w 'r ft A V l . Y V rs. mildiied has a beau. Ehc sits and gazes oft At something far In space, And pcnslvencss and keen regret Are pictured hi her face; The bloom of lovely womanhood Still gilds her cheek but, O. She alts nlonc and sighs today, , For Mildred has a beau. 'TIs not thnt she wou'5 nook to throw Sweet Mildred In tlv Miade, 'TIs not that they art rivals where The game of love rv played; Ah, she Is fair, wltv flossy hair And roses yet. , O, Sweet Mildred U tier daughter, nnd Has Just brought home a beau. cnlcKs. NeWB. THE NOSTHALUIA OF NANCY Miss Janet Tweed stood upon Nancy "Knowies' door-step and piled the knocker with a gentle persistency. She had not stood upon that door-step for several weeks past, but that was not due to neglect. Nancy had been away ,from home. She had been visiting her birthplace, and Miss Tweed glowed with a generous anticipation of tho pleasure she would experience In seeing the heart-starved old spinster tasting of happiness to her soul's satisfaction for once in her life. There was a flavor of personal grati fication In Miss Tweed's emotion the gratification of the benefactress. To her 'Nancy owed her holiday. It was Miss jTweed who had furnished her with the necessary means. Nancy Knowies was poor and when In the early summer Miss Tweed had visited her in the course of one of her customary rounds of merlcal ministry she had found her sitting wretched and alone, In her little kitchen, clasping an aching head between two fever-parched hands and lamenting to the unrespon sive four walls. "May I come In?" Miss Tweed had asked, standing on the outer thresh old and forbearing with a nice sense of delicacy to cross until she gained permission. Nancy had raised her head and bent on her visitor a look of reproachful welcome. "O, yes, come In, come In," she re sponded, sounding high the note of complaint with her first breath. "This be the first time you've ben anlgh me for weeks an weeks an' me so dretful poorly seems like I was goln to die. But I 's'ppse that ain't no account an I ain't no call to find fault. Folks must take what they c'n get an' be thank ful for't when they be old an' falHn'." Miss Tweed took a nimble seat not far from her aggrieved hostess and be gan, In faint protest and apology: "iti. deed, no, Nancyl I haven't meant to neglect you. I've been nursing mother, who has had the grip, and I have bcarcely been out of her rooms for weeks. I'm so sorry you are sick. What seems to be the matter? "Won't yon tell me and let me see if I can't help you?" "Help me? Oh, law! I s'pose there ain't nothin' 'd help this pain. An' it ain't on'y the pain, either (tho' that's considerable ugly), it's the kinder sink In' fellln' In my heart that comes out 'o times an' the lowness o' my srlrrets. Does your ma hev slnkln' o the heart an' lowness o' the splrrets? Ever since I hod the la grlppey, 'long In the spring, I ben Jest this way feelln' like I was goln' ter die an' purt near wish In I war. O, law! how my head does hammer! I c'n see In the glass how hagworn and pindlln' I look. Folks don't need to ast ater my health, they c'n see for themselves how bad I be. "Doos your ma hev a constan' achln' In the bones? We ain't never had no rheumatlz In our fam'ly. Oh, Ian', 1 do ache bo! "But -who wouldn't get took down In this mls'ble, stlved-up sorter place? "Wonder everyone ain't down, sick abed with the doctor! I never see such a town! I declare for't, I feel so ugly times, seems like I couldn't stand it. It Jest makes me long fer my own place, whar 1 was raised. My stars! But what wouldn't I give to see the old house again! Sometimes 1 'low It's that sort cf fellln makes me so pesky slow plckln' up. Seems like one look 'round 'ud put new life Inter me. "Ah! The place I was raised Is suthin' like. No narrer streets there! Good, open roads with trees an' things growln' long-side. An' no pesterln' sidewalks that like to break your shins stubbln' your toes. The houses to Bethelbury ain't set In long rows like they be here. No, lndeedy! Thar they be whar folks can, feel they's llvln' In the world lth the trees 'longslde on' your own strip o' garden. O, laws o' man; but ain't it pipin' hot! "Now, to Bethelbury the days ain't never so hot's they be here. There's alays a breeze som'ers. An' the nights Is so cool you can sleep under a com forter, If so he's a comforter's agree'ble to you. I never wish for one myself. I don't think 'em healthy. It's much's twenty years sense I was to Bethelbury, but I can see our old house now, aset In' back on Trukey hill. It ain't changed a mite. Big an' ramblln andgood slzed chambers, you can do more than sling a cat In. Back of the house Is the orchard. How us young 'uns useter streak through that orchard! Thar was an appletree with a nat'ral seat Into It we set dreadful store by. Hot summer days we'd useter sit up there when thero wasn't a breath of air to stir the leaves over our heads. "An then there was Shlndle crick. No place hereabouts like Shlndle crick, I can tell you. Us children useter have picnics there, and I 'low It was some of a treat when we could take our baskets an' walk six miles to eat our vlttles to Shlndle crick! "Oh, my, how I wlsht I was there nowl SeemB like I might feel chirk an' likely acen ef I could get back to Bethelbury for a spell. Law! I feel so ymeslck times, seems like I must take to get there somehow. Hut I ain't g'H money for't, nn' no I cnle'Inte I'll h to stay whar 1 be. Ef 1 was Jest i mite more forehanded but laws! 1 v scurce enough now to keep myself I vlttels folks Is so dretful near mud less go 'way for n spell. Who cure for me a pore stranger en tin' brend o" charity!" "Oh, don't say that," broke In Mlr Jane' Interrupting the long-thaw n win with a sympathetic dlelnlmer. "We uli feel for you nnd I'd not be In least surprised If n way were opened t you to go nnd see your old home and get well and strong again. Hate, let mo put this ccM compress on your head And If you will swallow this tablet I am nmte sure It will help you. It nlways does n, r-hen I have a nervous hendncho." Shortly after Miss Tweed left, her brain busy with n project whereby she might nllevlate tho nostalgia of Nancy Knowies. A few days Inter the little tenement was closed, and, Nancy had started upon four weeks' holiday. Now she hnd returned, nnd Miss Tweed was all eagerness to see whether the old spinster had renewed her youth amid the scenes of her childhood, nnd whether her draught of happiness hnd satisfied the thirst of her heart. Miss Janet never dreamed of gratitude. It would be sufllclent return to witness the Joyful effect of her good work In the Joyful woman's life. She stood upon Nancy Knowies' door step and piled the knocker with a gen tle persistency. Presently she heard a shuffling of feet within the entry nnd a moment later the latch of the door was lifted and she and her beneficiary stood face to face. "H'm, It's you Is it?" said Nancy, grimly. Miss Tweed's radiant smile faded. "Ah, Nancy," she said, gently, "I came to hear all about your delightful time. Has It done you worlds of good?" "Ef you have a mind to stop Jest step In. The flies swarm dretful this time o' year. Good time? No; I ain't lied anythln' of the sort. Oh, h'm! I wlsht I hed stayed to hum!" "Why, Nancy, didn't you enjoy the beautiful lanes?" asked Miss Tweed. "You were looking forward to seeing them again with so much pleasure. Tou longed for them so." "Me? Oh, I dunnl's I longed 'tlc'larly after ennythlng. Leastwise after sech. like. Hoy d'you 'low I was going to see fields an them sorter things to a teown like Bethelbury, with trolley cars n runnin' through It so you don't dare stir?" "Why, I thought your old home was quite out In the country, on the top of a hill, with an orchard at the back, and" "Wal, who said It warn't? The house Is there, but laws o' man I D'ye 'spose I was goln' to stop long of Joel's folks all that spell? Why, I never sec sech children's Joel's. Sech noise and pes teration! Seem's like I should go crazy! Sides, Joel's folks hev done suthin' dretful destroyln to the house. Why, It's the mlser'blest old rack o boards 1 ever did see. The chambers are all so small an the cellln's so low seems like you'd smother. An' hot! Land o' love! How hot It do bo! Not a breath, nor a breeze; No, I" "But, Nancy, didn't you see the or chard and that lovely natural seat on the old apple tree, and" Yes; I see the orchard, and got a smart nip o' neuralgy a-settln' under the trees one day. Wlsh'd I'd never went. No; I declare for't" "But Shlndle creek," urged Janet, "surely you went to Shlndle creek?" "Shlndle crick? Now. how in the name o' natur was I goln' to walk a matter of six miles to get to a place damp enough to chill yer marrer with malary, soon's you set yer foot In it? Joel's wife did carry me over onct In the wag on, but the looks of the place give me the cold shivers. It ain't a mite what It useter be, an I wouldn't be laired to set foot inter It, with all them rocks and that water a-flowln' by, with rheumatllz thick's midges in the air. You talk kinder senseless to ask. And the natural seat? Wouldn't I cut a pretty flgger at my age cllmbln' an apple tree, even If the tree an' the seat an' all wasn't dead and gone for years an' years. Seems to me some folks ain't got proper sense! "No; I stayed to Bethelbury a matter o' two days or so an then 1 cum home. Ben here ever since, an calc'late to stop here. An' no one shan't bundle me off no more for the sake o' gettln rid o me. I don't pester folks so dret ful that I must be packed off Jest to be got shet of, when I wasn't but only gettln' over la grlppey an' In no con dition to travel. "Seems like some folks might havu consideration for my age an condition. I declare for't, the thlnkln' o' them couple o' days gives me such a turn, seems like I could cry. "I dunno what alls me, but I feel a sight worse'n I did before I went. Thet slnkln' feelln's worse, an the low ness o the sperrlts. "An I can't help feelln a mite ugly when I think It's all along o' you thet I got so. "Somethln to Bethelbury dls'greed with me, an I hev a notion I'll never get over It." In the differences existing between the operators and miners at Pana, III., tho state board of arbitration has de cided that 33 cents gross weight per ton for mine run should be paid, all supplies except powder to be furnish ed by mine owners, and that the 6 per cent discount for cashing , coupons should be abolished. The decision of the board has been accepted by the miners, while the operators announced that they would not be bound by any de cision of the state board whatever THE WORLD'S POSTMEN. How Mnil Matter is Handled in Many Countries. Tho postal delivery servlco of the world Is ono of tho wonders of nine teenth century achievements In govern, ment, and of the armies thnt comprise Its complicated human machinery tho postman Is porhaps tho most Interest ing personality. Tho world's postmen may bo divided Into two clasfscs first, tlwj well-uniformed ones who make the houso to house distributions In the cities; second, the long-distance bear ers of mall pneks who servo communi ties remote from transportation high ways. The latter nre fewer In num. bers, but more picturesquely Interest ing. In tho United States nlono ninny types of these nthletlc nnd Intrepid let ter carriers, who served the advancing lines of clvlllzntlon across the conti nent, almost has disappeared. In spots of tho Sierras and Itockles r few of the Amerlcnn grlmpeur postmen re main, and occasionally of a winter you read of ono of them petishlng In the nvalaanche whoso path he has crossed perhaps n thousand times. In the silver mining districts Uicbo tall, powerful and handsome snowshoc postmen were quite numerous fifteen nnd twenty years ago. WONDERFUL FEATS OF STnENOTH On Norwegian shoes some among them have been known to pnek in n day ICO pounds of mall, ascending nltl 8,500 feet to the bleak objectless alti tudes of 13,000 and 14,000 feet and down again to 7,000 or 8,000 on the other side. As the distance traveled would not exceed thirty miles it may be Imag ined how this particular kind of post man has to climb and slide. In tho summer, with the disappearance of snow he usually has a regular zigzag trail. The newest border postman of Ameri can type Is tho one who follows the Eskimo mall car of the polar circle, his dogs the only animate beings he sees through the great stretches of lec and snow. Many years ago, after the navigation of the Colorado river by flatboats had developed considerable comemrce, an old postman's service was established particularly for the benefit of the army detachments stationed along the river. The mall was brought to tho mouth of the river on the regular steamships. By rlvcr-boat It was three days to Fort Yuma, the first point of settlement ln Btde tho American line. THE COCOPAH CARRIERS. Big Cocopah bucks, built like Olym pian prize-takers, were the postmen or ganized to defeat the steamboats. The distance to Fort Yuma, the first relay on the river over the route, was fifty miles by trail over the Sonora desert, where blistering, strangling simoons were of common occurrence In the sum mer months. The heat at all times on this desert stretch is tropical, yet the Cocopah postman rarely failed to trot the distance In a day with twenty-five pounds of mall, thus beating the steam boat two days. The river trip was lenghtened by the Incredible curves of the channel. No white' man ever ven tured to take the Cocopah postman's contract, though It represented a goodly sum of money. In Borne respects the Cocopah post man of the Colorado desert, who made his astonishing trip only at Infrequent Intervals and striped to his coper-tanned hide, with his hair, matted on the top of his head In baked mud, Is resem bled by one of the picturesque post men of the British empire. This Is the native of Natal. Ordinarily he does not cumber himself with clothes, although the government gives him a military great coat and cape. About 170 of these runners are employed on routes where the use of mail carts Is not Justified. One hundred mlle3 a week Is the maxi mum. The runer'B load ranges In weight from forty to sixty pounds; for dis tances less than forty miles he Is re quired to average four miles an hour, and three miles when the distance is greater. He is honest, liven on por- j ridge, and In addition to $2.50 allow ance monthly for rations, he receives i $5 pay. An add method of carrying the mall Is ' In vogue among the Island natives of Coromandel. Waterproof bags are ' placed In a kind of a catamaran, stride j which the postman has to sit, while he at the same time navigates the mall transport and battles with sharks. Peasants carry the malls through the Jungles of India, and across swollen or torrential streams the mall bags are pulled on slung ropes. The slowest postmen are In Corea. They serve with ox carts. It Is Insisted, however, that the Blowest delivery Is In Turkey. There sacks containing the letters of the peo ple often He for weeks at a dlstrlbu tlon ofllce, until the local cadi finds It convenient to hand them over to the lowest bidder who will undertake to de liver them within a specified time to the local cadi of the town for which they arc destined. Almost without exception these delivery contracts are violated b the vagabond postmen, who loiter along visiting relatives. HOW JAPANESE MAIL IS CARRIED. The coolies postmen of Japan are counted among the speediest and carry very good average loads, suspended from the bamboo pole which they bal ance across their Bhoulder. But the cutest of all postmen are the dogs on the eastern slope of the Casplen moun tains, who are sent down to the post office towns of the plains with the tax collector, peddler or anyone who :hances to be going that way. The mall Is placed In a pouch depending from the dog's collar, and Immediately he makes the dust fly In his tracks for home. The difference in the regulation cos tume of the postman Is so striking as to point plainly the national and ell-1 mntlo Influences In taste. The Ilarbn does postman bus two uniforms. Dur Ing the threo hot months ho wears un bleached cotton drill, with red facings, nnd the remaining time ho Is nttlred In blue sorgo. Ills headwonr la a hclmot. Ho takes the mnll to the back door. As a rule tho postman of Trinidad Is a native of Barbudoos or Tobngo. lie Is usually a vary civil, woll-spoken negro. Ho makes threo deliveries be tween D o'clock In tho morning and 4 In tho afternoon, averaging fourteen miles a day and Is paid from $150 to $350 a year. In tho capital of the Island the suburban postmen have bloycles fur nished by tho government. Seventeen postmen servo the capital of San Salva dor. Two nre employed exclusively In tho dollvery of registered letters for $40 a month ench. Sixty-two million letters nro distri buted annually In New South Wales. Two kinds of uniforms arc worn In Sydney. Tho city postman Is distin guished by blue serge, brass buttons and helmet; the suburban postman by gray clothing, with black trimming nnd slouch hat. Both uniforms arc rated first-class. In nearly all European countries the postmen look nnd act as though they had JuBt Blcpped out of tho army, former servlco therein Is their usual experience. The Holland postmen nre rated as a handsome class, though of medium stature. Tho delivery of this little monarchy numbers 00,000,000 let ters annually. For the arduous service of stair-climbing In Vienna, which Is a necessary part of tho postman's duty, he receives from $150 to $200 a year. He gets from the government ono tunic, ono pair of cloth trcusers, cne pair of linen trousers, one waistcoat and a cap, and every Bccond year a coat and blouse are given him. POORLY PAID ITALIAN CARRIEHS. In Rome tho postman has to work eight hours a day for $15 a month, nnd Is only enabled to live comfortably, like the Turkish postman, from the tips given him by citizens at the holiday time. In Switzerland postmen, as Is the case with other members of tho postal service, must pass physical and mental examinations, speed and endur ance of foot being required with proper Intellect. In somo cities of the republic he pushes a mall cart. In Norway the long, mlnlBterlal-looklng frock coat of the postman has given way recently to a short green Jacket. The Norwegian's pay Is not enough to keep him out late Saturday nights. He gets $275 a year and a rulse after fifteen yenrs' service. Ho pays for his own uniform besides. However, ho doe3 better than tho Viennese and Ro man. All the Finland postmen arc lin guists, speaking at least Finnish, Swed ish and Russian. They dress warmly, In long boots of thick leather, long, heavy coats and skull caps. The post men of Denmark receive less pay than those of Norway, tho annual salary running from $220 to $270. Just the same, they are said to be a fine lot of public scrvnnts. Roumanian post men have a handsome uniform of dark blue cloth, with gilt buttons and green collar and cuffs. The uniforms of tho continental postmen nre mostly slight modifications of military patterns. Hospital Corps Director. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGce, director of the hospital corps of the Daughters of the American Revolution, whose headquarleis are at Washington, fraa born In 18G4. Her father was Prof. Simon Newcomb, Ph. D., LL. D., and her mother, Mary C. Hassier Newcomb, daughter of Dr. C. A. Newcomb of the United States navy. Mrs. McGee's early education was re ceived In her native city followed by three years of travel abroad. In 188G she took up the study of history and genealogy. In 1887 she was mar ried to Prof. W. J. McGee, the well known ethnologist, who Is connected with the Smithsonian Institution. In 18S9 Mrs. McGee began the study of med icine in Columbia university, and re ceived tho degree of M. D. from that Institution in 1892. The following year she took a special post graduate course In gynecology at the Johns Hopkins hospital In Baltimore. Dr. McGee can boast of a long line of distinguished ancestry, and is ono of the most prominent members of tho Daughters of the American Revolution. When that organization decided to s tabllsh a hospital corps for service l the war with Spain, Dr. McGee was one of the first to volunteer and she wns promptly accepted by tho management and appointed director of tho service. So far four nurses have been sent to Key West, four to Charleston, six to Atlanta and a goodly number went on the hospital ship Relief. If the native women of Sumatra have their knees properly covered, the rest docs not matter. The natives of somo Islands, off the coast of Guinea, wear clothes only when they are going on a Journey. Some Indians of Venezuela are ashamed to wear clothes before strangers, as It seems Indecent to them to appear unpalnted. The royal library In Berlin contains over 1,000,000 volumes, the university library 153,000, that of the royal statis tical bureau 136,000. The war academy collection consists of 83,000 volumes, that of the general staff 69,700 volumes and that of tho royal chancery 72,600 volumes. Jones Funny Joke on Earnest Dooem. Brown What Is It? Jones He went home with a Jag last night, and saw two of himself in the mirror. He thought he'd brought a friend home with him and went and slept on the lounge. SOME DRAMATIC INCIDENTS Strnngc and Inexplicable Happen lugs in a Lifetime. It occasionally happens that lives which have run on the most peaceful nnd uneventful lines for tunny years nre suddenly marked out by fntc for the Introduction of keenly dramatic Incidents; nnd that such has frequently hedn tho case, the following episodes, oullod from tho writer's recollection and experience will servo to demon strate: Two old maids for many years hnd lived, says a wrltor In the St. Louis aiobc-Dcmocrat, in tho utmost acclu slon nt a vlllngo near Toulon, Franco, their lives being peaceful to tho point of monotony. Their greatest oxclto mont hnd been a flower show: their deepest catastrophe, tho denth of a fa vorlto cat. Ono evening, however, ns the two pat nt their needlework In their little parlor, they woro startled by seeing their window flung violently open, nnd a man la convict dress rushed Into the room. Falling on his knees, he begged for protection from tho ptlson oillclnls, who at that very moment were In pursuit of him. Tho old Indies, terribly frightened, were about to summon assistance, when, of a sudden, tho elder of th'Jin pointed to the man with a low cry, and exclaimed: "Look I It Is Henri, como bnek to life." Years ngo, when tho old mnld had been a young maid, nnd a pretty girl ns well, sho had been nf flanced to a young fellow whom she had loved passionately. He had died three days before the doy appointed for tholr union, and ever since ehc hnd carried his memory in her heart. Uy some strange coincidence the man who Implored for protection was the living Imago of the dead man; and, this be Ing so, sentiment gained tho day, nnd they resolved to give him the help he besought Acting on the Impulse, they went through their work of mercy with hero ism. The convict wns secreted In the boudoir, nnd when the officers of the law arrived and inquired if anything had been been of the escaped man a di rect denial was given them. Prob. ably this was the first untruth which the poor old Indies had ever uttered, and the lie was one of those with which the recording angel will perchance deal lightly when the time of judgment comes. The danger once over, the two worthy dames saw that the man wns fed and properly clothed, and when a week had passed he left their house, taking with him a sufllclent sum of money, which they forced upon him, to enable him to leave the' country and Gtart a new life' abroad. The farewell scene was pathetic In the extreme, the rescuers being as deeply affected as ths rescued. For years afterward, and, In fact, un til the time of their decease, the tw( women would often speak of thlt strange Incident with bated breath, anti the last Incident In the little drama wiu the arrival one morning, two yean later, of a magnificent diamond, accom panied by a note from tho cx-convlct He wrote thnt he had gone to South Aft lea, where he had prospered ex ceedingly, and he felt that the diamond, his biggest find, was a fitting souvcnli of the biggest service that hud cvc been rendered to him by man oi woman. Another curious Instance of a peace ful life suddenly lit up by a lurldl dramatic Incident was the following A venerable country pastor, beloved by his flock and distinguished by nl benevolence and unselfishness, wot preaching one Sunday morning to tin tiny congregation, when the calmnes of the place was suddenly disturbed b a tall, dark-bearded man rising In hi pew, where he had been sitting unob served, and calling on the minister 1 come down from the pulpit, as he hac no right to stand there and preach t his fellow-men. The astounded congregation at firs thought that the man was Intoxicated and the verger was about to approaci him, when the minister raised his hand and, In a voice which trembled wit terror, begged for silence. The dark man then proceeded t bring a terrible charge against tin clergyman. He Btated that, twentj years before, the latter had wronger his sister; who had died soon after wards, and that, ns her brother, he demanded that Justice be done, and that the preacher should cease to preach precepts which, in days gone by, he had so wickedly disregarded. Every eye was turned on the white faced cleric, and every person hoped and believed he would utterly repudi ate the charge, but, to the intense sur prise of all, he cried out In a loud voice that the charge was true, and that henceforth the pulpit should know him no more. He had spoken the truth, indeed, for even as he descended the steps he reeled and fell. The shock had been too great for him, and he lay dead at the foot of the pulpit. Dram atic and awful, Indeed! Then there was the case of the old city merchant, a steady, plodding citi zen, out every morning at 10, and in bed every evening at the same time, hlb life being governed by the law of mono- toneB, who was awakened one night by finding a burglar In his room. Quick as lightning he leaped from his couch and struggled with the maraud er, and being a powerfully built man, and posseslng great vigor in spite of his years, he overpowered the midnight vis itor. He was Just about to summon the servants and send for the police, when a voice he remembered well said hoarse ly. "Don't you know me, Dick?" For the first time ho took a keen glance at tho other man, and what was his horror when he discovered that It was his half brother, who, years ago, had run away to sea, and who bad al ways been a hopeless ne'or-do-wcll. H hail gono from bad to worse, with thi result that he had entered this houso on this night with the Intention of plun dering Its owner, though he had no known his Identity until they met fae to fnco. Porhaps a more dramatic meot Ing for two brothers separated for a spnee of years could hardly bo Irnag. Ined, and it will be needless to add that the police were not summoned. Tin merchant promised to assist his dlsrop utablo relative, providing he would glv up his evil ways, and it Is satlsfactorj to think that the upshot of that nlght'i meeting wus a change for tho better on the part of the would-bo-thlof. Saluting tho President. Lieutenant Philip Andrews, U, S. N., contributes to tho July St, Nicholas an article on "Ceremonies nnd Etlquetta on a Mnn-of-War." Lieutenant Andrews says: The regulations of tho navy set forth Just whnt honors shall be shown tho various high olllelals and military of fleers who visit our men-of-war. The prnctlce follows closely that In voguo by nil nations, so that It would bo very difficult to leave out any of tho numorous honors nnd salutes now giv en. That more simplicity In tho honors shown officlnls would bo better BUltcd to our republican form of government Is certain; but international courtesy requires that we go through the same ceremonies ns those employed by tho most sensible countries. The Chlnesa have a most sensible custom of ren dering honors. They glvo a salute of three guns whatever the rank of the visitor. This saves much noise and waste of powder, and would bo ex cellent practice for all nations to fol low. When the president of the United States visits a ship of war of our coun try, he la received at the rungway by the admiral, commedore or command ing officer, together with ruch other of ficers nu may be selected. Tho officers of the ship, In full uniform, are on deck; the crew, In their best uniforms, ato at quarters for Inspection, and tho marine guard and band nro paraded. As the president steps on deck tho drums give four rufllcs, the band plays the national air, the president's flag Is displayed at the main and a saluto cf twenty-one guns Is flrcd. When tho president leaves tho samo ceremony Is gono through with, the same salute being fired when the boat containing him clears tho ship his flag being hauled down at the lost gun. Any other vessels of the navy pre sent give the saT.o salutes, and the crew, as the president passes, man tho yards of parade nlcng the rail if tha ship Is without cquare-rlcged masts. Manning tho yards Is one of tho cus toms of the old navy and I3 dying out with the dlsnpeparance of square-rig, ged masts. The n en stand on all tho ynrds, nrms Htretchcd out and hands grasping the life lines, which ara stretched above the yard to give proper support. It is a very pretty sight, aa the life lines can not be seen and the men seem to be standing unsupported on the yardB. As men-of-war today nre being built wlthcut call power and with only military mnstB this ceremony has of necesftty b?en replaced by sim ply parading the crew on deck In the most consplclous plates. A Nojro Colonel Enlists. A tcccnt vislcor to the' executive man sion who had the largest amount of. self-constituted Importance, perhaps, of any visitor In the last decade was a negro "colonel" from Virginia. He came In with flowing Jim-Swinger and artificial cocked hat, demanding to see the president "to oncet." For a time he was fretful of restraint, and jefused to consider anything except an Imme diate admission Into the White house Inner sanctum. The officials asked him what was the matter with him and other profane questions, which at length Induced him to explain his er rand to the subordinate. He was from Charlottesville, Vn., and had a colored regiment ready to go to the war, which he wanted mustered Into service and sent to Santiago by the next boat. The president, of course, would have this done if he understood he patriotism of these dusky volun teers. "If you start Into a battle, what la (he first command you would glvo the troops?" was asked of the old uncle. "I would say, 'Get on' yo horses, sail. " "What would be your next com mand?" " 'Prepare to move forward, sab.' "What next?" " 'Shoot 'em for toe kill, sah.' " Then It occured to the doorkeeper to ask the man his name. The answer wa quick and original. "J. Smith, sah." "What does the J. stand for?" was the next query. The old man hotly renlled: "Don't you know nothin'? J. stands for cln. era!, sah." Cut half a pint of corn In a bowl, add the yolk of one egg. half a cunful nf milk, one tablcspoonful of melted but ter, half even teaspoonful of salt, half tablespoonful of sugar, tho white of an egg beaten to a stiff froth, and one-eighth teaspoonful white pepper; mix all well together, pour the prepara tion Into a buttered pudding dish, and bake In a medium hot oven till firm to the touch; then remove, and serve In the same dish In which It was baked. He I have Just tet $50,000 that you would marry me. She Run. quick, and make It a hun dred thousand, then hurry back and propose.