Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 16, 1899, Image 4

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< * 8i !
v . { } SWEET
& * &
Jf fi * <
5i $
always looks for purity and quality in the food
she provides for her little ones. That is.why
the intelligent mothers of Ouster county-always
go to BOWQII'B for their Groceries , He k , < ? ? pB
only the best quality of cereals , canned .goods
potted moats , line sauces , teas , coffees , cocoas , $ &
and will fill your orders for less money , than j fc
others who will serve you a poorer quality. ffi
Yours for Pure Groceries , ' < $
J. 0. BOWKN. w
ymzimi m % ! ® ® M
( Ulster ( So , Republican
I'ubllihod ovorj ThuruUy t Ihn County N t.
I . BI.'AllIHUI-UItY , lUlltor
JrOffico in CnMcr lllock , Konrth ATO.- %
Entered at the pottonico at llrokon lion , Neb. ,
at iccontl clam matter , for ttnnimliitoii Hi rough
Um U , S. malls.
BDUyomiTION ritlOB :
Uue Tear , In advuucu . . . . It .00
THURSDAY , MARCH. 1C , 1809.
The quofltion of municipal own-
orbliip of an uletilrio liglil Hyulum ! H
a matter which IH lining diHotisscd
) > to and con by the residence of the
oily , and in order lo learn Home-
thing of the coHt of putting in a
plant , our towutunan , 9. J. Lnner-
gan has corresponded with Frank
B. Rae inginouring oompany of
Chicago , to ascorlain what the oily
could put'iu a plant for. In order
that the public may have the benefit
of tbc information obtained we
nubmit below i the Icttora which
outer into the coHt in dotatl of a
plant which would furniHli twelve
arc lights and COO inoamlurtooiU
lampb of siitcon cnndlo power , all
of whioh would coat not to exceed
$3,500. This amount of money
would not cost the city to exceed
seven per cent intorcHt , or $236
annually. If bondri were floated to
Bouuro the ready inonuy neoesaary
to put in the plant it in nrgued liy
somu that four per cent boiulH could
bo negotiated at par. Thin would
reduce the coat to * 140 per year.
The revenue derived from the in
candescent lights to the merchants ,
private residences nml offices would
not only pay the interest but the
running expenses of the plant. The
proposition recently nubmitted to
the oily council by the Aurora gen-
tlomau in wbicb bo proposed to
furnish seven arc lights for 1600 a
year would , in seven years , have
cost the city $3,600 ; and the city
would have been but half lighted
and the uionoy paid by individuals
for incandescent lights would have
gone into the ovfforri of some for
eign corporation anil been lost to
the city. By owning ihe plant all
the money , exoep the original cost ,
will ba kept in circulation i-i the
The following letters , one ol
which was to William Smith and
the other to Mr. Lonergay , are self
explanatory and should bo read b }
tvery citizen interested in electric
lights in the city.
Chicago , March Oth , ' 00
S. J. Lonorgan , Ktq. , Broken Bow
Dear Sir : The subject of inuni-
ciplo ownership and operation o
electric light plants is engaging the
attention of municipal governments
very generally , and has perhaps
been considered by your council a
a possible moans of effecting eooti
omy m the administration of muni
cipal affairs. This company , in
their oapaoity as engineers , ha
been oonnootod with the municipal
izatioo of lighting plants for abou
eight years , during whioh time the ;
have been retained by the followiu )
cities : Detroit , Lauoing , Hillsdale
West Bay City , Neguaueo , Kalama
see , Evart , Nason , Oxford , Hturgi
nnd Quinoy , Michigan * , London
Bryan and Columbiana , OhioDo
Moines and Iowa City , Iowa ; Lo
gansport ; East Chicago , Columbi
City and Kvansvillo , Indiana ;
Uockford. Kaukakoe , Springfield ,
Woodntoqk and Sycamore , Illinois ;
Madison and Boscobel , 'Wisconsin' ,
Cumberland , Maryland ; Willums-
port , Pa. , etc.
Wo undertak the preparation of
careful estimates of ooit of plant
based uponu ncoeasary surveys , nd
the local opnditioni hat obtain ,
together with an estimate of , the
est of operation in detail , to make
) lanfl and speoifloationa for build-
n H , Htoarnand oloolrioal plant ,
> ole linca , circuit and lamp distri-
) Utiou. to 8BiHt your council in
naklng contraotB , suporriso the
construction and installation of the
work , and to make fin * ) toils and
oport upon the oomploto pjant.
Whtfro the situation is such that
dditional bonds may not bo fasuod
or the cost of the improvement ,
wo can obtain the tlnanolal .aaqist-
nco that the city may require , , uppn
ur favorable reports of the gjtua-
ion etc. , upon terms and conditions
tiat will be favprablo and aooepta-
) lo lo the oily. Them ia no , qu6a
ion whatever aa to the economy
of municipal owuornaip , of lighting
ilanttj , ns it has , been demonstrated
wherever triad , , and oan be predo.
ormincd with oxaotnoss for any
city where , the local conditions are
carefully exam'ned , We have per-
nissiou to refer to the Mayors pf
any of the .cities mentioned , above ,
and particularly to Hon. II. S
? mgroo , GOT. of Michigan , Hon.
lohn MaoVicar , Mayor of DOS
ttoinea , Iowa ; and Hon. U. W .
3rowu , Mayor of .Rpokford , til.
loping to bear from you , wotare
very truly y.ours.
B. I AK Enaif < jiumiHO Co.
Chicago , March , 9th , 18,09 ,
William Smith , E q , C.hioago.
Dear Sir : This late reply ( to
your request for tome eleottio
lighting information with .which to
answer Mr. Loj\org a , of Brpkon
Bow , Neb. , has boon delayed be-
oai BO of my absence from the oitj.
I lake it Irom ( tholetler , you refer
to me that the city ia Dot lighted
nnd that there is no plant for fur
nishing lights located at Broken
Bow , and , that if a , plant ia installed
jy the city it uonld furnish arc
lights for tho.stroetdjand could also' '
sell incandescent lights to scores
ami residences. For n plant of
this uharactcr requiring only , a
small number of arc lights , I wpuld
suggest the installation of a aingle
alternating current dynamo hating
a capacity for , say about SOU inoan-
leeoeut lamps of sixteen oaudlo
power eaoh. Each are light operated
ated from this machine would
reduce ita capacity about ten oan *
doacent lights , ur in other words ,
to supply the twelve are lights
necessary would leave a oapaoity in
incandescent lamps of SCO to 800
To operate the five hundred light
incandescent plant to ita fall capac
ity would require about fifty horse
power , Exclusive of the building
necessary , a rough estimate of th <
cost of the plant would be aa fol
lows : Boiler and ataok .oreotac
complete $050 ; engine , feed water
heater , boiler , feed pump , piping
bolts etc , 1750 ; dynamo , switch
board , twelve are lamp * and , station
wirinu ; $1,780. The po'e ' line con
atruolion with the are circuit BUS-
pensions , feed wires for , the incan
descent system , including converters
ors and erection complete $1,000
engineering and other expenqei
$950 ; total for the plant exnlusive
ot the building , $3,350. The eity
should vote an appropriation of a
least this amount and it would b
better perbapsn to aik for $3,800
The revenve from the inoandeioon
lighting baaed on 300 ) amps burn
ing three hours per day and 800
days per year , which is a v ry low
would yield a rcvomio of
12,000 per year , which would more pny thi ) coht of operation
nctuding intercut on bonds , if
jondn weto noccri'ary. If the city
vote to put in plant , we will In-
; lad lo s < cure Ihe < n.-inonrinij
work , make the plantNpiuitiealionH )
and generally assist tin-in in our
opacity as general cn enet r" .
iJonnreHMiiari W li. Green died
ist Saturday night in Omaha in
thu B. & M. depot , while on his
way lo Lincoln. Tint following
from the Onriha Buc tells of the
event as follows :
Al 7 o'olook last iiighl William
L Green , of Koarnny , of the Sixth
congressional district of Nebraska ,
was apparoutl hale , hearty and in
'ull enjoyment of life with all its
) leasureridomeHlio , nocial and po-
ilical. At B o'clock he had joined
the great majority , UIH' ' thu awful
najesty of death was stamped upon
tin face as . .o lay in his last Hlocp on
ho cold mosaic floor of the Bur *
iugton station in ihis city.
Mr. Green came to Omaha from
jincoln on Friday evening and put
up at the Arcade hotel. Ho had
> con at the state capital for some
days , having oomo up from Wash-
nglon to witness the election of a
Nebraska senator. After spending
Saturday greeting his friends and
attending to busines in town , he
ook a hook about 7:45 : in the oven-
ng to catch the Burlington train
o Lincoln.
Congressman Green WIIH accom-
mnied by three friends , bound for
ho same train , J. C , Reeves , of
liadison county , a farmer ; R B.
* rinoe , a hotel keeper of Mndison ,
nd T. B. Donovan of the Madison
On reaching the station Cou-
; rosaman Green was observed lying
> aok in the seat of the back as if
asleep and every effort was made
by his companions and the paseon-
; erdirector to arouse him. Ho
was borne io an unconscious slate
o the waiting room of thu depot
and in answer lo a telephone message -
ago Dr. S. II. Smith was noon in
n attendance. On looking at the
> ody the doctor pronounced him
dead and advised Ihe railway au-
horities to summon a coroner.
Elia advice was immediately follOwed -
lOwed and in a few minuton Coroner
ner Swansea had gathered the facts
and thebad ; was removed to the
morgue. Death was attributed to
heart failure.
At the poat-mortem inquest hole
at Coroner Swansou's oflico an au
topsy was performed by Dr. Milroy
and the jury returned a verdict o :
death from llio. excot-sivu unu o
Already the popnhsts are discuss
ing the probtble man to ( ill the
vacancy in congress ouuanioued by
the death of W. L Green. Ex.
Gov. Jlolootab .and Judge II. M.
Sullivau are oonsidurod formidable
oaudidatos in this vicinity. It H
thought thtt Ex Sunator Stewart
of Chadron , and Wm. Neville , of
North Platte , will be caudidaies
but if theru ia no extra session
of congress , a special election oan
not bo called and the vacancy will
not bo u'Uod until the fall eluution ,
whioh will give limt for candidates
to develop in every county m the
district , But while the pops are
wrangliug over a choice the
republicans will so lout the
winner. The Omaha Bee and the
Fremont Tribune have each sug-
ueited , Senator bM. . Uurrie , as the
man that can take the uake , in
whioh they are eminently correct
The Tribune says :
'Perhaps the Rlrougcs candid lie
who could be named v/oukl bo
Senator Currto of Broken Bow
He would bo an ideal candidate for
the party. Ho carried u strong
ftsion district last fall in his candi
dacy for the ulate senate. He has
demonstrated himself cue of the
atrongett men , if not the real leader
of the aenate. Hie winter's work
at Lincoln baa been highly credit
able. He IB a strong debater , lit
is a college bred man. He instead
fast in his honorable purposes
Moreover , he is a farmer and cattle
grower * It would be a praise
worthy innovation for Nebraska to
break its delegation of lawyers sen
to Washington by electing a pro
duoer to congress. Senator Currie
it a repreientatiYe of the two su
ironic imluptmm of the Hixth ( Ii3-
iii-i the only ones worth mention-
ng. Ono of thu issues upon which
ic was chosen lo the senate was
tin opposilion lo Irun railroad
nHief. Ho i ppOBed a popul si u
IIIH and ( lnfciitcd him in a populist
stronghold , He would have an
advantage in linn. Gavernor Hol
mb for instance has worn a pook-
11 full of pissca to a frazzle , which
M aNo probably true of any other
jopulItU likely to he nominated.
I'ho republicans of the sixth district
can practically insure victory by
nominating Senator Cnrric. "
The death of Congressman Green
romovuH 0110 of the moBt notable
characters of the niitli congressional
diHttict. IIt\ wan an able orator ,
forcible debater nnd a Htrong crim
inal lawyer , UIH great fault waH
IMH uncontrolable appetite for
itrong drink , which hutiicd hard
but was utiablu to control. He wan
n Htrong advocate of thu principles
of thu populist party , and in IIIB
doatli the parly hao lopt one of itH
ablest dofemlerH in the stato. The
Kiii'unuoAN extends its sympathy
to his wife and children , lo whom
ho WBH greatly dovotod.
It is reported that only fifty four
i of thu lifty eight pop inomberrt of
the stale legislature agreed to ao >
cept D. E. ThotnpHou'ti proposition ,
and as fourteen republicans would
not go into il , the dual was declared
off and tliun our populist brethren
lent their opportunity to elect one
to the United States HonrUo , whom
thuy have been pleased to dub a
the Mark ilanna , of Nobrasku.
In itti issue of last , week the Bio
ken Bow Chief attempted to ex-
) lain what was meant by llio term ,
'supporting the administration. "
As near as we oan h'guro it out , the
Chief ic "supporting thu adminis-
rrtion" by palling iho sheriff on
he back and working him for a
egal or I wo and then laughing
about it when ho is out of sight. .
Arcadia Champion.
Governor Poyntor has vetoed the
supreme court commission bill , and
unless there are enough yoten to
carry thn bill over his veto , the
three judges will have to lo the
work the next two years. AH the
oourtis now said to bo two year
behind with six members , it will ,
without the asHistanco of the
commissioners , bo four years boliiru
in another two years.
[ n Egypt the custom is for Princesses
to hide their bentity by covering
the lower part of the face with a veil
[ n America the beauty of many o
aur women is hidden because of the
weakness ant
sickness pecu
liar to the sex.
If the EgyptIan -
Ian custom pre
vailed in this
country , many
be glad to
cover th e i r
wrinkles , their
sunkonchceks ,
their unnealthy
complexion , from the eyes of the
world with the veil of the Orient.
brings out a woman's true beauty.
It makes her strong and well in those
organs upon which her whole general
health depends. It corrects all men
strual disorders. It stops the drains
of Leucorrhcea. It restores the womb
to its proper place. It removes the
causes of headache , backache and
nervousness. It takes the poor , de
bilitated , weak , haggard , fading
woman and puts her on her feet
again , making her face beautiful by
making her body well.
forl a bottle.
Send ( or our free lIluHtrnU'J book ( or women.
The Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
BuoKKNjJUow , - - - NEBIUBK/ .
I hare a largo list of farms foi
sale in all parts of the county. Low
prices and easy term * of payment.
Write for prices.
Choice btraina of Poland China
pigs , both male and gilt.
Aii'l o il to-
Tbu rutlro > tuck of G. W. Wilde , con-letlng > llftuhvRte , Tinware , Impleiueiili ,
uirce KliiKiuno Coin IM.iHow , three Dkk Cultivator * , four Tongue Cultivators ,
four Toiuiuuh'RS Culilvntore ud oilier Jmplemi'UtH Tin entire atonk will be solder
( or im tbnn manufncluror' * price. Call early nnd jet biirKiUnB. I have juel
ecelvcd a oarlpad , .iny llr.t Bhlpment thi * year , of the GrandI Detour'Mows ' ami
Konulno Nuw Departure Tongue . . . .
better : nsk those who ueo thorn ; al o Mm Klsh Uros. Bugnlca of nil kinds Prices
from 840 and up. 800 them and you will buy. Spring wngonb-Kaoltio , Colum-
bun , bradley nnd other tnakos. Dcorlng Binders and Deerlng Twirio.thebeflt maae.
TJT , , , nci liought thirty sots o ( the Biimo that I fold so many of lost
JjLul llCiDb year ; K VU the hust of B'ltluf action. See this liMtioea. Concord -
cord holt hnmi1 , wool faced , open throat collars , oan't bo beat for the money ;
louglit before the advance . Sen me for harness , collars , puds and strap work.
17 < i4-iii 1 hnvc jut eroctiid u store room t the rcr of my old
JD Ul niLlll (3 H on- , null just received u car of Furniture , and with the
pri'Btint stock have the best Heleetid and most complete stock In the cl'y. Iron
Ui-ds Horn $3 50 and ui ) . Tables Sales , Loun fH , Hookers , llaby Cab ? , Mattreti-
e , Springe , Uhalre , etc. , ut pricee well , remember 1 am not undersold. If you
need an outfit for housekeeping It will puy you to see me
IJQ _ _ Do not p y 800 fora raugotrom peddlers when you con got
JLxctllgCb a butter one from your home dvalciB for $10 The Ptnlndular
all steel wrought iron HaiiKO , the very b st mnde , with oppor reservoir and high
pliulf , them la no better Knngo made ; fully warranted ; Other stoves frem IO$13 ,
310 and up. I'lio Womler line , they are fully warranted. The Genuine Glldden
Wire , tht- best made The lightest and cheapest In the end ; and Red Rubber
I'ulnt , no tur like Imitation ; buy the bust ; it is alwa e tl e ubeapiut.
QnwinoMnnliiTlPG Thc now Qooi1rlch aml Elridgo from $20
Dl3Wlllg lTJLclL/JllllU& and „ , , . the\ ore warranted for ( en years ;
have sold them lur ten years \Vn ( low Cunniut > , 25c Mid up ETonit * made Tin-
ware will Rive you the best antisfnction. and imehi p In < nneetlon with tl e Moie ;
all kinds of ropaliliig dino. Jlluo'H Garden bcedn of ah LlndP. liny good freeh
seiilauitl you will h&ve fucct'FS. Millet , Harlpy , i rd all Lire's of tlild Feedc ;
[ irlcee loner I linn any onlulogue \ rices. ll rdwiire hnrcnins nrd j-rloco tie low-
-pt. Clevis. double and elrgle tree * . My lender , luo rl"w lll ; Foikp. Western
WnsluT , KUvood "lo d Fenuliig. the lust niMle : Cli th P Wtinetis. Table and
Pocket Mit'iry. ' nd 11 t-ntiiplem lltu > of Revi-lu-rs rd GIIIIF ; uinnrunlMm of all
kluds ; C > pl er Jtivi'ts , in ( not ovcrythlnj ; . aid triers i > s Inw n > UJH ir-vcH ; when In
Lerd of ImpVnitMjiM , 1'lowg , Furnlturn , HnrdWHtc , Wire , Tlnuiuc. It w II pny y n
o gee mo. With low prices honorable mid fiilr deallrg , 1 linvc I , rid thi title of
ho oldest hardware Htoro In Broken How. When in ind nf IIOUBI ki'i | iuj ? ( Uiflt
at nil i HU vi > mo"ev Hive a full line of UollinH.Ciuk' IF ai d TJniU rinkli'g Qnod
allflattended to night or day Yours Respectfully , ( .KOJJGSC WILLING
if you are Looking lor Bargains the
1 s f\ i
is the place to find them ; where one can
buy as cheap as another ; where a CHILD
can buy as cheap as a MAN-
Shoca worth $1.25 to § 2-25 yo on Kiokapoo Indian Worm Killer , the
to our 98o bargain counter. beet in the world.
Closing out Felt Boots at cngt , Ayer's Pillu . 20o
Now is ihe limo I ? get Shoes ; call Dr. William's Pink Pills tor Pale
and sec thorn. Pooi le . 4So
Men's Underwear 50u per suit A lOo Tablet for 4c
SheotincH 3o per yaid Hookford Socks 5u pair
Dress Goods away below all comMen's Wool Pants. . . $1.25 fo $ Q 50
petition. Outing F nnnel worth 12 ofor..Se
Window Shrdes 15(5 lo ii5c Ladies India Dongola Shoon. . . ,73o i
Coffee MillH 15c Overalls 25c lo 40o
Pint ( . 'ups , 2 for 5u Hunter Sifter.s I0c
Dr Piorco's Golden Medical DinBib Ovvral'H 49o
covery OOo Qan aUj ! Heo our , ,0 , > v | , | . , , f Sur 'e ,
Dr. Piorcu's Fivorm. Prescr'n , OOo
Brooadc8 and Cn-hrapr0 ttt
Dr PHTCO'S P P. Pellets 20o , . . . . | . .
I'iflo's Coi.Hi.inption . Cure 20c way below all competition. A
Cattoria 2Je ) fine line of Calico and Prints in
Dr. Ward's Liniment , sm si/e.20c the latest patterns.
Silverware given away. Market price paid
for Eggs.
I Once Was Lost , but ITow I Have
Pound It.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. ' What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam-
mot i stock ef Groceries ; and at the lowest prices you ever
heard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
iii'j ; posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Christmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
Remember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
National Bank.
W. S. SWAUT , - - Proprietor.
A Great Live Stock Journal The
Prairie Farmer.
A weekly Agricultural and Live Stock Journal-one dollar a
year. It is admittedly the leader of the agricultural and live
stock papers of the United States. It covers the entire field
of agriculture , dairying , live stock breeding and live stock
feeding. It is edited for western farmers and stockmen who
carry on diversified work : in fact , it is the farmer's newspa
per The regular subscription price is one dollar a year ; but
in order that every one of our readers may get it next year ,
we will send it a full year with our own paper for only $1.50.
Tuis low price may be withdrawn any time ; we request our
readers to act promptly. Hand in your order or send it to u .