I'ntor Book ol Goorplown wn u friendly oallur yiiulenlay. Fred lllntib rot timed from a two wettks vinit in II ot Spring * S ft ) Fri day. Job printing of dvery description nently nnd promptly executed nt office. J.N. Uidenour , Morni , wa n city vitdtor yestorday. We acknowledge a friendly call , I ntn now prepared to do plain family Hewing , alm > dniKn mnking. Ut MICH lii , i , IK KINU. A vote for Koss Picket for city clerk will be a vote to encourage ' in laudable ambi a young' man a tion. At tlio Rcliool cnimiR Saturday Dr J.J.Pickolt and W.B.Eafiham were nominated momberH of the Hcliool I oard. Wm. Harold , of Jloosier , at tended the assessoss meeting on Tuesday. lie is assessor of Unycs township. The dedication of the new M. 1C. church will be on Sunday , April yth , instead of caster Sun day , as some understand. A packed caucus secures a nomination , but the demo-pop crowd will find that it does not always insure success at the polls. (3. W. 13etl : and wife are in the oily , having arrived Monday night. They came up on account of the HtriouB illiutuN of John Heal , Hocond BOH of hia brother Elgin , C. VV. will romam in charge of the Beacon until Elgin can again roHiime charge The "Gold King- " , given at the opera house Tuesday night by the Broken Bow Dramatic Co. , was the best production the com pany has yet put on the stage. The house" was crowded , and it was an appreciative audience. 13ach person deserves special mention , but lack of time pre vents it. Prof. Ah .snson informs us that the poles , wire and instruments for his telephone system , have arrived. He will have work commenced on the poles at once and as soon as the frost is out of the ground he will begin putting up the line. He has already made arrangements to extend the line to Ansley and Merna , and it is to be hoped that he will be able to arrange to connect Sar gent , Callaway , Ansehuo and Arnold. Westerville also ought to be included. Boys with hatn on tlio back ol their hcade and long hair hanging down over "their foreheads , and with oigarollcH and Ktnutty words iu their mouths , are cheaper a tuff than old sliooH. Nobody wautH them at any price , men will not employ them , girls will not marry them , they are not worth their keeping , and they will never bo able to keep themselves. Lot every y .ung man who roadH thin deuorip. tiou look at hiuiHolf in the mirror and if it fits hn ; oano rcHolvo to change hin Htyle and habitu. Exv W. G. Seeley and family are about to remove to Broken Bow , at which place ho is to take uhnrgu ol the Fouler & Smith lumber yard , This town will regret to IOHO Mr. Seeley and hin estimable family Mr. Seoley Is a good bnsincds man and what may be termed a huBller , aim under hia management the lum her buwineBH of that company at thin place has proopered. The family have many aecompliHhmontH wj will bo greatly mlcaed in church work and in social circles. \yt witdi them an t qual mouHiiro of liiioooHH and prosperity in thmrnew home. Central City Republican. OUATOHICAL CONTEST. The oratorical contest of the Bro ken Bow High school was held in the opera house lam night , in the proBonco of a lar n and appreciative audience. The following urogram wan rendered : JS ? " , ? " 1 1.8.010 Mlii Kv Jowett \\hlftllnKlnHeaTHi Mias Kmm Lucu Signing the Declaration . . . . Mr. Guy Llrermore Tb LiaklutboUylcu MUs Mary Oonley W"BonE „ . . . Hies MmuleShliin All Old Surgeon's Story Mug May Jacobi 1'ledfowlth Wloa MlMNtillleMcIutosh The Flrat fcettler's Story MIc * UutinKvliey 'I he Martyred Mother Ml , Lrjin Moore Ooriiet and Trombone Duet. _ , . Me rt Taylor and Clinton The U mber' ! Wlto MUsUelen Leminu Toutlant l/ouvcrturo Mr. AHhur Mycn The Ohrlitlan In the Arena . . .MU Anun Mcgaii Each.of the contOHtants did quite well , but unfortunately only two could win prizcH. MIHB Lena Moore daughter of attorney Moore wan awarded - warded first prizo.j'VehBtera Una bridged dictionary offered by Prof. Adamson and $5.00by Senator Cur- rie. The nooond prize was won by MJBI Anna Megan , daughter of Itev J.W Megan.the Baptiat minutor,86 by Prof.Adamson. The tLird u the oonteat was MIBH Emma Luce , the fourth Mies Kate Kolsoy. The judgGH wore A 11Humphrey , Simon Cameron and JaB.Stookham. if on HAL.I ; ; . Ohoioo HtraiiiB of Poland China pigB , both male and gilt. L. LI. JKWETT. IflVditllf * . MI , J KCHOllllloilH Of A 0. 11Y. \ . Utokin HO.Y loilK < > No. 101 , [ llrokf n How , NI > > > .I AUrcli Kill , IHW. I rctKi It tut jpli-sleilour llcartnlPillier , the Uuircmc | MM er Workiiinn of tlm Unltone , to remore 111 tlnth nur ImloTeil brother , J. W. Htllrlmry , tlivreforti \ > r It ItcioUcil , Tint Urokei How Io < lK No lot , liit lout onti of III boouted member * , tht commntillj n titxUljr ieiioot | a citizen , u > l tliu family n kind linitaufl Mm loTnlg fniter llnioltud , Tli t we eittnil to tin btreavml f ni lly oir a i'i > il pruijktlijr | In ttilr , tliel jtreftt liuur uf affliction , nuii iiMiirr thf 111 tlml wr linre \vltli Ilieni In tlielr Jfp fortnw , tlielr lo of A lovlMKtniibiitirf stid father. mt nun a worthy lirolliur Itcnolti'd'rii l A copy of there rnnnlutloiiH lie Kent to Mm funlljr ef our ducemecl brother , ami copies to ' o unlit to thu loonl | M ) ) r for imbllcn- tlon. Itcmilvrd , That Iheco rciolutlnni tin iirniul | ui | ( in liumlimtii * . Miilllullliit Clurtor of llroki-n lion ! . ( ulK No , 101 , noilr l > il In moiiriipig fur the permit of thirty dayi. \'nti \ > KINNK , ) Wu.I.ln ( UlMVKl.Ij , i Coimnilltc. W II. KiSTIUU. ) OllltlSTUN U1IUUUII. Many choice articles and a good dinner and supper at the Raster market on Saturday , April 1st. Jesse Tcyardcn will speak at ' "Christ Send eleven o'clock on ing1 Forth His Apostles" , and at 7:30 : in the evening on "Jesus Before Pilate" . Sunday school at 10 o'clock , followed by preaching and com munion iit'elcvun. Young- pee ple's meeting- 6:30 : and preaching ing- services at 7:30. : Maurice Rycrson will conduct the youngpeople's meeting. Baptism at close of evcnine ser mon. Come with a desire to know the truth and it will make you free. For Sale. For sale , 100 bushels of flax need. It is clear of mustard and is in line condition for sowing. Price 80 cents. Three miles north of Bro ken How It F. A. BKKTHAHO. Public Sulo I will noli at public unction , on Thursday , March 30 , 18519 , at 10 a in. , a number of horses , cattle and farm implements. Terms all sums of $6 nnd under , cash All over $5 uit > ht months time will bn given on approved security ; 10 per cent off for oat-h. At my farm live miles west of Broken Bow. A F.INOIIAUAM. Uoiiucl Valley. MoroBnow today , Tuesday. Mrs. Ublman and family wont to the linw Monday. Cburley Myers was buck to bis old camping ground Htinday. AHlnk Enderson wont to tint How Tuce ilny and took iu the Gold King. Mrfl. Ooviur and daughter , of Swisa Valley , Sundayed nt Mre ( Jhlmau's. Will Peterson and wife and a dozen others called nt Mrs Unlmnn's Sunday. T. Olaon. Frank \Vltnina. rttok Smutu and A. H. Nnsh made u trip to thu Uow Tuesday. Wo acknowledge friendly call from half a dozen young people Sunday. Come agnln. boy a. W S. Soietfl wns In tbo yal'ey ' Mon day. Mondny evening be wont over north to BOO how bo ntood In. The rnln maker tried eyer so bard , but nil he got WI\H snow ; he wi'l ' have to io > journ another week In tbo town of Bro ken Bow. Astute Endoroon has hired out to Mr. Wolnmnn for tbo eoason. He says bis object IB to educnto himself in tbo Qer man language. After ho has boon there Haven months ho ought to be able to Bay , 'Paulena vilxtb high roliden. " ( ietict. U J. Stalllngs1 wife nnd ohllrl have just arrived from Iowa. They will lr > farming this season. Chna. Freeman has rented hie farn for ' 90 to H gentleman from Franco b } tlio nnmc of Whiskers. While the undent rain makera of CUB tor count nre taking a rest , they tn'gh ' wheel In a Ht'le aim In our back yard. Mrs. Rosa Uurgor hna been alok fo the past two weeks , but under the oar of Dr. Wamaloy la now getting better. I ) . JC. Manning la the now mail car Her. After trying about H hundred they bnvo seemingly got the right man Wo should sow our wheat a trill thicker , If sued raised hero Is to be used on noeount of sprouting In the shock Ins season. V now and very young lady arrived at the homo of Mr. nnd Mra. John Prod more , Ji , , very recently. All parties Interested are doing well uiuUr the -jure of Dr. Watusley. Yenterday , 18th Inet. , thu Mlssta An nie , Hello and Katie bturdiyaut puld a visit to Mrs. Rosa Burger , the genial P * M at Qeret , to cheer her In her illnoea , which bad the desired effect , as today she la much better. la It the ccld and reckless manner or the manalTO Intellect ot the pop gimlets published In Ouster count ) that are boring - ing a bole through the north pole , that Is working In the Interest of the bloated coal dealer of Broken Uow. Wo Uiink It would be advisable on account of liability of more wind to lo. onto the town of West Star before it U loat ihrbt of * Weal Star DeaU no star , as we are sure the star ot the east Is al ready loat alghl of In that section. H . l > , Itiilelnu'n refllilmioti biirnrd on Iliii HI , list. 'I hid U n MtrlonH lou . to Mr. H. . im Mutnt iivoryllilii WHS den- troyoil In the lire ; no tfnirAticu. A nod IMMMC PCTHH lo bu the nntnrnl thing for Cuatur county , UB It will not burn , T. 1) . Glllnnd wife and Mrs. Torn Maple , MIH ( Jill's slBfr , have just returned turned from Ohio , coining ov r from Annelmo by mull ntnge. Tom says they were u half day goini ; to the rallroml , v ilii-tHncn ol four inllci1lth n four horHO tenm and -IOU pounds of bnggnge , nnd ttinn wulkpd up the hills , which was nnarly all Ihu way. They c.nllvil thn niftdB hunvy bnck In Ohio , Ryno ' liiiinlny and Knnillolil nnt Rhipping cuttle nnd hogs loUiniilm. MIH. Huofelo Is Hlto.it well. Willie McClurti hns not iniiroviMi | nny , Htouk iBHtlll In fulr condillon ; vary ov hdvc died us far us huiird Irotn. MIHM Kllun Conley eloped a six morithR o ! school ut Oo nito lust week. John Ktilnhurd U giving suburban do- "vory. " Ho ha eight bopx on the route. Kiunuol ProTlnco and Oeo HuiVinan , nftor ui ; abHence of four years , have rti- iirnod to Cnster , JoROpli Kitdolka , our elllelent carrier , a leaving the n nlo. He Is going home o 9loux county , Neb. There nru omens of spring ; migrating owln have arrived , prnlrie fowls lire cooing Hint lurks nro slnglni ; . Jiulite Mnbllts hue been ndvanecd above us ton cents a dny fourth elms ) ostmnstrrs , Tnckervlll. ) IH n money order ollico. F K. onloy moved to J. W. Con- oy'd yesterday. Ho will put out n crop nd In enily autumn he propones to ml- rate to Oklahoma. Farmers are getting a little norvoue vor the late spring ; try unil bo patient ; ed tlmo and harvent hus been promts- .1 , nnd wo have never hron dlpnppolnted Checter Lawhoad , nllns Murphy , came o pay a visit to his old neighbors aome our woi-ks since Last week u sheriff rom Wyomii.g came down and arrested ilm. It perms ho had a weakness for lorsn lli'sh. ISOLATED TRACT- Notice fnr I'libllcntlon. Notice IK Uornbr Rlvnn tlmt In imrpiianro of In- tructluiin fioin the Commlsilonor ot ( lie Quncral , mil Office , under niltliorlty rcdtcil Iu him by cr.tloirJir.5 Unltail Slntci HC'v'i"d ' Statute * . M amended l y tlio net of congress nt'iiroved Feb. Otti IHUfi wi- will prorcciitn offer nt public Biilu n the 'J7th day of April , 189'J , neil , at thla olTlcu IIP follow ln trnol of lain ) , to.wlt : Se qr nw or nc. IT , ip ION. , 11.21 W. Any uiid nil persons Irlmlnu ndTcrccly the sbove diHcrlbcd luinJx uro clvlfcd to ll'e tlinlr clillciii. In thin ntflcu on or bc- ere tliu day above daskuatrd for tlio commauce- ucnt of gald ale , otliorwhc tln-lr rtcbtR will be orfelted. OKO K. FIIKNOU , Rci/lKtcr. KIIANK HACON , [ Ucclvor Dutoil tliln 17til diiy of March , 1H91I. L nil Ofllcc at llrokcn How , Nob. , ( March U3 , 18BK. f Notice l hereby ulvcn tlmt the follow iiitf.imm- od eottlor him Illeil notlco ot hln Intontlou to nako llnnl proof In support of hid claim , and liat eatd proof will ho inado before HctjUter nnd locolvcr , at llrokmi How. Ni-li , on May nth , ,899 , viz- CUiittoM \ValHleben , of Somorford , Nob. , for the H. K NO. 81H , w nr section 33. Townihlp II ) N , Hange IS W. Ho names the followIIIK witnesses to proro his con- .InnouB residence open and cultivation of , said land , vie : Joseph Janesofgky , QcorKO Whit- ro'ub , of Somorford , Olaudo M. Wolfe , C'lnnse Worth of CohurK Nob. JAMES WH1TKI1KAD. HcKl l r. Laud Omce At Hrokcn Uow , Neti. , I March''Sd 18 ' , 'J. f Notlco U hereby glTMn that tlio following n ra- d mttler tin flluil uotlcn of liU Intention to mftko dual proof In support of M claim , and that laid proof will be made before Kuxlptcr and Re- lror , t llroltoii Uow , neb , on May 8th , 99 | Tlij JOMupli JanvHOtHky , of Somorford. Nob. , for the ne or boctnon 5 tp 18M 11. IBW. Ho nnmoa the following wit U8so8 toprovuhla continuous residence upon and cultivation of. aiild landlz : Gharlci I , Wulslobon , Olaudo Wolfe. I'cter Jauusofiiky. Kretl 1'Urce , nil of Somerrord , Neb. JAMKiWHlTKHKAl ) , Frazer Axle Grease * 'WHATI tHAU IBOAFTCRTNI ; / " A j s- Not affected by Heat op Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial. Paris and World's Fair. " " ? " " FRAZER LUBRICATOR Do , , Factories : Chclago. St. Loult , New York. . Jbive Years. By Bpooial arrangement inudo with the publisherH of the Farm Journal we are enabled to offer a 5 years HubooripUon to that paper to every new Hiibtmriber who pays for the KBPUIII.IOAN one year ahead and the name offer in made to every old subscriber who will pay all baek dues and one year in advance both papers for the puoo of ourn only. In order to gov the Farm Jo'irnal au a premium for advnice payment it will bo nooobB&ry to walk right up to the captain's ollice , for we have only n limited number of 5 year nubnoriptioiih to dispose of. The Farm Journal iri on Holid foundation - ation and perfectly trustworthy. .Notice. Oconlo , Nub. , Fob. U7 , 180D. To whom it may concern : I have thin day given my son , M. ( J. Brown , IIJH time , and I will not be rcppotitiiblo for any bill he may contract from thin date. lit Al.llKKT UltOWN. Uuoilou' Araloa Salvo. I'm : HKT SALVU in tbo world ( or uulo briilHt'3 , t-ort'S , uloerc , salt rheum , ( ever Horca , loiter , olmpped liMida , chilblains uornc , nnd nil akin eruption , and posi tively t'vros pllep.or no pay roqnlrcd. It In Kimraniecd to KVU ! Bntletnotion 01 money reduulod , Prlun ' 25o per box. For null ) by nil Tlio Wity T > < i Ti > CitlKoriila is in a ton nut Hluoping car poruon- ully ooiMluctod via the Burlington Kouto. You don't change oars. You make fast tlmo. You MOO the tineHt Hcouery on the globu. Your car IH not HO eKpenuively linished nor so line to look at an n palace ah'oper , but it in just as clean , jiut as comfortable , just as good to ride in and NEARLY § 20 UHKAI'Kll. The Burlington excursion leave ov-jry Thurnday rnaehin San Fran- cifloo Sunday and Los Angeloa on Monday. Porter with each car. Eryuraion manager with each party. For fold'-r giving full information call at nearest B. & M. II. II. de pot or write to J. Francis , General 1'aHHoriKor Aj ent , Omaha , Neb. llurllogton Koute Calllornm Excursion * Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Omalui * 1:30 : p. m. Liu- doln 0:10 p. m. and Hastings 8:50 : p. m. every Thursday , in oloan , modern , not crowded tourist uloep- ora. No transfers ; oars run right through to 8f > n Francisco and Los Angeled over the Scenic Koute through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted ; upholstered in rattan ; l.avo spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains , bodrting , towlon , soap , etc. Uni formed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excursion , relieving passengers of all bother about baggage , pointing out sbjeots of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful exper ience. Second class tickets are honoro.l. Berths $ fi. For folder giving full informa. lion , call at nearest Burlington Uotito ticket oflicc , or write to J. Francis , general passenger agent Omaha , Nob. Kev. K Edward pastor of the English UaptUl Clniic.liof Mliiereville , Pa. , when aull'erlnK wlili rheumatlpm , was advised to try Chamberlain. s Pnln HnUn. He Oay : " A few Applications of tbis lini ment proved of grent service to me. It aiibdoi'd the inlUmmntlon nnd relieve ! tlio pHin. Should any Buff-ring prrflt l > y Rlvlnu ; Pain Unlm a trial it will please mo. " For Bnle by till Wanted. Reliable man in tlila vlulnlty to open a small cilice and Imndla my goods. Position permanent and good pay. If vour record Is O. K. here IB an opening for you Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. i' . Moituis. Cincinnati. O Cliaiiibcrlatti'H Coujcli etuecly. This remedy Is intended especially for roughs , colds , croup , wbooplof ; cough and influenza. It has become fsmoue for Its cures of these diseases , over a large part of the civilized world. The most llntterluf testimonials have been reeeivrd , giving accounts of 1(6 ( good works ; oT the ngravatlng and persistent eouglm It baa jured ; of nevore colds that bnvo yielded promptly to its soothing off LOU , nud of tbo dangerous attacks ol croupe it baa cured , often saving the lite of the child The extensive use of It for whooping cousrh linn shown tlmt it robs that dlenaau of all dangerous con- -i qucncw. Sold by till druggist. KobbcU tlie Cirave A < * tttr'iing incident , ot which Mr John Oltv < r of Philadelphlti. WHS thu pubjrc l nnrrntt'd by him as follow a : "I wn * It. n most dreadful condition. My skhi was almost yellow , eyes sunki-n. tongue coated , ( .am continually MI my back anc aldofi , no appetite grntiuiilly growing wi'uki-r ( ay by day Three pbjelclnus bad given me t.p. Fortunatolv a friend advised trjlng Klectrlo Ultturp ; nnd lo my reat < j' ' > y and surprise the tirst bottle mnilH ndicldud Improveiiiont. Icnntln ut'd tnelr IHU for ihreo wenk * nnd am now a vvoll innn. I know they eiived my life nnd robbi-d tbo grvo ot another vlo- tliu No one should fall to try them. Only W > ct * per bottle at nil drugglsta. 4u IIomiNt nicUlcliic for I.n ; rlppc George W.Vultt o' South Gardiner Mi M says : " 1 have had the worst cough colds , chills nnd grip nnd bar * taken bta of trash of no account but protll to the vendor. Cbauiberlnlns Cough Item ed } IH the only thing that has done any g tud whatever. I bnvo used one 60o bottle and the chils , fold nnd grip Iwvt all left me. I congratulate the manu facturers of an honest medicine. ' ' For ale by all druggis.B. TRADE DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c Anynno jemllnu n tkolrli imil i1 < serljitlon mnv quickly ntrortaln mir opinion litu onctlioi itiTunuini l < prntmhljr iwteiitnlili" , roiiuiiiuii > u- ( loniitrlctlyroitllileutlal. IlHiiillnioUon I'lilvuu ent free. Olilest npcnrjr fur nwiinnj : iiiittiiu. I'utciitB takou throiieli ilunn \ Co. rorcm nxelal nutlet , nlibout tbnruu , lutliu Scieniific Abandanmolr IlliistratoJ ntoklr. U-xrtrsl olr culttlon ut HIIJT K'lentltio lotinml. 'IVruu. 1 1 n roan four montbs , | L Pom byull ne ili > : ili > ti limncU UMc . 6JS K BU Wailiu.-u | > n , I ) . C JESID. 3MCOOO3MCA.S Mm a J'ull Line of Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. MHO n Fimi Line of Hooka , Stationery , Toilul Articles , etc. StortK on lioth North nnd Sonlh Sides , Broken Bow , Nob. A10 per cent Discount for Thirty Days Only To nmkn room for our largo Spring Stook , we will give a 10 per oont discount discount off our regular low prices on all our JJata and Shoes M.OO Hats go at COo 1,00 HatH go at $1.35 2.00 Huts go at 1.80 a 00 UatH go at a .70 fcl.OO Shoes go at 90o 1.50 Shoes go at $1.35 2.00 Shoes go at 1.80 3.00 Shoes go nt 270 Standard L.L. Muslin at .80 yd On our $4,600.00 Stock ot Huts and Shoes you Have $490 by this dis count sale. Do not Miss this Opportunity. * ? Goods all Marked in Plain Figures. SNYDBB BROS. Loaders in Low Prices. HARNESS 1 HARNESS ! I have now over 200 sets of Iliruesa in the house , and will be able to give you anything wanted , from $13.00 to $35.00 per sot , complete. Wo have tirst-class Harness from $22 00 to # 25 00. We have some forty odd different styles of Harness , AND AH MANY DIFFKHBNT PRICKU HAII- Kitss , and in the event wo dou't happen to have just what you want , wo will be able to change them to uiit your taste. If you want a factory matlo Harness we have them , and will bo able to give at least ton per ueut belter value than anyone else in the county , because we have all our factory harness made to our order , and for this reason we are able to get bpttor value for the same money. Wo will also duplicate any and \ all pastern catalogues on prices. If you happen to have a price on Bar- , ness , bring it with you and we will duplicate the same and save you the i freight on anything between hero and Chicago , and add freight beyond. We mean just what we say above. i All the following lines are complete , and prices guaranteed : Shelf Hardware , Pocket Knives , Table Knives and Forks , Spoons. Tlnwaru of all kind * , Nails , Bolts , Barb Wire , Hay Fencing ; , Bioyclea , Sowing Ma chines , Guns , Cartridges , Shells , Powder and Shot. On Saddles "We are Right. Thaiiking you all for pnat patronage with which we a ro well pleased , our trade has more than doubled in the past year , and wo will therefore ontinuo our old motto , "T" Q -Q I make the correct fitting of Glasses a Specialty. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. O O Has a very complete 1 PERLEY line of Groceries , Qaeensiare , iarfliare , Dry Boots and Shoes , Wagons , Buggies , And a complete FARM IMPLEMENTS line of , Come and see me , and I promise you good goods and prices as low as the lowest. 8. H. 11URNIIAM. President , Lincoln. Neb II. O. KOOKIW , Onshlor , Ikokon Bow. O. 1' . TKIILEY , V-Proi. , Urokon Uo\r J. M KIMUKUL1NG , Ass't Caehlcr Pirst National Bank , OF BROKEN UOW. General Hanking ButuueHH Transacted. S. H. llimiham. I. . 11. Jowett. It. C. Talliot. o. 1' . IVtloy. II. O. Hogerw , OOltllKlTONDKHTHt United States Natloutl Dank. Omilm. Chaiu Nfttlonal Hunk. New York. Aroerienu Kzehango Dank , Lincoln. FlMt National IHnV. ( Irnnil talAiitl , Klrat National Hank , North I'lutto , Neb. F. O. WOHNALL , Preildenl. J. A. n 1(1113 , Cashier. A , J. UOUKHT80N , Vlcu-Prei. W. D. BLACKWKLL , Aii't Cashier. Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Transact ! A GeneraluBanking jBuainofla. County Olairas aud WarrantH Bought.