Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 01, 1898, Image 6
Jipl '", t!SS3SS i M -wi-'r-t WAR REVENUE LAW AND BOND DEAL NATIONAL BANKS GENEROUSLY FIXED SO AS TO MAKE TWENTY PER CENT. ON OUR WAR MONEY. CAN ANY BANKER EXPLAIN THIS 67.EAT OUTRAGE. A Simple Statement Why Bonds. Instead of Being a Necessity are a Public Crime Almost any Ordinary, Intelligent American Citizen Can See How a Clique of Bhylooke Propose to "Hold Up" Our Own Country. 1 I I I ! The objectionable feature of this bill is the Issuance of long-time bonds, which I regard as entirely unnecessary and ns a departure from the traditions of the country from the foundation of the government. For all the time previous to 1862, when emergencies of this character arose, auch as the war of 1812 and the Mexican war, short-time bonds, running usually for one year, called treasury notes were Issued. They were not bonds but they were treasury notes drawlni a. low rate of Interest, and were re celvable for government dues. The) i-rivuuic mr government uues. incj were convenient to be used In the pay- ment of taxes, and kept the United States out of debt. HOW WB USED TO DO IT. When the civil war broke out we had the treasury notes under the law as It then stood. Such notes were first used. Finally there was issued legal tender money, the greenbacks, but there were no long-time bonds Issued; they were all short-time bonds, and were under the control of the government, to be funded or disposed of an it pleased at the option of the government when the war closed. No system of long-time bonds or In debtedness grew up during the war. After the war closed, the clamor was to strengthen the public credit, and the mode of strengthening It was to Increase the Interest-bearing obliga tions. Long-time bonds were issued un der the act of July 14, 1870, but they were largely retired. Previous to the extra session of 1893 there had been retired 17,000,000 of these bonds. The government paid them off, and contin. ued to pay them off, as long a the circulating medium was sufficiently great to stimulate production and create business to be taxed. DEEPER AND DEEPER IN DEBT. If the debt had been paid off at the same rate for the last five years as it was for the five years previous to the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act, we would now have no national debt. The debt was paid olf for the five years preceding 1893 at the rate of over $112,000,000 a year, if the conditions had continued as they then were, we should have had no deot now. Since the repeal of that act and the putting out of no more new money we huve been 'ncrcaslng our public In debtedness about 160,000,000 a year. It is now proposed to add $500,0o;,ii'.) to the bonded debt. The hundred million -of short-time bonds, redeemable ut the option of the government, will remain a permanent loan. No goldlte secre tary of the treasury will be likely to redeem them. OUH GREATEST INDEBTEDNESS. The bonded Indebtedness will be raised by this scheme to about thirteen hundred or fourteen hundred million dollars, which, measured by the burden of labor requirt-d to pay It, will be much larger than uny debt ever sad dled upon the country and will be much larger than the debt was when the war closed. It appears to be the de sign or determination to depart from the traditions established by Madison and followed until the civil war und to repudiate the traditions of Lincoln's administration when greenbacks and short-time bonds were in9iied to avoid the establishment of a permanent debt. What are the Influences demanding n permanent debt? Fortunately, under the present system this permanent deb. enables bankers to Invest their money at a late of fully 20 per cent per annum, This offers them 20 per cent per annum Interest. Yuu may ask lien- l muke that out. , HOW THE MONEY IS MADE. A bank deposits $100,000 of 3 per cent bonds and receives from the United States $90,000 of government money called nationul bank circulation Ten thousand Is the full extent of the In vestment of the bank. The government pays $3,000 Intel est on the bonds, from which must be deducted 1 per cent on the $90,000 of circulation, which Is $900. The department churges would b? about $100, which must be added to the $900 tnx. making $1,000. The $1,000 deducted from the $3,000 Interest leaves $2,000 as the net return for the investment of $10,000, which Is 20 per cent on the money invested. The government pays this Interest semiannually and the bank used the $90,000 received from the gov ernment In Its business. Y t.JpXCU.'JB FgU THE SWINDLE. For wKut riason does "the United States pay bankers 20 per cent per an num for the use of their money? Is it because government money given to banks und Issued directly by the gov ernment? This appears to be the ex cuse for the swindle. It Is proposed by Mr. Gage to give back to the banks the entire cost of the bonds deposited, dollar for dollar. In that case the bunks will receive from the government $100,000 for which they will pay no con sideration whatever except the bank tax, which under the law as It now stands, is 1 per cent, but which Mr. Gage proposes to reduce to one-fourth of 1 per cent. If Mr. Gage's recom mendatlonB are adopted, the govern ment will loan money to banks for one-fourth of 1 per cent and Issue bonds to borrow money at 3 per cent. It may be very good for the banks, but It Is bad for the people. Is It to be wondered at that there should be a special effort, a strong lobby, to get out bonds? You say that the government may Issue bonds under existing law. Why not use those bonds? Because It requires a large Invest ment. Those bonds are worth 120, and then you have to Invest $30,000 to get $90,000 of circulation. They want bet ter terms. If they can get bonds at par and receive currency dollar for dollar, they have no Investment. Their $100,000 of currency Is net profit, less one-fourth per cent, the proposed tax. That makes a powerful Inlluence to perpetuate the national debt. ASK SOME NATIONAL BANKS. It Is said that we canot afford to do that, to give them this money without charge, issue the full amount and re lleve them from taxation, give them the circulation without drawback "Why? Because we need 4he money, and they say their money Is so much better than I'nlted States money; that they can well afford to make the sacri fice. It seems strange that If the United States Itsucs money and gives It to the banks that such money should be any better money than Is Issued directly by the United States. If any. body can explain why it is, I should Ilka to know. I should like to know $ why It would not be Just as Rood money If the bonds were deposited In to give the money away to the bonks. HOW IT'S DONE. The reason why this pressure Is brought upon congress Is the vast spec ulation of the banks. They are de termined, according to the plan put forward In Indianapolis and In BaltU more and by the secretary of the ;rcasury, to have the privilege of re viving from the government money as i donation without cost. There are learly 4,000 national banks. They are .:...: i. i . c. V , """' e ?cer" of .thc"e bnk" meet every man who goes to the bank for accommodation. They bring their power to bear upon their customers. They control votes everywhere, and that is why we aFe departing from the teachings of the fathers, departing from the customs of the better days of the republic. That is why we are building an enormous national debt. The Increase of taxation now neces sary for this war and the increased ex penditures ut home and abroad require a larger circulation. If we hold the possessions which we are acquiring, we population in the next year. Money will population I tithe next year. Money will be required there, and more moni, ought to be Issued. We proposed to use the $42,000,OCO of seigniorage which Is lying idly In the treasury, but that Is not granted to us. That cannot be used. It must lie Idle and we must borrow money and pay Interest on It. There is no reason assigned for It. It Is true that the committee has re ported In favor of coining $1,500,000 of silver a month, when the secretary might coin under the present law, If he wanted to, four times that amount. It Is, however, un answer to his sug gestion to sell the bullion at auction. The secretary has made the world be lieve he was going to put it on the market and sell it at auction. The coinage required by the bill is a little damped on that scheme. It Is to be coined Into dollars, and it will prevent him from attempting to coin It Into something else. It Is a little check on the wild schemes of the en thusiastic goldlte who presides over the treasury department. That is all. It Is not half what he ought to do it he would do his duty in this emergency. He should be in favor of availing him self of the $42,000,000. It Is the beat money they have, better than gold. Sll. ver certificates are better than gold. Money is useful In proportion to the functions It will perform. If It will perform all the funcilon of money, it Is useful. What more faithful money exists in this country than the silver certificates? One-half of your whole business is done by them. Go anywhere and you wP' find them circulating from hand to hu'J. You will find them in the banks. They are not hiding awuy. They have much better habits than gold. Gold Is a natural traitor, and always was. Whenever theie Is a struggle, It goes abroad and becomes Impounded under foreign mint laws.. You have to Issue bonds to redeem the traitor and bring It back. Gold has. never rought a battle. It Is the specu lator's money. It does not serve to cir culate among the people and it never did. We are willing that the rich shall have their kind of money for specula tion If they will ullow the poor to have money that circulates. That Is all we ask. We do not propose to deirionltlze gold. We are willing that the specula tors shall have gold. Nobody else ever used It. It has alwnys been used foi speculative purposes. It has left every country In time of war, and li will con tinue to do so. But the habits of silver certificates are excellent. My friend Is laughjng at me, but he does all hla marketing and his business with them. All of us do. You do not handle gold. It is no good for any purpose except speculative purposes. PEOPLE ARE WEAKER NOW. In the last year of the late war the internal revenue tax on the business or the country raised $300,000,000. That was when we had 20,000.000 population. You cannot levy that amount of tax on 70.000.000 people without causing uni versal distress. Our people today can not pay as much Internal revenue taxes with the same ease as 20,000,000 In the north could pay during the war, be cause you have not got money to pay It with. You will find It everywhere In business. It will be a great annoy ance. Money will be scarce. Times will be hard. It may be that the na tional banks will take up some of these bonds and give us some money; prob ably they will. They will not, however. If the scheme spoken of here of the bonds being taken by the people la successful. Murderer Wants to Fight Dons. Charles Brown, "the Wandering Jew of the North Woods," has come out of his ten years' hiding to volunteer In the Spanish war. Brown was one of the best-known guides In the northern woods. June 3, 1888, he wantonly shot and killed Geo. Berkeley, who kept a hotel at Sarunao Lake, N. Y. Brown had been put out the night before. He came around and demanded liquor. Berkeley refused him. Brown took deliberate aim and fired. Indicting a fatal wound. Brown swung his rlfie over his shoul der and plunged Into the wilderness. Attempts to catch him were futile and only at Intervals was he heard of. Several months ago the report came that he had died at a camp on the Upper Ottawa. But he was alive. He heard that Ver planck Colvln was recruiting a battal ion of Adirondack guides for service In Cuba. One evening soon after dark, n bronzed and bearded woodman, with a rifle over his shoulder and two re volvers In his belt, strayed Into a camp of bark peelers between Benson's mines and Star lake. The stranger's heavy beard did not conceal a scar on his lower lip made by the knife slash of a Canadian river- man years ago, George Forest recog. 1 nized him "aiioV tried to communicate the fact to Theodore La Duke. i Brown noticed It and put out his hand, I "Yes," he said, "I am Brown, the man who shot Berkeley. Shake.' ' He said he had delirium tremens when he bhot Berkeley. He was going to a lawyer In Utlca, whose life he had once saved, to net him tn lntrnri fnr a pardon, eo that he could join Colvln. TRIBUTE TO NEBRASKA. Address of C. J. Symth on Nebras ka Day at Exposition. Mr. President, Ladles nnd Gentlemen This Is Nebraska's day! It Is on this day that we may sound the praises of our grnnd commonwealth. She bids her sons do this, not In a spirit of vanity but that she may be known as she Is, Not one Jot or tittle would she take from the glory of her slstpr ntntp. hn have come here to display In these bullldlngs and upon these grounds the evidences of their growth, their wealth and their enterprise. With delight will Bhe' listen when they tell o fthelr resources and their tri umphs. To them she extends that wel come which becomes a generous, broad-minded and truly Amerlrnn mm. monwealth; and to none will she yield In admiration of their greatness If we would understand Nebraska as she Is, the work of her sons In bring ing her to her present condition and the probabilities of her future we must look bnck and contemplate, If only for n moment, the small beginnings from which she sprang. In 1834 the congress of the United States denominated the territory of which she was then a part as "The Indian Country." It was, In fact, at that time the country of thp nv The white man had no dominion there in, mm me sweet word "home" was without n meaning on all Its broad prairies. Less than fifty years ago the Maha Indians held tliip tn ttu in,i which we stand, nnd the entire white population at that time In this vast ter ritory did not exceed r.,000 souls. Ne braska's fields were then untitled, her orchards had not been planted, no city, or town, or village, could be 'ound within her borders. So near Is her then condition lo the present that It is with in the memory of many who have this day come within the gates of this beau tiful place dedicated to art and progres enlightenment and culture. Not many years after the Omaha ceded their title to this territory to the United Stales, Nebraska's pioneers came ond commenced the work of horn building and slate buildini?. The finv. of the freighters followed: the Union Pnclflc was projected and finished; the ox team gave way to the freight train; the prairie schooner to the unholstpreii car, and thus has the evolution went on until within the short span of forty-flv years It has culmnlnted In the palaces of art that lift their classic outlines within the walls of this exposition. Mar vellous haB been the progress. Re markable must be the people who brought it about. Forty-five years ago a wilderness, today a garden of beauty and of plenty. Forty-five years ago the hunting ground of the savage, todav ten millions of cultivated acres anil prettier and richer fields never delight ed the human vision. Cities and townii that tell of refinement anil nrnnnprliv. of Independence nnd happiness, arise on every nand. Twelve hundred thousand people have their homes within her bor ders, enjoy her beauty, and love her for what she Is. The surplus products or her farmn last year that Is the products she wan able to send to market were worth over $65,000,000. She has over 3.000 fac tories with a capita Invested of $40.- roo.ooo. These factories nay yearly mori? than 313,000.000 In wanes, and Hip vnliw. of their output Is nearly $95,000,000 an. nunlly. Here on the border of her chief city are located packing houses which bring Nebraska near to the second packing center of the world. These houses have the enormous 'slaughtvr Ing capacity of 8,000 cattle. 25,000 hogs and 8.000 sheep per day. In this one line of manufacturing alone. 7.000 men are employed. From South Omaha are shipped to every part of the habitable glnhe, beef and pork nnd other pro ducts. Fourteen lines of rnllwny hav ing n mileage of 4.730 miles, carry Ne braska's commerce. These ronds art' equlpppd with all modern Improve ments, and pay over $8,000,000 yearly In wages. Nebraska's bonded debt Is less than n quarter of a million, orfrbout 24 cents per capita, while the least her surrounding states can show is $3.85 per capita. In the salubrlousness of her climate Nebraskaj excels nil others. Omaha, her chief city, Is the most healthful city of 100,000 Inhabitants In the union. Within Nebraska's borders Is located the center of the nation, and we expect that one day will be estab lished here the capital of the republic. This is but a glimpse of Nebraska as she Is materially; how Is she In those departments of activity which develop the higher nature of man. which refinen his thoughts and makes him a force In the dominion of taste nnd Intellect? Six universities, 29 colleges, 17 academies. 6,690 common schools nnd 75 private schoQlB educate 360,000 of her sons and daughters. Many has she among her citizens who have won fame at the bar, In the council rooms of the nation, and In every forum of debate. The logic and learning of one have Impressed them selves permanently upon that great tri bunal, the supreme court of the United States, while the eloquence of another held echo mute, revived oratory In the nation and compelled the admiration of the world. This is Nebraska's day, and this ex position Is her palace. As she steps to the main entrance thereof to welcome her guests of the Trans-Mlsslsslppl re gion notice the Inscription on her shield. It Illustrates the fact that she has the lowest rate of Illiteracy of all the states of this union. The national gorern ment has placed her percentage at 3 11. On her right stands her younger sister Wyoming, and on her left her older sis ter. Iowa. No state, no principality, no kingdom, no empire, possesses so small a rate of Illiteracy as Nebraska. The ancients had their scholars, their ora tors, their libraries and their law giv ers. England has her leaders of thought, Germany her philosophers and France her academicians. From all these sources there went out, and still go out, great lights Illuminating the paths that lead to knowledge. Nebras ka has all these. But she has more. At the bench. In the trench, on the lo. coinotlve and between the plow handles. Intelligence rules the hour. Enlighten ed thought sits at every board, and Illiteracy Is a curiosity. How appropriate then that the rep resentatives of this Trans-Mlsslsslppl region should select this state as the place wherein to exhibit to the world their best specimens of the triumph of mind over matter. And what sped mens they are! From the rough wood. ;the sand, the lime, and other materials no more Inviting to the eye. these build ings and grounds have been fashioned. Intelligence, taste, knowledge, all have reached their highest expression In the work. If you would see a picture as beautiful as ever man created, contem plate the Grand Court when illuminated at, night. Go Into the buildings, look at the evidence there of what man has done, and then say. If you will, that his achievements In the Trans-Mlsslsslppl country have not been surpass ingly great. But do not be surprised, for In this region we possess the best blood and brains of our country. From the east, from every nation under the sun, have come to us energy, Inde pendence of character, and Irresistible progressiveness that knows no halt until it reaches its goal or the grave. From what race sprung those men? The Anglo-Saxon Thoe who weep becaust we have not lords, and castles, and crests, and other evidences of barbar ism, answer "yes." Men who deal In facts and not fancies, answer "no' Read the ames of those who perished with the Maine, who supported the Im mortal Dewey, or who went Into thi Jaws of death with the heroic Hnbsnn Were they all Anglo-Saxon7 Who will say so? Truth declares that many races were represented there. Th Dane and the English, the German and the Irish. Shoulder to shoulder they stood behind the guns of their adopted country, offered their lives on her al tars, and thanked God that they were Americans. Ihe best race that ever blessed the enrth, the combination of all that Is good In all the races of the world. Today Nebraska sends greetings to the oppressed of every race, and of every clime. To all. no matter of what race they come, who have energy, In telligence nnd Industry, coupled with a love of freedom, she opens wide her gates and bids them welcome. Here under Ihe blessings cf our free Insti tutions, nnd breathing the air of the most healthful climate In the world, they will have t.ielr energy stimulated, their Industry rewarded, and their lib erty protected. It was Cicero who said that "the con. templation of celestial things would make n man both speak and think more sublimely and magnificently when he descends to humnn affairs." This le.but one of the many truths spoken by that splendid pagan. Within the walls of the exposition we may not contemplate celestial things, but we may contem plate In the chaste architecture of the structures, In the splendor of the court at night, In the specimens of each de partment within the buildings. In the music of the orchestras nnd the songs of the choruses that which lifts the mind and expands the soul. From such contemplation no one can pass without carrying with him ennobling effects. This exposition, conceived, planned nnd completed by Nebra?knns. Is a great university In which we may all he students, no matter what our con dition or our age. Here art spread her treasures before the eyes of all. Here burns the torch of knowledge. Here science unlocks the secrets of na ture. Herp all unite to make man bet ter and bring him nearer the infinite Ideal. We marvel at the products of our soil nnd applaud the genius of our people, but In everything we see the finger of destiny, nnd realize that "God stands within the shadow keeping watch above his own." CROWNED CYPSY KINO. Quaint Pomp and Ceremony of the Romany Tribe. With much quaint pomp and cere mony, and In the presence of a vast concourse of spectators, a Gypsy King was crowned yesterday on Kirk Yet holm green. The chosen of the Romany tribe Is named Charles Blythe Rutherford. He has passed the age of three score and ten, and besides being crowned king his Gypsy subjects also proclaimed him earl of Little Egypt, says the London Mall. Prince Charlie, as he Is familiarly termed. Is a fine specimen of manhood. It Is years since he gave up the roving habits of hie tribe ond devoted himself to the more prosaic occupation of keeping a lodging house In the village of Kirk Yetholm, but his admirers proudly proclaim that he Is descended from the rriyal Gypsy house of Faa Blythe and Rutherford. Charles Blythe Rutherford's mother was Queen Etether. the lust Gypsy sovereign crowned at Yetholm. Esther does not appear to have been too hcav, lly endowed with this world's goods, seeing that she applied for parish re lief and was refused on the ground that she had visible means of support as a "mugger" that is to pay, she poa. sessed a horse and cart to convey her mugs to the customers who patronized her. The Gypsy queen was offered admis. slon to the poorhouse. but refused, and lived In until 1883 In her own "palace," a low, one-storied, whitewashed cottage with an open hearth fire, the smoke from which passed out through a hole In the roof. Quite recently Charles himself removed into this "palace," the lodging house not having proved a lucrative Investment. The "Archbishop of Yetholm." .who plnced the crown on the Romany mon. arch's brow, was Mr. Gladstone, the village blacksmith, whose father crowned Prince Charlie's mother, and whose family are said to possess the hereditary privilege of crowning the Gypsy sovereigns. The crown Itself was made of tin, adorned with tinsel nnd surmounted by a thistle, and the archbishop, In performing the coro nation ceremony, delivered a speech In the Romany tongue. After Prince Charlie had duly responded, a proces slon was formed. In which mounted men, a brass band, a mace bearer and herald preceded the royal carriage, drawn by six asses, and after the neighboring villages had been visited the proceedings wound up with ath letic sports, a public dinner nnd a dance. It Is, of course, in Its associations with the past that the interest of yes. terday's ceremony life. The Faas. from whom Prince Charlie is descend, ed, claimed that their name was a contraction of Pharaoh, and asserted that they were once connected by blood with the ancient kings of Egypt. So far back as 1540 James V. of Scotland made a treaty with "Johonne Faw, Lord and Erie of Little Egypt," ac knowledging his kingship and giving hjm the right to administer law to and Inflict punishment on his fellow Egyp tians. Not long afterward, however. James changed his attitude, and Issued an order commanding his loyal sub jects whenever they found three Gyp. sles together to slay two of them with, out mercyl James VIi endeavored vainly to exterminate the rare, but the advance of modern civilization has don what succeeding monarchs vainly at tempted to accomplish. It may sound strange, but In many cases when the army officer of today on active service In the field goes up to the commissary at the end of the week or the month to settle for the food he has bought he simply gives that official a check on his bank. Money Is. Indeed, often seen In the field the privates practically always take spot cash when the paymaster comes around but the officer very frequently lits his salary deposited at once by the government In his own private bank and draws against It while In the field, sending checks home to his famlly'for their subsistence with monthly regularity. The officer in battle with his check book In bis blouse Is no uncommon thing. An "emergency ration," a title which tells Its own story, has been adopted by the United States army after care ful experiment. This Includes one pound of hard bread, ten ounces bacon, four ounces pea meal for soup, tm ounces coffee, four grains saccharae, one-half ounce fait and one-half ouac of tobacco. CONCILIATING THE An Attempt to Commit Such Political Treason would Result In Failure or a New Party with Bryan and His Co-workers In Charge. A recent Issue of the Washington Post devotes nearly a column to an ac count of some talk among Bo-called democratic leaders wjth reference to the advisability of modifying the post- tlon of the party on the silver Issue so as to win back the goW democrats. It Is said that this, of course, Involves the displacing of Chairman Jones dt the national committee, and the selec tion of some other thnn Mr. Bryan as a presidential candidate. Of course, we do not know what alleged leaders have Indulged In any such gibbering Idiocy. We Imagine that any talk of the kind has been very guarded, and that few democrats. If any, in good standing, have actually suggested such a course. We have, though, an exceedingly clear Idea of what the result would be. In the first place, the democratic uartv wouia instantly lose the support of at least 1,500,000 populists and fully 600,000 silver republicans, 2,000,000 In all. Great leadership that would be I Perhaps those who are contemplating this stra tegic movement can figure out where the democratic party could get the necessary votes to make good this loss. but we doubt It. This, however, Is not all. The principle of monetary reform as laid down in the Chilcago plutform has taken a firm hold of the democrat ic masses as well as the ablest and most reliable of Its leaders. Any mater ial departure from the doctrine of that platform would disrupt the American party and cailse It the loss of three votes for every gold democrat who was conciliated. The outcome would be THAT ENQLISH ALLIANCE. What It Means to Our Peace and Prosperity. As If the United States, with seventy million people and vast resources, were not a match for bankrupt and beggar, ed Spain, a country with less available wealth than the single state of Mis- souri, our Toiles and Hannacrats are'English socialist, Sidney Webb, who has proposing "an Anglo-American ulll ance" with the Tories and plutocrats of England. If the time ever comes when the people of America can Join those of England In putting down plu tocracy and Toryism, we may be glad to do so. But until then, we will follow the advice of Washington and Jeffer son, and preserve the Independence of the United States. Nothing could bt more shameful than an alliance be tween American and English pluto crats, who are worse oppressors thai, the Spanish nobles, because they art more cunning In devising sclenttfu methods of fraud and extortion. As b result of their love of unearned money of their conscienceless lapaclty, there Is as much suffering In peaceful Lon don now as there Is In war-swept Cuba In the slums of that vast and lnfernnll oppressed city, starving mothers are nursing at their rtiy breasts the skele ton forms of their gasping children who, as the weather grows warmer, "will die like flits." to keep up the pei centage of my Lord Rothschild, nnd t give my Lord Salisbury a type of the "English aristocratic gentleman ' ii league with Shylnrk, his s..are In th profits of bond-dealing imperialism Day by day the ciles of the starving poor of London go up to a Just and un forgetting God. Day by day their poor meun corpses are hurried in chrap pin boxes to fertilize potter's fields. Day by day, by the hundreds and the thou pond, in London, and In New York, am" wherever Mnmi'ion Is the god who gov. erns, these reconcentradoes.of plutoc racy are reduced by pitying heaven which sends them death to relieve them from a life oppiession makes 1 ntlrii tel worse than death. When Amerlcant are asked to ally themselves with Rothschild and Salisbury, with plu tocracy end Toryism, to perpetuate such conditions us this, and to fix or the people of the world the shackle? of fraudulent Imperialism, the only ur.swer they can give us Is that if Hip issues- ure forced which Mehr-rs. Rothh chlld nnd Salisbury wish to force, then Americans will not lock hands but bay. onets with them. This nation stands for liberty, not for Toryism, not for plutocracy, not for Impe. lallsm. It? way lies forward, and if the American people find that they can advance only with fixed bayonets, then they will fix bayonets and advance. WANTED-THE REASON WHY. Knotty War Problems for States man to Solve. What right have the bondholders and money changers to control the govern ments of the United States and Eu rope? The right of purchase nnd brlb. ery. Do the money powers resort to brib ery and corruption? We make no churges, but answer the question by inquiring for wi.ut purpose did the.v spend $20,000,000 In the campaign of 1S96. Could they not spend that money honestly to secure the election of a president of the United States? We are compelled lo answer that question with still another. Could o litigant in a contested case Involving millions hon estly spend $100,000 In a. Jury room while the Jury wus deliberating upon the verdlctl It seems to us that it would be as easy to do that as it would be to hone"5777 spend $20,000,000 In a presi dential election. If President McKlnley Is In a hurry- to organize an army for the capture of Cuba, why don't he appoint officers who have some military experience and know how to organize an army? Be cause American officers of that kind who have a good record of their own seldom have a long pedigree. Is pedigree the only qualification for an officer In the volunteer army? It seems to be the only qualification rec ognized If the persons appointed in dicate the pollcy of the administra tion. Why do the republicans In congress think the American people are acro bats? Because they assume they can pay taxes without money. How would the payment of taxes without Tfibney prove that the Ameri can people are acrobats? Because ac robats do such wonderful things and some people think they can perform miracles. Would It be a miracle for the Amer ican people to pay taxes without mon ey? It would be the same kind of a miracle that It would be for a man to lift himself over the capltol by his boot straps. The Third Wisconsin regiment la very proud of two handsome pet eagles, named "Old Bill" and "Dewey" respec. tively. They have also a pet badger known as "Oshkosh." The Fourth Pennsylvania also owned a pet eagle, "Abe Lincoln," but It fell 111 and died during the trip south. It was burled with the honors of war. GOLD DEMOCRATS that a new party would be founded! with the Chicago platform as Its creed Wm. J. Bryan as Its candidate and at least 4,600,000 votes to begin with. Am attempt to displace Senator Jones n8t chairman and Mr. Bryan as the can didate would Instantly result In miser able failure; but If by any sort of" trickery It should succeed, it would, sound the death knell (politically) of those who do It, no matter what they put Into their platform; for every In telligent democrat would know that It was cold-blooded treason. The pur pose of such a move would be to elect a man who, like Grover Cleveland, would be a gold man In Bplte of the platform. The democratic party has-, been deceived and betrayed In the past, and more than once. It will not be again. When Mr. Cleveland attempted to deliver It over to the money power, which owned him, It repudiated him. and made him a political outcast. In the last campaign It was again betrayed by McKlnley-Hobart-Palmer-Buckner democrats. If It should now turn Kb. back upon Its faithful friends and al lies In that campaign In order to con ciliate those whose treason elected Mr. McKlnley, It would simply prove Its. unfitness to control the destinies or this nation, and It would speedily drop, out of sight as a political power. It will do neither. The gold democrats can return to the fold If they so desire, but they must take the democratic party as It Is. They cannot change Ita prin ciples, and then come back and run It. A BEAUTIFUL SOCIALIST. A Lovely and Talented Society Girt Does Reform Work. Among the many remarkable career of the modern woman, called "new,"' none have been more remarkable than that of Beatrice Potter, the wife of the just posed throught the United States on a trip around the world. Renun ciations of material pleasures for the sake of an Idea have always awed ami y Impressed the public Imagination ever since the days of Gautama Buddha, and no modern renunciation has been more; Inspiring than that of this beautiful socialist. Miss Potter was the seventh and younget daughter of a wealthy Lan cashire manufacturer, whose wife was not only the mother of seven beautiful and gifted girls, not one of whom was less than five feet eight Inches In statue, but who was noted for her own talents and acompllshments. She was n religious woman, but read her bible morning and evening In the original' Hebrew and Greek, and the writings of the church fathers in Latin which Is not common among even me most rell-, glous women. She was a profound' and persistent student and was until death the most intimate friend of Her- bert Spencer, who consulted her not .inly on matters affecting his da ly life.. ut upon the most abstruse scientific' -luestions. The eccentricity of this brll .ant woman was her horror of fat' ,ieople. She herself was of a fragile, almost transparent, physlqule, and to' Mr mind adipose tissue seemed almost u vice. She fed the seven daughters' with the greatst care, weighing every meal befoie they were allowed to eat It, and discovered by accurate experiment how little a growing girl can eat and. yet retain health and vigor. Later they confessed that they never, until they had homes of their own, knew what it wus to feel a sensation of hunger., Yet they thrived upon this severe sys tem, all seven growing up tall, hand some and vigorous, with alert and bril liant minds and retaining always the sllmness of their figures. , Of all the seven, the youngest. Beat rice, was the most remarkable. She pursued her studies under the direction' and with the assistance of Herbert Spencer, who has always declared her's to be the most remarkabis female mind he has ever encountered. She was the tallest of the seven, and when bhe waft Introduced to London society was said to be one of the most beautiful women of her generation. Such a girl, who possessed beside an ample fortune of her own, was not likely to want foi admirers and the most brilliant men or England were glad to be her friends. One day, without warning, she disap peared from the ball rooms and druwln-, rooms of May Fair, and was not to be discovered by any of her whilom corn statistics which she had collected her attentlon to the condition of the work ing girls of London, and. putting on the costume of one, she went into a. sweat shop and shared their existence, with the secret purpose of studying Its hardships. Two months later she reappeared with a mass of facts anil statistics which she had colected her self, and which she embodied In an article In one of the reviews, that, stirred all England, was made the sub ject of debate In parliament and re sulted In the appointment of a com mission which Investigated and re formed the sweat shops. From that day Beatrice Potter returned no more to the world. Her sisters had all mar ried men of position, but she scorned their happy, busy, domestic lives, and was to be found only among the manual laborers, sharing the curious delusion of other socialists that the only labor worth consideration Is such as may be performed with the hands. Her studies led her all over Europe. Occa sionally she would reappear for a brief space and gather about her for an aft ernoon her early friends, but her real companions had ceased to be the men who were making and ruling the Eng lish empire, and creating Its science, literature and art. Her friends were those who called on her In their shirt sleeves and smoked clay pipes In her drawing room. Five years ago she astonished even those who knew her best by marrying Sidney Webb, the socialist. They set up a modest home In the eaBt end of London, all her for tune, beauty and talent being finally and Irrevocably devoted to the cause of manual labor. Two years ago the fruits of her studies appeared In the form of a monu mental work on the subject of labor and wages. In It no theories were ad vanced, no doctrines promulgated. It contained simply the mass of facts out of which doctrines and theories might be built. This year another great work, bearing her own as well as her husband's name, has appeared. In It she elaborates the conclusions she has drawn from her facts, and while pro founder students of the social question by no means accept her theories, It Is universally admitted that no more mas terly and scientific presentation of the question has been made of recent years, and that the beautiful woman, who deserted the London ball rooms less than a decade ago, has produced a work which will be a text book and a mine of reference for all students of modern sociology. V X r y