The Herald. ,OFFIIAL PARE.R OF f BOX UTTE COUNTY T.J. O'KHHIMi. Publisher. I'uMtidn-il eery r'rldnjr Mid entered nt the i.tntllr In UeMlrmford. Nebrftka. n nmjtiiU i In!, mutl mutter. TlIK IIkiiai.1i Ia iWnlejl to tlm Intern.! of mmlnRfofit ami Hk lluttci rniiiilj. . ' mmsouinio.N iutkk: (NK VP.Mt MX MONftUJ flM) ' OKKIOKIW. Clerk. .... TrpRNiirc r. , , .! mIiuIko. .I KlierllT. Attorney. Hi' Piinti'iiilpnt, Hiirveynr, ,., ,. Coroner. I'hyidefMi. , .CotiilnlnHlmier lt Dlht. .Commlindoiipr Bud Dint, .t'oiitiiitiudnnrrilril Dint. )'. M. I' . M.Mn.t.rn ,0. II. II. Ilv n-r. . ,!'.. I'. HVKKN 'W..M. lOliKM'R , Mikh A. K. Nr.Ki.Atti), riiAH,ltnNM 'Dn.W.K. Mn.i.icn .. inc. tl. . lloLnnuoK jAii'HllMtur I'JVK. IIOI.I.INIIVKK . U, V. UlJ.NlHN ' p ir.iovruln. Senatorial ConvnUui. A iU'ljviii(wVoiit!oti of the dittiocrtrtc pnrty nf tlm 1 llh M'imlnrltil illslrlct of Nclirosliu In Imrobv culled to moot In Valentino on Sniurdity, AiiKiiit 'Jit, IHW, nt in o'clock u. in., for tho pur poso of plnclm. In numttuitlim n ciindldntu ror isuimtor frtim said ilUtrlcl nnd tlio tmiiKnctlun , of hiicIi other titihlncM ns iniiy jirojHirly comu . heforo tho contention. Kncli county Is en titled to onu itnleRiitout Inrco mid onn for etich IMI vol oh or mnjor fraction thereof cunt for Hon. C. .1. .Sml h for attorney Ki'liurul ut tlin olectloti In Noveinher. IttWI. which Ivoh thu following retui'M'iitiitlcn, low It: Itix llutti) f Hrown 3 Cliurrv f Daw oh 7 Kiiyit I'uliii :t Uock Sherlilan 7 SiouK !l U Ih oiirneHtly.rcijuoKled that n full dcleim ilon )e crtil from each county, ns n.nny matter ft ImiHirtiint'u will ooino up ntithU itici:tlii und a purtuiiuunt onrimlziitloii will bo ofTootcd. , V M. V. CliYNHH.CIiitlriiinn. Our Ticket. For Governor r yu.L'lA.u a l'OYNTKU of Ilyono. Jilenlennnt (Jornrnor H. A.UIliJiElty'of York. ReerHarjr of filnto WIIXIAM K. PORTER of Morrlck. Auilltcr nf Public Accounts JOHN J? 0'OUNKI.Ii of lllchardiiop. TrtmnitrT-- '"- ' JOHN II. MKSKRVK of lied Willow, Fnpvintimdont of Public lnntruetlon tVlLMA.! It. JACKSON of IiiWid (lonimliisloiior ' , JACOH V WOJiFHof Lnnrnstor. Attorney Omuir)! OUNsTAM.TJNKJ. SMYTH of Donglas. Hon. tJ. C. Diihhmm was ro- t'lucted chairinnn of thu demo- envtio state eoulral committee 'and Lqo Hordnmn also eontiuues ?ils toretai'v. Both have invon timrersal satisfaction. Hon. William Poytttor of Hoono county was nominated for governor and C. A. Gilbert of ; York ns Lieutenant governor by the fusion j'qices Tuesday. The present iiuiluiihontB of tho other pHleos wore renominated. Tho ' ticket is stronir from top to bo- loin (Hid Ihere is no doubt but will he elected bv at what it 'least iJO.OQCJ. V Every dny wo hear of p.-oplo re.sidiiiij in Allinncn and vicinity Say that they wi'l support Ilom- ingford for county seat; that heir taxes .ro enough 'now and jf the county scat was removed they would have to boai: their share of thc expenso of a magui- rJicunt court house which the Oiij-hllying doadbeats of that " Aristocratic village are trying to fthouldei tin tlje taxi:iycr. It vtfill be a task for the repub lican machine to find enough Iiifij who will allow tluir names 'jo be placet on the stato ticket frecaifee they ivre suio to be 'slaughtered. However it is jtossible that they can mako up a liicket with notoriety seekers. It Vill aloo be diflicult to hold a Vonventfoir y; ithdut Joe IJartloy put .Iqe. will have liis say aliyliow. doubtless he is tho most intluen lial republican in the state today jiiid his friends outside yill do 1 lis bidding. it' " i i i i . aii i i E. II. Talbott, esq. of Boston, treasurer M the Ci(iyfoid canal yoinpauy, capie up from Omaha on AVednesday morning and 'clennel up all indebtedness against tlrt institution, except one claim 'about which there- is a iittlo cijutroversy, paying out; about $L 500 to the boys who liud worked on the ditch. From tljis and a number "6f other settle ments recently niudo both here and at Edgombnt, -it would soeni as thoug tho western improve' meats known as tho Francis Grablo enterprises were gettiiu W, i.,..l nlil..nn ..... V,WW... ,, ...V. .... w.. ........ . D. new life. Crawford Tribune. notici:. Pll llldn trill h rceolvoU Ht tlM- nfftfo (ft OtMVwtiHy ("Jot, at llriBlturfonl. Nbtli. fnr,tlo eotiHintrllim of u wwvU'n lirlrtiw err tlm Nlhrvrn Itivor. on the action lin l.oiwH)n p.ortlmmS A M In Townxhlp VH linnvo W. hI K)lnt knu lltwii'K Crowdtwr: Inidse Id Ik) built iif nnHve lntniMr, IK feet In length, unit IHootwIdoln tho clonr; aw foet nWovd tho wntor lino: lnldKoto liopulntod with two cont, nml njiproanliON to ho ttmded. A liond of Jimm ti conillttonnl upon faithful performance of wdrlc, nnd plonH nml spoutficii tlon hIihiiM iiccoinimny liliN. Outline plan and Hpoplllentlonnran Kcon nlCutinty Clurk'N onico. Illdn muNt bo lllud on or lioforo A .iKiit loth, IMW ut 0 o'clock n. m. Hnld lirlrfp must lio completed hy Septomher Jflih. 1MN. ThuCommlxnIonorK rmr,kotlio riht to ro Jcctimy and allhUU. ' " ' lly ordor of tho llonrd. !'. M.IMIKM'S. County Clerk. Dayd HomlimfTil, Xubrouku July, 81, Jtos. NOTI C K TtTt'It I?IJ mill H. InCoiintv Court, within nnd for llox Ilutto County. Nobnkn, July 'jr. imm. In the miitlur of tho oNtntu 7if AIuiimjii U. Aloxundor, de- oixtHcd; ' Tollio oroditorx of Mild oslnto: Von nro heioby notitletl, that I will stt nt tho county court room In lloiiiiiufniil in s.u,l . .". ' " llu' twiMily-xovonili iliiv of Jninmry A. I . n receive nnd oxutuluu nil claims MuiKiiiii osiiiie. wiin u view to Utflr adjust ment iiinlnllowuiice-. Tliotlimrlliultoirrorllm prusKiitnllon of clnlms ittfiilnst Mild osiiito Is lx months, from tho Wth ilav or July A. I), WH nnd thotlmollinlted for payment nr ilubts Is """jonr from sitlil tfitli day of Julv 1M. WltiicsH mv hiimluml tho seal nf'mild county (teal) J . . nl -fci " .Miiy leii. JAS. U. II. IlKWHTT. County Judge. NOTICK. Notice Is hereby rIvoii Hint bv virtue of n dint tlo inortKiiKO datoil on thu Jlth day of Jan uary I mm, nml ilnly lllod In tho onicc of tho county clerk of llox liutte county. Nol.iuskn, on thi-aalnlay of Jiwiuary'lHHI, and executed hy Ucni-Ku It Caiter to Annlo W. Trolil to ko curo thu payment or t lie mini of Jon uinl Inlor usim ten per cent from Unto una upon which therolKnowduolhoNiunor?i(Ml aha Interest f rom date. Default lmvliur been tnaiM In the paym.ont of saiil sum mid no milt or other pro coeillnusnt law havliit,' been Instituted toreeov er Mild debt, or unv part thereof, I will hcII the property therein described, viz: One dark bay mare, nine yearn old. branded .TO on rliflU lilp, two while, hind feet, weluht I IN) pounds, ut pulillo auction at the wdst fiont door of thcouH lioime. In Hrmlni,'.'oid. llox Ilutto county, Nebrnskn. on the sixth dny of August 1HW ut ono o'clock p. m. Dated this mil day of July. !'(. ay r. v. sffi'Nkv; TUOUT Mortw,wo- f p 7'IH Slmrirr of llox Ilutto County, Neb. Final Proof Notices. J. W. WiniN. JK.. HoKlstcr. W. H AKlUtS, llocelver. I'nrtles harltiK notlrea In thin column lire re nueKled to rend tlm Hiune carefully nml report to thin ollirii for correcting nny ern'irn that may oxlat. TIiIb will prevent potodhlu delay in miiKiiiK pionf. U. H liml Olllen, Alllanco. Noli., Auk. ". IK1II. Notice in heiehy kUoii that tho followiiut named Bottler ha filisl not led of IiIh Intention to mnk-) final proof In unpport of hi claim, mid that ald proof will bo mndu horoiHT. J, O'Keofe, U. H. Comin8loiiur, at Homlmrford, Neb., on Sept. to, IM, viz: rilOMAHl'IUNOI.K. on'reBlnn.P. D who made T.t e, 12011 for thu K. o. 4 hwi, 5 to 2n r 4aw. He lmmi'Hllii) foil(jvlii us wltnnssps: riiomiiH I.. Hopkins nnd llort II. llopkliiH of Dunlap, Neb. , H. D. l'iperaml Ormi r. Konkot of Ilem limford, .Nob. J T. M. DOUItlNCiTONlleKlHter. U. S. t.und Otllce. Allinncn, Neb. Julv 'Jrt, 18H. Notice is hniebv KlXen that the followlnu immod M'tlcrluiN Hied his Intention to mako final proof In support of his clnlm, nnd that said pioof will bo made bcfoin T. J. O'Koefc. IT, S. Commissioner, at llemlni;foiilf Neb., on Sept. fl, IH1W, viz: Augtin aI. Davis, of Hemtneford, Neb., who rondo h o 4D:i for tho n w 4 see 17, ti) 'JTn. rPtiw. llu nainrs ihp follouiiiK witnesses In prove his continuous residence ij)ion mid ciiltUntlon of, said laud, vlr.: Willlum Wlllmott, Stephen A llrowu, Joseph ShalTer, l'rod O. Hnell, till of HemtiiKford, Neb ,T. W. Wkiin. Jh., UcKlstcr. U. S Land Olllce. Alllnnco, Nob.. July 'it, lbOS. oticu Is hereby clvcu that Jonn Hineline, of DeSoto. .el . tits notice of Inten tion to miiko final proof borore T. J. O'ICcefe. U. &. Commissioner, at llomlimford, Neb., on Sept. !l, IhPs, on timber culture application no. 1. ID for the no ' see ill, tp'Jdn. rWtw. He names ns witnesses: I.uke Phillips. Jos epb Shuffer, I'red Hucko, Albert S. Knjeart. nil of UemliiKfoid, Nob. J W. Welin.jr., UeKlster. l.inidOnieent Alliance. Ne)).. Julv 31, lH'Jji. Notice Is heieby uiveii Uuil Alonxo J. Knapp, of Pomllotun, Oreeoii, has filed notice of Inten tion to make tlnul km oof bofore, Itoitistor or Ho culver nt Alliance, Nek, Ai-Rust ST. lsnv. on timber culture application No li.m. for tho w 4 se & u ; sw sec 17, tp'J'i n, r M) w. Ho names (in witnesses: Joseph It. Low, An drew J. Dnlinpr, Albert W. rainier, Frank I. lloucymtiii, nil of Mii'tsliind. Ntli. J . W. WKIIil.'J ii ItoKlster. U.S. I.nitil Oilioo, Alllauce, Neb , May i5. 1WS, Nutico in hereby that tlohn 11. Shirk. or Heniincford, Neb., has fihsl notice of inten tion to mnkii ti' proof Ix-fore T. J. O'Kis-fe, U.S. Coiiiiuisxioner, at bin olllce in llemim; ford. '. eb on the'.Mid day or July on timlier (.'tillnr npplicatiou No. 1674 for the no ws,'2l tp 'M n, r Mw. HenameHaa wltuexneH: John Michneb u. Henry Micluyelgon, C. K. ItoseuUTBor, K.o.l Able), all or Hemiiiufprd Neb. Also Notice Ih hereby kIvcii that Nolson B. Shpnquist, of Omaha. Neb., has (Tied notice of intention to make final proof nt came time nml place on timber cultiuo application No. I.TJ7 fortho sU seo31, tp"Mi. r Wiv. Unamen at wituenwo: John I' Hazard, of llemliiuroril. Neb., Uo llraiulle, ICdwin K. rtinl, LoiiIb HomriehouMm, of Iiwn, Neb. J. W. Wkii.n. j. Ki-uiHtcr. Estiiay Notice. Taken up on May 12, 1S0S, at my place on Section 21, Tp 2j, K. f)l, one yearling mare colt, brown colpr, with both hind feet whjto, s,tar in forehead, no brands. C. Klil'.MlIK. Fou Salk. Oiiq yod Polangus ball, fo,ur years old. Ha is a thoroughbred and a Jno animal; has never run in a herd. Ho can 1)3 seen at .lames Hollinrako's placo,8 miles north of llemiugford. J. "V. Pieuck. 1 OASTOSStlA, Bears tha j 1 to W Yoa Haw Always Bought lha tttifj Yon Harc Always ASTORIA. Eignatcro of fcay, -CUtJUM OASZonXA. ! Beantho U KM YOU hiHm) BOUfiht Bean the ,m ""lU "'" "in "'"'') 2ST For Sale Cheap. ThoSRqr Spp 17. TWi 27, Jl '10. 150 acres. 80 acres gbod tneadow land and 50 acres under J"onco. Also tho following orops growing. 12 acros wheat, 3 acres oats, 22 acres cprn, 2 acres potatoes, 5ac.ros millet. Sod house, 3 rooms; cattle shed, granary, 2 hen Iuwbcs; 2 .wells, 12 and 30 ft doplhj plenty of puro water and good range for This is one of the best places hi the country for stock. Apply, to V. llAJBIC, flwiior, or T. J. O'KKiaf i:. Koad Overseer's Notico to Non resident Land Own.or. Smto or Nebmskn. Hox Ilut . Coiintv, ks- To Joseph llartn, iiou-toxiiiuiit landowner: ou mo horeby notiried that complaint lias been made to me Unit thoio Is on tho so itheast ipmrtor or stoiH. In township i7n, oruuiKU fi.- wrst. in llox Ilutto county. Stato of No liruskii. no old uncovered well which Is ilmi Herons In stock. S.ild laud Is open, mid u conimon. nnd you urn notified that If slid well Is not llllcil ii securely covered within twenty days from this dale. I will fill said WP.V 'r1 r,',l"lr('d by law. anil the cost thereof will ho taxed as n lieu uaaliist the ubovo described land, us described In Suction IHVi. "flh; e I, chapter 4, vr the eomplllod htututu or U7 MAUTIN I'OSVAU, Komi ()erseor District No. 7, ., . , , , 1,ox "lll, County, Nbiaska. DntcJ Julv SI. IMI". Kii-st publication .Tidy 2.', 1MW. Road Overseer's Notice to Non rosident Laud Owner. State or Nebraska, llox Ilutto County, ss: To James J. Cnlder, non-resident land owner oiiuio hereby uotlllcd that complaint fins boon made to mo that there Is on tho northwest tjiiurtcror section 17, In township n, nuiKo 17 ircst. in llox Ilutto county. State of Ne braska, an old uncovered well which Is dan Koious to stock. S, it, (s open, and a !!!,i"i""1, J'Vin V,u ,m( '"'tilled thatir said well Is not llllefi i,r securely covered within twenty days rrom'thlH date. I will (III "Id well us reiiulred by law. mid tho cot thereor ?.l..i Hl,0 ,ls.H "r',M ""il'istllioiilxive des crlbod Hud. ns .described In Section tiCa. ??'..- ' c,mut;' . of tlio coiupllled slutuluH or lovt , , , o w. Kim. Hone) Overseer Dlit. No. 5S, Hox liutte Co., Neb. DatMl July -J, 1KM. Klrst pub. July M. luHh. Koad Overseer's Notico to Non resident Land Owners. Stute or Nebmskn. llox Ilutto Coiintv. ss: To Daurord Jlorso. lion-iesbleut lanil owner: on ate hereby untitled that complaint has been uiudo to mo that thers Is on thesouthwut iiuurter or section a. In township ain, ruiiKoW west, in llox Ilutto county. Stute of No lirinkii. an old uncovered well which b dun. roioiis to stock. HAld laud Is open, mid a comninii. ami yoa are notified that If said well Is not tilled or securely covet. 1 within twenty days ; from this dute. I will nil said wpll us reitilrud by law, and the cent thereor Y.'il ! it:ilx,"J "s ,:v "V" "'-alnstthuuljovc doscrlbed iaiid. in described lit Section ii.-.a, nrtlclo I, clmptur 4, of the coiupllled statutes of ib'j, a , . , D. V. MIMiBR. Itond Overs coj DIst. 1", Hoy Ilutto Co, Neb. Dated June IH, MM. First pub July 2.', Ifus. Koad Overseer's Notico to Non resident Land Owner. Stato ofNebraskii.Ilox Ilutto County, ss: To Frank Kiln, tioii-rcsldent landowner. ou arp hereby notified that complaint has been Hindu to mo thai there Is on the noitheast ipiarter or section IS, In township M n, range M west. In llox Itutto county. Stato or Ne braska, nn old uuciivereil well which Is dmi Cerous to stock. Said land Is onen. and a common, nnd you are notified that ir suld well Is not filled or securely covered within twenty days .from this date, I will fill said wpll us reiiulred by law, and the cost thereof will bo taxed us a lieu asalnst tho above ilesi-rlbeil ImikI. us described In Section 4'iVi. article 1, chapter 1, of tho eomplllod statutua or ibU7 , n T , D. R Mir.T.KIt. Koad Overseer DIst. no. in, llox UuttoCo Neb. Dated Juno is, IHis-l'Iist pub. July S'J.Ibus. lfoacl Overseer's Notice to Non resident Laiul Owner. Stato or Nebraska, nox nutto Coiintv, ss: To MeKliiley-f.nuuliii; Loan & Trust Co.. non resident land owner: You are hereby notified that complaint has been made tome that there Is on tho north west quarter of section 10. In township Si. north or nuiKU Hi, wost.ln liox liutte County, west. In not ltutto county. Mine ol .No lnaska. an old uncovered well which Is dan colons to stock. Said laud Is open, and a 'omiuoti. mid you nro uotlllcd tha If vild well Is not tilled or securely covered within twenty days from this date, I will fill said well as required by law, and tlio cost therool will bo taxed lis a lien uiralnst tho above lesi'rlbod land, ns described In Section UlSsi, irtlclo 1. chapter 4, of tho eomplllod klatutus ' IsU7 , , D. K.MIM.KIl, Head overseer dlst. No. IH. llox liutte (o, Neb. Dated Juno IK. lMi- First pub July "-. WM. THE OMAHA WORLD -HERALD h the preatrst newspaper west oj the Missouri Jliuor. It advocates FREE SILVER at tho pruseut ratio of sixtoon to one Its news sorvico ia do obtaluoJ. the boat to Daily, $Q 00 per yoar; 50coati per mouth. Weekly, 1 00 pot yoar. Subscriptions for the WORLD-HERALD received at this office 'A- nsaaiiss ftlUKUN Caveats, and 'f vtdc-Marlcs obtained and all I'al tent buimtiiconauc'd for moocratc Fcrs. 5ounOrrlck.-3 0pr:iTcU,s. PTCNTOrriceJ inii wo can -mro ent in leu time than rliue J rrcmote lrom l'j ..rtoiL. i Send wV, , t-awmg 01 photo., xslta clecrit- tion. Wr ixrfise. if paieniMe or not, Ireo of! I charge. Ou it v not duo , ttteaired. J diuiuim -now lot' n A-aiecu. wnn cost ot uuo in the U b. and torciga couttnej j vent tree. AuJrtss, C.A.SNOW&CO. S Opp. PATrHT Orricr. Washington. D. C. iwnvv SIIEIIIDAN'S HAM). SPRUNG TWO ACES OF DIAMONDS ON CONKLING IN A JACK POT. Vcrj Mtich EmbKrrMmed Then till At tention V Called to tlio Krror Tb Little Central Wanted tho Story Kept Quiet, but It Wm Too Good. "1 wiib in a pokor gamo,1 writes n correspondent of tlio Washington Star, "in tho winter of 1870, xvhru aoiuilor CoukliriR nud Gouernl Phil Shoritlau woro players. It was n fonr handed tjanio, and .lohn Chain borl in was tho other player. ThiH panic at Chittnher lin's was always for n $5 (limit at first, with tho undemanding that along to ward morning, after u couplo of hours of warming up, anybody could Enggest the removal of tho limit if ho wantid to. Tho way Conkling and Sheridan bluffed coch other that night was a cau tion. 13oth men seoiued to strlko out luck altogether a,H an clement in their good imturotl play against each other, ami ns both of them cnught fine hands .occasionally when engaged in this tug of war of bluffing neither of them could get an exact lino ou tho other, and it was better than a piny to study their faces ut Iho Rhow downs. Conkling was having all tho succcfs during thu latter part of tho night, aud it was fun to hear Littlo Phil softly ntter dark and .woolly things nuder his breath when, tinio after time, Conkling would show n hand consiHtiug of nothing at all after having scared fcheridan out or produce a gorgeous set of fours or a full hand at such timcH ns Sheridan, deciding that the senator wan bluffing, would 'call him. "'Bite him. Sheridan, Chnmbcrlin would E.iy amusedly on thesu occasions, and Sheridan would tell ChamLerliu to go to tho diekous nud cull lor uuuthcr deck of cards. "Wo started tho last round of jnck pots with n new deck, bhoridau dealt tho first mess himself, aud after it had gono around nnd none of the three of us conld open it Sboridan opened it him Eolf. Noithor Chamberlln nor 1 had auy right to stay ou our hands, so it was left between Sheridan and Conk Jing, who staid. Conkling took three cards and turned his littlo pair into threes. Sheridan dished himself out three cards nnd bit his cigar hard whun ho saw his hand Ho mado a $o bet to draw Conkling out. and tho pcuutor raised him ;Jf. It passed between them with thoso 25 bets until thero was nearly $800 in tho pot, botli men scru tinizing each other pretty carefully ut each bet. " 'I don't know so much about you this time,' said Conkling finally, 'and I think I'll Jufat call you for safety.' "Both laid their hands down at tho samo timo. Conkling had tlireo nines, and ho locked nt Sheridan htrnugcly when he saw tho polor of Shoridan's three cces. Both Chamberlin aud my solf also paw what was xvrong at tho Eitmo instant, but wo only smiled aud let tho two men hnvo it out. Sherlduh had n broad grin ou his fiicu nud was just nbout to rako in tho pot. Conkling was gazing nt tho littlo man of iron with u puzzled look in his oyea. " Oh, i Bay, thero, Phil, just wait a minute," said ho. 'Do you really think that pot helongs to you?' "'Belongs to mo?' Eaid Sheridan. 'Well, it does if tho noso on my faco bolougs to mo. ' And again ho reached over to hoo in tup pot. "Conkling ran his hand through his hair nnd again stopped Sheridan with u gesturo. " '1 don't remember ever having soon that sort of thing before,' ho euid. 'Did yon, Phil?' " 'See what sort of thing before?' said Sheridan. 'What in blazes aro you tulk ing about, Conkling?' "For reply Conkling put one finger upou ono of Sheridan's aoea nnd then pointed to nnother ouo of the aces. " 'I never saw a jack pot won with thrco nces, two of which happened to be aces of diamonds,' buid Conkling, smiling. "Sheridan looked nt his hand, lying faco up ou tho table before him, nnd his face becninp tltry red. The conhter nation on his counteuauco was really funny. "'Why,' taid he after a minute, 'blamed if I don't beliovo I'm nothing better than nn involuntary swindler. That other nee, you see, is n club. I opened the pot on a pair of red aces, and they wore, of course, these aces of diumouds. Chamberlin, 'turning to the amused boniface, 'turn mo out of doors as a frand nnd n bhort card player, will you?" " 'And havo the army flro a volley over tho ruinB of my house?' replied Chamberlin. 'Hardly. Anyhow, I'd rathor seo you nud Conkling ongugo in n rough und tuniblo light over the thing. Go abend, tho pair of you. We'll too fair play, ' turning to mo. "Of course tho extra nee of diamonds had slipped into tho deck accidentally beforo it left the mannfucturer's hands, but Sheridan, when hu hnd in a measure recovered, (rom his surpriso of tlio revo latiou, made a humorous pretension that he had known tho whole pmig ull along nnd convulsed the three of, us" by feelingly appealing to Conkling to re frain from exposing him to tlio wprld for tbo sake of his family and all that sort of thing. The hand beiug foul, the pot was of course divided." II rieglunlnc. The wild young man decides to Bottle dowu aud becomo serious To begin his reform ho has counted np his debts auu found the tota 146,017 francs 1)5 cen times. "What are yon, going to do about it?" asked his friend. "Pay the 17 francs and 86 centimes at once and make arrangements for the rest." Uaulnis. j It' the New Ilroom Tbat Clean, j The ono. thing in which we doii't value experience is broom. Bostou i Transcript. ...'. rissirfrr- HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW. Her Attitude Mndo Illm Qnpntlon the Jnlir Manufacturer' Veracity. "Some time," said the young man, "when business is light I urn going to take a day off, nnd whta I do Emtio of the comic papers will do well to engage n lnrgo assortment of guards." "Going to turn in somo comio verso, nro you?" inquired tho older man face tiously. "No, I'm not," answered tho young man, with emphasis, "but I'll bet wluu I get through with them they will know a few things about their business that tbey never knew befcro. " "Oh, they've been having fun with you, havo they?" osclaimcd thu older man. "But you mustu'tmind that. It's nil in good nnturc, you know." "They haven't mentioned mo," as sorted tho young man, "but they havo led mo nstray hy a long sories of iunno jests, and I intend u show them tho error of their ways. I supposoyou know that I'vo Lccn married just nbout a year?" "Yes, I heard of your wcddlug." "Well, just about two mouths after wo woro married my wife informed mo ono morning that her mother was com ing to visit us. I immediately thought of tho comio papers. Beforo sho became my mother-in-law I rather liked thu old lady, hut of courso things were different after tho wedding. Consequently I stamped around nndsworo a hit and do olared thnt 1 wanted it understood that no relativo to cither party to tho con tract could 6tep in thero and run that house. Then my wife enmo back at mc with tho statement that if her mother wasn't wolcomo wo might as well come to nn uudorstandiug ntoucoand arrange for a separation. I replied that sho was welcomo so long ns sho was willing tc mind her own business, but that it was a Well known fact thut no mother-in-law ever had succeeded in doing that yot. Nnturally the result was that when her mother arrived my wife and I were not on the best of terms, and it didn't tako long for tho ojd lady to seo it. When sho did seo it, sho ucted. " "Roasted you, I suppose?" said the oldor man. "Roasted rac, nothing!" returned the young man. "Shu roasted her daughter. I happened to overhear it, und when she laid down tho law as to tho duties of a wifo my heart went out to her, and 1 felt meaner than a bebtaii Hush for ull I'd said of her. And she's been thu same ever 6inco. blio doesn't mix in much il any when there's a 'tiff,' but 1 can easi ly see that she takes my end of it when I'm not thero. And good naturcdl Say I Sho's tho best natured woman you evci heard of. Talk about mothers-in-law 1 J wish you'd point out one of thoso hu morous writers to mo for a minuto. I'm feeling pretty strong today." Chicagc Record. rttrlatx nnd IVdnnta. Many purists coudemu such a rarr.M as "no Eort or kind" on tlio grouud ol tautology. I should Lo sorry, however, to eeo it disappear, becausu it is u land mark iu English philology. It is a relic of tho fusion of Saxon and Norman French. At thnt period mnny phrases oi n bilingual character crept into use, and this is one cf them. "Truth and honor" is nuothor, truth being "troth, "or hon or, ns in "by my troth." "Voico" us a verb is much objected to, coining to us moderns ns it does from American sourcos e. g., to "voice" tho public sentiment. I don't liko it and uevoz uso it, but it occurs in Shakespeare. Notoriously many so called Ameri canisms nro old English provincialisms. Tho purists thrcatpn, indeed, to become insufferable peduutb. It is now tho cus tom of tho printer's, roader our' great authority to treat "nono" as invari ably singular, a coiitractiiu for no cno. But it is useful as n plural und is so used in Shakespeare e. g., "Speak daggers, but uso none." Why may ws not continue to say, "I spoke to no wo men nt thu meeting becauso tjiero wcr ucno proseut?" Academy. The aitdillu Aged Man. "I wonder, "said tho middlo aged man, "why wo take lifoso hard. At the very best wo havo only 76 or 100 years of it, and yet wo fumo and fuss and worry all through it. 1 think of it somotimes. Here I am well, say, CO, with maybe 20 years ahead. Tlio cold chances aro against my getting so many, but take a hopeful view und say I've got 20. But that's u mighty 6hort timo, boh? But just think of frittering ijway tbat timo in worry 1 "When I think of these things, I mako np my mind that, by cracky, I will not worry any more, and, oh, I think I tako things more philonopbical y than I used to I But let sumo little thing como upl I don't fly all to pieces over it maybe, but it drags and grinds. And only 'JO years to live I "What a waste of time! What poor, miserable critters wo are!" Now York Sun. The Hnpreuie Court. Justice Brewer has noted somo curi ous coincidences in regard to thu mem bers of tho supreme court. The judges nro seated on the bench on either side of the ohief justice in the order of the dato of their appointments, the senior at the right, the second at tho left, aud so on. Beforo the retirement ot Justice Field on the right of the chief justice were Beated the three colorB, Justices pray, Brown and White None of the associates who sat ou tho right of the ohief justice had childrun. Every asso ciate who sat on tho left had n largo family, aud all but Judge Ptckham had grandchildren. Now York Tribuuo. Too Sluch For Illm. "I will give $100 to any ouo who can eqnal ray tricks!" shouted thu professor of legerdemain, who had the stage. "I accept your offor,' answered a taan as he pushed through the crowd. "Do you belong to the perfesh?" "Naw; I innuufaoture gas meters." "Theu I withdraw the proposition." -Detroit Free Press. w?j6aa3roMEPBtffgayiCT: CKH0KHCKXX0OK)OX ,,W'telbteTrft ! International S no jr a 9 Succes$orcfthc' f ivihrtJictl ' Standard orthol'.S.r!niH'rlnUliir i ; Ofllntlie T.S Supreme , i. uuil, i u mn fnniB jm - , lireni' oitrie.unuoi nenr If all thu helioollHx.U. Warmly Continent! I'd l-r Stato Rtipctlnlenilonu . if s. Imulii, ('olli-in IMcisI (I' nlMll''.chU'Jltnls ' mmuji uiinoui iiiiuiucr inviiHmblu In tlin twiii-TinM. mil tt , uio icneiwr. eclioinr, pn fi-saloni.1 turn), nud st-ir educator. THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE" It Is eaiy to find tlio wnrd xvnnted. It Is easy to ascertain the pronunciation. It Is easy to trnco the growth of a word. It Is easy to learn what nxvord meant. The Chlcn&o Tlmca-HcrnUl sayo: Weltpr'nIiitrrnntlonMIrtlonHrvlnlts urgent . iorin inisoiuu) niunnniy on cverviiunKiM-nfliii ": . " .. ..-'... -.. : : . - - " i liiirioiiur mtiitiinKc in mo ay t oriiiogrnpiij, ' nrtlioeriT. ctjmoloirv. nnil cleilnltlon. From tlK-reUnonpnenl. lllji.ericct as human effort i :.jriiiu.uKy, .int. iiciiiiiiiuii. rium I. ' and fholnrahtp cili uu-kc IU OUT THU BUST. CSr''icctnen iage$ tent on application to ; C. .t- C. MERRrASI CO., VuhllHhcrs, Sprlntiiwlil, Jfnas., V. S.A. CAUTION. ,)0 not ba deceived 1 fnlltfsl ' Wliatra hlflAM.rf.. II All autliontio abridgments of tlio International in tuu ariuu niira war our iraiio-marK on . ino ironi cover as suown In tho cuts. THE. a a A strlctlv Iiiirii.erailo 'F.inillv Machine) iioHiosuluj; all inoaorn liiiprorouiunis. 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Address THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 164-166 Waohlnoton W a-tavo-Evx.. Tbjfio- ilmllt ticsjiaro Ot ' tin nrj" UA OASTOrtlA. Tli lis- limit tiftSIUIt CI ' Hn itiry Uf, - OjfJk-STOXlIu., lgs&l 3.&VM t sKp JtZ' Machine) poHsosniue all inoaorn '' THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE jfttZl -&S7X -CUc SS" &-Z7-- y-zryy. -cue Tit tii' tinllt dgutors (( ii n 0(n W&&X Tltf vrifftt. h A J '1 i -L r r