Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 04, 1899, Image 4

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    r * i ffio. ilqmblitmt
I'titillnliod every Thursday nt Uio County tioat.
i , M , ABiHiir wfiv , r
* -Onico In Onntcr Illnck , Fourth Ave.v
Knteml nt tlio poptofltco nt How , Neb. ,
tinsecond clansmatter , for trniiimlrilou through
Ilio U. 8. uialli.
One Year , In sdvnnco 91.OQ
THURSDAY , MAY 4 , 1800.
Diplomatic relations between
the United States and Spain will
be resumed in a few days.
Over nine hundred million is
now in the government treasury ,
and it is still accumulating.
The grand achievements of
the American army in the Philip
pines from day to day , is having
a chilly effect upon the Aguinal-
do supporters of Nebraska.
Those who contemplate defy
ing the law and the city authori
ties by selling liquor illegitimate
ly may find a hard road to travel
before-they 'have journeyed very
Aguinaldo has made the second
overture to Gen. Otis for peace in
the last week , but the General
persistently insists that the only
terms he will accept is uncondi
tional sttsrcnder.
Said a near lady relative to one
of the boys now in 'the ' Philip
pines' ' the other day 'to us : "No ,
I do not want him to come home
now until the war is over. , I am
no copper head. "
Colonel Funston , of the 20the
Kansas regiment , has been promoted
meted > to brigadier general of
voluntiers by the President for
his valient service. . It is an hon
or merited and worthily confered.
The Kansas City packing
house has been awarded the. con
tract of supplying. "n the army in
the Pnilippincs with.f 1,500,000
ponnds of dressed beef. The
shipment of the beef has already
No law-abiding citizen will seller
or sanction the selling of liquor
in the city since license has been
defeated , and those . who do
should be regarded in violation
of law and be promptlp and se
verely punished , let it fall on
whom it may.
The God of battles , whose
guardian angel protected Admi
ral Dewey's ileet from harm in
the beginning- the Philippine
campaign , a year ago last Mon
day , seems to continue with our
army , judging from recent
Gen. John M. Thayer had an
interesting letter in the Sunday
Journal comparing the
southern sympathizers of the
north during the civil war to the
Aguinaldo supporters of America
at the present time. Copper
heads then ! copper heads now.
A number of the large cities of
the east celebrated Monday as
Dcwey day. That is well , but
we should not let our admiration
for the hero cause us to forget
to give praise to the God of bat
ties , who has enabled our army
and navy to achieve the great
victories won in the late Spanish
and Philippine wars.
English papers compliment the
American volunteers at Calumpit
on their devoted patriotism and
gallantry , and with excellent rea
son. They also score the copper
heads who have been trying to
"humiliate the nation and the
government by pursuading the
volunteers to a disgraceful and
cowardly retreat. " Globe Dem
It is the duty of every law
abiding- citizen to give the cit >
administration his loyal and mor
al support in its endeavors to
carry out the will of the people
at the last election. When the )
voted no license tehy also implied
that they Avanted the liqnor trafic
absolutely prohibited in Broken
Bow , and it can only be accom
plished by every loyal citixen
giving his hearty and open
support ,
Prosperity hat hnd its affect
upon the county finances in a
very noticable degree. A reso
lution passed by the Inst session
ojj the board recites the fact that
there arc no outstanding war
rants drawing interest agninst
the county and that as'thc funds
arc steadily accumulating , the
treasurer was authorized to in
vest some of his susplus in the
county judgements.
American manufacturers arc
continuing their forward move
ment on the markctsiof the > world.
March figures , just given out ,
show a 25 per ccntj'incrcnse over
the highest 'point ever reached ,
amounting to almost a million
and a half for each business'.day.
Were it possible to'carryjonjthis
vast commerce in American ships
the balance of trade "in/favor of
this country would be materiallj'
increased by the freight charges
earned. Bee.
Attorney General Smyth has
delivered lengthy written opinion
.o the state treasurer in response
.o an inquiry whether bank
lirectors are officers of those
nstitutions competent to become
sureties on depository bonds
inder the law which prohibits
bank officers from bccomeingsuch
sureties : The learnnd attorney
general states it as his opinion
.hat bank directors are not bank
officers. It is notorious that at
icarly every presidential election
lational bank directors who hap
pened to be nominated as pres
idential electors resign from their
respective tickets because the law
disqualifies national bank officers
: rom serving in that capacity.
It is surprising that the attorney
general should be willing to take
the risk of invalidating depository - :
ory bonds by acccptUg as sure-
tics bank directors "vsrhen ( thc law
explicitly states that no bank
officer shall sign depository
bonds. Bee.
I.o-wer Deer Creek.
Lnn Davis was taken suddenl/ nick on
Small grain , 'grass ' , etc. , la looking
line hero since ttio lit to rulus.
\V. A. Uoorgo nnJ Lon Davis shipped
entile and hogs to OMalia Tueoday.
Qoorgo Wllllums Is preparing for'a wet
season by newly covering hli UOUBO.
VV. A. George dehorned a number of
cattle Jnot week , and tiirnad them ou
on grass.
George and Willie Wllllami took uoga
to Ansloy Saturday and bought a new
riding lister.
Died , April 24th , Mra. A. .Laborde.
Deceased had been a eufforer for ievera
years ; she win burled from the liaptls
oUurch In the Box Elder oemetory. The
sympathy Of the neighborhood Is extended -
tended to > the sorrowing husband and
The M. VV. 4. organlzad a ' lodge a
UeorRotown last Saturday night. W.A.
George , L. 1' . Trow , A. L. Morgan and
othora from this.neighborhood went up
to help handle the goat. We Judge he
wna not well broke ' '
very , aa'it took'thom
till about three o'clock to got through.
ITnlrle Hill.
And still the wind blowa.
Hert Gregory was a caller In our valley
lust Friday.
Meeting ; at out- school boiirfu lust Sat
urday night by the Salvation Army.
Mn. Wesley Thomas U able to be out
again ; she waa vliltlng her mother las
week ,
Firuik Thompson , from the North
Table , was visiting In our valley lai
Frank Bead , from Ouster Center , nns
In our valley buyinjr corn , aa ho lg feed
ing cattle and hogs.
Farmers nro all done Bowing erual
grain , only a few who got the blues and
waited for rain. Some are ready to
plaut corn.
A fishing party , consisting of Wll
Coulter , Wesley Thomas , Olio Moasner
and Dick Bryan wont to the South itoup
fishing recently , and rep rt having &
good Mine.
Otis Ueasner , Wesley Thomas' neph
ew , who came frttn Indiana a week ago ,
thinks tula Is a pretty line country. Hi
hadn't boon hero an hour until he killed
a jack rablt , and the oars ha oared * to
eend to hli folks oast. H It going to
work for Mr. Lyon at Merin.
Wo had a fine rain a few days ago
that was welcome Indeed.
T. II. Urookn will bogln to plant oorn
today , May 1st. Tom is a rustier.
We nro sorry Mra. Thomas Smltn
don't like us. Well , ono redeeming
quality In fnror of our community ii
Mrs. Thomas Smith la In our neighbor
W.IJ , Slv In working for Win Ollison ,
Will i-1 jiiHt the boy needed on tlu.tfurm
Wo heartily cntlorflo the article "Gam
bling , " from the pou of "A hay Mom-
Mr. Lot tie hare more such nrtlolca.
Spring wheat Is all In the ground.
\iay the Lord bloen the harvest , and
give aeod to the sewer and broad to the
Henry Loigan isswotking for L. K.
Gibson. L. E. Will get lots of work
done , fur Uenrjr guts there ; ho In out
early and works lato.
Wo had quite a curiosity In the form
of a muddy rain ahowor from the cast
on Just Sunday. It loft the east win *
dowa jpuokled with muddy water , and
soiled the garrnouU of the congregation
assembled to witness the bapllKlng on
the South Loup river.
The grocery wngon IB a welcome vial-
or to the furmcrn' wives of our vicinity ,
Mr , Jonofl , of Sunnier , comes our way
occasionally and makes fair trades , git-
ng good prices for our produce. But
deliver ua from the Syrian peddlers that
O overrunning onr country
Hen Kmpllrh ] sports a buggy.
F. P. Ilondicy and his sou are down
with measles.
Mr. Iledforn commenced II. G. Don-
noil's well yesterday.
Flnlcna moved , a herd of cattle from
Arnold to their homo ranch yesterday.
Nasby cleaned house yesterday , Resist *
d by wife and daughter. Please wipe
OIT feet when you call for mall.
James Isaao has bought a buggy. I
lereby serve notice on the school mnrm
o slilno up and bo ready for an erenlug.
Vegetation IB making a fine appcar-
nce ; trees leafing , pralrlo getting
green and early garden > 'sans" coming
A light shower last evening , Tuesday ,
mixed with email hall , quite cold wind
blowing a gale from the north this
Small grain is about all sown. Some
plowing for corn , several have planted.
Ground IB in fine condition , but I think
t Is too early to plant , as it la jold and
seed may rot.
Jamca Isaac moved hla cattle from
Smith's to Seybolt'u to-day. Jimmy
kept tolling mo that hla herd was in fins
shape but 1 thought It waa cowboy gush ,
jut I saw them and they are In tine
shape. Jimmy nsya ho stayed right by
them during the cold weather. What
ho don't know about caring for cattle
would not make a large book.
U. S. Land Office ,
F. H. YOUNG , . . . - Receiver
U. B. Land Offlco I
Broken Bow , Nob. , Mirch 19 , 1899. f
A iofllclont oontoiH aflldavlt having boon fllet
tu tills offlco January fcl. 1890 , by Erncit Klcob
cdnt&staut , against II. B. No. 31C , inado by Uort-
InaUrown , Sent. 19.1892 , for gtf nwj < inc. 8 , tp
18 N. , K. 10 W. < by Uortlna Urown , Oontostoo , li
which It li alleged that the laid liertlna Drown
tua wholly abandoned aald tract ( or mora than
eli months lait past , and baa not realdod on laid
tract or Improved and cultlrntoil the same aa te
quired by law. Said parties ore hsroby nottfloc
to appear , respond and offer urldence , on the -111
day of May , 11)99 ) , at 10 o'clock a. m. , before the
Hugliter and Koculrer , at the United Htatos Laud
Omc at Broken Dow , Nebraska. The said con
teitant In a proper amdavlt , flled March U , 1899
baring set forth facia which show that after dno
diligence personal serrho of thin notice canno
bo inadu. it Is hereby ordered and directed tha
Bach notice bo ulren by duo and proper publics
tlon. The Ouster County Hcpnbltenn Is deslg
nated aa the'papor In which this notice shall be
published. .
JAMK3 WH1TBIIBAD , Itcglstor.
, Land onloo at Uroken bow , Neb. , I
March SI , 1899. f
Notice IB horobr given that the followlnjj.nnm
od Bottler has flled notice of his Intention to
make final proof In anpport of his claim , am
that said proof will bo made before Itonlstcr m
llocelver , at Ilrokon llow , Nob. , on May Sth
18.90 , viz-
Clmtluf ) \VolHlcbeu ,
of 8oraorfordNeb. , for the H. B , NO. 203'BW < 1
lection 33 , Township 10 N , Ilango 18 W. Ho
nainoi tho'followltiK witnesses to proro his con
tlnnona residence upon and cultivation of. sad
land , viz : Joseph Janosofsky , Ocorgo Whit
comb , of Homerford , Olando M. Wolfe , Clause
Worth of Coburg. nob. Alio at the fame time
and place ,
of SoruorforJj Nob. , for the neqr sectson 6 , t ;
18 . U. 18 W. Ue names ai wltnoekos ; Chariot 1
WolsUbon , Olaudo Wolfe , Fetor Janesofaky
Fred I'lirce , nil of Soroerford , Neb ,
JAMK8WU1TKUI5AO , Ilccltter.
Laud Offlco at North Platto. Neb. , I
April 10th , 1899. f
Notice IB hereby given that the following nam
ed settler bai filed uotlco of his intention to
maKO final proof In support of hli claim , and
that said proof will bo made before the Count ;
Jutlce , Castor county , Nob. , at Urokon HowNoli
on May lUih , 1899 , VIE : Franklin Draper , II. B
No. 11778 , for the nwK section SI , townihlp 11
litrange 31 West , lie mmes the followlnf
witnesses to prove bis continuous residence up
on and cnlttvatlon of , said land. vl : H.rFrei
foj , J. Jackson , W F. Thompson , Kzra L
Stairs , all of Oconto , Nob.
GKO. K. VnENOlI , ItogtlUr.
Land Office at Broken Bow , Neb. , I
April 20 , 1809. f
, Notice Is hereby given that the following tiara
od settler has moil notice of hla Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim , and tha
said proof will be made before Ueilstor and Re
colvor , at Broken Bow , Neb , on Juno 2nd , 1899 ,
via :
Harvey O. Blinuuon ,
of WeBcott , Neb. , H.B. No. 17763. for the w',4
ne\ , lots 1 and 3 , Sac. U. township IB N , , H. 17
W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous rosldenoo upon and cultivation of
aid land , viz : Bdward Minor , Ferry Walknp
of Weicott , Jastn Bvani , of Sirgout , Kober
Hhktter , of Wcsoott , Nob.
JAMKS WH1TEUEAD , Itcglstor.
U. S. Land Office , North 1'latte. Neb. , I
April SO , 1890. f
Nolloo is hereby given that Adulram J. Gary
has filed notice of intention to raako final proo
before IlOgl Usr and Itecolvor , at their office In
North I'latte , Nob. , on Saturday , the 3d day o
Jane , 1899 , on timber culture application Ho
18216 , for the K noH , lot * 1 and . soc. No , 1 , In
township No. 15 N. . range No , 81 W. Ho names
us witnesses : William Boiler , Oliver Hldenour
John Baudorson , Henry Sanderson , all of Bro *
ken Bow , Nob. QBO. B. KHBNC1I. Itegister.
Land Office at Broken Bow , Nob. , I
Aprimtb , 1899. f
o Notice is hereby given that the followlng-uam
ed ssttler has filed uotlco of his Intention to-make
final proof In upport of his claim , and that raid
pi oof will bo maao before Kcalstor nud Receiver
at Broken Bow , Neb. , on Jane 1st , IWi , vU :
I dwarcl I.ncluUe ,
of Broken Bow , Neb. , for the U. U. No. 1M
srt noMlnW eW sec. 18T. 17 N. , U. 30 W. Be
names too following wltnonos to prove his oou
tlnuous residence upon * nd cultivation of , said
land , vUt Melt Hughes , William Harris. Rber
Barber , Henry Ilouti , all ot Broken llow. Nub
/.tnd Oftloe at Broken now , Neb. , I
Mar 1 , 1899. f
Mollro li hereby Rlrini tlml HIP followlng-imin-
il settler lm ( lied notice of his Intention to make
flrml proof In ptijmort of Ills clnlm , nnd that said
iroof will be made before Ucglstorniid Hocclvor ,
t Broken How Neb. , on Juno t ) , IHU9 , Vli
WIHInin Htowarl ,
f Broken How , Neb. , for the H. B. No. 277 ,
cMi c,3tjil7N. , U 80 W. Ho immo the
ollowlng wltric ses to prove his continuous rcn-
donco a | > ou and cultlvntlon of , snld land , viz :
Joseph lulncb. Ocoruo Schmidt , Jtay McUeary ,
Anthony Blllf , all of Broken llow , Nob.
Land Offlco at'Broken ' Boiv , Neb. , I
May 1 , 1889. f
Nolle * Is hereby given that tbo followlng-nam *
d ttler Imi filud notice of his Intention to
nako final proof In aupport of hla claim , and
hat KRld proof will bo made before Register and
( ecelver , at Brokeu Bow , Neb. , on June Stb ,
899 , vie t
I eter Ooviterln ,
f Elton , Nob. , for the H. E. No. 590 , wH so ! <
i W fPH ecc. II , and nwW swM Be . 14 , tp 18 N. ,
I. tO W.
Be names the following witnesses to provn
Is continuous rotldonco npon and cultivation of
aid land , vie ; Theodore Itrsdors , Jamen Smots.
Inttholomewjl'rnncols , John Frixticols , nil of
" ' ° '
Land Offlco at Broken Bow , Neb. , I
May 3d , 1B99 f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
ameil icttlcr has filed notice of her Intention to
nske final proof In support of her chlin.snj that
aid proof will bo made before Keglitor and Bo-
elver , at Broken Bow , Nob. , on Juno 6th , 1890 ,
It :
jemilo K. Clirlflman ,
of Broken Bow , Neb. , for the lid No. 300 , ee4
H * wM Bok nS n H soc , 0 , tp 18 N. . B. 0 W.
She names the following wltnciioi to prove her
ontlnnnus resldenc * upon , and cultivation of ,
aid land vlr. : Oharloa a. 1 ooloy , Froesman J.
UchardBon. Alfred Hloggott. Marcus A. Chris-
nan , all of Broken Bow , Nob.
in the Dletrlot Court of Cuator County , Nob.
J , P. Gibbons A Co. . I'lnlutlll ,
tarr Dockman , Uorman Bockmau , and
ho wood Blver Improvement Co. ,
To Mary Bookman and Herman Bookman ,
resident defendau B :
You , and each of you , will take notice that on
ho26tiday ! of April , 1&99. the plaintiff above
tamed ( ilod UD potl'ton In the District Court of
Juitor county , Neb , , agalnut you and each of
on , the object and prayer of which uald petition
ro to quiet the title la plaintiff , In and to Lots
7 and 18 , of block 44 , of the town of Oconto
Uio nppircnt legal title of which said Lota
lands In the Wood Itlvcr Improvement Co , and
Which said Lots wore contracted to be sold to
ho defendant , Mary Bookman , by Bald Wood
River Improvement Co. , and upon which said
Lota the said Mnry Beckman and llo-umn Dock.
man nave a mortgage to this plaintiff , which
mortgage WHS afterwards foreclosed in the Die-
rlct Court of Cuator county , Nebraska , and
herlU's deed issued therefor to this plaintiff.
But that the apparent legal title to said Lots still
stand In the immo ot the defendant , Wood Itivor
uiprOTotiientCo. , and this action Is brought to
quiet the title to eald Lots in Bald plaintiff.
You , and each of you , are required to tumor
said petition on or before Monday , the 6th day
otJaue. ISO ) .
Dated this 20th day of April , 1899.
J. 1 > GIUBON3 A CO.
By 0. L. Quttorson , Its Attorney ,
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue ot a chat *
tcl mortgage , dated on the 18th day ot March
1893 , nnu duly tiled in thu ofllce of thu County
Clerk of Cuotor connty , Nob. , on the 19th day o
March , 1898. and executed by F. E. Wldmoyor to
the First National Bank , of Broken Bow , No
braaka , to secure the payment of tbo sum o
JriU.Ki , duo September mil. 1893. with 10 per oeu
Interest tharoon from March 12th , 1893 , and upon
which there is now doe the turn of | 89.35. De
fault having boon mode In th payment ol saU
turn , and no suit or other proceeding at law hav
ing boon instituted to recover said debt or any
part then of , therefore said The First Natlona
llauk , of Urokun Bow , Neb. , will sell the prop
erty In Bald mortgage dcicrlbod. to-wit : On
buy gelding eight years old. weight about 1,400
poundi ; ono bay gelding about nine years olt
wolcht about 1,400 pounds , known as the "Emp
field1' team ; also one buy mare mule comln
three years old , and one horse ruulo ( black ) com
Ing three years old , At public auction , at th
northwest corner ot tbo public square , In the clt
of Broken Bow. In Bald C'uetor connty , on the Ot
day of May , 18UUat two o'clock p. m , of said day
ualed April Uln , imw.
of Broken Bow , Neb.
U. O. Itogcru , Cashier ,
In the Olitrlct Court ot Custor Connty , Nobr
L. Bart CrosB. Treasurer of the Vermont" )
Methodist beminary aud Female Col
lege , Flaluttff , |
Vf. I
Henry 8. Calklui. Mary B. Calkins , John I
1'rall and 8. V , QurrlB , Uofondants. J
To Henry 8. CaUlae , Uary B. Calklus and Job
Frail :
Yon , and each f yon , will take notice that o
the ITth day ot April , 1CU9 , tbo above namat
&lalntlc filed his petition In thu district court o
natei connty , Nebraska , against you abd oao
of yon , toSothor with other defondante , the ob
ioct and prayer of which said petition are t
forocloeo a certain mortgngo executed by the defendants
fondants Henry S. Calklua and Mary B Calkin
to the Nebraska Mortgage A Trust Co , upon th
north west quarter ( N\VK ) of section Uilrtco
( IS ) township twenty ( SO ) north of raugo nine
teen (19) ( ) west , situated in Caster county , Ne
braska. Said mortgage being given for the pur
pose of seeming ono principal coupon bond , th
principal of said bond being In the pum of $ UOO
said bend dated on the Oth day of May 1801 , am
maturing on the first day of July , 1890 , bearlu
interest at the rate of seven per cent per annui
front date nntll maturity , evidenced by ton Inter
e t coupon notes , for the unm of &M 00 eaob
attached to said principal bond.aud bearing oven
date therewith , and eid bond bearing Interest a
the rate of ten per cent , per anunin after nwtur
Ity. Tbnt after the execution of ti\\'l \ bond , cou
nons and mortgage , the same w ore rn the regu
lor course of business , sold aud assigned to ih
plaintiff In thta suit , aud the pliuutllT Is now th
owner and holder thereof. There Is uo\v due
owlnn and unpaid upon Bald bond , covpors , in
toruat and mortgage the following Junirt , towlt
Upon raid principal bood the sum of ? 000 00 together
gother with Interest thereon at the rate of te
per cent , per annum from the first day of July
18UO ; upon coupon No. 7 , 821 with 10 per cent
Interest from Jan. 1 , 1895 : upon coupon No. 8
$21 with 10 per cent interest from July 1 , 1S95
upon coupon No. 0 , J'-l * lth 10 per cent Intcrcc
from Jail , 1 , ISM ; upon coupon No. 10 , 521 nil
10 per cent Interest from July 1st , 1890. Am
plaintiff prays in said petition that said mart gag
may bo foreclosed , nud it bo decreed that Hal
premises may be sold to eatUfy the amount du
upon said mortgage.
You , aud each of you , are required to aniwe
said petition on or before Monday , the tttth ! da
of May , 1809. L. BAHT CHOSS ,
Treasurer of the Vermont MslhodHt Seminary
aud f omalo College.
By C. L. Quttorson , his Attoriay.
ftitopifi TIME TABLE ,
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chicago , llutte ,
Ht. Joseph , Portland ,
Kansaa City , Salt Lake Olt
at- Louts , aud all San Frauolso
points east and south. and all potuts w it
No , 43. Local tiprcss dally , Lincoln , Oraaha
aud all points cast 820 ; a.ui
No. 40. Through freight east dally. 5:51 : a. m
No. 48 , Local freight east east dally 3.15 p , m
Usparts at 1.03 p.m
Except Sunday.
No. 41. Local express dally , Helena , Rutt
i'ortlaud , all poluts west 10l7p. : in
No. 4 . " " T > ( t " 10-68 p.
No. 47. ' " 2:15 p. m
Departs at ' 3.45 p , m
Bxcept tiunday ,
Bleeping , dining and reclining chair can ( seat
free ) on through trains. Tlckua Bold and big
gage chocked to any point In tnt United State
ana Canada.
No. 48 ha * inurchindleo cars Tuesdays , Thurt
days and Saturdays.
No. 45 will carry paaiongors for Anselnio , Ha
ley. 8 ncca , Whitman aud Alliance.
No , iO will carry passengers for Itavvuns
Draud Island , York , geward and Lincoln ,
information , maps , time tables aud tlcke
call on or wrlu to 11. L. Ormsby , agent , r .
tTrauoli , Q. I' , A. , Omths. Nouruka.
11 , L. OBMeur , Agent.
Has n full line of
Drugs , Paints and' Wall Paper.
Al o 9. Fine Line of Booke , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc , Stores on
both North and South Sides , Broken Bow , Nob.
F 0. WOBflALL. President. JntUHIS , Cnfchler.
I' : UOUKimdN/Vlce-rVeg. IT. D. BLACKWELL , As.'t Cashier.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Banking BuaineRH. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
I Once Was Lost , "but How I Have
Found it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam
moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
leard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
ng pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy ; and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Dhristmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
National Bank.
W. 8. SWAN , - - Proprietor.
Headquarters for everything in the line
o ± Dry Goods , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes ,
Glassware , Queensware , Tinware , Cloth
ing and Notions.
Just received a line lot of MOII'H Dr. Ward's Liniment , sm. sizo.SOo
and BOV'B Suits at fey.85. * R.9fi. Tflitlrattnn Tiirlinn VVnrm Tr.lli , . W
84.47 , $6.26 and 87.20. Also best in the world.
orders taken for tailor made suits. Ayor'a Pilli
Straw hats cheaper than over , Dr. William's Pink Pills tor Pale
Coraets 40cto 90o People
Shoes worth $1.26 to $225 go ou A lOo Tablet for 4o
to our 98ojbargain counter. Rockford Sooka 60 pair
Now is the time to get Shooa ; call Men's Wool Pants.$1.26 lo $2 50
and aee them. Outing Flannel worth 12 ± o for..Bo
Men's Underwear 50c per suit Ladies India Dongola Shoes. . . .75o
Sheetings 3 o per yard Overalls 350 to 49o
Window Shades 15o to 25o Hunter Sifters i 0
Coffee Mills 150 Bib Overalls 49
Pint Cups , 2 for 5c Call and BOO our now line of Horge ,
Dr Pioree'a Golden Medical DiaBrocades and Cashmere , utprice
oovery , goc way below all competition. A
Dr. Pioree'a Favorite Presor'n , 90o fine line of Calico aud Prints in
Dr. Pioroe'a P. P. Pellets 20o the latest patterns.
Silverware given away. Market price paid
for Eggs.
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
a Specialty.
Jeweler and Optician.
O o
I have-now over 200 sots of Harness in the house , aud will be able
ITi give you anything wanted , from $13.00 to 135.00 per ant , complete.
Wo have nrst-olnss Harness from * 22.00 to $25.00. We have some forty
odd different styles of llarnesa , AND AS MANY DIPFKBKNT PBIOBD HAB-
NB8B , and in the event wo don't happen to have juat what you want TTO
will bo able to change thorn to suit your taste. If yea want a factory
made IlarnonB we have thorn , aud will bo able to give at least ton per
oont bolter value than anyone olao in the county , because wo have all
our factory harnoai made to our order , and for thia reason wo are able to
got bettor value for the aame money. Wo will also duplicate any and
all eastern oataloguoa on prices. If you happen to have a price on liar-
nesH , bring it with you and wo will duplicate the same aud save you the
freight on anytliing between bore and Chicago , and add freight beyond.
We mean just what we say above.
All the following lines are complete , and prices guaranteed : Shelf
Hardware , Pocket Knives , Table Knives and Perks , Spoons. Tlnwaru of
all kindu , Nails , Bolts , Barb Wire , Hog Fencing , Bicycles , Sowing Ma.
chines , Guns , CartridgOH , Shells , Powder ana Shot.
On Saddles We are Eight.
Thanking you nil for past patronage with which we are well pleased0
our trade has more than doubled in the past year , and wo will therefore
ontinuo our old raotto , "UNDKBSKLL. "