P'jio. , $,. .&'-mLJ'. I . " B'V.J . ,.$ L fr I- -. V 9B ug Attorney - al Law fii.wvroitt). num. nnuwinsiHlirfltAUkirk II .A. JOWEA'CE, .ATTORNEY AT Xj-ATV-vT, I'rartiii-" In nlljhw oourtn Uemingford, ...... ,Nob 'T.UTTLE & TASK .Attorneys - at - Law, Ifemingford, Nebraska . 1)11. C. A. 110L1JR00K, PU YSICIAX and Sl'KGEOj;, Ke.Mdenco. Hull house. OUieo First door north Box liuttu .Hawk J3ldg. JleiKiugfwti, Msbraskz. T. J. O'KEEFE, ;U. S. COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT OP NEBRASKA. All matters romliiK lioftuc the I'liMed Stiitos ,rircult ('ouil(irtl)P- United Stnlos I.smil Olllec will ivtjcUe piomiil ami r.'ircful intention. Alv aUfflit'. toullUUiilsof busings J?ir nun residents: milrituti). rentiiN. collections rti (t'orrt'HiMiulpncu Milk'lteil. OWcpk.-iI humin'ofohd and cn wi-ono. nub. Time Table FOR Hemingford LINCOLN', tOMAUA, .Chicago, St J osF.ru, 'Di'.Nvr.i:, llKT.r.NA, Sai,t Lakk City, Kansas City, PollTLiANO, j$v. Louis mid all'S.vy Ehaxcisco, .points cost ami mikI all points Miuth jwest TiiMNit I.kwk s !'!. i.ou p.. N". II. !'hhi'ut. ilaily, lVtuluood, IlillliiK'H ,'iml nil point north mill Wi'Mt l.L'In.m Nu, l'i. I rululit, ilaily. Dciihwioil, llilliliUH ami iiitPrniHliato Mnilimi f.STi p. m. Nit. IT. Krciulit, ilaily, Ni'w ('axlli ami iiitt-rmriliatii staficm '.' V p. in. Ko. 4'-'. l'iiMoni;pr, ilnily , for Lincoln, Onmliiv. CliicaKi) ami all l'oliitKcat . . Il:ir p. in. Nit. Ifi. l'n'ilil. ilaily. for Lincoln unit intPrimtltato HlatioiiH . 5:0S p. m. JIo. 4S. i'rciulit. ilailv. for Lincoln, anil iuti-rnietliiilu Milium 10.2T a. in AlLSrniiix ilaily cxivpt Jso. I" unl In 17 ilajlj i.M'ppi Mniilny. 4" ilnil) nxi'fpl Monday, KliH'pJiiB. illiiiin; ami rprliniu clialr ram iKvalu frii'l mi llironli train TIpkntH wold .ami liaiTK'nKfclu'cUcil tunny iiuiiil initio United HIhIvh ur Cmiaila. Kur information, map, tiinn tablei anil liok .iIh rail on or wrilu to W. SI, ( npi-lanil, Au'iit, r.I KHANt'IS, (Ipii'I I'asHPiiKi'rAKi'nt.Oniatiii ii'lirKiUa. - I, i Attention, Horsernonl' The Frenchjt'oaeh. stall ion jQUINAULT iiml flio Shire stal .icyj, SAXQN KING, wilt stand jtho present scoson at my place six niiles west ami two miles north of Hemingford. Terms: Sft'to irtMiro n ninro in oal; SG to insure foal to teat. All mares traded or removed will for feit r.ny insurance 8r will be duo ut one;. Care takcm (o j)revent accidents but I will not bo respon sible if any occur. A. S. Enyeaut. Non-rosident owners of tinibor claiin.s can eompleto their final proofs -without coming to the county by ('orre.si)onding with T..J.01Keefe. Lumber, Coal and Lime! Just received u car of select flnstern lumbor for tanks. Also nil kinds of hard wood, cedar Mangles, lath, linle. and all kinds of lumbor. Ready inado tanks, or will Miake tanks to order. Prices to compete with auyono the Northwest. Come and sea us before buying else where. Tanks and tank lumber a specialty. 1-Jr.MCfcroRn Lu.mueu Co. Fifty Claims Wanted, for Cash. I want to buy improved farms and prairie land for cash; must be cheap. Give number of sec tion, towii and range; also im provmonts in detail. AddroiS E. A. llLU.NCK, Carroll, Iowa. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. TRe Kind You Have Always Bought , ' Bears tho sjp yxSZZ DHjmv-.uru oi iaf in Mrs. Clark Olds i reported quite ill this week. Mrs. ,1. V. Niehol's condition is not much improved. Miss Mable Curtis came up from Alliance Sunday. 11, F. Oilman was a county IRont. visitor Thursday. W. .1. Hntton called Wednes day and bad his name enrolled on THK llEUALD list. "l The Al. E. missionary dinner wilt he held at the home of Mrs. Ira Reed next Tuesday The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hook was quite ill he forepart of the week.- V. A. Hood of Liberty was in town "Wednesday. Ht called :iud renewed for Tun IIkuau). V. Cladek of Dunlap attended the republican .state convention as v, delegate f i;om Dawes county. Miss Ma me O'Keefo returned Monday morning from her ex tended visit in Iowa and Illinois. Miss Kate Murphy of Kansas City arrived Thursday morning and will visit her aunt, Mi's. D. O'Keefe. E. Mubin has purchased ' the smaller l ru belonging to W. A. Knapp and wilL move, the same on his farm. Miss Zelia Miner went to Rushville Wednesday morning to attend the Sheridan county institute. Mrs. Ella Liggett of Broken Bow and Mrs. Dr. Langson of Cordon are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bean this week. Miss Susie Sweeney arrived Saturday morning from CJalos burg. III., and will visit, lyir rela tives, the Sweeney family. About $2,000 was paid out at the creamery Wednesday and Hemingford will coma pretty near getting all the "increase", too. J. A. Johnson and Mass Vio lotia Storms, both of Alliance, were married by Co. Judge Ilewett Wednesday. II. L. Busline! I is cnjoyinir a visit Xrom his father Lewis Bush nell of Ohio. Mr. Hushnoll ar rived yesterday morning .and took his son by surprise. The subject of lCpworth league lesson for Sunday evening, Aug. 14". is "Helping Others" , found in Isa. 41; 0, 7 and Gal. G: 2, 10. Mr. Fred Neeland leader. PoBtjiuister Johnson 4und C. J. Wildy left Tuesday morning for Hot Springs and Bvadwood. M"r. Johnson expeicts to stay a cou)le of weeks. Mr. Wildy will return Monday. C. A. Ilolbrook and wife from near Hemingford, were patroniz ing merchants in the best town of th county Tuesday. The above item from tno Alli ance Times is misleading. Dr. and Mrs. Ilolbrook say that! the only trading they did last Tues day ' was in Hemingford. This explanation, however, makes the item correct wherein it refers to the "best town of the county." I. E.Tash. II. R. Green, L. R Corbin, E. P. Sweeney and II. W. Montgomery were tins delegates who represented Box Butte county at the republican state convention, held at Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. Tash did not receive the nomination for land commissioner but ho was second and doubtless would have boon nominated only that.Iudgo Baker was defeated for governor and Douglas county demanded some thing. Williams of Omaha was nominated for commissioner. The Republicans of4 Box Butte county will hold their county convention at Alliance on Satur- day Aug. '20, at 1 p. in. Thttj precinct caucuses will bo held on Tuesday Aug. 1(5, at the usual place at 2 p. m; tho representation will tie tho same as at the last convention. At tho convention a candidate for County Attorney will bo "nominated and five dole gates bo .selected to attend the wi -loimi, senatorial and i.r.rosntnthe convention, 4i. po a CoUimjSfliouer from the V t distrivt will bo nominated Morn, on August G, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Delsing, a girl. All parties doing well. Mrs. E. 10. Ford and children returned this morning from an extended visit in Wisconsin. They visited tho Omaha tion on tfieir ret in n. exposi- Father Muenich, one of the most thoiough-going and doser vedlv popular pastors that ever had charge of a congregation in Crawford, loft on Monday night's Elkliprn for Jackson. Burt Go. Father Muenich will be missed and his going away regretted not only by the members of the Catho'ic church here, but by all who had the pluasure of an acquaintance with the cultured, cou.-teous and sociable gentle man. Crawford Tribune. Tin; postotlice department has issued an order prohibiting tho postmaster fiom forwarding any second, third or fourth class mail that may be received at hi- oflico in the mail-bag. This means that when a man changes his location, nothing hut lirst-ela-s letters will follow him, and if he wants his pa pers or magazines he nmst notify the publisher or prepay the postage before such pei iodicals can bo forwarded to his address. This may cause anuoyano3 in some in stances, but the now ruling will stop tho "postage duo stamp" nui sance. The mails are loaded every day with tons upon tons of papers, catalogues, price-lists, etc., and forwarded from one oflico to another in search of the addressee, until tinally, if the owner is found, it is refused and consigned to tho waste-basket. If it is borne in mind that railroads receive liberal pay for every pound of mail car ried by them, it takes ho slrech of tho immagination to say that the new ruling will savo several thousand dollars for the postal ser vice every day of the year. The following is tho , stale ticket nominated by tho republi can party Tuesday. Governor, Judge'Hayward of Otoe. Lieutenant-Governor, Geo. A. Murphy of Gage. Auditor, 'T. L. Matthews of Dodge. Treasurer, P. Mortenson of Valley. Attorney General. )V. .1. Jackson of Antelope. Sup't. Schools. J. P. Say lor of Lancaster. Land Commissioner, G. A. Williams of Douglas. Estuay Notice. Taken up on May 12, J 898, at my place on Section 21, Tp 27, li. fil, one yearling mare colt, brown color, with both hind feet white, star in forehead, no brands. C. Kl.EMKK. ir, Q.i,. i with nr.enlc. His lawyers obtained a reconsideration of tho sentence by a One red Polangus bull, four commission appointed by tho legisla- years old. Ha is a thoroughbred ture, consisting of two doctors and a and a line animal; has never run law'f; whlc,h Pronounced him inno- cont, the doctors voting down tho law ma herd. Ho can 1)3 seen at ver, -who thought him Biillty. The nmn James Hollinrako's place, 8 miles was F.ct freo In consequence. Subso- north of Hemingford. ontly ,n0 of h'B, , lnwy0' movod n ,by consclonco, told another mom- J. . llEItCE. Jber of the bar that tho man ' had confessed his gal't to him at tho CLEARANCE SALE. Uirao of tho trial and the matter was All trimmed hats must go at br0l,1,t bofo1r1 tho legislature. Law- t , , . , yers and clients have been arrested reduced prices. Anyone m need Bm, ar0 t0 b0 ,,roilecutod for conspir- of a hat would do well to come acy. to defeat tho onda of Justice. Com- and SCO us. First come first come, choice. Miss L. Adams. See the fie. surprise bargains at Wildy's. For Sale Cheap. TheSEqr Sec 17, Two 27, 10. 1(50 acres. 80 acres good inqadow land and 50 acres under ! fence. Also tho following crops growing. lL'ncros whoat, 3 acros oats, 22 acres corn, '2 acres potatoes, 5 acres millet. Sod house, 11 rooms; cattle shed, granary. 2 hen houses; 2 wells, 12 and SO ft depth; plenty of pure water and good range foi u. rws oe of the best ijIuom hi Uip c-vintn fur sior U. Al ! to V IlAJLh, owner, otT. J. (IK i in. ' RUNNING SHORT. Stock of McCormiek mower at hotuhpi.irtors nearly oxliiuifttod I Come soon or you oannot gel. one. CIjAuk Or,nte. agent SPEND AUGl'Sr IN THIS BLACK UlLliS. Go first to Hot Springs. Th-ire you win bathe, ride, bicycle, climb mountains, ihtnco and play tenuis to vour heart's content. If your' i limbs are stiff, your kidneys out , of order or if you are troubled! with excoma or any other form of skin disease, a month at Hot Springs will mako a new man of you. Sylvan Lake and Spertrtish are within a coiipaiativoly short distance of Hot Springs and every one who visits the Mlack Hills should see Miem. Sylvan Lake is the prettiest and coolest summer resort . in ' the west. Speariish is reached afttra rail road ride that ranks among tho experiences of a lifetime. There is nothing like it any whore else on tho globe. Durjiig August, the Burlington llouto will run two low-rate ex cursions to Hot Springs; one on the mh., the other on the 2(ith. (if that month. Tickets will be ..sold at one far for tho round trip half hates and will he good to return any thus within JJ0 days. Organize a party. Arrange your hotel accomodations at Hot Springs. Get your tickets from the Burlington agent and pass the most delightful month in the year in the most delightful sinnmer laud on the continent. ESTUAV NOTICE. Kslrayed from our ranch at Ma linda,' Nob., about July lth, J8!H, ono dark brown 51 year-old geld ing, white face and feet. Kird'.y inform C. J. WLldy. Lost on July fourth, a gold watch. The caso is some worn and has the letters M. B. en graven on out side. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at my homo or at the post ofiioo. Mhs. R. II. Blanciiai'.d. Tourist Pamphlets dosCi iptivo of Yellowstone Nation al Park and the summer resorts of Colorado and containing, be sides maps and illustrations, a great deal of infoiinalion of inter est to sight-seers and tourists can be had by addressing J. Frauds, General Passenger Agent, Btir linirton Route, Oinvjia, Nob. Write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, for handsome 152 page phamplet descriptive of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. FREE. V I.alJr' ItrciPh of Continuing A queer case Is reported from Sydney, Australia. A man wns convicted by a tury of having tried to poison his wlfo niunu.uions netween lawyer una cnont are apparently no; privuegou in aus- tralla. llPttluc on the Ilurr. The big trotting-hore people in Buf falo nnd western Nuw York, including C. J. Hamlin, are wild to be preparing to make a determined movement this year to secure a moderation, or, possi bly, tho abolition, of the present anti liettin? laws of the state. Tha unauc- Ceesful gi -d ei.'i-'v meeting of last summer will b .' v an argument that it will b impr .le o conduct trot ting meetings prolttibty without pool gelling of soma tort. Theae lutorestv are powerful otiw, nnd if band ad to gether would mako a. strong fight. intl' Will. 'Since God do ik will that soma shall dwell at ae. And other) shall know hardnosi', this t is Mini, The lot that P.i each nature He for- And wherefore 1:1 trmur whrn wo mu-jt rrduir' 3mo u1 ili loving wlslnm will be I MUIU Kb the Bwe't cu'r-" foilolng after AH O ream To VR AUK ASSORTING IN THE COURTS OUR IUGHT TO Ttiu r.xcLusivn use oi the word "Castorlv' and "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTOR I A," the samo that has borne and docs now bear the fac-similo signature o This is the original "CASTO the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bourht ? on the and has the signature of OSzMy, wrap per. No one has authority from mo to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer yo,u (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even lie docs not know. "The End Ton Have Always Bought " BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF 6ww& Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THt CtNTAUn COMPANY. TT MUHHAT BTntKT. NIWVORK CITY. Complete Line---' -slfew Spring Goods Of latest styles, superior fabrics, at fabulous LOW prices are now on sale at The BIG DOUBLE STORE Come AT YOUR SERVICE ANTON -PIONEER ffi-TV Hard ware am 'JlIU Ul.DKST KoTAHMSIiniSXT Itf THIS C'O.UNTV Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuin e Round Oak Heating Stovs Paints, Oils, Glass, etc . , Special Agent for BAKER FER,FECTBarb Wire the Best on Earth HEMINGFORD HILLING CO., Manufacturers of- Flour, Graham, Meal and' 'Feed And Dealers in All Kinds of - COAL, ILi-TorZfcvdlBIEIEB, TJXJb&tt Paper, Sash and Doors. HILLER & WILDY. LETTER OTHERS. on every wrapper. R I A" which has been used in and see asa5'yr - '-. ' Wm. iri?rr-r3rr2 nymy ?&& C.J. WILDY. UHRIG, Saddlery.