Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 06, 1899, Image 6

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D. M , AMSIIKUUY , Vubllilior ,
. McQuoIil of .the First Methodist
church , Omnhn , dk-d hist wenk from
the rfsult onn operation for nppendl-
cltlB. '
George M. Mangold , a 20-yesr-old son
of- Peter Mangold of Douglas county ,
hud u narrow escape from dcitthvhllu
hunting , Ho curried nn nrmy musket
which had beqn Improperly loaded. Thu
charge burst thu burrul tmcii thu yoiint ;
man wns painfully Injured in tUo fuoo.
Slnco tlic accident Mangold him almost
entirely lost his hearing.
The long continued cold weather and
the backwardncsH of the season nra
causing scrioim Inconvenience to the
farmers of this section , Bays a West
Point dispatch. Frost IH still In the
ground to the depth of four feet , and
BIIOW is lodged in the corn Holds , With
the most favorable weather ten days
will clapso bqforo a furrow can be
The following telegram has been
Bent Senator Thurston relative to tne
Holt troubles : "J. M. Thurston , Wash
ington , D. C. : In Morgan-Holt trou
bles at WInnebago agency false im-
prlsonmont of Henry Holt , Indian cit
izen , Involved. Wo ask you to demand
Impartial Inuulry by Indian office into
Morgan's justification , notwithstanding
colored reports on behalf of Morgan
to Indian department. Ixjok for let
ters. "
' "f
The death of Sergeant Walter Poor
of Company A , First Nebraska , in the
recent fight with the Insurgents at
Manila causes deep regret among cit
izens In York county. Only a short
tlmo arc the community wan called
upon to mourn the death of Privates
George Andrews and Edward Day ,
Doth of Company A. Sergeant Poor
was born twenty-ono years ago near
Anderson , Ind. . and in 1884 hisfather ,
Henry Poor , moved to York county ,
where ho grew Into manhood , beloved
and respected by all.
There is a wide difference of opin
ion , says a Seward county dispatch ,
oniong the farmers of this county in
reference to the condition of the
wheat , some claiming that it IB badly
damaged , while others claim their
wheat Is aparently all right. The
eonoral opinion is that it will not bo
known how badly It Is damaged until
It comes time for It to show later in
the spring , when the weather becomes -
comes more favorable. It has un
doubtedly been damaged , but to what
extent In hard to determine at this
There was an enthusiastic meeting
In Columbus of the directors and stock
holders of the Great Eastern Canal
company and the Now York Improve
ment company to take steps for the
promotion of sugar boot raising. The
manager of the Standard Cattle qom-
panyof Ames was present and expressed
his company as being desirous of co
operating with the Irrigation com
panies in securing the interest ot the
farmers in the beet growing industry.
C. A. Gates , manager of the New York
Improvement company , said that could
enough interest bo stirred up among
the farmers In favor of beet raising in
that section , but a short time would
elapse before a sugar factory could and
would be erected at Columbus.
The other night Wlllard and Waller
Eavoy , who sleep in the store In which
the postofllce is located in Drady Is
land , wore awakened by a noise at
the front door as of someone attempt
ing to enter. Walter arose , procure !
a shotgun and loaded it and about
this tlmo the door was opened by a
key from the outside. Two men en
tered and one struck a match to lo
cate things. As they advanced Wlll
ard fired with a revolver , and aa the
men still remained , Walter fired with
the shotgun and one of the burelnis
dropped shot through the loft thigh.
The other man escaped. The wounded
man , who gives his nanio as Goorne
Reed of Shelby , la. , was taken to the
county seat last night.
A strawstack belonging to Frank
Until , near Shelby , burned last week ,
Ho was scattering the remaining straw
next morning so it would nil burn an <
not hinder plowing , when ho discovered
the charred remains of his son , 20 years
old. The boy had been angry , gone
Into a grove , wrapped himself In
blanket and read n novel. It is sup
posed that ho then went to the stack
and set it on fire. Ho climbed to the
summit and shot himself near the
temple with a revolver. When foun
he was lying near the center of the
smouldering heap , face downward , with
his arms burned off to the shoulder
Dockets and his legs to the abdomen
A hole was In his head. Near him lay
the revolver. Only one of the caps had
the Impression of the hammer , while
the others had been fired by the heat
Jesse Tooman , convicted and sentenced
tonced to the penitentiary for life fo
the murder of J. P. Krelchbaum or
December 2 , was taken by the shorlf
to the penitentiary last week. His tw
'daughters and son were at the dope
to bid him farewell. Ho has made
Bworn statement which is almost th
name as his previous confession. Ho
eald that ho did not kill Krolchbanm ,
but that the occurrence was nn acci
dent. While taking his gun out of the
buggy at Krclchbaum's house , ho says ,
It was accidentally discharged , with
fatal results. Ho says ho was afraid
to toll the truth for fear the public
would not believe him , and ns ho did
not know what to do with the body ,
the ground being frozen , ho burled It
in the old hog shed. lie also claimed
that Cole was not with him and wns
entirely Innocent.
Thieves entered the residence of
Mrs. L. S. Shodlo at Odell and rnn-
uacked the house. Besides several
pieces of Jewelry they secured $40 In
cash. The Beatrice bloodhounds were
sent for , but no clue to the identity of
the thieves wns discovered.
The 13-yenr-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Marty living seven mllea
northeast of Plnlnviow , was badly
burned by a gasoline explosion , result
ing in her death. Slio undertook to
kindle a fire in n stove and poured the
gasoline on from n Jug. The fluid Ig
nited , causing her to drop the Jug ,
which broke on the floor and enveloped
her In the flames. She lived but a
few hours.
The Week in
jjj The Legislature.
8 < > imto ,
The senate wns in session all day on
the 25th.
Standing committocn ropr.rtnl II. H.
flPO to appropriate money belonging to
the State Normal fcciiool library fund
for the purchase of books for the li
brary , to pass , and 118 , appropriating
$5,000 to build a utnndplpc for Hro pro
tection anil lighting repairs , and to
furnish the chapel at the S'.xte Normal
school , to pass. H. II. 500 was Indefi
nitely postponed.
Sti'ole of Jefferson moved that all ap
propriation bills bo made u bnnclnl
order for Tuesday at 10 o'clock. His
motion prevailed.
Canaday of Kearney moved to non
concur In the report of the rallr nd
committee on II. It. fiCO. The bill pro
vides that the secretaries of the board
of transportation may draw up their
own complaints against railroads and
try the charges made under them ,
while the present law only gives them
power to try complaints that third
parties file with them. The motion
S. F. 302 , fixing the salaries of the
deputy Btato officers beginning with
the governor's private ( secretary , was
under consideration when the com
mittee nroHo at noon. The bill fixes
the annual salaries of state officers'
deputies as follows :
Governor's private secretary , $2,000 ;
deputy secretary of state , $1,000 ; dep
uty auditor , $1,000 ; deputy treasurer ,
$1,700 ; deputy attorney general , | 1,800 ;
deputy and land commissioner , $1GOO.
Fowler of Fllmoro offered an amend
ment to cut down the governor's secre
tary to $1,600 per annum , the deputy
treasurer to $1,000 and the deputy at
torney general to $1,000.
The amendment reducing the secre
tary's salary was lost , Fowler and
Prout alone voting In favor of It. The
treasurer amendment WIIH also lost.
The committee was discussing the
amendment to cut down the deputy at
torney general's salary when the com
mittee arose. Reynolds of Dawes of
fered an amendment making bin salary
S. F. 238 , J. Sterling Morton's for
estry bill ; S. F. 2-10 , relating to the
Institute for Feeble Minded at Beat
rice , and S. F. 330 , to rotund precinct
bonds , wore all recommended to pass.
The" clerk of the house announced
the passage of S. F. 203 , 130 , 135 , 117 ,
90 , 119 , 124 , 143 , 18 , with amendments ,
113 and 298 ; H. R. 25 i and 289.
Senator Talbot moved that the sen
ate concur in the bouse amendments
to S. F. 18. which carried.
In the senate on the 27th S. F. 249 ,
the Barry reorganization bill , was rem-
ommondod to pass with amendments
conforming with the national reorgan
ization of the army.
S. F. 2Cfi , requiring railroad and tel
egraph companies to list their property
with the auditor for taxation , making
slight changes in the present law , was
recommended to pass ,
H. R. 302 , the bill to locate the state
fair permanently at Lincoln , was rec
ommended to pass with nn amendment
making It obligatory upon Lincoln to
purchase the site.
H. R. 43 , a curative act affecting the
adultery law of the state , was rncom-
nterdcd to pass.
H. R. 189 , relating to the annual levy
for school purposes , was recommended
to Dttss.
The senate non-concurred In the re
port on S. F. 323 , and it was Indefinite
ly postponed.
The following bills were passed : H.
R. 390 , II. R. 418 and S. F. 338.
H. R. 418 provides for the building
of a standpipe at the Peru Normal
school for lighting extensions and
furnishing the now library , the bill to
erect which has not yet passed the son-
S. F. 338 Is the Prout revenue com
mission bill , one member to bo appoint
ed by the governor , one by the senate
and one by the house of representa
In the afternoon the senate reconsid
ered the passage of II. R. 418 , which had
boon passed without consideration in
committee of the whole. It was re
turned to the general file.
The senate went into commlteo of
the whole with Allen of Fnrnas In the
chair , to consider the special order , II.
R. 191 , the Weaver Insurance bill.
The entire afternoon was spent In the
discussion of the bill and amendments.
At 5:30 : p. m. Prout of Gage moved
that when the committee arise It re
port progress and ask leave to sit
again. He thought the senate nondnd
more light on the bill. His motion did
not prevail.
Senator Crow offered the following
bill In compliance with the governor's
special message : S. F. 355 , to nrovldc
for the settlement and compromise of
claims duo the state of Nebraska from
persons heretofore holding offices of
state treasurer and auditor of public
accounts and sureties on their official
bonds and for moneys duo from banks
designated as depositories of the cur
rent funds of the state and on bonds
given ns security therefore and to pro
vide for the creation of a board to
make such settlements.
When the senate met on the 28th it
was decided to take up bills on third
reading and passage before the special
Prout of Gngo offered the following
resolution , which was adopted under
suspension of the rules :
"Resolved , That the attorney general
bo and Is hereby requested to furnish
to this body a full report of the status
of all litigation now pending in the
rourts to recover from the bondsmen of
defaulting state officers , together with
the names of such bondsmen and the
amounts of indebtedness ; also the
nmounts due the state from insolvent
depository banks and the names ot the
sureties on such depository bonds. "
The following bills wore passed : S.
F. 214 , 212 , 211 , 281. 238 , 287 , 200 , 240 ,
201 , 281 , 319 , 219. 172.
S. F. 211 , 212 and 214 nro bills to pro
vide bettor roads and give public au
thorities power to purchase the ncccs-
nary tools.
S. F. 281 provides for the purchase ot
1,010 medals to decorto the volunteers
of the three Nebraska regiments and
T/oop K.
The clerk of the house announced
ho passage of H. R. CIO , the bill to
HirchnHo a residence for the governor
> y that body. House rolls on first and
icrond reading were read.
II. R. 302 , to locate the state fair
lernmncntly at Lincoln , passed by n
vote of 27 to 0.
Other house rolls passed were : 68 ,
89 , 43 , 192 and 271.
H. R. 08 relates to the employment
> f child labor.
H. U. 189 relates to the annual levy
'or school district purposes.
II. R. 43 Is a curative act legalizing
; lmt section of the criminal code re-
atlng to adultery by attaching a prop-
> r repealing clause.
II. R. 192 prohibits the employment
of any female longer than ten hours n
day In factories , hotels , etc.
H. R. 271 la the harbor bill , provld-
ng a barber's commission and requlr-
ng examinations.
S. F. 231 , the charter bill , affecting
: ltlcs of the first class having less than
25,000 population , was passed. The
most Important change is the addition
of a tax commissioner to the list of
elective officers.
S. F. 170 was passed with the emerg
ency clause. It provides for Insurance
brokers to write policies in companies
: iot authorized to do business In this
S. F. 330 , to refund precinct bonds ,
was passed.
S. F. 302 , fixing the salaries of all de
puty state officers , was likewise ap
The committee on constitutional
amendments reported S. F. 354 , the
Schaal concurrent resolution providing
'or the submission of an amendment to
ho voters again to amend the constl-
ution by Increasing the number of su
preme court Judges , for general file
without recommendation. Canaday of
Ccarney moved that the rule be Bus-
ended and the bill ordered engrossed
or n third reading. His motion did
ot prevail , eleven voting in favor and
Iftccn against.
The morning session of the senate on
ho 29th was a busy one.
The Investigation resolution of Sen-
Uor Glffert was the first order of busi
ness. His motion provided for the np-
Dointment of Prout of Gage , Van Dusen
of Douglas and Rocke of Lancaster
county as a committee to Investigate
ha atate officers , including the Judges
of the supreme court and the secretary
of state.
The clerk of the house reported the
assage of the following bills by that
body : S. F. 127 , 151 , 93. 97 , 144 , 145 ,
150 ; H. R. 385. 392 , 292 , 400 and 159.
The committee on revenue recom
mended S. F. 350 , to bo engrossed for
a third rending. It is Senator Currle's
bill relating to the disposal of property
upon which taxes are delinquent. The
motion carried.
At this Juncture Spahn of Nuckolls
moved that the sifting committee bo
requested to advance H. R. 331 , the
McCarthy anti-trust bill , aiming espe
cially at the live stock exchange of
South Omaha , to the head of the gen
eral flic. His motion prevailed by n
vote of 18 to 10.
' Noyes of Douglas moved that H. R.
303 the Myers bill providing for com
pulsory education , be advanced to
third reading. His motion prevailed
and the bill was passed.
Schaal of Sarpy moved that H. R.
517 bo advanced to third reading. He
said the members from Douglas and
himself had agreed upon this , ns the
bill related to Icatlng the boundary
line between Douglas and Sarpy coun
ties. His motion carried and the bill
\\ns passed by n vote of 20 to 0.
The senate then went into commit
tee of the whole to consider the appro
priation bills.
H. R. 204 , to appropriate $35,000 to
build a library at Peruc , was recorn-
mondcd to pass.
11. R. 191 , the Weaver insurance
bill , was placed upon Its third read
ing and passage. It passed by n vote
of 29 to 1 , Prout of Gage alone voting
"no , " explaining his vote as duo \o
his belief that the bill was entirely
The clerk of the house reported the
passage of the following bills by the
house : S. F. 125 , 120 , 129 , 153 , 155 , 151
150 , 58 , 80 , 79 , and II. R. 003 , COO and
H. R. 297 , to appropriate $2,500 for
the Horticultural society , was passct
by a vote of 27 to 2.
S. F. 350 , to provide for the fore
closure of tax liens , was passed by a
vote of 20 to 1.
The senate wont into committee o
the whole on H. R. 444 , the salary np
proprlatlon bill.
The salary of the stenocranhor of t.lm
governor was raised from $1,000 to
$1,200 per annum.
The salary of the adjutant genera
was raised from $1,200 to 1,500.
That part providing for a chief clerk
in the adjutant's office with a salary o
$1,000 per year , was stricken out.
Under commissioner of labor the
stenographer was cut out , srlary $300
per annum.
An amendment to raise the salary of
the bookkeeper of the secretary of
state to $1.300 was defeated.
The salary of the deputy secretary of
state was raised from $1,500 to $1,000.
In the auditor's office the office of
bond clerk at $1,000 per year wns
stricken out , also the office of Insurance
commissioner and insurance clerk were
stricken out , to bo placed some other
place , owing to the passage of the
Weaver bill.
The salary of the deputy auditor was
raised from $1,500 to $1,000 per year.
The salary of the deputy superin
tendent of instruction was raised from
$1,500 to $1,000 per year.
The committee on public lands and
buildings reported II. R. 8 , appropriat
ing $30,000 to build a now wing at the
Hastings asylum , for Indefinite post
ponement. The same wns non-con
curred In and the bill wns placed on
general file.
The senate had an evening session.
In the Senate on the 30th H. R. 418 ,
to appropriate $5,000 to build a stand
pipe and repair the heating and light
ing apparatus at the Peru Normal , wns
passed by a vote of 20 to 2.
II , R. 2G4 , appropriating $35,000 to
mild a library building at the Peru
formal , was defeated.
In making up the minutes the sccro-
ary of the senate discovered that H.
1. 303 and 517 , which were passed yes-
erday. had not been read on three diff
erent days , required by the constltu-
ion. They were put on their passage
again nnd paused.
The senate went into committee of
ie whole to consider 11. R. 441 , with
Owens of Dawson In : lie chair. The
ollowing amendments prevailed :
Girls' Industrial school at Geneva ,
natron's salary raised from $000 to
Mllford Industrial Home , sowing
pnchcr at $210 per annum added. A
Motion by Tnlbot of Lancaster raising
he salaries of the miperlntcndent from
: sno to $1,000 carried. His Attention
vns called to the law definitely fixing
ho salary at $800 , nnd he was com
piled to move a reconsideration. The
aw prevailed. '
New insurance department , deputy
commissioner of insurance , $1COO per
innum ; clerk , $1,200. When this do-
mrtmcnt was under the auditor the
nsuranco deputy got $1,200 and clerk
1,000. The motion to add a stenograph-
ir at $800 failed , the senate believing
ho clerk at $1,200 could also bo a Bte-
lographer. It was provided that $350
> o appropriated to pay the Insurance
leputy in the auditor's office during
ho three months before the Weaver
) ill goes into effect , and also $250 for
ho clerk.
Milford Soldiers' Home , surgeon's
jalary raised to $180 per annum , Instead
of $400. Steward and nurse added , $210.
Beatrice Institute for the Feeble
Minded , superintendent's salary raised
rom $1,800 to $2,000 ; salary of five
enchers reduced from $ GOO to $500 each.
The following appropriation bills
voro recommended for passage :
H. R. 290 , Lincoln Asylum addition ,
; 40,000 ; H. R. 8 , Hastings Asylum nd-
lltion , $30,000 ; H. R. 330 , Beatrice In-
jtltute , $48,000 ; II. R. 538 , Institute for
Blind , Nebraska City , $0,000 ; H. R. 280 ,
Deaf and Dumb Institute , Omaha , $25-
)00 ; H. R. 275 , Deaf and Dumb Insti-
ute , Omaha , $7,700 ; H. R. 421 , Jansen
pure food bill , $5,000 ; H. R. 9 , Hastings
Asylum , sundry improvements , $15,000 ;
otnl , $176,700.
The closing day's session of the sen
ate on the 31st was called to order at
9:15 : by Lieutenant Governor Gilbert.
Prayer by the caaplain was preceded
Dy the senate singing n verse of
'America. "
The consideration of house bill No.
501 , the general appropriation bill , was
resumed. Appropriation Items for the
state institutions , as they passed the
house , were reduced In the sums nam
ed :
Hospital for insane at Norfolk : Fuel
and lights , $14,000 to $12,000 ; flues In
three boilers , $1,500 to $1,000 ; board
and clothing , $12,500 to $35,00J. Total
reduction , $10.000.
Hospital for the Insane at Lincoln :
Electric light and dynamo wiring , in
creased from $100 to $300. Total in
crease , $300.
Asylum for chronic insane at Hast
ings : New boilers , $3,000 , and reset
ting the same $1,000 , stricken out. To
tal reduction , $4,000.
The committee was , as Senator Van
Dusen said , "slashing In the dark , "
In making these various reductions ,
having no committee report or information
mation on which to base their action.
There was consequently much calling
for "Information , " and much unsatis
fying disputation as to the several
Senator Prout moved to reconsider
the vote cutting out the items of $3,000
for boilers and $1,000 for resetting of
same at Hastings. The motion pre
vailed and the items were restored , as
adopted by the house.
House roll No. 421 , the Jansen "pure
food" bill , establishing a food com
mission , was passed.
House roll No. 8 , appropriating $30-
000 for a new building at the asylum
for the chronic insane at Hastings , enroll
roll call received 17 yeas and 9 nayc.
nnd so failed of passage with the emer
gency clause. The emergency clause
being stricken out , the bill was passed.
House roll No. 290 , appropriating
$40,000 for the erection of a fire-aroof
wing to the hospital for the Insane at
Lincoln , was passed.
House roll No. 01 , appropriating
$25,000 to provide for an executive
mansion and furnish the same , was
House roll No. 285 , to authorize mu
tual hog insurance companies , was
passed with the emergency clause.
House roll No. 021 , relating to road
taxes , was passed with the emergency
House roll No. 585 , authorizing the
governor to appoint the superintend
ent of the boys' reform school at Kear
ney , was passed with the emergency
House roll No. 385 , thn Dntwollpr bill
amendatory to the Omaha charter , was
passed by a vote of 20 yeas to 5 nays.
At 11:45 : p. m. the senate , by unani
mous consent , decided to be "at ease'
until 9 o'clock tomorrow morninc.
In the bouse on the 25th the follow
ing bills were taken up under the order
of bills on third reading :
S. F. 203 , making the offices of city
marshal and city attorney elective in
cities of over 5,000 Inhabitants ; passed
by a vote of 71 to 0.
S. F. 130 , making dogs personal
property ; passed , 05 to 7.
S. F. 135 , an amendment to the mu
tual fire insurance law ; passed , 59 to
H. R. 254 , amending section C , tltla
2 , civil code , and providing that there
shall bo no limitation to the time
within which counties or municipal
corporations may begin an action
for the recovery of the tltlo of pos
session of roads or streets ; passed , 61
to 10.
H. R. 502. appropriating $5,000 for
the relief of Nebraska City ; failed to
pass , 42 to 30.
II. R. 289 , requiring saloon keepers
to furnish surety company bont'ti ;
passed , 52 to 28.
S. F. 298 , the resolution of thanks
to the Frst regiment nt Manila ; passed
29 to 0.
S. F. 18 , authorizing the organiza
tion of mutual surety bond compan
ies ; passed OS to 12.
S. F. 113. permitting imprisonment
nt hnrd labor for fines nnd costs ;
S. F. 119 , relating to action ngalnat
Joint tenants ; passed.
S. F. 124 , to prevent the careless set
ting out of fires ; passed.
H. R , 303 , the Myers compulsory
education bill , wns advanced to a
third rending.
The house adjourned to 2 o clock
Monday r.ftcrnoon.
H. R. 31 S , by Fiynu , nn not requiring
all buildiiiKd four stories or over , ex
cept tlioso used ns private residences ,
to be provided with one or more metal
lic or Blair flro canapes , ladders or
stairs from each story , was passed by a
vote of 74 to 2.
II. R. 021 , by Detwcller , an act
amending the tax law nnd putting one-
half 1 of the road funds In cities of the
metropolitan and first-class in the
hands 1 of the city council to bo used un
der the direction and control of the
board ! of park commissioners in the
Improvement of the park roads nnd
jI boulevards , was passed by a vote of 09
to I 8.
8.H. . R. 191 , by Tanner , n bill appropri
ating $500 for the relief of Cyrus Baker
'I of Nance county , who was injured In the
discharge of his duties ns sheriff , wns
passed by a vote of 04 to 9.
H. R. 303 , by Myers , an act to require
all persons between the ages of 8 and
14 and all persons over the ago of 14
and under 1C who cannot read the Eng
lish language to attend some public or
private school or schools in the state ,
and to provide penalties for the viola
tion , was passed by a vote of 07 to 3.
II. R. 457 , by Murray , an act appro
priating $3,214.80 for the relief of
Thurston county nnd further appro
priating $2,584.28 for the relief of Dixon -
on and Cuming counties , was passed by
a vote of 58 to 11.
H. R. 517 , by Myers , fixing the bound
aries of Sarpy county , was passed by a
vote of 07 to 3.
H. R. 347 , by Fisher , an act creating
n state registry of brands and marks , a
state brand nnd marks upon live stock ,
was passed by a vote of G3 to 9.
A motion to go Into the committee
of the whole demanded a roll call and
was carried by a vote of 57 to 15.
H. R. 303 , by Israel of Dnndy , an act
to provide for the establishment and
maintenance of the experimental sta-
ona located by act of the legislature
f 1891 at Culbertson , Gordon and Ogal-
lla , and appropriating the sum of $30-
00 for the same , the money to be ex-
ended under the direction of the state
rd of agriculture , was rccommend-
d for indefinite postponmcnt , with
nrdly a dissenting vote.
H. R. 421 , by Jnnsen , an act creating
food commission , defining its powers
nd duties and of the officers and agents
hereof ; regulating the manufacture
nil sale of foods , including "imitation
Hitter" nnd "imitation cheese" and
airy products ; providing for a system
f reports , inspection and permits , nnd
ixlng fees for the same ; providing pen-
iltles for violations , and making an
.nnunl appropriation of $5,000 for car-
ylng the act into elicct , was recom
mended for passage , sections 5 and 11
being striken out and many other min
or amendments being made.
In the bouse on the 28th H. R. 366
.ho Wllcox bill to redlstrlct the state ,
was read and the roll was called on
.he passage of the bill , when the vote
was counted it stood 31 for and C4
Bills on third reading were taken up.
.1. R. 421 , by Jnnsen , the food commis
sion bill , a bill creating a food commis
sion , defining its duties nnd powers and
of the officers nnd agents thereof ; regu
lating the manufacture and Bale ol
food , including "imitation butter" nnd
'Imitation cheese" nnd dairy products ;
providing for a system of reports , In
spection nnd permits , nnd fixing foes for
the same ; providing penalties for vio-
ntions and making an annual appro
priation of $5,000 for carrying the acl
intp effect , was passed by a vote of 81
to 55.
H. R. 4CG , by Weaver , an net pro
viding for the repairing of temporary
plank nnd board sidewalks In cities ol
the second class , was passed by a vote
of 71 to 2.
H. R. 159 , by Armstrong , an act ap
propriating $491.90 for the relief of
Josephus W. Bush , was passed by a
vote of GO to 14.
H. R. COO , by the committee on defi
ciencies , an act making nn appropria
tion for the payment of miscellaneous
'terns of Indebtedness owing by the
state , came up. Committee amend
ments allowed the Mllford Soldiers'
home $1,724.34 for deficiencies to April
1 , and $531.30 "estimated deficiencies'
for visiting and examining board. An
amendment by Clark of Lancaster
struck out the latter item and the other
was adopted.
A number of small Items of deficien
cies for the auditor's office were
An amendment to the printed bill
was presented allowing Mrs. Hoxle $600
ns matron of the Kearney Institution ,
$400.10 for fuel and $321.01 for other
items. A discussion on this amend
ment developed the fact that a matron
for the Institution never wns provided
for and the item of $000 was unauthor
ized. It was striken out and the other
items were allowed.
The committee amendment allowing
the secretary of the irrigation board
$1,445.75 was cut to $500.
The deficiency claims for printing
various state reports amounting to
$5,800 were allowed.
A claim for $2,558.00 for salary of
grain inspector wns presented as an
amendment but was voted down.
Amendments to the printed bill al
lowing the following amounts were
adopted : Omaha Deaf and Dumb In
stitute , $1,371.95 ; Lincoln Hospital for
the Insane , $2,100 ; Institute for the
Blind , $1,838.39.
Another claim of salary for a grain
Inspector amounting to $3,010 was de
The first thing on the 29th the house
took np bills on third rending nnd H.
R. 292 , by Lane of Lancaster , amend
ing the law regarding the grading of
streets , repairs of viaducts and regu
lation of railway crossings in cities ,
was passed.
S. F. 127 , the amendment to the Lin
coln charter , was passed by a vote of
09 to 13. H. R. 392 , by Detweller , pro
viding for the election of police Judge
in the city of Omaha , passed by a vote
of 09 to G.
S. F. 144 , by Prout , to prevent the
damaging or cutting down of shade
trees , was passed.
S. F. 145 , a curative bill relating to
receivers of stolen property , wns passed
by n vote of 71 to 3.
S. F. 93 , a curative bill , relating to
the amendment of pleadings , was
S. F. 97. 151 , 153 , 155 , 15G , 157 , 129 ,
126 , 125. 58 and SO , nil curntlvo bills ,
were passed.
H. R. 603 , the miscellaneous claims
bill , which carries nn appropriation of
about $15,000 , cnme'iip on third read
ing and pas passed with the emergency
stricl'en out by a vote of 51 to 30. Sev
eral members recorded themselves
against the bill because of the mixture
of meritorious claims with what they
termed n "plain steal. "
II H. liO ! ) , appropriating the sum of
$914.77 to pay for books and supplies
for the state library , was passed with
only ten votes against it.
II. R. 600 , the deficiency appropriation
bill , was passed. The claims provided
for amount to $30,669.41.
A large number of senate bills were
end the second tlmo nnd referred to
H. R. 210 , by Burmnn , providing for
.he government , regulation , oxamlna-
.ion , reporting and reorganizing the
justness of building and loan assocla-
; lens , wns passed.
In iho house on the 30th standing
committees reported to the general file *
S. F. 249 , 201 , 213 , 216 , 284 , 287 , 330 , 275 ,
7 , 257 , 187 , 199 , 137 , 170 and 303.
In committee of the whole S. F. ICO ,
Front's bill to appoint a commission to
codify the statutes , was indefinitely
postponed without debate , by a vote of
52 to 29.
S. F. 202 , requiring county treasurers
to deposit funds in the banks of the
ounty on nn Interest rate agreed upon
between the treasurer and the banks ,
said funds to be subject to check , was
indefinitely postponed.
S. F. , by Senator Reynolds of Dawes ,
an act to provide for the registration ,
leasing , selling and general manage
ment of the educational land of the
state ; to provide for collection of rent
al , Interest an principal payments
thereon nnd for the distribution of
funds nrlslng therefrom , was recom
mended for passage.
S. F. 22 , by Senator Noyes of Douglas ,
to change the districts according to the
number of population , wns recommend
ed for passage.
S. F. 41 , by Senator Currlo of Custer ,
an act to provide free attendance at
public high schools of nonresidents , and
to provide for expense thereof , was
recommended to pass.
S. F. 137 , by Senator McCargar , to
provide for a Hen for nccounts due for
threshing grain , or shelling corn , and
to provide for the recording and fore
closure of the same , was recommended
for passage.
S. F. 133 , by Senator Arends , chang
ing the time of election of village trus
tees , was recommended for passage.
S. F. Gby Senator Fowler of Fll-
more , amending section 1036 , Code of
Cival Procedure , relating to appraising
the value of property not to exceed
$200 , wns recommended for passage.
S. F. 12 , by Senator Miller , to pro
hibit the platting of encumbered land
into city , town or village lots , was rec
ommended to pass.
Olmsted's motion that the action of
the committee on S. F. 41 be not con
curred In was carried and the bill was
engrossed for third reading.
Mr. Fisher moved that the commit
tee's report on S. F. 287 be not con
curred in and that the bill be engrossed
for third reading. The motion wns car
ried by a vote of 41 to 37.
Standing committees reported S. F.
302 , 231 and 338 tothe general file and
indefinitely postponed S. F. 91 , 319 ,
172 , 279 and 266.
The sifting committee reported that
the following bills be advanced to third
reading : S. F. 41 , 302,176.131 , 231 , 211 ,
212 , 214 , 61 , 35 , 277 and 338.
The house on the 31st was called to
order by Speaker Clark at 9 a. m.
for the lost day's session.
Pollard's motion to have sent to
Colonel Stotsenberg a record of the
action In expunging Its previous cen
sure was adopted.
The clock was turned back at 11:40 :
until the hands of the clock indicated
8:40. :
The members of the house left the
hall for luncheon without a formal
recess being taken.
The house was called to order at
2 p. m , by the speaker.
Burns of Lancaster made a motion ,
to advance to third reading senate fllo
No. 275 , amending the anti-free street
car pass law by exempting firemen
and policemen from its provisions.
The motion was agreed to.
Bills on third reading were taken ,
up. Senate file No. 44 , by Miller , a
bill to make cattle stealing punishable
In the same manner that horse steal-
in" now is , wan passed by a vote of
79 to 0.
Senate file No. 15 , the Van Dusen
primary election bill , was passed.
Senate file No. 281 , providing for
presentation of medals to each officer
and man in the First , Second and
Third Nebraska regiments , and la
Troop K , was passed.
Senate file No. 275 was read the
third time and passed.
Senate file No. 161 , providing that
certain funds be transferred by county
board to the free high school fund of
such county , wns passed by a vote of
66 to 4.
A vote of thanks to Speaker Clark
was given. The members "drifted
out" for supper.
The report of the committee tnat
Investigated the auditor's office was
submitted. Among other things the
report states that under the law as
enunciated by a majority of the court ,
Cornell would not be convicted If Im
peached by the legislature. The com
mittee , therefore , reports the facts
without recommendation.
The report , which covered twenty-
four typewritten pages , was signed by
all members of the committee and was
adopted without a dissenting vote.
At fifteen minutes after midnight
the house took a recess until 9 o'clock
Saturday morning.
CnmpiilRnry Kdiicatlon Hill .
II. R. 303 , which passed the house al
most unanimously on the 27th , was the
compulsory education bill over which
there has been some contention be
tween the Catholics and the Luther
ans. The substitute that was finally
adopted was drawn by State Superin
tendent Jackson and was entirely
ngreed upon by the Catholics nnd the
Lutherans , being satisfactory to both
The Japanese cruiser Chltose , the
handiwork of the Union Iron Works of
San Francisco , and the first war ves
sel built in tills port for a foreign pow
er , sailed for the Orient last week. As
the big vessel passed down the bay to
ward the ocean the vessels In the har
bor saluted her. The battleship Iowa
saluted with her colors , and hundreds
of people along the water front bade
adieu to the battleship.