UKJSZ VOL XViL BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA THURSDAY , , APRIL 6,1899-EIGHT PAGES , NO 38 < $ N 44 wNN i 4 $ Line of Spring Goods Just Becelved at & Cos W © have Special Bargains six days In the week. I Our Stock Is complete and up- to-date. Prices the "best In the city. Call and be convinced. ff * iMy Wheels Are Here and so | PI Are my Sundries. ; i I P Lot mo quote you- m p IS Mi * - ATm - m Morgan and Wroghl jtirea , 28 inch $0 50. , : | X Ray lamp. . . \ 175. S Tourists C'jtse 1.00. ' 'S Sokep | ; per dozen ' . 25. j&Jj 'ii- Fiber giips p r pir 16. jj Toe clips per pair 05. | | Trotiaer giiardn per pair 02. Ssf : y'- , 1 EDWIN F. MYERS , ; V 1 : ' * Broken 33ow , Nebr. A10 per cent Discount for Thirty Days Only To make room for bur large Spring Stouk , we will give a 10 per cent discount discount off our regular low prices on all our Halts and Shoes 81.00 Hats go at 90u 1.50 Hats go at ' * 1 35 2.00 Uiite fro at 1 80 3 00 Hats at go 2 70 $1.00 Shoos go at. . , - 90o . 1.50 ShoeH go at , $1.35 'J. 00 Shoc-H go at 1.80 3.00 Shoes go at 270 Standard LL. Muslin at 3o yd On our $4,000.00 Stock ol Hats'and ShoeH 8420 by thia dis count ualo. res : Do not Miss this Opportunity. Goods all Marked in Plain Figures. SNYDBR BROS , Leaders in Low Prices. Local Mention. I want potatoes. J. N. Pualo. Lot the will of the majority rule. I liavo alfalfa and millet seed for sale. J. N. PKALK. Cannon City coal at Diorks Lumber Co' Try iny evaporated fruits. J. N. Poalo. J. B. Klump , of Cliff , was a oily visitor Tuesday. The M. E church is to bo dedi cated next Sunday. A good farm to rent. Call on Mrs. A. W , Gaudy. 2 Fresh vegetables and fruits for sale at J. N. 1'oalo's , T have potatoes for sale from 15 cts per bu. up. J. N. Poalo. S. D. Wiloox , of Upton , was among the city visitors Tuesoay. I buy and sell corn and oats , J. N. Pealo. Fen RENT : Fifty acres of corn ground. Frank Woisonredor. Daniel Barrett , of the West Ta ble , was a county seat visitor Mon day. All kinds of bulk ard paukat-o garden seed for sale at J. N. Peale's. Rev. S. C. Cadwdll ia quite nick at tlio homo of hie nephew , Willis Cad well. Amy Amsbeny closed a six tnontus lorni 01 souooi in 1110 iianoy district last Friday. The LAnaicsT line of ladies and gents watches in the county at Ed. MoComas' . M. A , Proper went to Lincoln Monday to engage in canvassing for a publishing bouse. J. II. Chapman , of Callaway , was a city visitor Monday. Ho returned home Tuesday morning. The latest in LADIES BELT BUCKLES and NBOK CLASPS just rouoivod at Ed. McComas' . City and larm property insured against fire , lightning and torna does. J. AI. KiiiitKKUNa. FOR SALE A nix room house barn and other improvement ? . For particulars call tit this oilico. tf The state legislature adjourned last Friday noon in history , but in fact not until Sunday evening. Just received another stock oi L Amits SET UIKGB. THEY AUK Doautios. ED. McCoifAS. HOKSIJS Eight good work hornea or sale by , S. L. QIOVEK & SON , Dry Valley. I am now prepared to do plain ; amily sewing , also dross making. 31 AIiis. LILLIB KING. WANTBD Cattle to pasture For particulars enquire of E. M. Scott , of Anselmo , or W. C. Gregory. 4 Doctor Day has located in our city and has his office over Ryor- grocery store south of Pot > t- ottic- < Ausley , Callaway and Merna voted in favor of license. Brok'en Bow , it seems , will have to go it alone this year. A complete line of LAUIKS CHAINS in GOLD FILLED , BEAD and SILK GUAUD. Call and see them. En.-McCoMAB The Broken Bow hoHpital in in nplfiidid condition for caring for the sick. Trained nurses in attend acco. Prices reasonable. tf Dr. Graham's new method of extracting teeth is absolutely pain less. No sore mouth , as in the use of other local anconthetics a25 Mrn Pearl Forsyth , of Ni-w Helena , lu visiting in the city with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Swan , and other friends in the city Mrs , Barrett has received her first invoice of millinery. Those winning hatp willjlo well to call and examine her stock. At Iforna , Neb , 3.30tf Fin Morris , of Sarpont , was a city visitor Tuesday. Like the rest of the Sargent people , ho ia feeling jubiliant over their prospects for a rail road. A. E. Stratton and family wont to Central City last Friday morn ing , where Mr. Straiten has been transferred to toke charge of the Fopter & Smith lumber and coal busini'hrt at that place. Ho ordered the REPUBLICAN sent to his address , in order to keep posted on the local affairs ol thia vicinity , Rov. Teagarden has sold his res- tdcnoo property to Prof , J. A , Ad- amson. lie ro-invoHtcd in the house of Mrs , Mary Ream , on the north side. Senator Curriu and clerk of the senate , Alpha Morgan , returned from Lincoln in time to east their ballot where it would do the moat good , Tuesday. This oflioo acknowledges a friendly visit from Lewis Proper , of Bonopart , Iowa , who ia hero visiting with the family of bis son , M. A. Proper. Have you got your ticket for the hypnotic show next week , April 10 , 11 and 12 ? Tickets on sale at post oilico and Wilson & Drake's. Prices 10 , 20 and 30 conts. J. L. Burk returned from Illinois Saturday night , where ho went a few weeks ago with a shipment of norsos. uo succeeded m soiling all his horses at fair figures. 'Miss Rachel Caress , of Gaudy , known to many of the readers of the HKPUIILIOAN , was marrird on Tuesday of last wock to a Mr. Mo- Grew , a North Platte merchant. Farms for sale and lauds for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farms are all going and prices are commencing to advance rapidly. ,1.G Brenizcr. LOST Late last fall , a pair of white leather traces , considerably worn. $1.00 reward will bo paid to anyone returning thorn. aO-3 TA.YLOU FLICK. lirokon Jjfow will try it tue com ing year without licensing the liquor trafio. 11 will bo our first experience on that line since wo immerged from a village to a city. W. II Cline , of Deer Crook , called Tuosdav. Ho reports that bo saw one man gathering corn as bo came along , which would iudi cate that all the farmers arc not ready for spring work yot. Foil SALB : 13m residence loca tion in.tho city , two lots , corner of bloc ! : , " 90x112 ft. Vacant lots just vest of , / . .1. Wilson's now resi donee. Cash purchaser will receive a rare bargain. tf JUD KAY. Representative Taylor doubtless comes homo with considerable sat infliction , as he has boon able to real i z ; ' the desire of bis ambition , in the enactment of a law which reduces Jas. Stookham's salary as district clerk to $1,000 a year. Diah Woodruff , of Georgetown , was a friendly caller Tuesday. He tiad just returned from Omaha , whorw ho shipped a oar each of oat- tie and hogs last week. Ho reports tiaving recoivad very satisfactory prices. Silas Thompson , of Upton , woni to Omaha the first of the week with two car loada of oat'le. Mr. Thompson- one of the men who not only believes that prosperity has struck this country under the \IcKinloy administration , but he is one of them that in reaping the ben otit ol high priced cattle. Naro could laugh while Rome burned , and the ignorant Jews jeer ind rail on Christ while dying rn the rugged cross , but Gov. Poyn. tor , the demo-pop governor , who votoca the resolutions of thanks to the Nebraska soldiora in the Phil ippines for their heroism and vie- tones , has no paralell in modern times. Mrs. Thomas Smith , of Eudoll , was a oity visitor the first of the week. From her report we would ir.for that there are a low loft in that vicinity that have little respect for law or the rights of of others. Those who undertake to take the execution of law in thflir own handn , thereby becomes law br < n' ( TH and are liable to get lhomnelve.s into trouble sooner or later , S. J. Winch , of Elk Crook , made this office a friendly call yesterday. Wo learn from him that ho has a son in company M. at Manila. Mr. Winch is one of the early settler ? of his locality , and by the way one of the prominent organizers ors of the alliance party in this county , being ono of the original stock holders in the Beacon , but he is ono among the many of the early day populists who arc begin ning to SGO that they have bef n used merely an cats' paws to pull the chestnuts out of the lire for the kid gloved gontn who are above recognizing them on the ntrools. Suffice to say that ho is no longer a pop , and is frank to aay that "Wm. MoKinley has raado the boot presi dent since Andrew Jaokuou. " Prof , Walsh , the Great French Hypnotist , with his poorlcHH com pany of Boloct subjects , will bo at the opera house tbroo nights next week. Tiokeld on sale at pnnt of. tloo and 'Yilson & Drake's. PIIOOH , 10 , QO and 30 conts. Ladies free first night , when accompanied by a gentleman with ono paid 30c ticket , Tickets to bo bought before 7 p. m , Will L. Kulo is the name of the man aont hero by Foster & Smith to take charge ol the lumber and coal business at thin place , vice , A. E. Slratlon , who has boon trans * ferred to Central City. Mr. Rule cornea hero from the southeastern part of the state , but was formerly of Illinois , where his family is yot. They will locate in the city au BOOH as ho can find a suitable hoiisn to occupy. Mr. Rule is a very pleas ant appearing pentloman , and it IH with nlmiHiirn tltn lici > mu.inAV nv. tends to him a wolcomo. Dr. Roa , whoflo advertisement appears elsewhere , confines his practice to diseases of long stand' ing , and which physicians of local fame have given up as incurable. Ho holds ( iiploinps in some of the beat colleges in America , and has praotiood his protessiou in Homo of the largest mudioal institutions in the world. The great increase in the number of his patients ; il each suoousjivo visit to thia place is a euro indication of the esteem in which ho is hold , both profession ally and as n gontloiian. ] Mrfl. Kato Barb ur , of Harvard , state organiser oftbo P. E. 0. sia- terhood , was in our oity Wednes day , and instituted a chapter of P. E. O. Wednesday afternoon and evening , at the residence of Mrs. Willing. The ladiou constituting the charter members of the Broken Bow chapter are MosdameB Wil ling , Hunter , Adamson , Drake , Sal isbury and Wilson , and MUuos Rob ertson , Bool and Alexander , and are officered by Mrs Humphrey , president ; Mrs. Willing , vice- president ; Mrs , Wilson , secretary ; Mrn. Hunter , chaplain ; after the installation of officers the ladieu partook of an elegant spread with Mrs. Willing , Thu P. E. O sis- ; orhood is highly spoken of by all ts members , and the RKPUULIOAIT liopcs to see it flourish in our city , as its influence for good IH unques tioned. A. It. SAMPSON ] ) KAI > * Will Cole received a toloyram from his sister , Mrs. A. R. Sam-on , that her husband , A R. Samson , died last night at Boise City , Idaho , where ho and family have made their homo for several yoars. The deceased was formerly a resident of this city and had a host of frinudn here , who will join the RKPUBLIOAN in extending sympathy to his fam ily , and relatives who live hero. Fou RUNT Good house , with barn , etc. Enquire at this oflioo , or at Hrrry Bangs' photograph gallery. Moved ! on cor. south of P. O. , A. E. ANDERSON , Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly north side. Fine Pcrcliurou Stallion for Sale. Not being able , owing to my advanced uu mid poor health , to take care of him , I am o.Toring to sell my thoroughbred Perchoroii stallion at a bargain . Time will do given to suit the purchaser. Call on ran at once , or write mo at Bro ken Bow. 3 30-3 II , WALTON. For Halo. For sale , 100 bushels of flax Heed. It is clear of mustard and is in fine condition for sowing. Price 80 cents. Three miles north of Bro ken Bow 4t F. A. Vulcun Up. A bay horsu , blaok mane and tail , at ray place of residence nine rnilos west of Broken Bow , on the Mi- landa Longfellow farm. 3-30,4 RionAiii ) BnvAN. 1 was reiKJlnK nn ndvertlsotuont of Clinmbertnin'B Colic , Cholera and Dlar- rhoefl Remedy hi ttio Worcester Enter prise recently , which loads ine to write this , I can truthfully say I never uuod any remedy equal to it for colic mid diarrhoea. I have never had to UBO more than one or two dos B to euro the worst cafe with myeulf or children \V. A. Strotid , Pnporaoke City , Mil. For nalo by all Buoiclon's Arnlcn Salvo. THK HKST SALVK in the world for bruise ? , eoroa , ulourR , twit rheum , fuvar sores , totter , olmppod hnnda , chilblains corns , find nil xkln eruption , and posi tively I'vres plles.or uo pay required. It IB guaranteed to lvo flntlefaotion or money refunded. Price 25 o per box. 'For sale by all druggists. CUT ELECTION. The oily election , Tuesday , wai ono of the moat hotlv contested over hold in the oity. The prinoi. pin issue was political. Both the republicans and fuaioniata had tick- eta in the field asking the suffrage of the people. The hoonao ques tion was nn important factor that cut no little figure in the result. Both political organizations had pnsHod resolutions pledging their nominoofl to abide by the majority vote on the question of liquor II- oonso , but the republican nominees wore regarded by the voteni at most nearly representing the torn , pcraucc clement , and as a result they got the support of that class of voters , with but low executions. of all parties. Upon the other | hand , a number of republicans who : favored licotuo supported the fus ion nominoop , fooling they were moro favorable to their views of the question , so in this way a double issue was at otako. Strong populists , who wore against lioonoo , supported the republican ticket and republicans who favored lioanao supported the citizen's ticket , but as Ed. Royce , the republican uom- itiuo lor mayor , was elected by eighty six majority over J. J. Wil son , carrying each ward in the oity , and as license was defeated by onl/ sixteen votes , it argues that many republicans who favored license alao voted for Royoe for mayor. The vote on city clerk was the least complicated and comes nearest of showing the republican majority in ' the oily. The vote was thirty BIZ majority for R , D. Picket , ropub * licauv. ever C. H. Holoomb. AH both Bides wuro confident of success they both worked bard all day. Every voter : in tbo oity waa induced by either ono or the other side to go to the polls and vote , yet the election , while animated , wr.s quiet and the boat of fooling prevailed among the workers of iho different political parties. The miration of lovyiiiu five mills for electric light purposes wns not generally undoretood by the people and foi that reason was defeated by a small majority. The repub licans elected every officer except councilman in the second ward , where E. It. Purcell was olooted over J. W. Bruoo by seveu votes. This ward bus always been the "Irish word" regarded as or populist strong hold , and none were surprised ever the outcome , yet better results were hoped for. The first ward still retains the honor of being the banner ward of the oily. It gave republican ma jorities of thirty four to foity ono , Koyoo , for mayor receiving the lligllOHt. KLKOTKIO LIGHT I'HOPOSITION OAK- UIUD. From the bust information ob tainable without tie otliciul count , it in believed that the proposition to authorize the levy of five mills for ulootric lit htH , carried. TUB VOTB HY WAUD9. riuaT WAIIU. For Mayor , Ed. Uoyto . Tl J.J. Walson . It Her clerk , Itoa ? D. I'lckett . TO Clmc. II. Uoliomu . 41 KorTrcasurcr.II O. Honors. . . . . JO W. 1) , lilac , well . IS For "alonn llcouro . 61 AgulnitSuIoon License . 47 tecnNO WAIIU For Miiyor , Ed Koyno . . 60 J. J. WlUon . U for i.lork. Koi < D I'lcUol . fl CUui. II llolci'inb . U FocTreaiuror , II. O. Ilo er . 41 W. U. Uiuckwoll . 01 For Knsliner , E. P SIcOlnro . 7 Kor Councilman , JoUn W Bruce . . . . .47 U U 1'nrcoll . M For Saloon Llcenco . . . 4 Against Bftloon Llcouee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 For ad mill lory to maintain ar.d furntab oleo- trlc llnll'ii for Htrecta . . ; ; / : : VM lory to maintain and frd'ih electric Hunt * rorntrcotc . 8 * TIIIUD WAIIU. For Mayor. Kd. Ilovse . J.J Wllioo . 37 For Clerk , Hum I ) . I'l Hot . 99 Ctmc. II. Ho'conib. . . . , . 4S ( J. HeBern . 48 W. O llauk ) * ll . 67 For Councilman , A It. Humphrey . OS J. U. Luining . For Saloon Licence . > . j AgatnatBaloon Llceneo . . . . . . . . .to for a 5 mill levy to maintain nod furulsh elec tric IlKh a ( or itrcuts . . . . . . . . .40 AKaltiat a & mill lory to mnlnt ln and turuliu eluclrlc llgbU for ilreeta . . . 48 UAJOIUTIK8. ForMnyor , Ed lioyiu . + . , . M KorOlurk , U , K. 1'lckctl . 88 For TfOMiiror , II. ( I. Itogori . . . * nKluoer. K. F. McClnr- . . Fall vote Au'aliiHt UcQiiia . > . 10 C'onucllmun tat ward. J.M.KImberllug , Tall T0t Una ward , K. H , Puroell . 7 i ard ward , A. U , Hur phr . . , . , . , ,