i,i 7 fZi-W TT ' ' ' -"TOPSS ttTT T1 ""'t W i r- "XT' T 5vhc yjr- i iifi) Tamwv w -'rrr a . .A.'m. i1 -Tcrmnmr Drmncrn te 5tMt (Vnenllnn, rhr iHniiHrtntV mip 11 nirnl rnmmltiw lnr' J y r1, n tlf4pntr imiii uluui nf Ht il miK mIh rrt tin-Hint n" NpifvVit in ntpwi in l.lnnOii, ISpti.iit 111 rnnle rn limn- ml Tm il .y, AliiltictS. I '. i '-oVIiH-k i. m., lor tu- i..ic JpMif iK'filimlliiit (Million m (,,t tin- fi llu . tluiMtMihVlii ImntliilM thffliiiil.tiic -Ht-Hull: liitvriior, llcnt-imfa son-mor. rnnr r, iVrilnrj ut Mitlt1. htio. nry-ui-niiiiil, mull or t Kiliio ih'i-ohiiIn. ciiniiiiihrtotior of public IniHln nl iniildlint, nnil HiiTintPidpnl of iililii Instruction: mid for Um tiniisiu'loiu of Hrh nlltpf IiiinIjipi.ii uh my tiroitcrly cumn Im fore tho Con vent Ion All oltisrnn who Ix-Ilrvn in tho irlm'lfop of tho (lomoorMIr farty ah ilovlnriil In UiuCIiIcako plntform anil who in tind to nlliitntn with thn ilpnira'rAtlC )irly urn invld'il lo iiHrlii'lpnlo Initio ritlfi'tiott of ilolo Knti In this convention liitehi-oiltity ii rniiipulril In wnil fine ilelo Ktilo fori'drli 1(10 vote ur mnjnr fmclluii tlipro (, runt for Hon. V. J tltjnu for Uiiitpd KIMph Ki-nntor nlllio cnncrnl plet-Hon of inn, I'litinllfacnMiint )toi tlinn KM vutp for rtttph riMulliUto will H'tirt oniil(J-;iiti. - Tliti liriniliinnrti rn of tlio ilnmoornlic tl FOIIimitUV uill bout tlio Mnili'II hotel wlicto i.ulii.'ilM tlrkctn timy 1)0 linil . jioa liulli) county In until pl to fivo tlqlnKiitcs. JAMKB T. DAIH.MAn. CliAltmnn, IiKK IlKllIlMAN.rVorotnry. 'Hip PiiiiiIcV IndcjxMiilHit l'nrly elector of I'n'fliilPof Nplirnnkn, urn liirphy reiim-sUil to , f-niilrlo(jnti'R from lliijr rpnecllvi counties !! mppl in coiivi'iilioii In llin pity of Lincoln, Tnnolny. Ainiiisf.ind,IHfc. t ' unlock t tu, nt tlivOllu-rTiicAtiT. for tlio imrp nnof plnrini: In niimlnnllon cMidliUU-s for tlio followliii; ,llltO Ollipl-K. I OnviTiior ?. UioitPiiant (lovnnior. tl. Kpprijtnry of Hint". i. vmlitor nf l'ubllg Accounts .' Tnmiifpr. it. Stitimlntxiiilpntof I'ulilio Inntruclion i. Attorney (Iciipml. h. t'omniiHulomrof 1'nMlo Ijimlnaml llnilil .11"!' nnil for tlio trnhniictloii if mirli oilmr "h'ihwiiio mny propfrly cijm'i llforn tlio con U'Mtlon. TJixicjirprpulntion 1 IhihiiI upon nno lilvnli n I InrK" for phi-Ii county, unit onn iloltt c itn for mrli on'e lititnlriil voton or innor frnc 'Ion ilinreiit, mul for JuiIro .lolm J. Hullln !or Hii)roiiio jiiilcii Ht tlio nlpptlou of 1HU7. Ilox llnttn CMitity iHPiitllliil Ijt nix (lnlpRAtpK. It lii riTOintiiPiiilPiltlml no proxipulip nllowpil. nil lli.il tlio iIpIpiIpi' vrnsciitt full votu of tui'li Of i-lhi' (llrtvlloni, Anil It In fnrtluT riivmmi'iiiliNl tlntt nil ior oiiH wlin Itrllmn in tlio prlnlnlo nt mlvocntpil In tlio 1'mpIi'r lnilcilriuli'iit Vnrty, wlio linvo i liii'o nifCtMl llnmK(liiiliprptoforo with rn'A t nrly, nri'liPrnliy invilPtl to piirtieipnto In llio . 'lU'rnt'oiiH of Hid HPinn. Nli" licHilit nrlrisof the oomniUI"o will liont tlio l.liii-oln llotnl, Cor. mil mid 1 Ht,, wlicro tMcKrtto ticliolM innyiin hml. J. II. Kujiistcv. CliBirman. Mi Howe, Secretary, Final Proof Notices. J. W. VKHN'.Jl , IdirtKU'r. V. 1! AKIUCS, Hocclvcr 1'ixrtic'H lipvlnif notinoH In IIiIk roliumi nrn rn in,ifiil,t.rr)iil tliPFnnHMtiirnfiillyainl report tu ,Miir miuM. irr 'i;riit'iiiifi niiy i'rrrH mm limy j"(lft. Tlip will pniM'iit poHfiblo ili'liiy in iiiiikiti! proofs I .mul Onice nl Alliance, NpIi.. .Itmc .':). 1KS. Notii'ii In lioieii.v Khun tlnit tlio follow Inir lui mull settlor Iulh tiled notlro of IiIn Intention M inula: Until ptxHif In sttpiMirt of Ills pliilm, nnil eliut Milil proof will Im inmlo boforu Hpk- " lilt'riir lli'culxor, nt AHUuice, reli., uu Auust ' I. mm, lzr Minnio M. Graham. f Ilox llntte, M'li.. whoinudo h e .soi'xVJ for tlio , w ' mo ir, tp ::7 1, r 4h w. ', firjfMJumoi Jim following witnesses toprovo her fonfltyiotw rcKlilt'iiro tiixin lihil rnltniilloii of :iiil. I mil, viz. .lnnii's (oIlUiH. Miirv Collins, ' .lolniMuliijiiy. Mu'itln Mtiliony, ullor llox llittto NVli. AUo .liimos Grnhain. i'f llox llnttp. ". iK. who inmlo h b np. SUl fcr lli h w scr iS. iji 27 i, A w. iio icittips llio fiillowlni; wIIiipsbps tikprovo Ills ronttnuotiK tistilcinoupon nnil citlttvntlon of Mthl liunl. vU: .In inns Collins, Mnr.V Collins, John Miilirny, Alilrtln Muhoiiy, nil of llox - lUtlto, Mil. Also 1 Jiiiii(s Collins, M llox lint to. sell,, ulinnmdu h o No 3011 for tlio iw ti m-o', tp'Jiii, rtSw, HuimiuoM tlio follownc wltnpssps to pror I'Nrpiiilniimis uwfi'rm'o upon mul onHlvntion r f hnlil l'tml U.: .Innifs Ornlium. Mlnnlo M. Cfiiiliuiit. John Miihony. Mint In .Mnliony, ult of - Mux lluttu. Noli. Also Alary Collins, nf ltox Ilitu.'.'Xoli.. who lmulo ho no, 252 for ihut.u'1, .(vJl. tp2.'n, r4Sw. Iloiininos tlio folloirli.i; ultnosn to prove Hbvotitlmu'iis insliliTtotipoii mid rulllviitlbn if sMld iiiml. k; .ln:mis Oruhnm, Minnie M. flrtttinni. .Irhn Jlahony, (mtln Muhony, ullof Olox lluttb,icli. - .1 ,AV. AVkjix. Jit.. Hi-Rlstcr. C.S. Iuid Otlli'O. Alllunno. Neh., JunoO, lb'JH. . .Not no Is neinliy kIvpii Hint John KnmltiSon, "f lli'ininirfoiil, mIi , trs i)1m1 notireof inten i lni lonniiu) tliiul pioof boforo T. .). O'Keofo. "Ii, m. Cowoirs'sioner, nt llrmlnuforit, noIj., on Inly lrt: lw-l. on timiinr iMiltuw tippllcutiun o. y.-T" for tin n o Ii see ni, tp SCn. r Idw, - llu iinnipnv wltiif-si'.s: lVliird. Atnleii-on, limies Holllnuil-.e. (Cnrl 1'oiMicin, Otto Olb miii, nil of I.L'mliiKfonl. .!. , J . Wilin. Jr.. HrirUtor. Uuiil i-litlco ill Allliuu'O. npI)., Jutif'J, 1H!. v.iu0 is lieietiy uImmi Hml tlio folIowloK l ined .uttlorhiis tiled notlro of his Intention iiV-io ttiitil proof in Mipiiott of his I'liilm und mn Nild ))iiiofll he nmde heforo Keulster ,nIleclvoiut Alllaiit-c. Ncl)., on Julv 10, 1SLH. Ui Vaclav Potniesil, 'I liunliip. Null.. V(io nmitp U. :. for tho 1a :. c 'Jsw i mh3, tp2'.in,r47 w HniiHinos tho f.llouin; wKiioskon to pnno Ms contlnuiHisH'snUiiK'f vxm mul cnlUvntlon if kwIiI Innd. l; l'innk.1. W Keldler, Nor lortA Kienoh. Ned A. Ilrpxttui. of llemitn:- oid. Neh., Joseph l.nmplot. of Dimhip, Neh. Also Frank .1, V. Fcidlur, of lleiulnuford. Ni'Il. itbn nn.i!( ll e No. j:J0 for tlio no see 12 in SSn4 r 4Siv. " Ho unities tho follow itit llnu-.vstopi'oMihis rontimioiis ulileiu-e iinou nnil etiltlulloii of. lil In 11(1. U: VlU'lu J'ntinei.11. .losenh l..imn. yit. of DunlKiNifb,, N'oilort A. Kiunok. Nod A. Hrexlna.of llfmif.u'ford. Neb. Also Notlru Islioiob.v sirnthat WplffMDK Freimiitli. rf Ufa Hiitto.Neh., hns iiltnl notice of impn ilfla if initko III, ul primr ut wn,o tlmo und jUbm.ob tluihor enltiuo !ii.i)eiiilon No. l-ivu lirHiio s ii sue !. I p tf. r -Its w. 'Iniimup PHxIiiinhos; Knink.I V. lhl I r. Neil A. Hieirtim. Noibort A. Kronoi,. of 'oinlncford, :aU. Vuokiv l'ntmosll of l)un lup. Nob. J. V. Wkiin. Jit.. Kottlhtur. ,, B. UnUOtlk.Allliintf, Nob., May .5. l. ,loiin-lf. .Shirk, f Ilr-inliitf'ord, Jjfli , hns fiUsl iioilcwnf Inteii ilon tonmko tmel proof Is-fino T. .1. (I'Kxrfe, "I'-.S. CoBimifi-iofn'r. nt his oHIis. in llimtiut ( nl. . ph., on tln-Smt ilnv of July mi timU'r ,nlmi- app'ii stion Nu. luT-l for tlwuo V ko2I lft,fi n. r Miw. , Ini nur.i si. wilunfiM'i': John iri'haelxon, Hear) MiobomiHiii, ('. K ItiiMiiitwrKvr, Frmi AI4rj, nil of. HmljMtfonl Nlt. AUo X tit lew is liofchy Khtui that. s- Nrtbon 15. Shoii(ui-t, of OrnbHtk. Nli., hns tllfsl uotio of Intention to nwiljo Uiml tHr at Kumu liuw otiil t-M on tiwWt-nltni ,,iilirmiii .No. lar7 fortllPM't tsjai. tiiSin raiv.-. IId ttanira ru fr4iiiM'. Jn 1'. Hasard.of IWiUMlw . y,.i(, u Uiotullf, IWvviH 1C. I'ofO, liiaU UohHijJ'.uuwn. of 1 awn tifh. . - J. W. WK. .. Kltr. A bln pencil mark aoroES tlio fjieo of this iioiici? uuliuntn; that you havo not puiil for this papor. and no oITodbu U mount but only n rouiindfjv to you that thu debt aliouUl bo piUl without further jtlolay. HTiM'Wiii'l'wmm'iii iikiuiumiiixhih wv I I LI I ll,l." SE-MI NG DISCRIPANCY. T!ie t)rxr I.Kily lla Hit DnticliOT fn. lentil nt Malic. t'lin if n littly wlioso Innlmnil linn nc rniiiultituln liURii thtire of this world'fi goutlH. She dewa not euro how much nuytliiii". costs nnd dcsiri'H 'icojilo to know tlntt nlio ilopKti't curt. So it was not through tiny fi-ur that i-ho was not KOttinR hur tnonoy'fl 'worth thnt nho ro irovc(l hur yutniKfSt dnughtor, who httd been nriit'tidtiR nt tlio piano. Tlio little Rlrl'H oiTortr 'jnd huen linrrowinftly par nit tout (iud dutiful, nnd fiho wob hurt as well uu Fitrtirit-ed when her mother in dipnnntly tcmnrlird: "Dolly, 1 urn compelled to remind yon that wo huvo oniployed thu best toucher in tho city for your musical ctf ucntion and Unit uu wo proposo to npt.ro iio uxpensa in tlio futuru yon ought to bo nioro cuincicutiotiH in liiyiuit n fouu dtitiou, Vnu will giiiu uotliing by slight iug tho worlc now. I run determined that you hIiiiII lcnm to pluy tho piuno no mutter whnt it coste. " "I wun pructiciug faithfully," tho pupil protected. "My dear, do not attempt to decoivo your mother." "But you heard moprncticlufj, didn't you?" "It may be," v?rtH tho chilly ro joinder, "that your inother'n ntlvmitngcs in early life wcru not to (treat as thot-o 1 intend that you Minll enjoy. l!ut tlioro is ono study in which I was always good, and it will bo useless for you to attempt to mislead mo in anything con nected with it. That is arithmetic." "I never fcaid you weren't splendid in arithmetic, but that hasn't anything to do with my piuno playing." "Unlens my eyes aro nt fault those nro fivo finger osurcimt that you tiro now suppoMid to bo working on." "Yes." "Very well.. Do not thiult that I for get myself so far nu to Hpenlt in anger. But I Hhould very much liko to know whnt you mean by trying to play five finger oxercihcs with both hands." Do troit Prco Press. THE COST OF TRAINS. Paenger Coaches Store Kxpcnulvo Thau Many Finu lluuici, ''Nlncty-fivo per qent of tho trnvcliuR public do not own in their own right oi occupy through rental it dwelling house which, including till its contents, costt ns much as ono of tho ordinary modoru passenger cars run on uuy Ur.st clnsi rnilroud." Tho foregoing statement, which is cal culated to aroubo tlio incredulity of the nvcrago individual, was mado recnutly by Georgo J. Chnrltou, nssistant general pngscngcr and ticket agent of tho Chi cago and Alton railroad. ".ltiht let mo givo you a fow facts tc provo that nssertion," continued Air. Uharlton. "Thu cost of thu average passenger car today 1b from $(i,000 tc ?7,U00. A reclining chair enr costs from $10,000 to $12,000. Tlicso figures rcpro Kent tho baro cost of tho car. When you odd to that from year to year tho ex penses of maiutouancn, instead of figur ing, ns tho ordinary business mortal will ilgnru, a return in interest for th capital invested you uiinply aggravate tho situation. "I ouco henrd n proniinoutninstcr cat builder my that it cost $500 to simply look ovor a car after it had sorved live or six months on thu road and had been eeut to tho carshops to bo examined nnd put into presumable shapo for an other hix mouths' run. Ho meant that tho ordinary 'dressing down' uud clean ing of n car would cost over $ 500, and if you extend your investigation to gen eral shop repairs perhaps adding a lit tlo upholstering hero and there you could easily got away with anothei $500. "Kansas City Journal. Tlio Trticn of Tilda. Paris is probably tho only city in th world which has trees that bloom twice a year liubitnally. Theso aro tho horst chestnuts. There aro 17,000 of them planted in thu Miuares and along" tin boulevards, and UG.000 buttouwoods. Tho trees in Paris are numbered, just liko tho peoplu, tho cabs, tho auimnls, tho lampposts and tho mntches. These horfco chestnuts havo only been doing thiB trick for about fivo years, and only somo of tbcm liavo mado a practice ol it. Tlioso die, or apparently die, in the Intter part of July? and all tho lenvci fall oil". A month or so afterward they nil como out into ilower again and little green leaves shoot forth continually un til tlioy aro nipped by tho first fro6t. Thero is a reiibon for this, nnd tho sci entists worked over tho matter for a long timo to bo nolo to explain it. Briefly and unscientifically tho tree loso their lenves because thoy aro at tacked by a little fungus which is blown upon them by tho wind; then, being still full of sup, they btart to put forth leaves all over again. A 1'riTnntlonnry Atruiure. "What nro you doing now, doctor?' UBkctl tho actress. "1 am taking a fcnnp shot photograph of you, niadam," responded tho dentist, "so that if any unpleasant couseqnences follow this operation and you buo me for damages for tlio loss of your beauty l can establish something in tho nature of mi ulibi. us it wcro. 1 um ronrlv now. niaditm, to extract tho tooth. "Chicago .Trihupo. ' ruttlnc it indirectly. Iubki -Look herol Is it you that has been circulating tbo report that I had not washed my faco for seven years? riiuhki No. All I said was that if a wntp wanted to stiug you ho'd havo to carry a hhovtd. London Tit-Bits. Tho greatest men are not alwnys in tbo iiiot exalted offices. It is often with men as with building stones the printer they uro tho harder it is to elo vat them to high positions. i The readiest and surest way to got rid of tcuh-urt is to correct unstheucs. onvfcclvei. Do - nwiwanMMwwii - ft..f I r I1 i ii THE SPLIT INFINITIVE. Q. Rurnaril Slmrr S.tyii Hip Chtinor Aboct It I All Noiuenin. In n letter to tho editor of tho London Chroiiiolo O. Bernard Him w writes: I should havo thought, now that wo hrtvouu academy of lot tors, that it might rnseuo us from tho gcutlcmen.who occa nionally write to you to ezptniu how Knglish should bo written. Somo timo ago you let loose nu unhappy creature to whom como competent person hud incautiously poiutod out n common blunder in the urn of "nnd which." Not understanding tho matter, ho began nccusing overy writer in whosa works ho could discover "nnd which M of writing bad English. With your per mission, I havo extinguished him, and ho has not siuco been heard of. Thero was somo cxciiso for that poor wretch, because tlioro unqucstionablaia n wrong way of using "nnd which," but for tho "split iufinitivo" pest thero is no excusu nt nil. Thero is nothing whatever to mislead him except his own nature. If any man wcro to object to a split indic ative such its "I greatly regret," or n split suhjuuetivo such ns "I should greatly prefer," or n split imperative such as "come slowly up," what news paper would wustt) an inch of space on his foolish ignornnco?'Aud yet thiH split iufinitivo uousuubo is taken qnito seri ously by editors who nro nulllcicutly good writers to ropeutodly uso it thorn sol ves. Tho iufinitivo is n mood in which tho position of tho adverb cannot possibly produce ambiguity; consequently tho order of tho words ia not a matter of grummnr, but of stylo, of which thu oar is tho only arbiter. Tho car often do mauds tho split iuiluitivo nud will havo it in spite of nil tho silly people who do not know what stylo means. When theso iufiuito insects nro dis posed of, yon will no doubt bo nttacked in duo courfo by tho oven moru impu dent impostors who, though they pro uounco tho word "color" so us to rhyme with "dullor," nnd never hear it nnd nover havo heard it nud never will hoar it pronounced iu any other way, from timo to timo pretend to bo shocked when it iB spelt without n "u." I trust you will nlways insist on these nui sances definitely stating whether they prouoimco it or "honor" or "neighbor" or "favor" or "bchuvior" so ns to rhymo with "onr" or "poor," us tho cako may bo, or whether thoy aro morely bogus etymologists century beluted Johnsons. In either case you will bo justified in recommending them to thu caroof their relatives and suppressing their bab blings. nip.ck oui wiiito narocts. Elnck and white effects agnin fignro largely iu tho domain of both fashion nblo dress nud millinery. Black nnd whito silks, satins aud brocades just brought from ovor tho sea nro sot forth by leading importers. Black aud whito tuffetas, surahs, failles and other fancy silks nnd liberty textiles appear. Black nnd whito checks and plaids are betas ' formed into stylish spring costumes by tho fashionablo dressmakers, and Frenchwomen nro now wcariug bhick aud whito satin broendo shirt waists with their stylish black cloth skirts. Waists of bluok and whito or gray nnd whito stripes or dots nro nlwuys good style, whether mado iu tho manner of tho cot ton shirt waists or with full fronts turned back with whito rovers over a tucked cbemisetto of fabric to match. A full blousu of cream whito silk or satin, covered everywhero with n dra pery or veiling meroly of jetted black net, often proves tho most bocoining of all waists a slonder woman of indiffer ent complexion cau helcct. Sometimes cream ribbons matching tho blotiho nro tho most batisfactory additions sho cnu mako to tho waist; again, n bow of boft pink or brilliant ceriso satin works wouders of improvement. Now York i Post. Crossing S minis Iu tha riouso. Away back in tho seventies, during tho famous deadlock fight en tho civil rights bill, tho question of tho adjourn ment of congress was under discussion ono Saturday afternoon. Ben Butler, that born wit, had stepped over to Sara Randall's desk for n privato consulta tion. Bntler favorod a Sunday session, whilu Randall opposed it vigorously. "Bad as I um, 1 havo some respect for God's day," said tho famous high tariff champion, "aud I don't think it right to hold n session ou tho Sabbath." "Oh, pshaw!" responded Butler. "Doesn't tho Biblo say that it is lawful to pull your ox cr ass-out of tho pit ou tho Subbath day? You havo 73 abscs on your hido of this house that I want to got out of this ditch tomorrow, aud I think I nm engaged in a holy 'work. " "Don't do it, Butler," pleaded Ran dull. "I havo some respect for you that 1 don't want to loso. I expect somo day to meet you iu u better world." "But you'll bo thero, as yon nro horo," retorted the fly Benjamin, quick us a flash, "a member of tho lower houso. " Louisville Courier-Journal. The Qnallty of Ileal I'uu. Ono man said to another in an olo vated car nbout something that ho had just read, "Now, that is actually fun ny," aud then ho read it over again. bo lutcrouco from tins is, of course, ,lmt nmny of t,)0 things written iu fun I aro ,10t renljy funny, und, making duo llowaccios lack of appreciation; it is doubtless true thut much of tho matter , written us fuu actually does lack tho . trud spark. It may bo well intcntiouod, good uatured, oven cheerful, nud yet laok tho peculiar filling, fntisfyiog, eu orgizing, refreshing, uplifting quality of roul fun. Tho man who has this kind of fun in his heart aud who has besides the power of communicating it to his neighbor uuud not go tu thu Klondike for his ro- ! ward. Now York Ledger. The UorruHrr'i Wayi If you lend a man grabs eeed. lio'll 1 como iironud later to borrow a lawn j t ower. Christian Work. rwitMOMirtB. i-nm..iilni ww wm i ii n i i i riiifr.t--,! WBwWWl RlNi i'.tRJ.t IlniupkeepliiXi' "Dooms to rent for light housekeep ing" is n cigu that is stondily creeping into tho windows of down at tho heel manpions nnd into others which, though bearing n prosperous air, houso occu pants who "havo experienced reverses." Just whore tho lino is dn.wn between tho light nnd heavy vnrlety of this do mestic scienco it ia difilcult to deter mine, but it is conclusive proof that if yon buy your pastry in bags nt tho bak ery; if, lacking n back door of yonr own nt which to ruccivo tho morning milk man, you nro obliged to lay in wait for that perponago t comers, then you nro n "light housekooper" though perhaps your burdens nro heavy. Wo rro prouo to look upon those humhlo housekeepers ns beings without homo or country, becausu their foothold upon tho terra flrma of society is so light, but often thero is much suugucsa within tho fow rooms nud much unl turo, too, though it is hard to coticeivo of it culture that is nourished on bag lunches. If you will get up early enough somo morning, yon may sco the husband of ono of thei-o light housekrepors, with his paper and pitcher, jnst returning from u chilly encounter with tho milk man, und us ho passes into his rooms yon may catch a ruy from tho smilo which awaits him, und which, unlike the house, belongs entirely to him. Chicago Post. Mnrrlr.sm In Southern India. Tho inhabitants of southern India havo peculiar mnrriuge customs, accord ing to Dr. Boeck, tho Gentian explorer. Thero nro nlways two marriage cere monies, ho sayc, one taking place when tho betrothed ones nro mero infants nnd tho other when the bridegroom takes his wife to his own homo. At tho infant murriago ritos two brothers of tho boy plnco him on uu elephant nnd tako him around to givo him n glimpso of tho city whom ho uud his bride nro to live, nud nt tho tT.mo time tho girl's mother is doing her sharo by siugiug to tho littlo ono a mnrrijgo song. At tho filial marriugo tho mother-in-law lends the young husband by tho liooo into a room, where his friends uud relatives cro uwalting him, uud, amid tho loud nolso of tamtams, tlio shrill whistle of pipes aud tho roaring of tru in pete, thu bridu enters, uuvcilod. Sho gives tho men present nn opportu nity to gnzo ut her, becauso in futuro no man but her husband may look at her face. Should this rulo bo broken at any time, her husband must commit sui cido, uud sho must bu burned on a fu neral pyro boforu tbu sin is blotted out. Tho brida is plnced in a basket during tho Brahman marriugo ceremony, ami when it is over sho emerges veiled and closely guarded by her husband and his friends. New York Tribuuo. Unfortunate Iteglunlnir. Sir William Howau Hamilton, pro fessor of nstronomy in tho Dublin uui vorsity, lucrt to speak with tho strongest roveroucotof V,s 'p Hrhikloy, bis pred ecesuor. Ho had for lnni a filial nffeo- tion uud used to recall with n humorous melancholy tho timo of their first meet ing, when, said he, "I am afraid I offended him." I was n youth of 18 and sat next him at somo publio luncheon. Wo did not speak, and I felt that good manners re quired mo to break tho silence, ily oyo happened to rest ou n large map of Vun Dicmeu's Laud hanging on tbo wall. I turned to him. "My lord," Faid I, "wtro yon ever in Botany Bay?" Tho bishop turned to mo with a look of fovero displeasure. "Eat your Eoup, sir," said he, "eat yonr soup." Aud then it occurred to mo that be thought I was asking whether ho had over been "transport ed, " for at that timo Botany Buy was whero desperate criininuls wero sent for n punishment. Youth's Companion. llli Only Love. A Horton spinster has quite n ro mauco connected with her lifo. In her youuger days sho had a sweetheart and ho asked her to be his wife, but as sho was too young to marry sho refused him. They separated and tho yenrs fled by, bringing with them much sorrow for tho giddy miss. Ton years after ward, on tho very day of the month on which sho refuted him, camo a lottor from tho sweetheart of her childhood asking again for hi-r hand. Sho did not lovo him, but decided to nover marry nuy ono unless it bo this man. She re fused ngain, nud every year hiuco then sho gets a letter en their anniversary with tho saino old question written thoreiu. Tho letters nro not full of lovo. Oh, no, simply a question, that is all i; dozen words or moro written iu a businesslike way, with his immo signed below. Pcrlmps thoy will get married somo day, but very liktly not. Hor ton Headlight. Not Many Hltlestorl.tiic. Tho latest census of Egypt shows that tho country is ubout thu only ono in tho world whero tho tneti nro in n majority over tho women. Tho malo sex in tho khedive's dominions exceeds tho fcmalo by 100,000, aud it is curious to uoto that this nuuicricr.l predominance of the mtuoisvcry evenly sprcuu over botli upper aud lower hgypt. It is only iu tho span-oly peopled and newly recov- pred province of Dongola, that tlio worn- en nra. more nuiuoromi than the men. 'Auothjiy interesting fact'is that tho pro- jjuninu ui Lpjimuu uiuun fciiowiog how to rend aud write is iiist n littlo over cuo half per ceut. New Orleans Picayune. Ont of Sight or Lnnd. Hazel Weren't you awfully nfrnid tho first time you crossed tho oceau? NuttB Well er for'nv-timtt did fool n bort of groundless uppreheubiou. Now York Journal. OliU'it UzuU Note. oldost European bank Tho noto ia ! Swedish, dated 1001; but tho British , museum, in louooii, mis ttuuineio uoto tbre centuries older. ABOUT CATTLE. Once the T.atr I'urbudn tlm Itlllinc el Cow In TIiU Country. The first cattlo that wero brought Into th.' American colonies were landed nt tho James river plantation, In Vir pinia, In the year 1007. They came from tho West Indies and wers the de Bceudnnts of the cattlo taken to those Wands by Columbus on his second voy age, In the year 1493. In 1010 several , cows wcro landed, und ngain, in 1011, ! about 100 head more wero brought to j tho plantation. This, therofore, wns tho genesis of tho cattle business in America. In order to oncourngo the Industry to tho fullest possible extent an order was pasRed forbidding tho slaughter oi any animal of tlio bovine kind under penalty of death. Under this rcatrio Son tho number of cattle increased to 000 In Virginia ulono before tho end t-f the year 10H. Tho first cattlo brought into tlio Ii'ew England colonies arrived nt Plymouth in 1021, nnd wero imported irem England by Goorn tr Winslow. Three heifers and a bull mado up tho cargo; "in color," the old rtvord says, "they were black, Wade and whito und brindle." In 1020 twelve- cows wcro sent to Capo Ann, and in 1609 thirty more. In 1030 about 100 were itnoorted "for the exclusive use of the colony of Massachusetts bay." During tho bamo year 103 were sent from Llollaud to New York, so that by the yoar 1030 thcri wero a good many hon.l of "homed cattle" in tho dlfroront col onics. The render naturally thlnlcs of thos animals ns superb specimens of tha bovine race, but thoy were not. Mr tory, that is, the curious and Interest ing part of history, tells ui thnt thi, average weight of fat cattle in tht Liverpool markot as late us 1710 was on'y 370 pounds. What an evolution in 182 years? OLD LONDON CHURCHES, Tlia Peitllcntl.il Airs With "Which They nro Filled. Tho Church of St. Mary Woolnoth, which stands out conspicuously at the King William street coiner of Lombard street, London, was closed ten mouthi ago, nnd it is clear from tho statemont of the rector that tho step was not premature. It has been his unhappy lot to bo of ton Rtartled in the courso ol his services by a loud yot muiHcd sound, evidently issuing- from the vaults under tho church. As these vaults aro now "hermotlcally scaled," the phenomenon may well havo ox cited the imaginations of timid mem bers of tho congregation. Mr. Ilroohe, Aowever, rocoguized tlio noises only too well. They wero causod by tho falling of leaden coffins, sometimes from the height of ten or twclvo feet, in consequence of the mouldering away of the coffins of oalt and elm ou which they had been piled. It would be well i tho evils of this relic of tho barbarous system of intramural inter ment had ended heiv. Unfortunitely thi process of "hermetically sealing," according to Mr. Brooke's uvidenco before, the consistory court of St. Paul's Cathedral, has been anvthin? but "hormeticul." Mr. Brooke de clares that for years nearly every oilicial had died from tho effects, direct or indirect, of tho unondur.ible smell. Arthur Statham, tho counsel rep reseating tho parish, stated Unit 1,031 adults ami 4'.'2 ch ldren had been do posiU'd in thi horrible roceptaclo b-tween 1700 and 1832. In the latter year according to Mr. Stuthum. tho vaults wore closed for buriaiB; but those bufials in St. Mary Woolnoth, if burials thoy can be callod, wero con tinued for at least twolvo years after the latter date. Wanted, Tito Oood Murilornrn. rjme curious .rlt-irs passed between Garriek and a man named Stone. The hitter was employed to got recruits for the lower parts of tho drama, ,nd ono night ho wrote to Garrlok: "Sir: The Bishop of Winchester is gottlng drung at tho lljat and swears ho will i not p. ay to-night." At first sight this j seems peculiar conduct for a bishop, 1 but it should bo explained that tho ' oommun'cntu,n on'y refers to the man engaged iu unto unit cnaracicr in mo piny of "Henry III." On another occasion Garriek wrote to Stouo: "If you can got mo two good murderers I will pay you handsomely, particularly the spouting- fellow who keeps tho apple stall on Tower Hill; tho cut in tho faco is just th-j tiling. Pick mo jp an aldcinian or two for Richard if you can, and havo no objections to troat with you for a. comely mayor." A l'oucoek'a Hlttle Foster Mother. A bantam hen ut Norwich.Conn ,has adopted n young- peacock, newly hatched from an ordinury looking egg, to tho greatebt dibgust of another hen. who did the hatching. There were three pea chicks first, but tho latter hen killed ono und the other died. Vho bantam coon manifested a warm Interest in tho pcacoek and the pea lock became attached to his foster iiother. Although the peacock is )hree times the size of tho bantam hen I ho does not like to be left alon-i, and I when his little mother gels out of his ! sight it is arrslny to hear him sot up I his car-pieroing- yawp for her to rettirn to him. Tho littlo hen is very fnithfu.1 , to linn, and devotes her whole tiuiG to the plumaged giant DiuiKorom nt Much Times. Ssn:o ladies never, uovex can under stand that a man of letters should sometimes ba left alone- in his den Ryron himself Bays that, however mucr iu love he might bo any moment, he always felt, even when with tho fair, a hnnkcrlng to be back in his untidy library. Thero Is a story of Lady By ron's' entering- the den and asking-: "Do 1 disturb you, Byron?" "Yen; lamuably," answered Childo Harold, In an int-lligiblc, if not a pardonublW 'rr.tiitlou. isuitxz?nizziKttBtJ&&asvr7aw!Kii 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE m W ffl&M mzmm TrtADE Marks Designs "rffrW Copyrights Slc. AfinnpPuil'nti n.toprli nrd description may nutntil'- nfiirnln our opinion froo whether an mr-itfii H pronnhly nxtcnlnblo. Communion. ptiR4(Tlptlycoiinitontfal. Iinntlbnokon I'ntctits . tun nt-. 1'inp-H r.irf-iiry 1 jr iiprurinir pnienw. rutpiits taken th.-oiish Mutm ft Co. receh i recelvo niiai n ;u.t, f lrinuit. cnsivo, in tuo Scientific FMtfmii A hnnrtwinily Ulutrslprt wpnVIr, T.ArcCit rip Terms, J3 i r.tilMInn if nnv nclentlflr lou-nol. in i nny uriem four months. (1, coin uynn newKipflier- H&Co.38,B"d' NEW York iironen utneo, io f et., wnsiuujion , D.C. lOOOOOOOOOOO ?e StiutUnril of tho r. S. r.ov't IMnUni! OflUe.tlie I.N. niiiiiviiiii i t'oiut. nil tlic huip M' . :rrmrioiins.i.!ifioiMar , ynnilK.' Mliwunxjks. ' Wantilv Coimsn-ndccl liyStnte Superintend, nta , (it SrllO,)lS. ( Olll'L'H 1 IU K! . A ntcmidollii-rl ilnrimra ' almojt uitiionl iiiiininr. JiiviitimUIc 111 thn hftlisclinlil, nnd to , tlin tear !nr, in-liolor, pro lrssn'iinl niiiii, mid btlf cilnc.ilur. THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. J It Is easy to find the word wnntcil. It Is easy to ascertain tic pronunciation. It Is easy to trace llio growth ol a word. It Is easy to learn what n worj means. Tho ChicaAo Tiiiica-Ilcrnlil ttayn: Welutpr'dliitcrn-itlnnrll litl"inrrl-ilinniT'7it . form lsnlisolute nutlmrltycn eeryililiiKiM-riioii-lnirtooiir lnnennL-e i.i tlio av f ortlioi'intthv. ' 1 orllmery, Ptymnlusry. nml ileilmilon. I'roin It ' tlien'HiioniijK.il. llisi spcru-ctuu luitiuiut'Joit i Ulltt BCItOlurtMlIll I'D iui.c u. UliT iHU BLST. ZJrSpcctmeH pages sent on upp'lcalloii to G. t- C. 3ISliniA3I CO., I'ubUsliers, Sprlnfittcld, Mnss., V. S. A. CAUTION. Do not be deceived in buyinir amall so- called ' Webster's Dictionaries. All authentic nhrldRnicnta of tho International in tlio various sizes hear ourtrado-mark on the front coicrns hIiouu in tho cuts. CXXX0OOOX0CK0-C0-CK ;iy liicli-eraile Tnmllv Sowinc uuvuiiioi iugieniiiiiK mi moueru lnipriivcmviits. Guaranteed Equal to the Best I'rlccrt very rensonahle. Obtain tlieti fruiu your locnl dealer and lunka conipurisons. ELOREDGE AfiUFAGTURIMB GO. belvidere:, ill. ..T - ' .. .. . - THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC DAILY of the Northwest. Will bo sent postpaid to any nddroaa six days a vvoeit for ono year for FOUR DOHA! Tho Chronicle Is tho most oonsplououo newspapor quc ooas of tho day, tho dnlly cir culation Bxcootllng 75,000 ooplos and tho Sunday circu lation oxoeodlng 100,000 oo3 los. It is a first-class nevva paporof 12 and ICpagos (Sun day 40 to 48 pagos) and It c fltanch supporter of qouno democratic principles. k- ' i ' f ., TERPAS. Pilly (excepl Sunday) 1 year. . . , 94.0a Dally and Sunday, 1 year 6.00 vaiiy, u montns (campaign edition). . D;!ly end Sunday, C months sslly, 2 months Dally and Sunday, 2 months 2dly, 1 month Oaily and Sunday, 1 monlh 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.40 .50 .12 2.00 1.00 Jiunday. 1 year , Saturday, 1 year .....lii. -1 1 1 1 6 fiiflir'SfiS-tfC3-rr S Successor of thr" t nrbr'tf rrtt f 2 9 Jrf2ssir!2l KlmtUurtl A se:B3 ' 1 S f& N N W 1 O I ACAOC-liC I lltlOHSCHUOLj l0M--IHHPt Irrvtwrsntil A XDCtMOBf ytnctMiwr VKraMi ypnTuaw "El" THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE Sample coplos froo on appli cation. Addroas THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, 164-ioG Waohlnnton St., Chlonao, tli. P f i X J r y '4