Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 20, 1899, Image 3

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An Excellent Itcport from Wisconsin
nnd Mlnnenuta
The opinion of five delegates from
Minnesota nnd Wisconsin , published
by the Edmonton Bulletin over their
names is very complimentary to
Northern " Alberta. The report says :
"Wo must say with all sincerity that
driving all over the country for six
days , wo have not found ono settler
who was not more than pleased with
the country and Us productions , and
will not return to the land ho left. Wo
have seen people hero from all parts
of the states and all doing well. Wo
met a Dakota farmer by the name of
McLean , who has Informed us that ho
ha& raised more grain hero In thrco
years than ho did In thirteen where ho
came from , on half as much ground.
We have seen a number of others , both
men and women , and all speak in the
same strain about Alberta. They all
look well and contented ; oven the chil
dren are happy. In our drive over the
country , In passing the countless
school houses wo could only see hap
piness in the faces of the llttlo ones.
Wo noticed them all well dressed equal
If not better than the same class of
children In the state of Minnesota.
The wheat that is raised hero Is just
beautiful , the kernel full and plump
and mns well bo termed golden grain ,
yielding 30 to 55 bushels to the acre.
This statement Is not from ono farmer
but from hundreds who tell the same
tale. Oats yield from 70 to 100 bushels
to the aero , barley from 40 to GO bush
els and potatoes from 300 to100 bush
els to the acre. Wo have taken par
ticular notice of the climate in regard
to the difference between this coun
try and our own. When we left Ada ,
Minnesota , wo were In the midst of a
real Dakota blizzard. When wo ar
rived at Edmonton wo found the people
ple on the streets still wearing sum
mer clothing , no mittens on their
hands and far less use for thorn. The
country is simply more than wo ever
dreamed of. The printed matter sent
out by the government does not half
tell of the grand country In Alberta ,
open -for millions of people to make
beautiful homes for themselves. Too
much can not be said in praise. It
Is all and more than the greatest
eulogist ever thought of giving to the
public. Wo saw cattle and horses In
herds grazing on the prairie like In
summer time all sleek and fat. We
were Informed by several farmers that
most of the stock run out all winter.
Wo also found the market extra good
hero for beef and pork. Hogs fetch
4 cents live weight. A three-year-
old steer will bring from $40 to $45
right from * he prairie. Coal and wotxl
are here In abundance. Coal Is sold
In the town of Edmonton for $2 per
ton and farmers can secure coal at
the mines themselves for 75 cents per
load. Deforo closing wo say to you one
and all , come to Alberta , where there
are homes for millions and a promise
for something to lay by for nn old
age. Wo are well satisfied with this
country and as evidence have each
bought a half section of C. P. R. land
In township 35 , range 21 west of the
4th Initial meridian , and will return
next spring to reside. Hoping this
may be of some benefit to the over
burdened farmers of tlio United
States. "
Sent by Floyd Dean , son of E. S.
Dean of Deanville , Mich. , who Is now
In Alberta , and has taken up ICO acres
II. & O. Now Stool Kulls.
The recent purchase of 28,000 tons
of 85-pound steel rails by the Balti
more & Ohio Railroad brings the total
amount of rail bought since March 1 ,
1890 , up to 115,300 tons , enough to
relay 870 miles of track. Of the new
rail ordered eight thousand tons Is to
be laid on the lines west of the Ohio
river , and twenty thousand tons Is to
be used as follows : Forty-four miles
on the Philadelphia division , 11 miles
on the Second division , 13 miles on
the Third division , 30 miles on the
Fourth division , 21 miles on the Fifth
division , 10 miles on the Connellsvlllo
division and 21 miles on the Pittsburg
division. Much of the rail that will
be taken up Is still good enough to
be relaid on branches where traffic Is
not heavy. The Southwestern divi
sion , between Parkersburg and St.
Louis , will have forty thousand tona
of rail to lay this spring.
Do Your Foot Aclio mill IJurnT
Shake Into your shoes , Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes fool Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Women have a limited amount of
conceit , but men Invariably have It In
unlimited quantities.
FITS Tcnno ncntly Curort. No ( Us or nervousness after
tint dny'H tivo of Ilr. KIlne'H ( ireut Neno llestorer.
Fcml for FKICK f S.OO trial bottle nnd treatise ,
bu. R. H. KLINK , Ltd. , 931 Arch St. , 1 ulladelphla , I'a.
Understanding Is the scale of thought
where all ideas are weighed.
Plso's Cure for Consumption has saved
no largo doctor bills. C. L. Baker. 4223
Ilegent Sq. , Philadelphia , Pa. , Dec. 8 , (05. (
If marriage is a failure It must be a
case of heart failure.
In my fntrlly for 2.1 yearn. Mrs. A. Suclianeck ,
Mlnneapoll' , Minn. 25c. a buttle.
There are six schools In Ireland
where Irish Is taught.
Catnrrh Cannot lie Cored
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as tucy cannot
reach the fceut of the disease Catnrrh Is a
blood or constitutional disease , and In order to
cure It you must talto Internal remedies Hulls
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally , and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a qunclc medicine.
It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians
In this country for j ears , and Is u regular pre
scription. It Is composed of the best tonics
known , combined with the best blood purifiers ,
acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is
what produces such wonderful results In curing
Catarrh. Send for testimonials , free.
T J. CHUNKY & CO . Props. , Toledo , O.
Sold by druggists , price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The Chicago Peat tells of a preacher
who hurried Into store. " '
a drug . "I've
been called to attend a Croesus baby , "
ho said , "and I've got a prescription
that calls for nothing but paregoric.
When they send it over hero you tell
them that It will take at least an hour
to put It up , and the cost will bo $3.50.
That's the only way to make them
think that I'm any good , the medicine's
any good and you're any good , and I
want to keep their business. "
The first woman pensioner of the
Spanish war Is Mrs. S. C. Glbrrcath
of Austin , Tex. , whoso husband , a ma
jor In the Eleventh Infantry , died In
Porto Rico last summer.
Lord Salisbury once handled n pick
and shovel. During the great Austral
ian gold craze ho set out as a gold
hunter , and the hovel In which ho lived
as a rough , red-shlrtod miner , Is still
The wife of Oencra E. S. Otis , com
mander of the army In the Philippines ,
Is the daughter of a soldier and Gen
eral Otis laid siege to her heart for
twenty-three months before she ca
At Avllla , twenty miles north efFort
Fort Wayne , Intl. , Walter Goodrich ,
aged 19 , fatally shot his brother Wal
lace , aged 35 , and then blew his own
brains out. The brothers unarmed
over a horse.
At St. Louis , after two hours spent
In the examination of a number of wit
nesses the coroner's jury hold Frank
A. Galloway responsible for the death
of his wife , whom ho murdered In cold
blood In a down-town store.
An effort Is being made at VIrden ,
111. , between W. D. Ryan of the State
Minors' Association and L . C. Loucks
of the Chlcago-Vlrdcn Coal company ,
to adjust differences between thorn. It
is thought an agreement will be easily
Emperor William has issued nn or
der that official reports submitted to
him hereafter shall bo In typewriting.
Thlp is a great innovation , as hereto
fore the typewriting of such reports
has been considered a great breach of
Henry E. J. Boardman , a wealthy
icsldentof Marshalltown , la. , and gen
eral counsel for the Iowa Central rail-
xoad company , Hen critically 111 at St.
Joseph's hospital In Chicago , and his
physicians say his Illness probably will
prove fatal.
A special to the St. Louis Reuubllc
from Montrosc , Mo. , says : Miss Etta
Wilson , aged 20 , daughter of County
Judge "William Wilson , took her own
life with a shotgun last night because
her betrothed , Vigil McCarry , had en
listed in the army and declared his in
tention of going to Manila.
The Berlin correspondent of the
London Morning Post says : Lord
Salisbury , I learn , has definitely an
nounced his adhesion to the principle
of unanimity in the Samoan commis
sion , although filled with grave appre
hensions as to the detrimental effect
It may have on the commission's use
fulness. The British and German gov
ernments have now arrived at an
Sheriff J. W. Fox of Memphis , Tenn. ,
was In Lexington , Ky. , endeavoring to
locate Circuit Judge Rogers of that
state In order to notify him that his
office of judge has been abolished. Ten
circuit judgshlps , ono of which \vtis
held by Rogers , were abolished by the
Tennessee legislature. All have been
located and notified except Rogers.
Until officially notified Rogers' salary
as circuit judge continues.
A dispatch from Bassctt , Nob. , says
a prairie flro of extraordinary proportions
tions and of great fierceness Is raging
throughout Rock county. The resi
dents of that entire section are fightIng -
Ing the flames , but a strong wind is
driving the fire , and all efforts to con
trol It have failed. From Bassett to
Newport , a distance of twenty miles ,
the whole country Is a mass of flames.
That section Is made up largely of
hay flats , and these afford fuel for
tne flames.
Robert Mazet , the New York legislator
later who originated the present In
vestigation of the New York City po
lice force , and who is a lawyer , a resi
dent of the city of New York and a
first lieutenant in the Seventh regi
ment. He was a member of the last
state legislature and a member of the
committee for the investigation of
trusts In 1897 , known as the "monster
hunters , " of which Lexow , was chair
man. Ho Is said to bo brusque and
bustling in manner and without per
sonal maenetism.
According to mail advices from
Auckland , brought by the Marlposa
from Samoa , it is reported that the
British cruiser Porpoise , Captain Stur-
dee , suddenly found Itself boycotted ,
no natives being allowed to trade with
It. Captain Sturdeo demanded an
apology and a cessation of the boycott
from the provisional government. The
president of the government Intimat
ed in his reply that the boycott of the
Porpoise was due to the presence on
board of Chief Justice Chambers. This
added Insult to Injury , and another de
mand was made for an apology , which
was Immediately given abjectedly. This
closed the Incident.
Umulia , Chicago nnd New York Market
nutter Creamery separator. . . 18 a 20
lluttor-Cholco fancy country. U a 10
KKKS Fresh , per do/ 10 a II
OhTckenb llu > , pur pound 10 a 1J
Turkeys. , dressed. . itt "
IMKcww-Hvc.iior doz 70 a 75
Lemons-I'er box 375 a 4 50
Oranges-Pcr box . : 59 ? ?
Oninuorrle ! , Jorsoysper ; bbl. . . . 8 50 a Uj
Applcs-1'cr bairel 3 ,5 a 5 50
Honey-Choice , per pound 12tfa U
Onlons-l'or bushel 80 a 85
lleans. Ilnmlplcked navy 1 * > a J 40
Potatoes Per bushel , new 00 a 1 Zj
Hay-Upland pcrton 500 a 603
lIoRS-Cholce light 3 CO a 3 05
HoRS-lleavy weights 3 M a 3 70
lleef steers * * a 3 45
[ lulls 2 M > tt450
Stags ? 40 a 4 oo
Calves 450 a 3 7j
Western feeders 2 00 u 4 00
Cows 200 a 4 10
Heifers .3 70 a 4 J
fetockers and feeders a 00 a 4 < a
Sheep-Lambs 5 JO a 5 50
Sheep Western wethers 4 00 a i 75
Wheat No. 2 spring 71 a 72 ,
Corn Per bushel 31 a 31 ;
Outs Per bushel 27 u 2 *
llarlev No , S 37 a 47
Hye-No.2 53 a' 53W
Timothy seed , per bu 2 : a 2 so
1'ork I'crcwt 8 00 a B !
Lard 1'er 100 pounds 4 f > 0 a 5 00
Cuttle Western ft'd steers 4 70 a 5 00
Cattle Native beef steers 3 IK ) a 4 tn
Hoes Mixed 355 a 3 S3
f-hiep Lambs , 500 a 5 00
Bnoop Western Hangers 300 a 4 50
Wheat No. 3 , red winter fila ! 82
Corn-No. 2 4J a 44
Oats No. 2 29 Ha 30
Wheats-No. 2 spring 85 a C8
Corn No.U 3'i a 31
Oats No. - 2 a 2J
Bhoep Muttons 350 a 4 2Ji
nogs-Mixed 356 u 3 70
Cattle Slockors and feeders. . 3' $ a 5 25
TPIE pleasant metliocl nnd beneficial effects of the well-known remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , mnnuftictured
by the California Fig Syrup Company , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles
of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste
and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative ,
Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance , and its acting on the kidneys ,
liver and bowels , gently yet promptly , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal laxative.
In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but
by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects , and
to avoid imitations , please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package.
Consumers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that others
pay for cheap and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere considered
the best of its class , an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best informed
purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in the manufacture
and sale of its excellent liquid laxative remedy , SYRUP OP FIGS , it has become important to all to have a
knowledge of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrup Company was organised more than
fifteen years ago , for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would be
more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of the
remedy , as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts , is attested by the sale of millions of bottles
annually , and by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and genuine remedy named
SYRUP OP FIGS is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only , the knowledge of that fact
will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties.
Fbr6aleby All Druggishs , Price 5O $ Per BoWe.
There was a rumor In the air that
the veteran fighter , General Wheeler , a
widower , was to ho married. Ho most
emphatically denies , however , that dur
ing the past twelve months ho has
either been captured by Spaniards or
U S. I'ntcnt Oillro
Four hundred and fifty-four patents
were Issued this week. In the list , 10 are
for Iowa inventors , G for Nebraska , 8
for Kansas , 5 for Minnesota , 37 for Illi
nois , 20 for California , 80 for Now
Yor , 3G for Massachusetts and only 10
for Connecticut.
Applications awaiting action by the
examiners , G.02G. None of the exami
ners are reported more than two
months In arrears with their work.
A patent for a design for a Ultrfmn
cabinet was granted on the 4th inst. to
B. P. Willard and S. R. Crowner , of
Sprlngvlllo , Iowa ; to .1. M. McCormlck ,
of DCS Moines , for a hammer , staple
and nail-puller combined.
A patent has been allowed to F. C.
Groneman , of Whlttemore , la. , for a
medicine bac , specially adapted for re
taining a plurality of doses of medicine
enclosed within pieces of paper folded
together in such a manner that the pa
pers will be securely retained in the
box to be removed one at a time as re
quired for use.
Wo do all the work required in pre
paring and prosecuting applications for
U. S. patents.
Consultation , advice and printed mat
ter containing valuable information ,
Solicitors of Patents.
DCS Moines , Iowa ,
April 8 , 1899.
"Mr. Stanley , " snid a friend of the
African explorer the other day , "I see
the American papers are calling you
an American. " "Well , " was the an
swer , "tho term isn't llbelous. "
Keep the fire of zeal under the boil
ers of patience and you will run the
engine of high purpose.
Statistics show that blind women
outnumber blind men to a ratio of 2
to 1.
Spring Clviiultii ; AIiuli ) Kimy.
The first of Mny IH sulllclciitly curly to
begin sprlnK clouiiliiK , liut the work may
be very much llRhtonod by ROttlnj ? every
thing In readiness beforehand , us well IIH
providing llu | best articles for cleaning
purposes. For washing windows , wood
work and Doors nothing equals Ivory
Soap. Soft water Is always easier to
work with than haul. For banishing In-
BectH from presses and beds USD ulum and
bonix , and for purifying Inside and out-
uldo llmo Is excellent.
It is not right to sacrifice your prin
ciples to save another's feelings.
Cno'n Couglt
I the oUIoft and I cut. It 111 liriuk up ncoM quicker
limn iinjlljlni , ' else H IB ulwitys rullublu. 'lo It
Where every word counts In a ca
Halzur'n Heoil Corn.
Does your heed corn test , Hro. Farmer ?
Snlzor's does It's northern grown , early
and good for 80 to 1I > 0 bu. per aero ! Bond
this notice and 10c for 8 corn tmmjiloH and
low prices to John A. Sal/or Beea Co , , La
, Wis. fw. ii , ]
Hypocrisy Is the gilt of virtue used
in the adornment of vice.
A safe , turf , puri1 , perfect nicillclno for all the
family Canrnrrm dimly Cathartic , lirlnjr licaltli ,
pnecrvc liualth In tlie houm-hold. DniKKl t , lOc ,
Me , SOc.
Noble deeds are steps up the moun
tain side of character.
The Opening of the Ute Indian Iteiervutlon
By proclamation of the President of
the United States , the Ute Indian res
ervation In southern Colorado will bo
opened for settlement at noon of May
4 , 1899. It comprises 600,000 acres of
arable mesa land , which has long been
considered the most desirable In the
state. For free pamphlets , giving
complete Information , address S. K.
Hooper , General Passenger Agent D.
& R. G R. U. Denver , Colo.
Alubaatlne , the only durable wall coatIng -
Ing , takes the place of scaling kalsomlnes ,
wall paper and paint for walls , It can be
used on plaster , brick , wood or canvas.
Alnbnstlne can bo used over paint or
paper , paint or paper can bo used over
Alabastlne. liny only In the pound puck-
ages , properly labeled , tultu no substitute.
Every church and schoolhouBo should bo
coated only with Alabastlne Hundreds
of tons used yearly for this wotk. Genu
ine AlubuBtlnu does not rub and scale olf.
* . ikvfl
Our Cfcol Conv
of Bed
fur new
pottt ire
Ironi IIM
iJ jmo end br s knowi llie
croll work iiomifittnled will e ( cljrer ! ' 'J'6 ' ' ' , ' *
Incliei IJIIR. Gin bt lud In f4'l3wm wAI ! i J H . J w I
4 III 4 Iti 6 iA. Send S10.00 nJ ttccivt die L'ed nd
wliiti'rtuhlppf.U'.o'.U.nutiJrct'to'BJiihilimtibn. "iiilili
OUrtOMIimTlltN IllllinilV llttllfcll Ml. ill
ll 8 l.r ll l lt I'tli * 1 Ik CliiTCm .20
SI 1 d x. Ito\c Slitlrhf -
Sitoz Clothes rim. . . .
nllnrt Honp. . . . . . . . . . . I Au\iuonln ! u >
H E > 1'cppcr , , . . . . . . . 11 lllnlnit .15
II ft ( ' "irti'o . . . LoinMtxtt
M\\lult < Viinllla W
, tl > llftkliitt TuWilet. . .40
1 ll."cHto\o . I'ullnli. . . .03 TloiJ
1 ft Corn march .CO ( inr Prl with HtJ.
AT Otlll KXrr.NHi ; , If lli nroiorl nroiiot
iw ri'pre oiito < l rrturii tlii'm nt our oxi > eu 8 nnu wo
will refund jour money nmt jo > ; VMP II" l' 'l.
OnrllUiMrnted mttloitnf everything to lint ,
w nr i > iu\ line cnt fmi. m'Kiuu Kmyth'i
i I'ftt'flrnk ll IMppr nl 1e tlun wholfmle l > rlce.
I Hand fur miiiiplo * . Wo 'till RlvonUrupluuiIiono
\rjitiniirll4 TSdroorryOnlrr.
, oml 111 ID. , K.t.Mi.hi ism. cmc .o.
"NolhliiK but \vhcnt ; wlmt you
call a HOII of whrnt. " Is what WIIH twld
by 11 lecturer HpcaUtnt ; of Western Can-
tuln. Vttf particulars aH to tauten , I all-
way furcH , etc. , npply t" Wupurlutomlont
of iimnlirrntloii , Department Interior. Ot
tawa , Cnnniln. or toV. . V. Honnott. SOI
Now York Life Jiulldlnjr , Oinalm. Neb.
T nrnr customer * , Anil licuuo oiler
V ll'kir. IJ Dny lloilluli , IDo
1 I'kii. liirlr ltli.0 O-jUinnf , 100
1 " KnrllMt llml llrct ,
iioii'ii l.uYiitii'B Uncumbor Ido
HMier'i llo t I-i'tmcn , Mo
California McTomrto , Sio
Knrlr Dlnnrr Onion , lUo
llrlllUnt lower Hecdf ,
Worth 91.00 , fur 14 cent * ,
AbnrelOiitiR * . wurtTTlJI.OO , wo will
infill you frei'i liiiirlluir with our
F'.ont I'lnnt. nnd Herd OAtnlnguo
upon rooolpt of thli notlri ) A 1 lo
.O UKK.Vn Iliflto > n\ir triule ml
know when jmt men try Hnl'/.rr'H
m will no cr not nlonenlln-
nattliMii. OnliiiiMnmKINn , ml
up it Hi. I'nliuocM nt 81.211
u IUll.OatAl < ieKlunn6o. No.wi
NAI7IU HI nil III. , 1.4 UUI-HR , IH.
I'nrlli-N ilt'Klrlmr Infurtimtlou rc'itnrilliiK the
ucw rnllruiul now iintlur cuimtiiu'tlim from Atkln.
Kin to Hie nc.w town of Terry , llnyil cnunly , Nc-
lirimkii , tu ) < ( friiiliniK of Hi" rooil , Ilircn new
towns will vnililUlu'il on thin lint' . Adilrcn
Arc now Uitnt ; our
Inlomational Typo-High Plates
Sawed to
They will MIVO tlma In your eomi > OHlntf
room UN they can bo imtullud uvun uulultcr
tiinii typo.
Nonxlrii clinrio IH mutlo for sawlni , ' platen
to Hliort lonKtliH.
Send u trlul order to tills ofllco nnd bo
UHO lllff M I'IT iniimtural
( llncliitrito , Inlliiiiitiiiitluiii ,
1 Irrltittlona or iiUiTutloun
uf IIIIIOUIIH iiifliiliranii ,
, - I'lilnlcan , nnd nut ailriu-
llTHtEvANSOHEMIMlOO. B 'lilur | > eli
I Noli ! l > y
or unit In plnln , . , . . . . ,
liy cirrcin , prupnlil. for
if no , nrllhottlftt , e.7 .
Circular ( cut uu
WANTKD-Cftta of 'mo nonltli tlmt JM-P-A-K-8
will not licncilt. Honil R i cuts to lilpani Clicinlcsl
Cu. . Now Yorkfor 10 Biimplcii una 1.UUO tcitliuouluU.
W.N.tJ. OMAHA. No. 16-1809
I When Answcrinn , Advcrtlsscmcntn Kindly
Mention This
* -
' The /net tlmt the Chalnlosn wheel girl Is helping the chain whrel girl up the
hill does not moan that chain wheels are of no use. Wo iiinko chain wheels our
selves ami can assure you that they glvayou excellent sorvice. What the picture
Ruowsis that the Chafnless IK the bettor lilll-dlinhor. Why IN this ? Blniply be
cause the bevel-gearing cannot be crumped or twisted under the extra strain.
This fiiimo unlforiulty of action makes the CliaiulosH im excoptlonully easy run
ning machine under all conditions of ridlug.
Chalnless , $75 ; Columbia Chain$50 ; Hartfords , $35 ; Vedettes , $25 , $26 ,
Ask any Columbia dealer for a Catalogue , OflPP MPfi Pfl Uarffnrrl Pnnn
or write'to us direct , enclosing a 2-c. stamp. J UTC fflrUi UUi , HalHUlU , bUlllli
Alabastlne packages have full direc
tions Anono can brush It on. Aslc paint
dealer for tint caul. "Alalmstlno ICni"
free. Alusbustlno Co. , Grand Ituplds.Mlcu.