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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1899)
ssaaa ! , i I P AQ1Tlrr ° ' / ° k' fa- < ! ffi Owing to the death of Mr. J. | W. Salisbury , the firm of T. M. $ & J. W. Salisbury will sell its | stock of Dry Goods , Clothing , | Boots and Shoes at very reduced | 1 prices. These goods must "be sold | j 1 and the store closed- ' H L M , & J , W , SILIS S. W. Corner Public Square. f | :2 : ? ; iV/rt'fr , fft' 2'fr , . ffcvJ % / WViy/ivW : / ; : : v.Vviyty / : ; ( Ho. jlcimWicau I'ubllfhod eve < 7 TliurnJny at tlio County Boat. it , aHfAMHIIli liv , I iCtlltur * S-Offlco In Curler lllock , Koarth Aro.-fc * Kntorcil attliopurtoinco at llrukon Dow , Noli. , BI icconil cl 88inattor , for trnnsmliuloM ttirongli tue U. 8. iniillc. suiiscuirrioN One Yo r , In advmico . . . . TUUKSDAY , APRIL ti.son Koyuo's majority exceeded the anticipations of the moot sanguine. E. U. Purcell is all that is left of the demo-pop crowd that crowed so lustily before election. The republicans presented to the voters a good ticket , and their nominees were most handsomely endorsed at the polls. These republicans who joined the fusion party because of their disbelief in partisan politics , now have their pains for their pay , Those who felt called upon to oppose the republican party and its nominees so severely , will now have time to meditate upon the wisdom of such a course. Juugmg from the result of Tues day election , partisan politics does not stand in the way of the voters when the party does not seek their franchise by rcnrrling to deception. That "liandfull of republicans" , whom the Chief claimed constituted the republican caucus , ilcmonatrat- od at the city election that it must have been a pretty good sized hand. AHthe , law recently pustiod pro vides for the election oi city mar shal In cities of the second class , hereafter the candidates for mayor will stand no chance of loosing votes on account of a supposed deal with this or that one who may be an aspirant for appointment. "Deception wont work , " romnrk od a loading democrat Wednesday morning. "Hereafter I will not go into a fusion deal on the pretence of "oitia-n's " ' having a - ticket. The fuels are , the people have been fooled HO often on that kind of a ueal that the ) are nutting their eyes open. Governor Poynter has deserved ly brought upon himself the indig- n tion of the patriotic element of the state in his veto of the resolu tion passed by the legislature com plimpnting the First Nebraska reg iment for the heroism manifested in the battles iu which they have boon.engaged in and around Manila. The unprecedented act not only shows the Governor devoid of pat riotism , of which every true and loyal Jon of America is so proud , but it proves him too coarse to conceal his hypooraoy. In his veto uiesage ho attempts to oxouso his oontemptablo act , and uncallodfor insult to the Nebraska boys , by impeaching the motives of the rresidout for maintaining the honor of the government , in pro- tooting these who by the incident of war with Spain fell to our charge. But in his veto message Gov. Poynter has only beep the mouth pieooof liunnoro ultra of his party whose every effort ainoo the L ' President was forood into the war with Spain has boon to discredit liiH efforts and iuipeauh his molivcH , simply and for DO other reason than political prejudice. I am tiol as old as some of my readers , but I have a vivid ruoollootion of a class of the north during the war of the rebellion who were too cow ardly to go to war on either aide , whoHu delight was to abuHo and maligno President Lincoln and impugn liia motives and attempt to ridicule the Union Holdiera by calling them Lincoln's hirelings. They would not so muoh an lift their linger to have prevented the disruption of this government , nor hare signed rono- utiotiB endorsing the bravery and 8UOOC8H of the Union Soldier. In not Qov. Pointer and a largo auui- ) or of the leaders of his party sona and daughters of these same sires ? Why should wo bo surprised if the unregenerate boy follows in the 'ootHtops of his rcbllioua father ? vutlior ihould wo be surprised if 10 did not. Father's and mothers who have sons in the Philippines , enduring the horrors and privations of war for the honor of their coun try , (4od and humanity bo not deceived. Qov. Pointer is not alone in his views , ho only voices the sentiments of the leaders of his jarty 111 refusing to oommond our brave heroes for their valor. Uould a fiend from the lower regions of hell withhold Inn applause in the presence of grand and uoblo man- liood bleeding and dying on the ticld of battle in honor of his ooun try. The morbid crowd , it is said , did jeer and rail on Ohrist when , upon the rugged cross ho gave up his life for the wako of humanity. b'or thorn there there is some excuse. They were ignorant and Ohrist prayed for their forgiyness , for they know not what they didi In it possible that tiioro are those in the 19th oontury who hold ant and aspire to the highest otlices within the gift of the people , who from the lauk of knowledge are excusable , who can not comprehend prohond the depth of gratitude wo ewe our own bravo Nebraska boys ? They are offering themselves a sacrifice in defence of the Hag and the honor of our nation. Who knows but they are the pioneer missionaries who , in the providence of God , are blazing tbo way for the missionaries of the Gospel , who wi.ll oivilizo and load millions of these barbarians into the light am liberty of Christianity. Refuse to commend our own Nebraska - braska sonsl No more noble , no more brave , no more patriotic blood over coursed the veins of anv * country. Hofuso to commend you own sons for unparalelled patriot ism ? Nol Such a sire has no sue ] sons. Grapes are not gatheiod from bramble bushes , neither ure patriots born of traitors. Parent and patriots , when you lay you head upon your pillow of down to night , in offering your prayurs fo the protection and safe return o our boys- , will you not lay aside al your partisan prejudice in you solemn moments , when none bu yon. and your ( Jed know your vow and inquire of yourself howloug you will dicgrnoo our Hlato by o men of a parly embracing null principles , to olllcc. A Tribute loth Niitl n'fl lTcad Ilcroc * . I'roni'lent MoKinloy has issued n proclamation ordering the national llagH on public buildiugN , forts , i'iunH and public vessels of the U. S. to be placed nt half mast today , in immory of the fallen heroes of the American army and navy. Al two o'clock today the bodies of the tlui officers and private * * nho were killed 'n Cuba and Porto Kioo dur ing the late war with Spain , who were not given a private burin ! by friends , will bo buried in the Nat ional oemetwry at Arlington , Va. , at which time all proper military and honors will be paid the dead heroeH. Gov. Poyuter vetoed the item of 2,000 in the nppaopriation bill , which provides lor investigating the books of the t < tate officials Too Governor was evidently afraid to face the search light turned upon the acts of bin pals in office. Gel in the band wagon. The Republicans have Ptarlcd to the front with a down hill pull in Bro ken How and the tide will swoop the county next fall. Buiioy and a Foot Pad. Charles Husoy , of this city , who recently returned from Manila , whore ho had been nerving as a private in the First Nebraska volun teers , has re-enlisted and has boon sent back to the Philippines. Pri vate BiiHoy was discharged some months ago , but was ambioious to eturn to the service He r.onstd red the hospital corpse as offering he best opportunities for advance ment , and last week wont to Chi- ago , passed the necessary oxamio ations and was sworn into the sorv- ce of Undo Sam in the hoppital lepartnient. Before leaving Chicago , Busoy lomonstratod to a crook that a sol- lier boy was a bad thing to run up agamstj Ho had been i i a restaur ant and in settling his account hewed a large roll of bills. When 10 left the plaoo he was followed > y a bad looking specimen of levee ough. Though it was broad day- ight , Busoy suspected the man was a hold-up. II ) accordingly wont o the Illinois Central depot , depos ited his money with a friend and sallied out to moet the robber , lie md proceeded only a few foot Tom the elation when ho met the tough face to face. The bad man stepped up to him and placed a : un against his breast end said Shell out" . Busoy , without a word , grasped the revolver with both hands and wrested it troin his issailant. 1 no would-be robber br jko into a run and Buscy put the gun , an ugly bokiug 44 , into his poakot. The incident attracted but little attention as few people saw the short HcuQlc and these who witnessed it did not suspect the cause. Busoy kept the gun and will use it against the Filipinos. Champaign Co. ( Ill's. ) Herald. Program of Sunday school Convention , o Northwest District , to be held a1 Morna , Neb. , oa May la and 14 , ' 00 N , 2:30. : Hoiitf service , led by Louie Oosnor. AiUrcM of Welcome , John Copnor. Ketpoiibo , W. H. Mi Illtt Music. Si ecUl prnjorc for rooro earnest Snuilajr eohoo \Tiirk und workoru. Music. Topic How to mtio tills Contention * succol J. SI. Podge. Music. Qui'Ktlon box , In cliarco of J It. Cares * . Alipo'iitlng of coradilttci. AimouucnmciiU. Uenedlctlon 8ATUIIDAT KVEH1NO , 7:30 : , SoijB1 * " Tlcu. led by II. C Urownlns. 1'rajcr nnil scripture lemon , ] i. T. HuJpon. TopicU tbo general review of tbo lesson profitable ? R.J.l'lttuvMy , follunea br W. II MolUUaudothori. Music. Topic How canTO luduou n oloser study o the lufitont ill U ( lordou , follorred by J. 1) Trojur and otbera Mntlc. Quuntlou box , In charge of MM. Joe Sraltb , Election of dincor * . Munlu. SUND1T MOKXINO. ll30. ; Thlrtr minute * for prayer and praise service Itev. Uralmm. Bone eorviuo , led by D S Weluicr. Study of leisou , conducted by K. 1) . Atklsson aluiic. Topic Pi actlcablHty gf normal work In onll nary Siuhlay ichoalt , J. M. Carou , followed by Wra. Tuubg and Win. Kcodcr. Muolc. Topic In the Sunday fdiool teacher a fnlltre nnlcM a soul winner ? Mri. U. L , AtkUson , fol bn ed liy Mrs lion Hnrdln and Itobt . Parley . Music. Adjournment for illuuer. 8UN1MT , 1 " 30 r. u. boiitf uerrlcv , led by J. O WlUou. 1'raytr. Topic Doot the Hunilay school promote iplr Itualltr ? Mrs. R. T. Hadeou , tollowud by C. Kentou and Jobii Loug. Munc. Topto What Imntflt his thU conyentlou bee to Jiu ? Uy members of convention Itoporti ot coinnilttool and bnsluuia of asioula tlon. tlon.Uloilng Bonn , All Sunday school workers ar cordially invited. By order of Ex. CQUMITTKB. _ Seeds . I have the New Success beardless barley , also the black hulless bar ley , at 40o per bushel ; the Japanese buckwheat and hog millet for sale Send orders to J , B , KLUMH , Cliff Nob. 4 Sunilny School Contention. llowing ' H the progrnin for the "forthcriHl Jistrict Siimhy School ( invention to bo hold at Sargent , Neb , April 1C-10 , 1890 : aVTaitbAr VK. , 7i30l' M. Hong and prayer service , I ) . . Allen t WtBCOtt. The ucccpslly ot Individual effort that Ins convention prove n success , \V. D. lull. SUN. MOHN. , 10. A. U. t'ralio atrvlcoVnrd Moore. I'ruyor and icrlpture lesson , Rev 'on ten. Address of Woloomo , Hov. Chaa. K , toward. Hespoueu , E. E. MIoklo , Wosuott. Huuday Scbool Lesson Taught on Modern Prlnciploa B. J. Pitaway , Jroken Uow. Hnekct dinner , 1-30 Praise eervico. BiiBlness meeting. Tbe S S , Teacher us a Soul winner , Mabel Hull , Ruth Plckoll. The S. S. Sup't ns u General. Prof rnggftrt , E. Mutineer. InaiTldualBesponBlblllty In the S. S. , Hurry Wright , Mrs. 8pooner. Import on Sunday echocle. An IddttlS. S , L. W. F. Cole nnd ? cv. Bolliin. UriuK hymn booUa , "The of he Wheat. " Come prepared to tnke xirt and muko this the best convention iargent ever bad. A. R. DAMON , VicePros. . there are thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses. Some times the period " comes too often sometimes not often enough sometimes the flow is too scant , and again it is too profuse. Each symptom shows that Nature needs help , and that there is trouble in the or gans concerned. Be careful when in any of the above con ditions. Don't take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR is the one safe and euro medicine for irregular or pain ful menstruation. It cures all the ailments that are caused by irregularity , such as leucor- rhcea , falling of the womb , nervousness ; pains in the head , back , breasts , shoulders , sides , hips and limbs. By regulating the menses so that they occur every twenty-eighth day , all those aches disappear together. Just before your time comes , get a bottle and see how much good it will do you. Druggists sell it at | i. Send ( or our free book , "Perfect Health tor Women. " THE DRADFIBLD REGULATOR CO , ATLAITTA , OA. "A word to the wise 'a sufficient , " nnd a word from the wise should be suillclent , but you ftsk , who are tbe wise ? Those who know. The oft re posted experience of trustworthy persons may bo taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives hotter satisfaction than any other In the mnrket. Ho has been In the drui ? business atElkton , Ky , , for twelve yours ; has sold hundreds ot bottles tles of this remedy and neaily all other cough medicines manufactured , which shows conclusively that Chamberlain' IB the moat satisfactory to the people For ealo by all druggists. Frazer Axle Grease ILDREU i-c5 sM ! Not affected by Heat or Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial * Paris and World's Fair. - Manufactured Cni7CD I UDDIPITflD ffl by rnAitn LUDnlliAlUn UUi ; Factories : Chcbgo , SL Louli , New York. Tlie Wuy To < iu To CulKorulu is in a tourist sleeping oar person ally oouduoted via the BurJingtoi Route. You don't change oars You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your oar is not so expensively finished nor eo fine to look at as n palace Blooper , but it is just ns clean , jiut as comforuble , just as good to rich in and NEAliLY $20 CHEAPER The Burlington excursion leave every Thursday reaching San Fran- oisoo Sunday and Los Angeles on Monday. Porter with eaoh oar Ex'jursiou manager with oaoh party For folder giving full information call at nearest B. & M. R. R. du- pot or write to J. Francis , Genera PasBongor Agent , Otnaha , Nob. Look over the advertisements in the RUPUDUOAN for bargains. If you are Looking lor Bargains the Racket Store is the place to find them ; where one can buy as cheap as another ; where a CHILD can buy as cheap as a MAN. Shoes worth $1.25 to 9925 go on to our 08o bargain counter. Dloning out Felt Boots at coat , Now is the time to got Sheen ; call and nee them. Men's Underwear OOo per suit Shootings 3 o per yard Dress Qoodw away below all com petition. Window Shades 16c to 2fio Coffee Mills I5o Pint Cups , 2 for 60 Dr Piereo's Golden Medical Dis covery 90c Dr. Piorco'fl Favorite Presor'n , OOo Dr , Piorco's P. P. Pellets aoc Piso's Consumption Cure 20o Castoria 29o Dr. Ward's Liniment , sm. Bize.20o Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer , the best in the world. Ayer's Pills 20o Dr. William's Pink Pills tor Palo People 4io A lOo Tablet for 4e Rookford Socks So pair Men's Wool Pants. . .fti.25 < o $2,60 Outing Flannel worth 12a for..So Ladies India Dcngola Shoes. . . .76o Overalls 25c to 49o Hunter Sifters tee Bib Overalls 49o Call and see our now line of Serge , Brocades and Cashmere , at prices way below all competition. A tine line of Calico and Prints in tbo lnt 'st i.attorns. Silverware given away. Market price paid for Eggs. SHERIFF'S SALE , And lo'd to , GEORGE WILLING , Tbe entire stock of Q. W. Wilde , consisting ot Hardware , Tinware , Implements , three Klngtnun Corn Planters , three Diok Cultivator ? , four Tongue Cultivators , four Tongui'lesB Cuhiviitore nud other implements. Tbo entire atock will be solder ( or lees tbnn manufacturer's price. Cull early and get bargains. I have jtut , received u carload , my first ehlpmeut tbie year , of tbn Grand Detour Plonn md Discs , with Holler Bearing Discs , Listers. Cultivators , etc , tbo David Bradley Plows , Corn Planters , Cultivators , Listers , Dlacs of all sizes. Force Feed Endftate Seeders , best made ; 1)6 ) Tooth oteel lever Harrows ; the Thoaiis Disk , nothing hotter made ; Badger Cultivators , the best riding cultivator on earth ; ECO It ; the genuine New Departure Ton > juele88 Cultivatoi ; the Stndebaker Wasron , none butter ; nsk those who use them ; ulco the Fish Bros. Buggies of all kinds Piiaos from $40 and up. Sen them nnd you will buy Spring wagons Kaolne , Colum bus , bradley and other makes , bearing Binders nnd Deering Twine , the beat made. TTnrnfKJK Bou8ut thirty sets of the s < uno that I sold so nmny of last JJ-ttlllCOO yeargave the host of sutisfaction. See tbl httuiofl. Con cord bolt bame , wool faced , open throat collars , can't bo beat for tbe money ; bought before the advance. See me for harness , collars , pads and etrnp work. TTiTrnii"ni f I have just erected n store room at tbo re , r of my old -C " * IIJLLUI L B ore , and just received u oar of Furnlturp , and with the present stock have the best selected and most completw stock In the el y. Iron , , Beds ( torn$3.50 and up. Tables , Sales , Lounges , Rockers , linbv Cubt , M&ttmB- , i eg , Springe , Chairs , etc. , at prices well , remember I am not undersold. II you T need an outfit for housekeeping it will pay vou to see me , _ _ _ _ _ 1 TJdr O'f e ° not P'V 869 fr " ago from peddlers when von can net ' | XVtilJgtJO a better one from your home ( iualers for $40.rln < Ptnlntuilar ] ' . nil steel wrought Iron Kiin o , the very beet made , with copper reservoir and high ( , shelf , there Is no better Bungo ramie ; fully warranted ; Otlur stovefitrn SIO$12 , ' , 316 and up. The Wonder line , they are fully warranted. The Gnnnlne Ghddon Wire , the beet made The lightest nnd cheapest in the end ; nnd Rd Rubber 1'alnt , no tar like Imitation ; buy the best ; it IB alwa e the cbesptet. ftn-relncr IVfiiriVlinoe The new Goodrich and Eh itlgf from $30 CJL/WXUg J.TAav/JJ.iilUCS and up ; thev are warranted for ten years ; have sold them lor ten years. Window Curtainc , 25c and up. Don.e mnde Tta- ware will give you the best Bntisfnctlon , and tlneh < > p In c > > iireotloi ) witr , tt e ftore ; all kinds of repairing done. Bice's Garden Seedn of all klmlp. Buy eaoA fresh aeeds and you will have succeps. Millet , Barley , rtd nil kli c's of tldd htecJi ; prices lower than any catalogue \ rtcee. HordwRre , a pBiuB nnd prices the low- Rt. Clevifos , double and single trees. My leader , IBc plow lilt ; Foikf , Western Wosbor , Elwood Field Fencing , the brfc made ; Cloth * s WrlngiiB ? Table and Pocket Kutiery , nd a complete line of Revolvers and Guns ; ammunition of all kinds ; Copper Rivets , In fact everything , and prices as low at > the lowest ; when In need of Implement ! , Plows , Furniture , Hardware , \Vire , Tinware , It will pay you to see mo. With low prices honorable and fair dealing , I bavo bold tbe title of th oldest hardware store In Broken Bow. When In reed of a housekeeping ( ulflt oal and sarn money. Have a full line of ComnsCa6ketsrand Undertaking Good * calls attended to night or day. Tours Respectfully , GEORGL \ \ II.l ING I Once Was Lost , but How I Have Found it. Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep ing posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. Christinas committees are invited to call and get my prices. Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First National Bank. W. S. SWAET , - - Proprietor. A Great Live Stock Journal The Prairie Farmer. A weekly Agricultural and Live Stock Journal-one dollar a year. It is admittedly the leader of the agricultural and live stock papers of the United States. It covers the entire field of agriculture , dairying , live stock breeding and live stock feeding. It is edited for western farmers and stockmen who carry on diversified work : in fact , it is the farmer's newspa per. The regular subscription price is one dollar a year ; but in order that every one of our readers may get it next year , we will send it a full year with our own paper for only § 1.60. Tuis low price be withdrawn time may any ; we request our readers to act promptly. Hand in your order or send it to u * .