Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 06, 1899, Image 2

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    Ife *
ClovorncHH IH n sort of cenliiH for
fastrtmnculallty , 11 is the brnlti of tlm
Ilo Yonr Feet A olio unit IlurnT
Slmko Into your sliouH , Allen's Foot-
Enac , a powtlor for the foot. It muUca
tight or Now HliofH fool Bnuy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hoi find
Sweating Feet. At nil DrtiKglHtB and
Shoo Stores , 25c. Snmplo Hunt FRIO 13.
f ' Address Allen 8. Olmstcd , Lolloy , N. Y.
The love of woman JIUHHCH nil
comprohoiiBion , and a IIIIUI'H love of
ft her often docs likewise ,
"He Who "Pursues * Two
Hares Catches Neither , "
Said a well known young
man about town , "I tried
for years to burn the candle
at both ends , in the pursuit
of pleasure while trying to business. My blood ,
stomach and kidneys got into
a wretched state and it
seemed that I could not carry
the burden any longer ,
Hut no\\f my rhoiunntiflm 1ms gone ,
my courage lmn returned , nnd nil on
account of that marvel , Hood'H S\rnn- :
jmrillu , Which hnfl inado mo a picture of
licnlth. Now I'm in for business pure
nnd simple. "
Rosy Chocks "I liavo , Rood lienllh
nnd rosy clmuka , lliiinka to Hood'H Sar aii- )
rllln , It Inillda mo tip mid naves doctor's
blllH. " MAfcY A. HuititK , COI Knst Ulalr
Street , Indianapolis , Intl.
Impure 'BloodAbsceos ' " An ni > -
sccas forined on my rljjht nidi * , caiifted by
Impure blctoit , Hood'n KiirtmiWirllln 'lins
inndu mo ns sound ns a dollar und tlni euro
IB pormaiibnt. " W. II. HEFPNKII , Alvlrn , I'a.
Hood's rill * rurollrnr Him tlio nnii.lrrltntliift nnd
only riitlinrtlc tc take will ? llnud'n
Don't be ( oolc j with a micklntoih
or rubber coat. If youwintacoat
tint will keep you dry In the hard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Sllcktr. If not for site In your
( own , wrltt for c l locue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Man.
SEND 47-cENis
? T cts. & n ° mms5
'Spoolal OHop. I 0 ViOLifoa./ /
. OatthUodoatnndnoncl L5jrS ± ; ± Si
to ni nnd WB
thli Violin ontflt br ox- , , T - , , .
pre.i,0,0.1)onbjoolto examination/1 Examtnaltut
jouroiprtwn olSconndlf not eiactlr lui represented
jind tlio most \rpndortal bnrcjiln ran ever now or
coore. ilRlr poUued , poweru an woo n onei
complete with fine bow , one oxtrn tot ttrlnsi , Tlolln
n , mm and one ot tlio t > e t Instruction bookioter
pabllhedVrHeforiauilcal Instrument and organ
ndplnno oatnlamie. ) . _ .
T.n. Roberts' Supply I louse , MlnncapollSi/tlnn.
MEM ION Tills 1'Al'Ril.
Look for
Spalding'sTrade Mark
"Standard of Quality"
and take no substitute
Hnndbomo Catalogue Froo.
A. Q. Sl'ALDINO & UllOS.
New York. Chicago. Denver
Half faro round trip ( plus f..OO ) on 1st and
QlTtiosduy of eiiuhmonth. Oulrlu'st and hcst
Hno to HT. LOUIS , tliu EAHT mill HOUTH.
All Information ut TOUT AUTHUIt KOUTK
OKFKJIi , 14)5 ) Kiiriilim htrrot , ( I'uMoii Ilotol
Illoek ) orwrlto Hiitry K. iloorcs , 0. I' . & T.
A. , Otvmlm , Nub.
With variety onouKh to suit almost any Idiul
of a settler. The runner will fltnl lands Hultott
to my branch of agriculture ) . The block rnlsor
will Una Kruzlnt ; lands in such quantities that
bo will never bo ahlo to put a foiico around all
of them. This Is the way In which n Minnesota
editor concludes his remarks on a recent trip
made through Western Cunuda. Particulars
can bo had by applying to thn Depart
ment of the Interior. Ottawa , Canada , or to
W. V. Uennott 801 New Vorlt Life Uulldlnu ,
Omaha , Nob.
UHO lllK O for unnatural
dlncbarifo. Inttamnmtloni ,
, Irritation * or ulceratloni
uf in n conn im'imimips.
J'aluletH , nnd uot s trlu
ilTHEEvAMCHEUICUOO. 6 nt or | iolkonom
Hold by Ik
'or cent In plain wrapper ,
liy exprvm , prepaid , for iiraiKittlpK , 12.75.
Circular teat on request.
TVANTED-Caie of tma lie aim that IM-P-A-N-fJ
will not benefit. Bend S rents to Hliianii Chemical
Co..New Yprk.for 10 tauiples and 1.WO i tluiouluH
Dr. Kayvs Renovator ,
pla. constipation , liver and kidney dlseasos.bfl-
llousness , headache , oto.U druggists J o tL
: L
fiDICK 1
OP , The Adventures of a
I An Eton Boy , , . i
CHATKU XIII. ( Continued. )
"What arc you about ? " asked Web-
Ion , angrily.
"Oruaslng the sling of the fore-yard ,
sir. "
"Oh T thought you wore milking
hay , you are RO slow about It. You
have been staring ahead for the last
twenty mlnutcH , , at least. "
"Uocauao I think I see Homothlng , "
said the Konmnn , annoyed by the nau
tical taunt , ii ' '
"Something ? " reiterated WeBtoji.
"What IB | t ? A church or a windmill
going before the wind ? " , ,
"Neither , sir but a boat adrift. "
"How doca It bijar , Ned ? " nHkcd
Illslop , starting Into tho'rigging.
"On the Htarhoard bow , about two
mllcB off. "
On hearing' ' this the telescope was
resorted to , nnd wo could plainly
enough nee a while object , which the
Intervening waves , as they voso and
fell , hid from us at times ; and there
was a great diversity of opinion , for
one of the crow maintained that it was
a harbor buoy adrift.
"It must have drifted a long way to
have come Jiore , " retorted Carlton ,
"and If you have your grandmother's
Bpectaclca about you , wipe them clean ,
put tliem on , anil look again for I can
boo plainly enough that it Is a boat. "
"Then wo shall overhaul It , " flald
Weston ; "HlBlop , prepare to lower
ours , and to lay the fore-yard aback. "
The Eugenie's course was shaped to
ward It , and when within a quarter of
a mile the foresail was laid to the
mast , the brig hove in the wind , and
the stern boat lowered ; Illslop , Tom
Lnmbourno , two other hands and I
manned her and put off to Inspect
and report upon what wo could dis
cover. And so , with many surmises as
to wrecks , boatH getting adrift or be
ing waflhcd away from their davits ,
and so forth , wo pulled swiftly toward
her , all stripped to our shirt sleeves ,
for a hot West Indian sun was blazing
In a cloudlcsB sky , and the air scorned
Htlll and breathless.
Antonio el Cubaiio.
As the strange boat pitched about on
, the waves some of our men asserted
that at times they could BCD a man's
head above the gunwale. Others ex
pressed their doubts of this , and In
the midst of such discussions wo
sheered alongside. Illnlop caught the
bow by the boat-hook , and while re
taining his hold , fended off , to prevent -
vent her being dashed against ours.
In the bottom of the boat , which
was evidently the clinker-built skiff
pf n merchant vessel , and was all
painted yellow , as a preservation from
the sun In a warm climate , there- lay
under the thwarts a man , cither asleep ,
In a stupor , or dead at first wo know
not which ; but ho was pale enough to
) mve passed for the last.
Dy hla tawny visage and coal-black
beard , his long scarlet cap and sash ,
In which a sheathed knife was stuck ,
tlnil nlHO llV tllO rlnirn In hla nnra ii.A
recognized him to bo n Spanish Boa-
man. Ho was a man naturally of a
tall and powerful frame , but of for
bidding aspect of great personal
strength , but wasted apparently by
toll , by exposure and famine.
A dark and coagulated crust of some
thing like blood appeared on Ills baked
lips and thick mustaches , on the black-
UCSB of which the saline particles of
the sea foam , dried by the tropical sun ,
glittered white as hoar frost on a bush
In winter.
AH wo roused him ho grasped hla
knlfo instlntlvoly and repulsively , but
relinquished It , and then atnrod wildly
at us , muttering in imploring tones :
"Aqua , aqua , per amor do Dlos ! "
( water , 'water , for the love of God ) .
"MlBoricordia ! O senores O Ave
Maria , mlHorlcordla ! "
"Hero , Jack Spaniard , ship a drop of
this ; it Is real Jamalky , " said Tattooed
Tom , pouring between the parched lips
of the Spaniard some rum , which likely
had been put in the boat by the fore
sight of HIslop.
The black eyes of the castaway di
lated and Hashed as the spirit revived i
him , restoring his wasted energies ,
nnd bringing a hectic color to his
cheeks. .
"Delay now , " said Tom "
; "you must
get some Thames water from the brig
before you take more of this. "
"Muchos graclaa many , many
thanks , " said the Spaniard , in tones of
"Enough o' that stow your slack ,
rind come on board If you can , " said
Tom , testily , as ho had sulky recol
lections of our adventures nt the
( Irand Canary.
( Restored by the mouthful of alco
hol , the Spaniard staggered up , but
with dlfllculty ; nnd then wo perceived
that gouts of blood , dried and oncrust-
cd by the sun , were on his person and
on the Inside of the boat , especially on
ono of the thwarts.
"What is this blood ? " asked Ills-
Ipp , with nn Imperceptibleshudder. .
The Spaniard started nnd became , If
possible , paler nt the question , as ho
riorvously clutched the gunwnlo of his
Uont with both hands , and Bald , In
broken accents ;
"My dog , senores ; I killed a dog that
was with mo , because It wont mad in
the hot sunshine , and being without
water. "
"Why did you not throw it Into the
sea ? "
"It would have bitten me , senor , nnd
might porhapf ) have come Into the boat
again. "
"Likely enough , " muttered one of
our men.
"You could have knocked It over
with nn oar , " said Illslop ; "but did
your dog wear this ? " ho added , Hah-
Ing up with the boat-hook a cap that
Iny In the bilge water under the stern
sheets of the skiff.
"That cap Is mine , " said the Span-
lard , In a' ' husky voice , while closing
his eyes , as If wearied or appalled ,
"Havo you two heads ? " askgd Ills
lop , sternly.
"No , Honor ; but but "
"What , then ? "
"A man may have two caps , for nil
that. "
Perceiving that ho was on the point
of sinking again , Tom Lambourno
poured some more of the rum into his
mouth , and wo dragged him Into our
boat , setting the skiff , which was quite
useless to us , adrift once more.
"What was your ship ? " asked Ills
lop , who spoke Spanish lluontly.
"Tho Marshal Serrano a Spanish
brig from Cadiz. "
"From , the Canaries last ? " I Inquired
"Yes ; bound to Costa Rica. "
Tom Lambourno gave mo a rapid
glance , ns ho spat on his hands and
pushed his onr through the rowlock.
"Sho foundered and went down with
nil hands on board , " continued the
famished Spaniard , in a broken voice
and with quivering lips.
"All ? " reiterated HIslop , sternly and
"All save myself , scnor , " replied the
other , hesitatingly , and lowering his
hollow oycs. "I escaped In the skiff. "
"With your dog ? "
"SI , scnor. "
"In what latitude did this take
place ? "
Without a moment's hesitation , the
Spaniard gave us the latitude and
"I can't make out this fellow's story
In any way , " said Illslop In English.
"By the theory nnd law of storms , wo
should have had a touch of the same
gale which foundered his brig If such
a gale existed. He has deserted , or
been marooned. I don't believe a word
ho says. What Is your name ? " ho
asked in Spanish.
"Antonio. "
I started on hearing It , for my sus
picions wore becoming more and more
"Antonio ? What more ? "
"El Cubnno , or the Cuban ; for so
my shipmates termed me , and I have
no other name. "
"Quick , my lads ! " said Hlslpp. "Lay
out on your oars. "
Wo were soon alongside the Eugonlo ,
and hnd our castawny hoisted on
board , when , for n tlmo , nn end was
put to our queries but not to our
surmises , by his becoming Insensible.
Wo hnd questioned him nlready per
haps too much , considering the weak-
ess of his condition.
Ho adhered to his original story In
every particular when examined by
Wcston and HIslop a day or two aft
er that ho belonged to the Spanish
merchant brig Marshal Serrano , the
same craft which had worked with us
out of the roadstead of Santn Cruz ;
thnt she hnd foundered In a storm , be
ing overmasted and overladen , 'and
that ho alone escaped of all the crow
that when his dog became mad ho hnd
slain the animal nnd cast the car
cass Into the sen , and that ho had
been floating about In nn open boat ,
without food and without aught to
cool his parched tongue , snvo the
heavy troplcnl dew of heaven , where
wo found him ; nnd to the truth of nl
this ho was ready to swear ever two
crossed knives , In the fashion of his
In short , wo
wore obliged to con
tent ourselves with his narratlve.whlch
HIslop duly engrossed in the ship
log , while expressing great disbelief as
to its authenticity.
In the first place , our mate denied
that any such storm as that In which
the Cuban nllcged his brig hnd per
Ished hnd over existed ; nnd ho deduced
duced from his favorite theory tha
wo were , and hnd been , In the dlroc
track of such n storm , and must have
felt Its Inlluenco long ore this.
Hence wo thought It moro probabl
that the man had deserted In the night ,
perhaps In consequence of conimlttlnf
some crime , or for the same reason h
had been marooned and set adrift.
The crow wore divided In opinion ,
and Tom Lambourno openly expressed
his disbelief that the blood which cov
ered the clothes of the Cuban and the
thwart or the boat ever cnmo from the
veins of a dog , nnd others nssertod that
ho must hnvo qunrrcled with nn un
fortunate shlpmato nnd killed him , or
hnd , perhaps , assassinated him in his
sleep for the horrible purpose of pro
longing his own assistance.
Amid these unpleasant surmises as
to his character and position , In a few
dnys the Spaniard Joined the crow In
working the ship , and proved himself
to bo a steady , Industrious and able
senmnn , nnd ns three of our hands were
on the sick list , his services were the
moro valuable.
,0n remarking this to Tom Lam
bourne :
"It Is nil very true , sir , " ho replied ;
"but I don't 111(0 n senmnnwho can
not look his shlpmato right In the
face. "
"You nro a physiognomist , " 1 sug
"Don't know what kind of a mist
that mny be , Master Rodney ; but this
I know there la always something
cunning and dangerous In n fellow who
looks ever your shoulder , as that Span-
lard docs , when he should look at your
eyes. "
AnUiilo hnd nn excessive dislike for
deck duty by night. He exhibited n
Btrnngo drend of being left alone , and
could scarcely be prevailed upon * o
look over the vessel's side , always
shrinking back as If ho expected to see
something hideous rise out of the sea.
Wcston suggested that perhaps his re
cent suffering hnd unmanned and ren
dered him nervous , but the crow
thought otherwise.
In his sleep Antonio frequently dis
turbed the men In the forecastle bunks
by his mutterliigs , his wild dreams ,
outcries , nnd sonorous Spanish male
I was at the wheel on a calm nnd
lovely night ( It was the 13th of Jan
uary ) , when wo wore off the beautiful
shore of Hlspanlola. I remember well
that Capo Samanna bore west by
south , and Cape Cabron west by north ,
for my task of steering was now tome
mo , and Weston's orders were "to keep
her full nnd by" that Is , as close to
the wind as possible without making
the canvas shiver.
I could sec the lights that glittered
In the distant villages thnt studded the
low but fertile peninsula of Samanna.
All was still nnd quiet In the ship and
around It. Soothed by the solemnity of
the hour nnd the vast solitude of the
sea , my heart was full , nnd busy mem
ory brought before me loved faces and
voices , places nnd scenes , that were
far nway , in tlenr old England.
The hrlg was gliding through the
water rapidly , hut Imperceptibly , and
almost without a sound ; the men of
the watch were leaning over the bul
wark to leeward , nnd the air , the sea
nnd all aloft and below seemed to
sloop In the moonlight ; not a reef
point pattered on the taut canvas , and
scarce n wavelet rippled save In the
dead water astern that marked the
white wake bf the Eugenie.
Suddenly a shrill nnd piercing cry
rang out upon the night , and Antonio
the Cuban rushed out from the fore
castle with the wildest terror expressed -
pressed in his blnck eyes ; his visage
was palo and ghastly , and the perspira
tion glittered like bead drops on his
clammy brow. With his bare feet ho
stumbled over the chain cable , which
lay celled up on the deck , for on that
afternoon wo had hauled it up and
bent it to the working anchor.
Ho came running aft In his shirt ,
brandishing a knlfo in his hand , and
exclaiming in fierce and then Implor
ing accents :
"Who says I did It ? Who dares to
say so ? "
"Then , letting his arms drop as ho
slunk back to his bunlt , wo heard him
groan out :
"El cuchlllo cl cuchillo ! " ( the knlfo
the knife. )
Hence , under such circumstances , it
may easily bo supposed that among
the crew there lloated strange and
dark surmises as to the past life of
Antonio ol Cubano.
( To bo continued. )
All Anxious for n Illto of tlio Hug *
The presence of any large quantity
of easily obtainable food Is always suf
ficient to secure the undivided atten
tion of the shark tribe , says the Na
tional Review. When "cutting in"
whales at sea I have often been amazed
at the incredible numbers of these
creatures that gather In n short space
of time , attracted by some mysterious
means from heaven only knows what
remote distances. It has often oc
curred to us , when whaling in the
neighborhood of Now Zealand , to get
a sperm whale nlongsldo without a
sign of a shark below or n bird above.
Within an hour from the tlmo of our
securing the vast mass of flesh In the
ship the whole nrea within at lenst nn
ncro has been nllve with a seething
multitude of sharks , while from every
quarter cnmo drifting silently nn In
calculable host of sea birds , convertIng -
Ing the blue surface of the sea Into the
semblance of n plain of now fallen
snow. The body of a whnlo before an
Incision Is made in the blubber pre
sents a smooth , rounded surface , al
most ns hnrd ns India rubber , with ap
parently no spot where any daring
eater could find toothhold. But , obliv
ious of all else save that internal an
guish of deslro , the ravening sea-
wolves silently writhed in the density
of their hordes for a plnco at the
bounteous feast. Occasionally one pre
eminent among his fellows for enter
prise would actually set his lower Jaw
ngnlnst the blnck roundness of the
mighty curcass nnd , with a steady
sinuous thrust of his lithe tall , gouge
out therefrom a mass of a hundred
weight or so. If ho managed to got
away with it , the space loft presented a
curious corrugated hollow , where the
sorrnted triangular teeth had worried
their way through the tenacious sub
stance , telling plalnl * what vigorous
force must have been behind them.
But It was seldom that wo permitted
such premature toll to bo taken of our
spoil. The harpooners and olllcors
from their lofty position on the cutting
siago slew bcores upon scores by sim
ply dropping their keen-edged blubber
spades upon the soft crowns of the
struggling fish , the only plnco where a
glmrk Is vulnerable to Instant death.
The weapon sinks into the creature's
brain , ho gives a convulsive writhe or
two , releases his hold nnd slowly sinks ,
followed In his descent by a knot of
his Immediate neighbors , nil anxious
to provide him with prompt sepulture
within their own yearning maws.
JJroni hard work or outdoor
exercise ?
Will cure after a few appli
cations , and make the
muscle ? limber and strong.
The sunshine of life Is to be found
In our own nntuics.
DrnfuoM Cannot Ho Cured
by locnl applications us they cannot reach the
dfsottf-ed portion of the rnr , Thcro Is only ono
wuy to cure deafness , utid thnt Is by consti
tutional remedies. Dcnfncss Is caused by nn
Inflamed condition of the mucus llnlns of the
Eustuchlan Tube. When this tube Is Inllamcd
you have a rumbling Bound or Imperfect hear
ing , nnd when It Is entirely closed deafness Is
the result , nnd unless the Inflnmmotlon can betaken
taken out and this tube restored to Us normal
condition , hcarlnK will bo destroyed forcven
nine cases out of ton are caused by catarrh ,
which Is nothing butiin Inflamed condition of
the mucus surfaces.
Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot
be cured by Hall's Cutarrh Cure. Send for
circulars , f ree.
ree.CHENEy & CQ _
Sold by DrupfilBts , 76c.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
Seize the fleeting moments ns they
pnss , but do not attempt 10 put them
aside for future use.
Oil That Dollrlnng Co flee 1
Costs but Ic per Ib. to grow. Salzer baa
the seed. German Coffrn Berry , pUgr. lee ;
Java Coffee pku. ICo. Salzcr's Now Am
erican Chicory IGc. Cut this out und send
IBo for any of nliove packages or send
30o and get nil 3 pkgs. and great Cata-
loiruo free to JOHN A. SALZEU SHED
CO. , LH Grouse , Wls. [ w.n. ]
The nvernge middle-aged man has a
delusion thnt he Is only a little gray
around the temples.
Are Ton Using Allen'a Koot-KageT
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to bo shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 2Cc. Samples sent FREE. Address -
dross , Allen S. Olmsted. LeUoy , N. Y.
Any fool counterfeiter can make
nonoy , but it takes a smart man to
jet rid of it.
Oooil for 1,11 Ilo I'oIUx
Don't torture the dilldruh with llfiilil | and pill
pnlponst The only Bare , n rcenblo ia\nilrc for
llttlo oiic IH CuBcnrrt * Candy Cathartic. All
druggists. IOC , 2Sc , Me.
An old bachelor says a woman's
change of mind is an effect without a
Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H.
Green's Sons , of Atlanta , Ga. The
greatest dropsy specialists in the world.
Rend their advertisement in another
column of this paper.
There is more than ono kind of
smokeless powder that is fatal to
Coo's Cougli llnlnam
lit the olden ami bout. It will break up a cold quicker
than anything oUo. It Is always reliable. Try It.
The only safe people to talk to nre
those who never listen to anything
you say.
Bfrg. Wlnslow's Hootlilng Syrup.
For children teething , softens the Ktims , reduces In
flammation , allays paiu , cures wind colic. 23c a battle.
You can very often count your
friends by your dollars.
FITS Permanently Cured. Nofltsoriiorvounnesmifter
drat day's IIKU of Dr. Kline's ( ileat Nerve Ilestorer.
Rend for Fit KM 82.OO trial bottle slid treatise.
1)0. R. II. KLINK , Ltd. , 31 Arch St. , l'hlladelilila | , I'a.
Some people cant see what pleasure
those who mind their own business
find in living.
Pisa's Cure for Consumption has boon a
family medicine with us biuco 1805. J. R.
Madison , 2409 42d Avo. , Chicago , 111.
Some people wait until they nre
requested to do things , nnd some wait
antil they nre requested not to.
Do not nntlclputo trouble , nor worry
about what may never happen.
Yes , Oh , la
that a oT
1 Well , I want to
tell you , if you
don't kill out thq
last vestige 06
Grip , it wilt kill
you eventually.
What do I
mean ? Why ,
La Grippe loaves
people In such
nwful shape that
every organ of
the body gets
deranged , and
llnally , if you
don't do any
thing for it , you will "kick the bucket"
the first you know.
What's that ? Oh yes , I know
just what to do to straighten you out
every time Did I over try It ? Cer
tainly I did , and It saved my life too ,
Do I think so ? Yes , I know It
What ? Some of the most prominent
people In Omaha and the West
Yes , it is really wonderful ; didn't you
know It ? Who ? Why , there IB
W. A. Paxton , A. U. Wyman , E. A.
Benson , W. J. Connell , T. S. Clarkson ,
Geo. P. Bemls , Chas. D. Thompson ,
Rev. Chas. W. Savldge , A. S. ChurchIll -
Ill , C. J. Smyth , A. G. Edwards , Beoch-
er Hlgby , Geo. Helmrod , John A.
Yclser , W. R. Roberts , A. Hospe
What ? Oh , yes , I could mention
hundreds. Any romnrkable euros ?
Well , I should say so ; there never
was any treatment equal to It
What ? Well , after any one has La
Grippe , nnd also many people in the
Spring nro about half dead , bocauia
the liver and nearly all the Internal
organs are clogged , nnd don't work
properly , and it causes all the bad
symptoms you can possibly Imagine
What ? Oh yes , I have watched
this treatment for a long time , and I
know there Is nothing that equals Dr.
Kay's Renovator for all such cases
as well ns stomach troubles , Indiges
tion , liver and kidney troubles , head
ache and constipation What ? '
Oh , It Is called Dr. Kays Renovator ,
and It Is the greatest remedy on earth
Am I sure ? I know It ; I have seen
it euro hundreds of the worst cases
where they had tried .everything that
they could hear of. and many of th
best physicians , without getting any
help What ? Well , I'll tell you
what I would advise. If you will do
as I did , you will soon feel like a boy
again , and I know you will be won
derfully pleased with the result. You
just write to the Dr. B. J. Kay Medi
cal Co.'s Eastern Office at Saratoga
Springs , N. Y. , and explain your caao
fully , and their physician , of largo ex- .
perlenco , will give you the host ad
vice you could possibly get , free of
charge , and if you ask for it , they
will send you a free sample of medi
cine , and will send you free a copy of
Dr. Kay's Homo Treatment ; which Is
a book of 116 pages , profusely Illus
trated , and gives the capso , symptoms
and best treatment of all diseases , be
sides many receipts , and you will find
this book alone worth more than a
dollar to you What ? Oh , ye ,
the druggists all sell It for twenty-five
cents and ono dollar ; but If they don't
have It , they will try to sell you some
thing else that they will tell you la
just as good ; but don t you take any
substitute , for there is nothing that
equals the Dr. Kay's Renovator. If
they don't have It , you just send the
price in a letter to the company , and
they will send It to you by return
mall. I tell you there is no need of
your dragging yourself around , fool
ing so miserable , all the time
What ? Oh , yes , the name is Dr.
Kay's Renovator Whore ? At the
Homo Office at Saratoga Springs , N.
Y. Don't put It off , but write at once.
Don't buttonhole n busy man , and a ,
Inzy man can do nothing for you tha ,
will pay you for stopping him.
Dr. Both Arnold'H Coiifti Klllor
In an excellent remedy fur children. Mrs. Wta.lA.
Froguo , Columbus , Kau. 2Sc. a bottle.
The trouble Is thnt while nn old
mnn's heart may bo young , his stomach
which Is more important , is old.
for the turn of Hfo. It is n critical period.
PREPARE & the change appear be sure your physi
cal condition is good. The experience is a wonderful
one and under some circumstances full of menace. Mrs. Pink-
ham , of Lynn , Mass , , will give you her advice without charge.
She has done so much for women ,
surely-you can trust her. Read
this letter from MRS. M. C. GRIP
PING , of Georgeville , Mo. :
doctor called my trouble ulceration -
tion of womb nnd change of life.
I was troubled with profuse flow
ing and became very weak. When I wrote to you I was down
In bed , had not sat up for six months ; was under a doctor's
treatment all the time , but it did me no good. I had almost
given up in despair , but your Vegetable Compound has made
me feel like a new woman. I cannot thank you enough. I
would advise any woman who is afflicted as I have been to
write to Mrs. Pinkham , at |
Lynn , Mass. , and get her ad
vice and be cured as I have i
been. "
MRS. P. H. AI.LKN , 419 Ne
braska Ave. , Toledo , Ohio , J
writes :
Change of life was working on
me. My kidneys and bladder
were affected. I had been
confined to the house all sum
mer , not able to stand
on my feet for any I
length of time. Terri-l
ble pains when urinat
ing and an itching that !
nearly drove me wild. [
I had tried many reme-l
dies. I told my husband - |
band I had great faith I
In yours and he got
me a bottle
; am
on fourth
my bottle.
I feel that I
entirely cured. I
can work all day. I can hardly
realize that such
a wonderful
cure is possible. Lydia E. Pink-
s Vegetable Compound is the best medicine for "
Don t wait until women
you are
prostrated with the
d tion known as "Change of Life. " mysterious con-
. 0 t Mrs. Plnkham's
vice and learn how other women got through -