Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 29, 1898, Image 4

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    &i-r'. i
. .
t)cmera'fc State Cnventln,
" ,-,,..-' ! rrt-nl Ml'lltl'lW'
f T foil- n l itjHMrtiwntmnnf llid("l,fat
.?.),,. .i- ' "l ''i I
') at tin Funk np-m hoe on Tiwpttn)
pf-." 'i . ' i ". hit !' nut
of nmlnnllnic ramlliln't fi.r tlie follow
(' ttl(i'-itH',t'nii iHil l h i.e'Piiiiin Hw
I lull: r.nnw ll"'iW"mhl MnwriiiiT. t --mi
. r wit-i y of itatvaitro,'.-orital. amtj.i
..f imbue hiMiiuiit. commit n iinr tif pnli'l'
lands and trtillilln". bih! iitlu(MhIiit n
public lliHtrnetion: and for the liaiisafMii of
riiitli iillior Imiitiietia h nm properly com la
lorodioe.imeniloii Ml eilbwiit v1i I"""
iiiOiiHMnllili of Hi" ilamocralle iwirly at
.nt'lated In thiClilciixii platform nml who I
r-ml tonlllliato wlththo ilinooriitlo imrlf up
hivltnl to pat tirlpat tilths selection of dele
.ate to this convention , , , , ,
Itneh county I riHTiti to ml one deli
ciite forearh 100 vots or major fmrtlon thfre
, f, run for lion. W. ,1 Urjan for Unite.
lutes xftiatornttha tfenfral olwtlon of IHH
i MiiiHprntlntr Hmhwi If" vote for kih t
iiiitHilaUtwillHiHlonftili'IcR!" .. . .
Tim heniliinartet of Hip ilfiiioerntlc Mat
.nnmltio will Ix-nt the lilndell hotel when
jHtunteUekatunwr Imlwil ..
i,uk unite, counly Is will t l"l p to ilflwlw
M1U lIKIlllMAN. Secretary
, Democratic Senate lal Convention.
A dahaM convention of lliodimoerutle lirt
f the Mtli notmtorliil dl'ttrict "nt tfubrusKu 1
Loroby oollod to moot In Valentine ,fm Saturduv.
' Aiurtist SO. IHJH. at 10 o'clock a. in., for tlio pur-
I imi of pluelne In nonitmitlon a candidate foi
oiinlor from ald district and the transactlm
ruoliothor lui-die ns may pmierl.v oomo
in'or lite convention. Knob county In en
t.tltjd to ot.o dolcHatoiit liirno nml om for oaoi
r0 votm or major f rnctlon thereof rant for Hon.
t .1. Smith for attornotr jsonornl nt tlio ulootloi
. i-;Kornlor. IftKi. which Rives tlio follonlnr
i !iiraoiitation, lowlt;
II i.t Huuo t llrown a
' ltorrv r l)woM 7
Uovti I'aha :i Htwk
Shorliluu 7 Hlonx
H l oornoatly roquoNtoil Hint n full rtolcKn
lion licfrtit from ouob oounty, uh runny tjnltar-
riniiNH-tHneullti'OinciuiiattliUincatftiK and
u lKi.nUinent orKUtitwtlon will lio unvoted.
M. I'. CliYMBS, Clmlrman.
1 In IViiiV'ri IniJ'Toinli'iit 1'nrty flwtorw "
tliptitiitoof Ni'bi-nufcn, nro lirmliy ii'iincfiloil to
kpiiiI ili'pml'H fronith'lr rcMpcotlvn 'oint'"
' in ni'ci In cniivpiiiliii) In tlio I'ily of l.tnrolu
I'nti-ilay. A"Ki'ct vnil. Ulw. ft i! ovIopIcii in. ni
(liftJIIvfi 'I'i.cntiir. tor tlm piirli foot plnciou In
noininntlnii nunliiluU'H for tlio folluVNinu
.into ottliHfi.
1 (lovornur
l. I.lmtnniit tSiivenior.
'X tvi.'Ttnrj oT Kinl".
4, uiilitorut I'ulille Accounln
S Ti'i nil rr.
ii. hniH'flMi.iinlpiil of l'ulilio Instruction.
i. Attorney (iin'rnl.
h. Connnisnioii T of I'lililli! Iiiiiiln nml llnllil
jni.'f nml for tlio triiimimtlim of tuirti otlinr
IiiihIhi'kkii may i r ) i - r I y ooimi liofom tlio con
ii'iillim. TIl irpi'i'M'nliillon h Iuim'iI upon one
It'lt'Knto nt lr!i for cncli oinnity. uiul omi ililo
rf iU for ini'li one lituiilml vo(ih or mnjor f rai-
lion tlicri'uf. rnHt for.1mlin .loliu .1. SiillUnii
for Hiipri'ino jniluo nt tlio nlccHlmi of IKilT.
lloX Iitittu iMitity iHontltloil to hIx ili'li'Kfiti'H.
It In rHoionniwloijliat no pr'JxlclH nllowisl
mil Unit tlio iMi'ttatiw roM'iit c-ant full voto of
I heir I'HiM-ct I i ilt li-KntloiiH.
Auit It 1b fnrtlii'r rKvmincnilril tliat all pcr
Hinm ului Ik'linvK hh I'm prlnnlplt'H an ntlvoc.'it"il
lj tlio 1'copIk'i lliilnk-nilciil l'nrty, who linv
not I'onni'tliHl iIii'ii"U"m lii.rptoforo with inn
i nrty. art' lioroby invltisl to participate in tln
.i' liiorattoiiH of I'm Hi'mo.
Nlioii'iiiliinrti"Hi'if t'hiroinmitt"ti will Ihihi
he Iilnrolii lloli'l. I or. Utli nml 1. St., uliiTi'
IplfRUlo tiokftH iiinylK' liml,
1 .1.11 i:iiMl8TEN, Cliairmnti.
M. Uowu, STOii'tnry, '
Final- Proof Notices.
J.W. wr-HK.Jlt.. llvststor.
V. It. AKKItS, Kooolver.
1'nitii'x hnvlnir notiri'N in tlilAi'oliiiiin mo ri-
.1111'r.liHl tnri-nil (lie fiiinn cAii'fiilly ami ri'portto
vliih ollli't for coriiTtimi any orrorH tlint iniiy
rxift. TIiIh will prtUout pohhIIiIo liclny'ili
Mii.-iklm; proof. .'... '
' V. 8. Liinil Oniro. Alllnnco. Noli. July V8, imw.
Notlri) Im lirtii'by Khun tlt tfiO followliii
uiiritl Mitlur li4 ttti'il Ills Intention to tnnWo
liml pnvif In mipdoU of lits clnlm, ami Hint
alil pilMlf will ho tniulo lit'foio T. .1. O'Kvofo. V.
. Ci)nuiiuloiit't, ui HtJiulncfnul, Noli .onSupt.
j. IHH, iz: '
Austin II. Davis,
of Humltutfurit, Nob., w !io mndo U o tlJ for tlio
nw U son IT, tv)trn, rWlw.
t lKiniOH tlio follow tin! vltnpses to prnvu lil
;'o'itlniiois lohlilcnro upon nml cnltlviitloii of,
.wilil Intnl. vlr W'lllliim Wlllmott, Stnplion A
llritwn, Jo( p)) Slmrtur, Kroil O. Snoll. nil of
lloiiiim;toitl. -.lIi
J. W. Whiin. Jn IfoRlstnr.
I'.S. Mml OilK'o. Aillancu, N'ob., July!!7, 18im.
Notico l noruby felvc n tlmt T
tfoim lliuoline,
t DoSoto. ob, t'.-s flbil notloo of lnton
Hon. to umbo 1' itiil pioof Mofoiv T. J. O'Kcefe.
'V. f. t'omi"lMsloni'r. nt llciiilni-'fcril, ncIj.. on
vMit. II, IKH. on tlmtiorciilliiroiippllealton no,
171(. for tlpi ji o m'o ai . t p ;ln. r Wlw,
Ho nuiniw at wltnossos; l.nko Phillips. Jos
p'l Sbaffor. Kroil Ttucko, Albert S. Knjrart, all
J. W. Vi'hti.ir..UPKltPr.
Innd Office, nt Alllnnco, Neb.. June CI. ims.
Notice Is beieby elicit that tbo folloulni;
mimed settlor lias Hint notice of his Intention
to make tiiml pi-oof In Mippuitef blsclulm, and
tlmt Mild proof will be iiinilo before ltt'tf
f -.tor or llccelvor. at Alliance, Nob,, on August
..lnW, 1
M'innio II. Ornhnm.
f Ilex llutte. Mib.. who mude h e .no (; for Hie
. w U m o IR, m 3T u, i s .
-fce unman llofnllnivnur wltn(os to prove lior
' ' lUlmiHis ivhhHuiro upon and e'eirivaUiHi of
t uid btiul, vix. Jumos lolliin-. Mnrv Col'ltis.
lniiMiitiouy. Miutiii Mnl.oi.j-.ullof Jto Iluito
NtU? Also
.lainos C5rahau.
f Hos liatlo. . et.. who iimmIu Iiono. SfSfer
he w e A, ip !; n, r 8 w .
ottami'i ilie foMowlnix wltuseh to prove
1il eoiiliiiUoUK nliteine upn nml eultlintlou
t miM kind, vim .I mi t oIHok. Mary CHiIHiim,
John ilubuny. Martin MiiUouy. ll of Hmx
llutte. M.'b. ' A!o
- daunts Collins,
f Hx Utito, ,.b , who imtfe h e m SKI for llie
- H MS)$K,-ip37ii. r tw.
hoimaie. Mx tnllojvlinr mHuciums to inm
.lis coiitlniMiil. lunldcitvo I'lMHi ntul enl'ttvuttou
' f Mtldjttnd i-' .Initios f.iulirru Minnie AI.
lithsm. Jotin.J4ahon.v. Martin MnUutiy, all of
AUix Itutta, Nelt. Also
Jilary Ci)llins.
r llejc lluttis'.N'iib.. wbo trade h e imi. 'J5.'.' for
ho aw oe w, ipK.-n. r w.
i He atuttt) lb fotlowli tiltiiooi to pmvo
I iM'oitlluucu leslieiifenpoe nml loltlvnnru
ef Mikllaiiil. viz: .Ihiiiuh Oralutw. Mumie M.
tiraltaM, Joim Mnhoiti, Jlaniu Malnmy. all of
' lux llutte, eb.
' J. W Wkiis. Jit KeglMor.
Ijiminmcat aMLum-o. K"J.. July 21. 1HW.
Not ce it. ki'H'by riivea b:U
Alonzo .1. Knitpp,
if 1'dOtlltiUm, OitHtou. bas ffltsl iiotlre of inlen-
em tti m ike Itnal irruuf l efor t-'if'sUr or !
elver at AMlrnra. N'U, A jrot sr. Is ". on
tiiiitvor tiblUm appllcHtloii No r w. for tl w lt
M' ' A H H KV 4 HOC 17. tpJMU. rfil w.
Ho n:iiiliHwlliK,ixi.. Josepli II l.ow An
.Irow J. i'rtlwer. Albert W. faipair. i-Vauk 1'.
lioaeywaa, Uof Msrslmu1 Nb.
J At. W'V.A . Jk Iloglvter.
I ii
Claims Wanted,
for Cash.
I want to buy improved farms
and pruirio lmid for cash; must
be uhuup. (.live numbur of .seo
tiou. town and range; also im
)pvmnts in dotail. Address
I , fEA. IJWKCK, '
Can-oil, Iowa.
j-ttnm,i mwr i wtniTrr,-iriimi,im,inr am
i i-f- t 0 i w pi pi ii i "r rf .- i Trt a irmw
... . - i- "' '
fonlwl n(dvllllifijieliHl at tfco offlr of
hoCoi tilvClnrk, nt llrmlnpfi'ttl, WhrHflm.
.if the oo'ittrwtlon of a wooden tirhlnf rtrri
Iw irt4rtum tWvw. on the wjrthni ltnj ltwriMi
Mtloim H i. In Ttrivnulfn V ratwuKS. at a
otot known naOrrtti'M r Fttlrp; l.rWe to bo
j lilt of lint In- lnnibor. -IS fer.l In lonRtb, ami
I funl wlite In tlio flbiir; 4 feotalovo tlm
valor llnu: littilito to bo iwlnUnl with two ooata.
nrt iipprofluliim to bo Kradpd.
A bomlof JUKKi.oi conilltlanMl upon fnttlifiil
iorfonnHni'0 of work, ami pinna and pw:llio
tion Kbotibl iieconiiniiiy bltlx.
(Uitllno jil.ln anil t)vltlcutliitm onii lin soon
itOuunty Olork'N nfflec.
IIMh innsl bo fllod on or before AtiRimt Jth.
h at 10 o'clock n. m. HaM Jwlilro inuVt bo
omplftPil by Soptombtr intli, .W.
'l'lioCoininlHalonorii loorvrthu illit to re
act any and all blUn.
llyordor of tlio Hoard.
V. M PIIKU'S. County Clorlt.
Dated Ilomliigfinl, Kaljinakn July, l, 1H)8.
tnrmiiity Court, wltblu ami for Hor Iltttln
County. Nulinmka. July 2f. I8C8. In tli inuttor
of tlio otxtHto of AlniiMHt I). Aloxandor, do-
To tli creditors of wild ostnto"
You iim) liHiuby luitillml. thill I will sit at tbo
county court room In lliinlhKford In Mild
oounty, on tlio twontj-Miionib dav of Junuury
i 1). IMi to riH'fltio and oxamino nil flatniH
inrnliihtMilil ostutc. with a view to Hii'lriidJiiMt
liiuntiiiul iiIIi.hhiiio '1 he time limited fur the
proMintnllnn of clnlms iiuiilunl hold Ostnto Is six
.mnillm. from tile Kill ny of July A. 1). imn
and tliotttnolltnltiHl for pnvnii'iil of debte Is
one onr from kald a7tb dnv of July IMH.
'inieni niv litmd ami the soul of bald county
court, this thiluy of July IWiM.
(on') .IAS. H. H. 1IHWKTT,
' Couiity JuiIko.
Notice Is licrobv plM'ii tlinl bv virtue of a
'lialllo inortKitjto (lilted on tho .ith dav of Jun-
iiarv IBUtl, nml ilulv tiled In tlio ofllco of the
utility olork of llox llutte county, Nelimsku
u the ttUhdnv of January IWW, uiul oxt'cittcd
liylieotKe Carter to Autilo Ii. Trout to ko-
ii re tbo lmytuciit or tliUMiiiuof iJJ.tlOiuul intoi-
ent at ton percent fiom dato um upon wlilcli
hero In now due (he sum of V.IH) liml Interest
nun date. iJefaull biivlni; been iiinde In the
myiueul of xilid sum mid no suit or other pro
codiiiirM nt law lunliiKht'ciiltiMtltutcdtntccov-
rmitil deli. or any iart tlieioof, 1 will sell the
u-opcrtv tnereln described, l.:
One dark bav inatv, nine .U'lirs old, branded
mv on rlKbt lilt, two whin blml rent, uuluhl
IM)loiitids. nl public auction ai the wont front
ior of the. court bouse. In IlftnljiK'onl. JJo
lutlo county. Nibmakn on tho sixth day or
AllKUnt IMWIlt oni o'clock p m.
Imted this Kith iluv or .lulv. l-!is
fp 7.1" ,SIiitIH of llox llutte County, Neb.
U. H. IjiiiiI Olllct. Alliance. Neb , Way V5. IWd.
Notice In ficrch) that
John II. Shirk,
of Ilciuluuford, Noll., lias filed notice of Inten
tion toinakn linnl proof bofpro 'J'. ,1. O'Koofo,
U.S CnmiulHtilotinr, nt bin otllco in llfiuiiii?
roril, . eb., on tho 2nd day' of July on timber
ctiltin application otI0T for the no U we 21
t)i ai u, r Mhv.
He nniut'saH wltneXKi'H'. John Aliflntnt , -i,
Henry MIcIuicIhoii. C. J ItoHenbcruwr, Frml
Ablry, nil of Hi'iniiiKford Neb. Also
Notico is hereby Rh en that
Nolson 1J. Shonquisl.,
of Omaha. Neb., bus filed notice or Intention to
iiiiko linnl proof nt hhiiih time nml place on
liiiilfrciilturo nppliciltion No. 11117 fortboho'i
msi:iI, tp'JHn r Ww.
He iniiui'H ac wltiii'KsoH: John 1' llnziinl, nt
lleiiilnrord. Web., l,eo Ilrniidle, Kdwin 1C.
Koul, UoiiIh HomriiilioiD'OU, or l.iiwn. Neb,
J Weiin, jii., KeKister
Lumber. Coal and Limel
Just rccoivod it cur of sulorl
(mstoru hinihor for tanks. AImi
ull kintls ot hnid wood, cedar
jliiiiglcs, Intli, liuio, ai)d' ull l. inds
of hunbor.
Rositly libido tanks, or will make
tanks t() onW. l'rieos to conipotc
with uiiyoiio tlio Xopthwost. (Joino
and sua ut heforo liuyinjr olso
whoro. 'J'iijiks and tank lumber
a sppqinlty.
Every farnior and dairy nian
tho Up to-Date
It is the best Irani and
dairy paper wo huvo seen. The
subscription price is fifty cunts a
year. Wo will send the paper
free o'no year to now subscribers
to Tina Herald who pay a year's
subscription and wo will also
send tho paper free to all who re
new their subscription to T'UH
IlKjtAU) within 'thirty days.
Subscribe at once so that you will
receive tho next issue of tho Up-to-Datc
farmer which wjll con
tain a write up of thellcminjrford
croauicry and 15ox liutto county
h'oit Sauk.
I'olnngu.s bull, four
Us' is a thoroughbred
One red
yoars old.
jiid a tino animal; has never run
iua herd. Ho can bj seen nt
James llollinrako's phicp.b iniics
north of Ilomiiigford.
.1. W. PlKKl'K.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hsve Always Bought
Baars tho
Slijnaturo of
SCaveats, and t . '-.Mar'- obti'ird a.id all l'at-J
entt ac3co-jc-Jicr Moderate Fcrs.
sour orrtct .8 Of- itc U, S. PATtNTOrriccJ
iai.iVM-c.i '-: ..tut 1cm tuue tuau Uu
J bend r" I -awing oi pVto., vi't'i dccrip.j
St, n. AVr iiliise. if ca.fnt .e or t. t. bcoof?
cbarce. Oil, ff not duo, untksr. nml S
5 s diuduim llortoC -.n.atenu," with?
Ivvv'-. v,yr.
i 3"-w,vi-, ?.jta'iyijv5rtT.'J
5t ot tame la (he U . and foreign countries!
J tent free. Adiress, i
J Ore. patcmt Orricc. Washington, d. c. J
For Sale Cheap.
TheSEqr Sc 17, Two 27,
It KJ. 103 acres. HO ucros good
moadow land and fiO auras undof
fenco. Also tho following crops
J 2 acres wheat, 53 ucros oats,
22 acres corn, 2 acres potatoes,
5 acres millet.
Sod house, 3 rooms; cattle
shod, granary, Jjon houses; 2
wells, 12 and JO ft depth; plenty
of pnro water and good range for
slock. This is one of ,ttio bq$t
places in the country for stock.
Apply, to V. ILwek, ,ownef,
orT. J. O'Kkisfk.
Taken up on May 12, 1898, at
my place on Section 21, Tp 27,
U. HI, one yearling nmro colt,
brown color, with both hind feet
white, star in forehead, no brands.
Bids will bo receiveI on or be
fore July 2JJ, 1803, for' building a
sod school house in district No 41.
Plans unci specifications may bo
seen at county superiiitendent'.s
ofllco. Tho Hoard reserves the
right to reject any and all bida.
Auoust Pei.dku,
Road Overseer's Notico to Non
resident Land Owner.
State of Nebraska, llox llutt. County, ss:
To Joseph Harta, non-i fsitiuut linnl ouiicr;
Yoiinio lioreby notified that complaint has
been made to ine that there is on tho southeast
quarter of seo2. In township i7n, or ninuc .'i:
west. In Itnx liutto county. State of No
bi'iishu. mi old uncovered well which Is iliin
Heious to stock. Said bind Is open, mill n
common, mid yAi ure notllleil that. If suld
well Is not tilled or ueoiiioly covered within
twenty days from this date. I will till said
won as ritiuro(i ny uiw. ui)u tneciisl tnereiir
will bu tiiNcd as n lien in;aliist the above
d"soiibcil bind, as desurlbeil In Section til'i.i,
atltclu I, .chapter t, of the couiplllud statutei
ir l!U?.
Head Oierseor District No. T.
llox liutto County, Nebraska.
nateJJulv Sl.lKOs.
I'Mrst publication July tt, 1808.
Road Overseer's Notice to Non
resident Land Owner.
Statu of Nebraska, llox liutto County, ss:
To James ,M, Onldcr, iion-resijonl laud owner
You mo hereby untitled thai complaint bus
been made to mo Unit there Is on the northwest
quarter ot suction IT, in township -.!.; n, r.uik'e 17
ffi'st. iu llox liutto county. ttatu ol No
In .isl.n. mi old uncovered well will -h Is dan
irennis in stock. Siilil luiol is o'H-ii. nml ii
'ooiiiioii. nml you are iim.lli'il tnul If s'thl
well Is mil tilled of secilioly coven tl within
twenty t,iy, rnim this dale, I 'will it ,ai,l
well a rtsinlred by law. alnl the ensl. l.neisSif
will bo iiieil ns a lieu utraliist tlie.Huiivi
les rllicd Inn I, jis descrioeil In Mietlofi 1 11 1
jrllelo I, clmpter4, of tho coiiiiullcil ulatulo
if sU7.
n. tv. i.'itn
lload Oversrernl.it. No. V!, Hex llutte Co., Nib.(
iuievi juij ., i.-'vs. cirsi pun. Jiuy J, iruc.
Road Overseer's Notico to Non
resident Land Owners.
Stuto or Nebraska, llox llutte Counly. ss:
To Danford Morse. nou-rcsitu. I'mnl owner
Vouiito hereby notlllcd tlmt complaint has
been lundo to mo that there Is on the soutbwo.t
qua! tur of section a, In township 'Jiln, niiiKorc
ivept. in Itox llutte county. .suU nl No
InnsUn an old iiacniurcil well whl -b Is dim.
Ifoioiis to slock Haiti Inoil Is n ten. Ktul n
ciiinmoii. anil yo- are niilllieri I hi tf snl.l
well Is not fi'iWf fir secilioly oqvei d within
twenty l ijs rioui this date. I will .III ,:ibl
well ns roqulrcd by luw, and the ei,l fiereor
will bo t'ol us a lieu u-.-iliist t 'io .iliove
ncserlbed I ni I. as desorl ied In o tlon IJl.i.
an Iclo I, ebaptur t. of the cumpltlcd statutes
of 1SU7.
, D. V. MIM.KK.
Itend OversccJ DIst. 1", Hex llutte Co, Nob,
Oatijd Juno If. MH First jHib July U!. JS.is.
Koijd Overseer's Notico to Non
resident Land Ownpr.
State ofNebraska.llox liutto County, ss:
To Frank Zlhi, iiou-iesldent land owner.
You are hereby notlllcd that complaint lias
been lundo to me thai there Is on the uoitlicust
quarter or section Ift, Iu township i.'t) n, range M
west. u llox I.utto county. Stato of Ne
braska, an old uncovered well which Is dan
perous to stock. Said laud Is open, and n
common, ami you are notlllcd that ir sild
well Is not tilled or securely cover -i within
twenty days rnun tills dato. I will 1111 aiiid
"well us required by law, aud'tlio co.t tlieroof
will U) taxed as a lien ti'-iltist tho nuvivo
described I uid. as iie-teriiKHl lu ?-o -tlon I IV i,
article 1, chapter i, of the complied statutei
of le7
11. !'. MILI.OH.
no. K Ilex llutte Co Neb.
-First pub. July JS, Isbti.
Iload Overseer DIst
lluted June IK, 1Mb
Uoiiil Overseer's Notice to Nun
resident Land Owner
State of Nebraska, mix mute County, ss:
't'o McKIiiley-LannliiK Loan & Truat Co.. non
rCkldtMit laud owner:
Von are hereby notllleil that oompkiiiil has
biHNi made to me that tnurti la on the north
west i j ua i-tur of sou Hon Id, in town-hip 6,
north 6f raiucn M: ot.tn llox untie (Vuut,
.lest, tn uov llutte county, .-tnu- m ' .No
iii.isUii. un old oncoxortid well will Ii I d in
,' Kins to sliM'k. Shi1 linnl is iipen. uid i
stinmou. anil ou art untitled that Ii s-iid
Hell is out Illicit or MH'iirvly covered within
twenty days from this lut. I will till xil'l
oll ns nsnilred by law, and the cost thereot
nrlll be t.ixetl i.s a lieu anliist the -iIhivo
lcs rlls'd bind, as descriiK'd In Section I'llti,
rt Iclo I, ebaptur i. of the cuuiplilud stiitutea
D. F. M1I.I.KK,
Itoa.l overseer dlst. No. lb. llox llutte t 'o. Nub.
DmilrtJiineib is First mib July iJ. iMis.
Tourist Pamphlets
de.sci iptivo of Vollowatono Nation
al Phi k and the suvnnr resorts
'of Ciilormlti and coutaiuiuir, bo
siiles nuipM and illustrations, a
I rent deal of information of inter
est to sight-.-oor.s and tourists can
bfi had by adtliOBsin1; J. Francis,
(ieneral Jus.sengor Ajjent, liur
linjrton Koute, Oinxlm, Nob.
AVrite to J. Francis, UiMioral
Passenger Aent, Burlington
Itoute, Onuiha. for liaudsoiue l2
)iie phaniplet tlescriptive of the
Trans-.Missiefaippi Exposition, j
OLD PAPERS foralo at this
ofiice. 5c a dozen.
iiL'!ri!ZT" . rn.li ".. ' -"" piiiiiiiiiiii miuiijijimi
Hon Ho Got n Qnnrtrr of Ueef te Vc
In Want Of.
A proeporous Pittstmrg physician, wbo
rtsides in uti nrifitoorntio part of tbo
city, related on oxporicuco ho mot with
nbout a year uftor ho bad graduated
from college. Ha won practicing iu a
Eiuall villtifja in Indiiitia comity nLout
18 milcH from nuy railroad. Ho bad
been recently nmrrlod, aud iu tbostrag
glo to make ends incut tho prospect at
times bocamu vorydifcoarni?iiig. It was
duriiiy ouo of tbeso deprcbBlug porloda
iu tbo mlddlo of tbu winter, with huow
n foot untl a lialf deop covering tbo
ground, that ho was called to attend a
furmer who lived somo miles away. Tbo
stock of provisions iu tbo house was ex,
httubtod, uiul it bccmcd certain that tbo
resolution that bad been linuiu by tho
young couple not to usk nuy ouo for
credit iuubt bo broken. SVbcu tbu call
arrived, tbo tloctor was preparing to go
to tbu uuarobt wtoro to able tbo proprie
tor to glvo bim "tick" ho tlint bo could
got hometbiug for lireakfubt Iubtead of
going to tbu store bu mounted bis faith
ful niato Molly imd started off through
tbo drifts to visit bis patient. Wlieti
tbu dt 2tor roo to leave, after attending
to tbu patient, tbu old farmer said:
"Doc, i ain't got no money, but if a
quarter of beef '11 do you nuy good I'll
seud it iu wben tbu roads git broke."
Tbu young doctor s heart gavo a
bouud Concealing bin exultation us
best bo could, bo said: "What's tbo
matter -with me taking it riplit along? I
was tbitil.iug oi bttyiug kohio bcuf, uud
tbis will cotuo in btintly. "
Tbu proposition was accepted, and the
farmer's win helped put tlio quarter of
beef acro.ss Molly s thnnldcrs, und tbo
bomcwurtl journey begun. Tbu muro
was hkittibli, and the tloctor bad diffi
culty iu keciing tbo beef trout tailing.
Finally tbu marc billed nt something,
mid tiway went thobtcf into a bigbuow
dritt Tbo doctor was n member of tho
Methodist Lliurtb, and, tttcori..ug to bis
Etory, did not swear lie dibiuouiittd
and endeavored to put tbo beef on tbo
marc, but fiho wouldn't Maud still, and
after rupouted attempts tbu task sei-med
a liopeless ouo. Thinking of tbo resolu
tion, tbu young doctor set bis teetb uud
tried again. This time bo vyua success
ful, lip felt like a conquering hero as
ho dumped tbo beef on tbuporticquf bis
modest homo about midnight. Tbo
faithful little wife was euro it was a
dispensation of Providence, but tbo doc
tor, remembering bis struggles at tiiu
Buowdrift, reserved bia opinion. rPitta
burg Disputch.
She Could Get the Ainivcr, but Still She
' A dear little womuu up on Capitol
hill married and went to housekeeping
iu the mubt determined manner. Sho
Bet to work to keep nn exact account of
her expenditures, balancing her books
reguluily ouco a month. Ouo of ber
earliei t purchases was un ico ticket for
tbo beuson It cost, 1 believe, $10.
A month later, iu making np her ac
co-Mits, It occurred to her that that 10
should he divided proportionately among
tho ecu nil months mentioned ot) tbo
ticket in order to givo to each day's no
count only tlio amount of mouey actual
ly eipeuded on that day Also tbo
wisbtd to calculate and set down tbo
number of pounds of ico vjbed each day.
The prcLlem had boveral ramifications
which I have forgotten , but, tit any rate,
it was exceedingly difficult, and tbo
boubewifo covered febeet after sheet of
paper with ber calculation. Tbo ar
rivul of herbusbai.il found her dishevel
ed and iu a stato of evident distress.
"What in tho world is tho mutter?''
bo asked. The wifo explained.
"Well, cuu't yon get any answer
without tbat figuring?" bo asked. Tho
wifo's eyes began to hliuk rapidly and
ibo buiUed suspiciously.
"Ob, I can get an answer," sho said,
swallowing bard "I can get a lovely
answer, but I can't put it iu my book
because I can't tell I can't tell wheth
er it's days or ico or money." Wash
ington Post.
The Pony In Franz-Josef Ijind.
At nil early stago in our journey our
difficulties bogau. Tho pony broko loose
the bccoud night out, uud, uuft rtuuato
ly. gorged bersolf vitb dried vegetables.
These, together with dug bibcujta and a
few pounds of outs saved from tbo pre
vious bkdgiug, were ber iiotitil fpdder,
owing to thu lack of legitimate horso
food, which had quite run out mora
than 12 mouths before. As I expected,
thu surfeit of dried egetables brought
on a serious illness, to remedy which
Arinitagu and 1 clubbed together tho
biuuli supply of pills which wo had
with us He produced, 1 think, two va
rieties of pills, and I hud a number of
poilopbyllin ; bo we made up a dose of
22 iu all, which 1 administered to our
imalid puny, mixed up iu some frozen
fat from our frying pan. Tbis, I am
glad to bay, had tbu desired olleet of uf
ill events partly restoring her to health.
Uecgraphicul Journal.
ro.tujfe Mumps.
Stamps wero put ou tho market in
August, 1847, but were so littlu used
that the government hud to puss a law
enforcing prepayment of postage, which
wont into effect iu I8SS Before this no
tion wits taken scarcely ouo letter in n
dozen was found with a stamp aflixed.
Today tbo postofllces of tbo country boll
2, 000,000,000 stamps (counting postal
curds, stamped envelopes anil stamps of
all kinds), valued at $75,000,000, dur
ing tt tingle year.
Many English accidout
companies ohurgo an extra
when their policy holders
Canada or thu United States.
travel iu
Tho diamond mining companies of
South Africa estimate there losses by
theft at 1,000.000 a year, of which
tbey recover ubout ouo half. '
Skopi'tnc lOIndon.
- 1 - ' -"
One of tbo erroneous iinprcssicns that
Americans buvo boforo tbey try sliop
ping iu Loudon ia that tbings nro ru
mnrknbly clioap tbero, mid wbau tboy
arc 8ft right by actual oxperienco with
tbo fasbionnblo drosstiiakerH and liaber
daslicrs tboy get a sucond lsistnken idea
that KuglUb trndcEtiicn are extraordi
narily uncivil. Tli in all ar.icR from tbo
different customs that govern rotnil
liusiuohs in tbo two countries. In Amor
ica wo pay cash fur rociIh or Fettlo our
accounts monthly. In England, how
ever, accounts tiro Bopposed to L-o rcn-
dered quurterly, imd it has frequently
happened that becaUFO borne patrons
buvo u hoeial prominence that gives their
trado value- us an advertisement tbo
shopkeeper bus allowed their accounts
to run for three and four years. Other
patrons bavo demanded the bamo privi
legOB and buvo nbuccd them, and tbo ro
Rult is tbut to cotnp jsato for interest on
money owing, by solvent doLtors at.tl tor
tbu sums lost through tbuso who never
pay tbo tradesman chargos u goodly
profit on all bis goods, and tbo prices
nro accordingly high. On tbo other
bund, American women shopping abroad
seem to bu bargain mad, and their ef
forts to beat down prices inspire tbo
tradebiuuu with much tho Mimu fceliug
tbut n well trained butler experiences
when bis 'itouvcuu ricbu muster eeotic
tnizus on Jiis will'.".. In fuct, looking tor
bargains in Uoud btreot is folly. Hau
Fraucibco Argonaut.
Lord 1'yrun.
Hera is a now light on tbo character
of Lord Uyron. Tbu quotation is from a
letter by .mini Murray:
"Lord Lyrou is a curious man. Ho
p-n'o mo, as I told you, tbu copyright of
biH new poems, to bu printed only iu
bis works. I did not receive tbo List
until Tuesday night. I wns so delighted
with it that even as I read I hcut bun a
draft tor 1, OUO guineas. Tho two puems
uru ultogothcr no mute than 1,00 and
1,000 lines und will ttuatber sell tor
Cs. (Id. Let hd returned ihu draft, buy
ing that it was very liberal much nioro
tLr.ii tboy wero worth; that I was per
fectly welcomo to both puc:r.s to print
in his (collected) works without cost or
expectatiou, but that be did not think
them equal to what tbey ought to bo,
and that bo would not admit of tboir
separnto publicatiou.
"I weut yesterday, and ho was rally
ing mo upon my folly iu offering bo
much and tbat bo dared to say I
thought now I bad a most lucky escape
" To provo bow much I think so,
my lord,' said I, 'do mo tbo favor to ac
cept tbis pocketbouk,' in which I bud
brought with mo tbo dratt, changed in
to two bank uotcs of 1,000 uud C0,
but bo would nut tuko it."
A Transformation.
Soon after my arrival in Lcip.'io my
atteutiou was called ouo day to tin eld
erly gentleman on tbo street.
"Do you see that old gentleman with
tbu big eoft felt but, tho bluo glasses
uud tbo big umLrtll.t?"
"You mean tbo ouo wbp is bbambling
along ns if bo wero not jutt euro wheru
1 bo is going?"
"Yes, but you sbonld not ppeak so
disrespectfully of the greatest of living
psychologists. "
JJut tbo mistako was pardonable, for
few would bavo supposed tbut bo wub
not Rome plain illngo burgher wbq
hud just come up to towu audfolt souto-
i what lost in tin big city. Onco in
Wundt'a lecture room, howover, ouo
receives a very different impression of
him. Aa the great philosopher pnurs
forth one cf bis Icurued ditcourses tbuso
plaiu features light up, bis bearing bo-
( comes dignified aud impresbive, uud.
you uo louger think or tho ungainly
wnlk aud tho quaiut mannerisms.
Roanoke Collegian.
On the Wrong Tracts.
SlimB recently received privato infor
mation that his son was uot confining
himself strictly to tbo straight and nar
row path. Tbero were ugly rumors, tbat
tho young man played cards und bet dn
tbo horses. Slims determined to doublq
his parental vigilance. Tho other even
ing hu turued to tbo young man wbq
was deep iu a nowtpuper and inquired
sharply, "What uro you reading, bou?M
"A column under tbu bead of 'What
tho Hook Hiukors Aro Dnlng?' "
"I'll toll you what they aro doing,
sir," said tho old man severely. "Tbey
uro Jiving luxuriously tbis winter uud
laying their plans to f.eece such lambs
as you next beahou. Tboy keep up tho
rucu tracks and get rich by fooling
noodle pates liku you I'vo heard alt
about you, sir, and your wild wuys.
Order that paper stopped. What aro
you laughing at, you young rascal?"
"At your surprising knowledge of
horserace methods. I was rtadiug tho
literary reviews." Detroit Fiou Press.
Aualy.l of n Frenchman.
A Frenchman sleeps in italics, snores
in small capitals, talks in thunder, ges
ticulates iu cyclone and acts iu tornado.
Ho feel3 it all aud means less than ouo
tenth of it. Not that tbo uiuo-teutbs,
aro hypocrisy, but tbut thoy are dru
uifttio troth, discounted iu ilual solution
ot tbo baukof effervescouce. Brooklyn
III Favorite Author.
Ncozol Ah, you're a litorary man,
oh? Who's your fatvorltu author:
Author Witcholl.
"Witchpll: Witchell? Don't thiuk I
know him."
"Apparently not. My card, sir.'
Philadelphia Record.
Garlic la Ancient.
Gnrllo camo from Asia and has been
used sinco the earliest times. It formed
part of tho diet of the Israelites in
Kgypt and was used by Greek aud Ro
mau soldiers aud Africuu peusauts.
The llonvyuioon's Orlcln.
Tbo modern honeymoon trip origi
nated in tho days of George II aud speed
lly came into general ute.
I Intejraiatisasil?
IMdfcloiaary ;:;
Sucremor cf ' f nt I ri' "(,' ' J
bUi::c.urtl 6
ciftliot'.S.r.ov'lPrlnUi f O
Uftkc.tlie V.N. NiijitTine 6
t or it, 1 11 tlin M.1I0 hi 7,
jimm '01 ru.niiiiin no r 1
IjTLlltllUhclllKllljIKjLl v
Wnrmity ft
ComtniMitlccl X
t y PUlo iiprrlM(-n,lir.U A
ef Klioolj, f'ell-i 1 lenl I
rt- ntj.- mli.tlH rl iliniiili it v
almusittithotilmuiilx-r P
ltJvat3tIc 9
In tho liiinsctiolil. rmt t-
no u urn 1 , rn mi r, ir'
lftflci 1 I liiMi, enii II
It Is easy to find tbo word wanted.
It Is tuy to ascertain the pronunciation.
It Is easy to trccotlto growth oln word.
It Is easy to learn wlta. a word memi.i.
Tlio Chtcntia Tltaci-IZcrL.Il nay.;:
Wclnter'sli'tirn tl e-lT l--tlomryi 1 l'a prnrtit ,
fiiria irbtKihitRuUu'raronrsr-tliliitf itiii
Inut ur linimnii la the way of crtnotniiplij.
ortlioepy, ctyinnlucT,
llicrelin-irtijifnl. Ill
31 .perieitii human droit 1
mm ncnni'ioii. rroin 11 '
cmiBfii' rTBinpcn I-..
.kC U.
C.7r4'cef men. pages sent on application in
G. .t- C. MERllIAM CO., ItitiltnUers.
SprlnfiDcUl, Jfn.s,., V. N. A .
CAUTION. I)0 not be deceived O
.- - . in uuymif sniuu to
called ." Wrhcter' ntrtlniiurlrr. " All
' authcntlcnbridgmcntsortho Intcrnatiounl
, lutuo various elzeslicar ourtrarie-tiiaiu on
tlio lront cover as shown In tlio cuts.
A strictly lilBli-srado Tnnilly Sewing
Machine, posiesslui; nil uiodorn
Guaranteed Equal to the Best
I'rlceu very reasonable. Obtain tlicia
from your locnl denier and. imiko
comparisons. 1
of tho Northwest.
Will ton sont postpaid to ony
nddross six days a wook for
one yoor for
Tho cnronlclo u t.10 most
con9plououB novyjpapor suc
c3 of tho day, tno dally cir
culation oxcouilln, 75,000
coplo3 and tho suncl y circu
lation -sxcoocllnt: lO.JOOccu
los. It In a firat-oiad j news
onporof 12 and iSp.ioi (Sun
day 40 to 43 paoji and
la a stanch supporter 0
sound domocrati- princlplos.
Billy (cxopt Sanja; 1 year $4.Q0
Daily .111 J Sunday, 1 year COO
Oeily, 6 montn (campaign edition). . . . 2.09
0 ily znd Sunday, G months 3.00
Ccly, 2 months.... 1.00
Daily and Sunday, 2 months 1.40
Daily, month 50
Daily and Sunday, 1 month 7C
Sunday, 1 year 2.0Q
Saturday, 1 year 1.00
Sumplo coplos froo on appli
cation. Addroas
IG4-I6G Waehlnston Pt.,
Chlo.Trra. IU.
Tfcs f8-
ll tn
UcSCtf4 TOii'er.
Til f-
1 I? C9
teucsUtt wine.
Tts ft-
il CB
fefe S7-
LI llBBLiB P :;L