Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 16, 1899, Image 1

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    ii-.axi.nai. .' . . .
1 " yi * * *
Our Monday Afternoon Ssle !
_ _ _ _ . . . _ '
300 pieces of Lace , from 2 to 6
yards in length , choice , lOc
23 pairs of Ladies Shoes , worth
$3 25 , - - for $1.98
13 Ladies Mackintoshes , worth j
$4.00 , - . - at $2.25'
40 pair of Men s Overalls , worth
60 cents , - - " for 39c
35 pair of Men's Pants , worth
$1.00 60c
. , - - - -
Don't forget that we have re
ceived th © "best and largest line
, of Clothing ever received in Cus-
tsr County.
C hamrook will be donated lo all callers on St. Patrick's
morninp , Maroh I7tb.
Any Style ,
Edwin E. Myers' J epair Shop ,
Opposite Farmers Bank , Brokun Bow , Nobr. JS
Shop open irom 7 to 0 a. m. ; 12:40 : to 1'JO : , 4 to 6 p. ra , and jw
$1 all day 'Saturday. ' $ |
A10 per cent Discount for Thirty Days Only
To make morn for our large Spring Stock , wo will give a 10 per
cent discount discount off mir regular low prices on all onr Hat * and Shoes
$1.00 Hats go at
l.fiO Hats . .
go at. -r $ j .yr >
2.00 Half ) go at 1 .SO
3 00 flats go at i ] .70
$1.00 Shoes go at. . ; goo
1.60 Shoes go at , $1.35
U.OO Sheep gn at , . ; , . . ' 1.80
S 00 Shoes go fit ; 70
Standard L L. Muslin nt
Ho yd
On our M.600 00 Stock of Hutu anil Shoes you aavu $ M20 by this dis
count sale.
Do not Miss this Opportunity.
rasa :
Goods all Marked in Plain Figures.
Readers in Low Price * .
Local JVIention.
t , . I
Two loauiH for sala at Kennedy' * '
Cannon Oily uoal t Diorks
Lumber Co *
Music by orchestra nt Gold King ,
Tuesday , Maroh 'Jlst.
Perry G. Motoalf , of Walworth ,
was a friendly caller today.
NOTIOB The date of the Hold
King is Tuesday , March a 1st.
Look over the advertisements in
the HuruuuoAN f.r ( bargains.
.1. Coleiuan , of tbo west table
was a welcome visitor Monday.
FOB UENT : Fifty acres of con
ground. Frank Woisonredcr.
Hoar the new songn and spoctal-
liiM Gold King , Tuesday , March 21
Two well improved farms to rent
\V. D. lilaukwell , at Fanner * Bank
The LAHOIIST line of ladies and
gontH watches in the county at Ed.
MuCotnaa' .
The best play , the best talenttho
newest songs , Gold King , Tuesday ,
March 21st.
Wash Win , of York , waa a city
visitor Monday and remembered
tins oilice.
HOUSKS Eight good work horses
for aalo by , S. L. GI.OVKII & SON ,
Dry Vulloy.
Fred Belts , of Camro , waa : t city
visitor Monday and made this office
a friendly call.
Just received another stock o (
buautioH. ED. McCoMAH.
W. W , Thornton and C. T.
Leaoli , of Weslerville , were among
the city visitors Monday.
The latest in LADIKH BIU.T
BuccLuii and NECK Ci.nura just
reooived at Ed. McComas' .
Fou SALK A eix room house
turn and other improvomentf. For
partioulam oall at this office. If
City and farm property insured
against fire , lightning and torna
does. J. M. KIMBURMNO.
Mian Graoo Abbott had sufficient
ly recovered ao as to be taken to
her homo al Grand Inland Monday
The rsadors of the KKPUIU.ICAN
can nave money by dealing with
those who advertise in thu RKI-UBU-
Doctor D'ty ha * located in our
city aud has his ofllce over Ryor-
n's grocery store aouth of Post-
Ole Johnson and N. J Ottun ,
two of the substantial oiliiena of
Round valley , were pleasant callers
Secure your tickets early for lha
Gold KinsMarch Qlat. Now on
Rale at post office and Wilson dt
Robt , Kc'y of Taylor spout a
oouplo days in the city this week.
The REPUBUCXH acknowledges a
frit ndly oall.
Fen SAI.K My residence properly
on Broadway , two blocks nast of
Realty block. II. L. FBAKIKU ,
Broken Bow.
S C. Waldmn aud C. A. Shro-
dor , of Over , were city visitor * on
Tuesday. This ofllao ucknowltdgen
.1 frii'tidly call.
Tlio Broken liow hospital is in
nplcndid condition for caring for
the sick. Trained uui > os in attend-
arce. Pricoa reauonablo. if
Dr. Graham's now method of
extracting tooth is absolutely pain
less. No Here mouth , HR in the UNO
of other local anioilhelicB n25
A coinpluto line of LAWKS
and Si i. ic GUAIID Call and see
them. En Mc
Rev. Clifton , of Arnold , preached
two vury acceptable Hermons in tbo
Baptist cburoh Sunday , Rev. Me
gan -was atArnold holding nj'ia'ingH
for bin. .
John While and fam'.luy Imve
bean down wi h ( be measles the
past weak or more , but we are
plenaed to nolu tbay are all getting
along very niculy ,
Farm a for Hale and lands for runt.
Now iu the limo to gut a farm uhnap ,
HH the cheap farina are all going and
prices are commencing to advauoo
rapidly. J.G.Bronixor.
Supt. Adarnion in uonfinod to his
room thii week by bicknoss. J. N.
Carees bae taken charge ot his
chimes , und Miss Pearl Euntor ban
charge of Mr. Carein'
John Boa ) , typo of the Boaoon
oflJco , is quitn nick with lung fovcr.
Bert Carter ban a large stock of
quooiiH ware which ho bought at
greatly reduced prioon which he
will neil at auction every Saturday
until the entire lot ta diHpoHod of.
Here is your opportunity.
ou SALU : Host residouoo loca
lion in the city , two lots , coruor of
block , ' 90x118 ft. Vacant lots just
weal of J. J. Wilson's new rusi
donco. Cash purchaser will receive
a rare bargain. t ( Juu KAT.
' 1 he Nt te logitdnturo took an d-
journmenl last Thursday to'l'uoiulay
ibis week. This ouablud Knnator
CuriiR to spend uoverul days looking
after his intorcHts in the county.
Ilo returned lo Lincoln Tu Hitay
Rev. Wilson , Church of God
nvangi'lisl , is holding a revival
moeling at Wcissort , liuving ooin-
ninnced TuoHday night of last week.
Our informant Hays the , house
was crowded Sundiy night and a
good work is being dono.
The sociable , given ut the homo
of Mrs. Frazicr , lasl night , by Ibo
ladies of the Baptist Aid Society ,
was a very pleasant affair , and all
present enjoyed the ooonmon. Miss
Anna Megan won first prize in the
"quotation contest" , and Mr. W..I-
ford the booby pri/.o.
Charley Bn8oyv/ho , rolurned from
Manila vrbero he was moiubor of
Co M bas ru enlisted in the regular
army , tie patted through Grund.
Iflland yesterday with iibout 40 oth
ers , from Illinois , who wcro on
their way to Manila. His aunt , Mrs
Calista Grant w Ml to ( jrnnd Island
to moot him.
The following is the UHIU ! Ictlor
list for the week ending March 14 :
Mr Ed.Humphrey , O.JGwynn , Mr.
William Coon , Mr.William Taylor ,
Mr.Chas.P yOunK , DrII.M. Leslie ,
W.R.Stewart , Mr.-.Sidio AJoBiitnie.
Parties calling for any of nbove
will please sty advertised
L , II. JKWKTT , P. M.
' f i-
iAs there were only about forly
republican voters that ventured to
come out through the ram Monday
night to the caucus , t'ie mooting
though' , boat to adjourn until to
night in order to secure a bolter
representation. A good set of
resolutions was adopted and a good
ticket and sura winner will bo nom
inated tonight.
A Wallace , ot Walworth , was in
the city last week and cast in his
ot wilh the G A. R post of this
uity , alao made this ofiioe a visit ,
and reports prosperily and good
leallb in his neighborhood. Mr.
Wallace is a farmer that knows
low to appreciate the value of good
iteraturo , and the need of assint *
! ) < in keeping up a good , live home
The Republican oaucua that was
called to meet at the court house
Monday , after affecting an organ-
cation , adjourned until tonight.
? . Al. Rublen was oleclo-.l ohuirman
ind I. A. Hocretary. A
committee ou resolutions oonsinting
> 1 W. W. Cowlns , A. R. Humphry
and D. M. Atnsberry , wore appoint-
cd and resolutions adopted before
the adjournment taken.
Tuesday was oue of the March
days of which tbo did HOttlora tell
about. Tbo greater part of tbo day-
it rained and the weather was not
uncomfortably col ' , but by the
middle of the afternoon it changed
to snow , and by i o'clock n north
west , blizzard in nil HB fury was
upon us. It continued most ol tbo
night By next morning tbo dottda
bad cleared away end the bright
rays of thr nun soon materially
warmed up the atniORpbore.
The attention of the women is
untied to the notioa of the school
caucus to be hold at the south nide
Hchool house Saturday afternoon rU
J o'clock , for lite purpose of pluo-
ing in nomination two mouibeiA of
the school board. 'I IK * law pro-
vidi'H that school olnotorfi are all
who are 21 years of ago , that have
children of ncbn ! afo or nnsossed
at the last asBosrtmont , who have
resided in thn dintriot forty days.
In this eleotion women have the
same rights nn HIGH.
The Ouster County Teacher's
Association , held al Merna , Satur
day , Maroh 4th , was in every way a
HiicoesH , Owing to sickness , bow-
ever , Heveral who were on the pro.
gram were unable to attend , but
their subjects were dmoused in a
more or less impromptu manner
by those present Considerable
time was given up during the morn-
ling session to thn dinouRflion of )
or tun
i i i i i i i i i
VTTT1 TV" TTrrTTF- ? * * ?
Oliut r No CO , At llreken How , In the BUtn f
NobtMlti , at th * cb of bnilnOM Mutch 0,1W.I
. . . . . . . , ' ,
Oren'ratts , fecnrvd anil uniocutcd . Ijr7i
Mooki.Boourltlerf.JnagiiitiiiU.cUlUH , etc I.1UU 4T
Other Katn. . SM.S3
llniiklUM hoiw tuinliuit ) mill Oiintt-i . 4W ) .CI
Olhor real ostntw . . . iix * ) 3
Current ozpuntPK and laid imld . I.Mll.Oii
Chocks and other osli Menu . . . $ 47.1,93
Duo from national , xtalu niul
prlfRlo bunUH nml haiihm. . . . I.AiT.iS .
Caih llllld of Imiik. . iiUMX )
I'rnn pnp r clirr noy , nlckuU
. . U.ltl
r IUII.M .
Total cat k . 1.U ,
Total . $ fl'i ' ; . i
Cai'll'l nock paid In . | I& , .M
Uitillvidod pruiltn . ,
lnil. iluiunltD | itlbji'ut to
tjouuuid oarllflaitteii of i
Total . $ V.007.Gli
Slut i of Nvluankn , I
County of Onetor. ( "
I , li. lt ( > ) , aatlNlitnt oimlilur of tilt iki > r
uauied UHiili , do dolemiil ) wtmrtli t th akut *
alalemOHl li trim to tlir wtt ol UIT l ( ( iwlcdtf and
lirllpf. K UOYSIC , Asa'tUaiIJtr.
A. II. Thoiipion , Dlioctor.
F. M. Itublee , Dltccl r.
. Huhpcrlnoil and \Torn to buf r m >
V tUU llth day of Alnrcli , ! ' . .
> n O. II. Hni.cOMii , Notary ' ll .
My couimlialon ( > iire | I'tti : "Uti , 1VOI.
writing. Both thu vertiulu aud
slant BysteniH were ably supported ,
with a mojorily in favor of the ver-
liolo. The nuij ! nt 'My LMIliotil-
lies" , was next taken up and dis-
cusBod by Priu. B , B. Hawthorn ,
Mrs. Portur aud othrra. The after-
uoou uesBion oponud with it groiilly
inoruaHod utlendunce , not , only
leachora , but town people and pat
rons of thu Hcliool , all of whom
seemed deeply interested in school
and buhool work. Among thu
treats of the day was thn p.ipur by
V. P. Fry1 , , on "Tho Amount 01
Individual llulp a Toucher .Should
Give a Pupil" . This aubjuot WHS
well bundled , and mituy pointn
brought forth in an exceedingly
uloar and ( ioucino manner. 1 ho paper -
per by Supt. Tooloy , wan a linishod
production , showing deep thought
and clear reasoning. lie took the
position that too much money and
attention are given a few high
Hohood and urnvurHiliop , to th neg
lect of our 01 in in on riistriot oohools.
The HBHHion oloHod with n qiiustion
box which was most enjoyable und
instructive. In the evening a lee
by Dr. C. Ii. Millions , "Somo Ob-
Horvations in tbo Philippines , " wis
given. This was I'ortainly a treat
to those n bo are at liM intcruHtcd
in the welfare of our uuton , and
throw light on a good many datk
places. Ho received a most cordial
welcome , and bin oilort was do-
ligbtful. Take it all in all , the
meeting wan a moHt onlortaiiung as
well as instructive one , aud was
pronounced by many the bent moot
ing tiny ever attended in tbo coun
ty , The icttuhurti wore royally ontor-
tatnod by the patrons of the JMorna
school. Miss Ilenne IB an idial
I president , and her enthusiasm and
earnestness will bo felt throughout
the county. Our next mooting will
be held at Mason City sometime
in April.
To thu quai' ' d voters ol Biokon
Bow fiobi'ol district No. 25 , you aru
hereby notified that a caucus will
be hold at the south hide school
hotine on Saturday , March 18 , at 2
o'clock p. m , , for the purpose of
placing in nomination two candi
dates for niomberrt of the ta'hool
board of said district , and f > r tin ;
transaction of such other business
as may properly como bc-foro the
caucus. Border of the school
I hao the New Success beardlusa
barley , ulso the black hulk-ps l ar-
ley , attOo per btislud ; the
buckwheat and hog millet for PIII. !
Send order * to J , B. Ki.uur , ClilF ,
Nob. |
Thtj folio /iiu { item in the rail
road department of ( ho Alliitnce
Grip looks as though Broken Bow
may liavo another line of road HOJII.
"One cngint'ering corps loft Alii *
mice this week and another will
leave today or tomorrow for the
Nortli Plat to country. It la not
doflinitely known , but from tbo best
information obtainable , it is luarncd
that the Burlington mud contoin-
p'atos ' building a branch , commenc
ing near or at Broken Bow and
running up the North Plutoa valley ;
Sin h < i line would tap one ot the
richest agricuotural parts of thu
Htatc as Avell HH quiitt a stock conn-
try , and would bo very valuable ae
a foedur to the mtiin Una. ' '
.Saturdiiy , March 2Cth , a oomploto
Hue of upring and Hiunmor uiilliuory
will ho on exhibition on the above
datn , mid 50 pattern mats , the latent
MlSS S. DiRifOBL ,
East Side tiquaro.
Broken Bow High School Ora.
toiioal Contest , at opera house , on
March 20 , 1890 :
" " > ntal Halo MU RT Jew tt
in Heaven . . .Mlic Bmra Lno
. Mr. Our LlwmorS
Th Leak in the lj ko MU. Mlhnlo Oonlty
Ml" Minnie Bhtnn
An Old ' ;
Huwon'a Story Mu
May Jacob *
Vocal Solo , . . . Jtri Uarer
with Wine . MiwJJftllieMcIntoih
The Hrst toll or'd 8 lory . MlM Kau0 K liey
ih Martyred Molhur . UlniLcna Moori
( ; nrn t uml Trombone Purl.
, . ; . . . . . . . . . . Meant Taylor and Clinton
The UninMor'n Wlfo . . .MtiaBclon Lemlne
rouiMntl. < .iiivcrturo . . . . . . .Mr. Arthur Myert
Hie Uirl In the Arena . . .MlaiAnna Mcgau
DoclMon ot the JiiducM . . . . . .
I'rosontalloii of the l'rl f . , . . , . ' . ' . . .
The members of thu Modern
Brotherhood of America of the
Broken Uow lodge will give n h'tor-
ary ontortuinmeiit and banquet at
their ball Fiiday night , Maroh 24.
Invitations buvo boon sout to uibtor
lodges al Mortia , Ansolmo and
Mason City. A mini bor from each
jaro orpoetcd and a royal good time
is auticipulod All local .members
are reoiiostod to be on baud with
well filled baskols to provide' for
our guests. Htato Manager , iJ , S.
lluyumu , of Grand Inland , haa ftlwo
been invited- Each mutnbar is
nuthoriz 1 u > uivito two guests , who
are not members. 'I'lio seHnion of
the lodyo will bo held at 8 , o'clock
in the affrnoon ; and as tboro are
several candidates to bo initiated ,
all members are urgnd to bu pros-
cut and on tune.
\ ) . M. AMSUKUIU , Siso'r.
SemiAnnual Opening !
Tbo ladies of Broken Bow aud
vicinity are cordially invited to
attend our denu-.inriual opuuiug ,
Thursday , Maroh SUrd , 189B. Wo
IWAO aoleotud for thu upriug soaaou ,
tUl bo very I.Uint upvoltios in hate ,
up'lo date in htyln und low in price.
Over a diU'oront styles in
ohildron'H linn. Our trimmer Las
just returned from nn oxtondttd trip
111 ibo oatil , and no painon bavu boon
spared to plniso : our oustornora. A
full linn of spring Bilk aud natin
capes. DrouH skirts fromfel to $12.
An immoiiHo linu ol' ladies ready
made ailic nnd liinndriod waists ,
wrappers and iindcrwuar. Tbo
largest And Guest line of droaa
trimmings , laces , vuilings , mitts
und gloves in thu city. Wo are
Hure wo onn plc&jo you both in style
and prices. Respectfully ,
A I'K'asitul Surprise.
Tbo homo of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bailey was tbo scene of a Tory
pleasant surprise ou last Friday
afternoon , tbo occasion being Mrs.
Bailny's uixtioth birthday. At
about 2 o'clock HOIIIO twenty friends
walked iu and took bur completely
by surprint1 After Nomowhat re
covering from bor surprise she ou-
tortainod her uut'Hts very agreeably ,
and all spout a very pleasant a f tor-
noon , after which a bountiful sup.
per * a < Borvod. Mrs. Bailey re
ceived a nuinbor of inuo and uaoful
proHttnttt to remind h ir of the occa
sion. Thcao present and iuvitod
were lit'v. and Mrn. Burns , Mr. and
Mrs. Whitehead , Smith , Bruce ,
IJonry , Hkilliuan , El wards , Wells ,
Humor , Broady , Mr < . Noroott ,
Missed Sarah Owens , Iluul bforjott
and Tiny Skillman.
Nioui : I'rliUy , Miircli ICcli , yoiiu ea child nf
Mr. olid Mra. win. KiliiiuriilH , ofCamro , with
TvpMU.jineniaoiili. i ie two yenre , four
inontbs and iieroa duyi.
I ho lililc sufferer bid boon sick
two wookn when callud ami relieved
from bur misery. Tlio funral was
condiictod SattirJ.iy from Kirat Ku-
dull Baptist chunUuv. > . H. K.
Baldwin oltlcmtin Her ruuiaiua
wt'i'o laid to roHl in tinB.ixelder
oornetory. The fru > nds d-'siro to
uxprtiHs tliKir rtiuooru cymji.itby to
the sorrowing paivntH and family
in tboir nad beri > ! iv nr < nt through
the columns of the Kti'innuA..T.
ilarllug thnn lu-'t Iclt ui ,
Left nr , > e , lor Ter iiioro ;
Hut we hopf to meet our Unod OIH- ,
On that UflKlit unit lmi > i > y nhoru
Lonely thu IJUDBU ami p d the hour .
Hlnce onr dear mm hti : gui\o \ ;
IJut eli I H lirlghtur hoiuii touu our ,
In DUHTOII fa now thy own.
Moved !
on cor. south of P. 0. ,
Watchmaker and Jeweler , formerly
north oide ,