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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1899)
I * ) ChUroh liL riw > K JLi -OIllliaTIArt ClimiCIJ. Your prt'M'iicu ii glft-lly otl ut every nyiiliu -ivio - Seven a l' ' in * to UIB iliuteli mill two to tliu liiuleuvur hint Suujlny nvHUiig The orili. nnnoo of buptiHin will in < torod at HID uli'Mf of tlic Horinon. "UuaHOUH for llio I'Aistuiiijo of llie ( JliriHtmii Oluiroli" will l > Uio pai- tor'rt morii'liK ' tlm/iio , : inil ut 7'JO : in tliu evening In * will t | iinik ) OhriHltho Gn-ai IMiyniowi" . IIAITIHT OIIIIIUMI , ScrvioiiH next riuinliiy inoniliif ; mid ovciiiiiB tIi" iiHUiil hours. At 11 o'clock lliu piiHtor will proaoh on miBHioiih. Kor the nvimmj ; the Indies have arranged an inJH ionary 'lio public 'IH invitml. CASK , I'KKKis * , At I he homo of the bride , 1 < Y1I > , 18W , by llcv J. U. Iliirlbut , Mr. Jamil ) Chime and Minn lint tie IVrkim. HAYKS , BAKKU , At the par Honshu in WoHtoi villo , hy Kev. .1 ( } , Hurlbiit , Air. Frank llajen and MiimAliiiu Baker , Full. Oth , 1899. They iiiiinudiaU'ly cominmu'ed houmi-koopin in their now homo tltiuu miloH t'tiiU ol town. In Alumniof Donalil ( ' Wllllunis Notice ol whom } duathvo pub- liriliod two wcokH ago. The name hu waH familiarly milluil was Coot , and not Boot. A MOTUCII'H I * nn T Oil Cuutlu. my ilurlliu ; , ' My jirldr nnil J y , How CUM 1 furyi'l HUT , My iiruoloui UoyT I know my ntlnntlmi To tliu rum 1 muni Klftt ) Hut oh , IM lie linitj | | It you ( oulil linl live. Oli , wliy (110 ( lull tiil.ii you Awny from un In i T Wliy illil llnmitniitrit you Tlmt you inlKlit Ucncar i , ' To chcrlrti mid ( uiiifwt Your mother no ilnnr , Wlio lou-d you MI fondly 'I'hnl llio mm IK ilinir , llul lloil , in HlHMcny Know * wliil IH tiual , Ami wo pray Hint your HUM I Mn ) poiici-full } rim' Tour ( lieu look ml mi 1 With HUTor a nut * , Wo liupu you nt lint .May H lirlxlil crown \vo r. Wo lovoit you HI ilrnrly 'I'lo Imnl tliim to putt ; 1 fool Unit > our ilyhiB IUn lirolii'ii my liunrl , Oh Lord , iMro mo mronjjlli Mj Hllliullon to IMIIH , Ami tuilp nut prvpniu For n lion u oviir llio re. llATIII Went Dillon , Duoke Mid KOUHO Imvo ri'turnoil from thulr HOiilliyni fuotHiiK ground , anil we are lu hopivt HpriiiK IH rotiiinln with tllOlll. Curr anil 1'olntiT nru now running HID mill. * Uuo. Dieusim'H olillilron mo mmrly uycr tin ) uienaolH. The qui'atlou I i return to the itillronil buMilliiK up the Mhldlti Lonp vnlloy till * HCH30H will noon bu nettlpil. Thurt ? HUtMua nt prcttont hut lltllo ilouK about HH bulng h > lit tlil.s auitHuii.Vo bnvu us line a Yiilloy from 1-oiip City tn Dunning an tliuro IB In tlui vvost , mid tberu onn bo no doubt nlumt n rullronit being built nt least ID tbu near futuru. Wo lire inl'onneil llmt Ciirr A I'tuntor are going to put in a Ki < n rnl tut'icliun- ntoru ut tbu null. [ KocotTOtl too lattf tor litotTPoV , ] C. U. nnil U. U. KuipUoUl tnt > Inilltllng n largu burn for Mr. Nelson , of Wood Riyisr. It will rcqulro $ : tl ( ) wotlli ut lumber to uomnhiU' it. Wlllit , MuUluro is in poor honhli nt.d tbo Uoi'lur pnja lie hub a tumor on the brain. HU mind la tilfrctvil til tliutv- nnil bis lnmlth poor. IIOIII , tO 1111 , uhil Mm. , lort < | ill Hur- ( ulo a bnbu on luut Siuuluy nionilii < Tno oabtt l ill-mi , nd Mrs. llaofulo Ims a acveru nttnuk of pneninunla nnd nioti-- h > ; her hie is dvaptintl ol Ttit'tu i o'lll luuoli Blokmmri intln > nulghborlioixl Fiiruiers nrn Hii\iout-ly iiwnilltiK tlu > time wlu'ii the toll Will bf In condition to cultivnio. A Itirgo uureitgo will In- sown to Htnall grain. 'I'lii'ro Imi boon vi i y llttli ! losol Block , It is in fair condition , iuul un aliundnncu of Rtut rnngu to cttrry tlunu tbroiiKb. 11. U. Donntil bfta beuu ( iHliutod with rheuiufitistn lor BOIIIO tltuu , anil recently uiieet with ft limtl of etrnw , plnoo whicli tlioe bis liealth bns Improved I fcr MIHH Lulu Myei'H ctnycdvltb ht < r grmuhuotbtr ln < \voek. . Chtrley Snyder morcd on tbuVnntz place lust wcoV. Mr. lloutur Ims purt'haml H new dbk ecedor to bo ready ( or spring. Elzs Poaccck eiiya b found the me > nn- ola tbu brmleet thluK bu over tussled with. Chnrloy Hntumond nnd family ir.ovod to tboir new homo last ' ! bnradny . Tbu protraoteil meutiu uUmiHl last week. On Account of eo uuicb yickueo tturo wf a no wleslonnry inmUluR lait week , Kmery Gllno mupt bo getting rather slow to let Mr , Housergut aliend of him t ) .1. fldit'Xtmt li1" pm' ha urt \ now Rgon , iiiitl lnt .nl to gut A nnw thin work. Hlii-W In line loiifthly l In tlno Hliupo fet fi | rl'i ' . It wry eiiangi'iililu. One HIM old liM-linlor IH in bit thirt Mid tbu IK zt bu bin bin ovvieimt. Mil. , Uowtiiun , fi'iin Ml'Seiirl , WH 'iKllt'd lioic to the tiudnldiMif bur ginnd- dmi/bler ) MDK ! Hie Dowinnu , wlm IIHM lirtin "iy nick with nifAfifld , Mie Nleknein Mian ever , but die mint. of ibi in are improving. Mr Itlll HnudcrHMi , from Inwn , Win Villtleg Wllh bin rion .lulu : latl wii : ( ) ( . Olln ' line KiiyH Kuril ejt-H uro nut nn bnd , only on Miiinliiy iwonlngrt. Jiilm ( Jlllenid 1 1 nn pnriilmseil n new wind mill , and like many ( ilhorn , he iboiiKht ho would try nn Acrmolnr. Mr. W U thlnkrt bin new well bfala liiinllng watnr. Mr. MontgomervV onttlr nro buying ipillo a tufelo with llio lloli , but II IH ti ( be bnpiid he. enn get It 'Uopped ' buforn long. Tim nomiHy IH full of men wniituig to hire mil. tltvi'olyuil trio liU'i fur Ut 'I'lio Iuul two mull onirlcru on ( I , ID route Imv. ) gut n Hiiorn on 'urn that would bronk llio leg < off nn Iron pot. If ( Iront cniili ! enndeiiHo tliu power from tblH nnoru he oonhl nniKe rt gond thing rniiilHliliig nnnui to gonornto ulaiilnnity for Itroken How. 'I'liore BppoarH to bo nn oplduuilrj over nroimd ( ioni'l that ntiarly everybody hau. ll roHombles In grlppa , or tb Hub dtibg on the liver , or A. J . Smith litia jimt Hhollod and uold tbiiHliohi ! ( ) of corn , M 'JOo , bringing something likn $10 OOpor aero ; out bu hurt gut Home tlguron on corn production Unit , l iiMt limbing , nnd he thinks It is more oiollluhlo to neil unappoil corn to feed ere. I'hiH ( not lu no , Hint , u young vigoroiiH Hi IMI onnllli foiit horHOH mid n tbrue iiultlvatiii' und nthei Improvoil by liBtlng , got oil UJf ) nuri'u of eoni , nt piesont priunx , uet.tlug 1 ,1)90 ) I ivy Idle fix month * In tbo y < ; ar. Toll It iifiHln to the Hwnmp fnnnurH down In MI Houri. WepaidtlilH BOAHOII four oaiitH per btisbel fur huaklng corn ; a good ninny ollered tbut , nnd could not got men ; the Vm > ley free mlvur Advnontu notwltb- ntiindlng 0. Allen and \V. ,1 , Iiop ; liavu jimt nbollcd thulr corn ; yield at 'J5u per lumli- el , About III ) pur at'fo. The fntmora nre indubtud to thu fuoii. ors over buro lor tbo prtiaont price ol corn , bemdoH I'm ' bimelUa of the short linul , The moot profltAblo Inveatmnnt wo have made hituly la In thn fnlornailoiml turn food , bought of Uauburle , Urokeu Itow. It would timtorinlly add to thu wet\llli of uny cnmmunlty It thiH fuct wns known and appreciated HB with us. I'biH U no pull' for llaeborle , but it pointer for poultry minor * . Lot thoJnimeta look out for next non- Riin , Riul bold out lomo InduuuDiunl to enttlu fodders In time , and thing * will bu going our wtiy HOIUO .tlanoii City. Hr 1'iiiicU Anil .luily. Uurrnli for Hnywardl Kit UutrowH up from Lltchlltld Sunday Uov. Uniidon , of llrokon liow , prunoh- , < l ut the ilnptlat I'Lnrch lnt Suudtiy. Mid ? Uannnh NolRtui , nf Anaioy , was u MnPtmlltor Sunday. Pulrlok ilor'itan MU ! family H-O pro- imrlnx to inovo out on Miolr ( arm. Mr. nillB will niovo into Mr. Jordan' * IIOUHK III li\VO. Win. Knninlfai > l Is lntUillng n nildi- Mon toll's ' fnini IIOIIPO. A. P. lloiivur , ol AnsloyA \ iloiuj ; tlioork. . dims , llnrlisv N foitliiK up UliiiU'rn for ll\ IH ( bU jear , them bohig two applleunta ti r ll'tMHl' , MI H Koi Krowning U working at the Ollngo bouse. Atohio Mi > i > kn lisa mnved to Anselinc , where bo eipoetn to onjjagu In tne uattlt * niSH. line Wbltobead and Dr. Tiuson wbei'ltul to AuilMy Suuday. Died , 1'oirl Honker , aged U year * , at the bumo o ! his grnnduvrentg , Mr. ami Mrs ! . Mi'roor. The funeral servlcee wore held nt the M. K church TueuUy at p , in , Kev. Foraytho ctnclating. luhn Taylor ID having a well put down on bie town property , llartli A ( tall nre doing the work. Mra Uonbow , ol Wi torvlllo , vIMted with brif mother , Mr * . M J. Kotter. the last of the wook. HettP , tbe hitter sud egg man , was in town the Ural ot the week. Spring Hiemg rather ulo'.v about how. Ing up , but alii ) will DO welcome when hu come.H. Win. Elliott wns Inltlateil Into tbu tuysterlo * of DdtUellon-thlp last Tliur - duy nlitht. MlM Celda Hray ia slaylug at Mri. Ju * . KultlU'ld'u thlH week. 0. K. Setchel was a Lltohfleld vl ltor Sunday. Merle Fnirdold and A. H. Harks took In \\noduiun play at Aniley Satnr- MI--H McllMiliu Imponed ( ndrri mak ing iiHtnliimiimnnl In the Dills Tin- warm weAl'ii-r ' of lnnt hrdiiglit duck bunting utnrluH to the Irout. So/we of thf lounl p nievrc phmtilng hti Invimon of trio Louj > r.u teen nn thf v/iMtbor peruiiln. Crit' Wldtehfdd IH nurMn r. core fm'o tin * w ' k r ; the result ot hnvltig come In coiidiOt will ) H piece of cowl , Halt ! to IIHVD heon thrown IM one of our local I ( five Hull , of tlin Him of II inh A. Hull , lind Din miHfortiino to IIMC mo of lim liomuH IttHt wcok whllo rolurnliig fiom a dip to Mlllur. Hu wait dilvlng nlnng nt n modulate pnoo , wlnui one ol lilf honei ( lropiod | dond. 'J'ho tin I nut I wnH all right whim bo Hint led borne In ( hi ! iiioriilinf , and the eniHM of ItK doiitb IH n mystHry. C. K. flotohol IIAH moved Ida house hold goods from l.ltcldluld and will oc cupy tliu hmiflo owned ti/ Archie Meek . K"g 'r Hummorvlllo was vlbltlng in these pin IK flntnrdtiy and Sunday. This part of tt.o'onni > wni vNlled l > \ n ftmw TucHiUy . Mr A. E. B irrowrf , Mlm lion Dills nml Mr , and MIB. LunBon mndu up n party of Manon Olty people who bad biHlnos at tbo county annl the llrHt , of thu week. Unteli on ? \Vo undordtund thnt pokoi linn u cor ner In Mrtuon. , boys , gnmbllng miiy lead tn nntnothlng uUn. Tommy Wblluheiid bus rCHigned bin position as bund clurk in Mookn' ren'nii- rant.Vu iindorHtnnd that Arthur llnrka' Hinlllng fnuo will ha Hfon behmd the onuntor In thu futmo A MnncliatHun eluli wnH orgnnizud In Ma on City lael woek. with the follow ing t IHcerH : I'resldont , 1'ntriuK Jordan ; vice ii-eHidunt. Mlku Cnrrol ; secretary nnd tron-Hircr , Tom Whltotiotul. The club inootBHoiiilMiioiitlily At the hall of Curl Uimtaon. Col. A. Anderson IH again on the road In the Hhow btiHlncFo , Tbe Colonel hftB a highly monl xbotv , aud lu deaervlnx ot tbu riiiuoi'iH he U undoubtedly meeting with , nit Knrl Walker , one of our Industrious young mun , Inis hired out for the eum- mur to John Kulluy , of Happy Hollow. Mima Foster hna bought n half inter- ( 'iit in Dad Cnutollaw'u blaokamith shop , Memu lu a yoiini ; man of rare Uicohuni- calHldll Hound Vullcy. Oli ! what a Hole , ohanjjiii { thing thi winter weather in , lirHt it blew then it HIIOW , now , by ging , it Iri/ . Mary Uhlm.ui in on the nick liHt. Thi ) lioiiHi ! that WHH built for two oontaiiiH but one. Lawrence Nollnon wont to the How Sundaj. S. Iv. Leo wont to the how Mon day and returned Tuesday. Andrew Wo'unan went to the How Monday on btiHiiuss. Thirt HIIOW i a rand thing , \\orth thouHandri of dollars lo the fainierrt. It pulH the yrotuul in line condition for wheat , but don't be tn a hurry. Wo wuru reminded , Sunday evening , ol the Hong entitled , "Whon love ban conquered pride and anger I know you will cnll me back again" . Oharloy iMojuru way in the villoy Sunday , Williu Uhluian went to Swiss valley Hunday. ilcppy hollow IM \d. and lonely , all the girls h < wo none aw ay , I , alho think of leaving , und yon hot I'll uo to stay. . l ivo Years. Hy npooial arranyemont made with the puhliNher.s of the Farm Journal we are enabled to oiler a 5 ye- Hiihfertn'ion to that paper to every new Mihricrihur * 'ho pays for the KKi'tnii.iCAN UIKI year ahead and thu HiMue otTer is made to every old tiiihHcriber who will pay ill baek dm s and one ye.T in adv.vneu boll papers fur the pneo f OIIIM only. In order to gev tlu Firm Jc irna as a premium for alvuioif \yment it will be neceM.iry $ to walk righ up to the uap'atn'ri ollim , for we have only a limited number of 6 year aulmoriptioiir. to dispose of The Farm Journnl is on solid found alien and perfectly tniHtworthy . . . t'.S L niJOracpi Hrxkcn Uo , Neb. , M rch 15 , ij.w. f A. iDdclent coutrat itOiUMi Imtl's been Al > t In tlitt otUce Janiury 3J , 1SU9 bv Krntic Klicb cent itaot , K lnit II. R. No. 3IC , uiaito by Hurt Ina llrono. Sept 1 , \t \ < K. for r < nww i c N t IS S. . K. 18V . bv llcrllun Drown , coutouo. I which It Ii nlletoa lh t tk itM l ) nln | lru\ b hollj kbauilo ml lil tiact ( or mura tlui etx lunntni l it IAHII. indbai not rdtlile * ! on IKI | trtct or lni | > roT < * il J cnltlratrii the rauie at i qalr * < l by Ivr. lil ptrtles are r rrby notltlt-a t > uypcsr. rt'Mxniil nml otter evidence , ou iU 41 day ol iliy , l l > H , nt 10 o'clock a in. , bufor * th Hi-Hlt'or KUI ( i rcrlTrr. it lliu I'nlttsl jutei Li.i Offlrv at llrukrii Dow. Nelir k . The UI ctm Uilaiitlu it | > roi > < < r n'lUUTlt. AlrJMnrch II , 1.VJ1. bntloic t\ forth IncU which thaw that ntti > r Ua ( ItllKfiK-o ixrtoiul Brrfl r ot tblt notice cauuu bti mulp u U hcrvlir onlorcd uil illrt ctwl tint nch uoileo b * ulteu liy duo unj proper pabllri lion. Tiii > Outer I'ounlT Hcpablloau U dc.lj n u < a the | i | > er hi wbiiU ihli nolle * ttull b JAMKS WII1TKUEAU. Oooiilo , Neb. , Kob. U7 , I P9. To whom it may eonuorn : I have thin day ivon my &nn , M. ( J. Hrowii , IMH time , and I will not be retpo itiblu for any bill he may , -ontraot from thU date. 31 A i , K Lin e Ai-nlca Bnlve. Tub. tlKai SAI.VL ) n tbe world tor outa iiriiixuc , OUH , ulu 'iii , tialt rlionm. fever IMOIUM. toitnl , clKipdil | hiMiiU. uli'lliltlrirt I eoniH , nnd all Hkln o.riiilim | | , nnd pniil- ( lively ovrcit pllo-ur ) no ILIJ required. It IM cimrnn | nuil lo glv * vAtHlnelinn OT iiiditey refunded. Price We per hnj For Halo by nil drugglutn Kev. 1C Edward paitor ol the Kugl t\\ \ \ KapiUt Chuicta of MlnurBiillu. l' .wbon nuliorltiK wlib ihcuiunllem , \ > n kdvlsud in trjr ChambuilRln a 1'nln lUlm , lie rays : " A few application * rf thin llnl- tnetit prored of grout suiloc 'o ' mo. It subloed the intiiunnntion And rollero.1 the pulu. Should any infi DDK pnflt by glvlnc I'Ain Balm & trial it , will please MO. " For eftle by all druggM. \VllllttMl. Uollnulo man In thin vicinity to op n lUnnll otriee nnd ImncllA my goods I'oililon pornitiHimt and good pay. If your reoord U O. K. here in nn opoiilng for you Klndlv muntlon this pnpor when writing. A. I . Moitiua Oluelntmtl , O Ciiatiiberlatii' * Tbln rcmsdy In intended especially for ou ba. coldi , croup , whooping cotujb aud InfluoiiKA. It hau bucomu fAiuoiif for Its turei * f thmo dhtftnuH , orer a Inrgo part of the ulvill/.ud world. The ino t flnttttrlut' teatluiunlnlH IIKVO been ruuelTi'd , giving ueunnntH of lt good workn , of the gravntlng nnd perfliRtent iough It b jurod , ofn Toro cold * thnt h vo yielded promptly to Its soothing tt otH , nnd of tUo dangerous attAoks of nroupe it hn ctired , oftau nuviug the life of tbe child. The exteniUo us * ot It for whooping aough bus ihowii thnt it robs thnt dlsoaM of all dMigoroun con 3. Sold by CASTOR IA i"or IiLfants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Xtaartt tlte Craw A alarfling incident , of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia , was tbo subject IH narrated by him a * follows ; "I was Ii. a most dreadful condition. My skin was nliuoet yellow , eyon uuukun. tongue iioaiod , pun ) conMnunlly In my baek aud HldoA , no apputlte grudually growing wenker uny by day. Three pbyalclanH hnd guon me up. Kortuuntoly a frlonrt ndvUed trjl-jg Klootrlo Ultterp , and to my great joy and mirprloe tbo llret botth mnde ndeelded improvement. I contln. nod tliolr UBO for three weeki * and nui ow a well man. I know they saved my fo nnd robbud the grave o ( anotbor via Im No one Hhould fall to try I bom Only AO cts per bottle nt nil druggists. I have boun KlHIcted with rbeurnMlum or fourteeo je rn and nothing seamed to ivo nuyrellof. I was able to be around II tbe time,1 but conitautly xufforlng. bad tried everything ! ootild bear of nnd t Inat WAR told to try Chntnberlsln.s Paiu taltu Trbicb I did , anil WM Iruniediatelj ebuvcd and in a phort time cured. 1 ten nipy to any mat It lu not since return- d Josh EUUAK , OorniftutowD , C l. for alu by all druggtBtu 4ii HoueNt Medicine for I.n Qooreo W. Wnltt of South Gardiner. Me. , says : " 1 hnre bad the worat cough oolds , chills and grip nnd hare takun otn of trash of no account but profit to he vendor. Ohatuborlnlns Cough Kern- odj la tbo only thing that beta done uy pud whatever. I hare uaetl ouo 50o bottle and tbo chtla , oold and grip hara all loft mo. I oougrfttul&ld the wntiM- iioturerH of an bonnet uodlciau. " for B le by nil ilruggti.i. Chas. W. Hakes , M.D. , UOMatOPATHIOIAN , Uucce un-I0 Dr. M. C Ulystoa * . mce ovfl" ClnytUI Drug Store. Call * ly n w teJ from olnce , day or mihi. EVER FEEL GRATEFUL. I writ * IB the iatcreit of othtrn , Mid * p * mjr brelhir mluiiten , wh Mk bS-blt to * u | g lu iht grtui rrork to which tb * Lonl t > M * 1UJ tku > . Mj Yolco win RO wc4k cd mjr tliro .tt luch oonJitiun I coulJ Uititu , oJ at tlmn couM Imnlly tulk nt nil ; WM nlraoit il * nf in my left f annul had nemmiiunl cough. I uitd Atrial MetlU'ttlon nd wlilnu thrtt uiunthi uiy hfwiug , oK e Riiil health were ri'itoml , nul Imrc rtm lnrU no for over three ye ri , for vrhich I ihill * rer feel ruteful. J. L. Ford , MluUtcj- tht linptlit Church , Btdtlli , Mo. FREE AerUI Mrdletlloa will ( KulttTtlf curv i rnurrti , lbro t u4 lung ill iit . To iut r this I will , until Jnauar ) 1 , 1S09 ( MDd mttllclun for Ihrtf monthi' tr utm nt CTM. > 'or ijupiou ( ona and particular ! adJrvM J. II. MOOUt : , .M.I ) . , Cincinnati , OhU. 111 * n I- nil r.lneof Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. AIM ) t Fine hmr of Hookn , Stationery , Tnii-t | ArticltiH , etc , Storci on both North and South Kiih'H , Broken Bow , Neb , Farmers ! Farmers ! Farmers ! Martin & Squires llavn tbe ( Jfinton Line of Farm Iinplomontrj. ( . 'an ton Jewell Disk Harrow. Canton Cultivator. Canton Listorn 3 world boaters Cfcnton Sulky Uan and Dkak Plow. Cftiiton's Complete Line. ( ! anton IJorn IMnntorr * . Canton Im | > lomunt ( that do not give MHtirtfaction wo will pay for trouiile of bringing back. The Canton people Mild more K.irm ImplemenU in the slate of Nebriskji las ysar than ut y ollior two im plument lirmn. Farmora wl have iHed any of the Canton line will have no other. Martin & Squires , Just reuaired unr ot Buggies and Spring Wagons J.L. UlruL Spring aud Diamond Uugglea. Tbe first oar of strictly A. grndti Htigglos Aid Spring Vagon * V-T brought to Brokuu How. We hnvo lately remodeled < ur buggy room , nud repnppred it Oiop In nud see our display. Flistdoor noithof Hniry Day ( lompanj'n . HARNESS ! HARNESS ! I have now over 200 sets of Harness in the IIOUHO , and will br able f ) give yon anylhin.t ; wanted , from JIS.OO to $35.00 per set , complete. We Imvo ti'bt-elafJB UarnetM from f22 00 to * 25 00. We have some forty odd dill'orenl ntjlea ol llaiianM , A M > AH MANY UIFKKKK.N'I i > ittnKU HAH- NKHH , and in thu event we dun't happen to have just what ) ou Wftut , Wt will bo able to change them to t.uit your tawte. If you want a factory made Harness wo have them , und will bo able to give at least ten per cent blter value than anyotle else in the county , because we Uavo. all our factory harnoHs made to our order , and for this reason we arc able to get better vnluo for the B.ime money. Wo will also duplicate 11117 and all eastern catalogues on pricou. If you happen to have i price on liar- rioHH , brinp it with you and WH will iluplioato the name and save yon the freight on anything between hero and Chicago , and add freight beyond. Wo mean just what we say above. All the following liuus are complete , and priet-H guaranteed : Shelf Hardware , Ponknt KIUVOH. Tabl Knivoa and Forkri , Spoons. Tiiiwaru of all kinds Is'.tilft. Bolls , Barb Wire , Hay Fencing , Itioyoleis , Sewing Ma- ohincH , Gtinn , Cartridgop , Shullrt , Powder anrt Shot. On Saddles We are Eight. Thaiiking you all for pi t patronage with which wo are well pleased , our trade has more than doubled in the past year , and we will therefore outinue our old -notlo , LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST e Always American - Always Republican s THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE a. 6 Every Column is Hriglit , Clean and Packed with News The Literature / its columns Is eiiutil to tliiit of the beat maga zines. It Is interesting to the children as well as the parents. : INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER , and while it THE * brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives itt readers the fatrsr and ablest discussions of all questions of the day , it Is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discuues literature and poli'ies from the Western standpoint , JJtjJ * * - $ i.00PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR - $1.00- THE DAItY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THE WEST JJTHE INTER OCEAN'S NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE. fl Price n ( Dull } l > \ in.ntl . $4 00 per ) cor 2 Price ol Mimta\ > mail S200p r\ear 0 ll > nml MinJay l > > mull $6 00 per > car a j The Machine that TalksTal THAN EVER I V-13 I J Ihc 'cc. now &t ji uru c W4itiiu tiic * iitli of everyone. For home 4iim cjt4cMt ihit PRINCE OF ENTERTAINERS will entertain a company by tin hour Well mad and durable Windsuphlcea clock , and so siinpU that a child can cptrilt It From $ lo to Jao ( lay made last fall hs hundreds of lu u rt by citing entertainments We guarantee the Improved oraphophcne loud apd clear enough lobe dittlncily hear-i in any hall or church anywhwe Clay * all of Souta's baml piece * exactly as miuered by that famous band Dniros , Corxeis , Trombones aim all Keciles Telli I my clones Will repeat your own \oire. your friend * ' \oicc. * eng > sung to it , or nories told to It. \ou can make )0ur own Kccords easily iiai reproduce them at oni e at often atdotred Ha b nVnown to pay forit elfin asincl * evening Price f lo , Imprpte d Eagle Graphophone , 1 Eitra LouJ Alummmi Reproducer , I Cot ert Horn. HearingTubesfbr persons llf hearhi tubes kr > aor than 'Jper ois are dmred ve will furnishthcm atth < rate of Wcfor eaihitnon ) Dett n\hlbltlon UrCoriJs , tMiuaolor TalkingfiOc each.cr5COa doien f\f\ SPECIAL PROPOSITION Wmea "ice for circular lellme how \oucan secure one t ) ( " * * " .cf the above outfits , * ith 12 ! Recorits for thetr'H ' gsum c f " * I u.l e.- < irs . .t onre a sample of our new fJO blot Machine < 5c. , I ke wit..nte Mad- J ir > u \ tr alir.tive Operatr automaticalli Reiju r ' attention wkate\i r. . ' ! . < > l , ' 'i w . ecrci A counter About 10 'cihi hjii. ! 12 lrvc ! . on > ; bimpKII it for the dealer owning It I'n net Will sell on f I 00 -i l > nstsl n i i rfip.insib- . . T ' J'Mreil f . -r pi V > v < , rjrh j > h > ne a- ' K- 1v aialog iet ma'ed free on application Address , Harjrcr < S : Ulish , Wcitern SeUinj ; Agts. 904-910 A\nin St. , Dubuque , Iowa.