Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1899, Image 5

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Interesting Letters Eroni Members of
Company M.
Manila , Philippine Island" , Campi '
Santa Mui-a , Fob. 10 , 18UO.
Dear folks at home ; 1 have n
little tune now and will try and
give you a litllu dotjoription of our
light , It uomtnunccd on Saturday
uigh . Ono ot uur outposts nliot an
insurgent lieutenant and two nol-
diers the first crack out of tlio box.
llo came very ntjar shooting our
co'onol and we had ordern to got
him if any body. That night he
came up to our line * and our sou-
try halted h : n but IIH did not atop
as soon aa llunot r thought he
ought to , so ho pul a bnllol through
h'm ho.irl Two more soldiers
jumped out and they got the name
dose , and BO it started. Wo all getup
up and fell in as soon as the first
shots wore fired , and by the time
they began tiring on the oamp we
were out and goiny to our position.
If wo had been just a little Blower
we might have lost lots of men , for
our oamp was just riddled with
bullo'.fl. Wo wout double quick
about half a mile to our position
and just got placed when wo were
ordered back to protect the south
wnht aide ot the camp , Back we
went , and through a cross lire , but
as luck and poor markHiainship
would have it , w did not uot hurt
Wo took our position and lay down
BO close to the ground that you
could run a lawn mowt-r over us
ani not hit ono O'jroiders wore
to Nt'ind.on the defense , HO wo iv ul J
do nothing but lay low ami take
their lire. Wo were right out in
an open field and had to hug the
ground pretty close to keep from
being hit. They were 8'jooting
unusually low for some reason or
other. Along towards morning
" Hugh Kinoyer was s'rn k with a
a nianBtr bullet in the loft lung
L ' aboutiven with the shoulder and
( came out near the small of the
| . " - back. The doctor said at first that
v- * he could not live , , but he is much
better now and the doctor thinks
ho will pull through all right
Thot-u mauscr bullets are very
email and do not make 3 very large
ll hole. II that had been a spring-
i , field ho would not have lived half
an hour. They make a terrible
hole , but ono not hill HO dangi rous
as those brat-s bills the Insurgents
use. Guy Livingstouo was shot in
the charge and only lived a few
hours llo was shot above the left
eye and H took away part of hit !
skull. Hie ) Hraius ran out on the
ground and I do not see how ho
lived as lorg as he did. Ho was
unconscious all the time. Shipp-
ard and Kerr were the next ihot by
a rnatieer bullet both at the same
time and the same bullet' Sheppard -
ard was shot through the calf of
the left leg , but did not hit the
bone. Kerr was shot twice , t > nco
JUKI between the legs then through
ileehy part below the hips. Flan-
nagan was scratched on the wrist ,
but not enough to cripple him.
We stayed there until after dinner
then went to i-ainp. Wo wore
under more or IOHM tiio 'ill the tinu
? and it is a wom't'r ' we c'iiiit > out an
| lucky as wo did. I think Co. M
j is a very lucky company. While
\ wo were fighting on ono side of the
J oamp the boys on the other side ,
aided by two guns of the Utah battery -
tory , took two block houses nnd the
bridge. They met a pretty heavy
nro and a go d many .v.ero killed
> and wouiidvd. They killed a lot of
filipinos mid wounded a lot more
that got a way. The ground is just
strewed with them 1 believe if
father could see our battle field ho
would say it loo. < ed like wo had
had a pretty hard light. ( Jolonol
Htotsenberg led the charge on the
bridge and a'ao rn the powder
magazine , ami the boys are all
proud of their colonel now. llo
got right in Ihe center of the firing
line and told them to guide on him ,
and you hot thedid. . In the after
noon we took the rubcrvoir and had
to run the "niggera" out of there
again. Co M. was then ordered to
inup guard , much to the regret of
the whole company , for we wanted
to be in the charge on the pumping
station next day , but the colonel
Haid to mo ono had to Play , and
there was just ad much honor in
guarding camp as going to the
pumping station. Wo hid to Htay
any way so wo did not kick much.
It was a pretty dangeroun place for
ono company to ny to hold it they
tried to attack it Iroin HOIIIU other
direction. They would have
to kill in all , for I don't think out
ofliferB and men would eVer run ,
and to be oap'urtd was worse than
death. ' 1 he mail has just come bo
I will stop and read the news , as
have two letters from vou and three1
packagis of papeis Ono letter |
was dated Dec , 24ih and the other
one Jau , 2. I got the clippings
you sent mo in the letter about ns
coming homo so soon , You have
a lot of rumors tlioro , I guess , just
asu do here. No , wo are not
started yet , and I don't think we
will for a good long time now , but
I don't think this scrap will detain
us any ,
The day we were to take the
water works 1 ran away aud joined
company C and wont to the front.
They put company C out upon the
first advance party , and wo hadn't
gone very far before they opened
firs on us pretty lively , and we had
to lie down aud wail for the onfry
to come up and tear down tin ir
fort. They wore across a deep ri-
vine , and we would have to charge
down a hill and than up the other
side , When the battery opened up
we started with a yell and you
ought to have soon those niggers
break their necks getting out of
there. We only killed ono there ,
for by the time wo got to the top
of the hill they wore gone. Everything -
thing was quiet thou for a mile ,
when all of a sudden we ran into
them again , and this time a larger
fo'co. Wo did no' ' use the battery
this time , for wo were on a level
with them We fixed baonets and
started , and I guess they thought
there wan no u e in trying to fetop
in , so they ran. Wo fought them
for about three miles , all the way
to the pumping station , and there
they tried to stop us again , but of
no use ; we wore not to be stopped.
The last I saw of them they wore
going to the mountains ; IH fast as
their logs could carry them. We
have had a few light attacks since ,
but no one hutt.
Now , don't think Nebraska was
the only regiment that had a fijhl ,
for every regiment around the city
was shooting about as fast , IH th y
knew how , and everyone did their
luty as well as could have been
done. I will send you a paper ; it
does not give a correct account of
our dead and wounded , and I do
not know about the other regiments
\Vo have about seven dead and
twenty wounded. We have not
received our boxes ) ot ; I don't
know what the trouble is. Wo on
ly have two men on Hick list in our
company , and the wounded are getting
ting along nicely ; never felt butter
in my life I am a little sU-opy ,
as I have not had any sleep frr
about a week. The Philippines in
town h ivo to walk prutty straight
an 1 if they look cross eyed they
get a hole shot through thorn on tl e
wpot. They deserve more punish
ment than they gel for the way they
murder our boys when tht-y got a
chance. It is rumored around horp
that Aguinaldo sent a message to
Oti" saying it was all a mistake ; he
did not want to fight , and wanted
lo compromise1. Otis went him back
this message : "Go to h , you
slarted it , I will finish it. " It
sounds just like him and I hope it
is so All the Spanish people and
other nations are very much sur
prised at the way wo whipped
them Tlmy can't understand it at
all. Tiny are all very glnd , .uitl
nothing in too good for an Ameri
nan eoldior. Well , dinner is nearly
ready , so good bye. From your
loving son aud brother , JOHN.
P. S. We have two roast pigs
for dinner and some chickens ; we
have teen out foraging.
Camp Santa Mesa , j
Fob 8th , 1899. j
Dear folks at home : I will write
you a few lines to let you know I
am still alive. Of course you have
heard of the battle we bad with the
natives. We bad a hard scrap ,
ladling from 7:80 : o'oloqk Saturday
night until about noon Sunday ,
without stopping at all. It was a
continuous tire all the timo. They
attacked us when wo were not look
ing for it. but we drove them ulear
back in the inountamti Wo hav
just massacred them , and their dead
are lying in piles of forty and lift } .
We lost quiio a few men , but it is
a wonder to me that thuro was not
more Americans killed. Company
M. was right in thci worst of the
light. We had one man killed ; his
name was Guy Livingstone , and he
lived at IMallsmoulh. Hugh Ken-
oyer was shot through the left
I'H-iHt ' , and we thought for a while ho would not live , but I saw
one of the nurses list night , aud he
is getting bettor. We also had 01 e
man phot through the calf of the
lug and another ono through the
thigh , miking the casualties in Co.
M. one man killed and three wound
ed. I will not attempt to describe
the bittU' to 3ou an I havu not the
time , and you can HOC by the papers
I co'id what that wan. The bullets
struck nil around me , and they eveu
BO close aa to light between
my Irgs while lying on the ground.
I fool very tony for Hugh Kcnoy
or'n mother , as I know nhc will
ncaily die of grief ; console her as
much ai poetnblo. 1 Mil sure ho
will recover , all notion ho has a very
serious wound. I think the worst
of the long expected fight with the
FilippinciB is over now , for we just
mowed thim down like hay all
around the oily. * I wish father
could have been here and heaid the
pretty volley firing of Company M.
Toll Mr. Kennedy lha' Harvey is
all right and not to worry about
him. I just write these few lines
before iho mail loaves to let you
know I am all right , i have not
had my thocH and clothe * off for
thrco days and nights , and not
much Bletp. Frtm WILL.
February 12th.
I wrote you a few lines the other
day to let you know that I came
out of the tight all right , BO will
write n little more today. The
fight commenced on Saturday uiuht ,
Fob 4th , and it was a continual
round of fiiro for nineteen hours ,
never Blacking up. The fight
started at blockhouse No. 2 of the
Nebraska outpost. The natives
tried to crowd on us and the sentry
fired on them. No sooner had 1 e
fired when all around ua was a con
tinual tiro. Wo fought hard all
night and until about eight o'clock
in the morning , when wo commune
ed to drive thorn back. Wo drove
them back to the water works
whore they have their headquarters ;
ao the Nebraska boy < , all worn out
and hungry , came back to camp for
dinner ; and immediately thereat tor
the Colorado , Tennessee and Ne
braska regiments and Utah battery
made an attack ou the water work *
and oapturod it in about one hour.
Our company was not in that , at we
were loft to guard the camp , and
are still hero , while the rest of thu
regiment is guarding the water
works. * Companion M. and L.
made a charge ou the natives right
out on the level on onr drill ground
and it was there that we lost our
men. Hugh Kenoyor was shot just
below the loft collar bone , aud the
hullat came out at the point of the
10th rib , so you see ho had a very
close call. Wo all thought he
would die , but I Mas down to the
hospital yesterday and ho was sit *
tiui ; up , and is feeling good and
wijl got along all riglu. If you
will go to Lieut. Orr ho can proba
bly explain to you the position of
our camp and where the attack was
made from the information he will
get. * Compa y M , buried the
dead. It was a disagreeable job ;
but still rather a ploasanc ono , for
they killed six out of the regiment ,
whoso lives are worth inora than
the whole Philippine islands *
TL S. Land Office ,
F. H YOUNG , - - - - Receiver
Land Offlco at North Plstte , Nob. , I
February 8th , 1899. f
n Notice Is hereby Kivun that the following-nam
ed settler hasfllod uotlcoof lila Intention tn-mnko
fln 1 proof In Rtiiip'rtofhlBcluim , and that paid
P'oo' will bo made before the ( 'onnty Judge ot
Castor county , at llrokon IlowNeb. on March 25 ,
1899 , viz : MeitorC. rotcrson , II. E. No. 10185.
for the noH BOH BCO. 17 , twp H N , R 21 W. He
names the following wltnefBO * to prove bU non-
tlnuous residence UUOL and cultivation of , sa'.d
land , viz : Christian Orergard , Niels Jouneoo ,
Jacob Peterson , George. C. McMullcn , all of
ocnnto , Neb QUO , K. FUENUH , llegUtor.
Land Office at North I'lnttc , Neb. , I
February Bib , 1H99. f
Notice Is hereby Riven that tin' follmvlni : nnm-
ed Battler has flli-d notice of lit * Intention to
muKe final procf In support of hit claim And
that Bald proof will be made before the County
Judge , Cuetcr county , nrokcn liotv.Neb ,
on March 25 h. 1809 , viz : f'mry Draper , It. E.
No 10585 , fi r the wtf nwX and wtf nwK ec. BU ,
twp 14 N. , H. 21 W. lie nimeif the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of , eald land , viz : George C.
McMullen , Qodlalb lluotlor , llurrleon McOwuns ,
Frank Majo , all of Oconto , Neb.
QEO. E. FKBNOnt lleglster.
I , S. Land Office , Ilroken Bow , Nob. , I
March 4th , 1839. f
Notice IB hereby Klven that In pursuance of
luBtrni tlons from the Cominlalonur ot the uen-
eral Laud Ofllco , under authority VCH ed In him
by bcctlon 2455 , U. 8. hvviard btatutus , UB
amended by the uct of Congrotm. approved Pcb
26th , 1BU5 , no will proccec to oiler at I'ubllc Sale
on the 17th day of pril , 1899 , next , at this office ,
the following tract of laud , to wit : No ! { ecu sec ,
31 , lownhhlp 18 N , H.22 W
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advlaed to flla their
claim" in this , lllce on O' hufor the da above
deMgimtod for thu commencement of sulil ao ! ,
otlimvlHu their rUbta will bo forfeited
JAMES WHITBHKAND , lle'ltor. ( .
March -lh. 1U99.
U. S. Land Olllco , Ilroken How , Net ) , I
March 4th , I89U. f
Notice In hereby K ven that , In pursuance of
Instruction * ! from the Comm rsloner of the ( Jen
eial Land QUlcc , uudur authority vested In him
by fcectimi 2155 , U. t < Hev. ht t. , as amended by
the act of Congress , approved fob HBth , Ih95 , we
will pr ceed to public ea.u on tbo llth
day of April , 18W , next , at this ottlce , the following -
lowing t act ofla < l , to-vrit : nwH swK eec , 13 ,
tplSN , K.2SW.
Any and all perrons claiming adrerooly the
above described lands are advised to Ille their
claims In this otllco ou or before the day above
designated for the coiutMiicemctit of Bald suit ,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
FHANK H YOUNG , llecolver.
Match 4th , 1899.
U S. Lanl Office , North Pla-te , Neb , I
Maroh ! M , 1891 [
Notice la hereby glvon that JoJutili 11. ( iruliam
has llltd notice of InituUlou to luiko final proof
before County Judge , at IN ollico In Ilroken
Bow , Net ) . , onTueedav , the 18th day of April ,
1890 , on timber t uhurc application No. Itt87. ! for
the * wM of section No , " 7 , In towrslilp No 10
N. , range No. SI W He names as wltncties.
W K. Willis , JumeH Led Ich. Vlnccn J , Stcdry ,
lleeman II. Miuliei , allot Itioken How , Neb
GEO. K. KHBNGU , Itugleter
U. 3. Laud OlUce , liroken How , . eb. , I
JUrch 14 , 18W f
> ottce Is hereby given that ( II DIE UT UUYLIi
of Walwortn , Neb , , his filed notice of Intention
to make final proof before Kt'clstur and Koceiver ,
at their olU.e In Ilroken How , Neb. , ou Tlinin-
day , the v"'J day of April , I81CJ , on timber culture
appllcatlnn No. 60 , for theuwU of eectlon > o.
IV , In township No ' . ' 0 N. , range No 10 W. Hi
natnci as wltneen's : W. II. Ford , Archie H
Kurd , of Gates , Neb. , George U. Cochran , Lonli
Ueager , of West Union , Neb
JAM lib WU1TUHEAD , lUglittr.
( wrv-V1 * f } ,
L. S. LMK ! Onico , Ilroken llow. Neb , I
Maroh ( in , 1SVJ [
Notice ) ( > hereby Riven tint ? , In pummnco of
Injunctions from the Coia-nUsioncr of Iho ( Icn-
ernl Lai.d Office , undrr ft 'orlty veotdl In him
by tcctton SI55,1' . S. ] [ cc.Ut. . , as nmondul by
the act of Coimrc , approved 1'ch siltb , ISJH.wo
\vlll proceed loolfor nt iiilli.ic rnlf on the 15th
day of AI , M , IP9 > , lifxt , nl U IN ulllrv , llui follow.
Ing tract of Und , tO'Wit : nuV HWM fc. II , lp
IB N . II S3 W ,
Any and all pcrsotm claiming rdvcirotr the
above drrnrlbcil Inml * are advUed to file thnlr
clalmn In thlf omen on or before the day ahnro
designated for thocominoncomrnt of raid tale ,
othorwlto their rights will ho fnrfolttil.
JAMKS SVIUVKIlKAl ) , Kcglslor.
FRANK H. YOUNG , llccelror.
March Ith , 1899.
Land Olllco nt North I'latto , Nob. , I
March ! 18W. f
Notice Is hcrobr Riven that the following nam
ed ( tattler has filed notice of his Intention to make
final proof In support of his claim , mid that laid
proof will bo made before County Jttdi > , at Uro-
ken llow Neb , , on April 18th , I Sin ) , viz : Charles
A. UIcli , II E No's ITttUand 17000 , for the oH
nwM "oM w > i of sec. SO , And toM 'J * eo
IT , township u North , range SI West Ho
uamcs the followlhg witncsspi to provn hU
ootitlnuoos rcsldcnco upon and cultivation of ,
said Uud , vl * : Harvard Loinnx , Andrew Snj-dcr
of Ilioktn How , John Couloy , John Mlddlrswart ,
otOcouto , Neb ,
QEO. K. I'HKNOII , Register
LandOUco at North Platte , Neb , I
M rch Bill , 1899. f
Notice Ii hereby given that the following num.
cd settler has tiled notice ot her Intention to make
final proof In support of her claim , and that salt !
pfoof will bo mauo before J. A , Anuoui , County
Judge at Ilrokim llow , Nob. on April 94 , I890vlz :
Jiini' Thornburp , widow of William C. Thorn.
burg , 11. E No. IOJ17 , for the nwK of sec , 91 , T ,
ION. , U 21 W.
Bho nanicfs the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
salil land , viz : Charles II. Jeffords , Sebastian
Neth , Uliarlvs Sliolz , James King , all ot llrokon
Uow , Neb QUO. E. FHKNC11 , Iloglster.
U. 8. Land Office I
Ilroken llow , Nob. , March 13 , 1899. f
A Hiittlclcnt contest affidavit having been fllcil
In thli onicc Januarr 3d , 169V , by Ernest Kleob ,
contestant , against fl. K. No , 310 , mailo by llcrt
Ina Urown , Sept. 11' ' , 18IW , for ! { nwX itc. S , tp
18 N. , H. 19 W , by Ucrtlna llrown.coutcstco , In
which it Is alleged that thu said Uertlnn Hrowu
Ins wholly obniulo cd said tract for moro than
six inouthi last past , and has not resided on said
tract or Improved and cultltuted the same an 10
qaircd by law , Said parties are tinrcby notified
to appear , recpond and offer crldcnco , ou the 4lh
day ol May , 1HH > , at 10 o'clock a m. , before tbn
Keglstor ami heculver , at tbo United States Land
Onicc at Hroktn llow. Nebraska. The said con *
tostant In a proper iiilldavlt , tllxd March II , 1899 ,
nnvlng set forth lacta which show that after due
dlllgcm-u personal ecrvl o ot this notice cannot
bo made , it la hereby ordered aud directed that
snob iiollto be nlven hy duo and proper publica
tion. The Ctistor County Kepnblloau U duslg-
natod as the papvr In which this nottcu slmll be
l.nnrt Office at Drokcn llow , Neb. , I
March SO , 1899. (
Notlco Is hereby gtveu Unit the followlug-uam-
ed settler has tiled notice ot bin Intention to make
flnal proof In support of his claim , and that said
proof will bo made before Kcglstorand Kocclvcr ,
nt Ilroken How Nob. , on April ' . ' , 18W , vli
Arthur I > . HaiiKH.
of Uroken Dow , Nob. , for the U , K. 1X7 , n\vW
HOC. 28 , tp 17 N. , raugo 20 VV. Ho immos thu
following wltnunBcs to ftroro his contlnuoiin res
idence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Plenv M. Towsley , William 8. lloyco. Edward
F McClure Goer u Mc'U . all of llrokon Bow ,
Neb. JAMES \ \ IIITCIIKAU , Kegliter.
Laud Oflloe at Ilroken liovr , Nob. , I
March 80 , 1899. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following-nam
ed settler has filed notice ot Ms Intention to
make final proof In support of tils clnlm , and
thnt said proof will bo inndu before Iteglstor and
Receiver , at Uroken llow , Neb. , on April l7th ! ,
18P9 , viz :
IX ICuKcne Clirinmnti ,
of New Helena , Neb. , for the II. E No. 123 , uii
teX ftt noM BOC. S4 , tp 10 N. r. 31 W.
lie names the following witnesses to provo
his continuous reildcncu upon nnd cultivation of
said land , viz ; Patrick Koll y , Gcorgo W. Kel
ler , of' New Helena , George Templar , Frank
Templar , of Lillian , Nib.
U. y. Laud Olllce , Broken Bow , Neb ,
Notion U hereby given that In pursuance of
Instructions from the Commissioner of the Ocu-
oral Laud OHlco , under authority vested In him
by section 'JI36 , U. H. Kev. Stat. , as amended by
net ot Congress , approved Fob liO , 1895 , we will
proceed to oiler at public sale , on the 3d day of
May , 1899 , next , nt thlA office , the following tract
of land , to wlti L t 0 , of section 10 , In tp 19 , ot
rautfti 18. Any aud all porxoiiB claiming adverse
ly toe ahovo described I nds are ailvliod to Ole
their claims In this office on or before the day
above designated for the commencement ot said
8su ! , otherwise tbolr rights will bo forfeited.
JAMES \VliITEIIKAD , Iluglitir.
FHANK II. TOUNG , llecelvor.
March 22 , It99.
U. 8. Laud UlllCJ. Broken UOTT , Nob.
Notlcui * hereby given that In pnrsainoo of
Instructions from tlio Commltaloner ot the Oon.
eral Land Olllcc , under autbo Ity voatoil In him
by section 2150 , ( J. S Hov. Hint. , 'aa an ended by
act of Congress , approved February 86th , 1895 ,
we will proceed to offer at public aalo , on the
27th dny of April 181)9 ) , next , at this otilco , the
ollowltiK tract * of land , to-wlt : Th *
section 10 , township 18 * , H. 20 W. , and tbo
toK teM no section 4 , township 1HN..U. SOW.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to file their
claims In this office on or before the day above
dHhlgnated for the comm ncoment of old snlo ,
ntlienvlia tlielr rights will bo rorfiiltod
PKANK H YOUNd , Kccolvor.
March 18 , 18 9.
The Btnto of Nebraska , I _ . County C nrt for
Ouster County , f" ' said County.
At a Kcscloj of the County Court , hold at the
County Court Itnom , In and for aalit Cocuty , at
llrokon How , on the 35th day of February , A ,
D , 1899 Present , J. A. Armour , Co. Judge.
In the matter of the estate of John Crowley ,
Whereas , Letters of administration have this
day bven granted to Sebastian Neth , as adminis
trator of the cstata of John Crowloy. Ordered ,
Tnnt six months bu allowed for creditors t-j present -
sent their claims against Bald estate for adjus--
> cut and allowance , nud onu year bo allowed
said udir inlstrutor to settle up said estate , from
the 3d day of March , A.D , 1800. And It IB furth
er ordered , That notice be given to the creditors
of raid estate to appear before 11.0. at the county
court room , in Bald county , on the 7th day of
April. 1899 , on the 7th day ot.Iaro , 1899 , and on
the 7th d y ol September , 1809 , at 10 o'clock a. m ,
each dtiyby ; publication In the Republican , a
newspaper printed In Bald county , four weeks
successively prior to thu 7th day of April , \ti'M ,
for tbo purpose of presenting their claims for
ndjiistmeat and allowance. True copy.
J.A AltMOUH. County Judge.
In tuo District Court of Ouster Co.i Nebraska ,
Margaret Campbell , plulutllf , |
vs. 1
Hugh G. Clark , Katy Clnrk , Lebanon I
lltloual llnnk , The Globe Investment I
Co. , und Henry A. Wyman , Hecelvor of I
Raid Glebe Investment Co. , dnfondanU , j
To the Lebanon National Hunk , Globe Invest
ment Co. , and Henry A. Wyman , Its Receiver ,
non-tesldont defendants :
You , and each of you , will take notice { that on
tin 28th ( lav of February , 189'J , the rlaintlll In the
abe > u entitled action llled her petition In the
Dlxtrli't Court of Custcr county , Neb. , the object
and prayer of which petition are to foreclose a
certain mortgage , executed by Hugh G. Clark
airt KtUo Clarke to the Globu Investment Co. ,
and duly assigned to this plaintiff , upon the ful-
lowldg described promises , to-wlt : The nwK of
section 14 , township 18 , uortb of range 24 , wet
of the mliM. / . , situated In tbo coutty of Cue.
tcr and f late ot Nebraska. Halt ) mortgage given
to secure the payment ot a certain promissory
note , with coupons attached , dated on the 11 bt
day of October.kVi \ , and due aud payable on the
fi Bt day of October , 1897 : said principal note bo-
Ini ; totbo sum of S8UO.OO and five unpaid coupons
of i-S ( X ) each Thttt there In now due upon the
tali ! note , coupons und mortgage the sum of
| l Uiid.OO , togetht'i wlih Interest thereon at ten
per tent frum the first day of March , 18U9 You ,
und.each of yon , are required to answer said pe
tition ou or before 10th day of April ,
I8tt > . MARGARET AMI'IIELL , Plalntlll
llolcomb Hros. . Attorneys
in Iho District ( lourt , Cnster County , 'obraska ,
William F. Gray , I
vs. y
Emma M. Gray , )
To KmmaM. Urunonresllont defendant :
You uro hereby notified that on tbo 15th day of
March , 1899 , William F , Gray tiled a petition
against ) ou In thu llitrlciCourl ; ol Ouster Co ,
Nebraska , tbo object and p-ayer ot which lire
lo olitnln u divorce from you , on the ground thnt
you have wilfully abandoned the plalntltt with
out Rood cante for tbn term of two ytntt Init
put. You nro rronlred to nnswor i < nld petition
on or before Moml.iy , the 'ilth day of April , 16W.
Datc-J this )5th iliy of March. 1 9.
n lfl.4 WILLIAM K OHAY , Plalntlir ,
Ily llolcomb Ilroi , hit nttorneys.
In the Dtstrlcl Ouiirtof Custcr County , M-IT
In tbo matter of Iho estate of.louse I ) . Hlorwood ,
dcccafcd-Order to Show Canpo.
Thli eanpo camn on for hoitrlnit nVii | thr pctl.
tlon of A , G , llollman , administrator of the es
tate of Ji'Mo D Sherwood , dprrasrd , before nut ,
11 , M.Grlmrs , Judge of th District Court of
the Kith Judicial District ot the Htiito of No
Itraska. fltlliiK in open court , held at the Court
Homo lu tlroko > llow , Ouster county , Nebraska ,
Bald petition t raying for license to soil the noK
of section ni , In township 17 , north of rnngo W ,
noot , and the BW > . ( of sec ( I , In tn 10 n , ot r 23
well , all In CnKler eonnty , Nehra ka , or a suffi
cient amount thereof to brine the > uin ot J.X.Oi ! ) .
for the payment of dobte allowed against salil
estate , and the coils of administration , there not
being inlllclent porconitl property to pny said
debts Htul oxpcncps.
It appearing tli t II. tl. Sullivan , Judge ot Iho
llth Judicial dlitrlctot the Htato of Ncbrnoka , U
disqualified f n m Bllttni : nd lienrlnt ; the petltlo
herein , by rxvnion ot : nlore t In said estate and
the property to bo sold.
It Is by mo ordered that all persons Interested
In laid estate appear before mo. or i-nch other
Judge as Iho same may bo heard by , at the Court
HOUDO , In Ilroken llow , Neb , on the 1st dny of
May , 1809 , at 10 o'clock n , m. ou said day , lo
show canto why a license nholild not bo grand d
to i aid administrator to sell the ibovo described
real estate of laid decoded , or so much then of
asBhall bn ncce.oary to pay said debts nnd ex
penses. Notlco ot thin oninr lo bo given by pub.
llcatlun , as required lip law.
Dated thle 9th day of Mnrch , 1HOU.
mayl 11. M C3I < IMKH ,
Dlitrlct Judge Presiding.
You Wow Have the
of conoiiltliiK onu of the luiullng
olnne ntui curKoons ( in the trontniotit ol
olironlu niul noivuua tltaoiuee ) of UiU
country ,
Hu Is well known In Nubrnsku , niul It.
rollnble as well as oininont in his pro-
fission , f\ml IIHB but fu\v sui'oriora In
bis line of buslm-ny , anil from ropo-tu ot
ttie proas , his rooma uro oroWclud whor-
cvur ho fltopa. Uy the request ot hie
many friends nnd pivtionls who hivvu us
ual ly gone n iong ( tlstunoe to e o him , he
tmsdroldcd to visit BROKEN HOW
mid will bunt tlio OR AND OHNTRAL
22nd , 1899 ono day only , roturnlun
every four weoka tor elx uionUm. Con-
Bultiitlon and cxnniitmtlon PRIQ12 to all.
Ula TB13ATMBNTS nnd exnmlnii.
wo unclurstiitid nro based upon new
metlioda , itutl uro Rlmllar to HIOBO given
In the Kuitorn and Southern hospital ,
where ho learned lila bualneaa.
Ho trculH ulironiu und nervous diUBaaus
chronio catarrh , disoisos of the far.
npao throat and liuikCH , ( llHjiopnU. UriKlilV
disoiiHB , dlahctoH , liver Hlonmch , conntl-
patlon , rhouinatiam , chronic feinnlu anil
pexual ( llfioiiB"n , neuralgia , Bclation , di/.i
nosa , nervou nt9 ) ! , slow growth In chil
dren and all wanting diRoayes In adults
dcCnnnltlns club fcut , ourvature of t. u
spine , diaonaoa cl the brain , tjnralynlB ,
heart dlsuaao. eer.t'tna , variuooele nnd
hydrooelo. Cancers , tumora , wuns and
birthtnnrkH rotnovcd.
Y > iung , middle n ud and old , innrrled
or Binelo men , and all who nuffur with
lost manhood , nofo'm ' debility , Rperina
torraoon , Beminal loaaes , decay , failing
memory , weak eyes , Blunted dovelope-
mont , lack of entsr y , tinpoverlshiul
blood pimples , also blood and skin dis
Eruption , hntr falling , bom * pain
swellings , sore throat , ulcers , oilcct ot
murunry , kidney and bladder troubles
\eiik baok burning urine , t'ncontlneue
i lcnt , Htrlcuro , receive ei'iirctiinu ; treat
int'nt , prompt relief.
Hotli Pcxi'H truited conlidentlily and
privately. Pllea , fl tuln , ri fltire and
rupture by our new method.
Through Tourlitl Keepers to the northwest.
Thu Burlington Route has oHlab
lished a twice u week louriHt uur
line from Kansas City toButtn , Spo
kane , Tacoinn. and Seattle * ( Jirn :
luave KauHtiK City , Lincoln and
Grand Island every Tuui-day and
Thursday , ariving at Seattle lollow
infj Friday and Sunday. They arc
upbolHtrrcil in rattan. The bed
linen and I'urniHliiugH are clean and
of good quality. The heatingvon
tilaling and toilet arrangdmoms art1
all that can bu di Hired and i > ath : car
is in charge rf a unifonni-d 1'iillinan
porter , whosu w < ) lo duty in to attend
to the wantH of paHsutigcrH C'ara
run through without oharigu of any
kind and the berth rate from Lincoln
lo Tacoma or Seattle is only $ fi.UO.
To intermediate pointH , it in proportionately
tionately low.
Montana and the Puget Sound
country are now onjoyini ; a ponod
of unexampled prosperity. Art a
uoiiBcquenue , travel to the Nonh-
wo t is rapidly attaining largo pro
portioiiH. Thin now tourist car line
haH been OHtablihlieil with a view of
oaring for the Uurlington'H Hharo ol
it in tlio bi'ht poBHible manner.
HertliH , ticketH and fell information
can bo had on application to any
HurliiiL'ton Route ticket agent or by
addressing J. Francip , G.P.A ,
Omaln Neh June 20lh.
I havu been allliuted with rhuumrUlPui
for fourteen yeara and i.otlilng seemed to
give auyrellul. I WAS able to be nrnund
nil the time , but constantly Hiitrorlng.
I had tried cvcrv tlilni ; i could him r of ami
at last was told to try Clmmberlnln.H Pain
Ualm uhich I did , and wus Imniediatoly
relieved and in a nliort tlnmcured. I am
happy tn nay unit it has not since return
ed Josh. K no A it , Gtmnantown , Cal.
For sale by all druggists.
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
. Plans ami Specification * on ihort nolle * . , Ma-
tr.rlal fiunlslioil and biilldlngn completed cheaper
than any man In tlm Unto. HalUfartlon guaran
teed at to puns and specifications.
Clinton Day ,
Uroken llow , Neb ,
Olllcu over Ityureon'R grocery. Reily
Uunco Oth houeo woatof llaptlit ohuroh.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
Ollioo over post oflico. Roeidoooe ,
north Hide.
U. II , 2IIUtL.II < tB , I. D.
C lllt promptly attended dny or night.
Ollloo over poRtoflloo ,
Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. ,
Huccenorto Dr. M , C , Illyatone ,
Office over Chry > lnl Drue Store , Calls prompt
ly answered from office , day or night.
Doctor Pennlngrtorii
Member N.A.It,8. Kx-Asalftlnnt Burgeon Btv'Jot
and 0. I. H. U i also K. , fe O. U. It. Ute Brad-
unto of the University ot t'onnsrlrant * Offlca
thruo doora sooth of 1M McComns dr g stor * .
All calls Oiled , day or night ,
The City Mills
K. I ? ' . McOuiRK , Prop.
Ryu Flour and Graham , ground on
Htono burr. All kiudn of grinding
done for toll or exchange , to suit
UHtomorAgnnt for condensed
Gibus Stock Food.
All Kinds of work In our line doio
promptly and In llret-olnsa order. . Red
Shop on the corner , went of iho hoi *
houeo. Give UB a trial.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public , -
< IIH | Jimtlco of the I'caco , Spoolal attautloi' glV-
oii to collodions. Uuposllioni takou , penuga
Vdiichom neatly executed , and all kltidi of'lfl '
napura written. OQlco weft slda iquar * . Brokea
limv , Nou.
KOI IIIH P-OJKu/ilty / block , llrokon llowNeb. .
Thos. A. Turnbull
Faithful work done , prices r aaon-
able and all wor guaranteed.
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
School and.Church .
For Huliool Kiirnlture , bchool SuppllM
orChuiuh Kiirnlture , J offer th belt
tenuatho market aflorda.
Broken Uow , Neb.
'Ihiis andieatlmatea onfiuort ne
tlco. Hroken Bow , Nob.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , llek-iii ,
Chicago , llutte ,
Ht. Jopopli , I'ortlaud ,
Kansas City , Halt Lake City
at I.ouls , and all M u frauelice
points east and south. and all poljitt wilt
No. 4'1. Local uxirr | 8 dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
and nil points vast _ .0W ; ) a.m.
No. 40. Through froU'ht cast dally..5:11 : a , m.
No. 48. Local freight vast vast dally ij.15 p. ,
Departs at 1.05 p.m.
Kxcept Sunday ,
No.It. . Local vxiirciK dally , Uehuia , IloU *
Portland , all point * wv t . IOITp.
No. 4 ! ) . " " i'et 10-68 p1.
No. 47. ' . " 8:16 : p. m
Depart * at . VMS p , i
Except Hunil.iy.
SlccjilnL' , dlniiiK mi' ' reclining chair cars ( seati
Iruu ) on through trains. Ticked sold and bK >
gaue chucked to tiny point In IU * United rftatei
and Canada.
No. 48 has iiR-rclunJIflo cure Tnesd < y > , Tkin-
iluyb und Saturdays ,
No. 45 lll carry paHBengura for Anseliuo , Hal
suy , Si'iiecu , Whitman nnd Alllniuo.
No , 40 will carry pus > oi n rn for Itareuni
Urniicl Irlund , York , bowun1 and Lincoln ,
information , mops , lime tables and ticket
rull on or vullu to H. L. Urintuy , agvut , or J
KriincH , G. I' . A. , Ouiuhu , Nebraska.
H L. OHHsiir , Atront'
I.u Crlppc.
Thomas WhlitMd A Co. , 240 Wabaih
aveni-o , corner .Ihokhon street , one j (
OhlCRgo'B oldtist and moat prominent
dniKKlats , i-eooinmend' d Chamherlaln'i
CotiKh Jtemedy for lugrtppo , ua It not
only KIVUB a prompt nnd complete relief
hut also counteracts any tondenoy'of Ik
grippe to result in pneumonia , For l