Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 26, 1898, Image 3

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A moment's pause for longing and for
A moment looking backward on the
To kiss my hand to long-past turretB
To stand and think of life yesterday!
A little time to dream of sunlit hours
Spent where white towers rise against
the sky;
To tread again that path of too Bweet
To hear again the greeting and good
bye! What Is there, say you, in that far-off
Of my past living and past loving
Wrapped In its golden haze, t6 stir my
And call the bitter sigh to tho be
reft? The memory of a touch warm, trust
ing, clinging,
The memory of that touch grown cola
as ice?
A voice hushed that was pure as wild
bird's Blnglng?
A love whose bright flame burned In
Only a grave? Life of today will teach
Its stream fleets fast for sorrow and
Beyond thlB turn Its sweeping wave will
reach me,
I must go with It, as we all got Yet
A moment's pause for longing and for
A moment's looking backward on the
.To kiss my hand to long-past turrets
To 8tnnd and think of life of yester
day! L. Marlon Jenkr, In Donahue's.
According to his ctty schoolmates,
Bubber Ramp was a country cracker.
And who knows better a child's social
and financial standing than Its school
fellows? His face was not round and rosy, like
other Jolly, sweet-tempered boys, for
Bubber was a slender child, with pale
face, and lanky, straight hair, streaked
In color with the shades of half-pulled
molasses candy. He was subject to
chills and fevers, which kept him away
from school about half the time and
gave his teacher an excuse for scolding
him whenever there was no one else In
particular for her to scold. His father
was a section master on the Georgia
railroad, and they lived In the "ten
mile" shanties, which were built on the
side of the railroad and on the edge of
a deep cut, through which the wind
blew a perfect gale the whole year
But If by living on the cut Bubber ac
quired the chill and fever habit he also
gained the knowledge which enabled
him to save the lives of some 500 peo
ple Sunday school children with the
friends and teachers. It was the picnic
of Bubber'a Sunday school, but because
It fell on his chill day his mother said
he could not attend. So he contented
himself with walking five miles up the
railroad to Belalr, the nearest station
where the train would stop, with a huge
bunch of flowers for his Sunday school
teacher. This teacher, be It known,
was one of the people who did not
know about Bubber's being a country
cracker, but considered him a Jolly,
amiable boy.
After handing the bouquet through
the car window Bubber stood for a
while looking wistfully at the train
load of happy children. Then some
thing occurred which made his school
mates forget forever that he was home
ly and poor, and this Is how It hap
pened. Southward from Brazella the road
drops down steadily for five or six
miles. There follows the little rise to
the top of Habersham hill, and then
comes the sharp sag of a mile or more
to Belalr and the level valley of the
John' Johnson, or "'Yucker.'' as he
was called for short, ivas the most
daring engineer on the Georgia and had
the best run on the road until he Joined
the strike of the Knights of Labor.
After the difficulty was settled and the
strikers went back to work, Yucker,
for the sake of discipline, was put to
hauling way freight between Union
Point and Augusta.
On this particular day, while his fire
man was taking water at the big red
tank at Thompson, Yucker went Into
the station for orders. He found out
that there was nothing for him at Bra
zella or Belalr. He had nothing to
leave at either station, so he climbed
back Into his cab, meaning to go
through to Wheeless to meet the up
freight. Sometimes he met It at Belalr,
but whenever he got the chanace he ran
by and trusted to luck that It would be
held for him at Wheeless.
It was in the early summer, and the
green grass and bright flowers made
the earth seems like a great garden.
Yucker was half out of the window of
his cab when his train passed through
Brazella. His feet were on the running
board, his elbows on his knees, and his
chin In his hands. He was absorbed In
tho beauty of the landscape plunging
past him, so he did not see the agent
run out as the rear of the train reached
the end ofjthe platform and shout fran
tically at him.
Yucker had thirty cars behind him,
bo be cllmbe'd In from the window and
gave the engine a bit more steam. Down
the sag before Habersham hill the train
thundered, gaining momentum every
second. The engineer was getting ready
for the rise to the top of the hill, and
he meant to make the finest plunge
down the other side that ever had been
made. He meant to leave the agent at
Belalr dumb with astonishment and be
half way to Wheeless before the opera
tor could telegraph to the next station
to hold up the freight. At the top of
the hill he pulled the throttle out,
hooked the lever up to he top of the
gauge, and down Habersham hill he
roared under a full head of steam.
But tho agent at Brazella had not
caught the up freight at Wheeless, and
when Yucker began to plunge down
Habersham hill It was waiting for him
at the bottom. That would have been
all right, for the way freight had gonts
by dozens of times under Just such cir
cumstances, but there was the Sunday
school excursion running special, and
that was why the agent at Brazella had
tried so desperately to Btop the heed
less engineer.
The special waited on tho main line
with the up freight on the siding; when
the way freight came they were to
"saw by." But they had not reckoned
how It would come. With the engine
leaping and lurching over the rails, the
loaded cars rocking and reeling, the
train shot down the frightful grade. Tho
roar warned the men at tho station
of the Impending danger, but Yucker
was engrossed In contemplation of the
landscape while his fireman sat with
his back to the cab.
The people at the station were be
number with fright. They stared with
horror-stricken faces at the oncoming
engine as some great demon hurrying
to destroy the excursion train with Its
load of human freight. Paralyzed with
fear they could neither move nor call
In the wholo crowd there was but one
who could think and act. He was a
slender, pale-faced boy, and he rushed
up the track toward the oncoming train.
"Git out, git out," his shrill Voice
shouted to the men In the cab of the
up freight. "Jump and run, Jump and
He was tugging at a switch key, and
they Baw what he meant. So down the
men Jumped from the engine, while the
boy ran on to the switch. His hands
seemed paralyzed, so long did It appear
before he forced It open; then he step
ped back Just as the way freight rushed
by and ran full tilt Into the up freight.
There was a tremendous crash. The en
gine of the way freight rode over the
other and smashed It Into fragments.
Then It sat down on Its own cab wtth
the forward' truck In the air and one
wheel whirling round like a millstone.
The following cars piled up In a great
cloud of dust.
The terrified excursionists scrambled
from their own train, rushed over to the
wreck, and stood for a time In speech
less horror and amazement. Then the
freight conductor came up, and search
ing among1 the crowd, led out a slen
der, pale-faced lad.
"To this brave boy," he said, raising
his hand to command attention, "you '
owe the preservation of your lives"
Here his voice choked. With tears
streaming down his face, he finished
the sentence by motioning toward tho
excursion train.
"There; were more than 500 on board,"
said the Sunday school superintendent.
"The majority of them children." '
"Not a life lost," cried one of the I
trainmen, running up,
"Yucker, his
fireman and both brakemen Jumped for
their lives after shutting off steam
and putting down brakes. They came
off without a scratch."
"It was a miracle." said the preacher.
"It was Bubber Ramp," sold a child-
Ish voice. "I seen him when he opened
the switch."
Then the crowd surrounded the pale-
faced lad, pushing and shoving to shake
his hand, to touch him or even to get a
look at him. What was said or who
said It no one could tell, but In the
midst of It nil there sounded the shrill
whistle of a near-by steam saw-mill.
"Ifs"leven o'clock," said Bubber,
looking up at the sun. "It's about time
for my chill, so I'd better be gettln'
home." And he hurried off down the
track toward the ten-mile shanties as
complacently as though nothing had
The following week the Sunday school
superintendent accompanied the rail
road official when he went to tell Mr.
Ramp of his appointment to a better .
position on the road. The superintend- '
ent. on behalf of the people on board
the excursion train, presented Bubber '
W ,a T V , . riiul !
', . "". ",-' ;
gardlng In awed astonishment the hand-
some wheel and timepiece, two things I
ij, i. uiuiiu, eaiu uuuuti, l
nbove all others he had most longed
for, "I never done nothln but turn the
switch key. Anybody could've done
that. I've been doln It ever since I
was goln' on 7 years." Chicago Inter
Walter T. Davis, one of Roosevelt's
Rough Riders, who was badly wounded '
at Santiago, was lost In Central park I
last night. Weakened by wounds and
rever, no naa ranen at the foot cf a only increases the embarrassment,
stntue, when two society women, Mrs. since you have her to take care of."
George Becker and nlec?, saw him from You are an Ingrate, for the woman
their carriage. With the help of their 'ob often supports the man aa the man
escort and the servants Davis was supports the woman. The man may
lifted Into the carriage and was driven bring all the dollars, but the woman
to Bellevue hospital. The doctors there generally brings the courage and the
said that he was In a serious condl- ! faith In God.
tlon. Well, this man of whom I am speak-
There was a lawn party given by the I"P looks around, and he finds his fam
Wonien's Protective Relief society In ' lly Is left, and he rallies, and the light
Central park yesterday afternoon, and comes to his eyes, nnd the Bmlle to his
the convalescents from the hospitals face, and the courage to his heart. In
were Invited to attend. Davis was al- !two years he Is quite over It. He met
lowed to accompany a number of other
soldiers from the Marine hospital at
Staten Island.
Davis has lived at Tampa all his life,
and it was an exciting afternoon for
himi The strength that he had gained
since he had left the horrors of Cuba
behind htm began to desert him. Un
willing to spoil the amusement ot his
comrades, he left the party and lay
down tn the shade. When the man In
charge of his party looked for him at
the close of the entertainment he could
not be found. As some of the car
riages had already left It was supposed
that Davis waa In one of them.
fair Summer, linger at my door,
And lot me learn your magic lore;
Haste not nway.
Your breath Is sweet upon the hills,
Your music nil the woodland fills,
And clear and gay.
The bobolink his light song flings
Across the meadow, as he swings
With airy ease
In swinging tree-top, every pauso
Filled with the rustic of applause
Of leaf and breeze.
In love for you, tho oriole
At morn pours out his glowing soul
In wild, sweet trill;
But with nlght'B trnnqutl muslo blent,
I hear the tender, sad lament
Of whlppoorwlll.
O. Summer, surely ho must feel
That Into your warm heart will steal
A chill of fear.
Into your song a minor note,
As slow your perfumed garments float,
And disappear
Adown the year.
Washington, D. C, Aug. This dis
course of Dr. Tnlmage Is full of encour
agement for those who know not which
way to turn because of accumulated
misfortunes. Text, I. Samuel, xlv., 4:
"There was a shap rock on tho one
side, and a sharp rock on tho other
The cruel army of the Philistines
roust be taken and scattered. There Is
Just one man, nccompanled by his body
guard, to do that thing. Jonathan Is
the hero of the scene. I know that
David cracked the skull of the giant
with a few pebbles well slung, nnd that
300 Gidennltcs scattered 10,000 Amalok
Ites by the crash of broken crockery;
but here Is a more wonderful conflict.
Yonder nre the Philistines on the rocks.
Here Is Jonathan with his body guard
In the valley. On the one side Is a rock
called Bozez; on the other side Is a
rock called Seneh. These two were as
famous In olden times as In modern
times are Plymouth rock and Gibral
tar. They were precipitous, unscalable
and sharp. Between these two rocks
Jonathan must make his ascent. The
dqy comes for the scaling of the height.
Jonathan, on his hands and feet, begins
the ascent. With strain nnd slip and
bruise, I suppose, but still on and up,
first goes Jonathan, and then goes his
body guard. Bozez on one side. Seneh
on the other. After a sharp tug and
push and clinging I see the head of
Jonathan above the hole In the moun
tain; and there Is a challenge and a
fight and a supernatural consternation.
These two men, Jonnthan and his body
guard, drive back and drive
the Philistines over the
nnd open a campaign
demolishes the enemies of
I suppose that the overhang
ing and overshadowing rocks on either
side did not balk or dlsheartf" Jona
than or his body guard, but only roused
and filled them with enthusiasm as
they went up. "There was a sharp
rock on the one side, and a sharp rock
on the other side."
My friends, you have been, or are
now, some of you, in this crisis of the
text. If a man meets one trouble he
can go through with It. He gathers all
his energies, concentrates them on one
' point, and In the strength of God, or by
! hU own natural determination, goes
through It. But the man who has
trouble to the right of him, and trou-
j D,e to lhe left of him, Is to be pitied.
Dld either trouble come alone, he might
endure It. but two troubles, two dls-
asters, two overshadowing misfortunes,
ore Boze's and 5neh 0r"' J1'1 him!
I "There Is a sharp rock on the one side,
. and a snarp rocl on the other side."
In this c'lsis of the text Is that man
whose fortune and health fall him at
the same time. Nine-tenths of all our
merchants cnpslze In business before
they come to forty-five years of age.
There Is some collision In commercial
circles, nnd they stop payment. It
seems as If every man must put his
name on the back of a note before
he learns what a fool a man Is who
risks all his own property on the pros
pect that some man will tell the truth.
When the calamity does come. It Is
awful. Thi mnn popfi hnrwn In rioannl,.
fl ne te),s , fam We.n naye
g0 t0 tne poor houge.. Hfi takeg a ,Jo.
lorous vlew ot everything. It seems as
if - navor oniilrl rlca Tnf mn
ir he never could rise. But a
tlme pagse8i am, he saySi Wn
not so bndly ott after a. T hav
. a.w ..w . w ,UUIU lOVl UV t I11MS
I am
have my
family left."
Before the Lord turned Adam out
of paradise he gave him Eve, bo that
whpn he lost paradise he could stand
It. Permit one who has never read but
a few novels In all his life, and who has
not a sreat deal of romance In his corn-
posltion, to say. that if. when a man's
fortunes fall, he has a good wlfe-a
good Christian wife-he ought not to
be despondent. "Oh," you say, "that
that one trouble conquered It.
It Is a difficult thing for a man to
feel his dependence upon God when he
has ten thousand dollars In the bank,
end fifty thousand dollars In govern
ment securities, and a block of stores
and three ships. "Well," the man says
to himself, "It Is silly for me to pray,
'Give me this day my dally bread,'
when my pantry Is full, and the camels
from the west are crowded with bread
Huffs destined for my storehouses."
Oh, my friends, If the combined mis
fortunes and disasters of life have
' made you climb up Into the arms of a
I tympathetlc and compassionate God,
j through all eternity you will bless him
that in this world "there waa a thnrp
rock on the ono Bide, and a sharp rod:
on the other side."
Again, that mnn Is In tho crisis of the
text who has homo trouble nnd out
side persecution at tho samo time. Tho
world treats a man well Just i.s lonr
as It pays to treat him well. Aa long
as It can mnnufneturo success out of
his hone nnd brain nnd muioln, It fa
vors him. Tho world fntlens tho horsr
It wants to drive. But let a man see
It hlB duty to cross tho track of th
world, then every bush Is full of thorns
and tusks thrust nt him. They wilt
belittle him. They will cnrleatura him.
They will call his generosity solf-og-grnndlzcmcnt
nnd his piety innctlmo
nlousncss Tho very worst prosecution
will sometimes come upon him from
those who profess to bo Christians.
Now, a certain amount of persecu
tion rouses a man's defiance, stirs" his
blood for mngnlflccnt battle, and
makes him fifty times more n man than
ho would have been without tho per
Becutlon. So It was with tho great re
former when he said: "I will not ho
put down; I will be heard." And so It
was with Millard, the preacher, In the
timo of Louis XI. When Louis XI.
sent word to him that utiles he stopped
preaching In that style ho would throw
him Into the river, he replied: "Tell
the king that I will reach heaven
sooner by water than he will reach It
by fast horses."
So sometimes men have awakened
to And on one side of them the rock
of persecution, nnd on the other side
of them the rock of domestic Infelicity.
What shall such a one do? Do aa Jon
athan did climb. Get upon tho heights
of God's consolation, from which you
may look down In triumph upon out
side persecution and homo trouble.
While good and great John Wesley was
being silenced by the magistrates, and
having his name written on tho board
fences of London In doggerel, at that
very time his wife waa making him
ns miserable as she could acting as
though she wero possessed by tho
devil, ns I suppose Bho was; never
doing him a kindness until the day she
ran away, so that he wrote In his
dlnry these words: "I did not forsake
her; I have not dismissed her; I will
not recall her."
Again, that woman stands In the
crisis of the text who hns bereavement
and a struggle for a livelihood at the
same time. Without mentioning names,
I speak from observation. Ah, It Is a
hard thing for a woman to mako an
honest Hvlrg, even when her heart Is
not troubled, and she has a fair cheek,
and the magnetism of nn exquisite
presence. But now the husbnnd, or the
father, Is dead. Tho expenses of tho
obsequies have absorbed all that wns
left In the savings bank; and, wan
and wasted with weeping and watch
ing, she goes forth a grave, a hearse,
a coffin behind her to contend for her
existence and the existence of her chit-
dren. When I see such a battle nsj
mat open, I shudder at the ghastllness
of the spectacle. Men sit with em
broidered slippers and write heartless
essays about women's wages; but that
question Is made up of tears and blood,
and there Is more blood than tears.
Oh, give women free access to all the
realms where she can get a' livelihood,
from the telegraph office to the pulpit!
Let men's wages be cut down before
hers are cut down. Men have Iron
In their bouIs, and can stand It. May
God put Into my hand the cold, bitter
cup of privation, and give me nothing
but -a wlndowlcns h'.it fjr shelter for
many years, rather than that after I
am dead there shall go out from my
home Into the pitiless world a woman's
arm to fight the Gettysburg, the Aus
terlltz. the Waterloo of life for bread!
What are such to do? Somehow, let
them climb up Into the heights of the
glorious promise: "Leave thy father
less children; I will preserve them
alive, and let thy widows trust In me."
Or get up Into the heights of that other
glorious promise: "The lord preserveth
the stranger nnd relleveth the widow
and the fatherless." Oh, ye sewing
women, on starving wagest Oh, yo
widows, turned out from the once beau
tiful home! Oh, ye female teachers,
kept on niggardly stipend! Oh, ye de
spalring women, seeking In vain for
work, wandering along the docks, and
thinking to throw yourselves Into the
river last night! Oh, ye women of
weak nerves nnd aching sides and
short breath and broken heart, you
need something more than human sym
pathy; you need the sympathy of God.
Climb up Into his arms. He knows It
all, and he loves you more than father
or mother or husband ever could or
ever did; and, Instead of sitting down,
wringing your hands tn despair, you
had better begin to climb. There are
heights of consolation for you, though
now "there Is a sharp rock on one side,
and a sharp rock on the other side."
You see from my subject that when
a man gets Into the safety and peace
of the gospel he does not demean him
self. There Is nothing In religion that
leads to meanness or unmanllness. The
gospel of Jesus Christ only asks you
to climb as Jonathan did climb to
ward God, climb toward heaven, climb
Into the Bunshlne of God's favor. To
become a Christian Is not to go meanly
down; It Is to come gloriously up up
Into the communion of saints; up Into
the peace that passeth all understand
ing; up Into the companionship of an
gels. He lives upward; he dies upward.
Oh, then, accept the wholesale Invi
tation which I make this day to all
the people! Come up from between your
Invalidism and financial embarrass
ments. Come up from between your
bereavements and your destitution.
Come up from between a wasted life
and an unlllumlned eternity. TJke Jon
nthan, climb up with all your might.
Instead of sitting down to wring your
hands In the shadow and In the dark
nesr "a sharp rock on the one aide,
and a sharp rock on the other aide."
To the Cnttlo Feeders.
It has long been a question In my
mind why the cnttlo fcedors thoso far
mers who feed corn and buy tho thin
cattlo to feed have not made an at
tempt to effect seme kind of nn or
ganization for thejr own protection and
mutual Interest, seolng that tho cattlo
grazers, the ranchmen have such an
organization, tho commission men havo
their organization, ns well as tho well
known organization of tho packers,
In short, we eco that almost every
separate branch of the business hns Its
own special organization for tho pro
tection of Its own special interests, to
the effectiveness of which tho experi
ence of tho unorganized farmer feed
era bear nbundnnt virtues.
I am convinced that tho benefits to
said feedera of a proper organization
arc very grcnt Indeed. I havo con
sulted with many feeders and farmers
nnd find that they, too, are much Im
pressed with tho good results promised
by such organization, and they aro em
phatically favorable to a general dls
cuBslon of this mnttor with a largo
number of farmers from all over the
Missouri valley the larger the number
and tho wider the range of their lo
cation tho better tho results and they
havo expressed Btrong npproval of tho
suggestion that a call for such a meet
Ing be Issued.
Questions to be Investigated and dis
cussed at such a meeting are numer
ous. Such as tho kind of cattlo best
suited to dry lot, or corn, or grasa feed
ing. Preparation for the care and feed
ing; but especially pertlent aro such
topics aa plans for determining tho
prices to be paid for tho cattlo at tho
several times of tho year when they
are bought planB for eliminating Buch
Influences, aside from those of legiti
mate supply and demand, na deter
mine, In large, port, said prices.
Wo constantly bco a largo per cent
of those who feed cattlo under exist
ing conditions lose their corn entirely;
others get for their corn a small price
and nothing nt all for their tabor or
for tho hay fed; othera lose all their
feed, labor and money besides, and
this In times when there Is not a sur
plus of fat cattle.
In my opinion this can be materially
changed by consultation and organiza
tion ot thoso materially Interested. Wo
may bo assured that the organization ot
tho men Interested In other branches ot
this great business aro not going to
work any change In these conditions,
when such chnnge would adversely af
fect their own material and financial
profits. We must help ourselves, sim
ply by standing by our own Interests.
We find buyers for tho packers, at all
tho market centers, every morning wait
until they receive orders what to buy
and the prlco to pay, and tho farmer or
feeder who Is on the market Is en
tirely at the mercy of those buyers
with their prlco set for them by the
packers without regard to what kind
of stuff or how much Is upon that par
tlcular market. That Is, tho clement
of competition Is practically eliminated.
In support of this statement, we feed,
era find that each buyer In the mar
ket offers tho same price na every othir
buyer for the same grade or the samo
lot of cattle, except possibly the differ
ence In their Judgment as to the grade
of a certain branoh of cattle.
I cannot aee why an advisory board
might not bo established at each of the
great market centers to prico the feed
ers as the packers now price the fat
cattle as well aa practically fix the
price of these same cattle when they
were shipped out aa feeders. If this
could not be done with such absolute
perfection as the packers accomplish
their work. It might hove a most de
slrable and appreciable tendency In the
right direction.
I simply suggest this as one of the
plans for bettering our own business
conditions, but I have full faith In the
intelligence of this class of our busi
ness citizens to believe that a large
gathering of tho feeders from Nebras
ka, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and other
tributary territory, would be able to
develop a remedy for these existing
Thus organized they ought to have
some voice as to the prices to be paid
for feeders, aa well as some Influence
against the more or less arbitrary fix
ing of the prices of fat cattle by the
packers, and would certainly be a thou
sand fold more effective than the feeble
efforts and protest of each man acting
singly and alone.
Without Borne such organized effort
the present order of things will continue
to exist, and we feeders continue to
dump our corn and our labor into the
pockets of other people.
September 20 la suggested aa the time
and Omaha aa the place of such a meet
ing, because of the natural drifting to
gether there of people from the terri
tory mentioned, because of the great
Trans-Mlsslsslppi exposition.
Will Omaha, or the exposition man
agement, furnish a suitable hall or
place of meeting and promote the pub
licity of this subject?
Will the World-Herald, the State
Journal and the Omaha Bee favor this
movement In the Interests of their
large patronage among the farmers,
and urge Its publication by all the pa
pers In the territory named?
I would suggest that each one In
terested In this movement send a short
letter of endorsement ot the purpose
to some one ot the papers publishing
this article In order that we may know
In good time, whether such a meeting
Is feasible. Let no one wait for an
other; but you, the reader of this com
munication, are the Interested party, so
look after your own Interests In this
as In other ordinary business affairs.
Time your visit to the great exposi
tion to Include tho date for suoh meet.
Ing, nnd ono of tho largest meetings
over convened In Omaha, of business
men Intent upon business methods, will
bo tho result, nnd ono o).' tho largest
Industrial Interests of the west, which
has long languished, will bo put upon
Its feet, upon a foundation of fairness
to all nnd with promise of permanency
and prosperity. WM. DAILEY,
Peru, Neb.
August Onro of Cows.
Tho price of butter ta rising, and tho
prospects nre that butter will bo higher
than usual for several months, because
thoro Is a shortogo of milk nnd butter
throughout the United States. Tho
high price now and tho higher prices
likely to follow make It desirable to
keep tho flow of milk up to aB high
a point ns possible. Another reason
for keeping tho cows In good flow dur
ing August Is that a drop now means
less milk for each succeeding month
until tho cows calvo again, no matter
how good tho care and feed may bo
later on. The cowb will need to havoi
tho pasture supplemented by some other1
food. Green millet, sorghum and corn
aro good feeds when freshly cut. Give
In light feeds at flrat, and gradually
Increase tho amount until at the end
of ten days the cows may be given all
they will cat without waste. Do not
wait until tho cows begin to drop Ini
their milk yield beforo you begin to
feed. Watch tha pasture, and na soon
ns the first p.igna of shortnge come,
start feeding. Jt Is eaaler and takes,
Icbs feed to keep a cow giving a good
flow of milk than It does to wait until,
the milk yield has dropped and then
undcrtako to increase It.
If your fields aro not arranged bo
that you can give green feed to the!
cowb without costing too much In labor,
fill tho racks with dry feed. If tho1
cows aro given what alfalfa hay they,
will cat, you may bo suro that, bo far
aa feed la concerned, the milk yield
will be all right. At the collcgo farm
wo have fed our cowb alfalfa hay all
summer while they havo been on pas
ture. We feed In racks In the barn
yard, putting In each day about what'
tho cowb will cat, bo that the hay is
always fresh and palatable. White the
grass was rank and watery tho cows
ate the hay greedily. As tho grass be
came better In quality the cows ate'
less alfalfa. Now our pastures aro bo-'
ginning to get dry and our cowb are
eating moro of tho alfalfa hay thirty
cows eating about 100 pounds a day.
Corn or Kafllr corn is the best grain to
feed with alfalfa hay or green fcedB.
We havo had good results with the col
lege cowb this summer In feeding a
mixture of 400 pounds of corn meal
and 100 pounds bran. Each cow has
had one and one-half pounds ot this
mixture nfter each milking. Aa the
pasture dries up we will Increase tho
amount of grain fed. It other dry feed
than alfalfa hay 1b used to help out
tho pastures, such aa prairie or tim
othy hays, bran and linseed or cotton
seed meals should bo used, and not
corn. We would mix 100 pounds of bran
and 60 to 76 pounds of linseed or cotton
seed meal and feed ono to four pounds
of tho mlxtare after each milking, va
rying the amount according to the abil
ity of the cow to make returns for the
feed. Several years ago, the college
herd pastures becamo very dry and
we lost several cows In midsummer
from Impaction of the stomach. Fur-'
ther trouble was avoided by feeding'
loosening feeds bran and Unseed
The cheapest and best feed to tide
over the summer drought Is ensilage,
and It will pay every Kansas farmer
who expects to make dairying a busi
ness to have a silo for summer feed
ing. The writer has fed ensilage to
dairy cows for seven summers and each
season emphasizes Its value.
Water Is as essential In milk produc
tion as feed, and It Is especially neces
sary In the hot month of August. It
possible, the cows should have free
access to water, so that they can drink
whenever necessary. Some ot our dai
rymen water from ponds. The ponds
should be fenced and the water piped
Into a trough with a float valve on the
end of the pipe, so that the trough
will always be full. A good float valve
needs little attention, and when used
In the way Indicated will keep a full
supply of water always ready for the
cows. No good dairyman will let his
cows stand In a pond from which they
drink. When this Is done the water
becomes Indescribably filthy and unpal
atable and the cows will not drink a
sufficient quantity to keep up a good
flow of milk. The filth and mud gather
on the udder and under side of the
cow, drops In to the pall and milk, and
Infects the milk with germs producing
bad flavor that no skill ot the butter
maker can overcome.
A dairy cow should never be driven
faster than a slow walk, and this Is es
pecially Important during the hot
months. Fast driving, chasing with
a dog and unkind treatment cuts down
the flow ot milk and decreases the per
cent ot butter fat. The excitement ot
shipping our college cowb 100 miles by
rail cut down the butter fat of some
of them to .9 of 1 per cent Hard driv
ing In hot weather will produce a sim
ilar effect.
Cows need shade, and If there are no
trees In the pacture It will often pay
to set a few tall posts on the highest
ground, put on some poles and cover
with old hay, straw or weeds. H. M. C
In Kansas Farmer.
Several men were talking about how
they happened to marry, "I married
my wife," said one, after the othera had
all had their say, "because she waa
different from any woman I ever met"
"How was that?" chorused the others.
"8he waa the only woman I ever mst
who would have .me." and there was a
burst of applause. Tlt-BIU