,A BEHAVIOR OF MEN WOUNDED IN BATTLE. Varied Expressions of Soldiers Slightly or Mortally Shot In tho Fight of the WlldornoBs. Men wounded In battle behave In various manners, according to the na. turc of their hurts and the degree of physical courage possessed. While the subject of the dead and wounded Is the least touched on by writers on the war. It Is nevertheless a topic equally as Interesting, If not so pleasing, as those having to do with the glory of war. On the second day of the battle of the Wilderness, when I fouRht as an In fantry soldier, I saw men killed nnJ wounded as 1 never dl before or after tho same time. I kenw but few of the men In the regiment In whose ranks I stood, but I learned the Christian names of some of the men. The man who stood next to me on my right was called Will. He was cool, brave and intelligent. In the mornlg when the Second corps wan advancing and driving Hill's sol diers slowly back I wna Hurried. He noticed It, and steadied my nerves by tuvylng kindly: "Don't fire so fast. The fight will last all day, Don't hurry. Cover your man before you pull th trigger take It easy, my boys, take It nsy, and your cartridges will last the longer." During the day. I had learned to look tip to this excellent soldier, and lean on him. Towards evening, as we were being slowly driven back to the Brock road by Longstreet's men, we made n stnnd. I was behind n tree firing, with my rifle barrel resting on the stub of n limb. Will was standing by my side, but In the open. He, with a groan, doubled up, and dropped on his hands as he fell. He looked at me. His face was pale. He gasped for breath n few times, and then said, faintly; "That ends me. 1 am shot through the bowels." I said; "Crnwl to the rear. We nre not far from tho entrenchments along the Brock road." I saw him sit up, and indistinctly saw him reach for his rifle which had fallen from hlB hands as lie fell. Again I spoke to him to go to tin renr. He looked at me and paid Im patiently; "I tell you I am as good at dead. There Is no use In fooling with me. 1 shall stoy here." Then he pitched forward, dend, shot again and through the head. We fell back before Long street's soldiers nnd left Will. When we got to the Hrock road en trenchments a man n few flies to my left dropped dead, shot just above the right eye. He did not groan or sigh or make the slightest physical move ment, except thnt his chest heaved n few times. The life went out of his face Instantly, leaving it without a particle of expression. It was plastic, and as the facial mus cles contracted it took many shapes. When the mon'B body became cold, and his face hardened, It was horribly dls. tortcd, as though he had suffered In tensely. Any person who had not seen lilm killed would have said that he had endured supreme ugony before death released him. Sometimes the dead smile, agnln they store with glassy eyes and lolling tongues and dreadfully distorted vis ages at you. One death was as pain less as the other. After I.vngstreet's soldiers had driv en the Second corps to their Intrench ments along the Hrock road a battle exhausted Infantryman stood behind a large oak tree. Ills back rested against It. He was very tired and held his rifle meekly In his hand. The confederates were directly In our front. This soldier was apparently In perfect safety. A solid shot from a confederate gun struck the oak tree ANCIENT CONJURERS. Conjurers In ancient times were not very respectable members of society when successful they enjoyed the repu tation of having sold their .ouls to the evil one. and when of Inferior ability they gained viiotorlety by being either drowned or burned. The mediaeval mnglelnns a.s well as the Egyptian magi and the Chnldean sages were omy a strnnge mixture of chemist, conjurer and charlatan, and as these gentlemen were In the habit of using their sup posed occult powers to their own advan tage, they were naturally unpopular. The feats of Jugglery were for the mys tltlcatlon and not the nmusement of the public, nnd for centuries conjuring had to it only a. bja;kslde. The ama teur conjurer of today Is' not always a popular Individual, save with children and the unsophisticated yokel; to the general public he Is merely a bore of greater or less magnitude, whose per formance Is so obvious as to deceive no one, It Is hard to realize that lhl& "person Is no mushroom growth of mod ern society, but in point of qct his role Is" one of a respectnble antiquity, for he Is to be found treading closely upon the heels of the magicians, nnd In the days when witchcraft was still ram pant. This Is significant of his reputa tion even In those early days, for had any one taken his tricks seriously he would doubtless have been run to earth and done to death as a wizard. In the middle of the seventeenth cen tury.in the earliest years of the Restor ation, a number of tricks were pub lished in one of those facetious books which seem to have occupied the press . . ,..,... n, tr. llm. V.,4VH ' " V . .MMn... CO U K?Ul VAICIII Ul 1IIUI kllllC, UU which, owing to their popularity, have for the most part perished. The chief recommendation of the greater number of these tricks Is thai no npparatus bevond the utensils of everyday life is necessary: also it is suggested to the performer that he cun make some small profit out of his entertainment by pre vailing on his audience to bet with him on the result of the trick. "To set a horse's or an ass's head upen a man's head and shoulders' seem Imposible out of the land of fakery. but we are in formed that by boiling th head cut from a living animal "the fleeh boyl'd mav runne into experiment on some one else'F horse " "To make a shoal of gls llngs draw a tlmberlogge" sounds in teresting, but unfortunately the direc tions are vague. "To make a shoal of goslings or a gaggle of geese to seem draw a timber of logge Ie done by the verie means that Is us'd when a cat draws a fool through a pond, but handled somewhat further off from the beholders." i is n Btrnnce thine to me." said a well known druggist of F street. W ash Ington, and an ex-confederate soldier, "that so few people know what the real national nlr of the south Is. Most everybody In the north looks upon that lively tune, best known as 'Dixie, as the southern national air. But It Is a fact that it was written by a north ern man, both words and music, as "Way Down South in Dixie might eas ily Indicate. The national air of the south Is 'The Mocking Blld' and It naa so adopted by a confederate con gress, I don't know Just when. Very few people seem to know this, even a great many southerners not being aware of the fact, but it is true, nevertheless. squarely about four feet from the ground, but it did not have sufficient force to tear through the thick wood. The soldier fell dead. There was not a scratch on him, He was killed by concussion. While we were fighting savagely over these entrenchments the woods in out front caught Are, and I saw many of our wounded burn to death. The smoke rolled heavily and slowly before the flames curled nround the victims. The spectacle was courage snapping and pitiful, but I do not be lieve that the wounded soldiers, who were being burned, suffered greatly, If they suffered at all. Wounded soldiers, it mattered not how slight the wounds, generally has tened away from the battle lines. A wound entitled a man to go to the rear and to a hospital. Of course there were many exceptions to this rule, ob there would necessarily be In battles where from ,20,000 to 30,000 men were wounded. I frequently saw slightly wounded men who were marching with their colors. I remember seeing two men wounded who continued to flght. Dur ing the first day's lighting In the Wil derness I saw a youth of about 20 years skip and yell, stung by a bullet thro' the thigh. He turned to limp to the rear. After he had gone a few steps he stopped, then he kicked out his leg once or twice to see if It would work. Then he tore the clothing away from the leg so as to see the wound. He looked at It attentively for an Instant, then kicked out his leg again, then turned and took his place In the ranks and re sumed firing. There was consledrdble disorder In the lines, and the soldiers moved to and fro now a few feet to the left, now a few feet to the right. One of these movements brought me directly behind the wounded youth. I could see plainly from that position, and I lushed Into the gaping line and began ring. In n minute or two the wounded sol dier dropped his rifle, and, clasping his left arm, exclaimed: "I nm hit again!" He But down behind the battle ranks and tore off the sleeve of his shirt. The wound was very slight, not much more than skin deep. He tied his handkerchief around It, picked up his rifle nnd took position alongside of me. I said "You had better get away from here." Ho turned his head to answer me. His head Jerked, he staggered, fell and then regained his feet. A tiny fountain of blood nnd teeth and bone burst out of his mouth. He had been shot through the Jaw; the lower one was broken nnd hung down. I looked directly Into his open mouth, which was ragged and bloody and tongueless. He enst his rifle furiously on the ground and staggered off. The next day, Just before Long street's soldiers made their first charg on the Second corps, I heard the pe culiar cry a stricken man utters. as a bullet tears through his flesh. I turn ed my head as I loaded my rifle to see who was hit. I saw a bearded Irishman pull up his shirt. He hajL-i!een wounded In the left side Just below the floating ribs. His face was gray with fear The wound looked as though It was mortal. He looked at it for an Instant and then poked It gently with his In dex finger. His fade flushed and he smiled with satisfaction. He tucked his shirt Into his trousers nnd was fighting In the ranks again before I had capped my r'.fle. THE OTHER FELLOW. It Is a debatable question among his friends whether John Allen depends more upon memory or invention for his inexhaustible fund of stories. Colonel William R. Morrison, who is something of a story-teller himself, once felt called upon to. explain Mr. Allen's staying powers, after a bout In which he and the Mlsslsslpplan had alternated In en tertaining a party of railroad men while the Interstate commerce commission was having a sitting at Tupelo. "I can't compete with John Allen," said Colonel Morrlscn. apologetically, "because I haven't got the gift of imagination. My stories are true. They aie actual occurrences. Everybody In Washington Knows that John Allen s stories are made up as he goes ulong. Now. I once heard him tell of an army experience that, was pure fiction on Its face, He said that a comrade and he were lying behind a log while the bat tle was going on In front off them. The lighting was pretty hot, Allen and his comrade were u good deal in doubt as to how long that log would protect them from the bullets. They got into a dis cussion as to which should poke up his lit'tul and take a view of the surround ings. Finally, Allen says, his comrade uiged: 'John, you look and see where the Yankees are. You know you are n single man and haven't got any fam ily." Now," concluded Colonel Morrison, "that was something that never hap pened, but 1 have heard Allen tell it ra,.antaltv nt,,i nu.-m-o mica .. im.h There was a general smile at John Allen's expense, and then Edward L. Russell, the president of the Mobile & Ohio railroad, said. "Colonel, you are mistaken. Thut was u true story. I was the other fellow behind that log." John Allen of Mississippi would rather tell a story than write a letter. The shrewd, kindly natured, but too neglectful, representative Isn't as at tentive to his corespondence as becomes a member of congress. His fault In this respect is a source of regret to his friends. It Is only by his returns home that Mr. Allen makes amends and se cures forgiveness for his unfamlliurlty as a correspondent. There nre those who believe that If Mr. Allen had cul tivated the politicians and people with his typewriter as assiduously as other statesmen are wont to do, he might have attained a seat in the United States senate before this time. Edward L Russell, president of the Mobile & Ohio railroad, had a recent experience with Mr. Allen's readiness in averting the evil consequences of his disinclina tion to touch a pen. Mr. Russell and Mr. Allen have been friends since war times. They have seen each other climb to national reputations, one In railroad management, the other In politics. Sev eral months ago Mr. Russell was elected to the presidency of the road, with which he had been conected for a quarter of a century or more. He came on to Washington later, and, meeting Mr. Allen, he said, with a touch of re proach In his tone: "John, I received, I suppose, 500 tele grams and letters of congratulation upon my recent promotion. I don't find any among them from you." "No. Edward," said Allen, reflectively, "I didn't send any. I was waiting to see if you accepted, And then 1 was going to congratulate the company." TALMAGE'S SERMON. "All that a man hath will he give for his life." That is untrue. The Lord did not say it, but Satan said It to the Lord when tho evil one wanted Job still more; af flicted. She record Is: "So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, nnd smote Job with sore bolls." And Satan has been the author of all erup tive disease since then, and he hopes by poisoning the blood to poison the soul. But the result of the diabolical experiment which left Job victor proved the falsity of the Satanic remark "All that a man hath will he give for'hls life." Many a captain who has stood on the bridge of the steamer till his pas sengers got off and he drowned; many an engineer who tins kept his hand on the throttle valve or his foot on the brake, until the most of the train was saved, while he went down to death through the open draw bridge; many a fireman who plunged Into a blazing house to get a sleeping child out, the fireman sacrificing his life In the at tempt, and the thousands of martyrs who submitted to fiery stake and knife of massacre and headman's nx and guillotine rather than surrender prin ciple, proving that In many a case my text was not true when It snys: "All that a man hath will he give for his life." But Satan's falsehood was built on a truth. Life is very precious, and If we would not give up nil, there are many things we would surrender rather than surrender It. We see our precious life Is from the fact that we do everything to prolong It. Hence all sanitary regu lations, all study of hygiene, all fear of draughts, all waterproofs, all doctors, all medicines, all struggle in crisis or accident. ONE PRECIOUS LIFE. An admiral of the British navy was court martlaled for turning his ship around In time of danger, and so dam aging the ship. It was proved against him. But when his time came to be heard he said: "Gentlemen, I did turn the ship around, and admit that It was damaged, but do you want to know why 1 turned It? There was a man overboard, and I vanted to save 'him, nnd I did save him, and I consider the life of one snllor worth all the vessels of the British navy." The fact is, that no Intelligent and right-feeling man is satisfied with his past life. However successful your life may have been, you are not satisfied with it. What Is success? Ask that question of a hundred different men. nnd they will give 100 different answers. One man will sny. "Success Is $1,000, 000; another will say. "Slicces? Is world wide publicity;" another will say, "Suc cess is guining that which you starteu for." But as It Is a free country I give my own definition, and sny, "Success Is fulfilling the particular mission upon which you were sent, whether to write a constitution, or Invent n new style of wheelbarrow, or take care of a sick child." Do what God calls you to do. I and you are a success, whether you leave $1,000,000 at death or are buried nt public expense, whether It takes fifteen ' pnges of nn encyclopedia to tell the wonucrrul things you have done, or your name Ib never printed but once, and that In the death column. But whatever your success has been, you are not satisfied with "your life WOULD TRY IT AGAIN. We have oil made so many mistakes, stumbled Into so many blunders, said so many things thnt ought not to have , hpen nnlfl. unit tlnnp on mjinv lhliii?l that ought not to have been done, that we can suggest at least 95 per cent of improvement. Now, would It not be grand If the good Lord would say to you: "You can go back and try it over again. I will, by a word, turn you hair to black, or brown, or golden, and smooth all the wrinkles out of your temple or cheek, and take the bend out of your shoulders, and extirpate the stiffness from the Joint, and the rheu matic twinge from the foot, nnd you shall be 21 years of age. and Just what , you were when you reached that point before. If the proposition were made I think many thousands would nc cept It. I But some of you would have to go . back further than to 21 years of nge to I make n fair start, for there are many who mannge to get all wrong before that period Yea, In order to get a fair . Btart. some would have to go back to . the father and mother and get them corrected: yea. to the grandfather and grandmother, nnd have their life cor- rected, for some of you ore suffering from bad hereditary Influences which stnrted 100 years ago. Well, If your grandfather lived his life over again, and your father lived h,ls life over again, nnd you lived your life over agnln, what a cluttered-up place this world would be a place filled with mis erable attempts at repairs. I bain to think that It Is better for each genera tion to have only one chance, and then for them to pass off and give another generation a chance. Besides that, If we were permitted to live life over again, ltw ould be n stale and stupid exepil ence. The zest nnd spur and enthusl nsm of life come from the fact that we have never been along this road before, and everything Is new. and we are alert for what may appear at the next turn of the road. AN EMPTY PRIVILEGE. Suppose you, a man of mld-llfe or old ace. were, with your present feel ings nnd large attainments, put back Into the thirties, or the twenties, or In the teens, what a nulsnnce you would be to others, and what an unhnpplness to yourself! Your contemporaries would not want you, and you would not want them. Things thnt In your previous Journey of life stirred your healthful ambition, or gave you pleas urable surprise, or led you Into happy Interrogation, would only call forth from you n disgusted "Oh. pshaw!" You would be blase at thirty, and a misanthrope at forty, and unendur able at fifty. The most insane and stupid thing Imaginable would be a second Journey of life. Besides that, if you took life over again you would have to take its deep sadnesses over again. Would you want to try again the griefs and the heart breaks and the bereavements through which you have gone? What a mercy that we shall never be called to suffer them again! We may have others bad enough, but those old ones never again. Would you want to go through the process of losing your father again, or your mother again, or your com panion In life again, or your child again? Besides that, would you want to risk the temptations of life over again? From the fact that you are here I conclude that, though in many respects your life may have been unfortunate and unconBecrnted, you have got on so far tolerably well. If nothing more than tolerable. As for myself though my life has been far from being as conse crated to God as 1 would like to have had It, J would not want to try It over again, lest next time I would do worse. FARTHER FROM HEAVEN. Besides all this, do you know, if you could have your wish and live life over again, It would put you so much further from reunion with your friends In heaven? If you are In the noon of lite or the evening of life, you are not very far from the golden gate at which you , are to meet your transported and em- paradlsed ones. You are now, let us . say, twenty years, or ten years, or oaa year oft from the celestial conjunction. Now suppose you went back In your earthly life thirty years, or forty years, or fifty years, what nn awful postpone ment of the time of reunion! It would be as thoush you w.r irnlncr to San Francisco to a great banquet nnd you got to Oakland, four or five miles this side of It, and then came back to Balti more to get a better start; as though you were going to England to be crowned, and hnvlng come In sight or the mountains of Wales you put back to Sandy Hook In order to make a bet ter voyage. Would you like for many years to adjourn the songs of heaven, to adjourn the thrones of heaven, to adjourn the companionship of heaven, to adjourn the rest of heaven, to ad journ the presence of Christ In heavpn'f No; the wheel of time turns in the right direction, nnd It is well It turns so fast. Three hundred and sixty-five rev olutions in a year and forward, rather than 365 revolutions in a year and back ward. But hear yel hear yel while I tell you how you may practically live your life over again nnd be all the better for It. You may put Into the remaining years of your life ail you hnve learned of wis dom In your pnst life. You may make the coming ten years worth the pre ceding forty or fifty years. When a man says he would like to live his life over again because he would do so much better, and yet goes right on liv ing as he has always lived, do you not see he stultifies himself? He proves that If he could go back he would do almost the same as he hnB done. HOW WE ATONE. Besides that we have all these years been learning how to be useful, and in the next decade we ought to accom plish more for God and the church and the world than in any previous four decades. The best way to atone for past Indolence or pnst transgressions Is by future assiduity. Yet we often find Christian men who were not con. verted until they were 40 or 50, as old age comes on, saying: "Well, my work Is about done, nnd It is time for me to rest." They gave forty years of their life to Satan and the world, a little frag ment of their life to God, and now they want rest. Whether that belongs to comedy or tragedy I say not. The man who gave one-half of his earthly existence to the world and of the remaining two-quarters one to Christian work nnd the other to rest, would not, I suppose, get a very bril liant reception in heaven. If there are any dried lenves In heaven they would be appropriate for his garland; or if there is any throne with broken steps it would be appropriate for his corona tion, or any hnrp with relaxed strings It would be appropriate for his finger ing. My brother, you give nine-tenths of your life to sin nnd Satan, and then get converted, nnd then rest awhile in sanctified laziness, nnd then go up to get your heavenly reward, and I war rant It will not take the cnshler of the royal banking house n great while to count out to you all your dues. He will not ask you whether you will have It In blllB of large denomination or small. I would like to put one sentence of my sermon in italics, and have It under scored, and three exclnmatlon points at the end of the sentence, and that sen tence Is this: As we cannot live our lives over ngain, the nearest we can come to atone for the past Is by re doubled, holiness and Industry In the future. If this nil rail train of life hns been detained nnd switched off nnd Is far behind the time tnble, the engineer for the rest of the way must put on more pressure of stenm and go a mile a minute In otder to nrrlve at the right time and plnce, under the approval of conductor and directors. CANNOT BE WIPED OUT. My hearers, the mistakes of youth can never be corrected. Time gone Is gone forever. An opportunity passed the thousandth pnrt of a second Iwb by one leap reached the other side of n great eternity. In the nutumn when the blrdB migrate you look up and see the sky black with wings, and the flocks stretching out Into many leagues of air, and so today I look up and see two large wings In full sweep. They are the wings of the flying year. That Is followed by a flock of 363. and they nre flying days. Each of the uying days is iouoweu oy iwenty-iour. and they are the flying hours, nnd each of these Is followed by sixty, and these are the flying minutes. Where did this great flock stnrt from? Eternity past. Where are they buuiid? Eternlty-co-come. You might as well go a-gunnlng for the quails that whistled last year In the mendows, or the robins that lnsf year caroled In the aky, as to try to fetch down and bag one of the past oppor tunities of your life. Do not say: "I will lounge now and make It up after ward." Young men and boys, you can't make It up. My observation Is that those who In youth sowed wild oats, to the end of their short life sowed wild onts, and that those who sturt sowing Genesee wheat always sow Genesee f.heat. HARVESTS HIS OATS. Out yonder is a mnn very old at 40 years of age, at a time when he ought to be buoyant as the morning. He got bad habits on him very early and those habits have become worse. He Is n man on fire, on fire with alcoholism, on fire with all evil habits, out of the world and the world out of him. Down and falling deeper. His swollen hands In his threadbare pockets and his eyes fixed on the ground, he passes through the street and the quick step of an In nocent child or the strong Btep of a young man or the roll of a prosperous carriage maddens him. nnd he curses society and he curses God. Fallen sick, with no resources, he Is carried to the almshouse. A loathsome spectacle, he lies all day long waiting for dissolu tion, or In the night rises on his cot and fights apparitions of what might have been and what he will be. He started Tlfe with as good a prospect as any man on the American continent, and there he Is a bloated carcass, wait ing for the shovels of public charity to put him five feet under. He has only reaped what he sowed. Harvest o wild oats! "There Is a way that seem eth right to a man, but the end thereof Is death." To others life is a masquerade ball, and as at such entertainments gentle men and ladles put on the garb of kings and queens or mountebanks or clowns and at the close put off the dis guise, so a great many pass their whole life in a mask, taking off the mask at death. While the masquerade ball of life goes on, they trip merrily over the floor, gemmed hand Is stretched to gemmed hand, gleaming, brow bends to gleaming brow. On with the dance! I Invlte.you to quit all that and be gin a new life. Roland went Into bat tle. Charlemagne's army had been driven back by the three armies of the Saracens, and Roland almost in despair took up the trumpet and blew three blasts in one of the mountain passes, and under the power of those three blasts the Saracens recoiled and fled In terror. But history says that when he had blown the third blast Roland's trumpet broke. I take this trumpet ot the gospel and I blow the first blast: "Whatsoever will." I blow the second blast: "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found." I blow the third blast: "Now Is the accepted time." The beautiful colors seen In the soap bubble arise frojn the fact that the bubble, being very thin, reflects light from both the outer and Inner surfaces ox tne mm. j ANTS WAGE SCIENTIFIC WAR., They Conduct Strategic Military Operations and with Almost Humao Skill They Attaokand Defend Fortifications. The art of war Is understood nnd practiced by only one kind of animals besides man. Those animals are ants. Ants are adepts In Military science. They know the whole business, from a guerrilla movement to the siege of a fortified city. Not all onts are war like, It is true, but many species are extremely so, and of these the best example 1b furnished by the Ecitons. The Ecitons may be called exclusively military, inasmuch as they have no permanent homes, but spend nearly all their time In warlike expeditions. Some species are found in Texas and elsewhere In the United States, nut they are most numerous In Brazil. Their armies often nmber millions, and move In serried columns. Nothing living can successfully oppose them, and the larg est, fiercest creatures of the tropical forests fly before them to escape being devoured. Wherever they move the whole animal world Is set in commo tion and put to precipitate rout. The main body if the army of Ecitons, as It moves forward in steady, disciplined march, is made up of the weaker ants, so called, though they ore fighters ob well us tollers. For every 1,000 workers there are perhaps fifty "soldier" ants, which are the same breed, but specially built for fighting purposes, hnvlng enor mouB ned nnd powerful Jaws. These soldiers never carry anything. or attend any other business apparent ly, but trot along on the flanks of the column, being distributed at regular In tervals like subaltern officers. Their shining white heads make them very conspicuous, bobbling up and down as the regiments pass over inequalities In the rond. An army of Ecitons, as It moveB for ward, clears the ground of all animal matter, dead or alive. Every living creature that can get out of the way does so. It Is especially the various tribes of wingless Insects that have cause to fear, such as maggots, cater plllers, etc. If a man making his way mrougn the tropical forest happens u encounter a marching column of these ants he is instantly attacked. Numbers of the ferocious Insects swarm up his legs, and wherever they find a bare spot they attack It, each one driving Its plncer-llke Jaws into the skin, nnd stinging with its tall with all Its might. The Eclton stings like a bee, being strictly "business" at both ends. There Is nothing for the man to do but to run for it. nnd when he gets to a plnce of safety he proceeds, to pluck off Insects one by one. Dr. H. W. Bates, In his work entitled "A Naturalist on the River Amazon." describes an attack of a column of Ecitons upon a fortress I. e., a great mound-bhnped communal dwelling of nnother species of ants. The army be gan Its assault upon the works -In' a most systematic manner, excavating a series of mines. Operations were so thoroughly organ ized that some of the nssnllnnts did the digging, while others carried away the grains of earth, and others yet brought out the Inrvne of young ants which were found in the chambers of the structure besieged. As fast as the larvae were brought out they were torn to pices, their weight being too heavy for a single Eclton to bear. The Ecitons nre very small ants, though in seme i-pecles the big-headed PICTURESQUE FIGHTERS. In the days when It wna" esteemed almost the only general trade, soldiers of fortune were common enough, for they could fill their pockete while wear ing a sword. But In these degenerate times, when war is considered a bore, and fighting bad form, these enterprls. ing gentlemen hnve but one solitary representative left at the end of the century and his name will be presently given. The Latins have produced most of these long-headed swashbucklers: the Anglo-Saxons and the Teutons have made only a few, though brilliant con tributions to the list. And even If thesA, aspiring persons did fill their pockets, It can not be denied that they had a true and gentlemanlike taste for fighting and took actual pleasure In uprooting governments, knocking down dynasties and slashing nround generally. Plzarro and Cortez, the best examples of their tribe and who shall sny they were not considerable fellows? But Maurice, Count Saxe, was about as big a man as any In his business of fighting for love of it, and Incidentally feathering his nest with gold and hon ors. He was a perfect beauty of a man. Irresistible among the ladles, and TTVcrloi-lnLr iho (Irani unlit nf him: "This general could teach all the generals in Europe." Perhaps this count, afterward Mar shal Saxe, did not himself exactly know where his allegiance belonged when he first drew his sword. The son of the beautiful Auprora von Konlgsmark and Augustus, elector of Saxony nnd aft erward king of Poland, his original na tionality was very much mixed. He was but 2 years aid when, In 1708, he ran away to Join Marlborough's army, and had a fine time In Flanders for a year or two. Things, however, not go ing to suit him, in mi ne transierreu himself to the united nrmles-of Russia nn,i Pninnd. then firhtlnc Charles XII. of Sweden. As long as there was fight ing to be aone tne .ouni oiuurice en Joyed himself very much. Things, how ever, quieting down, he returned to Po land, where he fought gallantly In civil wars until 1720. By that time being 24 years old, he was a veteran not only In war. but In love, and hnvlng dlsin cumbered himself of a wife whom he had taken In a moment of rashness, he went to Paris, where he belonged. For six years he had a glorious good time, smashing hearts and studying what remained for him to learn In the art of wn" . Six years of Paris peace having bored him, however, In 1726 he got himself elected Duke of Courtland. He had the pleasure of fighting both the Poles nnd Russians a whole year. They were too many for him, though, and he re turned to Paris, where he .Joined the army of that other gallant adventurer, the Duke of Berwick, natural son of James II., of England. From that on the life of Marshal Saxe was one long carnival of Joy In victory. He was equally great In fighting and maneuver ing. He Deal nis enemies in me neiu, and when they locked themselves up In fortified cities he sat down In front of them, and before they know It were forced to capitulate. He had the ex qulslte pleasure of beating the Duke of Cumberland witn nis j-.ngii3n, uuicn and Austrlana at the battle of Fon- I tenoy, that famous battle where the , French politely requested the gentle- I man nt thn minrd In fire first. Bv that time he was a marshal of France, and having led a very gay life, with much eating and drlnklng.he was so far gone in iirnnnv thnt hp could net mount a I horse, but had to be carried about In a Utter. XIUS uiu nui prevent mm. (i.oiit-Vi frnm hpntlne nil the trenprnls . who opposed him, and taking all the "soldiers" are as much as half an Inch long. When the fort had been com pletely looted the column murcheO. away, laden with the mangled remains-, of the victims. These were doubtless conveyed to some convenient place, to be eaten at leisure. It Is not to be supposed that there was no denfense made by the tribe or ants thus ruthlessly attacked; on the contrary, the resistance offered wafc. very fierce. In ant wars generally the greatert pugnacity and courage are ex hibited, the contest lasting sometimes, for days, and the weaker party ulti mately succumbing from sheer exhaus tion nnd decimation. Fighting ants will suffer themselves to be cut to pieces rather than let go when they have once slezed an enemy. In Brazil there Is a kind of ant that, captures and enslaves ants of other species. This is a formidable Insect, Indeed, Its method of combat being to grasp the head of the foe in Its Jaws, and to kill by piercing the brain, thus paralyzing the nervous system. Owing: to the efficiency of these tactics a com paratively small force of the slave-making ants will fearlessly attack much, larger armies. Buffering scarcely any loss themselves. Now and then fierce wars occur be tween two colonies of hai vesting ants, which Bend out armies against each, other. The common pavement ants, which throw up little hills of gravel between paving stones and In gardens, are great fighters, and sometimes war breaks out between two communities, of them that live only a foot or two apart. Sush conflicts are apt to be started by the intrusion of members oC one colony Into the subterranean gal leries of the other. Ants generally, when at war, make It a rule to curry their wounded off the field of battle, but the Injured of jthe enemy they leave to die or take away to eat. Customarily, they bury their dead after a fight. Those species of onts who have no sting possess nevertheless a tall-gland that secretes formic acid, which evi dently Is disagreeable and perhaps poisonous to Insects of this order. If the top of one of the mounds of the so called mound-building ants be knocked, off, Immediately the creatures rush by myriads to the defense of their dwell ing. The observer, watching from a. short distance, can then see, If he holds; his eye nt the proper level, a sort or fine spray or mist rising from the broken mound. This Is formic acid, which the Insects are discharging to drive off the enemy. While ench nation of ants has Its standing nrmy, the notion of nn ant navy seems hardly creditable. Yet a. well known naturalist says that on one occasion, he saw a formidable body or military ants embark on n lot of chips that were flontlng slowly down t. stream, subsequently landing at a polnu a considerable distance below and pro ceeding on what appeared to be tact. On the same day that Prof. Dewar liquefied hydrogen he also liquefied he lium, a rare gas which has lutheito resisted all attempts upon it. The boil ing point of liquid helium Is very close to that of liquid hydrogen. towns which resisted him, until the pence of Alx-la-Chapelle placed France en a pinnacle of glory. He lived until 1750, enjoying himself toleinbly, after his dayp of active seivlce were ovei. Ht had accumulated a handsome tuitun. and had received ull the honors kings und people could show him. Although the worst speller that ever lived untifc Andrew Jackson came to dispute the honor, Marshal Saxe wrote a very line book, for which the French Academy proposed to elect him a member. This. however, he declined in a letter fulf of bnd grammar, worse spelling and extreme good sense. Marshal saxe was an ornament to the profession of sol dleis of fortune. The greatest Englishman In the busi ness was unduubttdiy Lcrtl Cllve, Baror of Plassey the man that the elder Pitt described as a "heaven-born general," and of whom Macuulay says no man except Napoleon Bonaparte ever dis played such military sagacity at the age of 25. He was an English country boy, rather dull at his books, but of a, fighting and predatory disposition al ways. In 1744 his family shipped him to India to get rid of him. For three years he was chained to a clerk's desk. This man, born to fight nnd conquer the mighty empire of India and to ad minister to governments greater in ter ritory and population than In Europe, Then he was given a cornet's commis sion in the handful of English troops then employed by the East Idnla com pany. At that time 1748-51 it looked) as If the English were about to be driven out of India and the French were to dominate In the east. The na tives were up In arms against the Eng lish. They were almost as far removed! from England as if they had been or nnother planet; their case was so des perate that only a "transcendent mane like young Clive would have seriously expected to conquer. He, however, con ceived an original scheme of marching: against Arcot, a city of 1,500 men, a. few of them Frenchmen, but mostly natives. Cllve's originality consisted Ire undertaking this with about 200 British Infantry and 300 Sepoys. The queerest part of It was that he succeeded the men in the fort were panic-stricken, and: Arcot became his. Cllve's career after this requires the pen of a Victor Hugo. He syept like a. , tornado from one stupendous victory to nnother. He terrorized the Indian rul ers so that one of them declared that he made three salaams to Cllve's Jack ass every morning. He destroyed the hordes of native soldiers led against him by gallant Frenchmen as the scythe mows down the ripe wheat. An amusing thing hapened to a very smart weding not far from London the other day. The bride's parents sent to some fashionable city florists to decor ate the chancel of the parish church, but when the bridal party arrived not 8 flower was visible, and the place was as-, bare as a barn. Indignation and sur prise consumed all concerned, nnd vio lent Inquiries were sent by wire to the fashionable florists to learn why they had failed to obey Instructions. The answer came In due time with the bill, and on Inquiry It was dlsAivered thut the smart 2 o'clock nuptials had beei preceded by another earlier wedding. The florists had arrived Just before and profusely adorned the church, but as soon as the ceremony was over, sup posing It to be "the" wedding for which they were engaged, they carefully re moved all the decorations and bundled1 them off to town. The moral of which is: Don't leave bride arrangements to hirelings, and send the be3t man or a bridemald to inspect the parish church before the bride starta off for It f Jl JL y r