Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 13, 1899, Image 1
, XVil , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 13,1899-EIGHT PAGES , NO 39 $ Hew Line of Spring Goods Just Received at & Cos We have Special Bargains six days in the week. Our Stock is complete and up- to-date. B Prices the "best in the city. B Gall and be convinced. -yc - - -c . , . . ' / ' " * * VMi ' * * * * * * " * * * " * " " " ' * * * ! . A ; * * ? a : / * o / * ; V"4 * * A" * * : - : > L a . " ? } A mowing machine costs more | | money than a scythe , "but it cuts | TrI / > ft more hay. Eagles come a little j | | higher than those hardware ff | wheels , "but then they give the | | | rider that satisfied feeling that | f | comes of complete confidence in | | I ft his mount. i 1 * W . . . .t ? EDWIN R MYERS , &g I AGENT , 1 & m 13 Nebr. l ® ? * iHi-I-i ! itiH ! : Local Mention. I want potatoes. J. N Poale. A good fnrm to rout. Call on Mrs. A , VV. Gnndy. 2 Fresh vegetables and fruits for Hftlo at J. N. i'oalo'h. P. II. Marlay , of Mason City , was a oily visitor yesterday. I have polaloos for Bale from 15 otfl par bit. up. J. N. Ponlo. SooT. M. and J.V. . Salisbery's closing out ad. in this issue. I buy and sell corn and oats , J. N. Poalo. Foil RKNT : Fifty acres of corn ground. Frank Weisouredor. All kindH of bulk ard package garden seed for sale at J. N. IValo's. The LAUQUST line of ladioa and gents watches in the county at Ed. RlcComas' . Notice the now inducements of fered in the Racket Store ad. thin week. The Grand Central hotel has been treated to a coat of paint this week. J. G. Bronizer returned Friday night from his trip to Port Arlhus , Arkansas. Snyder Bros , present a now adV vertisement to our readers this week ; read it. lIou.SKS Eight good work horses for sale by , S. L. GI.OVKK & SON , Dry Valley. G. W. Keller , of New Helena , kindly remembered this office while in town yosterdaj. I am now prepared to do plain family Bowing , also dross making. 3t MBS. LILLIK KINO. The latest in LADIES BKI.T JJuoicLKS and NKOK CLASPS just received at Ed. MoComas' . City and larm properly insured against tire , lightning and torna does. ' . ) . M. KISIBKBLINO . FOR SALK A six room house jam nud other improvements. For ) artioulara call at this ollico. tf Just received another stock oi Lit DIES SKT RINGS. THEY A.IIU beauties. ED. McCoMAH. WANTED Cattle to pasture For particulars enquire of E. M. Soott , ) f Ansulmo. ur VV. C. Gregory. 4 Prof. Hawthorn , of Merm , was a city visitor Saturday , making ar rangements for the summer school. I bavo alfalfa and millet seed for sale. J. N. PKA.LK. Harry Day & Co. arc still at the 'rout with a large stock of dry > oods and clothing. See their adrertisement. Cannon City coal at Diorka Lumber Co- C. VV. Smith , of Chicago , is visiting in the city with his daugh ter , MTH. C. L. Guttorson. lie will remain several months. Try my evaporated fruits. J.N. Pealo. Harry O'Noil.of Omaha , is in the city renewing old is his first visit in three years and his many friondH art ) glad to see him. A complete line of LADIKB CHAINS in GOLD FILLED , BEAD and SILK GUARD. Call and see them. ED. McCoitAS. Harry Day aniAi ifo are the lup- [ > y parents of an heir who put in her ippoarauce at their home Tuesday , April 11. Congratulating are in order. The Broken Bow hospital is in ploudid condition for oaring for the sick. Trained nurses in attend ance. Prices reasonable. tt Joseph Giddings , \Vo9torville , and one of the pionoern of his vi cinity , was a city visitor Saturday. Ho kindly remembered thif office with a call. The REPUHLICAN extends con gratulations to Mis Lena Moore in her success at the oratorical contes held at Geneva. ( She secured the second prizo. Dr. R. C. Talbot and Jutlge II M.Sullivan lott Monday morning for the sand bill country to look u ; a location for a cattle ranch. The ; relumed today. LOST La to last fall , a pair o white luathor traces , oonsidorablj worn. 11.00 reward will bo paii to anyone returning them. iaC-3 TAYLOR FLICK , Dr. Graham's now method of xtraotiug teeth is absolutely pain- ess. No sere mouth , aa in the use f other local anmsthotics. a26 Mrs , Barrett has received her irst invoice of millinery. Thoao wishing hats will do well to call nd examine her stook. At Morna , Neb , 3.80tf * 0. VV. Young , of Maine , nephew f M. F. Young , it in the city vis- ting with the family of F. 11. Toung and looking alter bis intor- nls in Cuater county- Farms for sale and lands for rent tfow is the time to got a farm cheap , a the cheap farms are all going and moos are commencing to advance apidly , J.G.Bronizor. CornoluM Smith , of Ausolmo , has eoontly fallen heir to over two uillion dollars , so it is reported , lo was in the oily Monday treating us friends over his good fortune. Mrs. II. G. Rogers loft Monday morning on a visit to Chicago and other eastern points * Her daughter Mi H Nottio , who was at York attending aohool , accompanied her. Will L. Rule , iho now agent for Hosier < & Smith , has routed the IftWBon residence property in the outb nast part of the city. His atnily will arrive the firat of next nonth. Prof. J. E. Adamaon had his mn commence putting in the instru ments for his telephone system on Monday Ho expects to have the ) oles and wires in nhapo to connect > y the middle of next week. Fen SALE : Best residence looa- ion in the city , two lota , oornor of block , ' 90x112 ft. Vacant lots just vest of J. J. Wilson's now real- lonco. Cash purchaser will receive a rare bargain. tf JUD KAY. Misa Abbotl , teacher of the eleventh grade of the Broken Bow ohools , writes that she has suffi ciently recovered to bo able to sit ip. She hopes to bo able to return o nor Hohool in a few weeks. Wm. Gillings and family 'loll Monday morning on a visit to England. They will bo gone at east two years , and will visit in Germany while gone , and attend the World's exposition at Paris icxt ye'ir The Library Association will meet with Mrs. Squires , Wednes day , April 19th , at 2:30 : p.m. riiiso-cing1 the annual election of officers , all members are espe cially requested to be present. C. E. MORTON , Sec. W. J. Woods has purchased the Ulug building on the north west ooriior of the next block north of the depot and has moved il to a lot lortli of his furniture building , juet jack of the REPUBLICAN office. He will have it fitted up for a atoro ago room. The attention of the readers of the REPUBLICAN is called to the oloaing out advertisement of O. H. Movie on the laat page. Mr. Mevis lias dotormmed to go out of busi ness by Juno first , and in order to dispose of his goods he ia calling hia mammoth stook at reduced prices. Mr , Mathowi TS the name of the deputy revenue colleotor appointed to succeed W. B. Eaatham , who had hold the lucrative position tor the past six years undr the appoint ment of Grover Cleveland. Mr. Mathews is a relative of Mrs. II. Walton , of this city , she being his great aunt. Parties desiring information regarding - garding the now railroad now under construction from Atkinson lo the now town of Perry , Boyd county , Nobr. , the terminus of the road , three now towns will bo established on this lino. Address . NEIIRABICA IOWNBITE Co. , Alkinson , Nobr. Win. Shuck , of Arnold , waa among the friendly callers yeslor- day. Mr. Shuck boasla of living in the host school district in the coun ty when considered from a finan cial stand point. The district has no ordars out , does not owe a dollar and has $108 dollars in the county treasury to its credit. Howard Elison and Lucy Greon- leo , of Ansloy , were matriod last night , at the homo of Ihe bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Green , lee , near Mason City , Elder Wag ner officiating. The REPUHLIOAN extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elisnn May happiness and prosperity attend * them ' through life. , - " " REPORT OF TUB CONDITION nt Broken Bow , In the Htato nf Nobrnnka , nt thn rloio of bartncBK , Aitll | Mb , 1B09. nicaoimaicf. , Loans nnrl Discounts $ Wll'-.Sl Orordrafts , neturml and nneccnrtd. . , . 3.MI.7U 0. 8. llonili to aocnro clrculatl n. . . . . 1P,7W.00 Premiums on U 8. bonds 1,313,13 Mocks , securities , etc 10f > M > CO Hanking housf. fnrnlture nntl fixtures. R.tUH.ST Utlioi real o tnto and mortRnKco o\rnoa 21WW,10 Dno from approYOil tt'terrv iiRCnti. . . . IS.OC8.U2 Chncki nl other cash Items 97R.03 Votoa nf other nntloiiHl bank * 40.0) Fr o. | )8por curranoy.nlokali vt conli " 5,81 Liwrul. MONRT lUmiiiVK IK HANK , rlr : Specie $ V > vS. ft Legal tenilor notes 9,075.000,373.1 * Redemption fund with U. 3. trtmurcr , ( p r centofcirculation ) 81371 Total ,78lkO,473.S4 I.tAlHUTIH , Capital Stock paid In J T5.000.00 Una. profits , less exp. and tnxes palil. . Vfi.Mi N.tloiul liank notes autttundlng 16,875 Ut ) Due to statu bauki Mill bankers UC3.VU IndlTklual deposits subject to check , . . Oi..BiJfl.UT Ueiuaud certificate : of ' Totnl Btatool Nebraska , I , County of Cmter , f"1 I , II. 0. Kobnrii , cashier of the tbOTO named llunk , doiolomuly Bwonrthnt the almvc tut * ' went Is ttuo to the belt of my knowledge an * bollet. II. G , UOQKH8 , Cftililor. , SubBcrlboil end sworn to befor * iu I this Uth day of April , 1899. 1 aUTU II , UOYr , Notary 1'ubllc. C KHKOT AttCBt ! J. H. KlJlllKUHNU , ) O. P. 1'KuUtr , [ Directors. U. O.TALHOT , ) The longedfor spring weather was ushered into this vicinity last Sunday , and since the warm rayi of the sun haH manifested its power to the entire satisfaction of every 0110. The farmers have oommuno < od seeding with a vim and in a Hhort time will regain the lost time occasioned by the lateness of the spring. Rov. J. R. Woods , of MoKcnzie , Tennessee , who was formerly a resident of this vicinity , writes lliat ho expects to return to Ouster Co. as soon ahis * school closes in the Hpring. Ho will graduate at the close of this term from the theolog ical college at MoKonzie. Ho ex pects to make preaching his busi ness and wishes to locate with some baptist church. Prof. Walsh , who is credited with being the greatest hypnotist of the ago , outo.trined small audi ences in this city Monday and Tuesday nights. All those who were fortunate enough to witness the performance wore highly enter tained and well pleased. The HmallnoHS of the crowds are atlribu table to the foko hypnotist that had proceeded him and to the fact that in the Methodist a revival mooting now odist church was in progress. Wm. Worth , of Callaway , who was in the city Tuesday , informs us that a son of Frank Moore , who lives four miles north of Callaway , was accidentally shot Saturday , inflicting a severe wound in the knee. He and a neighbor Boy of John Beechlen's ' were out with their cogs hunt ing. The boys claimed to have no fire arms with them , and tell that a stray ball from other par ties inflicted the wound , but the the opinion of some of the neigh bors is that the Moore boy had j revolver and accidentally shot himself. Miss Esther Uayou , toucher ii the Ansloy pohoois , who wa brought to the Broken Bow hos pital for treatment last Thuisday night , died Saturday nbout on o'clock. Her trouble was a tolo- ficopo of the bouols and an opera lion was porforrned with hope o extending relief. Her remain wore shipped to Aitftlcy whor funeral services were hold Monday , Rev. Hornaday , of this city offici ating. The decoRHodHwas a resident of Westorvillo , where her parents live. Sue had been engaged in teaching for a number of years and was highly recpected by all who know her. The dedication of the M. E. church Sunday in this city drew a large crowd. The other ohurohoa of the city dismissed their Horvioos for the occasion , and the several ministers participated. The ecr- raon both morning and evening waa preached by Dr. Hhillips , of liold- rogo. Ho is a scholorly and able speaker , and his immensu audience was highly entertained. The report - port of the trustees showed than an expense of $4,800 hud been made in oreoting the LIOUHO , including the grounds , of which $3,000 had been paid , leaving an indebtedness of $700 yet to provide. Plodgoa wore taken amounting lo $028 to meet it The ohun h is the largest and moat oo < > voniently arranged in the city , and is nicely u'nishud on the interion. The whole of the rooms are carpeted with ingrain carpet and partially seated witnpowo.Tho mem orial windows add very materially to the appearance of the interior. The M , E. brethren have reason to fool proud of their house of worship. . HOUUII MURDERED . Win. Hough , who hasbeon A resi dent of this city for several months , was shot and killed at Hyannis Init ? riday night It appears , from th lost information wo have boon able o gather , that Hough had boon t Wintiuan a day or two previous nnkiug nouostmrj ; nrraugoraonta to nit in a saloon. Having completed ho work of scouring the petitioner ! 10 , with iivo or six. others , drove to lyannis Friday afternoon , where heir time was spent , until evening , t the saloon , Hough wont to the lotel about seven and ordered super - > or for two. The others of his associates wont to the restaurant. Just as Hough entered the office 'rom the wash room ho mot , fpoe o face , his old sworn enemy , Fred Moffitt. Before he had time tb retreat Moffit shot him through the abdomen with a forty live caliber revolver , the ball panning through 'rom lott to right probably two nohoH below the skin. u Ed Carey , the saloon keeper at Whitman , who iad accompanied Hough to Hyan- nip , was with him at the hotel , and > rotoslod with Moffitt to desist , AI lough had no gun , but in aooma as f ho had started in to make a flu sh of it , and ho shot the second iinc , the bullet entering the loft side , passing out of the right aide well back. The shot waa fatal and lough tell in his tracks , expiring joforo the smoke olo.irod away. The men had not mot before that lay , nor was there a word passed jotwoou them at the time. Ru mors say that Homo two or throe years ago Hough and Moffitt had trouble and Hough punished Moffitt Hoverely by pounding him ever the head with a revolver. Whatayer may have been the difference be tween the men , it is evident that Moffitt had determined on killing lurn , and it oun bo nothing loss than murder in the first degree if oorreotly roportod. As yet wo have not boon able to learn the vordiot of the coroner's inquest. Hough's remains were shipped here Sunday morning and were taken in charge by Undertaker Woods , The body had remained at Hyannis a day and two nights but had not been dressed or even Inn shoes removed from the foot. Mrs. Hough , accompanied by Mrs. F. R. Crablo , wont to Hyannis Friday night on receiving word of the tragedy , re turning with the body Sunday morning. Monday morning she accompanied the remains to La Mars , Iowa , where Hough's parents reside , for burial. Ed Carey , of Whitman , also wont with them. The deceased was without means , and the citizens contributed the money to send the remains and Mrs. Hough to their foimor home in Iowa. The deceased leaves a wife and throe chidreu , the older boy about eight and the youngest a girl about throo. The preliminary trial of Moffitt is sot for Friday at Hyanuis , where N. T , Qad > vill go to assist the prosecuting attorney in the oaso. Trees ! Trees ! The Qonova NurBcrlua will have a stock of fruit and ornamental tree * nt the court uo > Be square , on Wednes day , the 17th of this month , for salo. Come mid gut your elm and maple shade tretis , your rose imd Btiowball Two Houses fur Sala. Tliu J. G. Mnuliok property , south of the south B'.cla ' sonoo ) hnu e , ana the J. B Klrkpntnok property , three block * from public square- also a good bioyclo for Bale. Enquire of J C. UAOLIOK. Moved ! ii . on cor. south of P. O. , A. E. ANDERSON , 4 Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly ' ' north aide ,