Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 06, 1899, Image 8

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    Must Give Possession of Building June 1st.
o. ri.
n ' 1 i m & l X WKiK
_ York- *
1 \J i \ -
i n
Going out of Business In a Blase of Bargains.
Bargains that will set a pace for value-giving ,
and that will "be remembered for years to come.
Everything goes. Fine Dress Goods , Silks , Table
Linens , ITapkins , Towelings , Bed Spreads , Laces ,
K $ < White Goods , etc. Drop in ; you will meet a crowd.
No "Cheap John" goods in my stock.
Mtiuila , Philippine IslandH , VVntur-
worka , tun inilos mint of Manila ,
Fob , SlHt , 181)0. )
Dear mother and loved OIIOH at
homo : AH you see , wo tire at the
water workH , working IIIOH awfully
hard , Wo nro on duty moat all the
time , cither north of uamp ono and
one-half milcH , or Houth a half mile. .
Some of our roghnunl h\vu : a little
Hcr.ip most every day ; wo have not
boon fortunate onougU to have one
Hince wo uamu out hurc. JiiHt rn-
oeived word that Willis has boon
ooimnisRionmi ; I am tflnd of thnt ;
no ouo IB more dcHurving than he ;
every one thinkn ho in all O. K.
Your letter of January 12th and
I fathor'u of January iHt and 8th , ro
ocived lanl evening ; wan real glad
to got them. I a'm glad all in well
at home. Don't worry about Wil-
lin or myHolf ; wo arc both well. I
don't look for muoli more tioublo
about hero , but in oitmi anything
might happen , just remember Homo
one's one's and
Iocs IH HOIIVO gain ,
wl on wo do go wo go game , You
know God hatoH a coward. Give
my bent rogardH and love to all.
Our four hoys that wore wounded
nro doing niot'ly. Hugh Kouoyur is
up and walking around ; I am HO
glad , for I thought ho wan a loHt
boy.Vo have had only two ofli-
cerB in our regiment woundo.r none
killed. Thi'Hu nativoH are jiiHt the
name people as the IndiaiiH , only
they onn't shoot a straight. They
don't value their liven at anything ,
and think more of a gun thaii half
a dozen men. Evt ry thing in ( juiut
just now ; wo don't look for uuuih
until the seven rogimontq of rogu-
lara got hero , then wo will go after
them hard. Poor ignorant devils ;
Uioy don't know anything but tight ,
and don't know that very woll.
Tell II. O. Day I rcooivrd the
badgcH atul gave them to the boyH.
They wore very nice.
Your Hon. CI.AIUB.
Editor KICPUUUOA.N : We are
having oold dayn for the laot of
Maroh , as my oxporionoo tells. I
lull Broken Bow on the 28th of
March to visit ( Join ratio U. I ? . Morrow -
row , who was unughl in our last
heavy snow storm on his way home
from the Bow. HIH great coat bo
oamo wet with soft snow , and then
it turned oold and froze HO that his
wagon wheels would not turn , and
ho had to drag his wagon for the
last throe miles as a Hied. lliu
ovorooat would aland alone , and ho
had to take hot water to thaw the
ioe 'from ' his harness , so that ho
could got them unbuckled. Friend
Morrow became HO chilled that ho
was confined to his bed for ton days
or two weeks. Ilo IIVOH near what
is called the old Black Kaneh , and
I was politely invited by Master
Roy Montgomery to visit and note
what improvements they have boon
putting on the ranch. What took
my attention most was the largo
gasoline engine used to pump wat
er , out food and griud g.aui. Ev
erything is handled by the wagon
load and from dumps. No shoveling -
ing is required , only to till feed
troughs in food yards. Everything
ia nicely painted and in ship shape ,
except the cattle , which 8"om to
l have the scab or Texas ttoh , which
they are trying hard to eradicate ,
> , - '
f i
lmt a herd oi 300 head is quite a
number to take care of ; don't think
cattle of all agen do well to run together -
gothor , but Mr Montgomery will
spare no pains to have his oattlc in
good nhapo for spring. The road 4
ami fioldb are so sott or rough that
he has to put four horses or mules
to a. wagon to moye hay , grain ,
lumber or what is necessary to
keep buHincas in shape. To fully
comprehend the vast outlay of
money expended , Mr. editor , you
would have to visit the ranch and
note the workings of the same for a
wcok or moro. Wo think it would
pay Home of thn croakers of No-
brafikn to call and BOO what work
can bo done in a day , when things
are in shape for business. 1 did
not inquire how many hogs and
pigs they had , but thorn wore lots
of them , and they seemed to bo
doing woll. I am going to visit
the ranch again when 1 oan have
the privilege. YOUTH , C. P. 11.
The Vestry ot the Kpisoopal
church has voted to givu up the
morning serviuo next Sunday as a
mark of courtesy and neighbor ! ! *
DBHH to the Methodist people , on
the occasion of the consecration of
their now ohurch building. The
evening service will also bo omitted
next Sunday. For the tbrco fol
lowing Sunday evenings u course
of lectures on social problems is
planned , with after meetings as
heretofore. The subjects are to be
announced later.
u. 11. CHUKOII.
Sunday school at * 10:00 : a. in.
Preaching at 8 p in. by the pastor.
The congregation is at liberty to
attend the dedication service at the
M. E. church at the appointed hour
There will bo no servioos in the
Baptist church at 11 o'clock. Sun.
day school at 12 in. Young ceo-
plo's meeting at 7 p. m , and proaoh
ing at 8 p. m. Five persona received
coived the right hand of fellowship
on Sunday evening. Interest is
increasing in all departments of
ohuroh work.
No preaching at the ( Jhristian
ohuroh Sunday morning , but everyone
ono U cordially invited to bo pres
ent at 8 o'clock in the evening at
the regular mooting.
Four additions to the Endeavor
satiety last meeting ; two baptisms
and large and attentive audiences
The choir merits the many com
pliments it received.
Sunday school will begin , nox
Sunday only , at 030 ; ; the young
people of the Presbyterian and
Uhristan ( church will meet in unioi
services at the Christian ohurch a
0:30. :
The receipts of the Easter market
kot were ninety four dollars. Th
ladies dcsiro to express much grati
tude for the liberal patronage or
the part of no many attendants.
The earth which had moved
steadily on for four thousand years ,
trembled from center to oiroum.
feronoe when the cross was uplitt-
ed : the rooks let go and fell apart ;
all nature felt the shock ; the king
of day veiled his face and refused
to look upon the scene. Oh , what
a tragedy to stir the soul of man !
The earth was the theatre , wicked
men the players ; tin Marvs of
earth and angels of heaven the
lookers on. "Why Must Christ
Die ? " will bo the subject of .loese
Teagardon's there at 8 o'clock.
In Memory of Stella Nclli.
Ouu nwoot Honor Ima drooped nniljfftduil ,
ODD li ml gcntlo voice lute tluil ;
Onu fair brow tliu Krnvo tins Hhutloil ,
Ono < l(3ur loving frlcuii la ( lead.
Onu fwcct life him gone from urrtli.
'i'o loin tliu ruiu'ul Imui ;
One pure soul through the i > o rly gate
To walk tliu goldeu strain ! .
We'll mlcs her lu the liousu of God ,
Where oft film uxcil In lie ;
Yctitlll lior Jilirn mid huly llfo
We'll ki > ep insucroil luuniory.
Blie wim PO imro , BO fnll of light ,
Her llfo IB frva from sin ;
The ' nttiur pent Ills niiKflt bright
And took her back to film.
We know Hint now olio ruliniHiu life ,
Arrayed In rob g of white ,
Where nil the riiiicoincd of tuu Lord
Uaak In etunml light
In realms of glory now elm llvox
AmoiiK the run -omul throng ,
Who II-IUHOS ting to the Keiluumlng King
In our Trlnniiihunt Song.
U la not death , 'tin but n clmnuu ,
"A stun Into the llg'it ' , "
Wlicro JCPUH Chrlf < t immortal rclunn
With Halnti In tlory lirlfht ,
fetio ia not ( load , but alcrpoth now ,
To wait tliu trum nut's Bound ,
When nil the ( lend In Clirlit shn'l ' llvu
And he wllh glory crowiu-d.
When Joctis cDin B oh glurlouii tho't
To freu thn world from eln ,
As In the bllilc wu nro tught ,
Utiu than will come with Him.
_ u. C. MILLS ii.
\VUHt Union.
IHocelrod too Into for lust \vouk.l
Winter Is mill with us.
Mrs. AiiHtln IIUB been ( 'iniloycd by
the Hchool board of Dietrlut No , 70 to
ttmoli their sprint ; term.
Noble UrnvcH nnd Guy dimtli leave
this week ( or tiuffilo , Wyo. , nt which
pla-jo they expect to make their ( ulure
Plin MetcuK nod ( anijly Imvo moved
into H. Q. Oarr'i house. Mr. Metculf
will iiiko clmrgo o ( hia atoro nnd the
post ulllec in a few days.
Uort Dlokeon mot with a painful acci
dent u few days BKO. The revolver
which ho was carrying In same manner
was dlsehargnd , the bullet making
revere flesh wound below the knot1 ,
The school ixlitbition last Friday
evening was qulto largely attended.
The recitations by the pupils allowed
oarelul truln'u g. The inualc by the
choir , compost U of young pooplu from
this vicinity and Wiilwoith , wai much
apprcoiatud by the audience.
Ullly Simmons' new bam looms up In
the distance like a fog lu a mountain ,
but Cap ia above all .
Everybody wants town lota In Sargent.
E. K. ruron has just started to Hull'-
ala county , whore he will farm tliU
K. K. Whaley la ooutcmpltitlng build-
lug a big new btrn.
No farming ot any kind done in tine
eectlou to date.
E. S. Whaley has a now $76 hydrauli
well , built by Job Semlor.
A. I. Smith has juet completed on
his farm n tublar well , and still tlio im
proveuionts go on.
Our genial cowboy , Mr , Ralub olt ,
kept busy stirring up the calves to lu
duce them to eat straw.
Ilin Mllbiirn Kntprprlse IB ft ttxR Itioh
IninimLT , und should be scon , but not
The Ailvontfl nro holding niootitiKS at
the Mllbiirn si-liool house.
Holtool cnminoncen on the lOtb of til In
tnnnth in Oonet dlBtrlcl ; Mro. II. II.
iliatt tenohcr.
A private letter from Kanfltia fayc the
vii.ii r wheat crop of that B'ato ' is u
lutnpletu falluni till" year.
It bentH i vurythlng how businees
kni i > i up. Farmers from n round Genet
no In llio How to got Ira Sturdovnnt to
do their blauksmlthlng , in ttie old Skln-
iiff shop.
\Vlotor will floon bo n thing of the
pnsl , nnd then will oorno the water
melon nnd munk melon peddler Of O juet
VVunlhoi1 la Improved , soil Is in fair
condition , and sowing in lu good con *
M. J. llottgon hnH Bold his ( arm to K ,
' ' . Oiiiimk < yrpecrvlnghts Improvements
He Is going to moyo to his farm ono
milo north of Tuekorvlllo.
Mie Conroy closed n successful term
of ncbool nt Riverside on Friday.
Harrison McOven closed a very euo-
ci'Psful term of Rchool nt Cuatnr last
Friday , Ho wns kindly remembered
by hts pupils by some very pretty and
useful presents.
Pr < porty of all kinds has depreciated
In vuluo. The assessor la nbout to go to
11. G Donnel had made arrangements
to Imro R hjdrnulio well put down , but
has been detained by the sickness of Mr.
Itcdl'crn , who ho had employed to ( 'o '
the work ,
Hey Johnston will pack mail for John
Holnhart. Hope he will give us good
Ducr Creelc
It IB hard to toll whether It Is springer
or not.
Everyone in anxious to get to work in
the Sold.
Nearly everyone Id regaining their
health again.
A number of farmers have invested in
now disks this spring.
There wns not grass enough to odor
eggH this Easter.
Kov. Wilton gave a very interesting
sermon to New Ilopo listeners last
Wednesday evening'
Hello Todd , of Lee Park , apent
last week with friends on Door Creek.
Everyone tried to piny the biggest
joke on whoever they cuuncod to meet
last Saturday.
Myron Taylor has gone to Grand Is
land to attend school this sprlig ,
Mr. Montgomery went to Omaha last
Monday with cattle ,
The only BOP of Mr. and Mrs. Sander
son has been vry slok of late. It Is
hopui the little follow will goon regain
his health.
Mrs Jack Kettle has purchased a now
Cabinet Bowing mnchlnu. which Is very
li F. Morrow has been very Hick with
la grippe nnd fever ,
Cnarley Uoweu gave an onterUlnmeni
wih : his new maglo lantern nt Berwyn
lust Saturday r veniim Some of me
boys did not bounva very well , but It Is
hoped they will do better next tiraa.
11 v 1'iiiicb and Judy.
April Is here , but spring cecms to
tsrrv on the way.
Prof. Bowman's show was well at
'ended last Wednesday night.
Geo. Fielding carried tliu mall on ihe
Star route last week , while Merle Fair-
Held went to the Loup duck huntine.
Al C.'xaon has taken chxrgn of the
billiard hall at this plaea.
The oldest Ron of S. U. Midlen h r.i-
ported qulto sick.
M. L Lamb la erecting a barn on the
Sutton property In the east part of town.
Mike Carrel is' moving out on the Mc-
Inlnch place , northeast of town.
S F Greene made a business trip , to
Lltchtleld Saturday.
K , II. Burrows , of Ansloy , wns in
this place the first ot the week.
Miss Hannah Nolaon came down from
\ii8ley Monday morning and spent Mon
day and Tuesday at homo.
Quito n number of our young people
wetit to Ansley Monday night to the
Herlo Mooey and Ed Fielding wont
to the Lnup the first of thu week on a
hunting trip.
C. S. Graham is putting down u well
on the Sutton property.
L. J . Wood has n phonograph which
will bo given away , ono ohaauo with
eyory olg&r.
G. F Frnzler , F C. Miller , L B.
Hill , Turn U'hitch ad and Mr. Brown
ing served on thu elect i m board a tuo
town ehotlon Tuesday.
Elmer Pick came up from Amherat to
move his household gooda to that placi- ,
The following were elected on tbo
town board : F. S. Alien , J. P. Nfl-
pen , E , Myers , E. P. Walker and M. C.
PUBS. Whlteliead nnd Carl Atidoruon
went to Lltcbliold Sunday on their bl >
J. P. Nelson haa bought the house
formerly occupied bClma. . Harris , nnd
has moved it onto the house south of
Mr. Browning's.
- i. . .
My wife IIHB need OhMnbcrlftln' * I' ln
Bnlm for rhciim'ttlmn with great roll f ,
and I can ri'o iiiinunil It as u cplondM
liniment ( or riiotimntlPin nnd other
hoiiHfliold UP" t r whioti wo have found
It vftlnanlo W.J. c'uyler , Red Orenk ,
N. Y. Mr. Cuylcr ia ono of the loadlnic
merchants of thin village nnd ono ol the
most prominent man lu this vicinity.
W. G. Phippln. KdltorKcd Creek Uor
aid For sa'e ' by all
Tlu readers of the
oan save money by dealing with
Ihoflt ) who advin'tino in the RKPUHM *
Y'f.i.I'd. . rid c' mid vc
„ ! > - 11 - ' ful K * inMhin
> ' . * i . - ! j 'i't to ( i , n iti.l-
t i' . ) ' , u f * . . . ! t. , ' rn " > t'-liUil
v ii. ' * ' ' . r v ; [ m cjtj 'i ' i M * r u. * rtrK ;
I . ( . < ' . fi li"Mj6ul c-i li.0rptt .
) -i ri1 clinr" ' . . 'Hilj ) fi a
] , . , i MM'.mini. t Tfivv'Vifl
i vii"1 niKl 11' irV < V ' ' ' > d
! t 'I1.1 ' JlT.l" t V.U MllV g I M J
p i * \i si ( ) IL S' ' n n'.uuiln ' ' ' i-uil
pi . , ' ( ; | J'ivocl. ur uMtii di > ' ! ' " ' -
r.HmiJ inrViollnimthiixnir OU1-
o foe VltliB intiflloBl-Cai . 'og-o.
- - - -
A. llcsyo
IlnnaFull Muoof
.Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Finn Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , otc. Stores on
both North and South BidoH , Broken Bow , Neb.
. . . . 11 VURI3 , Cnehlcr.
J. A.
V 0 WOUiSALL. President.
A. J. UOUIiKT80N.Vlco.rres. W. D. BLACKWKLL , Asa't Cashier.
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
TransactH a GoneralijBanking jBuainoBS. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
I make the correct fitting of Glasses
a Specialty.
Jeweler and Optician.
lias a very complete
PERLEY line of
i yuuujiw ii uj. uj uul u u uj. Uj JJl J
Boots and Shoes
, Wagons , Buggies ,
And a complete ij
line of
Come and see me , and 1 promise you good goods and i
nvices * us low as the lowest. (
A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical ,
Up-to-date , Concise and Comprehensive Hand
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
All nbout Horses a Common-Sense TrenMse , with over
74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price , 50 Cents.
All nbf .ut growing Small Fruits rend and learn how ;
contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of allleading
varieties nnd 100 other illustrations. Price , 50Cents.
All nbout Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence j
tells every thine ; withas colored life-like reproductions
of all the principal breeds ; with 103 other illustrations.
Price , 50 Cents.
All about Cows and the Dairy Business t having noreat
sale ; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions of each
breed , with 132 other illustrations. Price , 50 Cents.
Just out. All about Hogs Breeding , Feeding1 , Hutch-
- ring , Diseases , etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half.
touts and other engravings. Price , 50 Cents.
TheniQOl.n BOOKS are nique.oriiinaluseful you never
saw anything lite them so practical , so sensible. They
are having an enormous sale East , West , North and
South. Every one who keeps n Horse , Cow , Hog or
Chicken , or grows Small 1'ruits , ought to send right
nway fof the IMH1LE BOOKS. The
I" " * A Tfe TATTTHi T A T
Is your paper , made for you nnd not a misfit. It Is u years
old ; It is the Rtent hoileil-down , hlt-the-tiall-on-the-head , I'arm aud Household paper in
the world the hlRKest paper of its size in the United States
of America having over a million and u-half regular readers.
( the remainder of 1809. 1900 , 1901 , 1902 nnd 1003) ) will be sent by mail to nny
address for A DOLLAR UILL. All who order nt once will also receive
beautiful 1899" Hobson and His Mother" Calendar.
Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describinir BiaOLB BOOKS free.
The Machine
i . proved Grapho-
phonc. the highest perfection ot the Invenft \ I f\
tor's skill. Ihe most wonderful invention CfIf I
of the age , now at-a price within the * * * ' w
reach of everyone , For home amusement , thh
will entertain a company by the hour. Well made
and durable. Winds up like a clock , and so simple
that a child can operate It. From $10 to $2011 day
, .r made last fall by hundreds of its users by chine
entertainment ! We guarantee the Improved firaphophone loud and clenrenouoH
to be distinctly heard in any hall or church anywhere Plays all of Sousa's band
pieces exactly ' as rendered by that famous band-Drums , Cornels. Trombones and al
Recites 'Iells finny stories. Will repeat your own \oice , your friends' Voice
songs sung to it , or stories told to U. You can maU your own Record . ami
"P " . enc ? s ? fle.n as dc8l i " > en known to pay for itself in a'r | , "l =
SPECIAL PROPOSITION Write at once for circular telling how you can secure one
Complete New Graphophone and Record Catalogues mailed free on application. Address ,
Harger & Bllsh , Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Alain St. , Dubuque , Iowa.