Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 04, 1899, Image 5

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Space is too
arssSSTSS- CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ! But here arc a few Bargains that
will boar a face to face inspection.
Men's all wool Cnssimoro Suits , nicely tailored - '
ored , in sizes 30 lo [ 2 ; made specially for
us , : uul can't bo matched at our price
If you como to uh will buy a full Suit , made
of olonn all wool 14 ounoo Glay Worsted , in
either round or square cut'nioely made and
wall trimmed. Sizes 34 to 42.
When you look at thin Linn's Suit , made of
Wide Wall Black Worsted , good weight ,
mutable for all the year round. You'll won
der why the prioo is not $10.00 , but it is not.
Our prioo as long as they laal
Buys a full grown Alan's Suit , in black all wool
. Cheviot.
Very fine all wool Serge Coats and
Vests , 84.50
Fine Imported Serge Suits , 9.90
Fine Velour Cassimere Suits , 7.40
Fine all wool Covert Suits , 6.90
Men's Fine Suits at $10 , $12 , $12.50 ,
$13.50 , § 14 , $14.50 , $15 , 816.50.
, fc
= ?
. _
y > 5 II'in jrvB lfmf * ! * *
( HBta *
J > A. T.I Helmets at 25c and up.
Crash Hats-all styles ,
* ' . : ' '
" *
' w * ; . v" - , '
& 3& & ' 4i8ff * ' - \ ' "
S : : <
Wilson & Drake's This is the now brand on
a 05u Overall now being
Half Dollar Special. distributed by us. Those
. Ovoralln will not wear
for over , but wo guarantee they will bring you back to us for
the next pair ,
Our Half Dollar Work Shirts are Com
petition Killers.
Men's cast iron Shirts and Draw
ers , spring weight , 25c
V'i '
Ira Perker's 75c cnliskiu Work
Gloves , GOc
Men's Jersey Rib Ealbriggan Shirts
and Drawers , GOc
Men's $1 Cotton Worsted Pants at75c
s Men's 4-ply Linen Collars , latest
1 spring styles , . lOc
in all the new and desirable things at
50c , 75c , § 1.00 and up.
! * . A Cimnnnn I Suit8 made to order from Bleoial measurements by skilled Tailors , at $12 50 to $30 00. PoiTuot ( it guaranteed. Owing
§ 8 OiSliliiiiiS to disagreeable wenther our Special Shoo Sale will bo continued
VUUUUUU Men's First Class all solid oil grain Congress or Laoo Plow Shoos j ftt Cbl
Your Money Back if You Are Not Pteased. -a Ladies Tan and Black Chords. Oouifort Slionora , Strap Sandals , etc f *
If you Don't Get Your Share of These Bargains its Your Fault , Don't Forget the Checks on the Soda Fountain.
Hortli Side. WILSON
i Broken Bow , April 25 , 1899 Thn i
I board mot in special susslon with all
\ members present. The call for special
session was read by the clerk. Minutes
| of the last day of the previous scsplon
! read and approved.
It was moved by Noth , seconded by
[ Nicholas , that the taxes paid by S. B
I Thompson , In Qarh'eld township be re
funded , and that his protest and ob-
' , jectlon to the taxes ot Broken Bow city
, be rejected. Cairied.
Moved and curried that the petition
of the Omaha National Bunk , praying
for a refund of taxes on the Aodelmo
roller mill , paid under protest ) ba laid
over until June.
Moved and carried that the petition
of B. J. Tlerney , praying for a wfund
of taxes on what Is known as the Wlrt
elevator , locaten at Ansley bo rejected.
Moved and carried thnt the petition ot
Mra. Angie Eubank , praying for an
ajuatmcnt of taxes situated in section
2S-17 20 , bo rejected.
Moved and carried that the tares paid
under protest by J. G Haebarlo , bo re-
i looted and the county treasurer be in
structed lo distribute the funds.
Moved by Coony , seconded by Downy
that the board reconsider the petition of
ti. B. Thompson. The motion was lost
Moved and carried thnt the taxes paid
under protest by G. A , Shi strom be re
jected , and the county treasurer ba in
structed to distribute the funds.
Resolution by Neth , seconded by
Llnd :
Resolved , That , whereas , the board
of supervisors of Ouster county , inve
heretofore investigated the depository
bond of the Bank of Mernu , ana
Whereas , It Is the sonte ot this board
that said bond and the sureties thereon
Is Iniutlioleut , and sutd sureties are not
ot sufficient responsibility to make said
bond good , and
Wherens , A now bond has boon re
quested and demanded from the aalil
Bank ot Merua , and
Whereas , Bald Bank of Mernu has
neglected and refused to comply with
said ardor , and give uald new bond.
Therefore be it
Resolved. That the county treasurer
la hereby ordered and directed to withdraw - .
draw the county funds from the said
Bank of Morns ; said funds to be with *
. drawn on or before June in , JS99. That
' upon tho'funds boim ; withdrawn irom
taid bank , that the arrangement with
said bank to act ai a county depository ,
bo cancelled and annulled ,
2Tho yeas and nays were called , tba
vote being as follrwjiyeastArthur ,
\ o Ciirr , Lind , Nicholas. 4. Neiguq
\ ' Cooney , Downey. 2 Carried.
[ o Resolution by Neth , seconded by
Nicholas :
0 Roeohvd , That , whereas , the board
ot supervisors of Custer county , have
heretofore investigated the dspoiltory
bond of the Seven Valleys Bank , and
Whereas , It la tbn souse of this board ,
, hat said bond and the sureties thereon
s insufficient , and paid sureties are not
of sufficient financial responsibility to
make said bocd good , and
Whereas , A now bond has bean ro-
| uostod and demanded from said Seven
Valleys Bank , And
Whereas , Said tieven Valleys Bank
ms neglected and refused to comply
with said order , and give said new
bond. Therefore be It
Resolved , That the county treasurer
s hereby ordered and directed to with
draw the county funds from said Seven
Valley * Bank ; > ala funds to be with
drawn on or before June 1st. 1899. That
upon the funds being withdrawn from
said bank , that the arrangement with
said bank to act as a county depository
be canoelUd and annulled.
Yeas Arthur , Oarr , Lind , Neth and
ioholaB. 5 Coonoy , Downey. 2.
April 26,1899.
The board met pursuant to adjourn
ment with nil members present except
Supoavisor Downey. The minutes of
, he previous day were read and appror-
Moved by Netb , seooned by Lind , that
all taxes paid under protest by the
residents of the vllllago of Callaway , b
aid orer till Juno. Carried.
Moved by Arthur , loooodod by Neth ,
that the personal taxes of Dorr Hoflle-
man , of the Tillage of Anselmo , tor the
year 1893 , be laid over ( ill June. Car
Resolution offered by Supervisor
Netb , seconded by Arthur , that the
county treasurer Ii ordered to prooesd at
once by distress or otherwlsa , to collect
delinquent taxes , which are collestable
in said county. Carried.
Register ol dcedi aikod that the office
of register be allowed two olcrks , at $40
per month each , and It additional help
Is required , bo be allowed mob help ut
82.00 per day. On favorable report of
the U nance committee on same , the re
quisltlon of regliter , wan on motion al
Petition of school board of district
No. 152 , to Invest the sinking funds of
laid dlitriot in Us orders , held by Mao
Johuiou , (75 , and Maud Lewis , 825 ,
was reported favorably by the com
mittee , and on motion the said request
was granted , and treasurer ordered to
Invest funds as prayed for.
J. E , Adamsou made a proposition to
place three telephones In any offices itt
the court house , that the board may
designate , and connect the same with
three call bells in other offices , In con
sideration of 51.50 per month for each
Instrument , the sontraot to be binding
for three months. On motion of Neth
seconded by Coouey , the proposition wa
April 27th , ' 90.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment , all members present except
Downey. Minutes read and ap
In the matter of the proposition
of U. J. Sbinn to settle with Ous
ter county for $550 , it was moved
and seconded that the proposition
) o accepted. The yea and nay vote
was called ; yea , Coonoy , Carr and
Sloth ; nay , Arthur , Lind and Nich
olas. Supervisor Downey being
absent and not voting , the vote was
L tio. On motion the matter was
aid over to 1:30 : p. m.
Moved by Lind that the proposi
tion of Allison ii , Stuokoy to deed
lot 15 of block 12 , of the original
town bo accepted , and that the
county attorney bo instructed to
return to Stuokoy the notes hold by
.ho county against him , and the
chairman of the county board .ho
authorized to oauoal the mortgage
for said property when title is per
fected in said Custer county. Mo
tion carried.
On motion the board accepted
the proposition of W. J. Woods to
surrender his interest in lot 15 ,
block 12 , ot the city of Broken
Bow , for the sum of $25 , and his
bill be allowed m naid sum in set
tlement thereof ,
The following resolution was
offered by Neth and seconded by
Lind : That , Whereas , there are
no outstanding warrants at present
drawing interest , and that surplus
funda are accumulating in the hands
of the county treasurer , which un
der the law could bo invested in
such warrants ; the county treasurer
is hereby ordered and matruutad to
invest iuoh funds in euoh county
judgments as are now in the hands
of the county judge , Yeas , Ar
thur , Cooney , Carr , Lind and Nich
olas. Downey absent and not vet
Report of G. E. Carr , committee
on county lots and buildings , re
ported $40.50 received aa rent. Re
.port adopted.
Afternoon Hees'ion.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment , all members present except
Downey. On motion the commit
tee on court house and jail were in
structed to repair said court house
and fence it. Moved by Neth that
in the matter of taxes paid under
protest on the Farmers Alliance
elevator at Callaway for the years
1893-4 5-0 7that the board agree
to eliminate all illegal levies on
n id elevator ; provided the protest
er , F. M , Rubloo , agrees to accept
said proposition. His attorney ,
James Ledwich , declined to accept.
On motion of Noth , seconded by
Nicholas , the protest of F. M. Ru-
bleo on Farmers Alliance elevator
was rejected , and the county troa *
uror authorized to distribute the
tax ,
Mrs , Cbas , Oiborn left Monday morn-
ng for Lincoln where she expects to
spend a week visiting friends and rela
tives. Charley Is going through the
motion of batching , while one is
Moved that a room In the basement of
the court house be leased to the city of
3roken Bow for the term of three years
o bo UEed tor calaboose purposes , on
conditions that the city keep It In re-
pair. Motion lost.
Board adjourned to 0 a , m.tomorrow ,
April 28 , 09.
Board met with all member * present ,
tfluutes of previous meeting road and
On motion the county clerk was In
structed to notify the justices of the
peace to make their reports to thecoun-
y clerk ot the amounts of llnoa they
have received from June 1st as provided
jy law.
On motion of Downey the committee
on township boundaries was ordered to
ook up the errors In road district of
[ ( ilfoll. Hays and Cliff for oorreotlon.
On motion the petition ot L. A. Sorlb-
r of Sargent praying for a license to sell
liquor In the village of Sargent was re
Board adjourned.
Afternoon meeting with all members
The matter ol Excounty Judge Shlnn
was taken up for consideration. Shinn
had made a proposition to the board to
pay the oounty $550.00 cub. In settle
ment In full for the two suits brought
agtilnat him now pending in the district
court ; the said amount to be a settle
ment in full against him and hli bonds
men for the two terma bo was oounty
ludge , conditional on the proposition ,
that Sbinn was to have the right to
collect and kaep for hla own use any uncollected -
collected fees ot costs that earned by
ntld offica during the two terme he wus
county Judge ,
Moved by Cooney and eeconod by
Noih that the proposition be accepted
The vote taken stood : Yeas Coon
ey , Downey ntul Neth , Nays Arthur ,
Llnd and Lioholai. Tbo vote being i
tie , Chairman Carr voted yes. and the
motion was doalared carried ,
The opinion of Attorney E. C. Calkins
who had been enplaycd by the county
to prosecute the caao , advising a settle
ment on the proposition offered by
Shlnn was made a matter of record by
Chairman Carr was authorized to
collect the 9050.00 and dismiss the case
against the said Shlnn and his bonds
men. It was further directed to pay the
said Calkins (75.00 for the fees In full us
attorney to prosecute the caoe for the
A report of iv correction to bo made in
the road districts In Hays , Cliff mid Kit-
'oil ' townships was made and adopted.
Supervisor Nloliolus offered u resolut-
on , seconded by Arthur , iuttruutlng the
chairman ot the board to Investigate the
settlement of Excounty Judge John
Reese , and If he finds a balance duo the
county , to Instruct the county attorney
to begin suit against said John Reese
Write Inclosing this ad < and We and vro
vrlll send you thia beautiful Mnndollnu
by uipross , C. O. U. HUbJoct to oxnmlna
turn. If fount' exactly
jrou can pay the express ugunt our SPEC ! '
IAfcOKltalt prioo , eo.UO less the 50 ccnta
or $5.50 ami express chargun. This la a
regular 91S 00 Inetrutucut , solid roaewocwl
body , fancy pearl and ebony olieokured
oclKO , boautlful pearl butterfly guard
plateroB woodflDKcrboardBUdntcVultuil
place. You cun liavo cltbor tv Mandullnu ,
Uultar.nanJoorVlollnnutbQ snmotermi ) .
Wrltofor lpHEn inualcftl CaUIoyno.
Address , A. IIo po , QmiihftTNub.
Anyone peniUng * k ( " >
uickly lllcurlHill < ur in H
fiiTuiitlcm Is iifuhin ! v pin i tiitl > ' " 'i "
tloiunlrlctlyc-m U'lontlu II ' 'I '
unt lira. Oldest fun in , I rt i /mil'
I'utrnlH tnlttm tin i Ii A' n A < r i '
pc < { ( llnotlcr , wh limit i Inn > , la I n
. . . . . " " - , . . . ' -
j-3i 6 . * ; . >
A himrtsoinely III MM' ' ! ' MI ' -
culiillon of niiv r ii iu I i u I 'i "i *
roar , fuiir tiiuntlii , tl. riol I Itvn'l ' ' < > ii i i
! . ' / 1 r'
The City Mills
E. F. McCLUKU , Prop.
Rye Flour and Graham , ground on
Rtono burr. All kinds of grinding
done for toll or exchange , to suit
ustomor. Agent for oondoiiHed
Oibua Stock Food , *
You IRSow Have the
of consulting one of the leading puysi *
ilniiH and ourgeons ( in the treatment of
chronlo and nervous dlHuaees ) of this
country ,
Ho Is well known In Nebraska , and la
reliable ILH well as eminent in his pro *
IcBHlon , and has but few superiors In
liis line ot business , and from reports of
the press , his rooms are crowded wherever -
ever ho Htops. By the request of his
many friends find patients who have usually -
ually gone a long distance to fee him. he
has decided to visit BROKEN BOW
and will bo at the GRAND CENTRAL
17th , 1890 one day only , returning
every four weeks for six montho. Con
sultation and examination FREE to all.
Ills TREATMENTS and eiamin -
tioiiH we understand are baeeU upon now
methods , and are n'mllar ' to those given
In the EiiNiern and Southern hospital ,
where he learned his business.
He treats chronic and nervous diseases
uhronlo catarrh , diseases of the ear ,
nooo throat and lung * , dispepsli , Bright'i
disease , diabetes , liver stomach , consti
pation , rliHiitimtisiu , chronic female and
eexual diseases , neuralgia , sciatica , did
ne.sB , nervousness , slow growth In chil
dren and all wasting diseases In adults
deformities , club foot , curvature of the
spine , diseases of the brain , paralysis ,
hnart dlHonao , eczema , viuitiooolo and
hydrocolo. Cancera , tumors , wens and
biithmarks removed ,
Y > ung , middle aged and old , married
IT single men , and all who suffer with
lost manhood , nor-ous debility , spermn
torraona , seminal losses , decay , failing
momoiy , we.ik eyp , stunted developo-
munt , luck of energy , Impoverished
blood pimples , also blood und skin dla-
Eruption , hair falling , bone pain
swellings , sere throat , ulcere , effect o
mercury , kidney and bladder trouble
R uax hack burning urine , ftioontlneoo
glrot , Btrlcure , receive searching treat
nifint , prompt relief.
Both sexes treated confidentlaly and
privately , riles , iUtula , tiasuro
rupture by our new method ,