Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 04, 1899, Image 6

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1) . M. AM9U1CHHY , VublUhor.
The GlnrKB uonril or trustees decided
not to accept tlio waterworks system In
Its present condition , It clulniH that
the plan Is not in compllnnce with the
While the family of Jacob Shlvely of
Falrfleld were at church , sticnk thieves
effected an entrance by forcing a door
and got away with about $150 worth of
money and jewelry.
The governor has been requested to
name delegates to the tenth session of
the Trans-Mississippi Commercial con
gress , which meets at Wichita May 31
and Juno 1 , 2 and 3 of this year.
The annual moctlni ; of the Western
Nebraska Stock Growers' association
will be hold on 'May ' 9 next at Alli
ance. The subject of Inspection will
como up for settlement at this meet
ing , and It is desired that there hu a
full attendance.
Citizens of Hoatrlco arc sony to
learn of the wounding of A. S. Wads-
worth , second lieutenant of company
B. Mr. Wadswortb left that city as a
private of company O when the war
brroko out , but has been promoted
during his career as a soldier.
A llttlo son of C. II. Altlrlch of Dav
id City swallowed the contents of a
bottle of cough syrup IIMU had a close
call for his life. A physician was Im
mediately called , and after a few
hours' skillful treatment the llttlo fol
low was pronounced out of danger.
James O. West , of Grand Island ,
Neb. , who has been appointed deputy
collector of customs at Manila under
Lieutenant Colonel Colton ot the First
Nebraska volunteers left for San
Francisco with orders to sail as soon
as possible. The position is worth
about ? 3,500 ppr year.
John Miller , living north of Exeter ,
while ftfffrbwlng with four horses , no
ticed his pigs over at his nlghbor's.
Tlelng his horses to a wire fence ho
wont to drive them homo , and while
gone the horses got loose and started
to run with the harrow and before ho
could return one horse was killed and
another badly cut up.
The motion for a new trial In the
Argabrlght case was oven tiled by
Judge Litton at Auburn and Arga
brlght was sentenced to n'inoty-nlno
years In the penitentiary. The ca o
will bo taken to the supreme court , as
there is great dissatisfaction relative
to the manner in which the case was
conducted by the prosecution.
When the announcement came from
Fort 'Nlobrnru ' to Valentino that Col
onel Stotscnberg of the First Nebras
ka liml fallen In battle tno Grand Ar
my of the Republic Hag was hoisted at
half mast , followed by the ono over
the high school building and but a
short time elapsed before Ilags at half
mast were seen floating from most of
the business houses , which remained
so for the day.
Of the twenty-two boys who enlist
ed from St. Edward In the First Ne
braska regiment two were discharged
from duty at Honolulu , Lieutenant
Slsson killed and seven are- now in the
hospital suffering from wounds. The
last ono reported was Ell Slsson , son
j , of Mr , and Mrs. II. P. Sisson , cousin
; of Lieutenant L. E. Slsson , who has
* V many friends that hope his wounds
VI will not provo serious.
Vr Every day from twonty-flvo to fifty
laborers arc carried out of Omaha for
r railroad work in western Nebraska
and Wyoming , but that is only the
foorunnor of the movement which will
begin the first of next month. The pro
prietor of ono of the labor agencies In
that city says that lie alone will send
between fiOO and UOO men every week
after May 1. These laborers are sent
to different localities where railroad
construction is under way.
State Senator Newell of Cass county
was in Lincoln last week In company
with T. B. Parnmleo of Plattsmouth.
They were on route homo from a visit
to Marquette in Hamilton county ,
where they have a largo cattle ranch.
They own 1,380 acres out there and nro
feeding 350 head of cattle. Part of the
grain for the stock Is raised on the
ranch , about 300 acres being under
cultivation. They had the Hamilton
county j-anch In operation about flvo
years , and it has thus far proved very
Settlement for the month of March
with the patrons of the Schuyler
Creamery company occurred last week ,
the thirty-live patrons of the company
receiving a total of $1,081.90 for 175-
998 pounds of milk skimmed at Schuy
ler and other stations , as follows :
Schuylor , 50,613 ; Octavla13,922 ; Sta
tion No. 2 , 40,534 and Station No. 3 ,
34.U24 , which netted a gain of 21,204
pounds over February. The average
test was 3.97 ; butter fat produced ,
C080.C , which was paid for at the rate
of 15V& cents per sound.
Adjutant General Carry has receiv
ed copies of orders Issued by the war
department directing the honorable
discharge of tlio following Nebraska
soldiers , all being from the First reg
iment : Quartermaster Sergeant George
W. Bemls , Privates Louis Frlez , com
pany A ; William A. Coon , Jesse L.
Farllng , Edward M. Schoop , George
W. Wilson , company B ; John Ander
son , Lewis M. Gable , Norman C. Grif
fith , William Johnson , Charles F. Run-
yon , George M. Thompson , Henry W.
Westbrook , company C ; Fred Carver ,
company K ; James W. Chovront , com
pany C ; Thomas James , company B.
These soldiers were mustered out at
San Francisco and wore allowed travel
pay to como homo from there.
Gordon has the crack hunter of the
entire state. Fad Hoywood a few
days ago , shot , killed and brought
homo five wild gecso , the result of ono
shot. Now , can any other geese hunt
er in the state beat or oven equal this
record ? Don't all "squack" nt once.
Sheriff Byrnes of Plulte county , re
turned from Glenwood , la. , bringing
with him George Hayden , wanted hero
for burglary committed last Novem
ber. Jack Hayes , his pal , who waa
caugh't at the time , was tried in the
district court nnd given three years in
the penitentiary. Hayden was posi
tively identified nnd concluded to como
without requisition papers.
rirnl ItPKlinrnl May Itrltirn.
Friends of the First Nebraska regi
ment hnvo been ( insured that the regi
ment will bo returned to the United
States within a few days. Whether
It will bo possible for the war depart-
Finc-nt to spare the regiment Immedi
ately Is doubted by many. Brad P.
Conlr f ' - ' " < J iPi OI l" °
following iPttcrH from President Mc-
Klnloy's private Becrctary nnd Assist
ant Secretary of War Melklejohn ,
which Indicate that the regiment may
sail fo : homo May 5 :
Executive Mansion , Washington.
Mr. Brad P. Cook , Lincoln , Neb. : My
Dear Sir I beg leave to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter of the 15th
lust. , with enclosure , and to Bay that
it was promptly brought to the atten
tion of the president. Very truly
Assistant Secretary to the President.
War Department , Office of the As
sistant Secretary , Washington. Mr.
Brad P. Cook , Lincoln , Neb. Dear
Sir : I am Just In receipt of your letter -
tor of the 15th lust. , enclosing copy of
a resolution addressed to the presi
dent , adopted by the relatives nnd
frlondo of the First Nebraska volun
teers , and have very carefully noted
the contents of same. In reply I take
pleasure In advising you that cable
advices Just received from General
OIlB are to the effort that tlio return
of the voluntpprs will commence about
J..ay C and will continue ns rapidly ns
tno accommodations of the transport
service permit.
I earnestly hope that this action of
General Otis will servo In sonic meas
ure to allay thp natural anxiety which
iho relatlvcfl and frlenda of the No-
jraska boys feel as to their return , and
lorhaps the statement of General Otis
o the pffeot that the health and spirits
of the troops are good will also have n
ondency In the Bamo direction.
I trust that my IntercBt In the wcl-
'nro of the Nebraska regiment IB not
est Bight of In the earnest dcslro for
IB return to civil life.
No efforts of mine have been spared
o aid the troops In any way within
he power of the government , nnd It
would have pleased mo as much as
anyone bad It been possible to have
ordered the return of these troops some
.lino ago , In response to the earnest
qollcltntlons which have emanated
rom the parents and friends of these
I trust , however , that the prospect
of their early return will bo Batisfac-
.orily regarded. Very respectfully ,
Assistant Secretary of War.
Land Troubles In tlio Northwest.
There la being developed a condition
of affairs In the grazing region of the
northwest part of the state that , ac
cording to rumors from that section ,
portend serious conflicts between the
) resent occupiers of government lands
and others who are preparing to assert
what they contend are better rights
to them.
In the grazing portion of the state
which is sparsely settled there are
argo bodies of government land which
uivo not been taken up under the
lomcstcad or other acts which permit
settlers to obtain tltlo from the gov
ernment. This land Is nevertheless
valuable to the owners of herds of cat-
: Io and the luxuriant grass upon It IB
turned Into dollars through the me-
llum of the cattle that are fattened
.hero every year.
The cattlemen do not own this land
ind no one else has cared to purchase
t. The lines defining the ranges are
) retty well defined and the rule that no
ono will trespass on another's range
irovlously occupied by him , is well cs-
: abllshed. Tnus tlio use of the graz-
ng ground is by unwritten law of the
range , made the property of the par-
.iculur ranchman almost as much ns
f he had purchased It and held a writ
ten title to it.
Two years ago the national congress
[ > assed a law making certain provis-
ons concerning lands belonging to the
government which are included In the
zone known as the semi-arid region ,
where irrigation and other devices for
: ho distributing and saving and stor-
, ng the water from streams are utiliz
ed to assist in the raising of crops or
providing domestic animals ns well as
men with water for ordinary domestic
purposes. Ono of the provisions of this
law Is that whenever a person or cor
poration builds or constructs a reser
voir on or near this unsold govern
ment land In the Irrigation region , that
so much of this land shall bo sot apart
and the constructor of the reservoir
shall have the right to use it.
The amount of land that a company
or person may tnko possession of Is
dependent upon tlio size of the res
ervoir , Us capacity to hold water and
supply the surrounding land with the
necessary element for human liveli
hood. The reservoir men do not get
a tltlo from the government to the
land/ they simply have the sanction
of the law for their occupation and
Recently there have been several
companies formed for the purpose of
building reservoirs In the grazing sec
tion ot Nebraska and filing made for
the use of largo bodies of this govern
ment land. The promoters of these
companies arc said to be principally
eastern people , but Nebraska citizens
are also in this business.
The point where the trouble Is likely
to arise is when these claimants to
the right to use the land try to oust
the ( ranchmen \\1io have heretofore
held it. The prospect for conflicts of
this sort nro said to bo more than like
ly nnd if the reports that are coming
In to the state capital of the fooling
among the old possessors are not ex-
aggrcgated this docs not seem to bo far
from wrong.
Weaver's livery barn in Schuyler ,
burned to the ground. The Hro broke
out about 3 o'clock and In less than
thirty minutes was completely con
sumed. Twenty head of horses were
burned , besides twelve carriages and a
lot of harness and other parapherna
lia. Gibson & Fiddles had the barn
rented and owned most of the contents.
Messrs. Flynn , Slxta , Grnssman and
Nolhart lost flvo horses and buggies
which wore kept In the barns. The
total loss Is about ? G,500 , of which
Weaver's Is about $3,000 on buildings
and the balance Is a loss on personal
property within the barn.
Otis Improves Lull In Fighting
to Strengthen Position.
Niitlvr * Are Cheerful Oxer I'roupccdi of
HottmiliiK 1'itiico 1'lllplinm Auk UN
"Would You I'ltflit Whllo W Are IU-
ciiMliitf I'cnni ? " A SllRht HUlrinUli
With tlio
MANILA , May 1. Whllo It Is the
general expectation among Americana
that the Filipino emissaries will re
turn with revised proposals from Gen
eral Antonio Luna , Major General
Otis Is not letting this prospect Inter
fere with his preparations for pushing
the war. Yesterday he ordered Major
General Lnwton to return to Angat ,
a few miles northwest of Norzngarav ,
and not to advance aggressively while
the negotiations werepending. . Gen
eral MacArthur Is apparently acting
on the same policy , but he Is repairing
bridges and strengthening the lines
of his force , which Is stretched out
with a four-in llo front , and within a
quarter of a mile of the enemy. The
possibilities of peace are gratifying 10
a great majority of the army , wht.jh
lias regarded the war ns an unpleas
ant duty that must bo performed ac
cording to American traditions.
Manila IH cheerful over the pros
pect of a return of normal life , though
: hero are skeptics who remark that a
truce would enable the Insurgents to
rest until the rainy season , upon which
they have been depending ns nn im
portant aid.
The prisoners report that there are
75,000 refugees north of San Fernan
do. This is not Impossible , consider
ing the thickly populated region which
the Americans have cleared. It seems
also that smallpox is spreading among
: hcm.
The so-called Filipino congress will
meet nt San Fernando tomorrow.
When Dean C. Worcester of the
United States Philippine commission ,
who accompanied the Filipino emis
saries from Calumplt , said to Colonel
Manuel Arguellcs that the Americans
\vcro under no obligations to refrni.i
from fighting , the Filipino officer said :
"Would you fight while wo are dis
cussing terms of peace ? "
Mr. Worcester responded with the
suggestion that an armistice would
give the Filipino leaders time to es
"My God , where would we escape
to ? " the Filipino exclaimed , referring
In this to 'menacing ' hostile tribes be
hind the Filipino line.
Colonel Arguellcs told the corre
spondent of the AsRoclated Press that
ho was much disappointed In the re
sults of his mission. Ho said also
that Agulnaldo expected Calumplt to
bo the cemetery of tlio American army.
Lieutenant Colonel Wallace of the
First Montana regiment , Major Adams
and Major Shields , who slept on Fri
day night In General Luna's camp ,
where they wont to Inform the Filipinos
pines that their envoys would return
In safety , found the Filipino com
mander cordial , tlio Filipino troops re
moving their hats as the Americans
The Filipinos complained to them
that the Americans used explosive
bullets , which Is not the fact. The
American officers retorted that tl o
copper shells used by the Filipinos are
worse than explosive bullets. General
Luna said ho regretted being obliged
to kill Americans , but that was his
General Wheaton entertained Colonel
nel Argiiolles and Lieutenant Jose
Bornal and provided them with horsi-s
to return to their camp.
In the course of the conference yes
terday , Jacob Schurmann , chairmun
of the United States commission , tel 1
Colonel Arguelles that if the Insur
gents would lay down their arms he
and his colleagues of the commission
would consult them regarding tl.e
plan of government to bo submitted
to President McKinley. Ho said he
would not promise that all their sug
gestions would bo adopted , but he
could assure them that there would
bo a presumption in favor of their sug
gestions , adding that the commission
ers would be especially desirous of
satisfying the legitimate aspirations
of the Filipinos.
When Colonel Arguelles protested
that unconditional surrender would
bo humiliating , Mr. Schurmann re
plied : "There would bo no humilia
tion in treating our brother Filipinos
ns General Grant treated our brotlur
Americana at Appomattox. "
Mr. Schurmann said yesterday to
the correspondent of the Associated
Press :
"I believe Colonel Arguelles Is per
sonally Hint-ore nd honest , though I
have no means of ascertaining the sen
timents and alms of the authorities
behind him. The Filipino people , pee
ple , like other Asiatic peoples , have no
trust In more words , without force be
hind them , but with force I consider
a conciliatory spirit o the utmost im
portance. "
ItiiHh for IHi' V.unilH.
DENVER , Col. , May 1. About 500
homcseeker8 who desire to locate In
the Ute reservation are already hero
and more are coming dally. The rule
allowing settlers to go upon the sur
veyed lands and make their selections
in advance of the opening obviates
much of the trouble experienced at
previous openings. The only rush for
these lands will bo at the land office.
Settlers desiring claims on the unsur-
veyed portion are allowed to examine
the country In advance , but must re-
tlmo from It before noon , May 4.
At that hour they may line up and
make a run for the claims that they
have selected. They have ninety days
In which to file on these claims.
.Miidnmn In u Tlmttro.
MADRID , Maay 1. At the Comedy
theater Friday night where the queen
regent and Infanta Isabel were pres
ent , a man dressed like an American
was obesrved walking up and down
the corridor with a dagger protruding
from his pocket. On arrest a load'-d
revolver was also found. Ho gave an
incoherent explanation. A card was
found with the name Patricia Char-
mon , a military veterinary surgeon.
It is believed lie is mad.
.Mr. llarrlaon ( Irny Irlln of the Advance
on ( ho ItrhclA'M Cupllat ,
SAN FRANCISCO , May 1. Released
from quarantine today , Brigadier Gen-
Ll"Xlm\tiMhrt ! ( < lKi KlgTiCon the
transport Sherman , Is a happy man at
being again at home. This veteran of
tllrco wars Is n civilian In time of
peace and as soon as ho foresaw the
termination of hostilities with the fall
of Mnlolos ho asked to bo allowed to
resign. Ho expects to leave for Los
Angeles tomorrow and will at once as
sume his position as editor In chief
of the Los Angeles Times. Ho was
Interviewed today by n reporter of the
Associated Press. Speaking of the po
sition bold by his brigade during the
campaign , General Otis said : "In the
advance upon Mnlolos , begun at day
light , March 25 , my brigade constitut
ed the center of the general line and
Us orders were to pierce the enemy's
center , which was done the same day.
After this movement was under way
the First brigade advanced west of the
railway track , running north , nnd at
right angles to It , while the Second
brigade advanced abreast on the east
side of the same track. The usual reg
imental formation adopted In all thp
movements In line of battle was to
post two battalions on the firing line ,
with one battalion In support. "
"In the advance upon Malolos , how
was your main line constituted ? "
"I have already described Its forma
tion. If you will examine the map of
the region It will perhaps make tlio
respective positions of the .two divis
ions of the Eighth army corps clearer
to you. ho First division , with the ex
ception of Wheaton's brigade , was on
the south of the Paslg ; the Second di
vision nnd Wheaton's brigade were
north of that river.
"The Malolos assault , as a whole ,
was made by the Second division , Ma-
| or General MacArthur commanding ,
supported by Wheaton's brigade ( the
Third ) of Lawton's First divison. The
entire column was strengthened by the
livlslonal artillery , made up of regu
lation field pieces. Hotchklss cannon
nnd a vicious little rapid-fire gun. All
: ho guns were manned by men from
Dyer's Sixth United States artillery
and Young's battalion of Utah light
artillery , under their respective offi
cers. A squadron of the Fourth Unit
ed States cavalry was tlio only mount
ed force in the column , [ 'art of the
regular cavalry was mounted on big
liorscs , the remainder on ponies.
* "Our general infantry advance was
a long , superb sweep northward by a
thin line of troops In extended order
of battle , deployed so as to cover near
ly the entire country between the bay
of Manila on the west and San Juan on
the east.
"To go back a llttlo , the movement
began at 5:30 : a. m. of March 25 , with
Hale's advance on the near right. Hla
movement was taken up nt C a. m. by
my brigade on the center. Wheaton ,
with the left , advanced later.
"On account of the boldness of the
enemy on his left , General Hall was
kept busy there and did not advance
with the general line. He had been di
rected by the corps commander to se
cure the safety of our extreme right ,
also the road beyond the peradventure
of a doubt.
"The fighting itself well , I cannot ,
go Into that In detail ; it would re
quire much space. There is no trou
ble about the fighting on our side.
Make a fairly good plan of battle , send
: he soldiers in under their officers , hold
them well in hand , give them good
rifles and keep them supplied with
plenty of ammunition , maintain strict
lire discipline , show them the enemy's
position and the men will do the rest.
"Tho nameless man behind the gun
and the all too obscure line oflicer
liavo far more to do with the winning
of victories than many poorly inform
ed civilians seem to understand. "
"The start how was it made ? "
"The first advance was partly
through the opening across rice fields
and cleared ground , partly through
timber and underbrush , across marsh ,
lagoons , dry barras and streams of
carying degrees of depth.
The river Tullahan was passed by
the Third artillery and the Twentieth
Kansas of my brigade , while yet the
day was young and by the First Mon
tana later on. The enemy's center had
been pierced. And then the victorious
march continued right along , day after
day , until Malolos was reached The
rivers were crossed by the Infartry.
either by fording or on Improvised
rafts or temporary bridges ; the ar
tillery and supply trains passed the
streams on the railway bridges , which
the enemy could not burn and had been
unable to blow up for want of time ,
because his burning parties had been
chased off promptly by our troops. Be
sides the stream lagcons and marshes
that had to be crossed or flanked ,
bamboo thickets , dense banana forcbts
and difficult Htretcbes of tangled i-h. p-
parral must be penetrated and cleared
under lire.
by Storm and Flro
COLERIDGE , NEB , May 1. A prai
rie fire , burning in the hay flats along
the northern tier of counties of Ne
braska , ten miles from this place , yes
terday aftPrnoon , passed over into the
track of the tornado , and was swept
with the sppcd of the wind diagonally
across the county for twenty-live miles
destroying everything in its path.
The only lives lost , so far as known ,
were those of Mrs. Rolla Livingston
and her five-year-old boy.Tho woman
saw the fire comVig and ran to a pis-
ture to release the family stock. The
hey followed her. Both were knocked
down by the terrified animals. The
fire passed over them before they could
get out of the way. The body of the
boy was almost consumed and Mrs.
Livingston lived but a few hours.
A great many cattle were overtak
en and burned. A largo number ot
farm houses wore destroyed and the
families escaped by seeking refuge be
yond thp track of the flames. The path
of tlio flro was nearly one mile wide.
ICIdtlni ; by Strlk rn.
SPOKANE , Wash. May 1. A Ward-
ncr , Idaho , special to the Spokesman-
Review says : Wardnor has been the
socno of the worst riots since the dead
ly labor war of 1S92. One man Is dead ,
another is thought to bo mortally
wounded and property value-1 at ? 250-
000 has been destroyed by giant uow-
der nnd fire.
This Is the Bollef Prevalent
I'artlm Sent Within Our MUCH to Boo
Wlmt ArrniiKomciitft Can llo Mnilo
J'OokltiK to n C'cRintlon of Hostilities
Lint Ditch Undoubtedly Hunch cd by
WASHINGTON , April 29. The end
of the Filipino insurrection is in sight ,
in the opinion of army and navy offi-
clals. A telegram received from General -
oral Otis announced that Agulnaldo
had taken what Is regarded as the first
step toward surrendering , namely , re
questing a cessation of hostilities. Secretary -
rotary Alger said , as the department
closed , that , while it could not be said
that peace was assured , ho regarded
the prospects as of the brightest and
felt confident that the end of the insur
rection was near. To his mind there
would bo a repetition of the nego
tiations which were had before Santi
ago. The secretary left Washington
tonight for a tun'days' trip in the
west , and It gave him great satisfac
tion to leave affairs in such promising
Everybody Is praising the volun
teers , a marked change in the senti
ment expressed a few days ago , when
it was understood that the same men
were pleading to bo brought home.
Colonel Funston came in for the most
commendation , even the regular offi
cers taking note with admiration of
the fact that his achievements were
all strictly within the line of plans
laid down for him by his superior
officer , General Wheaton.
General Corbin said that every vol
unteer who participated In the fight
ing In the Philippines since peace was
declared should have a medal of honor.
By the terms of their enlistments they
were entitled to withdraw from the
service , but they had remained volun
tarily , performing more than was re
quired of them , which was more than
the ordinary duty of a soldier.
It is expected that tomorrow there
will be further negotiations with the
Insurgent representatives. While the
hope Is expressed that our commission
will not hold out for terms so severe
as to lead to a renewal of the fighting
or the withdrawal of the insurgents to
another stronghold further north , It Is
realized that Otis must exercise care
to make sure they do not in bad faith
take advantage of the opportunity af
forded by a suspension of hostilities
to secure whatever of benefit to them
selves may come from the rapidly
approaching rainy season. Campaign
ing on the part of the Americans will
be almost impossible at that time.
However , it is believed that Agulnaldo
is now really In earnest and that his
solo effort Is to shift responsibility
for the surrender to the Filipino con
Adjutant General Corbin says the
Filipino peace overtures will not bring
about any change of plan in this
country as to forwarding of ships ,
supplies and troops to the Philippines.
Transports are about to sail from San
Francisco and a considerable number
of troops are under orders to proceed
to Manila.
It is said at the navy department
that the developments of the day make
it improbable that the Iowa will be
sent to Manila , according to the origi
nal program. In view of the state of
affairs in China , howpvpr. thp Ameri
can fleet on the Asiatic station will
be kept at a high standard.
Jury Acquits Mr * OoorRe.
CANTON , O. , April 29. The jury In
the George case brought in a verdict
of not guilty. Mrs. George entered
the court room at 10:35. : She was ac
companied by her sister , Mrs. St. Clalr
and Mrs. Milllgan , a friend.
Before the verdict was read the
court cautioned the audience tnat there
must bo no demonstration. In spite of
that there were loud cheers as the clerk
read the verdict of "not guilty. " A
score of women rushed to Mrs. George
and shook her hand. Congratulations
were also extended to her attorneys.
Mrs. George worked her way to the
jury box , took each juryman by the
hand and gave them a word and a nod
of thanks. Then the court said she
was discharged and released the jury.
The jury was out just twenty-thrpe
hours and forty-flvn mlnutps , nnd dur
ing that time twenty-two ballots were
cast , h olnterval between these bal
lots was spent in reviewing the testi
mony and discussing its various
phases. After the jury reported , it
was said that the first or preliminary
ballot showed four jurymen favoring
a verdict of guilty in the first degree
and eight jurymen for a verdict of not
guilty and acquittal. The last ballot
was a unanimous vote of uio twelve
knen of not guilty.
A number of congratulatory tele
grams were delivered to her. To n re
porter of the Associated Press she
said she would go to her old homo in
Hannoverton tomorrow and visit her
mother , Mrs. Lucinda Ehrhart , for a
few days. Then she would return to
Canton to gather up her belongings
and arrange for the future. As to the
future she said sue had no definite
plans as yet. She has been invited to
go to the seaside on an extended vaca-
cation during tno summer , and she
would probably accept the invitation.
Froftlclmt Thinks tlio soldlorfi.
PHILADELPHIA , April 29. Imme-
u.atoly upon receiving from Washing
ton the dispatch of General Otis , Pres
ident McKinley sent the following
message of congratulation and thanks
to the soldiers In the Philippines :
"PHILADELPHIA , April 28. To
Otis , Manila : Your message announc
ing the achievements of MacArthur's
division and the proposal by the insur
gents of suspension of hostilities most
gratifying. Convey to ofllcors and men
heartfelt congratulations and gratitude
for their signal gallantry and triumph.
Indication * that the InniirRGtitft me
About to ( llru Up.
WASHINGTON , April 29. General *
Otis ielflw..B1"vm\.t-\iie ciAmmmciing
general of the Insurgents has receiv
ed from the insurgent government di
rections to suspend hostilities pending
negotiations for the termination of the
war and the Insuprgent staff officers
arc now on the way to Manila for that
The text of General Otis' dispatch
follows :
MANILA , April 29. Adjutant Gen
eral , Washington : After tailing Ca-
lumplt , MacArthur's division crossed
the lllo Grande river In the face of
great obstacles , driving the concen
trated forces of the enemy back on the
railroad two miles. MacArthur re
ports that passage of the river was a.
remarkable military achievement , the
success of which was duo to the dar
ing skill and determination of Col
onel Funston , under the discriminat
ing control of General Wheaton. Cas
ualties slight , number not yet ascer
This morning chief of staff from
commanding general of Insurgent forc
es entered our lines to express admi
ration of the wonderful feat of the
American army in forcing the passage
of the river , whlcn was thought 1m-
posssible. Staff oflicer reports that In
surgent commanding general has re
ceived from insurgent government di
rections to suspend hostilities pending
negotiations for the termination of the
war. Staff officer with party Is now
enroute to Manila and will soon arrive.
Lawton's forces well in hand in vicin
ity of Angat , cast of Calumplt , where
he is waiting supplies to bo sent to
morrow. Yesterday morning force of
1,500 insurgents attacked troops at
Tagulg ; driven back by Washington j
regiment. Our loss two killed , twelve
The dispatch from General Otis was
immediately telegraphed to President
McKinley at Philadelphia. The offi
cials of the w > r department all believe
that the hostilities are about conclud
MANILA , April 29. The Filipino
rdvances for peace have been fruitless.
Colonel Manuel Argulese and Lieuten
ant Jose Bernal , who came into Gener
al MacArthur's lines under a flag of
truce , told General Otis that they were
representatives of General Luna , who
had been requested by Agulnaldo to
ask General Otis for a cessation of hos
tilltles in order to allow time for the
summoning of the Filipino congress ,
which body would decide whether the
people wanted pence.
General Otis replied that no did not
recognize the existence of a Filipino
CoTiiinrrcliil Tics Tlutt Hind.
LONDON , April 29. Robert P. Porter
ter , who was the principal guest of the
White Friar's club tonight , respond
ing to a toast , "The Anglo-Saxon
Brotherhood , " dwelt upon the ever-In
creasing commercial ties binding the
United States to Great Britain , ties
which he said would be still further
improved by the fact that the tariffs o
America's new dependencies would bo
patterned after England's open-door.
In the course of his remarks Mr. Porter
ter said that during his recent visit
to Germany he had tried to make it
understood that Germany would profit
as well as England , by manufacturing
America raw materials In this con
nection he observed that despite recent
events the United States was in close
sympathy with Germany.
Nebraska Cnimo of It All.
ST. LOUIS , April 29 According tci
the best information the storm which
caused so , much loss of life and de
struction of property in nortnern Mis
souri originated In Nebraska. Ita
course was southwest , through western
Iowa to the Missouri state line , thence
through Harrison , Grundy , Sullivan ,
Linn , Macon , Shelby and Marion , north
and west through Lewis , Knox , Adalr ,
Sullivan and Putnam counties. When
the storm retraced its course it was
almost parallel with the other track
traversed , and it was then that Kirks-
villle and Newtown were struck.
As far as known KIrksville , New-
town and Lancaster , Mo. , are the only
towns that felt the full force of th <
An Onicltil Tlst.
WASHINGOTN , April 29. An offi
cial list of the different departments of
the army under the war department
has been issued. It shows no changes ,
save those recently made In Cuba. Tex
as is not established as a separate department -
partment , but remains In the depart *
ment of the gulf , with headquarters at
Atlanta , under command of Colonel R.
. Frank , First artillery. The depart
ments of California nnd the Columbia * *
arc under General Shaftor ; thp Colorado
rado and Missouri , General Henry C.
Morrlam ; Dakota , General Wade ; the
east , General Merrit. The commanders
of the departments are the same aa
previously announced.
Spain ICcady for Her Pay.
WASHINGTON , April 29. Secretary
Hay this afternoon was lotifled by the
French ambassador that Spain would
accept , through him , the $20,000,000 to
be paid under the treaty of peace for
the Philippines. The payment will ho
made to the ambassador as soon as thq
president returns.
of thn Ml noiirl Cyclnnn ,
KIRKSVILLE. Mo. , April 29. The
latest details of last night's tornado
st.ow that the list of known dead has
been raised to forty-nine by the Iden
tification of twenty-four more bodies.
As the night advanced the number of
Injured was also considerably increas
Days must pass before a complete list
of casualties can be secured and before
tlio real extent of the damage to prop
erty can be known.
Work on Ilurlliigton KxtmiRlnn.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , April 29. A
special to the Cheyenne Tribune from
Wbeatland states that GOO teams nro
at work in western Nebraska on the
Burlington's Wyoming extension. The
grade will bo completed from Alliance ,
Neb. , to Fort Laramle. Wyo. , within
four weeks. Burlington right of way
men have purchased the right of way
for the new road to a point fifteen
rallps west of Fort Laramie.