Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 26, 1898, Image 5
V1 I I' Jt A-- t $$Mp i f J UlitRfiMl T E. POKTE'J!. .ttorney - at - Law:x ciiAWKOun NKit Ollirc iii Symltrnto lllmk w m. wnEjfgs, ATTORNEY - J.T - U.A.-VV, l'mcticvii iu all thu cotut llemingford, Neb. TURTLE & TAS1I Attorneys - at - Law, ' - lremiugford, Nebraska. DP.. C. A. 110L13R001C, am YSICIAM and SUOiGEOM, Residence, Hull house. Qllico Eir.st door north Box Biitte BaiiURIdg. Hemingford, -:- Nebraska T. J. O'KEEFE, J.KS. COMMISSIONER, 0I5TRICT OP NEBRASKA. All mailers cotnlnK bcforo the United States Circuit ('om I or ttie United Stales I.utulOfllcu will reijtlve prompt and eiuuful nttcution. Alsn attend to nil Idmls of business for non tesldonfs, real cstutu, rentals, collections, etc. Corrcspondenct! solicited. Offices nt H1JM1NOFOU1) ANliCHAWFOUD. NKU. 1 Time Table inwrvm Hemingford 1 riNCOr.N, Omaha, Chicaoo, fcj'l'. .lOSKl'II, Kansas City, Denvek, HELENA, UUTTK, Salt Lakf. City, PoitTLAfy), San Fit.viicisco, and all points west St. Louis and all points cast and hOllth Tkmsm Lkivkah Koi.r.ows; M. 41. VaKHriiijor, daily, UphiIwihiiI. JIllliiiKH mill nil ioiiil nortli .ami wi'Kt .4.2'J a. m K.2S p. m. 2 K p. m. No. 45. H reltrlit, daily. Dondwooil, IIIUIiik'h mid liiti'niRllnt HUtioiiH : l''ri'iht, daily, Nuw Caxtlu anil iutermedmln ht.ithms.. Nil. 47. l.'o. 42. I'aNRenKfr. daily, for Lincoln, Oiualia, Chicago and all l)oliUH I'ant 11:15 p.m. Freight, daily, for Lincoln and intnrini-dtatn editions. .. f:08 p. in. trolclit, daily, for Lincoln, N.4fl. No. 4. and intormediatu utalionn 10:J;i a. m All train dully nxci-pt Nos.47 and 4S. 4" dally except, Sunday. 4S daily except Monday, Hlcflpimr, dining and reollninc Hmir earn Incut free) nn tlironh trainx TlcltPta Bold and Ixikkhkp cliHcked to any point in tliu United t'ttitfH or Canada, Kor information, mal'H, time tablns) and tlck rt call on or write to W. M. Copeland, Aitent, or J. FJAN('lHvGeu'l Pnanouuar Agent, Onmliii aNvbrafla. ' Non-resident owners of timber claims can complete their final proofs without coming to the 'comity by corresponding with 'T.J.O'Keefe. Lumber, Coal and Lime! . -Just received a car of select oastorn lumbor for tanks. Also all kinds of hard wood, cedar r-'hiugles, lath, lime, and all kinds of lumber. Ready made tanks, or .will make tanks to order. Prices to compete with anyone the Northwest. Come and 'Sea us before buying else where. Tanks and tank lumber a s'pocialty. IIemingfoud Lumjiuk Co. Fifty Claims Wanted, for Cash. I want to buy improved farms and prairie land for cash; must bo cheap. Give number of sec tion, town and range; also ini-pro-vmonts in detail. Address E. A. Blunck, Carroll, Iowa. Florida is the home of the fa iriQUS Easter Lily. During tho blobming season, in somo places, tho ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily whito ilowers, and thousands of them are picked by the colored children -nd car ried to market. Before coining north I had a fine lot of tho lily bulbs dug, and brought thorn with inoj they make lovely house plants and are sure to bloom. Any on whp would like two or threo of thee lily bulbs can have them by sending a stamp to pay postane. You aro indeed welcome to send, as J can get more when I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. "Warner, Sngjyaw, East Side, Michigan. Sea tho 5o surprise burgtiins at Wildy'a. Now dross goods at WildyV 10c Bargain Wonders at "Wildy V Watch the 10c counter at Wildy's. Miss Mnry Ilerncall roturned from Marsland today. ( Co. Attorney lodenco made a trip to Allinnco Monday. If you want a high grade organ or piano talk to C. .J. Wildy. Wildy want3 droned poultry e.vory Tuesday and Thursday. The- big double store is full of new Fall goods at Jow prices. ivliss Sophia Roll of Marsland visited her brother, Torn, .Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Founor roturned to Kearney Mouday night. Miss Rosa Kinsloy commenced a term of school at Girard Mon day. It is her first term. Waller It. Keutof Alliance is in town today. lie will teach in Dawes county this fall. Fred Abley went to Edgemont yesterday to soo bis son Amos who is reported quite sick. John Mahony of Box Butte precinct transacted -business at the county capital Monday. Ferdinand Nikont of Lawn was in tho city Monday. Ho de posited a year's subscription for the official paper. Misses Mabel Our' is and Anna Ward went to Dunlap Wednes day for a couple of days visit with Miss Alma Fennor . Misses Loula Blair and Vera Atkin of.Bor Buttowero in town Monday. Miss Bhiir will teaelL the Marslaud school this year. Miss Zelia .Miner returned from Rushvillo this week. Site attended tho Sheridan county institute and will teach at Lake side. It is expected that Prof. Phipps of the Chadron Academy will occupy the pulpit at the Conirreirational church next' Sunday. John Wildy and family arrived from Lenzburg. 111., Sunday morning to remain permanently. Mr. Wildy will assist in the store. L. It. Corbin. I. E. Tush and J. A. Wilson were delegates who attended the republican conges sional conventional Broken Bow Wednesday. Mr. Andrew McGinloy of Run ning water, sold out his ranch to J. II. Cook last week tho con sideration boing 20,000. Harri son Journal. S. B. Libby represented Box Butte county at the Populist Senatorial convention held in "Valentine last Saturday. Sena tor Mutz was renominated. At tho republican convention bold in Allianco last Saturday S. P. Tuttlo of this place was .nominated for county attorney over A. L. Field the AlHanco aspirant. Misses A- E. Neoland and Blanche Bjnkerton and C. J. Wildy attended the social Wed nesday evening at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cross on Run ning water. Mrs. Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols departed for her homo at Pekiu, 111., Tuesday night. Mrs. Murray said that she would always cherish many fond remomberances of Heming ford friends. Tho livo youngest children of A. S. Enyoart left Friday night for University Place. Neb., for a ten days visit with Mr. En yoart's parents. They wore ac companied by J. C. Bonnet of Marsland. We aro in receipt of tho speed program of the Custor County Fair, to bo held at Brokon Bow, September 13th to 10th, and judging from the S2.000 offered in speed, the racing events will bo hummers. Single races in both trottjng and pacing, reach as high as $350 eacbr Good money is offered in all-races, and the program is roploto with bi cycle races, base ball tourna ment and other sports. MIWIH 111 Ill1ll I Mr. and Mrs. TS. P. Sweeney and Miss Susie and Dow Sween ey Iflft this morning for Hot Springs. Spearlish and other points in the Hills for a few days pleasure and recreation. Michael Fay a car repairman on tho B.&M. was seriously in jured at Marsland yesterday. A oar whool passed over one log crushing it badly, probably mak ing amputation necessary. Ho is married and resides at Alli ance. Mrs. Blilnehard has purchased a fine photograph outfit and will soon be prepared to take pictures of all descriptions. Sho has raro talent for such work and doubtless Hemingford can soon boast of ono of the best pho tographers in.tho state. Born, on Tuesday, Aug. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Christy, a 10-pound boy. Mother and child aro doing nicely and John wears an ear-lo-ear ' grin such as all Homingfordian ami farmers throughout the county will wear after tho county seat election. Keith Piorce roturned Wednes day from Lincoln whore ho has b?on attending school at the Normal University. lie has been engaged as principal of the schools at Sprig iow, Keya Paha county, for tho comb: year. Keith will make school i mark in school work. Arthur Sehaffor arrived Tues day from Uhieamauga where ho has been stationed with Co. . Wyoming. .Ho is off on a thirty days' furlough and will spend the time with his parents. Arthur says, 'you may talk about tliG sunny south but 1 have soon all I want of it." Miss Bpllo Martin departed Monday night for her homo at Jacksonville. 111., whore alio will remain. A party was givon in her honor, at Mrs. Miller's home, after which all accompanied her to tho train. Mrs. Broshar was also a passenger for Paris, 111., where she will visit until October. Her two youngest daughters will return with her. .1 . Rockey purchased the An drew'TsolYaehoirfann; foul-miles north of town, Tuesday. Ho will move his family hero from Lucas county, Iowa, in a few days and become a permanent resident. Mr. Rockey is an agreeable gon tleman, an enterprising farmer and dairyman and we aro pleased to have him locate among us. Ralph D. Brown and Miss Car rie Bissel have been engaged to teach the Hemingford schools for the coming year. Mr. Brown comes from Doane college, Crete, and is ,woll recommended as a teacher. Miss Bissel is one of Box Butte county's best teachers and is an ostimablo young lady. She has been teaching in York county lor tho past ye'ar. Robert' Anderson of Lawn precinct, who by tho way is the only colored farmer in tho county, left Monday night for Peters burg Illinois, to visit his sisters whom ho has not seon for over thirty years. They wore parted during tho war and it was just recently that they ascertained each others whereabouts. Rob ert will also take in the Exposi tion on his return. At tho republican cpunty con vention hold at Alliance last Sat urday tho following persons wore solccted to attend tho senatorial convention at Gordon on Sopt. 21 and representative convention at Crawford on Sopt. 10. A. II McLaughlin, Iddo J odor, Henry Whiten, E. Mabin and A. S. Enyeart. At the republican caucus held in Lawn precinct last week the following ticket was nominated Justice, A. Morava; constablos, B. A. Latbrop, J. Shetler; assess or, J. M. Wimolc; road ovorseors, Charles Marino, J. A. Ball. The populists nominated John Broshar for Justice, James Plan- ansky for constable, F. Nikont for assessor, James Turok and A. Morava for road pvorgcors. 'Clms. Stewart brought his sis tor, from New York, over from Alliance this week. She was de tained a few days on account f ilbioss. Ho had not seen lis1 sister for about .sixteen years be fore, "when he purled from her in Europe, whore they were do ing team trapeze work. Since that time, under tho professional nujno of Mdllo. Leona Dare, she has achieved prominence as an atbloto and aeronaut, amnssed at lqivt a competency . Her history hi soveral respects soonis to have been a romantic one. Goring Courier. Preaching at M. 'E. church Sunday morning, it being tho last service for this conference year, t will present a report both spritual and financial for the year. All aro invited. .1. W. Khun, Pastor. There will be sold at public salo on Tuesday, Sept. 19th at 2 p. m., 2 miles east and one-half south of Uomingford. 9 cows, 1 yearling lje'ifer, 2 calves, Ustovos, chairs, bedstead'and other house hold goods, lot of cedar posts, lot of black-bill petrifactions and sandstone ornaments. Terms cash. D. J. Lehr. .JANITOR WORK. Sealed proposals for janitor work for school district No. 18 (Hemingford) will bo received by the school board until Wednes day night Aug. 91, bids should be markod "Bids for janitor work." The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Uwiuc Olds, Directgr. RUNNING SHORT- Stock of McCormick mowors at headquarters nearly exhausted. Come soon or you cannot get one. Ci-auic Ol-ds. agent Ebtrav notice. Estra3'ed from our ranch at Ma linda, Neb., about July 4th, 1808, one dark brown 3 year-old geld ing, white faco and ieot. Kindly inform O. J. Wildy. Wanted to buy a good driving or saddle horse. Inquire at this office. Tourist-Pamphlets descriptive of Yollowstone Nation al Park and the summer resorts of Colorado ami containing, bo sides maps and illustrations, a great deal of information of inter est to sight-seers and tourists can be had by addressing J. Frauds, General Passenger Agent, Bur lington jtoute, Omaha, Neb. Write- to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, for handsome 32 page phamph't descriptivo of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. FREE: ESTitAY Notice. Taken up on May 12, 180S, at my place on Section 21, Tp 27, R. 51, one yearling mare colt, brown color, with both hind feet white, star in forehead, no brands. C. Klemkk. Fok Sale. Ono red Polangus bull, four years old. Ho is a thoroughbred and a lino animal; has never run in a herd. He can be seen at James Hollinrako's place, 8. miles north o Homjngford. J. W. Pnsitci:. CLEARANCE SALE. All trimmed hats must go at reduced prices. Anyone in need of a but would do well to come and see us. First come, first choice. Miss L. Adams. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature- of &&! OASTOH.1A. Beaw tin Tto Kind Yoa liars Alwars Boagtt OASTOniA. Bean the I ho Kind Yw Have Always Bosjfct Iho Kind Yw Have Always Signature of " - - ' "' " " " -.,... - Maw liondRs THAT And a store full of EVERYTHING Of latest styles, Lowest prices. Come and see for yourself at THE BIG DOUBLE STORE ,P S Our Stores aro.cloijcd on Sundays. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was tho originator of "CASTORIA," tho samo thai has borne and docs now bear f on every the fac-simile signature ofGzL&ffigZ wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" whicJi has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought - on the and has the signature of C&z&yfz&Z&t wrap per. No one has authority from mo to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President Do Not Be" Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF (kzT&ccM Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMC eCllTAUN COMPANY. TT MURRAY TnfKT. NCWVOHH Cm. ANTON PIONEER Hardware and U'lli: OI.DKST JSTAUI.!.S!IMKNT IN TIIK Cot'NTV Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuin e Round Oak Heating StOYs Paints, Oils, Glass, etc Special Agent for BAKER FERFECTSBarb Wire the Best on Eai'th HEiyilNGFORD HILLING CO., - - Manufacturers of Flour, Graham, Meal and Fee4 i . IK Dealers in All Kinds of COAL, Z-iIlZB-BIES, ICIIMIZE Paper, Sash and Doors. HILLER & WILDY. WCTWHMUMmiWwtWI,imutlmU .' s s UHRIG, Bargain Wonders'! Saddlery.