Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 04, 1899, Image 1

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    Ktato journal
( Wall Paper. !
m A te
! ? :
J. G. H AEBERLE | : .
. .
W VU : * ' ; " * & * f ' < " fTfVw * ifvuti : : -A'-l/ !
itf &
We Lead ; others try to
A Laundriod Dross Shirts 38o.and up
0 Heavy W ork Shirts 25o and up
0 Best Celluloid Collars 5o
IHffl Best L.L. Muslin , . . . .3cyd Bow
Red Calico
Turkey 3c yd
0 Come and see us ; we can save
you money.
Leaders in Low Prices ,
Which wheel bears most of
your weight ? The rear one.
The Eagle people are the
only makers who put Forty
spokes in the rear wheel ; all
others contain but thirty-sis.
All parties having judgements
against Cuater county oan now be
paid. Interest stops May 1 , 1890.
J. A. ARMOUR , Co. Judge.
FOB RKNT : A briok store room
on north side of public squaro. For
particulars inquire of
Flue Pcrcheron Stallion for Sale.
Not being able , owing to my
advanced age and poor health , to
take oaro of him , I am offering to
sell my thoroughbred Peroherou
stallion at a bargain. Time will be
given to suit the purchaser. Call
on me at once , or write mo at Bro
ken Bow. 3 30-3 H , WALTON.
Spray Vour Fruit Xrcet * .
Spray your bearing fruit trees
with London Purple and kill the
Codling Moth. Thia will give you
olean , smooth fruit. We sell the
Excelsior Stahi Spraying outfit , the
best sprayer made. To be effect
ive spraying must be done as early
as April and May. Wo alao have
a general assortment of forest and
fruit trees , small fruit plants , roses
ornamental shrubs and rod oedai
evergreens. Call at Norfolk Nur-
eery , or address E. D. Hammond
Norfolk , Neb. a20-8
Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. ,
8ucciior to Ur.'M. ' C. Blystone.
O e ov r CbryiUI Drug Store. Calls promp
ly n w rtd from offic , day or night.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oflioe.
Seed potatoes at J. C. Bowen's.
Cannon City coal at Dierkn
jurabor Co-
Try my evaporated fruits.
FOR SALIC : A good farm horse ,
enquire at thin oflicie. tf
'Iry our garden seed , .
Fresh vegetables and fruits for
sale at J. N. 1'oaloV
R. W. Buoknor
, of Borwyn , was
a city visitor Monday.
I buy and sell corn and oalft.
J. N. Pealo.
C. W. Lincoln , of Spring Crook ,
waa a welcome caller Saturday.
I have alfalfa and millet seed for
aale. J. N. PUA.I.B.
Hereford bulls for Bale ; yearling
and two year old. 4 E , SKINNKIU
Attorney James Lodwich made a
business trip to Mason City Monday.
All kinds of bulk ard package
garden seed for sale at J. N.
Tom Wright , editor of the Ana-
ley Chronicle , waa a city visitor
Monday ,
H. J , Shiun made a business trip
to Aurora Monday , returning in
the evening.
Garden seeds at Bowon'a , pure
and cheap.
Herman Campbell , of George
town came up yesterday to attend
thu May party.
Have you had a plans of the ioo
oream soda at Ed MoComaa' aoutl
aide drug store.
Callaway waa represented at the
May party by it. E. Brega am1 wife
and W. E. Shupp.
Butter and ogga wanted at J. C
Farms for sale and lands for rent
Now is the time to got a farm cheap
as the cheap farms are all going am
prices arc commencing to advanc
rapidly , J.G.Brenizer.
L. W. Wilson and wife and Nine
McCouias , of Mcrna Attended the
May party last night.
lrou know us and wo want to
know you. Come in and Hhako any
way. J. C , BOWK.V.
Mrs. Chas. Ouboi'uo and little
daughter are visiting with friends
in Lincoln this week.
J. G. Lomiug loft Saturday lor
Deadwood , S. D. , whore ho oxpoo'a '
to spend the summer.
Try our tlowor seed ,
Harry Bangs has purchased the
Jl. L. Fra/.ior property in the southeast -
east part of the city ,
CATTLK Foil SALK : At all times
on my ranch six miles southwest of
Broken Bow Jesse Gaudy.
Try a glass of those elegant phos
phates with any llavai at Ed Mo
Comus' south side drug store.
FOR SALK A six room house
barn and other improvements. For
particulars call at this oflieo. tf
City and farm properly insured
against lire , lightning and torna
does. .J. M. KiMjucnuNa.
WANTKD Cattle to paaturc. For
particulars enquire of E. M. Scott ,
of Anaelmo , or W. C. Gregory. 4
\Vhou wheeling atop and get a
drink of ice cold soda water at K'l
MoComaa' south aide drug store
Win. Montgomery , wife and
daughter of dtororook were in att
endance at the May parly laat night
While driving you can have ice
cold sodn served in your carriage at
Ed MoComns' south side drug
Doctor Day has located in our
city and has his office ever Ryor-
aon'a grocery store aouth of Poat-
Mrs. S. P * Russell left this morn-
intr on a visit to Dubutuo Iowa ,
with her daughter Mra. Harry
Juat received , a new line of ladies
and gents pocket books at ronsona.
prices at Ed MoCouias' south aid"
drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Reyuor loft
this morning on n vnit to Epworlh ,
Iowa , whore they expect to bo gone
several weeka.
This locality was favored with
.42 inches of rain Saturday night
and Sunday morning , which was
very acceptable.
A. R. Humphrey waa looking
after business before thn U. S
and ollico at North Platte the latter
mrt of last week.
Mra. Dollio Preaaon , of Auburn ,
irrivod in the city Tuesday night
on a vifit with relatives. Archie
Chrysler is her father.
T. B. Russell , of Ansolmo , has
ontod the Trofron building just
oath of this ofiico which he will
ooc-ttpy as a cigar store.
Jesse Gandy ia starting up a Live
Stock exchange at his ranch south
west of the city. He has a fine
augo and plenty of water.
The Broken Bow hospital ia in
plondid condition for oaring for
he sick. Trained nurees in attend-
IDCO. Prices reasonable. tf
R. L. RobhiHon's family , of
Grand Island , are visiting in this
vicinity with Mr. and Mra. John
tobinaon , Lloyd's parents.
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting teeth is absolutely pain-
ess. No sore mouth , aa in the use
of other local aniusthetics. a25
Wilbur Holcomb , Jr. , has gone
nto partnership with his father , 0
11. Holcomb , in the law business
succeeding his uncle , Wilbur.
Miss Ida Dooley commenced a
throe months term of school in the
Breeding district , in the vicinity o
Somorford , last Monday week ,
Judge Grimes , of North Platte
lield a short session of court in this
city Monday. Judge Sullivan con
tinued the court over Tuesday.
Wanted , a girl to do general
house work. Good wages to the
right perhon.
Mra. Will L. Rule and child ar
rived in the city last Friday night.
Aa Mr. Rule had the house ready
they wont to housekeeping at once.
Ice 01 earn social at the parlors of
the Grand Central Hotel Saturday
evening May 0 , for benefit of
Woman's Relief Corps. Cream
ready at 0 o'clock. Everybody
i invited.
Moses Lewis and Ai MoClollan
loft Tuesday night for Seattle
Washington ; they wont by the way
of Billinga over the B. & M. R. R.
_ Fred Riuno , who has boon at the
city hospital for the past week for
treatment , hod auflicieutly recover
ed to return to hia place of business
The entertainment given laat
Friday night to raise funds for the
reception entertainment for Co. M.
waa quite a success. The receipts
amounted to § 75.
The W. C. T , U. will meat at the
homo of Mrs. Mary Gandy , Wod.
May 10th. at 3 o'clock P. M. All
nombera requested to be present.
'Important business. "
Wo acknowledge the receipt of a
ooJnmenoeuient card froni the high
"school at Milo , Iowa , of which our
nephew , Rollio D , Amsborry , is
one of the graduating class.
Mra. Jas. Pealo was at Kirksvillc ,
Mo. , last week , when the oyolono
struck the town , but fortunately
she waa a half block from its dead-
y path and escaped unharmed.
Rev J. W. Megan left for hia
'ormor homo in Burlington , Kan
sas , Monday. Ho oxpoots to be
; ono about two weeks. Rev. J. S ,
Jadden will occupy his pulpit fern
n in next Sunday.
The saloons of this city were
closed Monday night. It is report *
ed that some of the buys celebrated
he occasion by getting on more ot
a jag than they could control. A
ight or two resulted.
H. L , Frazier has purchased the
Fohn McDonald residence property
u the southwest part of the city.
Consideration , $600. Ho expects
o build quite an addition to it as
eon as ho gets poasoaaion.
Following ia the Hat of dead let-
era for the week ending May 3rd
'ohn ' Ferguson , Benjamin Chiller
? arties calling forauy of the above
will please say advertised.
Waller Slack and wife are recent
arrivals hero from California , and
will remain during the summer.
Wall is an old Broken Bow boy ,
taviug boon hero In the balmy days ,
jack in 1887 , and worked in A. A.
Uollom's restaurant.
A h'sl'ing party , consisting of Jud
Morton , J. L. MoWilhams , Wm
liarrott , John Boyoo and P. R.
Stradloy went to the South Loup
Saturday , whore they report having
lad a good time and good success.
They caught about two hundred
The county board has aocopted
the tender of $550 made by ox
Judge Shinn in settlement in full
for all claims the county may have
igainst him. Mr. Shinn was grant
ed the right to collect and keep all
'ees earned and not paid during his
In the ease of Mrs. Smith , of
Anaelmo , against her divorced hus-
liand , Humphry Smith , lor alimo
ny , Tuesday , Judtjo Sullivan grant
ed her & 200 , but Hold the $400
worth of property she had in her
possession belonged to Humphry
The patrons of the Capital City
House were treated to a variety
show last night by Duncan Clark's
Company. It was what the crowd
woil to see , and they evidently
went away satisfied. Its as good a
show of the olaas that has struck
town this season. Daily Leader ,
DCS Moina , Iowa.
The ninth annual May parly was
hold at the north aide opera house
last evening and waa largely attend
ed. Not aa many from abroad at
tended as in former years , but this
no doubt was owing to the busy
times. Music was furnished by the
Harmony orchestra , consisting of
ten pieces , and is said lo have boon
very fine. Durinti the intermission
the Ladies Guild furnished light
Chas. Collins , who is under bond
for hia appearance at district court
on the charge of gambling , is now
located in the county jail at Kearney -
noy on the charge of attempled
murcter : Ho made an assault on
Charles Tuba , of thai oily Wednes
day evening of last week , stabbing
him several times with a knife ,
twice iu the face. Four of the
wounds in his back were from four
to seven inches long. Collins made
hia escape on Dr. MoCroason'a race
horae , of which he had charge , but
was captured al Grand Island and
taken back lo Kearney. Tuba ,
though seriously , ia not thought to
bo fatally wounded. i
WANTED A few good carpen
ters ; a few good oomiuon laborers ;
and also work for masons and pain
ters. Work iu the vicinity of
Broken Bow and Sargent. These
wishing work of this kind will do
well to see mo soon while the places
are vacant. Call on or address mo
at Broken Bow or Sargent , Nobr.
Bert Gregory , BOH of W. C.
Gregory , of this city , has accepted
a position with the Flalo Cattle
Co. , one of the largest cattle com
panies of the state. The company
wan fortunate in scouring the aor
vioea of Mr. Gregory , as hia exper
ience with his father for years in
handling catllo makes him a very
valuable man iu that line of busi
ness. In his present position ho
will alao prove valuable to farmers
who need accommbdationa in a
financial way , aa ho ia in a position
lo secure money for these who desire -
sire to engage in the cattle business
beyond the limit of their ready
cash. His father , W. C. Gregory ,
of this oily , will cooperate with
him in that line.
Penn & Dorria are now prepared
to serve the public promptly and
in the most satisfpctory manner.
They have rooonlly added a now
gasoline engine of thu latoal pat
tern to their finely equipped shop.
Charley Penn , the aonior member
of the firm , ia one of the best mo
olianics in central Nobrauka. Ho
is not only a skilled machinist , bul
ia a goniiib of remarkable ingenui
ty. There ia no machinery that ho
ia not able to comprehend. Be
sides being able lo do all kinds of
the ordinary work that cornea un
der Iho line of blacksmilhing , ho' is
a machinist and boiler and engine
maker , Partiea desiring their ma
chines repaired or boilers patched
can save the expense of Bonding
their maohineiy off or of hiring an
export mechanic to come from a
distance lo do their work , by leav
ing their order with Penn fc Dorns
of this city , who guarantee full
satisfaction on all their jobs.
To the citizens of Broken Bow :
The Company M. Relief Committee
moat earnestly thank the pcoplo for
the liberal patronage and support
given us at our entertainment on
last Friday evening. Wo especial
ly thank the members of the or
chestra for the splendid music ; alao
each and every one that assisted
wilh the program , and helped to
make the entertainment a success.
Wo winh to assure the people that
the amount roali/.ed will bo aacrcd-
ly hold as a fund for Iho roctplion
of the dear boys when they return.
Ever groatful ,
James Stookham ,
N. E. Robertson ,
Mra. C. U. Richardson ,
Glen Johnson ,
E. R. Puroell ,
Mra. U. Wirt ,
L. E. Colo.
Monday night the old city coun
cil convened for the laat time to
close up the business for the p st
year wilh a view to turning the ad
ministration of affairs to its suc
cessor , After transacting the
business the oath of oflioo was ad
ministered to Mayor-elect Royoo ,
Clerk R D Picket and councilman
J. M. Kimborling , A. R. Humphrey
and E. R. Purcoll. The retiring
mayor , Dr. J , II. Graham , thanked
the council for the harmony that
had prevailed during hia lerm ol
of ofiico and for the economical
and business manner iu which they
had conducted the affairs of the
city. Mayor Royce outlined hia
policy briefly and solicited the aid
of the members of the council in
giving Iho city an echonomical and
progicHsivo administration , and in
maintaining the good name of the
city by Iho euforoemoul of Iho laws
and ordinances of the city , He
nominated P. M. Towsloy , the
present incumbent , for city marshal
and street commisaionor , and atlor-
ney Jamoa Ledwioh for city allor-
noy. Bolh nomiualions wnro
promplly and unanimously endorsed
ed by Iho council. The appoint
ment ! * a night watch and weigh
master way deferred and Iho proa
enl incumbonla wore retained unlit
the mayor should call for their res
ignation. The following standing
committees wore appointed : On
finance , Kimborliug and Kirkpat-
riok ; on streols and bridges ,
Humphrey , Wood and Purcell ; on
walor works , Wood and MoComaa.
The quoslion of street sprinkling
was disouBiod. On motion the
committee on atreeta and bridges
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc the greattit
mcnaccra to health of the present day.
ROYAl MKINO rowoea o < x , new VOKK.
was authorized to HUO Courad with
a view of having n sprinkler made
for the oily.
Cozad Moots Death bjn BuuntTRf
Toniu uu Mono * Smith' * Farm.
William Cozad , the oldest obild
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coead , of
Now Helena , wan killed last W OK
by a toaui running away with him.
Ho was working for Mono Smith at
the time and it was Smith's team
that ho was driving. It wan about
0 o.'olook Wednesday morning that
ho was hurt and died At 4 o'clock
the aamo day. Ho was wounded in
a moat frightful manner. From
the injuries iniliutod on his body
the wagon and team rnuat have
both passed ever him. A wrench
which ho had In hia pookot peno-
tratcd hia bowels , and hia ribs were
urokcn , one ot which w s thrnat
through hit ) lungs. Quo hip and
log waa alao brokon. Fortunately
lie waa not wounded about the head
and ho remained oouaoious to hia
death llo aeemed to realize that
Ilia time had oomo and expressed ft
willingness to go , atatiug that ho
"might an well die now aa any
timo" , and in the lust momenta ho
reached out hit ) hand to his mother
who was standing by his bed mdv ,
and bade her good by with a grip
of the hand while a guah of blood
from hia mouth prevented him from
apuaking the words. Aa blood
poison aot in from the firat them
waa no hope for him At the time
of the fatal accident Mr. Smith was
away from homo. It ia aaid ho
cautioned the young man not tote
to take the toatu out while ho was
away , aa it waa not aafo. The fu
neral of the doceaaod was hold on
Thursday at the residence of Mr.
Smith and the remains laid to rest
in the Now Helena comotory. His
parents , Mr. and Mra. Cozad , arc
among the tirat aettlcra of the oouu-
ty , and arc highly respected by all
who know thorn. Their son , whose
trngio death IH above recorded , was
jiiBt merging into manhood and
would have boon twenty one years
old Monday , May first. The Kis-
I'unuuAN oxtenda to them iu their
Bad bereavement , our moat ainoort
sympathy ,
Moved !
on cor. aouth of P. O. ,
Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly
north aide.
At the EpiHoopal church during
the mouth of May there will bo a
aeryioo with Horrnon on every Sun.
day morning. No Sunday evening
The beat people on earth are these
that reileot the life of Christ.
Subject for the morning diaoourso
"Tho Christian Graces" . Theme
for the evening , "The Gospel of
Christ" .
Chriatian Endeavor promptly at
Hovon o'clock. Subject : "Patient
Continuance in Well Doing , " lloin.
2 : 1 to 11 ,
Sunday school at 10 a. in follow v
ed by preaching and communion J
at 11 o'clock , Voting people's
mooting at 1 o'clock followed by
regular preaching Htlrvice. Prayer
meeting every Thurmlay evening at
8 p. in.
Two Houses for Sale.
Tim J. Q. Mnuliuk property , south ot
tlui Botith Bide school homo , ana tno J.
8. Klrkpatnok property , three block
from public square * also n good bloyclo
( or aale. Enquire ot J. C. MACMOK.