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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1898)
J8 . ' -I THE HERALD. T.J.O'KEBFB, Publisher. HEMINGFORD. - NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEWS. Falls City hns sent live more younjr incn to the front Prof. Hlldcman, J. K. Pickett, W. R. Hcrshey, Clnrence Mussolmnn nnd Jnke Norrls vent to Omaha to Join the Third regiment band. Hitchcock county Is Buffering from hot winds. The dnmago to spring wheat, barley and oats Is reported as serious. Nothing but a heavy rain will Insure anything like a crop of cereals. The bootlegging case of II. W. Mun roe and Charles Kills, which has oc cupied the attention of the county court at Tekomah for the last few days, terminated In the binding over of both of the defendants to the dis trict court under bonds of $300 each. A piece of gas pipe, some powder and a match comprised the materials which, after the explosion, disfigured the face of Ned, son of It. 8. Wllkln Bon, at Weeping Water. The cheek bone was exposed and the cut extend ed down through the upper lip. The city council of Tckamah has ordered the city engineer to set grndo stakes on Main street for the purpose of bringing all sidewalks on that street to grade. As It is ut present some of the walks are below grade and the council will endeavor to have them uni form. Dr. John B. McConnell was found Wednesday about noon In a barn back of Burkhnrt's meat market In Falls City In an unconscious condition. Upon examination It was found that two of Ills ribs had been broken. He entered the barn sometime during the night before and was kicked by a horse. The postofllce authorities nt Wash ington have sent Information to the Tecumsch offlco that the free experi mental rural delivery, which Is oper ated In a number of ofllccs over tho country, Including TecumBeh, will bo continued one yenr. The time previous ly provided for expired after being In operation a year and one-half. This gives employment to four mall car riers. Harvest Is on In earnest In Johnson county, and there never wns a tlmu when men were so scarce. There Is n great demand for harvesters, and nny man who can shock wheat and desires work 1b In the field. The wnges paid generally nre $1.50 per dny and board. The harvesting, together with tho building In the city and the railroad grading work on the Burlington south of here hob been a boon to the laborers of Tecumsch this summer. 1. M. Pemberton, a leading Beatrice attorney, was assaulted and beaten over the head by the town morshal at Liberty the other night. He was pres ent to represent the remonstrants In a saloon license, the hearing having been begun before the town council when the trouble occurred. Consider able bad blood had already been en gendered, the town board having re fused to hear the ense until mnnda muscd by the couit. Mr. Pemberton' says he was arguing a law point when the assault was made, which he de clares was entirely unprovoked. Locked up In a pauper drunkard's cell at police headquarters In Omaha Is "Suie Thing Jimmy" Nolan, once one of the most prominent horsemen In this country. Twenty years ago Nolan was accredited with being worth half a million dollars, and he had a string of race horses that were as good os the best and numbered among them some of the noted horses of those days. Nolan wns phenomenally successful In thoBe days and won the name of "Sure Thing" because of his luck In picking winners. Through prodigality Nolan's fortune slipped through his fingers and. he was reduced to poveity. During the last few yeurs he has been a race, track followqr and lives by means of the few dollars he can enrn by dolnc Ddd Jobs about the rnclng stables nnd that he receives from horsemen who knew him In the good dnys. I An Immense crowd of Falrbury cltl tens came out to witness the Hag rais ing nt the round house, which was ar ranged nnd conducted by the employes of the Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific railroad In honor of Admiral Dewey. The exercises were opened by n short address by Mayor Denney, followed by leveral other prominent men of the city, more notable among whom were Hon. Samuel N. Bailey and E. H. Hen haw, who delivered very appropriate and patriotic addresses to suit the oc casion. "The Star Spangled Banner" wns then sung by a select choir, after which "Old Glory" was raised amid profound cheers nnd salutes were fired. The exercises closed by a display of fireworks from the roof of the round house. The Buccess nnd pleasure of the occasion were somewhat marred by an extremely high wind. In the district court at Falls City the case of Gladwell agalnBt the city of Falls City, upon motion of the defend ant's counsel the court Instructed the lur to return a verdict for the city This was a suit brought by the ex ecutor against the city to recover dam ages for the negligent construction of a bridge whereby young Gladwell lost his life. The evidence tended to Bhow that the plaintiff himself was negligent In not using proper caution In ap proaching the bridge. This ense will no doubt be carried to the supreme court. In the case of Mahoney against the New York Mutual Life Insurance company, which was tried Wednesday, the court rendered a Judgment In fa vor of the plaintiff. The suit was brought to recover the payment of two life insurance policies by the widow of one Mahoney, who came to his death by suicide. General Manager BIdwelt of the Elk horn speaks enthusiastically of the crop prospects. During the last week corn haB regained the time lost by the un usually wet weather, and there Is more of It "laid by" than at this date In pre vious years, wMle a continuance of the preserlt weather will put the en tire corn crop further advanced at July 4 than In any jrevious year. While still too early to make predictions, all Indications point strongly to a record breaking year. That all previous wheat crops will be far surpassed. Mr Bid well states Is already an assured fact. Thirty-three stations north of the Platte reported to him an average Increase of 24 per cent, and thirty-four stations south of the "Platte reported an In crease of 30 per cent. The yield per acre also, it Is confidently expected, will be 20 per cent greater than last year, and not only, Mr. Bldwell says, has Nebraska the best crop outlook In Its history, but also the most promis ing future of any state east or west. WATUHIItG THE GERMANS UNITED STATES WORRIED OVER THE PHILIPPINES. Oormany Has Four Warships at Manila Undor Proteose of Pro tecting a Handful of Hor Subjocts Moans Mischief. Washington D. C Special The ad ministration Is fearful of German In terference In the Philippines. Tho lack of news from Dewey concerning the ar rival of the first expedition .has caused much unenslncBR. A cabinet officer, In speaking of the situation, said: "The situation of Admiral Dewey at Manila affords us more worry, anxiety nnd uneasiness than any other feature Of tho war. "Wo cannot but regard with suspicion the constant augmentation of the Ger man strength In the harbor of Manila. The plea that German vessels are there merely for the purpose of protecting Gcrmnn citizens Is puerile. When It Is considered that there are not more than a score of German citizens In Manila, the presence of five, or, ac sordlng to some reports, seven, German ships of war in the harbor Indicates that Germany mAins mischief to the, Interests of the United States In thw Philippines. It Is true that the state department has received the positive assurance from the German govern ment, both through its ambassador here and through our own ambassador, Mr. White, in Berlin, that she harbors no ulterior purposes regarding the Philippines. The state department Is compelled to accept these assurances. It cannot openly indicate Its doubt of their sincerity. At the same time we remember Instances where diplomatic promises have been 'made only to bo broken. , "We have not forgotten, for exam, pie, the explicit statement made by tho Husslan foreign minister to the British ambassador at St. Petersburg that Port Arthur would remain an open port, and and how thnt promise was ruthlessly, broken a few days afterward. Per sonally, I would not believe at this time of war the promise of any of the continental diplomats. The only way to meet their demonstrations Is to make a display of force at least equal to theirs. If they wanted to brenk their promises we could then meet them on equal terms. MA'Y SEIZE AN ISLAND. "The president and all of us are anx ious about the situation In the Philip pines. We fenr that Intrigue and keen European diplomacy may provoke com ollcntlous with Agulnnldo and his In surgents. We fenr that on some pre text or another Germany will land forces on the islands and will refuse to withdraw them without Insisting upon receiving compensation, perhaps In the shape of a coaling and naval station. We believe that we know that Germnny Intends to seize one of the Islnnds of the group as a base. We hope, and have reason to believe, that is soon as Germnny mnkes a move, Drcot Britain will make a counter demonstration. If Germany lands troops we believe Englnnd will do so Uso. If Germany Indicates an Inten tion to seize an Island, we believe that England will vigorously counsel her to tbandon It. "But we would feel less anxious If tve could hear that our troops hod landed or thnt Dewey's squadron hod received Its reinforcements. As soon is we take possession of Manila any ex suse for German Interference will have been removed. That Is the reason wo were disappointed Monday when we ienrd from Dewey, and learned that jur troops had not nrrlved on the 23d. "As I said before there is more onx ;ety In the cabinet about the situation it Manila than about any other phase .f the war. Agulnnldo will have to earn that he Is only safe so long as hd lies up to Dewey, but If Dewey's rein forcements nre much longer delayed he can hardly be blamed If he listens to the blandishments or outers. FLIUT WITH AGUINALDO. In ofllclnl circles the presence of the Germnn fleet at Manila is regarded as one of the most threatening and dan gerous features of the war. The gen eral Impression Is that Germany will endeavor to form an alliance with the nsurgents nnd encourage Aguinnmo io e up nn independent government un ler the protectorate of the powers. The real motive for the presence of the German fleet at Manila Is believed to be but thinly disguised by the claim hat the ships were assembled to pro. tect German Interests. Senator Prltchard said of the sltua lon: "I do not believe that the end nn rnmp. I would not be disposed to question Germany's Intentions were It not for the fact that she has so many 'vnrshlps at Manila. Tnc oiner nations ire content with one or two vessels there, but Germany has five or seven. If she had not some ulterior motive it view she would send a single ship. H ho Germans nre Bhrewd, calculating p ple. nnd the policy which their gov rnment has outlined, some outcrop, rings of which we see in this aggrega- tion Ol WUrnilliB, id uuv . ""-- " Senator Lodge, while admitting that the situation Is full of interest, says hut he does not believe Emperor II llnm contemplates any hostile action at Manila, for the reason that such a step would compel an Anglo-American alli ance by force of circumstances. He cannot believe Germany would provoke this alliance. ..-,,., "At the same time," added the sen ntor. "If I were England. I would have a strong naval force at Manila to pro tect her Interests." FISCAL YEAR STATEMENT. Cash Expended on the War So Far Is $60,000,000. Washington. D. C The statement of government receipts nnd expenditures shows that the receipts during the pres- ' has already passea an exceneiu emin ent month will nggregate about $33,- inntlon. 5 SOoT TeSsTn! ' ouTopTa? SSff nTeSallar cal3oKS.oooTShr.s ,U 'wv'tg?EtnA be reported tomorrow morning In mall 1 100.000 oercoais can eiuenuy received tonight. Receipts from cus- at leisure. toms this month will be shown to be William Kearns was plowing corn In about $14,500,000. a loss as compared his father's field near Blufton, O., when with last June of nbout J7.000.000. The the Idea of going to war suddenly collections from Internal revenue will struck him. Tying his team to a fence show an Increase approximating $3,- he thereupon started for Lima, where 750.000. he enlisted in the Second Ohio volun- For the entire fiscal year the re- teers. celpts from customs will amount to a i To pr0vlde for a food supply In Ha little less than $150,000,000, a loss as ' vana, Cuba, sweet potatoes, yams and compared with the last fiscal year, 1897, ther roots and vegetables, it Is re of ubout $26,500,000. The internal reve- ported, are being planted in large nu receipts will amount to about $170,- quantities in the neighborhood of the 000,000, a gain of ri3.500.000. Up to this cty u j8 E0 easy to grow vegetables time tlie actual cash expenditures on n Cuba, and they mature so rapidly account of the war amount to about tnat jt will not be easy to starve the JGO.000,000. Spaniards into submission. HAN THE BLOCKADE. Spanish Stoamer Loaded with Sup plies Reaches Cuba. Washington, D. C The Spanlsi Btenmer Villa Verde, which loft Vers Cruz, Mexico, on June 1C, bound osten slbly for San Domingo, has succeeded In running tho Cuban blockade nnC landed a large cargo of supplies and provisions on the Island. The fact that the vessel waB preparing to sal from a neutral port was known here for fully a week before the steamer left Vera Cruz, the matter having beer reported to the Cuban legntlo nln thli city. Scnor Quesada, the charge d'af faires, reported the suspicions to the wnr and navy departments. In spite of.the vigilance of the block ading fleet, It Is now positively known that the Villa Verde landed its cargo In Cuba. Captain Lerls, one of the most able Spanish mariners In Mexico, boarded the steamer ostensibly as a passenger, but it Is now known that he assumed charge of the blockade run ner and that Captain Prcsas acted as pilot. Indications are that the Villa Verda landed her cargo either at Bata bono or Ln Colma on the southern coast of Cuba. It Is on this account that President McKlnley Issued tho procla mation extending the line of blockade. In addition to the cargo the steamer took on board at Vera Cruz, she Is be. lleved to have received additional sup plies for the Spanish winch had prevl ously been sent to Myers Island oft the const of Yucatan. Cuban agents report that Spain has a considerable force of agents at work constantly In Mexico to secure aid for Spain, and arrange ments have been made to equip block ade runners as long as possible at Vera Cruz. m TO MOVE ON SPAIN. Uncle Sam's Fleet to Sail at Once For the Canaries. Washington, D. C, June 30. Com modore Watson's eastern squadron, or ganized for an attack on the Spanish coast, Is under orders to sail from the West Indies for Spain at the earliest possible moment. The secretary of the navy Bald today that he had been ad vised that Camara had paid the Suez canal fees nnd that the presumption was that the Spanish admiral would sail for the Philippines. Orders were sent this afternoon to Admiral Sampson to hasten the depart ure of Commodore Wntson. The con solidation of Schley's ships with those of Sampson Is taken aB an evidence that Sampson will either go with Wat son or will follow him with two bat tleships and assume command In the operations against Spain. It Is calculated at the navy depart ment that the Newatk, Watson's flag ship, ought to reach Snntiago de Cuba bv tomorrow at noon. The ships con'stl- tutlng the eastern squadron have been cleaning bottoms and provisioning, all of which will be finished by the time Wntson arrives. It Is understood Watson has been Instructed to make first a descent on the Cnnnrles. The naval forces against him there consist of four torpedo boats. After disposing of them Watson will then either continue the fight there until the Islnnds are taken or transfpr the scene of action to the Spanish pen insula. WAR NEWS. Madrid. The result of on Inquiry which I have been making during the last few days, Is that the war Is going to last, and whatever may be the peaceful Interventions of the govern ment the popular sentiment does not udnilt of the question of negotiations for pence. The Idea of the American fleet coming to bombard the Spanish ports seems to have augmented the war fever. Washington, D C Spain Is trying to use Venezuela as a base from which to send supplies to Spaniards in Cuba. A cablegram received at the state de partment today from the American minister to Venezuela announced thnt the Spanish minister hud loaded two schooners with provisions, wnose ui leged destination wns one of the Dutch West Indies, but whose real destina tion Is believed to lie Cuba. Clearances for thp ships have-been held up by tho Venezuelan authorities because of the protest made by the American consul nnd an investigation Is now being made. Washington. D. C Tons of mall mat ter for the soldlcis and ballois operat ing In Santiago province nnd with Knmiison's fleet me stored at Tnmpa. awaiting transportation. Arrangement? have been made through the efforts of Assistant Secretary Melklejohn by which the transports- leaving Tampa are to ship this mall matter as fast us practicable. On reaching the headquar ters of the army In Santiago province the mall will be distributed In accord ance with arrangements which may be made unt'er the direction of the com manding general. Four clerks have been retnlned from the postotnee de partment In connection with this serv ice, nnd Judging from the amount of letters nnd papers now at Tampa their work promises to be rather a formid able object. For sending mall from Santiago to the United States the military com manders will avail themselves of the use of the transports or other vessels which may be leaving that section of Cuba, PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. People who wish to get away from the Fourth of July this year will have to go a long way out to sea. Mr. Walter Wellman's voyage In search of the north pole is not a part of th,e expansion policy of manifest des- A canal connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea existed as early as 600 years before the Christian era. Its length was 92 miles. In view of the prevalence of the influ enza In Japan, It has been decreed that every one who approaches the emperor shall first take a bath to kill germs. Youne Phil Sheridan will enter West Point on the fiftieth anniversary to a day ot tne entrance of his father. He ME TERRIBLE VESUVIUS. HER GUN COTTON GUNS HUR LERS OF THUNDERBOLTS. Could Smash Creator Now York In Thlrtoon Minutes How tho Won derful Craft Is Behaving In Cuban Waters. Most spectacular of all the Incidents of the war, since the battle of Manila, were the performances of the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius at Santiago a week ago. Mighty battleships have thundered and roared at those defiant fortifica tions of Spain for weeks past, till It seemed that the whole earth resounded to the din. Then came a lull. In the dim dark ness of enrly morning a slender, shark like craft crept up toward the har bor's mouth, under the very shadow of frowning Morro Castle. P-s-s-ugh, p-B-s-ugh, p-s-s-ugh, comes like a convulsive cough from the mysterious craft. A few seconds of silence, and then come dull answering sounds like great masses of water ris ing and falling In a Niagara cataract. Another second and the sky to the northward over the land Is lit up for an Instant as by a vast conflagration. A low rumble' follows like an earth quake. That Is all. But it Is enough to set the whole world talking and marveling, and to set the Spanish nation trembling. For those three dull reports In the gray of early morning were the most fearful shots ever fired In naval history. They flung up the sea like subter ranean volcanic explosions, and made the earth gape open like craters' mouths. In those nwful shots SpanlBh torpedo boats that Sampson's and Schley's fleets could not harm were" engulfed like rowboals. Where the third shot struck the earth the fortifications crumbled like a house of cards, and nothing re mained but a great cavernous opening In the hillside, which could be seen by our fleet miles away. In this way the cruiser Vesuvius Inaugurated the war of explosion and annihilation. The missiles that started this new kind of wurfare were aerial torpedoes, and they were propelled by the simple force of air. Each was loaded with 600 pounds of guncotton. The Vesuvius crept up to within a mile nnd a half of the shore. The ob ject of her first two shots was to send her torpedoes high Into the air to clear the toweling headland nnd drop locketllkv Into the bay beyond. Their fuses were so timed that they should not explode until the torpedoes had teached the bottom of the harbor. They would then heave up the waters of the bay and destroy any vessels within a radius of a hundred feet. The comparative nolselessness of these first two shots Indicates that they went true to their mark. Humors have come from Snntiago that two tor pedo boats were wrecked by these air line submarine explosions. But the moral effect of those three fateful shots Is greater than the physi cal havoc they created. The Spaniards were getting used to the dally bombardment by the com bined fleets and thought they could stand off our naval forces Indefinitely. Then came this new form of attack, a hideous Inferno let loose In the dark ness, shaking the earth to Its founda tions and mnklng the sheltered Inner harbor a graveyard of ships. The performance of the Vesuvius was a triumph of Yankee Ingenuity. But there is another aspect to it. What we have made others may imitate. What If the Spaniards were to repeat the same thing right In New York harbor? There Is no length to which desperation may not go. Suppose Spain should stake all on one daring blow of thlB kind. If she were to equip one gunboat exactly like the VesuvlUB and were to pick out the one brave man ln her navy to try to rival Hobson, there Is no telling what might happen. With all the patrolling fleet off Sandy Hook, with all the threatenenlng guns of Forts Hamilton and Wadsworth, with all the mine fields ready to con vert bay and narrows Into a vast geyser basin of destruction, such an In fernal craft might sneak up under cover of darkness and take a position Just below Liberty light. Then with one slow swinging revolu tion, like an ocean liner swinging out Into the stream, she might In seven minutes devastate all the shores of New York harbor. Then In the dnrk ness and confusion of a terror-stricken city the same craft might disappear as mysteriously as It came. , This Is not a fancy or Imagination. It Is one of the possibilities opened up by the Vesuvius kind of warfare. What such a terrible engine could actually do in New York harbor can be most Impressively told In actual fig ures. Taking a position Just below Bedlock's Island, the shores of Bnyonne, Staten Island and Jersey City would nil be within the three-mile range of the de stroyer's guns. Thirteen discharges of her guns could strew all these shores with deso lation. And this Is exactly how It could be done: Each torpedo, charged with 500 pounds of guncotton or other high explosive. Is capable of completely shattering everything within a radius of 300 feet of the striking point. One such shot as that would anni hilate the Standard Oil company's vast works at Bayonne and set all of that town aflame. Another such shot would raze most of the water front of Jersey City and put that city in flnmes. Two more shots falling in the sky scraper district of New York would lay n vnct nrcn In ruins And envelone all of Lower New York in flames. A double shot would do the same thing 'glass of wormwoou wine as a wnci uc- for Brooklyn's business district Half' fore dinner, he being my very good a dozen more shots would swing round 'friend, I stayed with him. upon which the circle of Bay Ridge and Stnten he lighted a pipe of tobacco, which island, enveloping all In flames nnd de- he was pretty long in taking, and not vastatlon. being willing to leave him before It This would not be war ln the sense was out. this determined me from go- we have known it It would mean ex- ing to dinner to one Captain Roden s, termineMon. But this Is Just what whither I was invited, whose house, experts figure Is the logical outcome of upon the first concussion, sunk Into the the Vesuvius' perfoimunce at San- earth and then Into the sea with his tag0 wife and family and some that were This craft, which Is now the most'eome to dine h him. Had I been discussed warship in the world Is here 1, Jut to return UUl U BlCIluei BUHUUUl uuui cikui - pneumatic guns, They uie fixed and !.n?flUrfour ter and fifty-four feel long. Out of these tubes are propelled by pneumatic force aerial torpedoes four teen and tnree-quarier incnes in amme ter nnd seven feet long. To this tor pedo Is fixed a spiral tall to give align ment and rotation. wi ji tnu .,.. i ....i.iii iin uu Ufau. jiM.iriw..w - -.... --- ..,, J .ll, an1 mnv nrr ifnrlor TTV ftV-iS P knots P ' feet, upon which I said untc Thlm: 'Lord', tons; speed. 2. knots. 'wnat g tnat?. He repedi belnB a Her armament consists of three ,,-. rnva man it i nn pnrthnuake. brougnt noove me ueun m uu m.ib.c i . . nrpsl(pnt.s assurance he rffle8 barrel X?SfVTS ' SK a'nT was nevehS o? hfleev "smooh "tubeof't'hin8 ' -pin. Continuing the rector wr-te: ROMANCE AND WAR. There Is little of poetry in war. Tht gentle muses wing their flight befort tho deafening ronr of cannon nnd th rattle of musketry. The newspnpci correspondents in southern waters arc too busy with the stern realities which confront them to pay much heed to beauties which under other circum stances might Inspire them to dainty bits of descriptive writing. To Illustrate my point, I shall quote from a dispatch dated from Kingston, ,tf T.ncl .- hch reached New York last Week. "For two days," writes this i . .cepoimeiit, our Ulspatch boat has been lying here In the beautiful har bor of Kingston. Under the clear blue water a few fathoms beneath her keel sleeps the sunken city of Port Royal. Not a stone's thtow from our boat a red buoy marks the spot where the old city's cathedral sank and where the spire still reaches up nearly to the surface." That was all. That was the only ref. erence to a subject rich in historical lore and the possibilities of unwritten romance. How little Is known of the mysterious city beneath the waves of Kingston harbor, a city which at dnce suggests the hidden wonders of fabled Atlantis, whldh Jules Verne has de scribed with such a wealth of Imagery In his "Twenty Thousand Leagues Un der the Sea." But Atlantis was prob ably a myth, while Port Hoyal is not. The traveler who visits the capital of Jamaica should Dray for clear weath- 'er, without wind. When the water of the harbor is ruffled by breezes tne niu. den city is obscured' from view. But on a cloudless, still day, when the sur face of the sea 1b perfectly smooth, the ruins of the phantom city may be plainly seen even in the depths of the transparent water. The spire of the old cathedral Is tha most prominent object. In the clear water you can see the fishes, lazily swimming ln and out among the ruined turrets, more suggestive of owls and bats than of the finny Inhabitants of the sea. Occasionally glimpses can be had of the ruins of other buildings buildings which for more than two cen turies have kept their ghastly secrets and will keep them until the end of time. Down there, ln that peaceful depth, He the bones of three thousand men, women and children, carried down Into the sea with their homes on that awful June day in 1CD2. An earthquake, sud denly and without warning, smote the profligate city of Port Royal, which slid Into the sea. The waters opened nnd swallowed It up, and there, beneath the silent waves, was hidden the wicked ness and debauchery of a community described by historians as being al most without parallel. The survivors said it was the ven geance of God. and likened It to the de struction of Sodom and Gomorrah. And in very truth the history of the city seems to show the unceasing wrath of divine power. From the richest city of its time It has dwindled Into Insig nificance, until now It s a most wretch ed place, used only as a naval station. Disaster after disaster has overtaken it. After the earthquake the town was rebuilt, only to be completely destroy ed by fire ln 1703. On August 22, 1722, It was swept Into the sea by a hurricane. It was once more reconstructed, but again, in 1815, it was reduced to ashes, and as recently ns 18S0 It was visited by another hurricane. Every disaster was attended by great loss of life. The city of Port Royal was originally built upon a narrow strip of land ex tending out Into the sen, which ac counts for Its strange disappearance at the time of the earthquake. Like the house of the foolish man of Biblical lore, which was bullded upon the sand, It literally slid into the sea when the earthquake came. Previous to that fateful seventh day of June.1622.Port Royal had been known as "the finest town in the West Indies, and the richest spot In the world." It was, as it now it, a British colony, but there was little either in its govern ment or its customs, of British mor ality. We are told that It was a place of luxurious debauchery; that in their excesses the colonists rivalled the prof ligates of ancient Rome. Buccaneering and piracy were recog nized Industries. The treasure ships of Spain were legitimate prey. The riches of Mexico and Peru were levied upon. and the people of Jamaica were liter ally rolling in wealth and splendor. Vice and debauchery held sway. Bac chanalian revels which might put to shnme the dwellers ln the Orient were of nightly occurrence. There was no virtue. And like the crack of doom came tho earthquake. The thunder of the ele ments sounded ln the ears of the heedless revellers. The earth opened In great fissures, and closed again like the Jaws of a mighty trap. And In closing it gripped many of Its victims In the middle, leaving their hands above ground. Then enme the awful sliding, grinding noise, as the city, built upon its foundation of sand, sank into the caressing embrnce of the sea, which forever closed upon its wicked ness and will forever keep its dread se crets. The shock came close on to midday. The air was hot and sultry. The sky was without a cloud. A great stillness seemed to hover over the city, and then, without warning, the earth trembled. Men and women left their houses and ran Into the streets, only to meet death In the bowels of (he earth or In the hidden recesses of the lea. In his "Annals of Jamaica," published In 182S, Rev. George Wilson Bridges quotes from n letter written by one of the survivors a rector two or thrcp days after the disaster, which Is, In part, as follows: "After I had been at church reading, which I did every dny since I was rec tor of this place, to keep up some show of religion, and was gone to a place hard by the church where the 'mer chants meet, and where the president of the council was, who came into my I company and engaged me to take a . ,,,- ,,, ,,. .,. T fminrl tho Be not arraia it wm soon be over" tnere 8ecurest fr0m .... ,,, hnt n I was eo nir I i Baw the earth open and 8Wailow up a multitude of people, and the sea mounting in upon them over the forti fications. Moreover, the large and fa mous burying ground was destroyed, and the sea washed away the carcass. A CHAGRINED REPUBLICAN A WASHINGTON REPUBLICAN REVIEWS WAR POLICY. Tho Pressure from tho Common People hap Given to the Wnr all ItsQood Features In Splto of tho Money Power. A friend of the writer who Is, per haps, as familiar as any man in Wash ington with what is transpiring in con- gress, and with the feelings of indi vidual members, n few days ago used? the following significant language: "I have been a lifelong republican, be lieving ln ItB principles, helping to fight its battles, and looking with intense disfavor upon everything In American, politics that did not bear the distinc tive brand of republicanism. But T must confess that upon every point Involved in this trouble with Spain, thej democrats and silver republicans ana populists have conducted themselves most admirably. Better by' far than a majority of the republicans ln either housD. Especially I may say, better than the recognized leaders of the re publicans either In congress or the ex-i ecutive branch of the government. Tha president has done literally nothing; on behalf of Cuban Independence, ana nothing which even squinted in the di rection of securing Just reparation fori the destruction of the Maine and tho cold blooded, brutal murder of more than two-thirds of her crew. Every; step that he has taken, every word that he has uttered, which has beea suggestive of vindicating the honor oC the country nnd establishing a freq government In Cuba, has been actu ally forced upon him by the upheaving tide of public sentiment. In fact, when his actions are closely analyzed, It Is sen that he has really done nothing: of his own volition on either score. Ho practically gave away the Maine case by throwing himself upon the "honor of Spain," while neither ln his diplo matic correspondence with that coun try, nor In his message to congress has he ever even mentioned Cuban Inde pendence, except to oppose It. Tha war which Is now on, 1b not his policy, but one which congress has forced; upon him. There Is no denial of tha fact that when his message asking to be authorized to Intervene was sent to congress, It fell like a wet blanket upon, many of the republican members. They; had been chafiing and threatening for weeks, nnd had only been kept from open revolt through fear of losing caste with the administration, Reed, Dlngley, etc., coupled with the prom ise that the president would do the right thing nt the proper time. The message fell so palpably shott of their expectations that the disappointment was intense. A resolution In line with Mr. McKlnley's recommendation could never have passed through the house. The constituents of the membeis were clamoting for Cuban independence, and some of them were even more nfrald of their constituents than they were ot Speaker eed. Hence the house reso lution had to demand thnt the people oC Cuba be given n free and Independent government, but It at the same timo gave the president full power to de termine what should be such a gov ernment, nlthough he had repeatedly declared that they were not entitled to an Independent government of any kind. There can be no doubt that a strong and vigorous policy by the ad ministration would have been extreme ly popular with the American people. Iti would also have been in accordance with the dictates of both Justice and; humanity. That Mr. McKinley has not adopted such a policy can be described to nothing but the sinister motives or influences of those men who for spe cial reasons of their own did not want a war under any circumstances for any cause, and they were determined not to have one if it could be avoided In any way. The opposition in pon gress had sense enough to know that if the administration fought a success ful war with Spain it would be greatly strengthened. Therefore, had the dem ocrats, populists and silver republicans been actuated by a mere deslie foi partlsan ndvantage they would have at least kept still nnd allowed Mr. Mc Klnley to go on with a policy which was certain to make a wide breach ln the republlcan ranks, and probably wreck it In the next campaign. They could easily have done this. But instead thev have pursued an honorable, con sistent and patriotic course through out. They have from the first advo cated n genuine American policy, with out the slightest attempt to play for partv advantage. Tlie same cannot be fairlv said of the republican leaders, however patriotic the masses may be. With only two or three notable ex ceptions In the senate, the republicans (those who sympathized with Cuba, r mean) have been absolutely afraid to make a move in antagonism to the ad ministration, lest some party advan tage might be sacrificed. Besides this. It is notorious that almost the entire anti-Cuban and pro-Spanish sentiment In congress has been ln the republican party. Of the 21 votes cast against the senate resolution recognizing the re public of Cuba. 19 were cast by repub licans. Including in those 19 were all the recognized leaders of the repub lican party In the senate, and Mr Mc Klnley's closest friends and advisers. Why was this? It was not because republicans ns a body were opposed to fret government and unwilling to defend our national honor It was simply because certain classes of mon eyed men were opposed to the freedom and Independence of Cuba for financial reasons. These men control the ac tions of the republican lenders, or at least exert very great Influence with them. Hence the republican party was held in leash until the pressure from the common people beenme too strontr to be longer resisted. But these lead ers vielded unwillingly and went no farther than they were compelled to Their manifest purpose was to pass u resolution which would sound well and thus satisfy the clamor of our people, while at the same time Mr. McKlnlev would be left free to settle the matter os the moneyed classes referred to might dictate. The republicans- course in framing the war revenue bill Is open to the severest censure. The bill should have been constructed on stilct non-partisan lnes. so as to bring nil parties to Its cordial support. Instead the republican members of the ways nnd means committee went off by them selves and mnde up a bill of the most rigid partisan character, embodjing features In the highest degree obnox ious to democrats, populists and silver republicans. The latter were then told that this was "the bill agreed upon. If you don't swnllow It, bonds and all. you are unpatriotic men, because this is a war measure. This was a narrow, selfish and even contemptible policy. After their magnificent action In voting $50,000,000 into the president's hands to use as he pieasea tor war purposes, u thing unprecendented In our history, they were entitled to better treatment. I "am ashamed of the whole business." ?'l - Y & X. J r y