Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 19, 1898, Image 6

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Jlis Nolglitiors, Itogardloss of Politics, Testify to Ills Moral
'Worth and Ability.
&o Candldato Eror Ilccclvcd a Moro Hearty and Cordial Greeting
at Ills Comlnjy Than Did tho Fusion Candldato For Governor.
The people of Albton nnd vicinity put
on their good clothes Saturday nml
turned out In numbers to nil our lnrgc
court room, until nil seats were taken
nnd many sat In the windows nnd stood
around the sides. The occasion wns
one of peculiar rejoicing to Boone coun
ty people. It Is not the most common
thine In tho world for n county to fur
nlsh tho nominee for governor, but this
time IJoone county has the distinction
to furnish Hint man In tho person of
iron. W. A. I'oyntcr.
It wns truly n senson of good fellow
ship nnd rejoicing. Old neighbors nnd
friends, regardless of political faith,
turned out to congratulnto hltn on his
success nnd to rejolco over tho dlstlnc
tlnn he has brought to Boone county.
All politics woro laid nsido for the time
and tho thought of citizenship, neigh
borship, friendship nnd Boono county's
iionor reigned supreme. The band boys
got together hurriedly nnd enlivened
Jtho occasion, jUBt beforo tho meeting,
by playing a few pieces. M. B. Thomp
son, president of tho Albion National
bank, presided with pleasant dignity
over the meeting. Attorney C. 13.
Spcnr nttestcd from his standpoint tho
feelings entertained at our county fur
'nlshlng gubernatorial timber. Dr. C.
,J. BarnB rejoiced ns a neighbor and
fellow farmer nt tho success of ono of
the same craft. White possibly they
might have sown oats In a little differ
ent manner they were both successful,
i County Superintendent C. II. Church
ill reflected tho sentiment of the peo
plo by extolling tho honor brought to
Boone county. He seemed to think that
Boone county wns quite prolific In the
matter of furnishing stato timber. He
referred to tho distinction brought to
the county by Hon. Loran Clark, when
he was the nominee for state trensurcr.
Also of Hon. John Peters when ho out
crew the state nnd got a presidential
commission to collect Internal revenue.
And now lastly, ns the longest pole
knocks the persimmons, so Mr. Poyntcr
brings honor to Boono county by bring
Ing homo the highest nomination In the
gift of the people of the state.
Mr. Poynter wns then called out nnd,
amid a round of hearty applnusc, came
forth to meet his old neighbor and
friends and acknowledged his appreci
ation of their hearty good will In this
demonstration. "I am not so vain," he
said, "as to imagine for a moment
that this demonstration Is of nny polit
ical significance. I see in It simply
neighborly consideration and friend
ship; citizen with citizen, friend with
friend, rejolrlng over mutual success."
He then recounted briefly the history of
Boono county during tho last twenty
years, showing how by mutunl effort
she had been placed In the front rnnk
among tho counties In the great state
of Nebraska. The fact of furnishing
the nominee for governor for threo par
ties he did not think would detract ma
terially from her glory.
At tho conclusion nil with ono uccord
pressed fonvnrd to congratulate Mr.
Poynter and his good wife on their
honorabln distinction. Many were heard
to Bay they claimed some of tho glory
by being a citizen of Boone county.
Thus the demonstration closed, with
the best of neighborly good feeling pre
""""Mr. Presliftht. Lathra nnd Gentlemen!
3n common with all progressive cltl-
zens nna citizens who are proud or
Boone county, wo can but feel gratified
that at the spirited political contest
held at our state capital this week our
county received proper recognition.
When we consider that the honor con
ferred upon us, and ono of our worthy
citizens, is one of th highest in the gift
of any political party In the state, and
was one that was sought after, solic
ited and demanded by eager aspirants
from all quartern of our commonwealth
It comes to us with greater pride and
gratification. It should not be forgot
ten, and It will not. upon this occa
sion, that tho honor, reputation and
stability of any county or community
are only tho reflection of tho honor,
reputation and stability of Its citizens.
Bo, while wo say that we are gratified
that Boono county has received proper
recognition, we mean we nro gratified
that proper recognition has been ac
corded to one of her honored citizens.
While we meet hero this afternoon, In
a social gathering stripped of all polit
ical significance, we welcome back to
our midst he who returns with fresh
laurels for himself, and fresh honors for
the county. Wo congratulate him on
the success he has achieved, on the
distinction he has secured for the
county, and for tho high esteem that
has been placed upon him by tho rep
resentative men of his party. While we
feel grateful to that convention which
"has named one of our number ns their
hlef standard bearer, for the campaign
of 1S93, we assure them, In doing so,
they have but bestowed honor where
ionor belongs.
Brother Poynter, when one day this
'week our citizens received their mail
at the postofllce nnd learned that tho
delegates of two parties assembled In
state convention had honored you by
making you their preferred candidate
for the highest office In tho gift of the
people of this glorious state, they were
pleased. When the third party consti
tuting the trio of parties called the fu
sion party of Nebraska also selected
Tou, we nil felt that a great honor had
been conferred not only upon you. but
on us by the selection of one of our
number for the honorable position of
candidate for governor of Nebraska. In
addressing you as "brother" I do so
becauso we are all brethren of the
gTeat family known as the "common
people." Wo are common people be
cause we are all laborers, whether on
farms, as mechanics, ns tradesmen or
In the professions. All must be labor
ers or suffer the results of Idleness,
Our requirements are the same, our
hopes the same and our sympathies go
out to each other In trouble and In
prosperity as wo know and respect
each other.
Looking at the matter In this way, It
seems proper that we should meet here
today for congratulations. Not as
democrats, not as republicans, not as
populists, but as friends who rejoice
that one of our respected associates
has been honored. While we congrat
ulate you and congratulate ourselves
that our county has been so honored,
let us congratulate ourselves also that
we live In a country where the will of
the people Is supreme and that It Is not
nly possible, but probable, that our
rulers will be chosen from the class
of people who labor, either with their
heads or their hands.
There are some here today who re
joice In your selection by the conven
tion who may be called upon to op
po&e your election at the polls, but they
will not do so from personal motives
They rescmblo tho young democrats
In tho "Fifth ward" In Omaha who told
mo nt a state convention a few years
ago when they were remonstrated for
quarreling among themselves so much
nt tho primaries, that they fought each
other like satnn at the primaries, but
always united nt tho polls. It mny be
that we might reverse this nnd say
Hint we unite In congrntulallonB when
one of our number has been honored nt
tho convention but fight each other nt
tho polls. I wish to personally congrat
ulate you becauso of our long ncqunlnt
nnce that has extended over n space of
seventeen years. We have been partic
ularly associated In politics and In the
management of tho Boono county fair
for many years. Besides, wo have both
been practical farmers nnd worked
when tho sun shone hot and the soil
wns dusty. Wc have planted fruit
trees and hoped to reap tho fruits
thereof. Wo have sown grain nnd
reaped. True, It may be that the ma
chines you used for sowing grain have
been a cause of serious concern for tho
moro practical of our farmers, but wc
will let that pass.
While I stand ns n representative of
the democratic party, I do not think
I should congratulato you as a demo
crat in this non-partisan gathering.
That will bo a consideration for next
But it is as a neighbor that I wish
especially to congratulate you. When
I say "neighbor," I do It in the senso
of the fullest possible meaning of the
word. There li something sacred in
tho relations of true neighbors, and I
mistrust that there is some hidden
cause of this congratulatory gather
ing. If the relations of "neighbors" In
tho older states arc pleasant, In a new
stato like this, especially among pio
neers, they nre almost sacred. When
twenty years ngo you came here with
your family neighbors were few and far
between. They mostly lived In sod
houses with scarcely a stick of timber
In sides or roof. Their farms were
unfenced, their cattle and other farm
anlmnls few nnd many of our neigh
bors had neither cattle, horses nor hogs.
There were no roads and our travel to
town nnd to and from each other's
homes was nlong crooked trails only.
But what was lacking In property and
conveniences wns made up by the kind
ly nnd friendly feeling we experienced
one for the other. Who can forget tho
social gatherings when Invited to con
gregate nt a neighbor's house to cele
brato nn anniversary or witness a wed
ding and partako of the hospitality
nnd good cheer provided. What boun
tiful tnblcs of fried chicken and turkey
nnd cake nnd pie we have witnessed!
And of course the rooms nnd tables
being usually smnller than tho com
pany tho papas of the families, on ne
count of their nge and small appetites
were peated nt the feast first. Who
has not witnessed the looks of anguish
that passed over tho countennnce of
the hungry small boy who had to wait
nnd see Calliope Doug stow awny great
cargoes of pie nnd chicken nnd the
alarm of the Industrious nnd thrifty
housewife at the profligate waste of tho
store of supplies that she had bought
by saving up her butter and eggs.
But It Is by other things that true
neighbors nre drawn more closely to-
gather. Irschcps some r.iGht sickness
visits a humble home. A neighbor Is
summoned and a burned ride over a
scantily beaten path to town for a doc
tor followed by the father In tho neigh
boring house. The mother Is Boon to
bo found at tho sick bedside at the
neighbor's homo encouraging nnd as
sisting to relieve tho sufferer. In case
of recovery all Join In rejoicing. In
case that the final summons comes that
all must sooner or later answer, then
who can express sympathy better than
neighbors? When hand strikes hand
over the coffin of a loved one and eyo
looks Into eye while the lips move not,
nnd a funeral procession of teams,
mostly farm wagons, pass from one of
our little churches or a humble home
to the cemetery either north or south
of Albion, how near do neighbors noem
to each other. When the lonely home
Is reached and usual duties are resumed
nnd tho farm work Is alarmingly be
hind, who but the neighbors make a
"bee" to help out that work?
There are slmo things that bring ub
near together as neighbors and as such
we rejoice because honor has been con
ferred upon a neighbor. And If you
should be chosen to move up higher
and occupy the governor's house nt Lin
coln during the coming two years and
Blxby Immortalizes you with a black
alpaca pig poem and we, your friends
and neighbors, witness your glory, may
wo too not share it to a lesser degree.
Tho Book of Books says there Is one
glory or the sun. another of the moon,
and may we not ns little stars reflect
the glory of the sun and moon? And
when a show comes to town or there
Is a state fair and Abe Smith and Job
Green and other practical farmers pack
their carpet sacks and go to town to see
the show nnd incidentally visit you fr
entertainment, we hope that the milk
spatters on our cowhide boots or our
ready made clathlng of the stylo of
twenty years ngo may not cause us to
be put to bed out In the wood house
or given a "cold hand out nt the. back
door of the governor's house.
Neighbor Poynter, It Is ns neigh
bors especially thnt we congratulate
you. We may not be making history,
we may be small In the eyes of the
world, and our words may bo lacking In
wisdom, but they come from the heart.
But It hns been said that small things
cling closest to the heart. Brother
Poynter, your well wishers, friends and
neighbors, congratulate you.
Friends nnd Neighbors: I wish to
most sincerely thnnk you for this splen
did reception, and mark of your esteem
for a fellow citizen. As I look Into
your kindly faces this afternoon my
heart Is full, not that I would for a mo
ment be so vain as to credit this dem
onstration wholly to my own person
ality, but I am more than pleased that
my home county and my neighbors
recognize the honor done to Boone
county. I should feel that I had lived
In vain If after nenrly twenty years'
residence In your midst you could not
for a little while forget partisan poli
tics and rejoice together for an honor
to our home county. And this rejoic
ing together Is right, too. It Is a dem
onstration of patriotism. Though In
less degree, It is the same spirit that
marshals armies at the call of the
country: the same spirit which causes
our big senator from our neighboring
county and the silver-tongued senator
from Omaha to stand shoulder to shoul
der contending for the cause of human
liberty and espousing the cnuse of the
oppressed Cubans; that which mingle
the stirring strains of Yankee Doodle
- - v
ami Dlx
and sends tho marching coU,
umns otVthe bluo and tho
o gray to tho ,T
front at the country's call. Iv frlernds.
wo aro nrsit Americans, then Nebraska
Americans, and finally Boono county
Nebraska Americans.
Twenty ynrsl Neighbors thnt Is a
long time .and what wonderful rhnntro
they have wrought. Where twenty years
ago tne uroaa plains stretched away
(18 far ns tho eyo could reach, with
scarcely a treo in view, beautified only
by the nodding prairie flowers, now
wave tho limitless corn fields, and the
shocks of ripened grain stand a silent
witness to a bounteous harvest. Green
groves and orchards beautify the land
scape while neat cottage and substan
tia Ifartn buildings nttcst the Industry
and success of our people. The strug
gling little village with scarcely a doz
en houseB has given place to tho thriv
ing young city whoso commerce reach
es Into the hundreds of thousands Of
dollars annunlly. Of those who were
hero twenty years ago some have gone
to Join the great silent mnjlrity In the
beyond, but mnny I sec here before
me today whoso hearty hand-clasp call
up memories of tho pioneer days. To
many of these still engaged in active
business we nre Indebted for our ma
terial advancement.
When I came her el found a young
physician whoso patients were few and
widely scattered. In nil these years
his tender sympathy has endeared him
to our people and today the numo of
Dr. Lewis Is a household word in hun
dreds of homes. Father Time has free
ly uso dhls silver pencil on him, but
Boono county citizens trust he may
have many moro years of usefulness
yet In store for him. In those early
days came to our midst a fair haired
boy a Ladd we may Bay with a soul
full of music and a heart full of hope,
and cast his lot and his printing outfit
with you. Today tho News printing
houso testifies his success. Another
paper was here when tho News was
founded. Its many fortunes have been
In many hands. It, many years ngo,
became a great family and religious and
agricultural Journal under tho manage
ment of our versatile Dr. Barns. Tho
good Doctor, however, has repented
eschewed pills, politics and papers
and today rather ministers to the outer
man rather than the Inner, furnishing
ira dally bread from tho Albion mills.
However, the Argus still flourishes un
der different management.
Wo had no rallrcad back in those
days, our nearest railroad point being
Columbus. Supplies must be brought
us from there. I remember Abe Smith
was a heavy freight conductor when
N. C. Kilborn ran tho mall and ex
press. The motive power of their re
spective trains was the festive broncho
and their own energy and push fur
nished all tho steam necessary. To
day twelve dally trains on those lines
of road haul our people and attend
to the transportation of the tralllc of
our county.
Our first court house was certainly
conducive to honesty In the manage
ment of the county affairs .the officials
being arranged in It like the cats In
a conundrum, facing each other all
In ono room. Here in this corner sat
good Father Bollrr.an, who so many
years receipted for the taxes. There
our present postmaster, John Peters,
kept tho records of tho county. Over
hero the three grave commissioners
legislated for the county. As L re
member It, County Superintendent
Weltzel had his office under hl3 hnt
and caught a desk wherever he could.
Judgo Riley, as Judge of tho probato
court, needed no office, the county be
ing so healthy nobody had died. Our
old frelnd Daniels as sheriff ofilced with
them all, and watched his prisoners
through a grating In tho door of the
7x9 we called a Jail. What a change
has been wrought In tho twenty years
can be realized as we Inspect tho splen
did building In which we meet today
Bdohe county's court .house, of which
wc are all so proud. The prominenco
our county has attained as an agricul
tural county has been reached by tho
splendid support our people have al
ways given her agricultural society.
Years ago Billy Mears, whose language
was always forceful If not exactly elo
quent, with sundry embellishments, de
clared Boone county must havo an ?g
rlcultural society. He called the peoplo
to meet for Its formation. He met with
liberal response. The society was or
ganized without a dollar or a foot of
land, founded upon unlimited faith In
the patriotism of Boone county citizens.
That faith was not misplaced. Our
people have ever given the society most
loyal support, and through Its efforts
our county has gained an enviable plac
as an agricultural county In this great
agricultural Btate. We received wide
notice for our county exhibit at our
last year's state fair, and It Is admit
ted on all hands that Boone county has
the finest cereal exhibit In Agricultural
hall at tho great Trans-Mlsslsslppl ex
position at Omaha. Tho advancement
in our dairy Interests has been phe
nomenal. Prizes to three of our cream
eries attest the superiority of our adlry
Boono county has a Great future In
store for her; a united people can ac
complish much. The same union of
effort in the future as displayed by our
people In the past will Insure bucccss.
No brighter skies or fairer landscape,
no moro loyal people exist anywhere
tthan In this our home. Whatever the
great great future may have In storo
for me, allow me to assure you noth
ing will be more highly prized than
the memory of this kindly greeting by
you, my friends and neighbors.
On hearing tho r.ews of Hon. W. A.
Poyntcr's nomination for governor of
Nebraska, there seemed to rls up
spontaneously a sentiment among tho
citizens, regardless of politics, that we
ought to meet Mr. Poynter and show
our appreciation of the honor ho has
brought to Boone county. The com
plexion of tho committee that organ
ized the meeting will show the senti
ment thnt prompted the demonstra
tion given. There Is no free-silver or
ganization In the ccur.ty. hence when
we sav renubllcan It means McKlnley-
ltes. The chairmen of the populist,
republican and democratic parties were
In If
M, B. Thompson anu o. m. weea
ham, men who have not the smell of
suspicion on their garments as neing
tinctured In the slightest aegree wun
populism, or any other Ism but repub
licanism, were also In It. A. W. Ladd,
editor of the Albion News, sat along
side the editor of tho Argus. It Is
needless to remark that, politically, the
News and Argus are as bad as the
Jews and Samaritans of bible fame
they simply have no truck with each
other. But in tho matter of common
Interest, politics were laid aside. To
make the matter equal. Senator Mc
Gan and Circuit Clerk W. A. Hosford
co-labored with Messrs. Needham and
No one for a moment considers this
exhibition of friendship as nny index
to the vote to be cast in November. It
ls simply the way the citizens have of thing wrong about those bicycle trous
showlng their appreciation of Mr. Poyn- ers there's one woman who will wish
ter as a citizen and the respect and
neighborly consideration they enter
tain for him. We will print the speech
es of those who participated, so that
what we have said may be fully sub-
itn aiv n,v wru im?v mni
-""""' """" ' -"" w
The IM nn la Among Tlicm Qnltons
Acute as Among Women.
A great many tlmo-honorcd Jokes
about woman's frailties have In recent
days become too badly worn to pass
current and the signs indicate that
the bargain counter mania ns a subject
for humor will noon drop out of circu
lation. Probably there aro men who
will cling to 'tho old bargain counter
jokes ns pocket pieces. Men nre al
ways loath to abandon any of their
established theories about women.
They find the facts of femininity bo
puzzling that they hold fast to tradi
tions which, having been invented by
men, nro suited to their minds, saya
tho New York Sun.
The fact Is that the bargain counter
habit Is not feminine. It is universal,
and the salesmen In the large stores,
albeit prejudiced witnesses, are obliged
to confess that the mania among men,
if not so prevalent, Is quite as acute
as among women. An advertised sale
of light-weight underwear or golf
stockings for men will draw a crowd
equaled only by the mob around a
shirt waist counter; and ns men are
proverbially Impatient and haven't
learned, through long experience in de
partment stores, to wait serenely for a
condescending recognition from a sales
man, the excitement usually runs high
around tho men's bargain counter.
A woman reporter strolled Into a
store ono day last week In search of
an umbrella to replace the last one
she lent, but forgot all about the um
brella In her excitement over what
seemed to be a football rush In the
center aisle. From the center of the
bunch came frantic cries of "Cash I"
and an alert floor walker stood near,
evidently nctlng as referee. The re
porter edged up toward the fray. She
didn't feel herself justified In distract
ing the attention of the referee, so she
controlled her curiosity until another
floor walker hove In 3lght. Then she
asked breathlessly:
"What's the matter?"
He looked puzzled.
"What are they scrambling for?"
The floor walker grinned expansively
"Sale of bicycle trousers marked
from $20 to $i.W."
The woman gasped.
"Do men do that sort of thing?" Bhe
asked In a dazed way. The floor walker
smiled again.
"Bless you, I should say they did. The
women nren't the only ones. The men
have been ten deep In front of that
counter nil day, and I will Bay It for the
women they don't lose their temper the
way men do. Maybe It's because they're
more used to the scramble. It's kind of
a recent thing, this bargain counter
business for men, but It Isn't because
the men don't like It Just as well as the
women do. It's Just becauso there
weren't nny bargain counters for them.
Wo advertised a sale of lightweight un
derwear at very low figures last Friday,
and things were so lively that I thought
It would be wise for me to vacate and
put a policeman in my place. We had
to put two men out because they got
mad nnd swore like pirates. Now the
women don't do that."
The smile on the floor walker's face
suddenly broke bounds and became a
"Funny thing about the sale, though."
he chuckled. "We were selling the suits
hero nt 50 cents, and I never thought of
buying any. I'm too big to wear any of
those cheap grades can't get them to
fit. Well, I went home that night, and
my wife says:
" 'John, I've got n surprise for you.'
"I always feel dubious when she
comes at me that way: but T followed
her upstnlrs. and there on the bed were
Fix suits of the Identical underwear I'd
been wrestling over nil day.
" 'I saw them at Smith's for 65 cent?
a suit, and they were such a bargain I
Just thought I oughtn't to miss the
chance of getting them for you,' she
"It pretty nearly killed her when 1
told her we were EPllIng them at 50
cents, nnd that I couldn't wear them at
nny price; but It won't keep her from
buying me the next thing she sees thnt
seems cheap to her. That's one thin?
men haven't got around to yet they
don't buy bargains for their wives."
"Thnt's not because they are wise
but because they are too careless to
think about It," said the reporter.
"Oh, I don't know; I guess It's be
cause they don't know one flubdub from
another. It would be better If women
would let these bargains for men alone.
Whenever I see a woman shoving up
into a crowd like that, and buying men's
toggery. I always'know there's going
to be trouble nnd tears in one family.
A woman never does know what a man
will like."
Just then a man, with his hat on one
side and his necktie festooned along
the top of his collar, detached him
self from the crowd that was strug
gling for bicycle trousers. He looked
hot and bad tempered, and the way
he thumped himself down upon a .uool
suggestea a siring or manna anu ex
, clamatlon points.
"Well, that's enough to drive a man
to drink." ho groaned to the floor
walker. "Do you run this sort of a
lunatic asylum right along?"
"Only on Fridays."
"Hump! Alwnys heard it was a hoo
doo day. My wife let me in for this.
She rend the paper this morning and
said It was the chance of a lifetime if
I wanted bicycle, trousers, and I wns
fool enough to take her advice."
Then be pulled himself together and
went off grumbling; and if there's any-
she had never been born. "The woman
tempted me" seems to be an excuse
adapted to all emergencies' in a man's
life, and Is as handy at a bargain coun
ter aa In paradise.
"Friday seems an unlucky day for
bargains," the reportor remarked,
thoughtfully. "I'd expect anything I
bought on Friday to rip, ravel, fade
and shrink."
Tho floor walker shook his head.
"It can't be a bad day for the houso
and customers, too. Somebody's bound
to come out nhend on tho deal. If it
weren't for Saturday hnir holiday we'd
make Saturday the day for men's bar
gains, but in the summer we have to
make it Friday. You see, the men nre
all busy the first of tho week nnd don't
enre much what they wear, but about
Friday they begin to think of tho way
they'll toke tho road over Sunday, und
then they ruBh In here and buy What
they think will paralyze tho crowd at
Coney or Long Branch, or wherever
they nre going. A bargain counter full
of bright pink Bhlrts on Friday after
noon will cause a regular stampede,
nnd red and yellow plaid golf stockings
will melt away like snow. You go
around to the necktie department.
There's a 25-cent Ascot sale there and
the men are Just stepping on each
But tho young woman turned away
Badly with a shattered ideal and went
for luncheon to a restaurant whose
window bore the sign: "Tables re
served for ladles."
the spite of these places. The river
Tho era of equality of the sexes is
close a.t hand.
Great Bargains For People "Who
Can Uso Them.
In one of the side streets near tho
North river Is a curious collection of
relics, says the New York Sun. They
are for sale, although it is doubtful if
the number of buyers who find their
way thither Is very large. Relics of oth
er kinds nre liable to attract purchas
ers, and they need not be valuable to
accomplish that. Two great storehouses
In another part of the city cover nearly
a block, and are filled with household,
hotel, and barroom appliances, ranging
from a mantel to a set of beer spigots
and a cash register. These places man
age to find purchasers for their second
hand wares, and the demand for the
woodwork out of the -old fashioned
hotels down town Is enough to bring
good prices nearly always. The old
fashioned mahogany doors and the
mantels arc most in demand. But the
case is otherwise with the objects
stored in the west side lumber yard.
They And few purchasers, and the
prices for them nre low.
The four fences of this plot Inclose a
collection of street cars which have
ceased their labors and have been re
tired. They have been gathered from
nearly every street car line that former
ly existed In the city, and ono can' read
In their Inscriptions tho history of a pe
riod In this city which seems remote
enough today, although measured by
years It Is comparatively recent. There
are even specimens of the despised bob.
tall genus among these derelicts which
are ending long and honorable careers
In an oblivion so complete that persona
can scarcely be persuaded to buy them
at any price. The price which tiey hae
reached is the humiliutingly low one of
$2. For the price of forty rides one can
become the owner of a street car In fair
"It's hard to get rid of them In any
wayv" ald the man who watches them,
"and the price gets less the loi.cer they
stay here. Practically the only persons
who ever do buy them are farmers.
They want them for use on their farms.
One man who raised chickens took three
of them, and said they made better
chicken houses than any that could be
built for the purpose. They are also
bought for outhouses in which to store
crops temporarily, some of them were
sent down south to be used as cabins
for negroes, but the cost of carriage
makes that use rare. Plenty of southern
towns have cars of their own for sale
and they are to be had Just as cheap
There used to be n time when other
cities bought the street cars that had
been discarded In New York. But this
city turned out to be one of the last that
adopted the cable and trolley systems.
Other towns had sold all of their old
cars before New York was ready to. So
the country was full of them when New
York began to put hers on the market.
"One man came here last summer
and said he wanted to buy one of the
cars for a house boat. He said that
some of his friends would come to get
more of them for the same purpose If
his was a success. I guess It was not, as
he never came back. Some of the cars
have been sent to railroads and used as
stations, where alterations are being
made or a station has net yet been
built. But most of them are lying about
here todny In Just the place they were
put In when they arrived first."
Some of these enrs have long been nb.
sent from the streets nnd bear the
names of streets through which no cars
run today. Others bear evidences of the
gradual decline through which they
passed before reaching their final har
bor. But completely obliterated Is the
name of a fashionable street. Painted
faintly over this nre the names of
streets of a different character. Both
Inscriptions are fading out under the
stress of weather. Towering among the
cars is one old fashioned stage that
seems to stand guard over the rest. But
they are really In danger from nothing,
save the elements.
The pressure In Great Britain in the
direction of the adoption of the metric
system Is Increasing daily, and Russia
Is also agitating the question. In Eu
rope, Asia and America the metric sys
tem Is used by over 400,000,000 people,
and If the Russian empire was added
it would bring this number up to 500,
000,000. It Is probable that before the
lapse of many years the metric will
be "the universal language of quantity."
Just Discovers Tliat This Country
is at War with Spain.
Hulltt Anderson has just learned that
the United States and Spain are at
war. He came to Trenton from his her
mit's retreat among the Sourland
mountains, where he has Isolated him
self for the last forty yeor3. During
that time, Anderson says, he has not
read a newspaper nor discussed pass
ing events with nny person.
Away back In tho fifties he war a
staunch republican, nnd when Buch
anan ran for the presidency of tho
United States he made a vow that If
he was elected 'he would shut himself
out from the world until his death.
He owned a small tract of land in the
Sourland mountains, which traverse the
northwest corner of Mercer county, and
there he built himself a home, nnd since
thnt time has taken no further inter
est In worldly affairs.
He has lived oft the product of his
garden and the game that he has been
able to trap among the hills. He cul
tivated the land that he owned untIV
It became very rich, and paid great at
tention to the development of the trees
upon It, until it became a sort of rural
paradise. About a year ngo some
wealthy gentlemen came from Trenton
and made a proposition to Anderson to
purchase his property. They said tha
they wanted to make a game preserve
of it. He wouldn't sell. He declared
that he never wanted to mix with the
world again, and If he sold himself out
of house and home he would have to
Beck new quarters and that he didn't
want to do that.
The first attempt to purchase Ander
son's possessions was a flat failure, but
the would-be buyers kept at him until
he Anally gave them some encourage
ment. They offered him a pilco that
meant for him living In comfort without
work for the rest of his days, and that
point was urged upon him.
"But I've made n vow that I will live
here all my life," argued Anderson,
"and I don't think that I ought to
break It."
"Bother tho vow," answered the men
from Trenton. "It was a foolish one
to begin with. Now you have an op
portunity to sell this property for a big
figure. With the money you can enjoy
yourself the rest of your days, and
you ought to do It."
Anderson finally tcok that view of the
matter, and the bargain was sealed. He
has given the new proprietors posses
sion of the property and come to Tren
ton, where he had not been for more
than forty years. He Is a picturesque
figure. Although he has lived to the age
of S5, he Is as straight ns an arrow
and as active as a man of half of his
years. His hear hangs over his should
ers and his beard falls to his waist.
He carries a cane that he made himself
thirty-four years ago, and wears a pair
of shoes that he put together from heel
to toe. His clothes are of modern cut.
They were the first purchase that he
made after he received the money for
his farm. His tall hat was In style at
the period when he went into retire
ment. Anderson Is naturally an Intelligent
man, and at the time of his youth h
kept up to date, but he was sadly be
hind when he arrived in Trenton. The
city had changed wonderfully since ht
daw It last, and he wandered about in
confusion looking for familiar objects.
On his way down State street his at
tention was attracted to a sign In a
window which read: "Recruits wanted
for the Fourth New Jersey regiment
of volunteers."
The old man stopped and read the
sign carefully. Calling to a young man
who was passing, he cald: "Hain't
they freed 'em yet?"
"Freed who?" asked the young man,
eying the old man curiously.
"Why, the niggers," replied the old
man. "I knowed the war was comln'
Jest as sure as daylight, but I hadn't
no Idee that It would last as long as
"Where have you been the most of
your life, old man?" asked the younger
"Up In the mountains, 'tendln' strictly
to my own business," was tho prompt
"You must've been pretty far up in
the mountains. The negroes were freed
more thun thirty years ngo."
"Gosh, almighty," exclaimed the old
man. "More'n thirty y ars ago they
freed the niggers?"
"Yes, sir; und the country is now
fighting with Spain."
"Waal I'll be whipped!" exclaimed the
old man, mopping his forehead In a
dazed way. "We are now ilghtln with
Spain, that Utile snipper Jack of a
country. Is Buchanan responsible?"
"Who's Buchanan?" Inquired the'
young man.
"Why, the president. Jim Buchanan.
He hain't never been knocked out, haa
"Yes, Blr, he was knocked out about
thirty-seven years ago."
"You don't mean to tell me that they
managed to beat Jim Buchanan an'
that he hain't president no longer?"
"Exactly that."
"Waal, I'll be !" exclaimed the old
man. "This here world has kept right
on goln' sence I dropped out of It, hain't
It?" and he walked away with his head
down ns If trying to straighten things
out In his mind to his own satisfaction.
The earth has a shadow, but few ever
see it, except In eclipse of the moon, or
else few recognize It when they see it.
Nevertheless many have noticed that
on fine cloudless evenings In summer
shortly before sunset a rosy or pink
arc on the horizon opposite the nun,
with a bluish gray segment under It.
As the sun sinks the arc rises until it
attains the zenith and even passes it.
This la the shadow of the earth.