- % B' Must Give Possession of Building Juno 1st. o. ri. ywevis , S > SSE Going out of Business in a Blase of Bargains. Bargains that will set a pace for value-giving , and that will be remembered for years to come. Everything goes. Fine Dress Goods , Silks , Table Linens , Napkins , IWelings , Bed Spreads , Laces , White Goods , etc. Drop in ; you will meet a crowd. 1 No "Cheap John" goods in my stock. M LGTTEJtS FIHMI MANILA. llyHorgcnnl Walter 8. Kllck , Hpoolnl Correspon dent ot the KKPUllUtUN. Camp Stotsouburg , March 5 , 'OU. Company M. wau on outpost yes terday , and watt attacked by the in- BurgeutB about 5:00 in the morning. , IIeld the position and no one hurt ; relieved at 2UO : p. m. by company I. , March Oth ; company I. driven back from outpost ; company D. called out to reinforce company I. ; wo are expecting oall to armn ; bullotH are Hying into our company street from all directions. One wont into Private Burton'H tout and completely mutilated a can of salmou. A detachment of Utah artillery four guns have com menced operations ou the valley be low us. Wo can HUO the shellH explode - plodo aud the hcathouB in that di rection Hourryiug aurosH the rice fields. Wo expect au attack from all directions uhortly. Our men are loaded down with 200 rounds of auimuuitiou fifty umokolesrf ; it's tough when ouo knows not whereto to dodgo. One man from com pany D. brought baokou a Btrotcher , hit in the groin. It'ti getting warmer around the artillery. NOWH juat arrived from Mariquana , a per fect man-trap , that it is retaken and the heathoiiB going northward. One section and gun advancing with the valley ; will bombard a churoh , ( a den in thiH country for the partulont heathen. ) Ank Lieut. Orr to lake liin Mauser and lire a few shots ever Broken BC.W , and you will easily realize the effect produced upon ue ; " ( jolly , how they anap. " Dewey captured n lilibustorur with -10,000 MaiiHor rilloH aud tons of ammunition for the insurgents. Wo have already eujuyc'd the ChriHt- mas boxes ; they oould not have ar rived at a bettor time , Wo wish to compliment the hulios upon their delicious fruit cake. The boya uot from Broken Bow got a box too , and many were the good things said by these of their strati- gor friends. Oao boy got a box that had a Wannmakor assortment , OYOU to the deck of cards ; ho wont say who sent them. lie intends making a handsome present , oven though it takes half his pay. Bro ken Bowitos have madu everlasting friends with all of company M The writer never tasted anything bettor than Mrs. Holland's present of a bottle of strawberries. Wo are taking them in small quantities. Firing ia quite rapid now beyond Mariquaua road ; our boys are giv ing them volley after volley ; must have run into a pocket. A shell from the Utah's just fired dispersed a squad of heathens behind BOUIO trees in the valley. The uoiuo is increasing , but no bullets ate flying over us now ; I believe we nro driv ing them baax. Just now opened up in the other direction , and they are coming in at our back. Bullets are Hying Into company street once more ; fire in roar getting brisk ; may be called out ; company K. has intrenchmenta at this end and will commence the firing if they got too close ; Utah just fired ever among them ; it's certainly getting warm. ' If I close suddenly it will bo on ! account of a bullet or a call to arms. - . Captain has just ordered hie men " .loj&y down. Whore 1 sit a lot of Christmas boxon are piled up ; not ruuuh protection , but nboui as uiuuh as any of the other follows liavu. " 1 ho shells from Uio Utah guns scream as they go by us ; I hope tlioy nro demolishing lota of hea thens , especially those shooting this way. Giiidy Bits by me writ ing to Inn mother. Hope ho has lime to hniuli. Bing , there goes one , and zip , hero cornea one ; its awfully interesting. I guess the big gun has uow quieted them for a while ; they have ceased at out roar. roar.Senator Senator has arrived ami Ohio is expected. Wo will probably got mail today from homo. Thuy can't send reinforcements last enough. The troope via Suez canal have uot arrived yet , but expected every day. I just went down to the cook Nhack after a drink of w.itor. The Chin- eye nro preparing dinner behind some potato crates. It seems odd to see a fellow take protection be hind something , but it certainly feels bettor. I wish wo had the guns of th'i Vesuvius hero on the hill. The firing in front is less frequent and getting farther away , The Utah artillery in too much for the heathens , and is a splendid pro- lection for us. It takes the hea thens all day to got one of our men ; they fire too high. Lieut. Talbot is acting adjutant at headquarters Ho is getting oloso to next in the line of promotion. Ed Miller , of Ausloy , while on out poatyeatorday , got two insurgents. The rook around Ed was cracked in several places , and broken twigs from trees above were numerous. Sergeant Kennedy has a memento a brass bullet that hit the earth within a few feet of him. Private Busio h'\d ' his uheok burned with a Maus er , which entered the earth a few yards past him. He has the little pellet ns a souvenir. Early in the nu ruing while on outpost when the firing first com menced , a oaptain of the heathens climbed upon a high rock directly in front of post No. 4 , and danced and yelled for the boys to come on Our post came on in the way of bullets , and the heathen turned a handspring backwards. Did not get him , but ho kept his form very low after that. The racket baa opened up in front again , and a shell has just exploded ; hope it gets a dozen ; wo certainly have them going back ward. 10:00 : a. a ) . Twenty-five of Cc. M. ordered to their intaenchmouts , simply as a protection ; fomo men from company K. out scouting in roar ; muni have struck a nest : some shots passed ; Captain says wo may bo called in five minutes , so I may stop abruptly. Mail goes some time this afternoon , and I want you to got tins aa soon as possible. Private Burke has sighted one behind - hind a straw stack on this side of the river ; he has a full view of our company and firoj whenever wo stand up. It will bo an all day tight , and maybe all night ; hope wo will have time to got dinner before anything around us happens. All quiet ; we will get paid to morrow ; we haven't much use for money out hero ; nothing to spend it for. Howard Kerr , of Ansloy , is with us again ; ho has completely recovered from his wound. Worm weather has commenced , and it certainly grows hotter every day. Juelo Sam should issuu umbrellas. Mesquites are dreadful at night ; one haa to completely ever thu lead with his blanket to get any sleep at all , The firing is now toward the right , about four miles from us , and toward the bay. Soon Oregon will open upon them. Wo can juat hoar Dewey from the bay ; some ship has fired one shot ; they may open up uoar Manila ; all is quiet around hero , except occasional shots. This moiuiiig we could easily hoar the insurgent's bugles sounding thu advance. Hope we can take H bath down at the river today , without getting shot at. Haven't haa tune in the last twenty four hours to prepare our toilets. The oommihHionorfl have arrived. They can Investigate civilization in Manila , and with good field glasses and at long range interview Aguin. aldo and his army. Wo wonder what decision they will arrive at. Binjlo haa sounded dinner. Wo aru still iu camp and mail leaves hero iu a few moments. WALTER S. FLICK. LIGHT AUT1LLKUY. , J' Camp Stotsonburg , Water Works Station , Match ltd. \V \ Wo salute our new Lieutenant. First Sergeant Osborn was agree ably surprised thin morning by ru- ouiving his appointment us Second Lieutenant of company M. The sergeant undoubtedly deserved the promotion , having boa for con siderable time past ranking first sergeant of the regiment. Com pany M. is well pleased in the ad vancement of onu of its own mem bers to a position of command. Quartermaster Sergt. Horace Kennedy , no./ senior sergeant , will advance to first , whilu all the un commissioned officers gain a point. Wo are delightfully situated up on a bluff , niuu miles from Manila , a natural fortress , that all the hea thens of Luzon could not climb and face American artillery and guns. Like a huge sentinel , San Talon stands preeminent and over faith ful watching the miles of beautiful valley below. At night the signal and camp fires of the insurgent forces across the valley east a dis mal glare upon the horizon and mountains beyond. A little stream runs merrily far down the hill from our camp , quenching the thirst of Manila and soothing those that bathe. The water is clear as orjb tal , and the boys amuse themselves diving after the littln white stones. The sun has too much bhine and at noonday is almost unbearable , so each one socks a shady nook and passes away time the best way it suits him , Today our boys have drifted to Christmas boxes , and juat how many minutes will pass before they arrive iu camp ; they are on the road out uow ; how happy wo will bo. My mouth waters at the mere thought , aud I have a feeling of longing to again bo a protnouador on the streets of Broken Bow. What a paradise Broken Bow wasl It all seems like a dream ; I see the girl with the little curl , and all the other fellow's girls , a table laden with angel oako and plenty of Cut 'or ' c.uiiuly butter ; and thu bugle blown for Hiippor , and that meatiN nlinun or baMJi , to be devoured up on the ground and the au'.s crawl ing aiound. Our crowd sleeps up on an ant hill , and after numerous experiment ! ) wo find that by placing a piece of broad at a distance from the tent it will keep the ants busy ill day carrying it back. Liuut. Talbot and thu RJCPUULI CAN correspondent weru on guard together a few nights pant , and while watching for ' -creeping hea thens" ruminated upon many Bro ken Bow "subjects. " Tears were shed , ana a sadness spread over our noble Licu'onant. Cruel inockory. We all have liopofl that the war will HOOII t'lid. WAI.TKU S. II'LIOK. IN Ultl'KNSE OF OUU COLONKL. Tno moment that Colonel Stot- nenburg assumed command the FrHt Nobrawka regiment bjgan to learn its duty. Lazy men were made to jump ; uncouth men made to Hhavo and wear clean clothing ; more rations furnished and com pany cooks compelled to furnish better prepared food ; officers to pay more attention to the wants of the enlisted men ; aud the enlisted men to know what their duty was , in stead of guessing , and thereby get ting reprimanded for something that they had never learned fi'om a man so shallow aud incapable that the very prisoner in the guard house could insult him and he not know it ; so easily rattled that the officers made laughing stock of him and all the proclamations ho ever issued. Colonel Stotsunburg changed this routine at headquar ters , and IBRUO'I orders for the health and cleanliness of quarters , and compelled the unlisted man to study his tactics and guard manual , and do things properly. The change was sudden , and the now routine implicated some punishment upon the easy going follow. Men that had snaps weru caught up , and those that always were soiled cloth- inp were taught the uao cf soap. Officers commenced to bo posted , aud from darkness we entered into light. Today the First Nebraska regiment haa the compliments oi its i ei ural officers aud seta an ex ample to other regiments. Our drills have been severe aud tire some , but noim can reach a goa except by hard knocks. Every enlisted - listed man is capable of command and receiving commands , and takes the greatest interest in his work Wo have found since thu rebellion of the FilippiuoH a colonel tha stays not iu the roar , but faces more danger than thu men under him loads every charge , aud can make a heathen bite the duat with a gun grabbed from some dead native Wo have seen him return to caui ] so fatigued that he needed assist ance , call tor his horse and away to the front agaiu to be with his rogi menu At present our duties are bard ; so arc the duties of all hero The hardest worked man , however IB the colonel. Wo wonder who h complains to. No company now i the. best ; wo are equal , and BO w nro the moro friendly to each other Wo are not simply proud of th company , but ate proud of our reg iment , and as a unit tight as one the Colonel aud rtfioers shouldu and shoulder with the enlisted UIPI facing danger and equal in love fo each other. Colonel do I ton is gentleman and the regiment , cer tainly admire his bravery , but h has a position in the oiifltom lions and is probably better of ! than wit the regiment. Some mistakes hav been m&do , but uot under oouuuim of Colonel Stotacuburg. Ho know that this regiment is to bo relict upon ; ho simply developed ite en orgy. All honor to Colonel Sto Bouburg , and we hope that ho wil continue to advance. Among th men returned homo are many tha wrro chronic kickers ; kicked at : ho grub ; kicked at a little work ; kick ed at the doctors because they wet not kept on the sick Hat ; kicked a every thing and every one , and would harangue at the officers. Wo gained by their loss. Wo do no mean that all those returned homo are Hiicli , for many were sick ant oould not possibly have porlornio ( the duties required hero. The las aio to be honored. I know tha the company to which I bnlong ad mire" their Colonel , and want no other in command. Colonel Col ton would make a grand command er , aud HO does Colonel Stoteon burg. Why should we kick one good man out for another ? Majo Mulford would make an excel Ion colonel too ; but he intends earning his promotion , and did not leave to accept a position away from the regiment. I hope that our ooloue will got a good promotion when w are mustered out. SKKGT. W. S FLICK , Co. M. , 1st Kog't , Neb. Vols Doctor Day has located iu ou city and has his office over Ryor- son's grocery store south of Post- office , CllltlSTMAS IIOXHS AT .MANILA. Thf rnuout lotlerH received from company M. , at Manila , state Unit thu christinaf boxes sent by their CtiHtor county friends lant fall , " wcro rocsived by the boys ou Mar. 8nl. The boys all oxprocs their flinccro gratitude , and are especially pleased to know the strangers wore also remembered. Thu Summer School. Supt. .1. . ) . Tooloy hfiH secured the Hoivices of Prof. B. B , Ilaw lorn and J. G. Lewis ns instruct ra in the summer school. Wo oimnond Supt. Toolov on the udgcinent displayed in his seleo ion. Prof. Hawthorn is one of lie best institute instructors in the tale , and is popular with the oaohora of thu county. Mr. Lewis H a successful teacher , a line schol > ir , and although ho has never been isaociated witn institute work be- ore. wo predict he will prove au \blo instructor. The KKPUHLICAN no no hesitancy in assuring the oachers and others who desire to ittend a good Bohool of instruction lint they will bo amply repaid in attending the summer school in Jrokon Bow. Christinas IJux Acknowledged. Jml Reserve Hospital , Manila , Ph. Isl's. , March 7th , 1809. Mrs. Grant , Esteemed friend : four valuable Xmaa box duly re ceived and contemn carefully aud ughly esteemed , and when I pit lawn to try and answer and thank ou my pen fails to respond to thu hanks in my heart , but I told your insbaud I would acknowledge them n my feeble way and lot him send t to you. No < v you grand and loblo American women alway do enow what wo miserable soldiers can use to thu beat advantage. When I think what the 8th army corps have done by way of subdu ing the enemy , there ban been tunes when 1 look back over the Spanish uatlloa wo had when victory crowned od our every move that it seems as a mi raole , but upon opening such a bjx aH you sent to comparatively a stranger , I see that the American army came from the very beat people ple in the United Stiles , that you Ameiican ladies shall cvor be in my heart as noble and true as any boy that has ever falbn upon the bloody battle field , and should be recorded iu history that the riain ; . generation may road and know that nhould they over bn callvd upon to servo their country , that a t/rnnd and noble bat > ( l of American l-idte * HtimlH at their backs , and who would not bo bravo before the enemy my , when shot and fhcll uro roaring - ing , to know such a true and loj al band waa first to their aid in acci dent or death. Now I will oloao by ( uying I am promt of your husband , ho IN always at his post of duty , and it does mo pleasure to associate with auoh an ho. While I was detailed from my regiment on August 5th , 1898 , and my association with them has been very limited , yet he has , aud shall ( vor have a place in my heart , and you , 1 hope is it is the Almighty's will to spare mo , that I may in life be poruiittod to moot you and thank you , and fuel from this tinu > on us I had one moro tricnd. Should I fall upon the battle field , I will say God save the ladies of America. Your Beat wisher , SAM. G. HALL. Christmas Presents Aelttionlodged * On the backs of pictures sent to Mesdanies Calista Grant and Addle Johnson , of the First Ne braska regiment wading1 the sea as they entered Manila on the day of the surrender , the versa tile correspondent of the State Journal appended his greutful acknowledgements of the pres ents they sent and explained the scene the pictures present. For Mre. W. 1) . Grant , ( our good com rade at homo ) with sincere bust wishes of Germain Towl. Manila , Flllplnnn. How your toys of thn First Nebraska entered Manila , Au . 13 , 1808. It is said that Manila was taken by water forces BO It was just look at UB' ' ( Wading through the sea. ) That pretty ling of ours Is now luila uttered , flipping emblem , dearer than ever to us , for It has overlooked our regiment engaged in no less thnn Htteon engagements with hostile forces. March 10th , 1800. To Mrs. Johnson , whoso kind remem brance for a belated ' 'hrtatmns la many times appreciated by ftermalu Towl. Xubraskn boys entering Manila August 13thI80S. Wo oarao In by sea , We oaiuo in bv Innd , Quoth wily don in accent bland ; What horrid Hwlno these Yankees UP , Following Is the dead letter list for the week ending April 11 : Mr. Thomas Snow , Mrs. Alice 1'nrkerhert , J Melvin Mullina , Mrs. Mary Johnson , Josaph MedearlB , Mrs. Eva MeGinnis , Mrs. Mag. Judd , Alfred Quiiin , John U. Johnson , G. W. Guller , S. A. Barstow , Mr Wra.A.DavIe , Mr. 0. Crlpmnn. Parties calling for any of above will please any "advertised. " L. n. JEWKTT , P.M. , Iob printing of every description uontly and promptly executed at this office. i SCHOOL NOT1IS. The enroll men t IIUB gromly Itoronred over thn pnt ( ew iminthb. The ul a In uotnny have finished their textbook work. Ales'rp. Aradberry and Shinu wcro north eldo vlaltoto last Tuesday. Mr. A , A. Grossman , secretary of Donne college , wan n visitor last week , Mr. Crofl = ojsn ia nil nblo exponent of higher education , and ave our pnpila something worth thinking about. 'Owing to sickness mid yold weather our attendance In the primary grades ha ? been vary light all winter. However - over , with our excellent teachers aud good attendant the remainder of the term we can expect good requite. The majority of fhe senior class have mibmltUicl their orations. Taken ns a whole they are excellent , and show con- etdqrable literary training. Edwin Myers hna been unfortunate this year , having ooan out of echool nearly two months on Recount of sluknoes. Mr. Creesmnn spoke very highly of our high school work. Ho s ys our schools are graded with the best schools in the state. 11APTI8T OIIUllUII. Preaching in the Unptlst churoh Sun day , April IGtb , at ll a. in. onu 8 p.m. Surcliiy Echool at It ! m. ; young peoples mooting at 7 p. m. The regular busl- heaa meeting of the U. Y. P. ( J will beheld held in the lecture room of the church on Sftturdny ovenlrg , April 15th , at 8 o'clock. Lol all the members bo prcsont. CIIH1STIAN OHUUC1I. The preaching services will bo omitted next Sunday morning , lit which time Mlsq Olive Grifh'th , secretary Christian Woman's Missionary Society , will present - sent her work. The subject of the paa- tor's evening discourse will bo , "The. Christian Arm-mi1,11 Sunday school xt 10 o'clock ; young people's meeting at 7 ; subject. "Tho. Eternal Morning and Modern Missions. " Leader , Miss Min nie Shlnn. Ice Cream aud Cake. The Presbyterian ladies will serve ice cream and cake , Saturday afternoon , April 15th , iu the room formsrly occupied by Nor Ilartly in the Realty block. Charges 15 cents. Ex. Gov. Holconib spent sev eral days in the city the past week renewing- acquaintance with his old neighbors. He will not move back to the city for a couple of months yet. Wilson & Drake lie awake nights studying how to best serve their thousands of custom ers , and their success is in the fact that what they do is origin al , they clout copy after any one. Their latest sensation "is in putting in an expensive soda fountain , ami for every cash pur chase of fifty cents the purchaser gets a check calling for a glass of cold , sparkling soda water. Did you ever hear of a firm treat ing their friends more royally ? These checks are good for the entire season , if you buy $5.00 worth they put ten soda tickets in 3'our pocket and you use them at your pleasure. This firm is noted as being the most liberal to their customers , as well as for their low prices and magnificent stock of dry goods , clothing , shoes and carpets. When you buy of Wilson & Drake you have the assurance that both goods and prices are right. ilia rried. MAKKS McGun < K-At the Com mercial hotel , Monday , April 10 , 189U , John W. Mairs and Miss Bessie McGuire , of Arnold , Rev. J. W. Meg-jin officiating. The contracting parties are among the most highly respected of their community. The RK- PUHUCAN extends congratula tions. Seeds . 1 have the Now Success boardlesH barley , also the bhck iuillnHH bar ley , at 40ii per bushel ; the Japanese buckwheat and hog millet for salo. Send ordoru to J , B , KLUMI , Cliff , Neb. 4 Look ever the advertisements in the Rui'uuLioAN for bargains. Fine Pert-heron Stiilllou for Sale. Not boiug able , owing to my advanced age and po-ir hnalih , to take care of him , I am o'foring ' to soil my thoroughbred Porohoron stallion at a bargain I inio will be given to suit the purchaser. Call on mo at once , or write mo at Bro ken Bow. 3 30-3 ll. WALTON. Fou RENT : A brick store room on north side of public square. For particulars itiquiro of tf A F. SKY oLT OltDEU ON QUANTISO ADMINISTRATION. The Slntu of riobraskn , I , Comity c > urt tor Ciistcr County. f8" ' said County. At * c8 lou of tliu county Court , liold nt the County Court Uom , In and fur sut 1 Cocnty , at Urokon How , on the 7th day of Anrll A I ) . ibW Pruhpni. J A. Armour , Co. ' Judge. In the matter of the estate of Adallno Jounpon " ' dtccasctl. Whuroae , Ltttc-s ot administration huvo this day boon if ranted to J.M Klmuorlmg.as adminis trator of thu OHtsta of Adallno D JohiTeon.Ordoreil Tnut six month , ui allowed for creditors ti nro. sent their claims against Bald oatato for adjusi- " ? Vt 1m ! ullow" > 'co. nnd one yeur bo allowoil said ad i Ini.trator to scttlo n ; > .aid entato. from the,15lu day of Anrll , A.U. IbW Anil It U furth er ordered , That notice hu mvon to the creditors of uulJ estate to niijiear before u. at the county cnur'roo n , in eatd county , un the 15th day of Jut o. U # , on the 15th dn > . .1 Aui { . , 1899 am ] on the irtth rt > oi October , ISitU , at lu o'clock a m cuicbdayl.byubll | ( tlou In the It publican , a iiowspaii-rvrliitulinsaia county lour wooka jncccssUaly prior to tin15th day of June. IbDD for tbo purpose of presontinB their claims for adjustment ami allowance. I AL ) J.A AltMOUH , County Judge.