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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
J t" tSBBKMBtK tr rt h The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY T. J. O K R H r H . Publisher. 1'iililMnil Pory I'liiUy Will ciitrptl n! ill" Hit-otlii- in llPiiihiefuril. Nclrk!. nn ooriiml clniM liiiiil innttPr. Tin: l ilrvotrrt to tln IntortwtH it lUjuitK'f'iftl niiil Mux llutt county. sunscnirrms imi'i: ONK YJ'.XU. ... ." SIX MONI'IIS . ...9150 CQON.Y r. m. i'kki.iw A. .M.Mti.i.rn Jh. II. II. lit fit. . K.V. SUKKSh.- ....... W. M. loitUM'K , Misrt A. I'.. Nkki.vnh CllAM. lllUNN... . I)u. W. K. Mn.t.Kiw . 1)11. C. A. llol.llltiiOP JMKM IlMlltV 'JAM. llol.MNIIAhK . . (I. V. DUKlMN OI'l-lCKIW. Clorlc. Treaxurer. IimU'k. NliorW. Attorney. . .. . S'- f.llltiMltliMlt. Stmcycir, Coroner. I'lijilclaii, . Commlmtolior lnl Dlst. .('oiuinUi.lAiiir Siul Dint. .('oiiiliilKHiuUi'r.'liil UIh(. J. E. (POKTE'R, f -ocAttomey - at - Law CU.UVrOHI) M'.U. Ollioo in SjnJicati'.UIooU. W. M. WrDEJNCEf VTTOR.lSrE2Y - AT - XjA"W, I'rai'tlor-H In nil thn court Ileminirford, ...... Nb. TUTTL?3 & TAS1I Attorneys ,-s at - Law, llciningford, Nebraska. 1 ' DM. 0. A. 110L13ROOK, (P:l YSICIJJ'J and SU'RGEOJJ, Residence. Hull house. Olliee First l'oor north Box: Butte lluiik Bldg .Hemingford, -:- Nebraska T. J. O'KEEFE, U. S. COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT OP NEBRASKA. All mutters jcoailtiK bsforu the ITnltml StnU-s Circuit Comt oi-tint United St-siles I.und ODIcu will rccctvu jitniiipLitiul (.'areful intention. ' AlWntluml to till UlnCsof business lor non residcntu; rcaIcst:ito.'rentiih. fcolleciions, ott. Currcspoudonrd .VillclKM. Offices Ut' HKMlN(il'OKl) ANI CUAWI-'OUn. NKI1. Time Table FOR Hemingford ..!' Lincoln, pMAIIA, fCllICAOO, '.St Josui'ii, Kansas 0;ty, Denvkii, jllKIii:NA, BUTTE,' Salt Laki; dry, ll'OUTIiANI), St. Louis and alllSAiJ'FttANcisco, 'points oast and'and :tll ioihts .voutl west TllMNrt Lkmc ak 1'oi.i.owk, No, 41. l'ahs'iiPr, il.iily. Deojuooil. IlillillKH ai1 all 1'iliutj lldl th Mid hoi ' No. IS. Kioltrlit. dully. Dtiulwotnl, HilllrigH r.nd Ijiti-rinwllale Maliunn .' . No. 47. rrrlclit. iblly. NVw CitHtln mid iiili'rnn'dmtn Htntioiift . .1.2) ft. m H.2X p. m. 2.H5 p. m. JIo. 42. I'awinji'r. daily, for liinciilu, Omnlin. Chicago and all wi'mlmist .11:15 p.m. Nn. 40. l'VeiKlit. daily, for Lincoln . mid iiiti-riiiisltatHHtiitiiiUK. in. Ho. 48. l''ri'Wn, daih", for Lincoln, und'rini'' Kliilioiis : 10:25 n. in All trnino daily I'xt'opt N'ux. 47 mid Is. 47 dally t'Xri'pt Sunday. it, daily oxcept Monday, MlivpiiiK. tllniiiu and rorlinjllK rliair r,r IhtatH frri'l mi throimli tr.iinK. 'ieketK noIiI and lutKKHCiti'lireUtol to any point in llio Unllitl ihtalPH or Ciinada. l'or liifiirinittiiiu. ninPH, tlmntftlilos and tiulc rtf rail on or vritt tit V. M. (!oplaud, 'AkoiiI. ir.1.'l''IIANC'lt,icu'l J'uHffiignr Aeut.Oiiialui Nebraska. ' NOTICK. The undorsiynud will tako cattle or horses 'to pasture thir teen miles northwest of Heininjr ' ord. Tonus reasonable. Iu quir at "Win Cross. ESTELT.A TAYLOK. o jol. q w q aa ac j. . Bom tto fr I19 Kind You Haw Alwars Bought A-ttorxtion., Horsemenl The French coach stallion QUINADLT and the Shiro stal lion, SAXON KING, will' btiincl the pro.-ent ecoson at fjiy )lace six miles west mid two miles north o llfiiniiififord Terms: S5 to insure a niaro in foal; SG to insiire foal fo teat. All marcs traded or removed vll for feit r.ny inMirhncn S.ri will be duo tit oiicj. Care taken to prevent accidents but I will not bo respon sible if any occur. A. S. Enieaut. Non-resitleiit qwnors o timber claims can complete their Anal proofs without coming to the county by corresponding with T..1.0'Keofo. O J. & W O 3R. 3C 3L . jwa tbo A The Kind You Hate Always Bought The county scat election will be held on October 1 1. Sup't. Zobol of the poor farm had business at the court house Tuesday. A marriage license was issued yesterday to 'Huns V. Larson and Muud I. Jesse. DoputyJiovenuu Collector, W. B. Easthain of Hrokun J3ow was in the city Tuesday. Marshal Sheldon came up from Hecla today to spend a couple of days with his parents. Albert O. .Swift, postouieo in spector, was in Hemingford Tuesday, Ho had business at Dunlap. The Sunday school picnic at Cross' grove on the river Wednes day was well attended and a pleasant, times is reported. Attorney Nolenmu was up from Alliance Monday to see what the county couunissU)iiei;s would do about calling the ejec tion. The quarterly mooting of the M. E. cliurch will bo held next Sutuiday and Sunday. Presid ing Elder Schamahorn will be present. Ji. C. Fonnor of Dunlap was in the city Tuesday. His daugh ter Hiss Alma is recovering from the effects of the accident she la met with sometime ago which her many friends here are pleas to learn. Messrs Marplo and Cutler, representatives of of the Beatrice Creamery Co.. arrived Monday. They "are well pleased with the workings of the plant here. Mr. Marple returned to Lincoln Mon day night. Mr. and Mrs. "W. M Copeland left for Omaha Tuesday night for a week's stay al(thu Exposi tion after which they will spend i i v : a few days with relatives at Blue Springs. Gerald liegan of Crawford is acting agent during Mr. Copeland's absence. Mrs, A. D. McCandlessof AVy niore, Neb., .and Miss Grace Wheeler, of Aledo, 111., arrived Thursday morning for a visit with relatives. Mrs. McCundlcss expects to return home in a couple of days while Miss Wheel er will remain several .jveoks. Why not have a creamery in Goring? Other towns no .larger than this have thorn and they are operated successfully, purely a creamery can bo run as cheap ,hore as id Henpngford, and there are certainly cows enough to supply it with the milk needed. Gering Homestead. Rev. E. S. Muonich will offici ate at the Catholic church next Sunday for the last time, having been called to another charge in the east. Father Muonich has labored faithfully during the past two years among his vari ous charge ,in this part of the state and it vyill bo difrlfcult to find a ptiest who can fill his place. He is held in the highest esteem by all his parishoncrs who deeply regret his leaving. Miss, Otilla Nikont and Mr. Joseph Moeller were united in marriage on Wednpsday, .Inly L'O, 1898, in the Catholic church at Lawn, Ilev. Father Muonich ot)iciating. The qontracting parties haye residqd in the county for several years and are well and favorably known. The marriage was largely attended aftor which all repaired to the homo of the bride wljero an elaborate dinner was sqrved. The Herald joins with their many friends in' cxtonding con gratulations. Prof. W. C. Philips, of tlit Chadron Academy faculty, came down from Harrison Monday night where ho had been engaged as an instructor in the normal school, conducted by the county superintendent. TJio 'professor also, distinguished himself by an oration which- ho delivered on the "ltli of J,uly. lie has been engaged by Superintendent Julian as one of (ho instructors in the Dawes county institute this year. Chadron Journal lev. A. A. Orcssinan of Crete-, Nob., on his way home from Portland, Oregon, whero ho at tended the Triennial session of tho National Council of the Congregational churches of tho U. S., stopped off at llomiiigford last Friday night to visit old friends. Mr. Grossman is a brother of Mrs. jh. Spickler, who was one of the first settlers in Box Butte county and,lies buri.-d in the Hemingford cemetery. To look after her grave was a principal object of his visit. He was highly pleased to ilud tlio cemetery so well. cared for. On Sunday morning -ho preached in the M. E. church and at 7 p. in. conducted tho young people's meeting. Preaching again in the evening in the Congregation al church on "Tho need of Christian Education for, our boys and girls. Uov. Cresmax is Stale secretary of Boane College, .located at Crete, Neb. This college ranks among the best of tho Institutions of higher learn ing in tie r.tato. Mr. Grossman left Monday afternoon for -Alliance ' "P.olice Court News." Chas. Brown, ,ou Allianco barber, is serving thirty days in tho county jail. Be wanted to leave tho alkilie town and in or der to carry out his plans got possession of a B. & M. ticket without putting up the necessary therefor. Mrs. Bessie Gillospio is an other Allianceite who is serving a ten days sentence for the ma licious destruction of property. Attorney Nolomnu was hero Monday but escaped whilo tho Sheriff viis taking a nit). Alli ance should certainly have a county seat, or ateast a jail, of pome kind. Sheriff Sweeney tool: a man named Bogers to Omaha this week and turned him over to authoritos from Fairfield, Iowa, whe.-chewas wanted. The fol low was run in at Alliance the rendezvous for toughs. The Hemingford creamery is now receiving nearly 15,000 pounds of milk daily which is about 7,000 pounds more than is supplied any of the lifty-one stations operated by tho Beatrice Creamery Company. The Thompson browning. From tho Cbailron Journal: "William and Henry Thompson, two young ranchmen living near Lakeside, Nebraska, woro drown ed in Lono Trep Crook at Dakota Junction yo.4teiday morning at 11.30. These iwo young men, Mrs. Win Thompson and sister were onrouto from Hot Spriugs, S. D., to Bordeaux, where' they expected to attend the reunion. When they arrived at a point just sonth of tho register station whore tho wagon ro.'.d runs paral lel with tho railroad track they found tho road undor water. Tho ladies alighted and yalfced down tiie track while tho twp gentlemen remained in the light covered wagon and startpd to drive through the wa tir, Tho road at that place is beside tho channel of Lono Tree Creek and an embank ment leads down to it. Heavy rains Wednesday accounted for the rise in tho water. Tho man J) ad just ontorpd tho water when one of tho horses floundered oft tho road and down tho embank ment, carry iji tho wagoh and other horso with it. Henry Thompson was driving and his brother was standing up holding on to tho bows of tho vehicle. Tho horses found themselves in water oyer 'their heads. They gave several violent lunges, over turning tho wagon. Henry jumped out but was unable to swim. Meantime, Mrs. and Miss Thompson had run down from tho' railroadtrack. Tho former reached tho edgo of the bank and hold out her hand which Henry attempted to seize, llo could uot do so and sank into tho nnrky water with an agonizing j?erenm Mrs. Thompson saw her hus band go down with the buggy. She expected to soe him rise. 1 1 or griof vas inexpressible when ho tlitl not do so. Her appeal ing cries woro unheeded. Tho muddy waters gave not up the man she loved her husband of but four short weeks. Kinally, when till hope was yonc. tho young women sped down tho track. They know not whither thoy woro going. They crossed tho big bridge over While Uiver and for a milotliey sped headlong Exhausted andgriof-strieken they spied the farm house of W. A. Birdsall and sought assistance there. Mr. Birdsall received tho two sorrowing young women with every possible tenderness, and finally gathered from their almost unintelligible remarks that the two men were drowned. Ho Ir.-.r-ried to Dakato .1 unction and tele phoned tho fact to tho train dis patchers' oilieo in this city. Sheriff Dargan was immediately notified ami raised a party of men who proceeded at once to the Junction. Forty or , fifty men wore soon at the scene of tho dis aster. Willing hands quickly constructed a raft while others of the party disrobed and sorght to find the bodies in the creek. The sheriff called up Chief Dispatcher McNiel and asked (or grappling hooks and othor necessary appa ratus for dragging the creek could bo sent out from Chadron on a special engine. The rail road company nobly replied that any assistance it could render would bo gladly given. T10 switch engine soon arrived aiul the search was continued. The body of Henry Thompson was found Into yesterday afternoon and brought to E. Mead's under taking parlors in this city. Tho elder brother's body was found early this morning. Mrs. Thompson and her sister-in-law woro removed yostorday afternoon from Mr. Birdsall's cottage to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mossman hi this city, whore tender hands have beon adinin istoring every possible relief to their distress. Mrs Thompson was formerly Miss Lulu Kendall, of this city. Last year she taught school in Hot Springs and was elected to a position in tho Chadron Schools, but resigned about nmoi) th ago when tho married - Mr. Thompson-.- Thfa Journal wired tho particulars of the sad affair shortly aftor its occurence to Mrs. E Kendall, Ainsworlh, tho mother of tho griefstricken young women; her brother, Ilov, JL Kendall, Ilarri, so'n, and the fathor of the un fortunate young men, II J Thomp son, Lakeside, Neb. A number of relatives of tho bereaved wife wn1 sister and tho unfortunate young men who lost their lives in the treacherous stream, arrived in tho cpy to-day, and arrangements for tho funeral yill be completed. See tho go surprise purgaius at Wildy's. CLEARANCE SALE. All trimmed hats must go at reduced prices. Anyone in need of a hat wpnld dp well to come and see us. First come, first choice. Miss L. Adams. notice. Bids will bo received on or be fore July 2IJ, 1898, for building a sod school house in district No 41. Plans wild specifications may be seen at county .superintendent's oflico. Tho Board reserves tho right tq reject any and all bida, August Feldeic, Director. BU R LI NGTON BO UTE Low rates, East, AVest and South. Donver ami return, Juno 16, 17. 18, Omalm ami roturu. Juno 10. S0.S2, 38. 1M. 'it. 'JO Sap IJmiiolwouiulroiurii Juuo 2 nnil W. Hot HprinuH, unil loturu. Jur.uSO unit Jitlv r. 1'ortlHinl. Oro. mid return. J unoao uuUJulyi. .nmIhIIIu, Timn und lutuiii. July 1, -', V, Salt I.uku City and loturu, July .1. Wtililni,'toii. I). (' untl leiurn, July. 3, I. s, lliifTulOaml luturii.July 11,1'.', , Ask tho local ticket agent fori particulars. J. Francis, General Poisenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE AUK ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TIIE WORD "CASTORIA" AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and docs now bear on every the fac-simile signature ofC&iM& wrapper. This is tho original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought 0 - on the and has the signature of arc&: wrap per. No one has authority from mo to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. 11 Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. .Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even ho does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought " BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Ctuc Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Y09. TMC OINTAUI1 COMrAKT. Tf tjUIUMV TIICCT, NIWVOftK OITY. ConiDlete Line sNew Spring Goods Of latest styles, superior fabrics, at fabulous LOW prices ox flow on sale at The BIG DOUBLE STORE WW-oinQ mu. bee jg?? AT YOUR SERVICE. ANTON UHRIG, PIONEER Hardware and Saddlery. . . ..TlIH UI.UKST ISsTAtU.ISUMEN'r JN Till: COUNT Charter Oak Cook Store, Genuin e Round Oak Heating Stoys Paints, Oils, Glass, etc Special Agent for BAKER yEREECTJBarb Wire the Best on Earth HEAUNQFORD niLLINQ CO., -- '-Maiiufnc.turer8 of' Flour, Graham, Meal and Feed And Dealers in All Kinds of coal, xTjncsES, i-iias Paper, Sash and Doors. fllLLER & WILDY, C.J.WILDY.