Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 23, 1899, Image 1

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    State UUt LttKMhn Society
Our Monday Afternoon Ssle I
300 pieces of Lace , from 2 to 6
yards in length , choice , lOc
23 pairs of Ladies Shoes , worth
$3.25 , - - for $1.98
13 Ladies Mackintoshes , worth
$4,00 , - - at $2.25
1 40 pair of Men s Overalls , worth
60 cents , - - for 39c
35 pair of Men's Pants , worth
$1.00 , - - 60c
Don't forget that we have re-
i ceived the "best and largest line
of Clothing ever received in Cus-
tsr County.
will be donated to all callers on St. Patrick's
mornitiLS Maroh I7tb ,
& Any bar is good enough till the wind begins to blow ,
{ ! Then yon wish it wore a Kelly BO you could lower it and go , )
$1 m
1m I
? Jfe *
; >
Any Style ,
Edwin F. Myers' Repair Shop , | |
Opposite Farmers Bank , - - Broken Bow , Nebr. A'jjf"
yjt Shop open Irom 7 to 9 a. m. ; 12:40 : to 1:20 : , 4 to 0 p. ra , and mi
sfj all day Saturday.
, StfSyayrSV . ; : ; ! ; : ; # . . . . . . . . .
I : ; ! N : * 'ViA : ! * * \ 1 * rti i J * "X. * ' ' : * ' : ? -'i.V'l- : * VJiV.tMV.f * * KiV : tfc * K v.tHv : ' * " ' * ffitv.- -
1 Closing Sale ! " 1 .
SiS CJ .fe
Owing to the death of Mr. J. 1
I W. Salisbury , the firm of T. M. I
| & J. W. Salisbury will sell its j |
1 stock of Dry Goods , Clothing , |
1 Boots and Shoes at very reduced jj |
| | prices , These goods must be sold If
| and the store closed. |
T , M , & J , W , SALISBURY.
S | S. W. Corner Public Square. J
s $ . . . . . . . . .
< > 1 V * ' " " : - * ? ! : / ? ' - ' - .r'Vi.'jAl / % * * : * > ' * ? * : : ; ? /'VA-A'f. : : * * * ! ( : * ' ! ; -V a-
Local Mention. !
Two loams for sale at Kennedy's
F. M. Rubloo wont to Lincoln
Cannon Oily coal at Diorko
Lumber Co *
Two of Judge Armour's children
bavo the measles ,
F. II. Young went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning.
S. 13. Thompson was an east
bound passenger Tuesday.
Jns. Kunyon , of Mason City , won
a welcome caller Tuesday.
Look over the advortineinonte in
the RKPUIILICXN for bargains.
FOB RENT : Fifty acres of corn
ground. Frank Woisenredor.
Oscar Englesgjerd , of Round
val'ey ' wan a friendly caller Monday.
C. Hondo , of Elim township ,
made this office a pleasant call
The LARQBST line of ladies and
gents watches in the county at Ed.
McComaa * .
Julius Ottun , of Round valley ,
kindly remembered this oQico
HOUSES Eight good work horses
for sale by , S. L. QJ.OVER & SON ,
Dry Valley.
Herman Klump , ol Cliff , wat
ntnong the friendly callers at this
office Tuesday.
W. F. Deal , of Rjuo , kindly
remembered this office Tuesday
while in the city.
Willis Cadwell made a business
trip to Thedford Monday returning
yesterday morning.
The latest in LADIES BELT
received at Ed. McComas' .
J.G.Brenizer left Monday on tin
uxcunion trip to PortArlhur Texatf.
lie will bo gone two weeks.
FOR SALIC A six room house
barn and other improvement ? . For
particulars call ut this office. tf
Just received another stock ol
beauties. ED. MoCoHAS.
VV. E. Harris , of the Dutchman ,
called Monday and had hid name
enrolled for this family journal
City and ( arm properly insured
against tire , lightning and torna
C. L. Guttersou and wife went to
Lincoln Tuesday to spend a few
days the guests of F.M. Currit : and
The readers of the RBPUULIOAN
can save money by dealing with
those who advertise in the REPUBLI
Doctor Day hag located in our
city and has his offlto over Ryer-
BOII'S grocery store south of Post-
The Broken Bow hospital is in
Hplendid condition for earing for
the sick. Trained nun-os in attend-
acoe. Prices reasonable. tf
Dr. Graham's new method of
extracting teeth ia absolutely pain
less. No sere month , as in the use
of other local auiBithetics. a2C
I. A. Reneau and wife went to
Lincoln yesterday morning where
tht'y will spend a couple of days ,
the guchte of Senator Currie
Dr.Davio < and wife of Callaway
wtraoity visitors Tuesday. The
doctor attended the meeting of the
County Medical Association.
A complete line of LADIES
and 31 Lie GUAHD. Call and see
thorn. ED. lYlcCoiiAS
J. L. Nixon of Grant township
attended assessors meeting Tuesday.
He o.tme over after the books for
his fat her , who is assessor of Grant.
j-js. Fodge , of Ortello , called
Monday in company with Mr.
Prithy , of Chariton , Iowa , who is
visiting him. Mr. Priihy and his
wife are on their way to Walla
Walla , Washington , where they
expect to spend a year 01 more.
The assessors ol th cotm'.y met
Tuesday to receive their books and
arnnge details for the annual
assessment of their several town
ships. J. H. MoMurtryas elect
ed chairman of the meot'ng , the
several oommittres wore appointed
and an adjournment vras taken ,
Thoimuil motion was made in
structing th assessment to be list
ed at one fourth cash value.
Farms for sale and lands for rout.
Now is the lime to got a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farina are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizor.
The Sons & Daughters of Pro
tection will meet Friday night ,
March 24th , at Woodman hall on
north side.
W. A. George was a passenger on
Monday morning's train , on his way
way homo from Omaha where he
had been with a car each of cattle
and hogs Miller Gazette.
Ray Armour way able to got up
Tuesday for the first lime since
taken sick. He had a close call ,
and his many friends are pleased to
know that ho is doing so nicely.
Foster & Smith , lumbar and coal
dealers , claim to have led all com
petitors in number of coal orders
delivered in one day this season.
Last Thursday they delivered nine
ty one orders for coal ,
FOR SALB : Best residence loca
tion in the city , two lots , corner of
block , ' 90x112 ft. Vacant lots just
west of J. J. Wilson's new resi
dence. Cash purchaser will reouivo
a rare bargain. tf JUD KAY.
The following is the dtiad letter
list for the week ending Maroh 21 :
W. Bass , Fnd Hollistor , Mr. James
A. Bauer , card , Wilmiam Bennett ,
card. Parties calling for any of
above will pleape say advertised.
L , II. JBWETT , P. M ,
A. E. Stratton , the genial agent
of Foster & Smith , who has been
located in Broken Bow since the
firm has boon in business here , will
move in a few days to Central City
where ho will have charuo of the
company's business. Mr. Stratton
lian made many friends while here ,
ard it is with regret wo see him
leave. Mr. Seoloy , of Central City
who comes highly rooomtnendc' ' ,
will succeed him
Anothir invoice of Ladies Silk
Capes , ready made suits , skirts
a itY'hirt watata just received.
We wholesale as well as retail
hats , do them over and re-trim in
first class style. A large line of
silverware given away to custom
ers. Orders on grocery stores
same as cash. Remember our
opening , Thursday , Friday and
Saturday of present week.
The first nowf > by letter , of the
fight between the Americans and
the Filipinos , of the 3,4 , and 5th of
Feb.roaohed this city Tuesday mor
ning. Niarly , if not all who have
boys in the 1st Neb. Reg. received
loiters from their loved onea. The
wounded in Co M.ore reported as
getting along nicely and are now
out of danger. Hugh Kenoyor ,
the most seriously wounded , Lieut.
Talbot writes was able to
ait up and would be able to get out
in a nbort time.
Prof. Reno , the magician who
always gives as a good show when
ho comes , will appear at ths north
side opera house Tuesday evening ,
March 28. Wo are assured that
his program of magic is better this
year than ever. Then too , his edu
cated dogs always , please every *
body. They perform over fifty
skilled and difficult feats , and it is
a hard matter to say who are beter
pleased , the children or the older
people. The trained birds are also
an interesting feature. Mr. Donny
Dolun will also appeal at this enter
tainment in his wonderful foots of
bending , and his act alone is said
to bo worth tbo price of admission
All in all , the Reno show is an up
to date performance , and will be
one of the very best of the season
The prices arc in the reach of all ,
20 and 30 cents , children undei
twelve , 10 cents. Seats on sale at
P. O. and Wilaon & Drakes.
Saturday , Maroh 28th , a complete
line of spring and sinnmer millinery
will ho on exhibition on the above
date , and CO pattern hats , the laU > a
Kant Side Square.
Moved !
on cor. south of P. O. ,
Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly
north side ,
I have the New Suoces * beardles
barley , also the black hulleRS bir-
ley , at10 i per bushel ; the Jrtpnue-e
buckwheat and hog millet for silo.
Si-'iid orders to J , B , Ki.uuj' , Cliff ,
Neb. 411
'Monday ov.ning , March liHli ,
meeting called to order at 8:80 : by
F. M. Rublto. On motion Rubleu
was elected chairman of the nu > et-
ug and I , A , Uonauu necrulnry
Comuiitte of three on resolutions
was appointed by the chair ; Ams
jerry , Humphrey and Cowk-s
Moved that two tellers bo appointed
jy the chair ; appointments Ohns.
Osboruo and W. II. Shaokalford. A
GOCSS of ton minutes wan takon.
The committee on resolutions re
ported the following , whiuh was
adopted :
The republicans of the city of Broken
Sow In convention assembled hereby
declare the following as the busts for
our city iidiu'iilstrntlon ' for the ensuing
year , viz :
1st. Wo demand a strictly honest nnd
economical administration of the llnnn-
oinl nft'airs o ( our city , to the end that
ho revenues derived from the sources of
fixation ehnll pay the running expenses
of the oily govurnuiunt.
3d. Wo dutunnd thut the public parka
and streets aod avenues of the city , nnd
especially the sidewalks of the city ,
shall bo improved ntid ruulntalned In us
good repair as the llnanous of the elty
will allow.
3d. We endorse the enterurlno of our
citizens In arranging to establish a tel
ephone exchange , which will bring nil
the cities nnd towns o ( our county Into
oloBor business relations with one an
4th. Wo nro In fnvor of an uleutrlcul
Igutiug syutum for our oily on the most
feasible and economical plan nvnlltiblo ,
5th. Wo nre in favor of submitting
the license question to the voters of the
ally , with the understanding that the
vlll of the majority of the voter * * , ns i > x
pressed nt the ballot box , shall be aheo-
utely enforced.
6th. Whorena , Gambling Is nn evil
nntl pernicious habit , and especially In-
urlous to ntid destructive of , the busi
ness ability of the young men of our
city , corrupting their morals nnd en
couraging dishonesty ; therefore
Unsolved , Thut we diiiunud a strict
and rigid enforcement of the anil gam
bling ordinaucoo of the city nnd "the
statutes of the state g vornlng tliOHamo ,
nnd wo hnreby pledge the uuminocs of
hl ° convention to nee all moans within
heir power to ahsoluroly pruvont gam
bling uud root out this evil.
A. It. HUMl'llUKY , )
D. M. AMSUKimV , [
Moved by L J. Gaudy that in us
nuch as the evening is stormy and
light representation , that this
meeting adjourn to 8 o'clock Thurh-
day evening ; motion cairiod.
Thursday evening , 8:30 : Chair
man Rublee being absent from
town , the secretary called the rnoet-
ng to order , and on motion L. J
3awly was elected chairman.
Object of meeting again stated
and motion made by Humphry that
polls bo open nnd so rt'inun for
thirty minutes ; carried. Moved by
Amttberry that an informal ballot
bo taken for mayor , treasurer and
clerk ; carried. Moved by J. J
Snyder that rules bo suspended and
B. F. McClure be nominated for
city engineer by acclamation ; m > -
tion carried. The informal ballot
for mayor brought out as candi
dates Royse , Picket , Woods and
Amsberry. The first formal ballot
for mayor resulted in tlio nomin ilion -
lion of E. Itoyso. Moved to take
informal ballot for clerk ; carried
On third ballot R. D. Picket re
ceived a majority and was unani
mously nominated by acclamation
On motion a ballot wns taken for
treasurer , and II 6. Rotors hnvinu
recoivida majority of the votes
cast , acclamation , unani
mously nominated.
I. A. Runo'iU was elected chairman
of the city central committee. The
committeemen selected fiom the
wards wore , for first ward I ) . M ,
Amsberry , for second ward John
Burge , third ward J. G. Hauberk' .
The convention divided off into
words for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for councilmen -
men , resulting in the nom'nation
of J. M. Kimberling from first
ward , J. W. Bruce from second
ward and A. It. Humphrey from
the third ward
The democratic caucus held
last Saturday night under the
name of "citizens caucus" , was
called to order by 13. R. Purcell.
On motion of W. B. Kasthain ,
Dr. C. L. Mullins was nominated
for chairman. The doctor
promptly declined the honor ( ? )
and Judge Shinn was substituted
and accepted. On motion of W.
B. Easthain E. R , Purcell was
elected secretary. On motion of
.W. B. Easthain the chair ap
pointed a committee of three on
resolutions. The chair appointed
as said committee \V , B. East-
ham , A. P. Johnson and Ed
House. The committee retired
to John Painter's type writer and
after half an hour returned with
a reproduction of half the resolu
tions the republican caucus had
adopted on the Monday night
previous. On motion ofV. . B.
Easthain the
resolutions were
Wo , your committee o i resolution * ,
bog Icnvo to submit the following for
your consideration :
Wo , the ollliunB nnd tax payers of
tbo city of Urokon Bow , Mob. , In man
convention assembled , Irrespective of
partlzin politics , deeming It to the beat
Interest of our olty , nnd the vicinity are W.
unalUrably opposed to the purttian > : -i
polities in munlolplo affairs that ha *
been foatorwl upon our oily for two
yonrs lust paat , nnd for tbut reason sak
the support ot all citizens who arc In f&-
vor of honest government In the Interest
of the whole city. Therefore bo It
HBSOLVCB. Flrot. That wo most
earnestly and emphatically denounce the
past partlzfiu ni ministration of the olty ,
and especially during the poet year , In
which gambling has boon permitted to
openly run ID every part of the olty , ana
deplore the fact that it has been an
open secret that cenrtnlii oily oDlolalo
bavo boon receiving a "rako oil" from
the various gambling dens of the olty.
Second. We deplore the faat that It
became neoessary for the county attor
ney to arrest nnu prosecute the foreign
gamblers , at tins expense ot the county ,
that vvne being fouterod and protected by
3ortnln olty olllolals of our oity.
Third. That we believe that Broken
Bow has reached thut point ot advance
ment wherein olootrlo lights should bo
added , and we nre therefore In favor of
nn nlootric light system on the plan
which Is the moat feasible nnd adran-
tngcouD to Hie city ,
Fourth , ' ( 'tint wo heartily endorse the
efforts of Prof. Adamson to glvo ui a
telephone system , nnd believe the city
should tnko eonic notion In securing a
connection with other towns of tlm ooun-
ty and ? jLnto
Fifth. Wu nro Infnvor of thg Improve
ment of the Btrvi uts , fldowulks and pub
lic pnrks of the o ly , so fur ao the finan
cial intero'tH will pi'imit.
Hixth. That , wo h liuvd ( he question
of license and nu llc nso should bo sub
mitted to thu vote of the people and the
will of the majority e'rlotly adhered to.
Wo pledge our OHiidldntea nomlnntod
at tbli convention to c rry Into effect
tlicsa resolutions. W. B. EIHTUAM.
1C. 0. HODSH.
While the committee was
out Rev. Hornaday , a repub
lican spectator who chanced to
be present , was called on for a
speech. In response Mr. Horna
day said he was ready in or out
of the pulpit to denounce sin
where he found it and that he
was in favor of a reformation in
city government , and deplored
the way gambling had been
allowed unrestrained in the city.
He nominating men who
would see that the laws of our
city and statutes were not openly
violated. As he had just return
ed home from several weeks visit
in the eastern part of the state ,
the Rev. gentleman evidently did
not know that the republicans
had placed in nomination just
that class of men. At this junc
ture John Painter moved to take
an informal ballot on candidate
for mayor. The names of J. J.
Wilson , J. G. Lcming , Dr. Shoe
maker , Easthain , D. W. Thomp
son , Purcell and Flick were
brought out. J. J. Wilson re
ceived 43 votes of the 57 cast ,
and on motion of Painter , the
informal ballot was declared
formal by acclamation. Mr. Wil
son was called for and expressed
his gratefulness for the nomina
tion. J. G. Painter then moved
that the rules be suspended and
that C. H. Holcomb be nominated
for city clerk by acclamation ;
carried. On motion of J. G.
Painter W. D. Blackwell was
nominated for city treasurer by
acclamation. Mr. Painter then
moved that Ed McClure be nomi
nated for city engineer ; carried.
On motion of Painter the caucus
separated into wards for the pur
pose of nominating councilman.
The first ward endorsed J. M.
Kimberling , the republican nom
inee , second ward nominated E.
R. Purcell and the third ward
J. G. kerning. On motion of
Painter a central committee was
chosen consisting of H. J. Shinn
as chairman , C. E. Wheeler from
the first ward , Harry Cox rom
the second and D. W. L/anterman.
from the third ,