Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 30, 1899, Image 4
v PVMM V/KP toW * 2ttV ? ' " / # " ' WW.fflMWfffiti&'W&tyfttiS / bfrfiWJlWwWi * Vmw / * Afl'.VJfr' > n . H Vm .W / * " * . * . / VrW.V/AVmVs1/-VWJ/ / W.V/k / 1 i Closing Sale ! ' CD S ) m ! j fl 34r I Bill Owing to the death of Mr. J. { $ . SalislDury , the firm of T , M. | y d & J. W. Salisbury will sell its | stock of Dry Goods , Clothing , | Boots and Shoes at very reduced | j prices. These goods must "be- sold | and the store closed. | j T , M , & J , W , SALISBURY. | S. W. Corner Public Square. | a ? Sar : Oto , Published erery TbariiUy At the Co only Beat. SI.rAMHUI-.KKV , Keillor rOfflco in Canter lllock , Fourth ATO.-C * Kntered ot Iho poptofflce at Broken How , Web , M lecood cUm mttlor , for transmliilou through tut U. 8. mulls. SUliSCHIITION I'ltlOU : no tear , In iwlvnnco fl.Ou THURSDAY , MARCH. 30 , 1801) . KEPUULICAN CITY TICKET. ForMfcyor . KU ROTSB ForClcrk . K.l . PICKKTT For Treu'ircr . , .H. Q. ROOBI13 PorUnRlnoer . E. F. UcOLUHK Pint Ward . J , &I. KIMBICRLIKQ Second Ward . J. W. DUOOK Third Ward . A II. nUalfHHKY For Llceuto . Lloonta Vole the ropublioan ticket Hlraignt next Tuesday and you will never have cause to rogrol it. II. G. Rogers is the man for city treasurer , and if the voters do their duly ho will bo olootod next Tues day by a good majority. How many of the professional gamblers and toughs do you know of Unit are supporting thu republi can nominees ? Not ono. Do you HOC ? A. vote for R I ) . Picket for oity olork will bo a vote for a worthy young man , and ono whono rooorda will be kopl in line shape and oor reot. While the railroads are on Iho move why not Broken Bow make an attempt to secure an extension of the U. P. road from Loup Oily to this city ? Is it not about time there was a change in the oftioo of oity treasur er ? If not , give the present in oumbent a life lease , and put a atop to further agitation. No one in the oity ia bettor qual- ih'od to fill the position of council man than A. R. Humphrgy of the third ward. There should bo no question of his election , His reo ord ou the board the past year merits his return. It is rumored that the U. f. rail road company is at work west of Loup City coming in a westernly direction , but wo doubt it. If the citizens of this oity want the U. P. ro&d they will have to put forth an effort to secure it. There is no man in the second ward more deserving of a unani. DIOUB support than J. W. Bruce for councilman. He is one of the most highly respected cituens of the oity , and highly competent ( o fill the position , If elected th'u will of \\\o \ people will Pftva his support , If tlioao whoa a appetites for liquor lian got beyond their control or the women and children who suffer from the intemperance of the husbands and father , had the ques tion oHmloon license to settle the the vote would bo unanimoui against license. In tha event lioorieo should Carry Ed Royoe is the man to see that saloons should run as near as poisi- blo in compliance with law. He does not patroniio the saloons and is not in league with thorn. He is in a position to demand that laws shall bo enforced whether license erne no license , and for that reason every law abiding citizen should give him their support. How would It do to make the domo- cratlo ticket liryau und Aguin&ldo ? The latter will evidently bo In barmony with that party on the question of our occupancy of the L'bilipijlnoa , and could swallow 10 to 1 , Wauhlngton Press. That would do if it waf not that General Otis will huvo Aguinaldo marked for the undertaker now in a very few days , unless ho surren ders. As a dead party should have at least one live candidate , neither of them will bo available in 1900 , if Bryan continues his suicidal course in which ho is now engaged. "Anti gambling" is the cry of the "Citizens convention" , and they "deplore" what the present ad ministration has done The republicans cans have stated what they will do with this evil in their platform , and it is a notioablo fact that the "GitU r.enii" have adopted the same plat form , plank for plank , with the pledge loft out , but to make it look different liavo changed the arrangement and claim it us orig inal. The platforms of the two tickets being the same , the only question is which set of candidates comes the nearest , as individuals'in private life , and in practice , to conforming to the platforms adopt ed. Mr. Royoo has been a citizen of the oity for fifteen yea . His record is an open book , read it and judge for } oursulf. Wo appeal to the voters who want to BOO the laws rf our oity enforced forced to compare the nominees on the two tickets and judge which will be the most likely to enforce the laws against boot loging should liconao bo defeated. Mr. Royce , the ropublioan nominee , is ao well known that no one will question that ho will live up to the pledges of his party. In aooopting the nomination ho personally pledged hirnsolf , if elected , to use his en deavors to see that Uw was enforc ed and that the spirit of the resolu tions aaoptod by the republicans Wore carried out , Can the oandi- date on the demo-pop ticket en force the laws when hu is compell ed to solicit thu support of the dis > loyal to scouro his olectiou. "Bo careful how you east your ballot. " i License or no license i the ques tion now being carefully oonsiaer- ed by the voters of the oity. Both parties t ave submitted the question to the rote of the people and are pledged to be governed by the majority vote. The usual argn. mante , pro and con , are being advo cated. The evil arising from the triio ( IH goneially .ulmitleil , but HOHIO : trn inclined to I i const ) the liquor Initio soluly from the 11101103 oonaid'-rntinn. Thin , wo regard , is thu most untenable grounds intel ligent people can ukc. If the btitiineaH is wrong no amount of money paid for the privilege of engaging it it can tuako it right. If wrong , those who vote for lioonpo commit. .1 greater wrong than thono who nnKftgo in the t ratio , an they then become our local aironta. The Chief in its last issue , in itn iiHtnl insinuating way'attacks the city administration under rupubli oin oflicialH , during the pant two yearn. A statement of Iho city's financial condition easily shows the falacy of the Chief's statements. The republicans , when they as sumed control of the oity affairs in May , 1897 , found that they had in herited some $1,100 of debts of other adiniiiist re-lions , reaching back to the year 1803 , and immedi ately commenced the ta.s * of pay ing of the accumulated debts of other administrations , and running the business of the oily in such a manner as to prevent the accumu lation of other dobts. How well they have done this the report of W. D. Blaokwcll , city treasurer , made to the council last Thursday night , answers. It is as follows : TKJCASUIIEU'8 REPOUT STnKltT AND B1IIDOB FUN" . 'IS Oaah on hnnd.uonn Warrants 0' d'n$305 'U4 > and on hand.$1.82 OaUUad'K war. $3500 'B5-Caah on hand.none No warrants 'td-Onih on haucl.J2 00 Outstnud'g war. , $15.00 97Cagh on ban ' ,81,1.81 Outst&nd'g wn$70 00 'OS-Tarea da Feb.1,00 Outetanil'i ; war. , 78.00 6rrioBii'fl roND. ' 04-Oaah onh'd..945.31 Mowarranta. ' 08-Xo cuali. No narrauts. ' 00-Caah on hd..l30 82 Ontitand'g war , ItU.OO ' 07-Cftih on hd.$18.93 No warrants. 'B8-CiisUon bd.$150.91 No warrants. ( IIKBIIAL rUND. ' 94-Caau on hd . ? 2l. < ft No worranU. ' 115-Nocaeh. No warrant * . ' 00-Caoh on hd . . .fiSc Ontttand'gvrar . (4500 'OT-Canli on lid . JJ.38 Outitaud'g war.$55.00 ' 08Taiea duo Feb.1,99 Ontetand'g Ttar.JQlB 45 WATER WOIIKS PTKD. 'OS-Caition band _ $ (43 ca JCDSMENT FUND. ' 91-Caihon hand $168.51 JCDQMXX7 AMD BirUlfDINO. ' 98.De ta of 1888 } Warrants M6500 By investigating the oity clerk's records we find that to this last item must be added aeveral claims where no provision has been made for payment , am ounting to nearly $300 , making a total debt of $1,105 coming down from former administrations , which will in the next year be paid. The republican officials of our oity therefore have run the affiirs of the oity for two years , and now have a cash balance of nearly $500 on hand ; and adding to this cash on hand the undrawn portion of the eighty-five per cent of the levy the law gives thorn a right to dra/ against , amounting to about $200 , it will permit this administration to pay off all debit it has incurred , and still have about $700 available funds in their hands at the end of their terms , of which more than half will be spot cash , The two heavy Horns of liabilities in the above report are $278 in street and bridge fund of 1898 , and $24545 general fund of 1808. These war rants are drawn against 85 per eont of the levy for 1808 , and the taxes for their payment have just fallen due. It is probable that before the end of the prosout officers' terms they will bo paid. The oity there fore has not run behind for the past two years. Debts have not been contracted nor permitted to accum ulate beyond the city's ability to pay. The affairs of the city have been reduced to a cash basis , and no one who has labored for the oity has had to wait for his pay. It needed junt such an administration as the republicans have given us to got the affairs of the city in shape. We are now pa > ing our debts as wo go , end credit is duo to Mayor Graham and Clerk Moore for put ting us ou a cash bam. They found us badly in debt and the affairs of the oity being run with out regard to when payment of doblH should bo made. They chocked extravagenou and put ut on the light track.BO that our in come can moat our obligations , and leave us a nest egg of $000 or $700 to turn over to our successors in office , in lieu of $1,100 unpaid bills , And it will bo a hard matter for the Chief to find a taxpayer in town who does not endorse the r-form made by republican officials in the financial management of city affairs. The republican tiokat is composed of ncn who balieve in good city government , and ara pledged to use their ufl'ort to see that [ law and order in maintained , Every leveret ot good order will have no hosilanry in easting their ballot for the straight republican ticket. Resolutions Adopted bj the Kepucllruni. I'hu republicans of Iho onot Broken II > vv In convention assembled hereby cluolaro the following ns the basis for our city udui'nlatrntlon for the ensuing your , viz : 1st. Wo demand a strictly honest and economical ( ultnloUtratlon of the ( loan- clnl nffnira of our oity , to the end that t * o revenues derived from the sources of tnxatlon ( hall p&y the running expenses of the city government. ! 2il. We drmnnd that the public parks and .streets iiud avenues of the i-ity , and uppcelnlly the sidewalks of Iho city , shall ho improved nod maintained In us good repMr na the llnnncrs of the oity will .allow. 3d. Wo endorse the enterprise of our citizens In nrrniiKing to establish a tel ephone exchange , which will bring nil the citloa and towns of our county Into closer business relations with ono an- otbor. l'h. We nro In favor of an electrical lighting system for our city on the most feasible economics ! plan nvnilublo. full Wu nro in favor ot submitting the license question to the voters ot the ally , with the understanding that the will of the majority of the voter ? , ne ex- preyed at the ballot box , shall be abso lutely enforced. 6tli. Whereas , Gambling Is an evi und pernicious habit , and especially in jurious to and dentruotivo of , the busi ness ability of the young men of our oily , corrupting their morals and en couraging dishonesty ; therefore Keeolvcd , That w demand a strict and rigid enforcement of the null gam bllug ordinances of the oity nnd the statutPB of the state g vornlug the name , and wo hereby pledge the nominees of IhU convention to use all means withiu their power to absolutely prevent gam bling und root out this evil. Outi in ixansas lives a happy wife. She writes : " I have used Mother's Friend before two confinements. The last time I had twins , and was In labor only a few min utes. Suffered very little. " The reason why whyMother's Friend does expectant mothers so much good is because It is an external liniment , to bo applied upon the outside , where much of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb It , and it comes Into direct contact with and is absorbed by the parts Involved. Morning sickness is quickly banished , and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread and foreboding is not experienced , even during labor itself. Confinement is short and almost without pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all , Mother' * Friend benefits the unborn just as much as the expectant mother , and when the little one comes it will be strong , lusty and healthy. DruggUU sell Mother's Friend for $1 a bottU. Send for our free book on the aubjact , finely Illustrated. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , QA. Frazer Axle Grease II Not affected by Hoot OP Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial , Paris and World's Fair. " -ft"1 * FRAZER LUBRICATOR Do , Factories : Chclago. SL louli , New York. "xYicwiiyru Oo T v u'uu ruVu in in a tourint Bleeping oar porHon- ally conducted via the Burlington Routo. You don't uhango oars You make fam timo. You BOO the tin eat scenery ou tbo ylobo. Your oar is not HO oxpoiiBivcly h'nifihm : nor BO fine to look at no a palace flk'opor , but it in juat an clean , juf at * comfortable , just as good to ridt in and NEARLY $20 CHEAPER The Burlington oxournion leave every ThurHday roaohin Han Fran- CHOO Sunday and LOB Augolos on Monday. Porlor with oaoh oar ErotirnioD manager with oaoh party For folder giving full information call at nearest B. Js M. R. R. de pot or write to J. Francis , Qonera Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. SHERIFF'S SALE , Aud io'd ' to GEORGE WILLING , Tito entire stock of 0. W. Wilde , coriHlBtlni ; ol Hnulwnre , Tinware , Implcmonta , Itruo Itlngnmn Com I'luntorp , three Dlik Cultivator ? , ( our Tongue Cultivators , 'our TouKUelusB Cultivators and other Ituplunu'utH. Tlic entire stock will be solder or lees than manufacturer's price. Cull early and gut biirenlne. I huvo jus received n carload , niy flrst shipment this year , of the Grnnd Detour Plow a an Discs , with Holler Bearing Discs , LUtorn. Cultivator ? , fcto , the David Brtuliti Mown , Corn Planters , Cultivators , Llutei-u , Discs of all sizes. Force Feed Euduat jeedera , best made ; DO Tooth eteel lover Harrows ; the Thomas Disk , nothln better made ; Badger Cultivators , the bust riding oul'tvator on oiirtti ; aeo It ; th lenulno Now Departure Tonguolosa Cultlvatoi ; the Studehaker Waeon , tiou > ettcr ; ask those who use them ; also the Fleh Bros. Bugigics of nil kinds Price rom 840 and up. See them and you will buy Spring wttRonb Kaolno , Colum bus , Bradley and other makes. Deoring Binders and Deorlng Twine.thebcat tnaQo TTnrnoaa Bought thirty sew of the same that I sold BO many of IBB j-Ltii .ucoo ; year ; Rave the best of satisfaction. See this buniees. Con- sorti holt hamv , wool faced , open throat collars , can't bo beat for the money ; bought before the advance. Sco me lor harness , collars , pads and strap work. TTiivnlfiira I have just erected n store room at the re r of my old a. til X1J.UU1 c R ort ( nd , just received a car of Furniture , and with the ) recent stock htivo the best selected and most complete stock In the ct'y. Iron Beds fiotn$3.uO and up. Tables , Safes , Lounges , Hookers , Baby Cube , Mattresa- OB , Hprlnga , Otiaira , etc. , nt prices well , remember I am not undersold. If yon need an outfit for housekeeping It will pay you to fee mo , T PniTPQ Do not pay 800 for a range from peddlers whm toil can tret JAC&ugVsO a better one from your homo dealers for $10. The Puilnculnr * ll steel wrought Iron Icunge , the very best mnde , with copper reservoir imd high ahulf , there IB no better KHURO mnde ; fully warranted ; Other stoves frem 8IO$12 , (1C and up. I'uo Woiiilor line , they are fully warranted. The Genuine Gllddm \Vlre , the beet made The lightest and cheapest In the end ; and Ki'il Rubber Paint , no tar UKU Imitation ; buy the best ; it Is alwa f tlio chetipcet. SpwitlfT Ma Pill rips ; Tlic new Gootlrlch and Elridge from $20 O VYAIls , l".ot IllllCO and up ; thov are warranted for ten yeara ; have sold them lor ten years. Window Curtains , 25o am ! up. Home tunrio Tin- ware will give you the best satisfaction , and tlnehop In c nnectlon with tl c nore- all kinds of repairing dine. Illce's Garden SnodB of all kinds. Buy good fresh aeeda and you will have Biiccpps. Millet , Barley , and all kinds of Held Feeds ; prlccB loner than any catalogue prices. Hardware bargains and prices the low est. devices , double and single trees. My leader , lee plow Hie ; Forks , Western kVnshcr , Elwood field Fonolug. the hist made ; Clothi'S Wringers , Table and Packet Kutiery. mid n complete line of Revolvers and Guns ; ammunition of all kinds ; Copper Illvots , In fact everything , and prices ns low a ? the lowest ; when In nerd of Implements , Plows , Furniture , Hard ware , Wire , Tinware , It will pay you o see me. With low prices honorable and fair dealing , I have held the title of the oldest hardware store In Broken Bow. When In no.d of n housekepplng nuiflt oal ami save money. Have a full line of CoffinsCnfckets and Undertaking Goodu calls attended tonight or day. Yours Respectfully , OEORGIC WILLING If you are Looking tor Bargains the Racket Store is the place to find them ; where one can buy as cheap as another ; where a CHILD can buy as cheap as a MAN- Shoes worth $1.25 to $2'25 go ou to our 98u bargain counter. Closing out Felt Boots at cost , Now is the time to get Shoes ; call and see thorn. Men's Underwear 60o per suit Sbeotinas 3 o per yard Dress Goods away below all com- petition. Window Shades 15o to 25c Coffee Mills 1 Co Pint Cups , 2 for 5o Dr Picrce's Golden Medical Din. covery 90o Dr. Pioroe's Favorite Prcscr'n , 90o Dr. Pioroo's P. P. Pellets 20o Piso's Consumption Cnro 20o Cafitoria 29c Dr. Ward's Liniment , em. sizo.SOo Kiokapoo Indian Worm Killer , the best in the world. Ayer'a Pills 80o Dr. William's Pink Pills tor Pale Pee > lo 450 A lOo Tablet for 4o Kockford Socks 5o pair Men's Wool Pants. . . .ft,25o $2 50 Outing Flannel worth 12o for..So Ladies India Dcngola Shop * . . . . 75o Overalls lJ5e to 4flo Hunter SiftcrH toe \ - Bih Overalls 4 o Call and see our new line of .Surge , Brocades and Ca-hmore , til prices j way below all competition. A j tine line of Calico and Prints in the latest patterns. Silverware given away. Market price paid I for Eggs. I Once Was Lost , but Itfow I Have Pound it. Where ? At my door. A t the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam- mot ' 'i Btock ef Groceries , and al the lowest prices you ever heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep ing pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. > Christinas committees are invited to call and get my prices. Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First * National Bank. I W. S. SWAN , - - Proprietor. A Great Live Stock Journal The Prairie Farmer. A weekly Agricultural and Live Stock Journal-one dollar a year. It is admittedly the leader of the agricultural and live stock papers of the United States. It covers the entire field of agriculture , dairying , live stock breeding and live stock feeding. It is edited for western farmers and stockmen who carry on diversified work : in fact , it is the farmer's newspaper - per The regular subscription price is one dollar a year ; but in order that every one of our readers may get it next year , we will send it a full year with our own paper for only $1.60. Tuis low price may be withdrawn any time ; we request our readers to act promptly. Hand in your order or aendit to ui.