Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, August 12, 1898, Image 1

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    The Hemin
i ? v
American JPoace TerniB Finally
QueeH Regent Weeps While Slio
Signs the Agrooment.
Spanish Dynasty Bows to the In
eYltablo Tho Proctol Next in
Order- Blood mid Thunder Part
of the War Practically Ended.
Madrid Special: The queen regent
has aproved Spain's reply to President
McKlnley's demands In the peace ne
gotiations, after a long council with
the ministers and leaders of all political
Romero y Robledo asked permission
to speak plainly on the terms laid
down by President McKlnley, and per
mission being granted, told the queen
regent that peace proposed by the
terms of the reply of Spain to the
American conditions will prove dan
gerous to the monarchy.
The queen regent was visibly affected,
but Sagasta, Campos, the Duke of Te
tuan, Silvela and Prlmo Rivera pressed
the queen to accept the Inevitable, and
then she signed the approval, weeping
copiously during the act which signalled
Spain's utter defeat. 0
Washington, D. C, Special: Convinced
more than a week ago that Spain had
determined to have peace at any price,
the seml-pTflcIal announcements from
Madrid that the cabinet has approved
the basis of the reply to the peace
conditions imposed by this country Is
accepted by administration ofilclals as
authentic. f
The general verdict In official clrcl9
hero is that the war Is over. Only
formalities are necessary before the of.
flclal declaration Is made. This will
probably not happen before Tuesday.
Ambassador Cambon, I have reason
to believe, has had confirmation
through diplomatic channels of the
press reports about Spain's acceptance,
but he will not be prepared to make
formal announcement to the president
until the full text of the note which
the Madrid cabinet has been at work
upon toduy Is cabled to him.
There is no doubt as to the accuracy
of the Madrid cable to the effect that
pain's reply will give reason for no fur
ther response by the United States.
The fact Is that the administration will
not permit any further dickering for
terms. The president was emphatic on
this point at the time of his last con
ference with Ambassador Cambon. In
view of the announcement from Madrid,
therefore, it is assumed that Spain has
recognized the futility of further at
tempts to secure better terms and that
the Madrid cabinet had determined to
accept all the conditions Imposed by the
United States hitherto accurately out
lined In the papers.
All that remains now for bringing
about a cessation of hostilities is the
promulgation of the protocol embody
ing the terms proposed by the United
States and accepted by Spain. This
will be done as scon as Ambassador
Cambon presents the note being pre
pared in Madrid today. Secretary Day
and Ambassador Cambon have already
conferred as to the details of the pro
posed protocol. There will, therefore,
be little delay In Its promulgation.
The terms proposed by the United
States will be embodied In the protocol
in the same language given In the first
note to Spain, with one or two minor
details yet to be settled between Sec
retary Day and Ambassador Cambon
relating to the time of evacuation of
Spanish troops from Cuba and Porto
The administration will allow a reas
onable time for the withdrawal of the
troops. It Is assumed that It will re
quite at least a month or six weeks for
Spain to provide transports for the em.
barkatlon of her forces and that It
will take three or four months at least
to complete the evacuation. This will
be entirely satisfactory to the adminis
tration, as it will obviate the sending
of American troops to Havana and
other points In Cuba until fall, when
the health conditions are better.
It is understood that the proposed
protocol will name Paris as the pluce
for the meeting of the commissioners to
settle the questions relating to the
Philippines. In anticipation of Spain's
acceptance of our terms the authorities
have maintained a status pro during
the past few days In regard to military
and naval movements, except In Porto
Rico, where General Miles has been go
ing on steadily with his military opera,
tlons, but with the full knowledg'e that
he would receive orders almost any
day to cease hostilities.
The failure of Henry Claude Fuller,
a London stock broker, is announced.
American Troops at Santiago
Start Back Homo.
Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 9. The work
of embarking the American troops for
shipment to the Isolated camp at Mon
tauk Point, Long Island, begins today.
Three transports are awaiting to re
ceive the first regiments of cavalry and
Rough Riders. Probably 700 men In
all will be sent away In the first con
signment of the sick. The most suf
fering Is from calenture, a native
fever, which, while it Is not as deadly
as yellow fever. Is more painful and
weakening. The characteristics of the
disease arc a high fever, the tempera
ture ranging from 100 to 105, with pains
In every bone of the body and delirium.
The treatment consists of profuse
sweating and total abstinence from
food for five or six days. A patient Is
given all the water he can drink, how
ever. After the fever has commenced
to subside twenty to fifty grains of
quinine are given dally. William Astor
Chanler has receiver as high as seventy
grains of quinine dally.
The reports today show that 30 per
cent of the men In all the camps to
the east and south of Santiago are
unlit for duty. The hospitals are com
pletely filled with cases and many men
who are not In the hospital aro unable
to work. There have been four deaths
from calenture among the soldiers dur
ing the last four days. Following are
the victims: William Cheevers, com
pany I, private; Gus Graham, company
L, private; Stewart Williams, hospital
corps; Sergeant Young, company E.
There have been no deaths among
the Rough Riders, save those who were
killed In battle. The number of sick is
now much larger than at any other
time. Exposed to the fever, the tropical
sun and the heavy night dews, all are
anxious to get away, believing they
cannot get well here. All hospitals,
regimental and division, corps and Red
Cross, are filled. Eighty officers are
sick with calenture and from their
wounds at the Club National, which
has been transformed Into a Red Cross
hospital under charge of Miss Wheeler,
daughter of General Wheeler. Six noble
young women are caring for the men
here. All the sick will be sent home
as rapidly as transports can carry them.
War Claims of All Kinds Now
Being Filed.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 9. The an
nouncement that the United States gov
ernment will assume liability for the
claims of the insurgents against the
Spanish government on account of In
juries and damages sustained In the
Cuban Insurrection has caused the fil
ing of a large number of claims with
the state department. Very many of
these are not based upon events oc
curring during the last rebellion, but
date back for very many years and re
late to excess customs collections, dam.
ages sustained through municipal mal
administration, alleged Illegal confine
ment and such things.
On the other hand, there are now
Spanish claims to the amount of $8,000,
000 against the United States that, In
event of a Joint commission being au
thorized, would be proper offsets to
many Americans here. A large num
ber of these claims are made by Span
ish subjects on account of property de.
stroyed or appropriated by the confed
erate troops during the civil war, thus
having exactly the same basis nB a
number of claims filed by American
citizens against the Spanish govern
ment for property seized or destroyed
by insurgents in Cuba. Another class
of these claims is of recent date, flow
ing from the abortive efforts of the
commlslsoners and special courts cre
ated by congress to settle the "Florida
claims." It Is probable that In the ad
justment of peace terms, our govern
ment will Ignore all claims save those
preferred by American citizens for
losses sustained In Cuba, allowing the
others to be arranged for later on by
a Joint commission.
England and Russia Growling
at Each Other.
London Special: There has been no
relief In the Anglo-Russian tension. In
the last twenty-four hours extreme un.
easiness has been created by alarmists
through an Inspired article In Stand
ard, which asserts that Salisbury has
taken up a position from which he will
on no account recede, and that It would
mean ruin to British prestige through
out Asia were he to do so.
At the sametlme It is pointed out
that the matter in dispute, but for the
principle Involved, Is altogether too
trifling to warrant plunging Into a
frightful war crisis, and that It has
now arisen Is held to be the direct
result of Salisbury's perpetual yielding
to Russian diplomacy, by which Russia
has been emboldened to adopt a posi
tion from which it finds it as difficult
to recede as England.
Among Salisbury's supporters there
Is, however, a belief that he will never
take the responsibility for war, while
the queen Is also a powerful Influence
In the same pacific direction.
Thursday, August 18, at Trans
Mississippi Exposition.
Texas day at the Trans-Mlsslsslppl
exposition has been fixed for Thursday,
August 18. Governor Culbertson will
head a party of distinguished Texnns
to Omaha on this occasion, and it Is
expected that a large number of citi
zens from the Lone Star state will take
advantage of the low railroad rates
which have been put Into effect rom
all Texas points to Omaha and return
to vlBlt the exposition. The rates for
Texas day are exceptionally low, and
there will probably bo no better oppor
tunity for Texas people to visit tho
great western show.
The Texas exhibit at Omaha Is one
that every Taxan may be proud of,
and It Is calling forth much Inquiry
concerning the great agricultural ad
vantages and resources of tho state.
The display was plnced In position in
tho western end of tho Agricultural
building largely through the efforts of
tho Houston Business league nnd the
San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway
association. Texas Is greatly Inter
ested In the success of this exposition,
especially from a commercial stand
point, and residents of the state show
their appreciation of this fact.
The Trans-Mlsslsslppl exposition sur
passes In Interest the recent efforts at
Atlnnta and Nashville, nnd as regards
beauty and general excellence It can
stand a comparison with the World's
fair at Chicago and the fair at Paris.
Its object Is to show the wonderful
development of what used to be known
a generation ago aB the Great Ameri
can desert, and Is now a flourishing
emplie of 22,000,000 people. A visit of
a week or two to Omaha between now
and the end of October will never be
regretted by anyone.
Three days before Texas day at the
exposition Is to Wheelmen's day. Otll
cers of the League of American Wheel
men aro Interesting themselves on this
occasion, and wheelmen from all parts
of the country) are expected to be
present on August 15. August ID, the
day following Texas day, will be
Colored Americans' day, and a celebra
tion will be arranged which will make
the day a memorable, one. The Indian
congress will be In full Bwlng during
August, nnd this feature alono will
make the exposition worthy of a visit.
Almost all the remaining Indian tribes
will be represented, and there will be
a presentation of their native life such
as has never been attempted before
and can probably never be accom
plished again.
List ol'Special Days at tho Trans
Mississippi Exposition.
August 9. Iowa Knights of Pythias
August 10. Red Men's day.
August 11. Tennessee Red Men's duy.
August 13. St. Joseph day.
August 15. Business and Fraternal
associations' day.
August 15. Wheelmen's day.
August 18. Texas day.
August 19. Colored Americans' day.
August 23. Des Moines day.
August 25. Sioux City day.
August 27. Bohemian day.
August 30. Missouri day.
August 31. Greek Letter societies
September 1. Kansas day.
September 2. Peach day.
September 3. Editors' day.
September 5. Labor day.
September 7. Port Arthur day.
September 8. Fraternal Union of
America day.
September 9. Lumbermen's, Wood
men of the world and Rocky Ford
Melon day.
September 10. New Mexico day.
September 12. Montana day.
September 14. National Shrlners'
and Utah day.
September 15. New England day.
September 16. Oklahoma and Grape
September 17. Railroad day.
September 18 and 19. Modern Wood
men days.
September 20 and 21. Iowa days.
.September 24. Commercial Travelers'
October 1. Chicago day.
October C P. E. O. society and New
York day.
September 7. Knox College day.
September 8. Twin City day (St. Paul
and MIneaDolls).
September 13. Knights of Pythias
September 17. I. O. O. F. day.
September IS. Tennessee day
September 20. Denver day.
Other special days to be announced
Ottawa, Ont., Aug, C The Official
Gazette contains a proclamation un
nouncing that voting on the plebiscite
for the prohibition will take place on
September 20, und the writs, which are
dated August w'" ue returnable on
November 2.
Rev. Mr. Preachlelgh Yes, my frlond,
every man can be born again.
Chicago Say, If you can give the
snap away how It's done our city gov
eminent will pay you a handsome royalty.
tioiieral Haines Gaptnros tho
Town of U nay am a.
Tho Singing ol tho Spanish Bul
lets Cheeked By the Deadly
Work ol' Dynamite Guns Gen
eral Miles' Report.
Washington, D. C, Special: The first
news dispatch came to the wnr depart
ment from General Miles. It was as fol.
"Ponce, Aug. 6. General Brooke re
ports Haines' brigade. Fourth Ohio
and Third Illinois cuptured Guayama
yesterday; slight skirmish with enemy
in nnd about town; enemy's strength
estimated at about 500; not ascertained
If any of them regulnrs; resistance not
strong. Private John O. Cordner
wounded below the knee. C. W. Rlffe,
both legs below thigh; T. W. Wolcott.
right foot; none serious; all Fourth
Ohio. One Spaniard killed; two
Wounded so far ns known. MILES."
Ouaynma, Porto Rico, Special; After
a sharp skirmish with 400 Span
lards, In which three Americans were
wounded, the town of Guuyamn, tho
principal point on the southwestern
coast of Porto Rico, wns enptured by
General Haines.
Our men had to fight their way
through Spanish bullets In order to
get Into the town, and they were forced
to lepel an attack made by the Span,
lards soon after the town had fallen.
This they did ,wlth marked success,
and, the stars and stripes now float
ovee another American possession.
Al of the three Americans who were
wounded In tho skirmish before Guay.
ama are privates in tho Fourth Ohio
regiment. John O. Cordner of com
pany C was shot in the right leg be
low the knee; C. W. Rlffe of company
A was shot through both thighs, and
In the foot. None of the men are dan
gerously hurt. One dead Spaniard and
two wounded have been found by our
men. It Is not known what other ens.
unities the enemy had.
The Fourth Ohio, Colonel Colt, and
the Third Illinois, Colonel Bcnnit, with
two dynamite guns, all under com.
mund of General Haines, composed the
expedition that moved out on the
Guayama road from Arroyo at 8
o'clock In the morning. General Haines
ordered his men to advance cautiously,
ami their progress was slow.
When the Americans had reached a
point about three miles from Arroyo
they were viciously attacked on both
their right and left Hnnks. Colonel
Colt's Ohio troops, who were leading
the advance, were splendidly handled
and did telling work against the
enemy. The Spaniards for a time man.
aged to conceal themselves behind bar
ricades, but the Americans soon got nt
them and poured a terrible lire In their
It wnB Impossible for the Spaniards
long to withstand this fire nnd they
soon retreated.
As the American troops entered the
town they found It practically deserted.
All of the houses had been closed, and
the Ohio regiment raised Its colors over
the town hall.
A crowd of citizens soon gnthered
about the invading troops und wel
comed them with enthusiasm.
While this demonstration was under
way the Spaniards returned, making a
heavy attack on the town from the
north. Tho Fourth Ohio was sent out
to engage the enemy, nnd a hot fight
between the two bodies of troops took
place during the next two hours. Two
dynamite guns finally were put In posl.
tlon by the Americans and five shots
were flred. These completely silenced
the enemy and our men are now hold
ing the town securely.
General Haines has been consider
ate In the treatment of his men and has
matters well In hand. He says he does
not nred reinforcements at present In
order to retain the advantages gained
In the day's Dperatlons.
The conduct of the Ohio men under
Are was admirable. When the first at
tack came they displayed no evidences
of nervousne38. Being armed with
Krag-Jorgensens, trey considered them,
selves a match for the Spaniards.
The dynamite battery, In charge of
Captain Totter, company F, Fourth
Ohio, did excellent Bcrvlce.
Private Teahrman of company C,
Fourth Pennsylvania, died of tyhold
fever. A hospital has been established
in the municipal cockpit, although few
of the American troops are sick.
London Special: The Madrid corre
spondent of the Sunday Times says:
"Spain's answer will accept all the
American terms, except that regarding
the Cuban debt. The government will
fight this point on the ground that In
all other cessions of teritory by one na
tion to another the ceded territory has
carried with It Its own debt or the pro
portion belonging to the nation by
which it Is ceded.
"President McKlnley will receive the
answer Monday, or at the latest, Tues.
"Senor Sagasta. In conferring with pol
iticians and generals, follows the
example of Senor Castelar In 1873. His
objeats arc twofold, to divide the re
spon8lblllty for the decision and to
avoid tho convocation of the cortes."
Horse Meat is Selling at One Dol
lar a Pound.
New York Special: Accounts of th
condition of affairs In Havana, Mat
anzns and Cardenas have been given
by passengers of the steamer Frldtjot
Nnnscn, which has arrived from Sngua.
It brought twenty-nine refugees, most
of whom were Spanlnrds, who had made
all sorts of sacrifices to escape from
the Island In anticipation of Its being
controlled by the insurgents. Many of
them were well sur piled with funds,
having turned nil their available prop,
erty Into cash. They paid $200 each
for passage. Almost alt those n board
being Spanish sympathliers, a meeting
was held In tho snlcnn while the ship
wiib off Bnrnegat, N. J., nt which a
majority pladgcd themselves to refuse
to give nny Information to Americans
regarding the condition of things (n
Cuba. A few, however, consented to
talk after they got ashore, but even
they were unwilling to permit their
twines to bo used.
One woman, who had reached Sngua
by rail from Hnnava, said that the
condition of nffalrs In the capital was
deplorable and was dally growing
worse. "There Is plenty of money," she
snld, "but of what use Is It when it
will hardly purchase anything? It Is
Impossible to get beef nt any price and
even horse flesh costs $1 a pound. Bread
costs 28 centB a pound nnd Is very bad
nt that. Eggs, which are brought In
from tho country In small quantities,
cost 35 cents each. Tho, supply of con
densed milk Is practically exhausted
and the little loft Is sold nt $2 a can
such nH you buy hero for 10 cents. On
an average ten to twelve persons are
found dead of starvation In the streets
every day nnd this takes no account
of the scores who dally die of hunger
In the houses. No words can describe
the horrors of Las Fcsos, the place at
tho foot of the Prado, where the recon
ccntrndoB are herded together. I was
told Hint there were no less than 4,000
of these miserable people In the place
when I came away nnd they nre dying
by hundreds, for, of couse, nothing Is
being done for their relief, even the
government has not enough food for Its
own soldlerB. Worse than this, the of
ficials beat nnd abuse them shnmo
"A few gns lamps are still burning In
the streets, but the electric lights nrc
only lighted on Thursday nights, when
there Is music In the Parque Centrnlc.
What a ghastly mockery those band
concerts are with bo muny people starv
ing to death within sound of the mu
sic. All the theatcrB are closed, and
their lobbies are nightly crowded with
the homeless poor. Wine Is tho only
thing in the city that Is plentiful and
cheap, so that even the poor can get
a little nt times. Almost all the stores
In Wcyler nnd O'Rlelly strcetB nro
closed, ns nre the principal hotels. The
stock of coal Is almost completely ex
hausted, and for n few days the local
trains that run to Vedado, past the
Santa Clara battery, were stopped for
want of fuel. They nre now burning
wood, but even that will soon be gone."
Juan Zarraga Zartc said; "I do not
know anything of the condition of
things in Havana, but I do know that
there Ih much misery at Cardenas and
Matanzns. Things, however, might be
worse, considering the stringency of the
blockade. Much starvation has been
avoided by the foresight of the mer
chants, who, in anticipation of the out
break of the war, laid In largo stores of
provisions. Of course they have sold
at high prices, arid I heard of one
man who made $400,000 In a specula
tion In flour In Sagua. All the stores
which have provisions are kept under
guard by soldiers to prevent starving
people from looting them. Every ono Is
tired of the war and on all hands one
hears prayers that peace will soon
The Nansen brought up a cargo of
sugar, which It discharged at Williams
gury. It also brought 368 bales of to
bacco and 322 cases of cigars. This was
the first cargo of sugar reaching the
United Stntes since the surrender of
The Dawes commission has begun
taking the census of Indians In the
Indian territory.
The captain nnd mate of the Kenll
worth were not murdered at sea. but
asphyxiated by gases from a burning
Prof. Lenbach says he has not been
allowed to paint n picture of Bismarck,
and a cast of his features was not
Partial returns from sixty out of
sixty-six Alabama counties Indicate a
democratic majority of between 50,000
nnd 60,000.
George Tod, a wealthy resident of
New York, committed suicide by jump.
Ing from a tenth stcry window In the
Hotel Majestic.
If the coal operators of the Pittsburg
district do not conform with the terms
of the Chicago agreement by August
10, 5,000 miners will be ordered to
William David Murray, fourth earl
of Mansfield, Is dead. He was born In
1S06, has been a lard of the treasury
and a lord high commissioner of the
Church of Scotland.
Tho Volunteer Army will Not Bo
Washington, D. C, Aug. 9. Assum.
Ing that Spain has decided to accept
our terms for the negotiation of
penco It Is expected that the pence
ngreement will bo formnlly completed
by tho first of next week and that
hostilities will be suspended at once.
This will not ho followed nt an
early dnte by tho disbanding of the
army, but on tho contrary, the period
before signing of the formal peace
treaty and its ratification by the sen
ato will be devoted to perfecting a
complete nnd effective organization ot
tho army nnd cleaning, repairing and
placing In perfect condition all tho ves.
Bels of the navy.
The sick and wounded of the nrmy
who are regarded ns Incnpnclatcd for
fuither service will probably be given
their discharges at nn early day. The
men who are In good condition, or aro
suffering temporary disabilities, will
be held together and put In tho best
possible shnpc for service.
A part of the forces sent to Porto
Rico will bo kept there nnd others sent
to Havana and other Cuban cities for
garrison duty.
It Is regarded ns quite probable that
some or tho best of Shatter's army,
after thorough recuperation In tho
United States, may have to bo Bont
again to Cuba. The so-called "lin.
inunes," who will take the place of
General Shaftcr'fl forces at Santiago,
are not In many cases, It Is believed,
really Immune, and it therefore is prob.
able that some of them will fall vic
tims to tho climate.
Thu regiment sent to relieve Shatter,
whether actually Immune or not, will
land there under much better condi
tions thun Shaftor's nrmy. Shatter's
forces had to land In the fnco of tho
enemy, and their rapid advance In.
volved a sacrifice, of all tho comforts
and many of tho necessities, even, o
field life. They were compelled to the
utmost exhaustion nnd subjected to the
most terrible hardships, which affected
their physical strength and rendered
them readily subject to fever. The
troops sent to relieve them will bo pro.
vlded with every comfort possible
under the circumstances, will not bo
called upon to endure exhausting fa
tigue and exposure, and will be pro.
vldgd wleh shelter, wholesome food and
sulllclent medical attention.
Moreover, after our terms ot peace
have been accepted, the wholo Island
will come under our control und It is
believed that the men under Garcia at
Santiago may be made use of to oc
cupy localities on the island from
which all the Spanish forces have been
withdrawn, thus lessening the need of
American troops.
It Is known that Gomez contemplates
being called upon for bucIi service, and
It Is believed no difficulty will arise,
provided the Insurgents uro not
brought In direct contact with the
Spanish soldiers- who have been dis
South Omaha Fist Fight End
With a blow of his fist Harry Hultz
mnn, a lad of 19 years, killed Frank
Hannenhofer In this city Saturday
Hannenhofer, who was a blacksmith
helper at the Cudahy packing plant,
had been drinking heavily. Yesterday
afternoon he was extremely quarrel
some. Going to Welsh's livery stable
at the west end of tho L street viaduct
ho first became Involved In a quarrel
with Frank Wide, one of the Btablemen.
A little later he met Harry Hultzman
In front of the stable and spoke to him
In a threatening manner. Hultzman
was unwilling to endure the epithets
which the drunken man used to revile
him and the two were soon engaged in
a rough and tumble flght. It did not
last long. As poor Hannenhofer rushed
his opponent swung a terrific blow on
the neck. Hannenhofer sank to the
ground with a moan.
For a few seconds none of the specta
tors thought that the blow had seriously
Injured Hannenhofer. Hut when the
unfortunate man did not revive, the
spectators became greatly alarmed and
a doctor was hastily summoned to the
scene. Before he arrived Hannonhofer
was dead.
He was apparently a strong, healthy
man, but the blow was a terrific one
nnd the blood vessels In the brain were
ruptured by Its force. ThlB was dis
covered last evening when Dr. Schlnvle
held a post mortem examination and
gave the cause of death as cerebral
hemorrhage. Coroner Swanson of 0maha
was Informed of the strange death of
Hannenhofer and directed Undertaker
Brewer to take charge of the remains.
Hannenhofer wns a married man and
his wife and two children survive him
After the fight Hultzman ran away, but
later he went to the police station and
surrendered. He Is an employe of tho
Omaha Packing company and was
reputed to be a hard fighter. As Boon
as he had given himself up, Chief Bren
nan, fearing trouble, took his prisoner
to Omaha, where he placed him In the
county Jail. A charge of manslaughter
has bn preferred against him by the
police of this city. (