44 One Swallow Does Not Make a Spring. " Myriads of birds announce the opening of bright days and bring promise of renewed health and strength. They teach us a lesson to set our human house in order by thoroughly cleansing our blood , making it new , pure and bright. Tlio one Hpcclflc witli which to ac complish tills is Hood's1 iSarnaparilla , America's ( jrcatoKl Sprln { ? Medicine Its work is thorough , nnd | ? oed health in sure to follow. Rheumatism " IiHliimmntory rheu matism rmi ( ! ( l mo tnilferliiK co that I could not slcfrp or walk. IIiul \ \ tappetlto mill mcdlchio' Kcumcil nsoli'fiH. Klnnlly HHIM ! Hood's ' fiari.-tparlllit which look n'wny nil pain. " yMits. &m.i.A Nonius , .Marlon , Ohio. IVIalarla- was a soldier , nnd uflor typhoid fovcr I bad fever nnd nRiie , rlieu- inntlHiu and nervous prostration MI Hint I could not work. Nothing helped until Hood's Snrnnp.'irllla ' cmwl md cotnplctoly no that I ioso iii > tlmo now. " J. flsSin.r.MA.v , Clicllculmm , I'.t , _ _ _ nnrrt > Vllt ciirn ll prjllii | the nun Irritating unit only CttflIarUe to tuTcu Nature fits all her children with somelbliiK to do. Lowell. Do Your Foot Arlin anil llnrn ? Shake Into your shoes , Allen's Foot- ISnse , a powder for the feet. It makoa tight or Now Shoes feel KnHy. Onrca Corns , nunlons , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Foot. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 2f > c. Sample Hcnt FIIH13. Address Allen S. Olmstcd , Lolloy , N. Y. It takoH the moon two weeks to got full and two weeks inoro to pit over It. Men are built different. COO'H CniiKli HiiNiuii In llic olilcct ninl bust. I twill lirenk up ncolil quicker HO. It InnlHiiys rclliibln. Try It. The theorist IB nil right until it la tlmo to innko n practical demonstra tion. All Excellent Combination. The pleasant method nnd beneficial euocta of the well known remedy , Svnur OK Fins , manufactured by the OAMFOHNIA. Fie Svnur Co. . illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste nnd nccoplable to the sj-stcm. It is the ono perfect strengthening laxa- tlvo , clcaiifiinpr the bystcm effectually , dispelling colds , headaches and lovers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance - stance , and ils actinp on the kidneys , liver and Lovvclo , without weakening or irritating them , malto it the ideal laxative. , . In the process of manufacturing flpa arc used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but the mcdjoinal qualities of the remedy are obtained frort senna nnd other aromatic plants , by'a method known lo the OAMPOIINIA Fia Svnui1 Co. only. Iu order to got its bcnollclal eifcuts nnd to avoid imitations , plcaso remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANOIBCO , OAL. 1.0UI8VILLE. XT. NSW YORK , N. Y. For sale by all Druggists. I'rice SOc. per bottle , The Best Saddle Coat. LICKER Ktcps both rUcr nj sidJIc per-1 fectfy dry In the hardest stormt. nw Substltuteivllldlsarpolnt. . Ask for S H J8a ? Pish Own J Pommel Slicker D T V itlsentlrtlyiiew. If notforsaUln ' " * 1 your tow n , wrlto for caUlogua to 1 A. J. TOWUIJ. Boston. Mass The New Light. Cheaper than Coal Oil , but more bril liant than Electricity. Send for Circulars. Monarcli flGGtulene Gas Generator Go , Omaha , Nebraska. SALE , ' Grain Elevator and Food Mill on thd JUirliriBtou rallioail , at nno-linlf its value ] Host location Iti Nobiaska , Add icy * OWNKIC , 509 I'axton niiu-lc , Omiilm. WANTED-Coso of baa Health that IM-P-A-N " will not bcQellt. BerU a ccnli to Itlimut Cliemlcai Co. , Now York , for 10 eatnplci and 1,000 teitlmuolala. Or , The Adventures of An Eton Boy , , , uUi / Ui BY JA/Y1ES GRANT. UiUl CHAl'TBll XL ( Continued. ) llradlong wo stumbled over piles of lava ; now wo nank an kin dee ] ) among the soft punilro dust ; anon wo rolled , fell or scrambled through wild vines and creepers ; then through fleldn of growing inal/.e and wheat , or planta tions of coffee and appio trees ; but never pausing until wo reached the Imoo of the mighty i'lton , where , breathless , gat ping , panting and bulli ed In perspiration , we lay down in a little thicket of cinnamon hushes by the waysldo to rest for n short space. During this ( light I bad never spok en , but Torn fiom time to time indulg ed in disjointed remaikH expressive of an exultation In which I could not share , being only thankful to heaven for my escape. Hut poor Tom had eon more of a rough life , and of many a violent death , than It could possibly Imvo been my lot to witness. "Ha , ba ! yon Spanish swabs ! We've slung two of your hammocks in a hot place before the time , perhaps ! " said he. "What a row they make , like so many negroes clearing a cargo when we sheered off ! Lucky It was that I eased off mil1 low lines In tlmo ! I have a good inlnil to put about , stand for the cave and pol another of those Spanish gorillas ! " Whether be meant guerrillas I did nol inquire , hul was happy when wo reached the harbor and I felt the cool breeze of the ocean fan my throbbing temples and my h'ands , which , from be ing so long and HO lightly tied with rough cords , and having the blood aft erward driven through them by rapid exertion , felt literally burning hot. All was dark andBtlll when we ran along Iho stone mole of Santa Cruz. Fortunately at that late hour there was no olllclal to question or molcsl us ; and wo could see Iho brig anchored about half u mile diBtanl , with the lanlern still burning al Iho foromasthcad. The light on the castle had disappeared. We soon found a small punt at the landing stairs , and , taking possession of 11 without leave , cast loose the painter and shoved off. Silently and steadily , with all our remaining strength , wo pulled for the brig , and were soon alongside. "Well , this spree Is over , Master Hodnoy , " said Tattooed Tom , wiping his brow with hla sleeve when wo stood on the deck , where the wonderIng - Ing crow gathered around us ; "but catch me Imvlng another in this deuced Tenny Reef Hint's all ! " CHAPTER XII. The Anchor A-Peak. Alarmed by the foregoing narrative , which was fully corroborated by our excitement , by the two muskets ' < ve had brought on board as trophies , by the stale of our hands and wrists , and the numerous cuts and bruises wo had upon us ; and fearing the consequent detention of the brig for some Jegal in quiry , Captain Wcston prepared al once for pulling to sea. I was happy when finding myself on the deck of Iho Eugenie , bnl sllll more supremely happy on hearing Wosto'n's resolution to get underway , as 1 pos sessed very vague but decidedly un pleasant ideas of Spanish justice , nnd had visions of alcaldes , alguazlls , wheels , garrotes , and oven Iho masked familiars of Iho Inquisition itself , dealing before mo. My heart boat responsive to the clank of the windlass pawls , as the Eugenie was hove short on her anchor , and the hands started aloft to east loose Iho topsails. Wcslon throw our two muskets into the sea lesl their discovery on board might cause suspicion or annoyance. The morning was clear , cool and starry ; as yet no vesligo of dawn was visible , and all was still and quiet on shore ; bill 1 was In momentary expec tation of Boeing a boat dash off toward us , though Ihoso from whom wo had escaped could have no just cause of complaint. Suddenly I heard the sound of oars , and saw a long , low boal shoot out from the obscurity of the harbor. My heart Blood sllll for a moment as Ibis crafl was steered In our direction , but lo my Infinite relief. It boarded u Costa Rican lhat lay near us. As yet the shadows of night were on land and sen on everything save the cone of the Peak that towered above the clouds , and there shown the light of the yet nnrlsen sun , yellow deepen ing into saffron , purple , blue , and then imllgo , blending with the blackness of night as Iho eye descended to the shore. So Wcston gave the order to brace the foroyards aback and the maiuynrds full ; another wrench at Hie windlass , and tlie anchor was tripped. "Heavo and n-wash ! " cried Tom Lambourne , cheerily , giving ihe usual call of encouragement when the drip ping anchoring is jusl oul of the water nnd the stock Is seen to stir the sur face. face.Tho The courses wore lot fall and the Jib was hoisted ; her bend fell rapidly round nnd she paid off bravely. 'Hion the firoy cone of the Plton and the lights of Santa Cruz , which had glit tered in tremulous llnea along the - water ter on our beam , wore shining upon our lee quarter. "Pill nwny the heudyards hand somely now ! " cried Weston , nnd just as Ihe flrsl streak of day , coming on with tropical rapidity , began to bright en the horizon and shed long , shiny ripples on Iho hca , the canvas swelled out , the reef polnls began to patter on the IniU bosom of every snow-white Bail , and Ihe loose rigging was blown out In graceful bends. There was a line breeze rising ; the white water rippled under the fore foot of the Eugenie , and soon It boiled In foam as wo sheeted homo the top sails and ran along the western shore of Iho mountain isle. About the same lime the Costa Rlc.nn brig which was at anchor nearer the shore ( a smart craft she was , slralghl In the bends , nnd all black , save a yel low streak ) , also got ready for sea with great expedition , and worked out of the harbor ; and when the hot sun , which crowhllo bad 111 up Ihe vasl continent of Africa to the cast of us , rose fiom the ocean , wo saw her black hull and white canvas shining in his morning rays about a mile astern. "You say , Marc , thai crafl is a Cosla Rican ? " said Wcston , doubtfully. "Yen , rdr , " replied Hislop. "She may bo ; but she Is also a Span ish dealer in black cattle , " said Wcs ton , who was looking al her through a powerful double-barreled glass. "I am ccrlaln if you could only see her deck when she careens a bil , you would make oul the ring-bolts for lashing Iho slaves lo in fine weather. " "Aye , and perhaps those of the ear- ronades , too , " added IIlolop ; "she looks rather rakish. " "You are just of my mind , sir , " ad ded Tom Lambpnrno , who was al Ihe wheel. "She'll , see Iho Shark's Nose and Iho , Congo river before she sees the Mosquito creeks or the hills of Costa Rica ; and 1 have a shrewd no tion thai Iho plrales wo escaped from are parl of her crow , if one may judge from what Master Rodney , who knows tholr lingo , overboard them say. " Except across the Peak of Tencrlffe , where a cloud of while vapor Honied In mid-air like a permanent cymnr or girdle , and above which some thou sand feet of the mighty cone lowered into the blue immensity of space , mel lowing from green nnd purple to a faint gray tint , the sky was without a cloud. The waves danced and sparkled In tbe morning sunshine , Iho fresh breeze swepl pleasantly over their whitening tops and whistled through our rigging , as wo ran along the shore with consid erable speed ; nnd now our hearts heal lightly , for the broad , free ocean was around us , nnd on clearing Iho dan gerous rocks at Punta do Anaga by giving Ihcm a wide berth , we fell Ihe heavier swell of Hie Atlantic ns we brought the larboard tacks on board , nnd ran , close-hauled , on a taul bow line between the Isles of Tcneriffe and Pnlma , keeping the wcatherage of Ihe Costa Rican , and leaving her al Ihe same lime fnsl nnd far astern. * Wo had a delightful run through the fertile Archipelago of the Fortunate Isles , and , after clearing San Josef , found the wind coming more aft. Long after night had closed In and darkness had enveloped all Iho sea and Iho Isle of Tcnorlffe , Iho cone of Iho peak shone redly In midair , with the llghl of Iho sun that hud sot In the western waters of the Atlantic. For the whole of that day wo had run fast through Iho walcr , making al least seven knots tin hour off the log- line , but midnight came before we saw the last of the mighty Peak of Adam. CHAPTER XIII. An Incident. By Iho lime wo had been a month at sea , having applied myself assidu ously to work , I picked up n little knowledge of seamanship. I took my turn of watch with the rest ; I learned to go aloft and to llo upon a yard In a stift topgallant breeze. I acquired all the mysteries of knotting and splicing , of serving a rope with spun-yarn.nnd to know the technical difference between the rope itself and n lino. I could heave the log.box the compass nnd lake my "trick" at the helm with the best man on board , and thus gained the golden opinions of those among whom a rough turn of the wheel of fortune had so strangely nnd so suddenly cust me. me.Somo Some days after leaving the Cana ries wo found ourselves passing through what scorned to bo immense meadows of green stuff adrift. By moonlight the branches , leaves nnd fibers of this uprooted marine forest for such It was , being wrack nnd sea weeds of wondrous length springing fiom the lowest depths of the ocean sparkled , flashed and whirled in the foaming eddies astern of the brig ns she cleft or brushed down the yielding masses with her rushing kcol. I was never weary of surveying this scene , which was so marvelous In ila beauty , when the moon was shining on the sen. These vast , broad leaves and long , snaky tendrils tlml danced upon Iho surface of the sea wore the Florida gulf-weed , "Tho tropical grape of the sailors , " said Hislop , ns wo loaned over the loo- quarter ono night. "Those plants grow upon the two great banks of the At lantic , nnd wore known to the Phoe nicians , wbo named thorn the Weedy Sen. " "I remember , " said I ; "nnd lhat the seamen of Columbus thought thej were scnl by heaven lo slay Iheli course. " "You are right , " replied the mate with an approving smile , "tt Is pleats ant to meet one like you , Rodney , whc has read that which is worth reading and remembers it. " "Tho Gulf Stream , " said Wcston Joining In the conversation , "is n greal current about sixty miles broad caused by the trade winds , which al ways blow from cast to west. It Is sues from the Gulf between Capo Flor ida and Cuba , nnd runs at the rate ol Ihrco knolB nn hour along the shores of South and North America , till the Newfoundland bank turns it lo llic southeast ; so everywhere Its track Is known by tlml gulf-weed which you now see floating past. " It is by ibis mysterious current thin mighty river that traverses the ocean Hint the timber logs of tbe St. Lawrence , the wrecks of the old plate argosies , and the carved idols of older Mexico and Iho Caribbean Isles , nil covered wllli Ihe weeds and barnacles of long Immersion , have been casl upon the western shores of Scotland and the Hebrides. Every morning the weather became \\armer the sea nnd sky more clear Iho atmosphere more rarefied. The wind was so steady that scarcely n sheet or tack was altered. Thus for several days wo bore on with both sheets aft , as the phrase Is , when run ning right before the wind. Shoals of porpoises plunged across the bows of the brig in Hie sapphire- colored sea , and when it was smooth a whole Heel of Iho lilllc nnullli passed us with purple sails up ; nor were the dark nnd gliding sharks nnd the silvery flying-fish wanting at times to keep my attention excited ; and the tiny petrels , as they cnmo tripping along , half in the water and half in the air , kept pace with the Eugenie , as she cracked on under a press of sail , dashing the waves around her , ploughing so freely and so fearlessly the deep waters that hide a finny world and wash the dark and unknown base ments of the earth. One glorious morning , when wo were within a few days' sail of Hlspaniola , there occurred n circumstance which was afterward a source of the deepest regret lo us nil ; how nnd why , will bo shown during Iho progress of my story. The day was fine , even for that re gion of fine days. The Eugenie was running smoothly before the wind , and Hislop , with considerable animation , was detailing to the captain and me the appearance of that rare phenome non , a lunar rainbow , which , by sin gular good fortune , he had once seen in these Intiludes , and which Aristotle declares Is never seen but at the tlmo of the full moon a declaration which our learned Scotch mate Irealed with contempl ; for ho was a strange fel low , Ihis Marc Hislop , and could with equal facility dilate on the Apology of Plato and the method of club-hauling a square-rigged vessel , or sheering her to her anchor in a gale of wind ; on the Prometheus of Eschylus , or the proper mode of lying too in a hurri cane , with everything struck aloft , and topsail yards on the cap ; and now , on the subject of the lunar rainbow , ho was proceeding to quote from the Portuguese Pilot of Rnmusio , when Wcslon interrupted him by hailing aloft : "Fore-lop there ! " "Aye , aye , sir , " was the usual re sponse from Ned Carlton , n seaman who was perched In the top. ( To bo continued. ) AN EARTHQUAKE SCIENTIST , Tommy IIn ( | Found the Almnnfto In tlin Garret. This occurred just before Ihe last full moon at n pretly residence on Trumbull avenue , says Ihe Delrolt Free Press. The head of the house is of a scientific turn of mind , loves to inves tigate the phenomena of nature and takes It as n part of his duly lo Impart his knowledge to the rest of Ibo fam ily. On Iho night in question ho found nn almanac on the table , which ho reads. Turning the leave * , carelessly while thinking about going to bed , ho was surprised to como upon the In formation thai Ihoro was to bo an almost total ecllpso of the moon that night , and that it would bo visible from this part of the globe at 1 a. m. In his excitement he was about to call the rest of the folks , who had retired , but on second thought he hunted up broken bits of glass and wont to smoking thorn , Jtibt as though it were the blazing sun which was to bo viewed. This done ho watched the clock vigilantly until It Wns time to wnko the others. They had none of his enthusiasm , but went yawning nnd shivering to the back porch , from which Iho best view Avns to bo ob tained. The moon never looked bright er than 11 did at 1 o'clock. It must bo tlml the almanac meant 1 o'clock standard tlmo , ho explained nervously , and for another half-hour ho kept his eyes glued on the silvery orb. Not a spot darkened its surface. Ton min utes later his wife mutinied nnd her sleepy brood followed her into Iho house , despite his protest Ho fol lowed them nnd again took up the al manac. "Found that in the ntllc to day , " explained C-year-old Tommy. Slowly the father read aloud from Iho back until ho cnmo to "eighteen hun dred nnd flf " when lie ripped the book to fragments nnd began saying things that caused the mother to rush the children upstairs. r < ir n llotrviit. He "What is thai you were Just trying on the piano ? " She "Oh , that's a now march. " Ho "Awfully fast time , isn't it ? " She "Yes ; I think the composer was in n hurry to got through when ho was writing it. " Yonkers Statesman STORY OF THE TRICOLOR. Wkou tlie FtiKVHR 1'lMt Adopted U Frnnce. The exaltation of the red , white and 1 luo In France came in 1789 , when , on ( he 14 Ih of July , a clvle guard of 10- 100 men was raised and the colors ol the arms of Paris were adopted. The white galley on a red field , with three golden blue stripe , fleur-dc-lls on a were converted , at Iho insllgallon of Lafayette , into the tricolor , the white to dignify- the inheritance of the Bour bon flag. For over n ceritury it has boon the flag of France , ns the Na poleons of the first nnd second empire only placed nn eagle on the while slrlp and covered with golden bees Iho red and the blue. I3ut even over what seems the simple arrangement of the three colors there has been much haggling and changing. The stripes are vertical , nnd in 1790 il was decreed lhat red should bo placed next the staff ; four and n half years later "the hoist must bo blue , the center whits the fly red , " was the order of the na- lional assembly. In 1848 this "much ado about nothing" was perpetuated by the order of Ihe provisional gov ernment , "blue , red , while , " bul two days later the flag came back to "As you were , " in spite of n very general feeling for the return of Ihe oriflamme , or plain red flag. Louis Blanc nnd many others wore in favor of It , but Lamnrtine mosl eloquently opposed Its adoption in his famous speech : "Citi zens , I will reject even unto death this banner of blood , and you should repu diate it still more than myself , for this red flag you offer us has only made Ihe circuit of the Champs do Mars bathed In the blood of the people ple , while the tricolor has made the circuit of the world with the name , the glory , and the liberty of your coun try , " and so carried his point. In de fense , Louis Blanc recalled that La- fayelio , a good republican , had , in 1789 , nssocialed Hie royal while with the Parisian red and blue , but that no vestige of royal power was now want ed ; and , at last , a compromise was ef fected by placing a red rosetle on Iho tricolor. Philad61phla Ledger. SNOBBERY IN AMERICA. The Smart Sot la Not Composed of tlio Host 1'coplo. During the last twenty years our population has been passing through a period of awakening in regard to the usages of civilized countries , with the result that the public point of view has been astonishingly readjusted , says Scribner's. The people are , so to speak , tumbling over each other In their haste to adopt old-world social customs , and the paragrapher who- lolls us that the wife of the chief mag istrate wears blue novelty silk waists lo the thealer , made by ono of her fa miliar friends , makes a point of assur ing us thai Ihe dressmaker In quesllon is herself "a leading soclely woman. " Our public press is rlfo with society cant nnd society gossip nnd justifies Ihe practice on the plea thai Iho plain people are absorbed in Ihe contempla tion of the doings and the dresses of these whom they know only by hear say , evep. ns an Englishwoman will run the risk of apoplexy In order to catch a passing glimpse of her sovereign. Of Ihls appelilo for social lillle-lattle Ihe wealthy class seems disposed to take every advantage , pluming itself on its now importance to the point whore It is constantly Irylng lo devise some new exlravngance or inanity. But this is not the spirit of the United States , nor are these the besl Americans. Our nallon is slrango Is Ihls respect We wear our fanlls upon our sleeves , or , ralhcr , we suffer n surface populallon lo belie us in various walks of life. That is the reason why the foreigners who come over hero and try to amass the materials for n book in a few months fall to understand us as wo really aro. They are led by superficial ly prominent indications to believe many things which are true only of a limited portlo' of the population , and they fail to perceive the slurdiness of cbnraclcr , the independence of view and Ihe social charm which distinguish a largo and constantly increasing portion tion of the American people , who are neither extravagant plutocrats nor vul gar braggarts nnd dcspisers of civilized pracllces. Ho Dot Them. "One of the best reasons given for wanting false teelh was that of a col ored boy , " said a dentist "lle was a cheerful , good-looking young colored man , nnd put his head in the door of my office nnd said , 'Boss , I've got to have some front teelh. ' 'All rlghl , ' 1 said , 'I'll make you some. ' Ts bound to have 'cm by Sunday , boss , ' ho said. 'I suppose you are going to sec your girl on Sunday , George ? ' 'No , snh , ' lie assured me , 'I ain't got no gal. I ain't so foolish. But I's bound lo wear them teelh ncxl Sunday. ' 'Now , George , tell Iho truth ; you know you are going lo see your girl. ' 'No , boss , ' ho replied , with a smile. 'I ain't got no gal , an' I dcolnro I don'l expect lo see her. Bnl if I should see her , boss , I wantito.bo-fixed . to smile. ' He got the teeth on Saturday. " Very Kynumiiotlc. . "Tlio meanest man.Is a person who seems so frequently encountered that it is a pleasure- run across the most tonder-hoartcd man. Ho was standIng - Ing just outside his office , when a friend stopped to inquire "How is Dlgglos gelling along ? 1 haven't seen him for a long time. " "Worse than usual , " was the reply in tones of deepest sympathy. "Very much worse than usual , poor follow. ' "Aro you sure of that ? " "Certain. I recently had my salar > reduced and I can't lend him nearly ns much as I used to. " A BRAVE COLONEL. RECOMMENDS PE-RU-NA AS A FAMILY MEDICINE. A Scientific Spring Medicine and Remedy fur Cntnrrli nnd Stomach Trouble. Colonel Arthur L. Hamilton , ot the Seventh Ohio Volunteers , 259 Goodalo street Columbus , Ohio , writes : "Be sides having the merlls of Pe-ru-na DO fully demonstrated In my family , I Colonel Hamilton , 6f Columbus , O. have a number of friends who have taken it , for catarrh and stomach trouble , and all unite In praising it. As a remedy for catarrh I can fully recommend it. " Mrs. Hamilton , wife of Iho gallant colonel , is an ardent friend of Po-ru-na also. In a loller on the subject , she writes : "I have been taking Pc-ru-na for some time , and I am enjoying better health now than I have for years. I atlrlbulo the change In my health to Pe-ru-na , and recommend this excellent catarrh remedy to every woman , believing It to bo especially beneficial to them. " The spring-time is the most favor able time of the year to treat catarrh. There is so much less liability to take fresh cold that the treatment is un impeded. All old cases of chronic ca tarrh should begin immediately a course of Po-ru-na as directed in Dr. Hartman's books on this disease. There are so many different phases and stages of ca tarrh that ono hardly knows1 when ho has It A great many people Mrs. Col. Hamilton , think they are suffering from some thing else nnd have tried many medi cines In vain , when if they could real ize that it is catarrh and take Pe-ru-na for it they would improve promptly and soon recover entirely. There are no substilules. Let no ono persuade you there are other catarrh remedies Just as good. "Winter Catarrh" is a book written by Dr. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio. Sent free lo any address. Mynah , a wonderful bird of the Orient , which belonged to Miss Em ma Thursby , of New Yont , is dead. It spoke five languages , was quite a singer , and gave a wonderful imita tion of a banjo which frequently con- sllluled one of the numbers at enter tainments given by its mlslress to children. Indeed , in some of these en tertainments the bird was the whole show. It died of the grip. Try Uraln-ol Try droln-ol Ask your grocer today to show you a package of GRAIN-0 , the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without InJury - Jury as well as the adult All who Iry 11 , like it. GRAIN-O has thai rich seal blown of Mocha or Java , but It is made from pure grains , and the most delicate Btomach receives it without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c. and 25c. per package. Sold by all grocers. More Ihan $5,000,000 has been Invest ed in the canning industry in the last four months. TO cum : A cor.u IN ONE Tnlco Laxative liromo Quinine TnMots- All druggists iofmul tlio money If It falls to euro. 25c. The guuulno 1ms L. 11. Q. on each tablet. It's well to begin at the lop of the ladder and EO down In case of fire. I know that my llfo was saved by Plso'i Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller , Au Sable , Michigan , April ) J1 , 1803 Time heals all wounds , Money is alho a grea : heeler. OnilSOKNT HOTEL , EUKRKA Sl'UINOS , ARKANSAS , Opens February 23rd. In the Ozark Moun tains. Delightful clhmvtp. Beautiful scen ery. Unoqualcd medicinal waters. Cheap excursion rales. Through bleopors via Frisco Line. Ailress J. O. Plunk , Man ager , Room II , Arcade , Century Building1 , or Frisco Ticket Oilice , No. 103 N. Broad way , St. Louis. Gentleman ( entering ) "Do you work here , boy ? " Office boy "Only when Iho boss Is looking. " Boslon Tran script Mnkii Your I.UnI.U < -ly. A lazy , lanisuld HUT. keeps you In lincl health nil the time. Make It up to llxely action with Onsrnrets cnndy Calbnrllc. All druBitltta. lOc , Woman may bo Iho weaker vessel , bul man is often broke. Ifow'g This ! \Vo offer Ono liollars Hundred reward f or any CRbo of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hairi .Catarrh . Curo. - - / . P. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Vve , the umleibiKnod , ha\e known r. J. Choncy for the lust 16 years and bellovo him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions and flnuncially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their llrm. Webt & Truax , Wholesale Druuglsts. Toledo. p. ; \\aldlnB , Klnnnn & Marvin , Wholesale UrufTKlstB , Toledo , Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is talton internally , not- InK directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syhtcm. Testimonials sent free. 1'rloe T6o pur bottle , bold by nil drusgUtii Hall's Family 1'llls arc the best Mercy to the guilty is often cruelty to the iunarent. ' Cnulit Not Keep HOUHO Without Dr. both Arnold' * C'ouKh Killer. Mre.E.j. JJ rton , lodWU. Sic. a bottle.