Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 30, 1899, Image 3

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    The Pioneer Medicine
is Ayers Sarsapartlla
Before sarsaparillas were known ,
fifty years ago , it began
its work. Since
i then you can count
# : tlie sarsa
by the
with every
of imita
tion of the
original , except -
cept one.
They have
never been
able to im
itate the
quality of
the pioneer.
" " When you
see Aytfs on
a bottle of sarsaparilla -
parilla that is
enough ; you can
have confidence at once. If you want an
'experiment , buy anybody's Sarsaparilla ; if
you want a cure , you must buy
[ The Sarsaparilla which made Sarsaparilla famous ]
Give riders that satisfied feeling that comes from the
knowledge that they have the best.
Made by the POPE MFG , GO , Means Satisfaction ,
JUVENILE BICYCLES in all slzos , from S2O to S25.
sS & s. POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Gonn ,
TWTTAOIIES to any make of separator ,
4 pays for itself in ono season. Auto-
J H inatie governor , variable
friction feed. Adopted by all the
leading Thresher
Manufacturing Companies.
° ' Imitation
1 .
I construction. Write
1 ( or Catalogue arul Price List.
i Mention this paper.
Wo will sell you Lumber , Doors , Windows nnd
Mill Work nt Chicago wholesale prices. We are
4M >
3500 Center Avenue , CHICAGO , ILLINOIS.
Dr , Kay's Renovator , g JJ.
Bin , constipation , HvernnilUldnoyillseases.bil-
Uousncss , hctutacUe , etc. At Uruu-glsts 25c & tl. j
quick relief mid cures wor t
C&I-CK. Iluol ; ! tuttliuonlnls nml lOilnyii' tt'Cut-
lUKUtlfrue. l > r. H.II.lillEt N'bbUNS , llil II , illlull. il < .
Sohanio Worthy of it Kninesus or n
Engineering skill Is to rearrange nn
turc's surface on the Egyptian frontier ,
nntl pond bnck Into Nubia a body ot
water 140 miles long , crossing the tro
pic of Cancer nnd extending Boutlnviml
nearly to Korosko a goodly step on
the journey to Abu-Shnbol and Wady-
Halfa by means of a lyreat clam across
the Nile at Assunn , says the Century.
The pyramids and the Sphinx have
born testimony through the centuries
to the grandeur and power of execution
which dwelt within the Nile valley ;
and what more fitting now that the
same valley bo the theater of n gigan
tic exploit , audacious perhaps , but cer
tain of success , and ministering to
man's necessities , rather than to his
vanity ? As n building achievement
the scheme is on n scale worthy of n
Rameses or a Pharaoh. To create in
the heart of the African desert a lake
having from two to three times the su
perficial area of Lake Qonova , in Swit
zerland , nnd control It with scientific
precision , so that the Impounded llooli
may bo turned Into distant channels
nt will , is n stupendous undertaking.
But the engineers claim that their
plans can bo carried out to the letter ;
they have estimated the exact coat of
the dam , .computed almost to the gnl-
lon the volume of water that will bo
imprisoned , and figured the necessary
resistance to be provided at every point
of the masonry. In Cairo , the experts
of the ministries of public works nnd
finance , likewise , have calculated to a
nicety the sum from taxation that will
come into the public treasury through
the country's augmented productive
ness. Subordinate to the great dam , a
smaller one , not unlike the barrage at
the apex of the delta , ten miles north
of Cairo , is to bo made at Asslut. Tts
functions will' bo to give a sufllcient
head to the river to force the water
into the system of irrigation canals
that vein hundreds of thousands of
acres between Asslut and Cairo. The
completion of the Cairo barrage ( it was
begun by Mehemet All Pasha , from
the plans of a French engineer , but not
made effective until England took the
country in hand ) so developed cotton
culture as to add to the public revenue
of the country at least $10,000,000 annu
ally. It may bo safely concluded that
the Assuan reservoir Is but ono of a
series which will in time bo construct
ed southward to the Victoria Nyanza.
The re-establishment of khedlval au
thority at Khartoum will dotermlno
In the earlier clays of the war , while
the excitement of the now condition of
affairs was still at its height , the com
manders of the different craft engaged
in the blockade of Havana were rest
less under the monotony of their du
ties , and sometimes did things that
were not ordered by the commander-
in-chief. So writes a naval corre
spondent of the Companion , and he
proceeds to narrate a pretty lively ad
venture as a case In point.
One particularly dark night the cap
tain of a torpedo-boat decided to take
advantage of the darkness and run
well In toward the Morro. With all
lights doused , the boat steamed slowly
toward the entrance of the harbor until
her crew could hear plainly the surf
breaking on the rocks under the 'cas
tle. " While the boat rolled lazily in
the swell , the officers tried to make out
the guns and the fortifications at the
harbor mouth.
Suddenly , as the boat gave a heavy
roll , the switch which turned on the
private night signal was moved , and a
blaze of red and white lights Illumi
nated the entire boat. Every ono made
a dash to break the connection. In the
rush the colored cook managed * o roll
overboard , and as ho went over the
side he grabbed at everything handy.
Among the things ho took hold of , un
fortunately , was the whistle rope.
If the boat had been foundering ,
nothing more could have been done to
attract attention. The big search-light
on the Morro twitched around In an
uncertain manner , and turned slowly
toward the boat. Before it reached
them the people on the torpedo-boat
managed to turn off the signal ; the
spasmodic shrieking of the whistle
stopped when the cook was hauled
aboard , and the boat escaped In the
darkness without a shot being fired at
The next time his boat wont In , the
captain took In his private night sig
nal and the cook had orders to stay in
the galley.
Htcmiislilp StatlHtln.
There arc fully 1,000 tons of piping
of various kinds In the average Atlan
tic liner. The furnaces will consume
no less than 7,500,000 cubic feet of
air an hour. The boiler tubes , If placed
In a straight line , would stretch near
ly ten miles , and the condenser tubes
more than twenty-five miles. The to
tal number of separate pieces of oteel
In the main structure of the ship Is
not less than 40,000 , and the total num
ber of cubic feet of timber used In the
construction Is more than 100,000. The
total number of rivets Is not far from
I'roilnc n I'rovorli.
Mrs. Latehours ( addressing her hus
band returning at 3 a. m. ) Nice hour
to bo coming homo ! Nice company
you've been In , no doubt. Latehours
( nonchalantly ) Honl salt qul mal y
POIUJO. Mrs. Latehours Yes , that's
right ! Come homo and use bad lan
guage to your wife. Tit-Bits.
! tlnhnnnti I'rotnotcil.
> T. A , .
J , M , Johnson , freight tralllc man
ager of the Hock Island , wna yesterday
elected third vlce-prcsldont of the
company. Ho has been in the service
of the Hock Island company slnco 1SSI ,
when he was appointed first assistant
general freight agent. In March , 1S88 ,
ho became general freight agent , awl
eight years later was appointed freight
trnttlo manager. Mr. Johnson began
his railroad career In 1871 as station
agent at Franklin , Ind. , on the Indian
apolis , Cincinnati & Uifaycttp road ,
now a part of the Big Four , Ho after-
wnrtt went through the positions of
general freight and ticket agent ,
traveling auditor , supervisor of local
freight tralllc and assistant general
freight agent , In which rapacity ho en
tered the service of the Rock Island.
The recent order of the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad for five thousand steel
coal cars to bo built by the Pressed
Steel Company ami the Carneglo Com
pany , brings the total purchases of the
receivers of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail
road up to 30,391 slnco March 1 , 1S90.
The locomotive purchases during that
time have been 210 , of which about 20
are still to bo delivered. The company
has also purchased five postal cars , ton
express cars , ton combination cars and
six dining cars.
William C. K. Wilde , the younger
brother of Oscar Wilde , who tiled In
London several days ago , came to Now
York after marrying . rs. Frank Les
lie In 1S91 with the intention of writIng -
Ing for publication. Ho had been con
nected with various English papers In
a desultory fashion for several years ,
but had never displayed any marked
ability us a writer. Mr. Wilde was
tall , young and of pleasant address.
Ills style of writing did not commend
itself to any of the Now York news
papers , and during his stay In Now
York he WOH apparently a man of leis
ure , spending most of his tlmo at the
Lotus club. The divorce which freed
Mrs. Leslln from her English husband
was not unexpected by the men who
knew him.
bomo men's charitable contributions
are confined to suggestions.
The average man Is bettor at con
fessing the irlstakes of other people
than ho is at acknowledging his own.
Are You CglnK Allou'H foot-KnsoT
It Is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to bo shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 25c. Samples sent FREE. Ad
dress , Allen S. Olmsted. Lelloy , N. Y.
The world's agriculture occupies the
attention of 2SO,000,000 moa.
Mrs. AVInslow'H Sootlilnn Syriip.
Foi children tcctlilni ? , Boftuns tlio Ki'ins , reduces fir
Daimimttou.ulluyuimlu.cureb wluiKullc. iiJoabottlo.
There can bo no course of true love
If true love never dies.
Oh That Dollclon * Coffee !
Costs but Ic per Ib. to grow. Salzcr has
the seed. German Coffee Uorry , pktj. 15c ;
Java Coffee pkjj. l&c. Salzor's Now Am
erican Chicory IDc. Cut this out and Bend
150 for any of above packages or send
SOc und get all 3 plcgs , and great Cata
logue free to JOHN A. SAL54BR SKED
CO. , La Crosse , Wla. [ w.n.j
Man Is the only animal with a
chronic longing for the unattainable
Farmers' Knives lrroo.
See the liberal offer made by the
T. M. Roberts Supply House , Minne
apolis , in another part of this paper.
It is one of the grandest bargains ever
offered to the public.
You can't prevent the sun from setting
ting by stopping your clock .
Cures Rheumatism
! JACOBS " Neuralgla
OIL . . Sciatica
„ Sprains
„ Bruises
STi ii Soreness
„ Backache
„ Muscular Aches
Is woman's natural destiny.
MOTHERHOOD arc dented the happiness of children
through sonic derangement of the generative organs.
Actual barrenness' is fare.
Among the niany'lriumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is the overcoming of cases
of supposed barrenness. This ! great
medicine is so well calculated to regu
late every function of the generative or
gans that its efficiency is vouched for
by multitudes of women ,
MKR. En. WOI.KOUD , of Lone Tree , .
Iowa , writes :
"DuAuMus. PiNKitAM Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound I had ono child which lived only six
hours. The doctor said it did not have the proper nourishment
while I was carrying it. I did not feel at all well during preg
nancy. In time I conceived ugain , nnd
thought I would write to you for advice.
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel
towards you for the help that your medi
cine was to me during this time. I
felt like a new person ; did my work
up to the last , and wab sick only a
short time. My baby weighed ten
pounds. Ho is a fine boy , the
joy of our home. He is now six
weeks old and weighs sixteen
pounds. Your medicine is cer
tainly a boon in pregnancy. "
Doyle , S. Dak. , writes :
Ever since my last child I
Buffered with inGammation of
the womb , pains in back , left
side , abdomen and groins. My
head ached all the time. I ,
could not walk across the floor
withoutsuffering intense pain.
I kept getting worse , until
two years ago I wrote to you
for advice , and began taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
I had not finished the firtu bottle before I felt bettor. I took
four bottles , and have been strong nnd perfectly healthy ever
since , and now have two of the nicest little girls. "
As winter passes &way it leaves many
people feeling weak , depressed and easily
tired. This means that the blood needs
attention and sensible people always taKe
a tonic at this time of year. Purgatives arc ,
not the ridht medicine they weaken instep
of strendthenind.
Dr. Willknu1 PinK Pills for P&le People are
the best tonic medicine in the world and do
not act on the bowels , They stimulate the
appetite , enrich the blood , strengthen the
nerves and make people feel bright , active
and strong ,
/Ncfbno IB bettor nblo to s pen It of tills fnct tlmn Mlmi Hnrol Snider1
a channlMK young woiniui of Arlington , Iml. To-duy nlio lina rosy
'chcolcH , HpiirKlIng eyes and n. uliimp form , wliluh provu Mint she la
In Kood liuiiltl ) . A yeuriiRo Miss Bnltlcr wim very thin , her checks
pale , oycB BtinUon mid dull. Hlio v/aa troubled with uorvousncHS
ntid Kcnerul debility. She snyii :
"After hovernl inontliH' treutmont from tbo family physician wo
aw ho could do no good. 1 Mas illHcourngcd und did not know
wlmt to do. Ono day I rend an Hum In iijmper of \vondorful
curatlvo qiialltlcsof Ur. Wlliianm' IMnlcI'llla for Palo People. 1 tried
the medicine , and wlicii nearly throuuh with the second box noticed
n chuiiKU for the better. After 1 had liikon clijlit boxes I was cured ,
nnd Iiruo lind no occasion to lake any Ulna of inecllulnoHlnco. I
ewe much to Dr. Williams' Plnlc Pills for I'ulo People , probably my
life , and I udvlso nnyono sullurlug with troubles HliYillar to mine ,
to lukoUieso pills. " Miss HAKUL SNIDUH.
v Sold by all drug *
gists or sent post
paid by the Dr.
Williams' Medicine
Co.Schenectcdy , ,
N.Y.on receipt of
price , 5o * per box >
six boxes , $ 2 , 5 .
See that
is on your
Base Ball Supplies
Hnmlsomo Ciitiilosuo Free.
Now York. Chicago nunvcr
I > not tlin ! tiitotnctit worth ln\eitlKntlne.lf you lia\e
B friend miflcrlnK from any Kidney dlneiwe ? Not u
pntent medicine , nclthei IB pal lent obliged to toino
10 New York for trontinent Kxnin nnd tem of urlno
f reo of UmcKo , Rcnd4o7 . ox | > , paid , \ninepaper.
Tornpklru-Corbin Co. , 1300 Broadway , New York City.
Dig U fur unuutural
rKi , liiUummutloiie ,
IrritutiutiH or ulcerutlonn
of in 11 cuu iiieiiiljrniin ,
I'ulnlvHH , nnd not antrln-
8'"t "r l > olkomm ,
Nol < l by I > riiccl lii ,
or nctit In plnln wnipl"r.
liy iixpnim , prfpnlil , for
II m , ( , r3 ImltlcH , | . > 73.
Circular unit ou requeet
. . . - WlihlUllKloil , 1 > .C.
* * SuccoGsfully Prosecutes Claims.
r.atn i'rlnofiial BxAmlner U B 1'enHlon fiureau.
U vmlllclUlMur l&iiiluilluittiiK | < luliii lit t\ nine c' .
' ror cougliH , colds ,
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm uiuHtiroutUlbeabo
\ ;
Heat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
In tlnio. Bold
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 13-J899
When Answering Aaycruscincnta Kindly
Mention Tills 1'aocr.
Northern Urown enc | |
tliAro nra no bettol Turownftnu via tliorofora . pafhS
followlnit immure dot olfor to the rtiiulem of thin paper.
,37 keta . fnwlmnrden .foods mid knlfo No. 7 l ,
Rirforflot * pnntpald or in package * f rwu unrdon f
nnd knlfo N b.nlfort ! > 7't ; > ald. On tout.
nilvortliM'nuiiit nm HPIII ! us 77ot . If ; oi ) want knlfo ]
! < borincU. If nuwniitknlfn No. nd tlm fol.
lowW ( trnti.1 . collnotlon of Tllfi IlCHT .UKrAllLH
HiiSIb : , ( retail prloo U oror l.15 > nnd
the uutlro in packets nml tlio kulfo li' UlUaUpcSti.
No.7BD. Irkft. aomFcanlpkit. Eollp"nDloodTai >
nip IJont , 1 pfw , Dwarf Wax Means. ' . ! pin.
.ilorlj.lpnol'oftr . , 1 pku BlrliiB Uonnii , 1 pkjf.
rDnavorHlliit Onion , li'ku.Kotl
1 pkjt.Imvorshnlf lonii OarrotsiInka.
UreonOltron Mu km lon , 1 Mo.77blj ,
pkd , 1'orfiictlnn 'iomnto. 1
. 'lomnto , 1 pVn ,
lutubaan , 1 iikii. Hlu Ilodton
Mtaco , 2 plBi 1'urplii Top
Turnip , 1 rkt ; . ItolloiT Cronn
I'nrnnlpn , 1 pkff , loni ; Brnrlufc
Itndliiti , f Joubl . gurlod
i'aniloy ]
, '
5Liiimo.'fpliB.'l'1ronLhllroak- '
fnst Uadloli , 1 pku. Hummer
< ! rook nock Hauuli , 1 pku.
urlo.1 Hlnip on .J-rH.iico , . 1
. pkunonrlr lint Hatch Turnip.
'l pkn. Bcariot Turnip Itndlnli , I
i l > lti { . Denver JInrUot Lettuce , 1
. . . . . . . , .
1 ni.l Iln .1nH ] ' .
Y l > ki | , Inrly ! i 1
run. uthatq Ulna 10.1 -.r pku.
Hwooti'ampkln.apkiillarlyMlimo- I
auto Corn , 1 pk Hod UlouaUoloa
AtTI contn the No. 7 b , _
lilniln COIIKIWI bock horn
Immllo , host ctool
knlfo will boHont ritjji .
'lIluNo.TVab , knlfo In Junt
wlmt nvory f armor nhouldr
havit. ] ] itrn wulHlit , finely
ixj llnnod ondfl. tlmMi In
ntnol ulnilo * , Inoluillnu hoot
blndB. Wn itlvo It Flint ; to oTnry
portion orilorlnejtho nhorocolloc-
lion at tl7ctn. thronuh thin ndror-
tlHomont , orwo vlllfimilali tliolfj
fronnpackotB ot HiirOi'ii wwrn to nnionii ixmtpnicifoi
7ct no butter Bo < id nrowu or nold at nny tirlcti. ThU
cplloctloncuiniot bo broken or any variation mauo. ' .
In order to tCHt thin paper IIH nil
u < urtlilnt ; iiii'dluni , to o\cryono
wlio will oiu > lu o tlilH "ih orllmiiK nt with their order
und Klvo nnino of imiicr wu will KVIII !
ao rAUKAii : ( VAI.UU wi.oo ) Fitnic.
mnklnRBT iiackaKesor frcsli Knrden eca and the
Knlfo No. 7 HI ) fur 77 cents , or Kulfo No. 77 blJuna
D7 | iackBKCS fur 1 7 cents.
0 A JtKMAHKAlir.i ; OKVKR.
T.M. Roberts' Supply House , ftllnncapols.Mlnn.
Ujw'RalKt'i Scwlt are Warranted to Prcdnw/
ftMillion Luther , J" . Troy , 1'a , istonlilicd thu worldV
WI T growing 2/0 tiuihrli Dig Tour Ooti | J. llrcUcr , 1
f lUlc.u ( , V.'l. . , 113 buili. barley , tiid II. I.oicjoj , \
I \Vlujlilnn .by srowlni ; 3u hu li. Ral r'oorn '
jcracrc. irjuuilxilit , writ * thtro.e wlili Wg lu
VUO.IUU new cuitomcri , hence nlll tend on tiUI
L 10 pkijiof rnro firri ncrli halt Diuli , IUr > d for Bliecp ,
\ tlio | , UUO Com , Kli ? I' ur iljti , " Uiarillcit Hurley , ,
Iiromuilncrmlf rUUtnzTtotialiiypcracroouilrr
L t
nulli , eto , " 40o. Wheat , Including our mBmmotli j
Uetil Catalogue , telling oil about vur Farm
0tt 1 * , < Tto. , M | | mailed you upon receipt of but
lOo fonizo , Tinltlrrlr worth SID , to get a
ktt tiim > , ( i ( > iHii > u.Htdi'ot t < i
at MI , ai > tnlnp a bbl.
Jtitlkit tmu.
HUtlll till * Nov n.u.
uilv. aloni ;
V/ostern Canada
nnd rartluilun ) as to huu to ncciim 160 acres of tlio
liefctMicut KniwIiiK liuul ou the Continent , can ba
aciurui ! i MI application to the Superintendent of
limiilxrattun Oltiwrn , Canada or the nndornlKned.
bpeclnlly condiutod uxcurnlon * will ltav bt. 1'aul
on Hie llrnt and \Vednenliiynuf cacti mouth ,
and upcclully low rules on all lines of railway roach-
liiKhl I'aul nio lieliiB qtinteil for OLtiriilon leaving
tliero on April Sth tor Mnnllolia. A slnlbola , bu -
kiitihi'uan and Alberta.V V llenuelt , 801 New
York 1.1 to Dulldlntr , Uuiaha.Neb.
A Natural Black by
Buckiniham's '
1'rlco cents of nil druggists or It. I' . II all & Co. ,
" ertlock nuillKlloirdUut.
uriMtuiiu MontLa ,
guaranteed , . S0.75 to
W10. Shopworn & eeo-
end band wheels , Rood
as now , 83 to SlOi
Oreit factory dcirlni U.
W , ibip i , mjoni en l I'O'it
'ft ' trUI without ovnt la ftmoe
Klia.rlll.tMl . . ii
K. D. SI HI ) C1CLK lOKI'ANY. Ihlcijo ,
' Gel Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'PARRnUL. Pension Agent ,
1423 Mew York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D. C.
I Ifro rruoTliompsonys ! , } Eve Water.