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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1898)
u' The Herald. VOLUME IV. HEMINGFORD, BOX BUTTE, COUNTyNEBRASKA, FRIDAY? AUGUST 26, 1698. NUMBER 28. Hiinli)rd j m o " "" "' . . , i , ..I i i , . i ,, i , i , , i , ,i ' l " mm ''-' i ii . - .. . .... &. aw n. I j . M iv. vy ytf 9- I' V" f K ? (& iL. r t BJL .1. .' fiP " i WMF. Ertr ' WtSm ajUBJSf' 'I NOT ALL SURRENDER TERMS OP CAPITULATION OF MANILA. General Merrltt Scitds in tin Of ilclal ltcnort-Only City, Buy nnd Harbor Surrenders Under Agreement. Washington D. C Special! This cable dispatch has Just been glverrou't ty tno war department; J-.- "Onhlft nnw wnrlMnir fr thin nritnt The dispatch was dated Manila and Binned. Merrltt. There were no particu lars to those given out at the war, de partment, but it was construed to mean either that messages had been Bent through by means of picking up the cable or that the repair boat Re corder had arrived and put the cable In working order. Washington, D. C., Aug. 22. The war department posted the following cablegram from Genernl Merrltt giving the termd of the capitulation of Man ilas Hong Kong, Aug. 20, Adjutant Gen eral, Washington: The following are the terms of the capitulation: "The undersigned, having been ap pointed a committee to determine the details of the capitulation of the city and defenses of Manila and its suburbs" and the Spanish forces stationed there in, in accordance with agreement en tered Into the previous day by Major General Wesley Merrltt, United States army, American comraander-ln-chlef In the Philippines', and his excellency Don Fermln Jardlnes, acting general-in- chlef of the Spanish army in the Philip pines, have agreed upon the following: "First The Spanish troops, European and native, capitulate with city and defenses, with all honors of war, de positing their arms in the places des ignated by the authorities of the United States and remaining in the quarters designated and under the orders of their ofllcers and subject to control of the aforesaid United States authorities until the conclusion of peace between the two belligerent nations. All persons Included in the capitulation remain at liberty, the ofllcers remaining In their respective homes, which shall be re spected as long as they observe the reg ulations prescribed for their govern- ment and thcJawB.injtprte. r . 'Second-OfncerV'' shaUetalh their side-arms, horses and private property. Alf public houses and public property of all kinds shall be turned over to the 'staff officers designated by the United Stated. ARMS RETURNED. "Third Complate returns In duplicate of men by organizations and full lists of public property and stores shall be rendered to the United States within ten days from this date. "Fourth All questions relating to the repatriation of officers and men of the Spanish forces and of their families and of the expenses which said repatri ation may occasion, shall be referred to the government of the United States at Washington. Spanish families may leave Manila at any time convenient to them, The return of the arms sur rendered by the Spanish forces shall take place when they evacuate the city, or when the American army evacuates. "Fifth Officers and men Included In the capitulation shall be supplied by the United States, according to their rank, with rations and necessary aid, as though they were prisoners of war, until the conclusion of a treaty of peace between the United States and Spain. All the funds In the Spanish treasury and all other public funds shall be turned over to the authorities of the United States. AMERICA'S PROTECTION. "Sixth This city, Its Inhabitants, its churches and religious worship, its edu- catlonal establishments and Its private property of all descriptions are placed under the safeguard of the faith and honor of the American army. , "F. W. GREENE, "Brigadier General of Volunteers.Unlted States Army, "B. L. LAMBERTSON. "Captain, United States Navy. "CHARLES A. WHITTIER. "Lieutenant Colonel and Inspector Gen eral. "E. II. BROWDER, "Lieutenant Colonel and Judge Advo cate. "NICHOLAS DE LA PENA, "Auditor Gt-neral, Excts. "CARLOS REYES, "Colonel de Ingineros. "JOSEPH E." MARIA OLAQUEN, i j.J'Felia de Estado Major," t'- MERRITT,' . " Spanish Spy Entertained. Atlanta," Ga., Aug. 23. Joseph Cas tellanoas, alias George Edouard Vander.. but. arrested at Tampa. Flnhr ' ' months ago as a Spanish spy?V,ana since that time imprisoned at Fort Mc pherson, was given his liberty, to-' ' gether with three other suspected. The men quickly separated and "Vanderbllt," clad In tha Cuban uni form which he wore when -arrested, came to town. Ills reception here was so demonstrative that he was placed in Central police station for safety, whore his numerous wounds were dressed. NATIVKS' REVENGE. 12nrngod Porto Iticans Aitor , tho Dona. Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. 23. The Porto RlcanB continue to bo turbulent, and the rpugh element still makes nightly attacks upon the Spanish cafes. A crowd of roughs raided a Spanish store on the Pkya, but the mob was quickly dispersed by Colonel Clousd, who went into the thick of the crowd with a drawn revolver and ar rested two of rioters. The crovda ar easily handled, and no damago of any jt$L has been done hero. :i5fnia'now-B'b,Kner. La Estrclla Solltarla. has been, suppressed for publishing an article calling upon Porto Rlcans to avenge themselves. There 1b danger of more trouble in tho country districts. Twenty-nlno houses of tho town of Coto were burned by Porto Ricans. Two other houses were torn idown and the bank and all of tho business houses were loQted. Coto Is a small town nVe miles from Ponce. Half of the popula tion are Spanish and the stores belonged 'to. theni'. Tho night watchman who w&b on guard was held up at 5 o'clock in the morning, by throe Porto RlcanB, who pushed a revolver In his face and threatened to kill him. Tho watchman ran away and the men then lighted torches and began to destroy property. They chopped In doors, tore off and smashed In bllndB and Anally Bet lire to one block of the nnest buildings in the town, owned by Spaniards and containing all the business of tho place. - VILLAGERS TERRORIZED. ' The native villagers vire terrorized and at flrat Joined the assailants, who began looting and burning buildings and setting Are to others. A mule train of the Nineteenth regular inianwy came along the road while, the fire was at Its height and was stopped by the flames. The men of the train could do nothing but look on while the mob, every minute growing larger by acces sions from tho native villagers, went from house to house, destroying every thing it could get hold of. The Spanish residents fled to the woods, though the mcb offered no harm to their persons. Tho bank Btood in the middle of the business block. The mob attacked the building with pickaxes and shovels nnd succeeded In smashing in the vault, but they got very lit tle cash. After rifling the vault of Us contents theVmoJroet flrc-tonhe build ing, the crowd cheering as the flames rose in the air, end yelling "Death to Spain!" "Death to the Spanish," etc. When the disorder was at Its height Major Parkhill of General Wllson'B staff came along on his way from Ponce to the front, and Lieutenant Lawton, with thirty-one men of the Eighteenth In fantry, also came up. They started In with flxed bayonets and corraled thlrty-threre of the rioters. Only two of the mob were armed, but they did not offer to shoot. The mem bers of tho mob were good-natured. They laughed at the soldiers and seemed to think the whole affair a Joke. The watchman was caught with the rest. He said he knew two of the men who started the riot, and under threat of death he gave their names. The sol diers are looking for them and have captured a lot of suspects at Juana Diaz. The town Is guarded by soldiers. The houses which were burned were all owned by Spaniards. The outrages is one of a series that has taken place since tho signing of the protocol. The first was committed by Spaniards In a little town in the western end of the island, where a lot of Porto Ricans were killed. The natives have been looking for vengeance ever since and reports have been received dally from towns outlying Ponce of assaults on Spanish persons and destruction of their property by natives. The military authorities are taking hold now and will put a stop to the violence, even if shooting is necessary. The warships withdrawn from Ponce. were the Terror, Puritan, Amphltrlte and Wasp, which wont touanlca. The others have gone to'Guantanam'd; The reason for the ships going to Guanlca is that the harbor there 1b safe In case of a hurricane, while the harbor at Ponce is not. Carnival of Grime. Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 23. The car nival of crime Inaugurated In Arkansas several weekB ago continues without abatement. At Paragould, Henry L. Bramlet was asleep In his bed when an unknown assassin crept Into hl" window and shot him, killing him In stantly. There Is no clew, A terrible cutting- affray In which two prominent farmers figured, Is re pprted from Carroll county. R, C. Massey accused a neighbor named Phillips of making derogatory remarks concerning him. Tho men fought with knives and Phillips was fatally stabbed. The decomposed body of a well dressed man was found near Rlack- vllle In Conway county. The head was entirely Bevered from the body. The body was identified and there is no clew tp the murder. Alvln Smith, a young farmer, was found near Mount Pleasant suffering from a fractured skull. He died with out regaining consciousness. TIIAT BUSINESS ? v Tho Horrlblo Tilings Tlioy I'rodfcted Four Yoafs Ago If tho "Domo-Pops' wore Elected. . I I t But tho Reform AdinlniHtratibu CatiHcH Every Oito pi tlicso l4HUsl noss Men" Calamity llowleVs to Admit Tlioir FoolIslines.H. Lincoln, Neb. Special. Four years ago populism inNebraska was an esV perltncnt in so far ns it concerned state government In many countuw, however, the forces of reform Ka"u been In power for a nufllclently loht? time to demonstrate their superiority over tho republican party In all thai pertains to good government; but in1!? great many of the eastern counties ', the state the republican habit had be cdme almost chronic. For tho first time in the history of populism in Ne braska it had the loyal support of the real' democratic party on a portion of the state ticket; this was tho begin ning of fusion. It had also the sup port of a large contingent of tho bet ter element In tho republican party for governor only the republican nominee being dUtnsteful to all patriotic re publicans who knew his record. Tho outlook for at least partial populist success was bright. Then It was that renegade democrats joined hands with the lawless element of the republican party and, forming an nlleged society with the pretentious title of "The Business Men's Association of Nebraska," sent" out many hundred .thousand, circuiarsvto -wtf real hubU "THE RAILROADS WILL NOT LET ness men throughout the state. In view of what has occurred in statb politics and Btate government since 1894, it Is Interesting at this time to read that circular: "The Business Men's Association of Nebraska. Omaha, Oct. 18, 1894. Ne braska's Prosperity Paramount to Party Politics. To the Voters of Ne braska: Four years ago prohibition threatened the prosperity of Nebraska. The business men of Omaha and the state-, without regard to party, affilia tion, then united in a determined effort to ward off the danger, and, largely through their efforts prohibition was defeated. "Today Nebraska is threatened with populist domination. As business men, regardless of partisan politics, we again unite to avert,' the blight and jv businessdepresslon which the suprem acy of populism would entail upon our state. "Our character, reputation, credit and business relations as a state arf deter mined by our acts and conduct as 'a body. If we collectively act !r accord wlthi unsound or dishonest business principles, if we favor repudiation of our debts, or evidence a desire and intention to legislate In unfair hos tility toward our creditor, wo shall receive, as we shall desene, the con demnation of the business world. In bucIi event all creditors would refuse to make new loans and to extend the time of.tho&e already made. Capital would discontinue business relations wlthfn our state. The development of our resource, the growth of our in dustries, the extension of our com . merQlaf relations all will meet with sudden and lasting check If once the people of the state elect the populist ttcttet and thus show themselves In Byinpim,y'wUh the desperate and dis credited doctrines of those who openly avow themselvqa the enemies of cap ital, ( "On next election day the citizens of Nebraska will stand at the parting of the ways. Our acts will thon manifest our disposition in respect to our busi i ,, . - "MEN'S ClltCUMlt. who mtho business world lias no con fidence, and favor the unsound, radical and unsafe theories of the populists, we thereby drivo from the atnto tho foreign capital now here, and dqtor all from further Investments among us, "To'dect tho populist ticket Is to dis credit Nebraska in the eyes of tho Svtyrld.Jtd pr,oplalm that those who! ouast ui (.neu- nosiiuiy lo.capuoi arcin the majority In our commonwealth; It Is to discourage enterprlso; to suspend our progress; to cause a heavy shrink age of values; to ralso our rates of In terest; to make long time loans difficult or Impossible to obtain; to make the name of our Btatc a, byword of re proach, and to ylc with Kansas and Colorado for tho humiliation of being the most discredited state In the Union. "To provent euch misfortune, Xo arouse among tho voters of this state bucIi an active, honest public sentiment as will, (hiding Its expression' through I the ballot, preclude tho possibility of populist supremacy In Nebraska, this association has beep formed. The per sonality of caridldates on riot controll ing whe tho JsbUq is between honest, economic principles on ono Bide, and, ;-v. - (From "World-Herald,) ME RUN FOR CONGRESS" M. L. Hay ness obligations. Wqthen enrollour selvea either In favor of sound business principles Or In opposition thereto. By our votes on that day wc indicate to the business world our character as a Btate, and our reputation will bo made or marred according' to the wisdom or folly of our choice. "The importance of the situation can not be overestimated. Throughout tha business centers of our country the action of our state will be closely watched. If we elect state ofllcers In on the other, doctrines repudiated by tho commercial world. "The business men of Nebrarska through this association, call upon Its citizens to aid in this endeavor to de feat populism, and thereby uphold and preserve the credit of our Btate." . Following the signature to this circu lar are the names of several hundred prominent men of Omaha, republican politicians and office holders of Doug las county and Omaha. One of the signers is today serving a long sen tence In the NebraBka penitentiary for applying too Jwdely his "sound" busl ness principles, not "repudiated by the. commercial world." Notwithstanding this united and de termined effort to defeat the populist ticket, Judge Holcornb was elected by a comfortable majority over his blue shlrted opponent. Had Governor Hol cornb been defeated In 1894 It is prpb able that the lying statements of the circular obovo quoted might hover have been rebutted. In IMG, the democrats, thoroughly purged of their "assistant republican" element, standing upon a national plat, form so nearly popullstlc that none but a populist could detect the difference, Joined hands with their populist breth ren in a determine deffort to rid the Btate of republican barnacles. Joined with both wero republicans who could not follow the gold standard wlll-o'-the-wisp their party began following at St. Louis that year. - The Btate victory gained by the al lied forces of reform and good gov- L. " doBlrv? to dof thai. They know that it has caused "depression" In tho "bust neBB" of lvjaslng school lands to pollt leal republican pots and allowing the rentals to go ncollocted; but tho real biifllnetis men doNnot deprecate tho "dc- presslon," becaus It means tighter school taxes. It wassjiot tho reputation of tho Btate which wan really In dan ger, but tho reputation uf many n re publican wns "at stake," ab later de velopments have shown, ParaphraBlng tho words of tho cir cular, "To elect the populist ticket Is to discredit the republican party in tho oycB of tho world;" that wob true In 1894 and 189G; It is true today. In ono eenso, Nebraska did barely escape be IngjilBorpdlted In the eyes of the world because of the election of the populist tfeket. That election exposed repub lican . corruptions extravagance, thiev ery ana'inoAjnity'tcndmlnlate' gdod government; and it was Only the splen. did and lioneat character of tho populist administration which averted the dan ger. Some "entorpTlacs" have been dis couraged. It Is not possible now to de liver a stato Institution six carloads of coal and collect pay for ten, as was tho practice under republican admin istration; but reputable coal dealers; do not And their business "dlacouraged" because Of that fact, Tho traffic In ell vcr lnkstandB at $10 each, paper fast eners by tho hundred thousand, ad justable pOoket shears at $9 per dozen, steel penB by tho hundred gross, and red Ink,ln lots of two dozen quarts, An other favorite republican method of lotolng tho state, has been Injured un der populist administration; but tho ward, republican nomlneo for governor brnmenTifl t6o recent' lo' be" forgotten. ' Conservative republican andtdemocrat ls business men of Nebraska who in 1894 honestly believed in the statements and predictions made in the quoted cir cular, may now indulge in a quiet laugh at their own credulity and And much food for thought by reading It over again carefully. Just as In 1894, "Nebraska's Prosper ity Is Paramount to Party Polttlca." "Today Nebraska Is threatened with populist domination," but business men who do legitimate business are not frightened. They do not fear the "blight and business depression which the su premacy of populism would entail upon our Btate." They know that populism has "blighted the business" of dis counting state warrants; but those who bid on supplies for state Institutions know that every dollar in state war rants they get In exchange for their goods will net them over 100 cents. They know It h "blighted tho busi ness" of drawing state money of bogus claims; but no honest business mah real business men who jfay for theso things through taxation will hardly complain, No $12,000 "purchase of old Cobbey statutes has been made by the reform administration; yet the State Journal company still lives to He about populists and, democruts. "Progress" in some lines has been "suspended." Progressive robbery of Insurance companies, under the guise of. authority, and escape from punish ment under the pretext of "no author ity," has been "suspended." Progress in stealing the heritage of tho school children of Nebraska has also been "suspended." But among the business men of Nebraska are heard no mur murlngs of discontent beoause of these susponslons. Voters of Nebraska, read the circu lar over once more; ponder over the statements; then look up the records and see how the predictions of these would-be prophets have been fulfilled. You will be told similar things this fall, And you will not be deceived again. CHARLES Q. DB FRANCE. HOPE FOIU DISPEp j SPAIN'S OllANOKTQETrL ITS CONDITION. 7VV' Tho "European lowor" will Tako a Hand In tho Peaco Ko jrotlatlons if Opportunity iH Ollored Them. Madrid, Aug. 23. It may bo of tho highest lmportanco for the United States government to define forthwith Us intentions with regard to tho Philip pine islands and tho ..Cuban debt. Those are the questions Upon which Spain and America seem certain to clash In the Paris peapo commission, Disputing OVer thbmf threatens to make tho ne gotiations drag until Europe may seek ,to thrust (tself upon the contending (.'peaccmakcro" as an arbitrator. The Madrid government is hoping for great things from disputation. Mnny who are familiar with interna tlonal affairs bellovo that If the govern ment at Washington would state clearlr In advance tho position It will tako on those points, tho effect upon con tlucntal countries, and llkewlso upon Spain Itsolf. would bo highly boneflclal to tho American cause. For Instance, thoso persons says, Spain might re consider its present intention to press th6 Cuban debt upon tho Paris com mission wore it known that tho Ameri can members will bo instructed not to discuss the subject. If the Americana, ignore that debt, they argue, there will be no way for Spain to shrink its pay ment oxcept by defaulting or repudiat ing it It Issued tho bonds, offering Cuba an collateral without Cuba's con Bent, got tho money and spent It. Tf Spain loses tho security which was of fered and accepted, it will be an affair for Spain and tho bondholders to set tle among themselves, unless America takcB It up In tho negotiations. Then Europe's chief interest In the negotiations will feasibly diminish, cer tain diplomats assert privately. If It la made plain that tho Philippine islands will not be on the market. As long as the rivals for the control of the far oast see a chanco for getting any or all of thoso Islands by coercion, pur- chaso or otherwise, they will employ every means of obtaining the coveted possessions, If America announces that It means, to -see, .that the IbIbjkI shall bo free, either under a reformed gov ernment by Spain, an American pro tectorate or otherwise, Europe, know ing ones declare, will keep Its Angers out of tho Are. Retail Liquor Dealers. Omaha, Aug. 22. Ono of the blggMt crowds of liquor men ever gathered Jn ono place is expected here at the na tional congress of Retail Liquor Deal ers, which is to meet in this city trasa. August 22 to 27. These OBaembllngs of liquor men in the paat have usually been devoted almost wholly to having a good time and tho same may be looked for here, particularly as there ia tho Trans-MisslsBlppi exposition for an at traction. Threo days out of the bIx are to be given over to the exposition. The bringing of this convention here was due to the active efforts of 'the Omaha, delegates to tho convention of last year. General hospitality will constitute the main feature in fact, about the only feature of the first two days, wind ing up with a reception by the Krug Brewing company. The meeting proper of tho convention will be held at Creighton hall on August 24, at which a few matters of trade Interest will be discussed and the ofllcers elected for the ensuing year. The next three days will be spent at the exposition, varied with entertainments by the Omaha Brewing association, the Metz Bros. Brewing company and the South Omaha Brewing company. Fiendish Crime. Macon, Ga., Aug. 23. A special to the Telegraph from Americus, Ga,, Bays: The most fiendish crime In the history of Sumter county or the whole state was committed at Friendship, twelve miles west of here, last night. Mrs. James McGarry and her Bon, James Boone, were murdered by a ne gro with an ax while they were In their beds. k After this double murder the fiend caught a negress, tied her to a tree In the woods and mutilated her in a "shocking manner. he died, but not until she had told the murderer's name. A crowd a once started after the fiend. He was caught lato In the even ing and promptly lynched. On Lookout Mountain. Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 23. Colonel Bills was on Lookout Mountain look ing for a camping place for the Second Nebraska and Sixth United States vol unteers. The' purpose Is to march tha two regiments to the summit of the mountain and camp them there for several days. The men of the Second Nebraska are dissatisfied at Camp Thomas and want to move. The num-t ber of Blok In the regiment is increas ing rapidly.