Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 27, 1899, Image 1

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| What makes a "bicycle run |
I ' . easy ? You. know it is "ball "bear-1
: ' : in / H
I or "broken "ball " replaced , do you |
| want It ruined by the repair man l |
I putting in old worn bearings 1
| that he has taken from some cast p
| of pedal or broken hub ? I use in I
| my repair work nothing but the |
| best new material money can buy |
* " '
Broken Bow , ISFelor.
. . m
f.Y'2 % : * y * i'4 : -yt > ' - % ' * 'iV"i ! * ' ' <
fe s&wto
We Lead ; others try to
-ELU- > -r
- -
Laundric'd Drees Shirts , . . . . 38u and up
o Heavy Worit. Shirts 25c and up
Best Celluloid 5o
0 Collars
I ( Best L. L. Musliur 3c yd o
Turkey Red Calico 3o yd
Come and see us ; we can save cr
you money. SOon
Seed potatoes at .1. C. Bowcn's.
I have alfalfa and millet seed for
sale , J. N. PEALE.
Cannon City coal at Dierkn
Lumber Co'
I buy and sell corn and oats.
J. N. Peale.
Hereford bulls for sain ; yearling
and two year old. 4 E SKINNKK.
Try my evaporated fruits.
, I.N Pca'o. '
' 1 ry our garden soed.
h Fen SALE : A good farm horse ,
enquire at Ibis ullice. if
Fresh vegetables and fruits for
sale at J. N. 1'oalo'a. ,
r Try our flower eoed.
Butter and eggs w.anted at J. C
Garden seeds at Bowen's , pure
and cheap.
HORSES Eight ( jood work horses
for sale by , S' , L GI.OVKII & SON ,
Dry Valley.
All kinds of bulk ard paukape
garden seed for sale at J. N.
WANTED C.ittlo to pasture. For
particulars enquire of E. M. Soott ,
of Anselmo. or W. C. Gregory. 4
City and fnrm properly insured
against tire , lightning and torna
does. ,1 M. KIMBKUUNQ.
You know IIH and wo want to
know you. Como in and simko any
way. J. ( ! ,
Fou SALK .A six room
barn and other improvements. For
particular call at thi * olliee. tf
H B Carter VIM puroh.ised the
.stock of notions , china and tin
ware Of Charley Shollz , on the went
side of the square. lie will move
his stock of furniture and second
baud goods to the new location'and
consolidate the two stores. f
D. M , Saville and R. J. Baker ,
? f WetUerville , were among the
friendly callers at this office Mon
Doctor Day has located in our
city and has his otllce over llyer-
Hon's grocery store south of Post-
No old valves or lop sided balls
will go into your bicycle if you
take your repair work to Edwin F.
Myers. a20
Wanted , a girl to do general
hoiiHo work. Good wages to the
riyht person.
The Broken Bow hospital is in
splendid condition for caring for
the sick. Trained nur&os in attend
ance. Prices reasonable. tf
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting teeth is absolutely pain
less. No sere mouth , as in the use
of other local amosthoticrt. a25
Harry Day & Co. has purchased
the Saiisbery stock of goods and will
continue to conduct the business in
the west room of the realty blook.
J. Lucas , one of the veterans of
the oivil war , whose hearl beats as
loyal'for his country as it did in
the sixties , was a friendly caller at
this office Monday.
Farms for sale and lands for rent
Now in the time to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
npidly. J.G Bronizor.
T. M , Salisbury , who has been
hero cilice the death of his nephew
J. W. Salisbury , conducting the
store , having closed out the busi
ness , left yesterday morning for his
homo in Illinois.
Fred Hinno who has boon con
ii'U'd to his bed by sickness since
Sunday was on Tuesday night mov
ed tQ the city hospital , whore he
could have special oaro. Wd under-
HUnd tlit ho is threatened with" a
'siege of punomonia. °
Local Mention.
Ladiee and children shoos at
Mrs. Barrett's , Morna , Ne'n.
S. C. Waldron and Jan. May , of
Over , were city visitors Tuesday.
Miss Nellie McComas is trim
ming hats for Mrs. Barrett this
Uov. L. P. Luddon , of Lincoln ,
made this of Hun a friendly call
H. E ChriBiuan , of New Helena ,
was in the city today makiug final
proof on his homestead.
Hey .Bernard , the 'jlinior editor
of the Callaway Courier * wm fl
friendly caller at this ofliao yeste'r-
Owing to 01 r crowded spitco and
limited time wo are forced to omit
tl o proceedings of the county board
until next wook.
A fine rain visited this locality
Tuesday night which was very
much appreciated. It was heavier ,
south of town. Two inches of rain
fall was reported at Ansloy.
O. P. Porloy has boon confined
to his room for the past week with
a severe attack of Pnoumoum , It
is reported that ho is a Tery sicl-
man. No one but his attendants
are aduntud to his room.
R. E Glass and wife , who hayo
been visiting in Pikr'B Peak , Mich ,
for sovoril month ? , retuined home
last Friday night. Mr. Glass has
been quite poorly from an attack
of the Grip but is improving.
Fou SALE : Best residence loca
tion in the city , two lots , curnor of
block , " 00x112 ft. Vacant lots just
west of J. .1. Wilson's new resi
donco. Cash purohastr will receive
a rare bargain. tf JUD KAY.
The county board of supervisors
convened in extra session Tuesday
The now law relating to the county
deposits with banks , settlement ,
with Ii. J. Shinu and ether minor
matters brought them together.
This office acknowledges a friendly -
ly eall Saturday from Dr ( 11. B.
Mullius , who has recently located
at aargent. The doctor reports
work progressing quite rapidly on
the railroad grade from Arcadia to
Married , on April 23rd , 99. at the
home of the bride's parents , four
miles west of Broken bow , Mr
Cbas A. Dodsen of Ausloy and
Miss Dora Ella Clineboll of Broken
Bow by Rev Goo. G. Burns , pastor
of the Presbyterian Church.
Wo take thU opportunity of ex
pressing our sincert thanks to the
many friends , especially Mrs. Rus
sell , Mrs. House , Mrs. Teagarden
and Miss lima Shinu , who so kind
ly assisted us during the death And
burial of our darling babe.
Following is the list of dead let
ters for the week ending April 25 :
Mr. Jacob D. Rhoados , A. D Bow
man , J. Bowman , S. E. Baker , El
mer Bowman , Mr. Drake , Mr.
Thomas Saeha. Parties calling for
any of the above will pleasn say ad
vertised. L. II. JEWKTT , P.M.
TAKEN UP At my residence two
and ono half miles north of Loinax ,
Custor county , Neb. , on April 4th ,
1800 , one horse , ago about sixteen
years , dark bay with white spot in
forehead Owner can have the
same by proving property and pay
ing all expenses of advertising.
WANTED A fuw good carpen
ters ; a few good common laborers ;
and also work for masons and pain-
tors. Work in the vicinity of
Broken Bow and Sargent. Those
wishing work of this kind will do
well to see inu soon while the places
are vacant. Call on or address mo
at Broken Bow or Sargent , Nobr.
Mrs. Barrett has returned from
her trip east , whore nhe spent sev
eral days in thn wholesale mil incry
houses. She bought a nice stock
of millinery , also a lar o stock of
notions ; a nice line of dress goods ,
a dress pattern in each piece , so
that no lady need dres * like her
neighbor. She is settled in her
new place of bumpeaH , and will bo
glad to Hte all of her old friends
and many now ones. At MernaNob.
The celebration of thn 80th anni
versary of Odd Fellowship in this city
yesterday brought together a large
number of that fraternity. In addition
to the members of the local lodge ,
tlnre wore ubont forty who joined
I in the parade from Merua and Cal
laway. The exercises in the al tor-
noon consoled of an address of
welcome by Major Graham and
Dr. C. Picket. Rev Megan re
sponded in an able manner. A
banquet was pcrved to the visiting
motnbars in tho. evening. The ox-
croiRcs at night consisted in a solo
by Mrs. Mayor , a guitar and man
dolin duet by MIPSMabel / Hiatt and
Evert Mooro. A short address was
delivered by Dr. C. Picket which
VMS followed by a Bpoooh by Rev.
L. P. Ludden of Lincoln , on Odd
Fellowship. It was a most excel
lent address aud was highly appro
oiated by all. Owing to the lack of
time nnd space wo are compelled to
omit the names of those present
from Callaway arid Morna.
MtJUiNs-SNTDKn-At tlio roildonco of thn
brlda'x pnrcntH In this cltfi iSuntlay noon. Or.
K. II. Miililnn , of Snrgrnt , and IIIPS Mamie ;
Snyder , Key. llornmUjolUolutlng. .
The wedding was a quiet affair ,
only the immediate relatives being
present. The bride is ono of Bro
ken Bow's most estimable ladies ,
and enjoys the high esteem of all
her acquaintances. The groom ,
until recently , was a resident of
Broken Bow Ho is a practicing
physician of high standing and is a
man of ox sellout qualities. They
left Sunday after noon for Sargent
where the Dr. has recently located
in the practice of his profehsion.
The Dr. and Mrs. Mullins were the
recipients of a number of valuable
presents with which their friends
remembered them on the occasion.
The REPUBLICAN extends oougratu.
Jations ,
H. B. Carter has largely added
to bis1 stock of furniture and second
hand goods by the purchase of the
Shultz stock of hardware , qurens-
war'o , glassware and notions. Ho
will consolidate the two stores by
moving his furniture and second
hand goods to his store on the west
side of the equara. These who
want to buy cooking utensils will
hnd'he has quite an asBornmcnl on
wince ho is offering bargains. Ho
has a line assortment of glass ware
and fancy goods suitable for proa
euts which ho is offering at special
pricos. On his furniture and second
end hand poods he defies competi
tion and will make it an object for
you to see him when you want any
thing in those lines. Whether you
want to buy or not you are inritod
to call and see his goods and get
prices , it may prove of interest to
you in the suture. Remember the
place , on Trost side of nquaro.
Harry Day & Co. huvo purchased
the Salisbury stock of dry goods a1
greatly reduced prices and are now
in uhapo to soil you first olass goods
at wholesale prices. The stock is
all new and up to date in ovary
particular , whioh affords their pat
rons to suit themselves in any line
they may dnairo to purchase. In
dross goods they bavo a largo as
sortment , ranging from the lowest
priced calico to the finest silk.
They also have a fine line of men's
and boys' suits whioh they are selling
cheaper than their competitors can
buy them at wholesale. Their
stock of shoes are of the very best
makes and are being sold at bar
gains never before offered in the
city. Their object is to reduce the
Htock at once and turn it into cash
In order to do it they are making
a slaughter on prices. To bo con
vinced do not take any body'H word
for it but just call snd see for
yourself. It is your trade the
want and they will have it if it is
good JJgoods and good bargains
you want. Remember the place , a
Salisbury's old stand in north we ?
corner of realty block.
Two Houses for Snlo.
Thn J. O. Mnulick property , Houth o
the pouth aide ecbool house , nnit tbu J
Klrkpntnck property , throe blook
from publlo square * also n good blovch
( or Bale. Enquire ol J C. MAULICK.
Moved !
on cor. south of P. O. ,
Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly
north side. 0
Colonel Stotscnbtirg Loses Ills Life , iiiul
Sergeant Horace Kennedy and |
Two Others of Company
M. Wounded.
Six Others Lose Their LUrs and Un-
wards of Forty Wounded.
Another severe battle occurred
on the 23ro at Quingua , P. I , in
which Col. StotBonburg of tliu First
Nebraska rogimunt an I Lioulcnont
atiou wore killed and three others
of tlio Htate while thuru flcro thirty
others wounded. Three of the
wounded arc members of company
M. Sargent lloraoo Kennedy , of
Broken How , wan wounded in tlio
uhoat severely. The other two are
O. K. Humphrey and A. li. Chap
man. Their wounds wuru not
Bovero Ilumphrow is from Seward -
ard , and Chapman is from Lin
coln. The engagement was brought
on by a squad of cavalry who wore
ordered to make a roconoitmnoo to
ascertain the location of the insur
gents. Major Boll wan in charge
of the email troop of cavalry. The
report any a the detachment entered
the district oontrolod by the insur
gents , and proceeding without
mooting opposition until ii wan
suddenly sutroiinded by the enemy
in largo forces near Qiiingua.
They poured a heavy lire into the
tmall American force , which sus
tained a snvero loss.
Volunteer regiments of Nebraska
and Iowa were hurriedly ordorerl
to reinforce the cavalry , the Iowa
men advancing on the extreme
right. The fighting tttill continued
at 11 o'clock , and two pieces of
artillery were hurried forward.
Although the fight was unexpect
ed , it was the most severe and dcs-
leratoly contested that has occurred
since the lighting with the Filipinos
JcgQii. It in known that the Amor-
can loss was eight inon killed and
'orty-throo wounded.
Colonel John M. Stotsonborg ,
commander r f the Nobrusk volun
teer regiment , was shot through the
heart immediately after arriving on
the battlefield.
Major Boll had taken a party of
aixty-ono men to rcoonoitor the en
emy's position along the Quingua
river , the object of the movement
being to develop the strength of
the Filipino forces. The detach
ment arrived near Quingua at day
break. It continued to advanoot
and drew a heavy iiro.
The cavalry detachment held its
ground until the enemy throw Hank
ing parties right and loft and al
most surrounded the American
force. Then the cavalry drew un
til reinforced , a battalion of the
Nebraska volunteers , under Major
Mulford , beini * . the first to arrive
This foroo being insufficient to
drive the insurgents back , the re
mainder of the Nebraska regiment ,
with the Iowa volunteer regiment ,
was hurried fo/ward. Thou four
guns of the Utah battery were ad
vanced to the fighting position.
Colonel Stotonberg , commander
of the Nebraska regiment , arrived ,
on the battefiold at li o'clock , luv-
ing just returned from Manila
where ho had boon visiting his wife.
lie immediately led an advance
of the regiment , storming the en
emy's trenches , but was shot fatally.
The Nebraska regiment , however ,
continued to advance , and beat the
insurgents out of their position.
Lieutenant Sitson of the Nebraska
regiment wan shot through the
heart during ihm action.
The cavalry lost time men killed
and tivo wounded. The loss of the
Nebraska rogimunt was five killed
and more thin thirty wounded.
Tlulowa regiment's loanes were
The heat during the action was
terrific , many prostration occurring.
The killing of Colonel Stotson-
berg is greatly deplored , his reputation
tation as a leader being unrivaled
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powdera are the grata *
mcnaccrs to health of the present day.
lor courage and coolness.
The Nebraska regiment's losses
during the present hostilities have
boon greater than thonu of uuy ether
The news of the severe wounding
of Sergeant Kennedy is roooirod
hero with deep regret by not only
his parent ! and relative * ) but by hii
many friends who know him per
sonally and learned from time to
lime through the members of bin
company of hii loyalty and tru
valor as an American soldier. It U
sincerely hoped by all that hii
wound will not prove fata ! And that
ho yet may be able to return homo
to receive the wolnomo plaudttn of
his friends which his faitufulnona
and valor ho hut ) BO royally won.
Wo extends to his parotids and must
( Sincere sympathy.
On the battle Hold , the bullets fly
ing thick , March Oth :
Dear Folks : I will try and write
a few lines this morning ; we are
having a little trouble with the in
surgents ; wo were on outpost yes
terday , and they lirod on ua , and
kept it up all day. Liat night we >
had a hard figh' ; they are advanc
ing on our lines mid I think we
will have to run them back in the
hills. Tuoy are to close- that the
bullets are coining in camp , and
keep us dodging all the timo. We
are expecting to bo called out Any
time ; if wo have to go out wo will
give them a hot foot race. We had
a great nigger hunt on the 2Ud of
last month ; wo started about three
o'clock and marched until aix
o'clock , when we ran onto thorn ,
The insurgents were about live hun.
drod strong and wo were about two
hundred strong. Wo fought until
noon and drove them about three
miles and drove thorn to the river ,
then there was about a thousand ,
when our ammunition run out and
wo were ormpolled to return. One
man was killed on our side ; wo
don't know how many they lost ,
The Nabraskans are out further
thun any other regiment Tnero is
a firing line tionty seven miles
long. The Kinsan regiment is at
the bay , on the loft , Nebraska u in
the center and California on the
right. The tiring lines are in a V
shape. I think wo will bo relieved
noon and got to go to camp , about
six miles from Manila , for a rest.
Wo have had a bird time over
since it commenced. I don't think
it will last very long ; they will
scrap a while and then surrender.
Well , I will close for thii time.
This leaves mo well , and I haven't
boon sick for a long timo. From
Flue Ferchonm Stallion for Sale.
Not being able , owing to my
advanced a u and poor health , to
take care of him , I am offering to
sell my thoroughbred Peroheron
stallion at a bargain. Time will be
given to suit tlio purchaser. Call
on mo at once , or write mo at Bro
ken How. 3 30-3 11. WALTOK.
Fou KKNT : A brick store room
on nor.b hide of pnhlio squire. For
particulars inquires of
tf A. F. SBYUOI/T.
Hpruy Your Fruit Tree. * .
Spray your boaniii fruit trooa
with London Purpltt and kill the
Cod liny Moth , This will give you
ole in , smooth fruit. Wo soil the
Excelsior Stahi Spraying outfit , the
betu sprayer made To bi > effective -
ivo spraying must bo d > no as early
us April and May. Wo also have
a general assortment of forest and
fruit trees , small fruit plants , roses ,
ornamental shrubs and rod cedar
evergreens. Call at Norfolk Nur
sery , or address E. D. Hammond ,
Norfolk , Neb , 20-8t