Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 20, 1899, Image 4

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    * * "
$ ?
V'1- ?
I Owing to the death , of Mr. J. 1
W. Salisbury , the firm of T. M. v'Ji
& J. W. Salisbury will sell its
i stock of Dry Goods , Clothing , f f :
i Jfe Boots and Shoes at very reduced
S * prices. These goods must be sold '
and the store closed.
iteim ? , K T , M , & J , W , SALISBURY. 1
S. W. Corner Public Square. !
. . ;
iWWttlpWfXrttfXr' ? ; - * ; > ; ? > i
; h ( iW
. HcyuMitan
rnblls bed every Thursday at tbo County Seal.
, M.7AMH1M KIIV , ICO I tor
: i
.WOfllce ! n Cn tcr Ulock. Fourth
Kntered at the postoQIco at Ilroken Bow , Neb. ,
as second clacs matter , for lrani.ii lon through
tue U. U. malls.
One Vcar , in advance . 51. Oo
THURSDAY , APRIL 29 , 1809.
Virginia has offered the presi
dent a regiment of volunteer i to i
take the place of tboae at Manila
who in 15- desire to come home
The presidents' answer was that
the latest information he bad from
tbe Philippines & * shit the boj *
thcre prefered to siij &s
there was active -srorl : forte them
to do.
All through the senitoriil vote in
tlfo legislature the fusion members
and the fusion prefs characterized
D. E. Thompson a a boodlet ; yet
every pop , democrat and Hilvur
member ( with thrro uxconliotifl )
entered into a t'oiiH [ > irnoy with a
gang ot traitoroiiH ropuhl UIUIH to
clout thiH raHcal to ' .lie United
States t-enato. What an infamoiir.
rooord for the party of purity and
reform. ( Jallawoy Courier.
C-iov. Pointer' waH right in bin
answer to the Now York Herald ,
in aayint : "Nebraska is always
ready to do hur full duty. " This
was his reply to the question as to
how a call for mire volu.itean *
would bo received in Nebraska
There is but htllu doubt if three
more regiments were required of
Nebraska the quota would b < 3 iilled
in thirty days .Many who have
been discharged wuld bo among
the firxt to oiler
, .1- The eilorl of a certain elemcni
in this city , as well a1 * in other
parts of the state , to create a pre
judice against the edtninUuralion
hy petitioning ami demanding the
muster out of liie First Nebraska
regiment , iu not mujiiiig with a
very hearty approval with norm'
of the parents of the boys who are
in the Philippines. All th i parents
as well as their friends anxiounly
loug for the hour when the brave
Nebraska boys uan be Hpared and
returntd home Hut they do not
desire to encourage disaa'isfaction
among the boys or embarras the
government by demanding that
which loyalty and roasoi : would
not endorse.
The populiut papers have already
commenced to find fault with the
size of the appropriations made by
tbo last legislature. The worst
horde of lobbyists that ever besieged -
sieged any law making body was
the hungry gang of stale house or
naments that impeded buaiufcup in
the last days by their greedy olamor
for more pay. Kveiy pop in both
houses voted ( or every cent that
. .could bo squeezed out of the people
plo to pay for increased salaries ,
and there were enough republican
renegades to enable them to loot
the treasury. Any reference to
excessive appropriations in the aes-
uion just closed comes with mighty
poor grace from a pop paper.
C/'allaway Courier.
11. W. Mathews , of Lincoln , ar
rived in Chadron yesterday and has
established headquarters here , hav
ing just received the appointment
of deputy United States internal
revenue collector , succeeding W.
B. Eastham , ol Broken Bow. Mr.
Mathows'district covers the entire
western half of Nebraska , on thn
Burlington and Elkborn railroads ,
and also takes in the Blaok Hills of
South Dakota. The now revenue
officer in well known in this region.
He established the Atkinson Graph
ic and has been connected with
several newspaper enterprises in
the weitern part of the state
Chadron Special to Omaha Bee.
Josiah White was born in Ca-
vuqa county , New York , March
12 , 1828 , and died at the home of
John Tyson , west of this city ,
April 10 , 1899 , at 7:40 : a. m.
Feb. 7th , 1849 , he was married
and in 1851 emigrated to Rockford -
ford township , 111. In 1857 he ,
with his family , moved to Osag-e ,
Mitchel county , Iowa , with an
ox team , where they resided for
fourteen years , when they again
pushed on westward locating in
Seward county , Nebraska , where
they settled on an eighty acre
homestead. In 1887 they went
to Phelps county , Kansas , and
from there to Merna , Custer Co. ,
Nebraska ,
His wife prcceeded him to the
spirit land , having passed away
January 15 , 1896. The deceased
had , for more than forty years ,
been a firm believer in spiritual
ism , and died in the faith.
Since the 30th of March the de
ceased had been making his
home with the family of Mr.
John Tyson. His sickness was
of short duration. He was taken
down with Pneumonia Saturday
morning and died the following
Monday ] His remains were laid
to rest beside his wife in the
Merna cemetery.
A friend contributes the fol
lowing lines to his memory :
I'ho rivur ot UuiUh with ltd le enda so
dreary ,
I * a tiny atrentn nftnr all ;
Aid our loved that ptt > n over ure not dta
tunt from tin ,
For lovu.rcsuonda to Its call.
Burlington Koute California Kxcuraloni
Cheap ; quick ; uomfortabln.
Leave Urnalm 4:30 : p. m. Lin-
loin 0:10 p. m. and Hastings 8:50 :
p m. every ThurHday , in clean ,
modern , not crowded tourist sleep ,
orri. No transfers ; cars run right
through to Son Francisco and Los
Angeles over the Scenic Route
through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Cars are carpeted ; upholstered in
rattan ; have spring seats and backs
and are provided with curtains ,
bedding , towlos , soap , etc. Uni
formed porters and experienced ex
cursion conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers ol
all bother about baggage , pointing
out sbjoots of interest and in many
other ways helping to make the
overland trip a dnlightful exper.
ionoe. Seaond class tickets are
honored. Bertha $5.
For folder giving full informa
tion , call at nearest Burlington
Route ticket office , or write to J
Francis , general passenger agent
Omaha , Nob.
JJcal ( Solute | iealcc0.
Have ranches and lauds for sale in
Custor and adjoining counties.
Also ranches and lands for
rent term of years.
Dealer in Chattels and Auctioneer
Broken Dow , Neb.
U , S. Land Office ,
V 11. YOUNG jtecelver
U. S. I.snd onk < \ HroVen HOT , . eb. , I
SUrrb II. 1WJ f
otlcc U hereby tfTen that UILllKItT Of VlK
( Walwortb. Neb , b filed notice of Intention
to make flt l proof before Keglit r and Hccelvor ,
t tbeit oO-e In Hn > ken How , Nob. , on Tturf-
jtl.e Sd Atj nt April. I W. on timber caltnrc
ppllcattou No. SO. ( or the uw < of rcctlon > .
y. In township No. V ) N. , ranpo No 19 W. H-
tnt a * wttncfteV II. Koid , ArthI * II
'ird. of title * , Neb. , Gforcc B Cocbrao , I.o'il
Irarcr , ofVfit Utloti. Ncl >
Lund Office at North PUUe , Nrb , I
M-rcb 9th. JEW. f
Notice I hereby glrcn that tbe following nam-
d pptl.or IIM fllfd notice of her Intention to make
n l proof In fupport of her claim , and tbit Mid
) 'tHif will In made before J. A. Arnioin , Connty
ndse at Ilroken llow. Nb. on April 34 , IfrW.Tlr. '
i ne Thornbarjf. widow of William C Thorn-
> urT ( , II.K No. IftJIT , for the nww ot ee'c. HI. T ,
( he rumen tbe following wltnc F i to prove her
ontlnuous r f Idence npou and cultlratlon of
aid land , Tit : Cbirles II. Jeffords , Selmllan
'elh , Charles Sbolz. Jsme * K nt. a 1 of Ilroken
low , Neb OEO K. FHBNCH , HcglUr.
U. S. Land Offlo I
Broken now , Nob. , March 15 , lrt ! . f
A ufflclent content ffldavlt baring been flUd
n tbls office Jnnuarr 3d. Ib99. tiv Kn.tit Klecb.
umteitant , against II. K. No. 310 , tnadu by Itrrt-
na Brown , Sop ! . 19,1SV2 , lor Vi nw r 8 , tp
8 N. . K. VI W , by tlcitlna Hrown , contested In
which It It alleged that the tald llertlna Uruwn
bar wholly abando ed Haiti tutct for in on- than
Iz roonthi last jin t , tml baa not resided en raid
ract or Improved and cultlratoct tbe eame as ie-
nlred by MW. Said partlo * are tun-by mulrlcd
o appear , respond and offer evidence , on the 4th
day of May , 1899 , at 10 o'clock a in. , before the
teplitcrand liec lYer. at the United ststoa
) fflce at Broken Itow Nebraska. The ( aid con
estanl In n proper affidavit , filed March II. IfsW.
( Hiring set forth IncU which show that after dot-
diligence personal nvrvl e of thla notice cnnnot
KJ made , it la hereby ordered and directed that
nch notice be glren by due and prcper puhllca *
Ion. The Ctmor County Itepnbllcau la deU-
natod as the paper In wbi < h this notice shall bo
J.ind Office at Uroketi Bow , Neb. , I
March 20. 1809 f
Notice la hereby glren that tbe followluiMmra-
ed settler tiiu died notice of bts Intention to make
Una ) proof lu support of hla claim , and that said
> roof will be made before Mogltlor ami Jtocclver ,
at Broken Bow Neb. , on April 28 , 1699 , Tic
ArtliurO. iiiiiiifH.
of Broken Bow , Neb. , for the II. E. 137 , H\vM
sec. JO , tp 17 N. , range 20 W. He names the
'ollowlng ' witnesses to proTO hid continuous rcs-
dencc npoii ard cultivation of , nld land , viz :
'lenv il. Towalcy , William 8. Boyce. Edward
T McClure. Ouorto McHai * , all of Broken Bow ,
Land Office at Broken Bow , Neb. , I
March 20. 1869. f
Nolle * Is hereby glren that tbo following-nam
ed settler baa flled notice of Us IntiMillon to
make final proof In support of lila clulm , and
that said proof will bo made before Register and
llecelrer , nt Broken Bow , Neb. , on April 27tb ,
IbW , rlr t
IX. Eugene ClirlHtiiaii ,
of New Helena , Neb. , for the II. E. Ho. 123. uji
c K uoW sec. 34. tp 19 N. , r. 21 W.
He names the following \vlinesscn to prove
bis contlnuoui residence upon and cultivation of
said laud , yli ; Patrick Koli y , George W. Kel
ler , of Kew Dolena , George Templar , Frank
Templar , of Lillian. Nib.
JAMH9 WHITRHEAI ) . Register.
U. B. Land Office , Broken Bow , Neb ,
Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of
Instruction * from the Commissioner of the Oen-
ornl Land Ofllci1 , nudor authority vested In him
hy section 3450 , U. B. Kov. Stat. , as amended by
net of Congress , approved Pet ) M , IHO.'i , we will
proceed to oiler at public salu , on tbe 2d day of
May , Ihlia , next , ill this olllcu , the following tract
of land , to-wit : L > .t a , of eoctlon 10 , lu tp 19 , of
ration 1H. Any and all pnrcons claiming adversely -
ly the above dovcrllied I lulu are advised to file
tliolr claims In this oUlce ou or before the day
al > ' ) To dcslgnrttcd for ihu comtncncomont ot feiUd
Bnlo , otherwise thulr rlyhta will bo forfeited.
I'ltANK II. VJU.S'O , Uerelvor. '
Mirch Z , 1809.
U. 8. Lsnd UOlce. Broken Bow , Nab.
Notlcul < hereby given tint in purimanoo of
nstrnotlonB from the Commissioner of tbo Ocn.
arnl Land Office , under HtUuo-lty veitod In htm
l > y section 2150 , U. S. Itev. But. , aa aiuended by
act of Congress , approved Kcbruary 20th , 1896 ,
we will proceed to offer at public sale , on the
27th day of April 1809 , next , at thin office , tbe
ollowltig tracts of land , to-wlt : The nwW nwM
section 10 , township 18 M , R. SO W. , and the t %
so4 ! eoU noX section 4 , township 1UN. , it. 30 W.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to lllo their
claims in thla office on or before tno day above
designated for the commencement of old tale ,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
JAMBS WlUTKlIJSAl ) , Regiitar.
KIIANK H. YOUNG , Receiver.
Match 18 , IBjU.
Notice for I'tibllcatlon.
Notice Is hereby given that In pureimuce of In *
Blructlono fiom the Commlsslonor of tbo General
Laud Ofllce , under authority vested in him by
section JM&5 United Btatos itcvi'd Statutes , as
amtnded by the act of congress , approved Fob.
JOlh 18 f wo Tflll proceed to offer at public sale
n the S7th day of April , 1899 , next , at this office
the following tract of land , to.wlt : Su qr nw qr
sec. 17 , tp 10 N. , R. 21 W. Any and all persons
clrlmlng adversely the above described lands are
advised to tile their claims in thla office on or bo.
fore the day above designated for tbe commence
ment of said ealo , otherwise their rights will b
GKO. E. FKKMCH , Ucelster ,
Dated tbls 17th day of March , 1809.
Land Office at Broken Bow , Neb. , I
March 34 , 1899. f
Notice Is hereby given that tbo followlng.nam-
od settler has flled notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver , at Broken Bow. Nyb. , on May 8th ,
IsW , vlt-
CIiatlcH \VolHlcben ,
of Somorford , Neb , , for the II. E. NO. iifi" . aw qr
section S3 , Township 19 K , Range IB W. lie
name * the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of , laid
land. vU : Joseph Jancsofsky , George , Whit-
comb. of Somcrford , Olando M. Wolfe , Clause
Worth of Coburg , Nob. Alio at the same time
andplactt ,
of Somerford. Nob. , for the ne qr eoctson 5. tp
IB M. R. 18 W. He names as witnesses : Charlet L
Wolslebon , Olando Wolfe. Peter Janesufaky ,
Fred PUrco , all of Somerrord , Neb ,
Land Omco at North 1'latto , Neb. , I
April 10th , 1 ( > 99. [
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has filed notice of hli > Intention to
maKe final proof In support of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before tbe County
Judge , Caster county , Neb , , at Ilroken BowNeb ,
on May lOih , 1899 , vU : 1'ranklln Draper , H. E.
No. 11778. forthonwhi aectlon 21 , townihlp II
N. , range31 West. Ho mines tbo following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of , tald land , vli : H. I'res-
sej , J , Jackson , W. F. Thompson , Eiru L.
Stairs , all of Ocouto. Neb.
GEO. E. FRKNCU , Register.
The Btato of Nebraska. I County d.urt ( or
Caster County , J ° ' said County.
At a teaslou of tbe County Court , held at tbo
County Court Room , In and fcr sal ft Cocnty , al
Broken How , on the 7th day of April , A ,
D , 1899. Present , J. A , Armour , Oo. Judge.
In tbo matter of the estate of Adallno Jounson.
Whereas , Letters ol administration have this
day been granted to J.M. admtuli
trator of the esuta of Adallno U Johnson.Ordered
Tnafslx monthi bo allowed for creditors to pre
sent their claims agalnit said estate ( or adjus'
M tnt and allowance , and one jear bo allowot
aald ad < ilnUtrator to settle up said estate , from
the.lttU day of April , A.U. lbtt . And It is further
or ordered , That notice bu given to tbe creditors
of said estate to api > ir before 11 e. at the county
court room , in sat J county , on the loth day o
Jnne. 1699 , on the 16th day of Aug. , 16 > 9. and on
the lith day ol October , 1899 , at 10 o'clock a. m
each day.b/ publication In the Republican , a
newspaper printed in said county , four weeks
successively prior to tb 15th dsy of June , Ib99
for Use purpose ot presenting their cialmi to
adjustment and allowance.
J. A. AUMOUH , County Judge.
In ( he DistrictCumlof Ouster County , cbr.
In lie mttller uf the esUtoof Je o D. riharwood ,
drceajo.1 Orilcr to Show Cause.
Tbli caUMi CAIIKI on for hearing upon the | > et .
tion of A , O , Hodman , administrator of the es
tate of Jetf 1) . Sherwood , deceased , before mo ,
II , M.Orlmes.Jndpoof the Dltlrlct Court of
the 13th Judicial District of the State of Ne
braska , f ittlnc In cp n court , held at the Court
llourc In Mroke Ifow. Curler county , Nebraska.
Bald petition t raying fr license to fell tbe noli
of rcctlon 31 , In townihlp 17 , north of rsngc ! U ,
west , and the awM of ice 9 , in tn 16 n. of r : &
wtit , all In Cn K > r county , Nebraika , or a snfll-
cltnt amount thereof to bring the turn ot S3uu ou ,
f r tbe payment of debts allowed agalnit laid
rs atr , and tbe coat * of admlnistratlun , there not
litiog lullicient txrfonal p'opcrty to pay said
debts and cxrcnt et.
It apt > thit II. M. Solllvan , JnJije of tbe
Hlh Judicial dlttrlct of Uio State of Nebraska. M
disqualified ( run sitting and tutting the pctltio i
herein , by reason ofmtrcit In ( aid ettato and
tbe property to be fold.
It Is by me ordered that all persons lnt reete < l
In laid estate appotr before me. or sncb other
Judge as the same may be heard br , at tba Court
Houie. In broken Bow , Neb. , on the 1st day of
May , IS99 , at 10 o'clock a. m. on raid day , to
show cause why a license ihonld not b granted
to i aid administrator to sell the above described
real estate of laid deceased , or so much then of
as shall be necejtary to pay said dcbu and ex
penses. Notice of this order to be given by pub.
Iicatlon , as required bp law.
llattd thle Vih day of March , 169 ! ) .
mayl II. M GIIIUES ,
District Judge Presiding ; .
Notice Is hereby given that by vlr'ne of a chat
tel morlgige. datid on the 12th day of March ,
1P93. and duly flled In the office of th < Oonntv
Clerk of Cuder connty , Neb. , on the 19th day of
March , 1M > 5. ( .nil executed by F. E. Wldmeyer ID
the First National Mink , of Broken llow , Ne
braska , to secure tbe payment ot the rum of
J.-'J. . ' > 5 , due September Htb. ! IS'JJ , with 10 per cent
Interest thereon from Mircb I''th , 18VS , and upon
whcn ! there isnuw duo the > um of fi > 9.S5. De
fault having beau made in the payment ot said
Dm , and no suit or otter proceeding at Inw hav
ing been instituted to recover said debt or any
part there of , therefore raid The Klrst National
llanlt , of Broken Itow , Neb. , will sell the prop
erty in raid mortgage described , to-wlt : One
buy gelding eight years old. weight about 1,400
poundi ; one bay guiding about nine years old ,
veluht about 1,400 pounds , known a the "Emp-
leld' team ; also one bay maru mule coming
hrec years old , and one borae mule ( black ) com-
ng three years old , at public auction , at tbe
northwest corner of the public square , In the tlty
of Broken Bow , In said Ouster county , on the Otb
dav ot May , 1899at two o'clocs p. m. of laid day.
Dated April 12th. 1899.
. of Broken Bow , Neb.
II. G. Rogers , Cashier ,
I have a largo Hat of farms foi
sale in all parts of the nounty. Low
prices and easy tcrm of paymeut
Write for pricen.
Kag Carpet
Sold cheap , in any length pieces desired. Car
pet wearing solicited. Prices reason ibis.
Mrs. Louise Raymond.
West of Down's Store.
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
Flans and Specifications on short notice. Ma
torlal f mulshed and buildings completed choapu
than any man I u the state. Satisfaction guaran
t -od as to plans and cucclflcatlona.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Ofllcu over Hyerson's grocery. Real ]
Uenoo Oth house west of Baptist nhurob.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
OQico over post office. liesideooo
north sidu.
U. n. MUL.L.INB , M. O.
Civlla promptly attended day or night
OUlce over postoulco ,
Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. ,
Uuccessorto Dr. M , C. Blyatone.
Office over Chryslal Drug Store. Calls promp
ly answsred from office , day or night.
Doctor Pennlngton ,
Member N.A.R.8. Ex-AesUtiut Surgeon St. Jo
ard O. I. It. It ; also K. & O. K. It. Late grad
uate of the Unlrerslty of I'onusylTanla. ufflc
three doora aoutu of Ed McComas droj ; store
All ciilla filled , day or night.
The City Mills
E. C. MCULUKK , Prop.
Ryt Flour and Graham , ground on
stone burr. All kinda of grinding
douo for toll or exchange , to sni
ttHtoinor- Agent for uoudutmec
Cibus Sleek Food.
All ( Slnda of work in our lieu , don
promptly and In llrst-claeb order. Rec
Shjp oti the corner , west of tbe hos
house . Give us a trial.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public , -
aurt Juitllm of the Pcaca. Special attention gtr
eu to collections. Uopoeitfous taken , peuilo
voucbora neatly executed , and nil kludi of log *
papers wrlttuu. Olllce weft aide luuare , Urom
bowr. Neb.
lfirPlt.n8 and .estimates on j euort no
tlce. liroken How , Neb.
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Kino Line of Bonks , Stationery , Toilet ArtiolcH , etc. Stores on
both North and South Sides , Broken How , Nob.
r. C. WOH.N'ALL. I'rcJldeut. J. A. H\1UU3 , Cashier.
A. J. KOUERT80N. Vlco-Pres. W. D. BLACKWKL.L , Asi't Cashier.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
Transacts a Guuoral Banking BuainoBH. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
-Aud lO'd to-
Tbo entire f took of O. W. U'llde , coueletlnt ; of Ilnniwaro , Tinware , Implements ,
timu Klugmuti Corn PUnlerp , three Dl k Cultivators , ( our Toti uu L'ultlvatora.
four Ton uelesA CuUlvatore and otlirr Jtupletnentp. The. enllro etook sold
for lees tban manufacturer'R price. Call early and get bargains. ) buvo juit
received Kcarloitd , my first shipment thin year , of tbo Grand Detour 1'lowe find
Dieca , wltli Itoller llenrtug Discs , Listers. Cultlvatorp. etc , tbo David iiradlej
L'lowa , Corn Planter , Cultivators , Lister ? , Discs ot all flues. Force Feed EndjjaU
Setder . best made ; 1)6 ) Tooth ettel lever Ilarrovv ? ; tbe Tbooias Dlek , notblog
better made ; Badger Cultirators , tbo licet riding cultivator on earth ; ee'o It ; tbe
Kenuini ) New Departure Tonjjueleea Cultivatot ; Hie Studebftker Wagon , none
better ; ask those who uen them ; also tbe Klah liroH. Buggies of all kinds. Prices
from 840 nnd up. See them and you will buy Sprint ; wagonb Racine , Colum
bus , bradley and other makes. Deerlug Binders and Deerlng Twine , the best , maae.
TTnvnPGK Bo"8ht thirty sets of tbe same that I fold so tnnny of bet
JLctlllcoO year ; gave the best of satisfaction , tsee this hainew. Con
cord bolt hame , wool faced , open throat collars , can't be beat for the mot ey ;
bought before Ihu advance. See me for harness , collars , pads and Btrap work.
TTiirnii'llVP I have just erected a store room at the rear ot my old
* tllllXLLUc H ore , and Just received near of Furniture , and with the
present stock Imvo the best selected and most complete stock In tbe cl'y. Iron
Beds fiom i3.50 and up. Tables , Kales , Lounges , Kockere , Baby Cbbp , Mattreta-
ti , Springs , Chairs , etc. , at prlceg well , remember I am not undersold. , lf you
need an outfit for housekeeping It will pay you to see me.
"Orj-t-jrypc Do not pay S69 for a range trora peddlers wnen vou can get
AVclU jCO H better one from your homn dealers for $40. The Peninsular
all steel wrought iron J < angu , the very best made , with < oppp.r reservoir and blub
shelf , there IB no better Rnngu made. ; fully warranted ; Other stoves frem 810$12 ,
816 and up. The Wonder line , they are fully warranted. Tbo Genuine Glldden
\Vlre , tbe beat made The lightest and cheapest in the end ; and Red Rubber
Paint , no tar like Imitation ; buy the best ; it is alwa < > the cheapst
SPYVITIO'Tnif V lT10G Tie now Goortrfch and Elridge from $20
. _ ilxaCJIlllCSs
oeVYJ.Iig and up ; thev are warranted ( or ten years ;
have sold them lor ten years. Window Curtains , 25c and up. Home made Tln-
ware will give you tbe bt-st satisfaction , and tlnfhop In ci-iti ectlon with tl e ftorej
all kinds uf repaltlng dine. Rlco'a Garden Seeds of all klwif * . Buy coed fresh
seeds and you will have Bucms. Millet , Barley , ocd all kltds of Held feed ? ;
prices lower than nny catalogue prices , ilortlwhrc. bargain ? and prkMP the low
est. Clevteea , double and tingle tret'B. My lender , loc j-low illi ; Folks , WeFtern
Wnsber , Ehvood I'ield Fencing , tbe best made ; Clotlns Wringers , 1'hble and
Pocket Kutierj- i nd u cotnpleto line of Revolvers and Guns ; ammunition c f all
kinds ; Copper Rivets , lu fact everything , and prices as low at > the lowest ; when In
need of Implements , Plows , Furniture , Hardware , Wire , Tinware. It will pay you
tn * ee me. With low prices honorable and fair dealing , I buvo I eld the title of
th oldest hardwaru store In Broken Bow. When In reed of a liousi ki' < plnp rutflt
oal ann savn money. Have it full line of Coih'ni'.Caeketp ard UnOi riaklng Qooda
calls attended to iilgbtt or day. Yours RpsperifullyHORGK M'lLl ING
I Once Was Lost , "but " ITow I Have
Found it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mammoth -
moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you erer
heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep
ing posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Christmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
Remember the place , on the big corner , just east of First
National Bank.
W. S. SWAH , Proprietor ,
Headquarters for everything in the line
oi Dry Goods , Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes ,
Glassware , Queensware , Tinware , Cloth
ing and Notions.
Just received a fine lot of Men's
and Boj'u Suits at $ H 85 , * 8.L'5 ,
$4.47 , 35.25 and $7.20. Also
orderH taken for tailormadosuits.
Straw bais cheaper thau ever ,
Corsets 40o to 99o
Shoes worth $1.26 to * 2-25 go on
to our 08c bargain counter.
Now is the time to get Shoes ; call
nd BOO them.
Men's Underwear 50o per suit
Sheetings 8 0 per yard
Window Shades 16o to 25o
Coffee Mills
Pint Cups , 2 for
Dr Pierco's Golden Medical Dis.
covery 0
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presor'n , 90o
Dr. Pioroe's P. P. Pellets 20o
Dr. NVard'ri Liniment , sin. aizo.20o
Kiokapoo Indian Worm Killer , the
beet in the world.
Ayer's PilU 20o
Dr. William's Pink Pills tor Pale
p ° ori 45o
A lOo Tablet for 40
Roukford Socks su pajr
Men's Wool Pants. . . * ! ,25 to * 2 50
Outing Flannel worth 12 o for..8
LadieH India Dongola Shoes. . . .75 i
Overalls -J5o to 4 e
Hunter SifierH 100
Bib Overalls \ \ \ 49 , X
Call and see our now line of Serge ,
Brocades and Cashmere , t t prices
way below all competition. A '
tine line of C.ilioo and Prints in |
the latest patterns. )
Silverware given away. Market price paid
-for Eggs.
. . .