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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
L r A Safe1 8& , 'Nl A ,1 I r I ti ii ill ii i mi m ii'iiii niin i LLorney - et l,aw ' euAWFOUn. . . m:. (.rllw til niHtUd!' Illi.fl, ,IK. Jl 10'DE.SCE, A.!TTO:R,N3S- - AT IjA."W, ,&. I'mrtlccK in nli Hie rnnrtK I IfitiiiiLrftml Neb. r TITTLE & 'f ASH Attorneys - at - Law, II Mningfc.rd, Nohrusku. 1)11. '. A. IIOLBUOOK, ?'.' IWClJiA and SVfRGEOJ!, Ko-idftiiL'C Hall hnnso. Ollh't) First door north Uo 'Buttu Bunk fcliljr.' ' I.i;:::!rO)! m iGvvashti T. J. O'KEEFE, U. S. COMMISSIONER, UI5TRlCr OP NKIIKASk'A. All mutters comltiK before) the XTnItctl States Circuit Court or tlio L'nltcil States Lund (Hike slll ipcclxe innmiitnud carpful iittomlon AN intend tonll Itltuls of business for non ii'sdlcnls rcili'stutiMcntitls, collectlous, ute. Ooriesiiomleiice solicited Otllcosat l-.KMlXiU'OKD ASHCRAWKOKD XKU Time Table FOR. Heiningfbrd LINCOLN, Omaha, ClIIOAt.'O, DnNVKK, 'I1:i,i:na, Burn:, Salt Laki: City, portland, San Francisco, and ull ioints west ' Sr dosupir, Kansas Citv, St. Louis mid nil points cast und fcOUtll TllMNS IiCWC I'OI.IOWS.. l'ni-minjor. iIhIIi , Dwiilwooil. llilllruH Mul nil joint) north mill wmt. . .. ... . .4.25 a. m I'rolclit, dnllj, Di-Htlwood, IlillhiKH ami iiiteriii'Hlintu htatiou H 25 p.m. I'relclit, dnilv. Now CnHtlo nml iuterim-illitte stations 2 5Jp,m. No. 41. No. 4'.. No. 47. I'.o. I'.'. l'tiKHPiiutr, ilnily.for Lincoln, J Om-ilin, Cliirno nml all .V I'omtHP.iHt U'lp. m. liii. 4C. KreiKbt. ibiilj. for lilncoln nuil intrrniifUnto NtationN f OS p. in. Ho. 48. 1 rrlelil. tliiilj. for Lincoln, nnd IntoriiHiiintH ntalioiiB 10,'iJ a. in All tri.itit, ilailj oxenpt Nok. IT unj H. 47 1 ill ,rept Sunday. 4tl ilail) except Mondiiy, Hlo'l'ilii,', dining nuil rocliulns: elialr cars w.itn frn) on tliroiiKh tmini Tiokft sold and linKUHUf cIk rkcsl to unj point in tins United Jitutus or ('nimitn I'nr iiiforiniitinn, nmlM, tlnm tnliloH and tlck ,jj mil on n riti to W. -M. ' oixilaHt!. Ascut, or. I I'lUNl'IS, Cieu'l l'sengor Agent, Uinalm Nnlirahka. Non-residunt owners of timber claims can complete their final proofs without coming lo the ounty by corresponding, with T.J.O'Koefo. Lumber, Coal and Lime! .lust received a car of select aaii 'JIM mmm 9 pattern lunihdr for tanks. Alfeo 'all kinds of hard wood, cedar f-hingles, lath, lime, nnd nil kinds of lumber. Ready made tanks, or will make tanks to order. Prices to compote with anyone the Northwest. Conio nnd 8c3 us bforo buying elso whero. Tanks nnd tank lumber a specialty. IIi:min(U'OUd Lumbku Co. ifty Claims YVanted, for Cash. T want to buy improved farms and prairie lnnd for cash; must be cheap. Give number of sec tion, town and range; also im provments in detail. Address E. A. Blunoic, Carroll, Iowa. v-Tflfi OMAHA WORLD -HERALD Swe' f ui"ilasWiinri ti s 'W i.. itVM 1 the grairst newspaper west of the Missouri Jtiuer. It advocates FREE SILVER at the present ratio of sixteen to one. Its news sorvico is the best to bo obtained. Daily, $G 00 per year; 50 coats per mouth. Weekly, 51 00 per Subscriptions for the WORLD-HERD rftcztved at this offlc inmiir m i jt. - -v MistiM'.Iohn Filinoroof Alliimco is in town today. Mis.i Kute Murphy spent yes torday in tho city. Miss Mabel Curtis is tho pos sessor of a now bicycle. '- Sup't.A.E. Ncoland went to AUiiinco li'riday ovening. Capt. L. K. Cprbin is spend ing the week in llemingford. May and Winnie linyeart wore quitf ill the fore art of tiie wcelr. Ijtov. Wundorlich and wifo woYe Alliance visitors last Thurs day. r Miss Hamilton is enjoying a visit from her mother, of Staeoy, Slont, Mrs. M. II. Goodenoughontor lained the ladies aid society yes terday. C. E. Haute has roturned to llennngford and has cliurgo of the creamery. Miss Pearl Liggett commenced a term of school in the Alexandor district Monday. Miss Mary Gill of Alliunce was the guest of Miss Geogia Miller Tuesday. Mrs. J. T. Richardson of Mars land was trading with our mer chants Wednesday. Postmaster Johnson and C. J. Wildy returned from Hot Springs Sunday evening. Mr. Rockey of Russel, Iowa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roberts this week. Mrs. G. W. Sparks started last week for an extended visit in Iowa and Illinois. Mrs. H. Thompson and chil dren of Alliance visited with Mr. and Mrs! A. M. Miller this week. Mrs. C. A. Burlewand children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.Ford, near Lawn Saturday. Georgo Pinkerton wont to Alliance Tuesday where ho has accepted a x)osition on the B. & M. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J, Adam Prois, a girl, Monday Aug. 18, Parties concerned doing well. "Mother" Shindlor returned from Grand Island Sunday morning much improved .jn health. W. R. Sidors of Alliance spon Wednesday in Hemingford tak ing teacher's examination, wo presume. Johnny Shaffer spent Sunday in Hemingford. Ho was on his Way from Orovillc, S. D., to Cas por, Wyo. Charlie Triplott sojourned in town n whilo Tuosday evening. Ho is now stationed temporarily at Hot Springs. Mrs. Joseph M'oller wont to Hot Springs last 'week, whore sho will test tho famous resort for health. Thos. Lee of Box Butte receiv ed the contract for building the county bridge at Green's cross ing on the Niobrara. r Frank Chouoy returned to Qeraingford Thursday. He has been visiting at his old home in Harrison county. Mo. Mrs. L. B. Fonner and Miss Alma came in from Dunlap yes terday and spent tho day visit ing their many friends. Mrs. Blanchard und children, and Miss Lid a Bowers spent Saturday and Sunday at Lawn, the guests of Mrs. Broshar. Rev. Garness left Monday night for Red Wing, Minn., to attend Lutheran conference. He expects to be gone two weeks. Mr. and Mr. L. B. Fonner came up from Kearney Sunday morning and are visiting Mr. Fe liner's parents near Dunlap. Einmot Johnson came in from the ranch Tuesday to got Frank Shiinek to repair his pump. He reports his stock doing well The Kings Daughters" of Marsland serve ice' cream every Satuaday afternoon and ovening in the town hall. Proceeds to bo used in improving tho Marsland cemetery grounds. Farmers coming to town please contribute The Board of county commis sioners has advertised for bids for tho construction of n jail. During the last few years tho prisoners have been taken to i Grand Island for safe keeping which has cost the county more than enough to build two good jails. Tho taxpayers of Hub county are pleased that tho com missioners have at last talcon tho matter up. Political. At tho populist county conven tion held yoaJLorduy W M lodencu was re-nominated for county at torney bv acclamation, Dele gates wore selected to attend the tho senatorial and representative conventions, Our reporter failed to learn who tho delegates were. Tho domocratic county conven tion was held at Alliance Thurs day. The following were select ed as delegated to attend tho sen atorial and representative con ventions: W. J. Bean, T. J. O'Kcofo, F. II. Smith. F J Bet sold and W T Johnson. A later convention will bo hold to nom inate a candidate for county at torney and transact other bus iness. Tho republicans of Dorsoy pre cinct hold their caucus Tuesday and modo tho following nomina tions: For justice of tho peace, Thomas Killeen; constable, Har ry Pierce; road overseer district No 5, J. Adam Preis, and J W Pinkerton for district No 2. At their caucus Wednesday, the populists nominated John Kuhn for assessor, Sam Hollin rake for road overseer dist No 2 and R Basse Ijojr dist. No 5, No nominations were'mado for Jus tice of tho Peace or constable, The democrats nominated W II Ward for Justice, John Eisler for constable, John Kuhn for asses sor, Robert Basse for ro?.d over seer dist 5, and Sam Hollinrakc for dist 2,'' ' ii Tho Box. Butte county Sunday school convention mot at Collins chapel August 10, 1898. All parties on "Tho Program" woro present except two, Opening devotional was led by Alonzo Sherwood and openiifg a'ddress" was mado by tho president, Rev. Atteberry. Subjects discussed were "Shall we use independent S. S. litera ture at tho oxponso of our own publishing societies". "How to teach a S. S, lesson." "Hints to superintendents." Discussion of tho subjects after being opened by an appoint ed loaders wore participated in by several of those present. There were about forty-fivo persons present, a basket dinner was served and all appeared to enjoy tho occasion. The Bap tist church of Alliance was chosen ns the place to hold the next convention. It was voted to hold a district convention at Cauton sometime this fall. Committee appointed to fix time. Rev. Kern Jed the' clos ing devotional. It is reccom monded that each S. S. in ' tho county send at least one dele gato to tho next county conven tion as county officers will be elected vt that time. A. S. Enyeart, Secretary. Mass will bo celebrated in Hemingford on tho 2Gth day of Aug. 1898, at 10 a. in. All should attend. Michael P. Walduok, Pastor. Stockholders Meeting. Tho stockholders of tho Hem ingford Creamery Company aro requested to meet at tho court house on Saturday, August 27th for tho purpose of adopting by laws and the trans action of such other business as ma' properly come beforo tho meeting and overy stockholder is urged to be present. Alonzo Sherwood, PresiJent. Claiik Olds, Secrotary. OASTOTIIA. Ban U yy KM Yeu Han Wwjjs BaigM tfufrftimrjfti m rMtmaantia KUNXISG SHORT. jRtock of MiCormiek mowers at headquarters nearly exhauaiivl. Conn soon or you cannot get one. Clakk Olds, agent SPEND AUGUST JN THE BLACK HILLS. Go first to Hot Springs. 'Jjhnro you can bathe, ride, bicycle, climb mountains, dance and play tennis to your heart's content. It your limbs aro htitV, your kidneys, out of order or if you are troubled with exconui or any other form of skin disease, a month at Hot Springs will ninko a now man of you. Sylvnu Lnko.nud Speurlish aro within a comparatively short distance or Hot Springs and overy one who visits tho Black Hills should boo thorn. Sylvan Lake is tho prettiest and coolest summer re.sort in the west. Spoarfph is reached after a rail road lido that ranks among tho experiences of a life time. There is nothing liko it anywhere olsu on tho globe. During August, the Burlington Route will run two low-rato ex cursions to Hbt Springs; one on tho flth., the other on the 2(Hh. of that month. Tickets will be sold at Ono faro for tho round trip half i:ati:s and will ho good to return any tims within HO days. Organize a party. Arrange your hotel accomodations, at Hot Springs. Got your tickets from tho Burlington agent nnd pass tho most delightful month in tho year in the most delightful summer land on tho continent. Estkav notice. Est rayed from our much at M:i linda, Nob., about July 4th, J8UH, ono dark lirowtf year-old geld ing, whilo face and ' foot. Kindly inform 0. J. Wi'ldy. Lost on July fourth, a gold watch. The cuso is some worn and has tho letters M. B. on gr.ivoii on out side. The finder will he suitably rewarded by leaving it at my home or at the post offico. Mas. R. II. Blanciiaiid. Tourist Pamphlets dcpcdptivo of Yollowstono Nation al Park and tho summer resorts of Colorado anil eontniniiip-. be sides maps und illustrations, a groat deal of information of inter est to sight-seers nnd tourists can bo had by addressing J. Francis, Geneinl Passenger Agent, Bur lington Route, Omaha, Neb. Write to J. Francis, General F Pnssonger Agent, Burlington Routo, Omaha, for handsome 32 page phamplot descriptive of tho Trans-Mississippj Expos it ion. FREW, v Estiiay Notice. Taken up on May 12, 1898, at my placo on 'Section 21, Tp 27, It. 51, ono yearling mare colt, brown color, with both hind feet white, star in forehead, no brands. C. Klkmke. Fon Sale. One red Polangus bull, four yours old. Ho is a thoroughbred and a fine animal; has never run in a herd. Ho can be seen at James Ilollinrako's place, 8 miles north of Hemingford. J. W. Pierce. CLEARANCE SALE. All trimmed hats must go at reduced prices. Anyone in need of a hat would do well to come and seo us. First come, first choice. Miss L.Adams. See tho 5c surpriso bargains at Wildy's. v gCareats, and iid;-MarVs obtained and U Pat-J rent buunetsconuuc'td for MooinATt Fern, i iOuROrncL'iBOrv mtcu.b. PATtN-rorricr (aodnecaa tvure nt m leas time taia mote r remote from V'a ..rtcn. i Send ra i irawing ot photo., wita cetcrip-i lion. V advin. if nattnf Ma nr cot. free of r coarse, um u not aua u.iunr ijiecurto. i A PAMPHLri " How to C- n "atenti," witl icon of tame in the U 6. and forclza countnet . .. . r " . - . ient free. AdJrcu. CA.SNOW&CO. j-jjMJjjjjmjijmjjjjjurvmn Hi i 0r, Patent Orncc, Washington, D, C. AN OPEN To MOTHERS. WE ARC ASSERTING IN THE COl'UTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE QF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND riTCIIER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ilyannis, Massachusetts, 7t?qs the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that nun uunw una uocs now uear the jao-similo signature of This is the original "CAST0 the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty year3. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought ygr , ,, ' on the and has the signature of QZg&zt&c&s. wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which eveti he docs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF ' CzW&MktC Insist on Having The. Kind That Never Failed You. Tnr etNTAun company, tt Munnar otiiict. niw voik mrr. Complete Line New Spring Goods Of latest styles, superior fabrics, at fabulous LOW prices are now on sale at The BIG DOUBLE STORE HiNI Come and see Chilli AT YOUR SERVICE. ANTON Hardware and . . ..Till? UI.TJKST ifibTABMnUMENT IX THIS COUNTY Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuin e Round Oak Heating Stovs Paints, Oils, Glass, etc Special Agent for BAKER PERFECTparb Wire the Best on Earth HEMINGFORD HILLING CO., Manufacturers of 1 1 'Flo.ur, Graham, And Dealers COAL, LTJMBBS, XJUlZX v Paper, Sash and Doors. "7 fllLLER & WILDY. neaa LETTER p - on every fo too.. Um wrapper. Rl A" which has been used in 1 VI" ' . K 1 1 "'i WHW tzJTA C.J. WILDY. UHRIG, PIONEER -- fiddler?, Meal and' Fee in All Kinds oE a dime to a worthy cause. Zk i HVIiWWVWf!