iho oily Monday attending a cnau
before Iho county judge , ever iho
rightful possession of a pioou yf
land , butwoon Mra. Gregory and
Jamcn Ludwioh. The court ruled
in favor of Ledwich ,
Frank Cozad , of Now Helena ,
made this ollico a friendly call Sat
urday , Ho informs us that our
informant was mistaken about the
rgo of hia uon William , whoso
tragic death wu reported last week
Hu would huvo buun twenty throu
May 1st , iiiRtead of twenty one.
Swain Finch and A. 1) . Brown ,
of Arnold , wuro city visitors Mon
day. Wlulu hero Uncle Swain in
vested in a now buggy , which may
come in good use this fall should
Mr. Brown bu a candidate for slier
iff on thu populist lickut , as now
appears to be parl of the program.
Mrs. G , H. Thorpe , who has been
visiting in iho eastern parl of the
stntu the past month , returned lasl
Saturday nighl. Her father , Mr
Daoker , near Nebraska Cily , uamu
back wilh her on a short viait.
While Mra. Thorpe waa away she
attended her parents' golden wed
ding , which waa celebrated April 11
A number of Iho members of iho
G.A.R. and W.R.C. of thia city
wonl lo York Tuesday to altend the
oncampmonl. Thoao thai wunl
were John ROUHO , Nor Hartley , J
W. Bruce , W. S. Boyco , A. W.
Drake , Joseph Skolton , L.J. Gandy ,
G.W. Krey , Mrs. SkolU-n , Mrs
Whuolur , C. P. RtiHHoll and Miaa
Following is the lial of dead let
ters for Iho week ending May ! Hhj :
MIHS Blanch Rublu , uard ; Amos'
Wioklcm ; Mr. W. E. Draku , card ;
Mr. Bob Jaokaon ; Mr. Mcaler ; Mr.
W. J. Pilant ; Misa Dorcua Perry ;
Luc Darling , card. Parties calling
for any of the above will please aay
L. II. Jjtwicrr , P.M.
WANTED A few good oarpon-
lorH ; a few good common laborers :
and alno work for masons and pain
ters. Work in the viuinity of
Broken Bow and Sargent. 'I IIOHO
wishing work of ihia kind will do
well to see mo soon while thu places
are vacant. Call on or addrunH mo
at Broken Bow or Sargent , Nubr.
Dr. G. W. Kirkpatriok , of the
West Table , wan a friendly caller
Monday. Huas a victim of Iho
prairie fiio from which HO many
suffered Ihroo weekH age. Forlu
naloly he aaved bin buildings and
grain , but ho had Ihirty tons of
hay , ill of h'tH straw , and about 000
fence posts burned. About half
hia orchard waa burned , and a fifty
acre field of rya that ho had disked
in stubble waa burned ever and
killed. HiH neighbor , Wilhurn ,
lost two horses , a cow and calf and
his slables and harness.
J.M.Caress who has boon aflsiat-
iug in tins ollico has laid down bis
stick and taken up the active Sun
day school work of the county un
der the American Sunday school
Union. There baa boon very liltlu
work do'io by thai society in this
field suicu Mr. Moss waa called to
other fields. Thu Hooioty feel now
thai Iho work must bn supported by
Iho oounly and W.H Kimberly gen
eral missionary is on lliu liuld tak
ing contributions for ihu support of
the work for Iho year. Wo hope
Mr. Caress will not bo embarnssed
lor wanl of funds aflor Una canvas
is finished.
Germain Towl in Iho Lincoln
Journal , in speaking of the wound
ed Nobraflkana al Manila ( ays :
"Kenojoruf M ia recovering from
a bullet hole Ihrough his
lefl luug , which jusl gra/.ud the
heart. Kenoyor waa lying on the
firoing line before 'B.icoor on the
fateful Sunday morning. A bullet
came along , buzzed under his face ,
wont into his cheat , uamo out below
hia small riband buried itself in the
earth. For a tirno iho doolors and
hia companions despaired of hia life ,
bul hu insists upon remaining in the
aervico. 'I ho boys say that whan
Kenoyor was hit' the noise of the
blow sounded down their line like
a punching bag. Thuv heard him
groan and saw the gun drop from
his hand. Four men carried him
back under a heavy lire , al a limu
when lo retire seemed deadlier than
to advance. Il requires some
courage lo lurn your back to bullotH
and loil slowly away wilh a wounded -
ed man in your anna. "
E , G'Sohwind , who returned 10-
contly from Triumph' ; reports con
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum biking powders arc tlic grtAtett
nunaccrs ( o health of ( he present day.
. .
aidurablu datnugo done by aoyolono
in that vicinity Sunday , week , llo
says thai thuru woru iwo within a
mile and a hall of each other , and
were only a few rods wide , but
very destructive in their course.
W. H. Hill's bun was lakun from
ever his horses and demolished.
Ilia corn cribs and granary woru
also destroyed , and ono hundred
bushels of wheat in thu granary
wan sucked up. All his farm im
plements and out buildings were
carried away. M. E. Butlur'a old
log hoiiau waa raised from thu
ground , and bin nuw Iramu house
waa badly domoralizud. Part of
thu roof on thu west side was blown
off , the doors torn frjm their hinges
and ihe building blown from its
foundation. Hia horses and im
plements wuru piukud up and car
ried for several rods. His granary
was carried off , but not all his
wheat waa destroyed. JohtiSlrang's
house and corn cribs woru badly
wrecked and hia buy doalroyed ,
Mr. U'Sohwind lulls of onuinstanou
in which a awill barrel , buriud halt
in Ihu ground and half full of swill ,
waa lakon up and uurriud ( or some
distance iulo a canyon uninjured ,
and bill parl of thu awill spillou.
IJut'or ' had a binder'picked up and
oarriudl'orl _ _ ) rods and dropped on a
knoll without harm. Whore it
crossed the Lotip river the water
waa uomplulely takun up and thu
bed of thu river left bare. Timbers
) uru piukud up and again forced lo
Ihuround { with such vulooily aa lo
Irivo tht n Hovor.tljfoct into ihe
ground. In somu instances iho
plowed ground waa carried away ,
completely doalro/inj ; iho grain
growing thoroon.
Thu uily council mul in regular
susaion la L night , Mayor Royau
presiding. Prutibiii , lloynu , WoodH ,
Kitiiburling , Hiimphroy and Kirk-
pat rioU. On motion thu finance
unmmitlei- was instruuted to uloau
up thu matter of laxos in Iho water
works fund. Thu resignation of
H. G. Rogers aa city truaaurer wus
read and awceptod. Receipt for
the ROOHO , H.imor & Cameron at
torney I'uua waa road and approved.
Proposition of J. II. Henry for
sprinkling waa read. A partial re
port of Ihu uoinrmUeo on aprink-
ling was made and committee con
tinued. The nomination of Seth
Hoyt for oily treasurer , vice , Rog-
( sra , resigned , wan confirmed by 011-
inimouH vote of uoiinuil. On mo
tion Iloyt waa required io give a
§ 10.000 bond. The mayor appoint *
ud W. H Farar nighl waloli ; the
appointinunt waa ( tonfirmed. Claims
of H. M. BrownHl and Wallers
were laid ovor. The allornuy was
dirucled lo drafl ordinauou of os *
limalo of taxes by next meeting.
On motion the ox oily clerk and ox.
oily troaHiiror woru requuHtud to
iimke their r < q > orU by next meeting.
W. 6. Hoooo ruti'rnod last night
from York , whuru ho attended the
G A R. encampment. lie reports
that John Reeau , ol thia oily , was
olvtud Honior vice commander of
thu encampment for thu ensuing
year by aocl'imilion. Score an.
other victory for Broken liow.
A uiyruirr.
Kudoll , Nob. , May 10 , ' 9.
IC'idell ' correspondent failed lo
aign iianus thu redeeming foal lire
of 'heirn nan leading a mob g i"g
on an olher'n plauo , an hour alter
dark , of an unprotected citizen ;
better led them to couvorbion , or in
hinds of the law. A Suiisoitiuisu.
Moved !
on cor. south of P. O. ,
Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly
north '