Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 22, 1898, Image 4
.MaA-'iutMM Dcnincln le 5Ute onveutlfth. D" ileinorTiit h'n'erentml rotnrtiltt hTf. 1 11' H dsriitWi.li u-lit Inn ,f lhi)mMi nun, ' iiiiftnof -wiraiii in mem in i.'ftrnTti. t n U n 1'n J. v.i. m He Fnntii. ..it l.i. im tiMwUj: irKfe'i ' winlw) oUute ti.-iH .til . teill, H 1 1 imiilic .v.Hih( ...mmiminnur . .iilHf imu'K nil lnllUn. mid nnrlnlPiiiliiil 'f lmli.ie tu(trtiftitli: h' ff the tminwrtolii of M1CII oilier iMiuiilt'Hi ui7 proiK-riy i-ninniio. l.ir.lhoc..ii.riilloii All iMUwiin who U.lloe in lheirlneltii of the ilemipiriitii' ftnrly n iit'lnnm m liw'l ntrss'to pinuorin r.m wmi in wml toMbUM wlllilh ileiuocnitk "party nro invited ! tiuitiripiiln Intlri nelii'llou of di?l ml'1 l'i t liin contention Knitli rniiiit Ik renutmlKl to ivnu ope ileln. .Mr fonnrli llj) ol or major fraction thero .f, rnt for Hon. V. J Hrimi fur Opftotl Malfi KMiMnr tth Ki'ticral election of 1WI, 'iiinUe list tint l"ntlm.i TO volt's for ituili Candldnt Mill erti'I omiilrdcB!. tin liiiil(iiartcrii of thg ilpm"! txtatn eiiiiilllltlrattUI bent (ho MliilOH hotel wliwu 1 iHlrwilellcki'Utimy Ih'IimI linz nutti county Im'iiMtleu" to live lifOcKntON. JAMKH C. DAHliMAW. j tihtilrinau, j, UKK HlillDMAN.Hpcrotnrr iJlMIOCIfATfU COUNTY CONVKNTION A Ooutity Ccnvotitlon of tho Democratic I'nrl v. of Hos Uutto county, Ik horoby culled to iHiot at tlio Vu,rt, 1 1 oiio In ilvralnsford m TnuMliiy Jull in, ut lo.olock p m. for tho pur lHif of elcctlnc deleKUtcs to tlio iicinocrullo Slut" Tom ontton Anil trnnsncltiiir such otlior Imsli.ovi ua may properly romo lioforo It. Tho 'tcviinil precinct urn ontltlcit to representation ' iw follow K,')iiir(l on tlio votnfor Uoli. IV. J. litHii ror O.K .ornitor In MDi. HiiiiiiIIiKWrUt .'I DnrwJ f .) nun 3 Mlii'rly '.' J.Vn.rt-ll i lloxllultf -C Jlnil 4 Allliuire, Int ward U Jjiki' .4 Alliaticis Sil wnril it Wiliilit . fl 8nako('rk r 3 Tim H(iYrtil preolticti Mill hold caucuses on K'otiiliiy, ,Iul,v ;ft ul uKtml plnroH of holilliu tiiinn. In tlic ONuulup. it hris l.ccn decliled to ' l.olil iv loTur rouvonljontor .tho nomluatlbn of 'county and proclnct olllcprs. Uy order county contra I committee. ' 0. A- mJHMJW. Cliolrmnn. W. Jl. V.'AIll), Secretary. Tlift voUirsof tlio DcniocrRtio l'nrtyof Dor toy ir n net will bold n cnueus on Moudny, July IS, nt tnu court Imunu In HemliiRford for tliu jiUriiOBii of cU'ctln); cIrIiI diilCKnteM to thu county contention to ho hold ut Homlni-tonl on iulyrt. W J. I1KAN. Cominlltecmnn Tito IVopli liidi'ii'ink'ilt Purty olcciorH of the Nlnmuf NirnHl.. nro lnruliy l'('i ni'Hli-d lo tllll'lKHtf frft'."li tlntr rHrKCtUo coniitli'H tomift in ronxoi'ilWiii In thn rlly of I.IihkiIii, TiH'Mlny, AKiiHt Villi, lflW.Ht VI oclork'p ui, ut tin' tlllu-i 'J'iiuiIit. lor llin jiurpuwof plnclnit In liiitulniitloii 'undiilkUn for thu follov.lni lali o!lirt I OoVftr.nr '-'. I.lditolont (iwvprnor. ';t.SiTnyiry o' Hlnto. 4. Midltorot l'nlilic Atvounln. r. Tnnxurrr'. ' r. Stiporlntioiih'iit of Pnblio InMrnrtlon. 7. Atlfiriicy (iiMiiriil. N ('opiniihHlonr f l'lihlio Lindonml Itulld inus mill for inilrfinnnctlon of euoh ullmr iiiiHliii'iiB nity proi.crly eoiniibnforo tho con- viintliiii, 'lhftrpiVMntatou I" hnMNl upon ono ili'U'UKtu lit litre. for etch county, mid mm deln fi ito for meli on hundred oIpb or niiij'ir frno tliui tlinrcof, fnit for JiiiIko Joliu J. Hullixn "for Mipromo Jiidcxurihonliiotlon of 1BWT. .' Hot Until oimty Iftrntiticdto otx dolc(;ato. It l rcvommiHidi'il that Ii proxies Lo alloncx, jind tlnvtthndeleatPii nipiit cast full otu of thfir ("P'Vthedi onatioti. Audit h further rid mniciideil that all per- roiiH hiil'lli'ti iIih prlnoinlca an advocntnl liy thn l'popli'M Ilitkilciidetit Party, who havo iml ounviHl Iliomst'liPH heretofore with Mid fBrly, ure l.lorobj tuvlteti to participate in tho ili'llliertinnK of I'm Hi'mo. HIih n'nd("nrlei(of tlinrommltt'o will liont ,.tlio I.lmolii Hi.tol l'r. nth and P. Bt., whern tlcli'tfiito tic!eu uinrlM had. .. .. J. 11. EiutiSTtx. Chcirraftn. ,M. Howr, ptcivthry, Final- propf Notices. , V. VKHN,.rn.. lU-Klstor. ' W. K AKKHS, nocclver ' Partli-H liivin? nothvn In this column are re auvtlcd to r'ad tlitiviimi'Ci.riiliillaiid report to :hih i(fh" fiir corrtvnr.p Bny errorn tlihtmay CtxUu Tliii''K'Ul plovtuit )Khftiblu lnlay in piukiiiK' proof. k . ' j Lbnirmrcnt Alllanrc N'eb, Jjin,- S3, ISM. Notice Is luuebv pheii that tho followlnR pinned kuttler bus tiled notice of Ids Intention lomuV: ttnnl proof lu support of his elalui, and .tlmtsiild proof will lc m.ido boforo lleg (iMeror HtcuUor, at Alllunco. cb., on Augtiht Minnio M. Orahnm. rf Ilox Haico, eb . ho'inndo b c .no C53 for the . w !-, eo l.'i. tp !'7 i, r Ji v. hhe uuines thofollovtinc wttnoises to prove her fontlniuiUH iivildeiii'o upon and cultivation of mid land i. .laines t olllus, Mnrj Collins, John Mabuuj, Mu tin lliibony.nllof llox Uutto N I. Also .Tiiinfcs Orahnjii. nf llor Uutto. VeK. wbo rondo. Uono. 3Mfcr bo o w .ce :C tp '.'7 n. r 48 w. .Kniuimec thu follow Inc hIuipshoh to provo vnlRcoiitluuoli. iikldept'o uim und cultivation if Riitd luiid. vis: .lamwH Polling. JMnrV Collins, Jobn Knbotiy. .Martin Mutiony.- all of Uox Uutto. Mib , Also If 'James Collins, fll nox Butte.fcb., who aiad b e o SOi fop U:o .o i(m, tiiKn. rl8w. . Hoimmiis tho following iltnrssri lo prow liix continuous rosldeuiM upon und culilatiun f Mild land, viz: JiimnK f.rahsim Minnie 'M. nrahmn, John Mahony. Maitln Mahonj. allot Hex Unite, Nob. Also 'it Mary Collins, t Uox UutttVNYli. who mdo bo no. 252 for ht)KW.i4 e5H; t)l2;u, TiHw. Uonnnics tbu followiii; witnoot, to provo -bib ooniluucus rtif Idenc.e upon and cultivation Jif -aW land. vli. Jiimen Ornbam. Minnie M. QjMbtim. JrV.iiMahony. Jtn.tin Mabouy. all of Tm llun. uelr; '- ' I t f J. W. WrN. Jit., lfcvtster. i V.S I.nnd Ofllcp. AllliuiM. N'b..Juno3. itOS. , .Noijco Is ticrt-liy kIoii that J John Knudtson, af lleminjford. M'b , tu-.s ilbd notice of inten tion torunVe rnal pioof befom f. .1. O'Kecte. V. w Commissioner, at Ileinlrfoid, nco., on iluly llaisav on Umber culture eppMcatlou So. Jl(ortlllo 'i -erSI. tp:n r llin . Ho uanuMUN wttiiAMhtt.: PAiwrit.'Anilprnpn, .Jamoi ;iollliirio, Karl f'orstiom, Ouo Oid fioti, all of liojingford. N"l, ' J W. Walin jr.. ItfsiMer V. S. Land OtHVfl. A II Unco, N6l , Mtiy vB. lbi. Notici ulicjcby th-t f - John H. Shirk. of Hcniinefurd Kol , hi filcl notice of Inten Hon tomnkt nii'il proof tWorp T. J. O'KeWe f.s. ford, r !.,. mi the '.'ml dtv of July it riiltui apiihcation No ItiW for thonw (i Wn. j-klu. . .u..M.ii.eiiliri,nv llin I1UII, lu ll(lllin(- ..in..n.Ltr,..AH i... ..:... : tt.:..i iimpor Ho iinuvs at. witncistwi Jdin UVIiaclian, Ilpiiry .Mii'liaUo:i, C. B llocPblicTCKr, Krwl tAbley, all of Heminaiford Neb. - Also ' .Notion ib lipiehy kImiii that ''' Nolson 1. &honquii, of Omaha. Kb,, han ffbtl imtioo of iutrution to loakb tili.il roof ut ranin lline nti pUro on tiniWculttu appliOiVion No. LltTforthe nj4 .pcu'UiSu rW, Hp'nampR a witaetFc.-: John P llA-ard. of lleinlnxftir I. Neb., Leo Urand'o, l'.dwin B. ,hord, I.ouf. Hoiuriuhonws. of I nwn. ff'b. , " J V. Heh.n. Jit . Hlsliier. ' A bh:Q ponfil mavk across tho face of tlu.s tyoticu jndiuatiis tjiat 7i3";ou havo not paul for this paper, ,. J.ncl tnb.offmJsu is mognt but only ' ji rcniiridor'toj5ou tjiut tlip lqbt 'houldbe paid without" further " flay.' wiriti. iifc...-. iniaMtrfmtKaaitlii -TT''rTr--',---i '"-"lifter T f--r Tin Gftrfinii&.lOncfs Rocdro ' July IK ID?. I n.....i ..-.. ..i 1A1 . 1...1- .. . iiMni uii-Liu m, urmc u. m. '"' - ipso of ofi- J,,., ., unniMiil oliidlinn mi Ihn M,h H-C.1HI IMUtS'KJIl Oil IUO fillfMinn of thn vii-lnnnlinii of fli l'Wlon Ol 1110 10-lOOIlllOH Ol t,UO i ,.,.,.. ,. unlit nt ()' Hill ffi wiltfi ffr I -0,,II,. Bl al ol '-"VUltO COUTH). On motion tlio lioard'iilijotiriiud till ono o'clock p. 'ni. 'At ono o'clock liinu'd mot, all pl'onont. Chinrtimn Duncan moved that the 1(50 nanioH found by -tlio court to havo boon illegally slrjckou from the petition for olcotioti be now if stored to Hiiid potilioir "by tlii$ briard iib ordered by thu court. Motion fails for want of a Klicond. Olmirman Duncan iiiovuh that a Kpeciiil election bo called to be. hold August UH, J8(.)3; no bpcoikI. Goininivsionor Barry moves that tho clerk ho inAtriictod to call an olcction on Oi'tobpr 14, 161)8, on the (pie.stlon -of ro-location of Uic county scat of lJoxButto"county. Tlio following resolution Was presented by Commissioner Harry: Whereas oii tho 15th day of Juno 181)8, it was found by tiie district qourtthat 100 names had been by the board illegally Htrickon frdm tho petition-, presented to this board praying tlixit a Bpecial election be called for tho purpose, of submitting to tho voters of Uox Butte county the question of the rc-locatfon of tho county seat of said- county and whereas paid court thou ordoreil that the names in said onjor found to bo unlaw fully striclcon from said potition he restored thereto. Therefore be it resolved by the Board of county commissioiujrs Of Bo Butto county that all tho names in said order of tho Court found to bo unlawfully striclcon from said petition be, and tho same nro by this board' jiqw restored to said petition as onfored by said court. On motion tno foregoing res olution is adopted by tho Board. Commissioner Ilollinrako now second the motion of Commission er Barry to call a special election to subnlit 'tlio question of tho re- location of the county sdat of Box Butte county to tho voters of said county, said election to ho hold on October 11, 1893. Motion carried. Tho foregoing mintitps read vnd approved. Board adjourned. Attest: F. . Phklps, Clerk, J as. II. II. IIewett, deputy. KOTICB- Sealcd Hlds will bo rocolvod at tho ofJlco of tho Coupty Clork, at Hcmiunford, Ncbnihlta, f or tho construction of n woodon bridge over tho Niobrara it Ivor, ou tho section Hnu hetweon xoctlons 8 A 0 )n Township 28 RansoM, at n loInt known us Orocu's Crosslnp; brldso to bo bulltof natlvo liunbor, 5 feet In lonBth. and lifcot wldoln tho clcur; 3)i feet above tho water Una; brld30 to bo palntod with two coats, and approaches to bo graded. A bond of l(XW.0O conditioned upon faithful performance of work, and plans and specifica tion should accompany bids. Outline plan and specifications enn be seen at County Olerk'u offlco. Hlds must ba tllod on or boforo August lflth. If03 at 10 o'clock a. in. Knld brldgo must bo completed by September Kith, 181)3. TlioCommlssdoricrs rescnotho right to re ject any and all bids. Ily ordor of tho Hoard. I. M.1MIBLPS, Comity Clerk. Dated Ilomtnpf.rd, Nobiasku July. -Jl, 1N)8. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby clven that by vlrtuo of a ohattlo mortcuKC dated on the iitt day of Jnn Uary IhPO, and duly iilod In tba bfllce of tho county clerk of Uox Hutte county. Nebraska, ou the 37th day of Januaiy ISM. and executed byCcoruolt Caller to Annie B. Trout to se cure tho payment of tue sum of ."-J po and Intcr ostot ton per cent from date nnd upon which there Isnowduo'thBsumof $a.00 and Interest from date. Default bavins been made in tho payment of said sum and no suit or other pi o ccedmss at law bin lncbcenln.slttutod.to recov er sauUlebt, or any part thereof, I w 111 sell tho property therein described, lz: Ono dark bay mare, nltio ears old. branded SW im r.gbt hip, two ivhili bind feet. wbIkIU 1150 pounds, at public auction ut tho west fioui door of the court house, in HemlLK'onl. llox Uutto county. Nebraska on tho sixth day ot August 1SP8 at ono o clok ii m. Dated this l?th dav vt J c lv. P-fis A.N NIK K. TKQUT. Mortgagee. Uy E. P. SWBBNKY. , , fpT'lH Shitiiff of llox Hut to County, Neb. Claims Wanted, " for Cash. l I want to'buy improved farms andprairio laud for cash; must bo cheap. Givo number of; sec tion, town and range; also im provinonts in dotail. ' AcUlyOhS E. A Bujncic, -CaiToll, Iowa. m- ' w p Bears th , KinU Veil Hav9 A'A3S Bought QASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho SlRtuiviro of mmirTm n K:rt'-fT'i-ri;Tni Lost--tin July fourth, a gold watch. The ca-o n .-oiiii worn land hue tho lettors M. fj on- graven on out side. Tho tinder will bo suitably rewarded by leaving it at iFy homo or at tho post office. iMus. K. H. Blanch A no. EsTitAt Konqji. Taken up on May 12, 1S0S, at my place on 'Section 21, Tp 27, B. fil, one yearling maro colt, brown color, with bo.th'hind feet white, star infoYohea'd, no brands. 'C. Km;mki2. w Foil Salk. ' Ono red Polangqs bull, four yours old. lit is irtboroughbred and a flno animal; has never run in a herd. IIo can bs soon at James Ilollinrnko's place, 8 miles north of Homing foiV'l. ' J.W. PIF5UCE. For Satle Cljieap. ThoSEqr Sec 17, Twu 27, U 17. 1G0 acred, Jl6 acres good meadow land and GO acres under fence. Also tho following crops growing. ' 12 acres wheat, 3 acres oats, 22 acres corn, 2 acres potatoes', I3ac;-ea milloi. Sod house, 3 roouiB; cattle shed, granaay,2 lion houses; 2 wells, 12 and UG ft depth; plenty of puro water "and good range for stock. This js one of the best places in tho country for stock. Apply, 'to V. II A J UK, pwnor, or T. '.t. O'Kkepb. A Bargain. I havo for sale ono of tho best improved stock farms in north west Nebraska. " ICO acres, 90 arcros under cul tivation, all can be cultivated; balance fenced for pasture. Splendid frame house, 2 stories, main part 28x18, with an L 1-lxl-l; good collar?; good log barn 23x18, with hay mow, holds 1 tons of hay; 2 good granaries, 2 corn cribs, 4 frame cow stables, 2, UxBOfl; 30x1-1, and '21x14 ft; buggy shod', smoko 'house, hen house, cave, corrals, hog poms, hay yards, etc; iino gaiden, ini gated; splendid well will supply over 200 barrels of waver daily; good windmill and tank. 27 head of cattle, 10 young cows, good bull, 4 2-yonr old boilers, balance yearlings and calves; all good stock. Plenty of range -for 200 head of stock. Nouo of the above property will be sold soparatelv, but the whole will bo sold at a sacrifice. AV ill also' offer a lot of farm implements and machinery cheap. Apply to . T. J. O'Keefe, Hcmingf r I, Neb. Tourist Pamphlets dp&ciiptivo of Yollowtono Nation al Park and the summer resorts of Colorado and containing, be sides maps and illustrations, a great deal of inforinaHon of inter est to sight-seers and tourists can bo had by addressing J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Jbr lingtpn Route, Omaha, Web. AYrih to J. Francis,1 General Passenger Agent, ' Burlington Polite, Omaha, for handsoilie 32 phge phamplet descriptive of the ,,.... . ,-, l .,, rrnns-Misjsiasippi Exposition. lqcisi!,. A LIBERAL OFFER. Every farmer' and dairyman should roaxl the' Upto-Date Farmer. It is tho host fram and dairy paper we hayo see'n. Tho subscription price is fifty cepts a year. Wo will send the paper free ojio year tp now subscribers to The IIekald who pay a year's fubscripliph" and we will also send tho paper free to all who re new Uieir subscription to The Ieual,i within thirty days. Subscribe at puce so that you will receive the next ies.uo of tlio Up-to-Da'to Fanner which will con tain a write up of thoHomingford creamery' andBox Bvitto couply. OLD PAPERS for sale at this office fie ado'en. ffirinrr-nrTrMLini.ti. "aftmvniiiwnyHrniaaaauc: ' " I ihcrc App lurli lVouirn. Tli clii.nty llttlo I'rcucb performor on n vumluvillo staija was dmwlng n olmraofll fkctah of n ship nt sen, with tho towors nnil bntllnnjeutH of tin orien tal town In tho budigrouti'l. It was a ulght tccmi, nnd thoiioon was full nutt viaiblo. Kvcrybody kw tho picturo x copt n wottitui woll In tho front of tho fhenter. fc'bo buw It; with h(r uye, but hor hunertcctly constituted brain didn't co that tholiucHou tho board ruprusout td anything, ' "Do you see tho ship now?" asked her impatient husband. "It must ho night," sho said. "Of coursu it's night. Don't you fo tho moon!" "What ia that whito RtnlT in tho rear?" ho a8ked, rofurriug to tho orien tal cily. ''Dear in?," eaid hor husband, "yon nro lilto tho fool that can'tfeuo tho man in thu moon, only worso. " 'Anyway. Iio'h u bandgoino man," pursued tbo femalo. "Do you aupnoso bo's 45 or H3?" "Don't you sco tlio Ehip nnd tho cit7 now?" persistud tlio husband. "I aeo Honiotbiug thnt lochs liko checKp,"sho admitted, but nt tho look of despair on hor partuer'u faco alio added: "Oh, ypg, now I do fen it oil. llow Btupid Twao. llow protty and clover it is, to bo auro. IIo'h a hnndsouio fellow, and well droated. Shall wo jgo home, dear, or sco what tho next act is?" Without nnswuriug her husband arose and hulped hor on with her coat, and thoy loft tbo thuater, together iu bod, but widely, widoly, separated iu spirit. 2Jow York Commeicial Advertiser." lie V.'&a nt Home. ,Whou Mr. Felix Malioucy vraa p spe cial pension exnniiuor, hu had li'bit of an o.-:i)erionco which deserves n nlnr.o in tho singular coiucldonco ljbt. It hup- poned uu iu Connecticut. Mr. Alnliunoy i and a temporary hiielinu of his wern 'driving uloug n country foadiu a fciuigh, when in a snow filled cut tho convey ance brolio do. In tho ikld besida tbo road Air. Alahonoy caught tight of a man's head. IIo lifted up his voico and calhd to tho man. Tbo head roso slowly,, higher nnd higher, till its own er 'o entire Jlguro was ruvcakd, as he climbt-d out of n gravo ho had buou dig- " Whcro doca Jiui'Smith livo?" roared Air. Alahonoy. ' "Hoy?" said tbo gravedigger, for of courso ho was" deaf. You novor heard of a gravediggi-r in n story who wasn't. "Whcro does Jim Smith live?" roared (tho poubion examiner again, fortissimo". Tho gravedigger pointed to tho near est house. "Well," raid he, "that's Lis houso over thorn. " "Is ho at homo?" bellowed Air. Ala honoy. "Oh, yes," said tbp gravedigger. "Hu'a at homo. I'm just digging his gravo." Washington Star. Conl In the Transvaal. In ono colliery not half n dozen miles from tho gold mines I havo bc.oii a beam of coal 70 feet in thickness. , This coal, though of a low quality, suffices for tho purposes of tho go.ld mines, and thero is a sufficient quantity of it to outlast far tho lives of all tho gold-miners. Bo sides these coal deposits noar tho gold fields und thoso others by the Vaal riv er, which furnish coal for tho railway syttem far down into Capo Colony, thero nra literally hundreds, pcrhapa ovon n thousand, squnro nnldsof coal in the Aliddlcbcrg and Krmelo districts ly ing between Pretoria and Dolugoa Bay. In tLo midst of- theso coal bods is the outcrop of Iron orp, und running through them in tho Jately constructed railway to Delagmi Bay. With theso vnst coalfields closo to a fim rato port ou tho Indian ocean tho prospects of tho coal mining industry hecm brilliant. 'South Africa Today," Younghusbaud. Tho Bicycle Fiend. "Ono most obtrusive" unpleasantness in tho conversation of tho bioyclo fiend, " observed n nonbioyolibt, "is his hnbit of personally appropriating" cvory part and particlo of his machine. It is apparently not enough that ho bhould pussoss tho bioyclo iu its entirety, but also iu do tail. 'Aly wheel,' when uttered two or three times to overy bentonce, is bad enough, but when it comes to 'my sad dlo,' 'my tirps,' 'my valves,' 'my han dle bar' and so forth, tho effect is both Irritating and irrational. 1 onco heard n man discourho for hours upon my in- i erudito ueriuoe. Being then not bo eru npon the thing as I am now, I had tho greatest difficulty iu determining what ho meant. From tho viewpoint of him who does not ride, the possessive case is "owhero bo oyerwoiked vernation of tbo bicyclt y0rk Sun. as in tho con- bicyclo tiend." New l'rrildent Kruser on Onico Seeking. A good story of President Krugor is told in un article ou "Alining and Poli tics In tho Transvaal, " iu Tbo National fioviow. Somo of the presideut'H, young relations appliod to him for office. Ho considered uwhilo and paid, "J can do nothing, for tho high offices of the state uro iu firm lunula und for little clerk ekips you aro too stupid." Kdltlnc by the Golden Rule. A country editor puts tho old question n new Miape and mys to his subscrib ers: "Brother, don't stop your paper just because you don't agrou with tho editor. Tho last cabbago you sent us didn't agree with us either, but wo didn't drop you from our subscription list ou that account." Gordon (Neb.) Journal. Thirty-four years ago a ploturesquo sccno was enacted in tho Danish capital. A deputation pf G reukb btood boforo tbo old king of Denmark and askod that they might offer tbo crown of' their country to his great uophew, Priuco 7ifcorfit). For an answer the olfl man turned to the youth, bade him tako a leat at his sido and fcaluted him as his ' 2"f-SJ -WBf nRrlSCCUCStW -T - -- IN RED AND GOLD. How sweet slijd looked I dUl not we The tjlint of mm on chonislni; trwi. My oywi vroraif ptl uii tlio rIow ,Qti Imr flr etaek. I did but know Tliut nho whi MtandliiR niflli to mo. Jitit islio in Hik'iit uvitaMy Dfrfrifc la'lho color and tlio tIqw Of thrtrfnir see no, nor whihpI to know , That 1611 tt iKJiuty bwt ou rne, I gnzod tin bcr ami eotUd nut am .JloW mveet sho looked. "In rrd nnd p,old." site slshod "bow fair Thu colotlng of thoca uinplei thuiel" Hut null tny eyen did but lxihold Tbo beauty that did lwr pnfold, Tor, with tlmt vuiontitflndlni; tber, lo dill) red i;iwii and noldim hnlr, , Fuidll coio hnd 1 wlmt buiuiles rnro, Wiat other wrnliii that woud lulght hold In nsl nnd nold. -Julln I'ftnshawu HrtuckcrLofT in New York Time. TIGCR AND BULL. I A Fierce Battle, In Which tbeTlcer Waj Badly Beaten. Tho Paris letter or tho London Post gives .details of an extraordinary enter tainment given at tho Plaza do Madrid in tbo presence of 1,1)00 spectators. This was n combat between a rnyal Bengal tiger and an Andalusian lighting bt,ll Tbo tiger, Cef-ur, was a lull grown bruto 'belonging to Spessardi, tho train or, who bad ni'ver been ablo to do any thing with It and hnd, indeed, oucu nearly fallen u victim to its ieroeity IIo sold it tor 0,000 fraucs to the director of thopla7a. A cage 1? yards squaro by 4 in height had betn erected in tlio middlo of tho arena, and tho animals were brought ou in vans, tho bull being tho Jirt to bo released Into the iuclosuro. Tho bruto immediately began to run round nud round bis prison, bellowing find throw ing up sand and gravel with his hoofs. The instant tho tiger entered tho cage hu gave a roar und bounded ou tho bull, avoiding tho horns, and fixed ou bit flauku and belly with fojth teeth and claws. Tlio bull remained still for a few seconds, and then seemed t,o be sink ing backward to tho ground. ' tho spec tators thought that all was over, but tho tiger let go for a second to tako an other bold, and iu tho brief interval was kicked over by tlio Wild pluuges ol tho bull. BefOro tlio tiger hud timo tc recover tho bull was on him, nud, unk ing his horns into tho striped hide, il tossed tho tiger into tho air. This was repeated four or live times, tho bull varying his tactics occasionally by bang ing bis udvertury ugaiuFt tho bars. When tbo hull stopped, tho tiger lay limp on the ground, and tho crowd, thinking ho was dead, cried, "Dravo, torol" Tho bull stood stamping for a mo ment in tho middlo of tho cage, and then, seeing tho tiger did not move, ap proached and studied him. Cut Ccsai was only shamming death and seized tho bull's muzzlo in his powerful jawi so tho animal could not move. Eventu ally, however, he was released, and aft er stamping f uriouhly on the tiger again j caught him on his horns. This timo the ' tossinu, btammUK and bancinc nnnnr. I ontlv rcnllv ciulod in Hosnr'u rlonMi ' Tbo cage wus then opened and tho bull rushed out and buck to his stable. Foi pn caution's eako tho tigtr'H van wnf brought up, nnd, to tho genera) sur prise, Cesar roso to his feet, glauced round as if afraid tlio bull was still there, and then bounded into tho van. Tho tiger was found to havo five ribi broken, besides having n number ol wounds from tho ball's horns. ItianaiC that all wild animals bears, lions, panthers and tigers faro badly in com bat with the Spnuihh 'fighting bull. Alan and tbo olephant aro the only Mire victors ovor theso active and ferocioui beasts. Easily Bnoiicb. a faioux City (Ia.)Sundav Hero is school story They wcro studying in tho catechism about tho wonderful greatness and pow er of Uod. "Cnn Ood do everything?" asked tho teacher. It win generally ad mitted that ho could. Then tho teacbei rather mischiovoubly propounded n ctic kler perhaps as a test ot faith. "Could God make two and two equal flvo?" ht asked. Tho query rather startled the little girls in the cluss, and, their faces took ou n worried, puzzled expression. They bad never thought of such a thing as that, and it looked as if their fuitb was wuvcring. Tho teacher waited with a rather amused smilo on histacn. Then up shot a little hand. " Well, " asked tho teachor, "what do you think aboul it?" "Yes, sir, be cau, " was tho prompt nml rnrrin rncnmun rn ir ti.no tlie -.... ..Ui.u..uu. .., . D v5 tenoner'H tura to look surprised. "Woll, "ui i'uu umi luiiuu inn mill iwu i-ijuni five?" "By adding pne," was tho tri nmpbnut answer, and the mischievoui teacber couldn't dispute it. Sioux City Journal. How It Happened. "Look hero, youug mau," snid the druggist. The clerk did not have to bo told tbaj ho had mado a mistake. IIo know it long before. Indeed bo had figured il out for himself aud waa ablo to toll jubl how it happeued. "You have charged only 75 ceuts foi this proscription," asserted! tho drug' gist, "nud tbo regular prico is 1." "I admit it," said tho clerk. "The fact is I waa rattled. You 6eo, I made a hasty calculation as to the cost of the ingredients, and the result was 8 contf iustoad of 4 as it should have been. That is how it happened." Chicpgt Post. Welcome Wordi. "Yes, his sermons nro tiresomelj long, but ho always says something tc tho point." "Well, what did lis say to tho point last Sunday?" , , " 'In conclusion. ' " Cleveland Plain Dealer. ' ' The pamo California, derived from tbo two Spanish words caliouto forntilli i. .., "hot furnace" was given by Cortes iu the year 1GU0 to tbo peninsula now kuowu as Lowor California, ol which ho was tho discoverer, on ao- -' SIC&l SO YCAnS" EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desions Copyrights r AnroM nrtlnir a sketch ntutdccrlptlon dim !T'J"M.r t'rt'"! n,,r opinion fuse whether an ive;ii n ppmhnnlrpHtpMatile. Commuiiloi. ir!'?'i,o,?0".,l,0,,,'a, Handbook on Patents ' i. .TiT- V,'0C9, nFonp' forecuritiRpiitentf. fpu uil notice, without chnree, Inho ScleKlific American. A hatidfomcly lllmtrnled weoklr. T-nrirest rlr rnlatlmi of any sclontiao ipurnal. Terms. 3 a bYi !" n""'-h olUbyall ncwKleAlcrs. IrluNN &eo.36,BfMd'. New York Ilraach opicc. C2S P St. Woshlnmon. I. o. OOOOC)0000X0000000000 yveosters . O f o )iiary ucccssor ctlic " t'nabrht'trti " Ktaiuiartl el Iho I". B. f .o t fri.itlutr i OflUe, tlip I'.H. 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