Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, July 01, 1898, Image 4

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    i"-"fr qm&ii&xt4fc,W " 'SMK-
ov; -;ii.'.'i,.waAi,l wjtw,fe, -t w...)g,-Tx. ataa,
?jl. "rssSssa
nn nnyw weaiir m gam
,4th of July
Ilemingford will celebrate tho"
l-iirtli.of July in an' appropri
ate manner. Tho program will
in charge of the Ladios of tho
Progressive club but they lnv.o
invited the gentlemen to assist
thorn and with tho combined for
oh no doubt 'tha day will bo ob
served in tho. most becoming
manner of any Celebration ever
held in tho county
At tio meeting Monday ovon
tig JLr. A AL Miller was elected
1 'rosjdcui and I. E. Tasii cljair
iniMi. A program was propared
itn) tho following committees
On Salute: Frank Shimek,
Harry Pierce, Jos. Herneall.
On Parade: E. P. Svconcy, I,
E. Ttthh.
Music: It. H, Maiichnrd. D. K.
Hpaeht. ' '
Parade; A M. Miller, A. Slier
wood, Clark Olds, W. K. ilorn
all, Harry Pierce.
rSpea Icop : tyuioft progressive
Heading of Declaration
depnijilonee: L-ynden Pierce.
Indian Parade: W. ,7. J3n:iji,
( !eo, ,a Pinkfyto'ji, 'Mrs. Swooney.
IJicyelo Uucu: 11. It. Greon, T.
J. O'keefo.
Target Shooting. W. M. To
donee, S- P. Tuttlo.B.F. Gilman.
15gg and Sackllaccs; A Uhrig,
Frank Shimlr, A. M. Miller.
' Firoworkt?: W. .7. Beau, Geo.
Pinkerton, Frank Olds, C. J.
' Finance; 0 .7 Wildy, J T Pink
erton, Mis. Jodeuce, Mis. Bean,
Mrs. Sherwood.
Advertising: O'lCeofo, Blanch-
Jco Cream; Mosdamcs Slier-
wood, Ohi. llolbrook:
. Awnings; .1 O Parkin, John
(VKeofe. ' ; '
, Shade Trees; F Book. Oopo-
aud and Hliiiiehard.
The ladies will mu-kp H flag,
M7,ofxl() 'feet' whicji they w'iH
nresent to town or precinct bring-
,he largest delegation.
t Judges to decide which town
i.rhi gs tho 'largest delegation:
. Uovs.WundoiTieh, Kern, Garness
ind Bowdish.
Everybody conns and help col-
brato, the, day we all si) dearly
. :it'e.
A blue pencil niark across the
face of this notice iudioatps that
you have not paid for this papor,
And nd ptun.su is meant but only
i reminder to yon that the debt
hould be' paid without further
If you want to
my iowpaper or
it tho pp.t olliee
It will pay you.
KiiliM'riha for
nmgazine call
yet rates.
Lumber, Coal antj
.lust received a car of
"astern himbor for tanks,
, ill kinds of hjivd wood,
hinylys. lath, lime, ami all
tf hunb.-iv'
. Ready made tanks, or will 'uake
'ailks to order. l'rii'n tv compote
nitii anyone, tho Northwest. Come
mil sea lis before liuying else
uhero. Tanks and tank lumber
1 specialty .
1Ii:mjngiuui) LVMUKU Co.
a 2 f3 r? O XI 2C Jh. .
ueari the rf "m m m "a'a 1
o v. q i o an. x j&.
Bears the ,? - Kind You Hate Ulna)
Bean the yj iw iw You Ha)8 Always Bou?ht
lomofiatio, pMiii'Kt a dl
silver republican hIh'id noniinutit g
coiivuiitioiirt will Oo iK'lil J t Utd.iy,
August JJ, nt 2 p. in., in Lincoln,
tho democrats in the Funk opera
house, tho populist in tho Oliver
theater and the silver republicans
lu tlioCommcncial club rcoms.
The stato central coniinitteoH
will moot in Lincoln at 10 o'clock
on tjio morning of tho wuno day
and appoint conference committees
and tako such other action nsjmuy
bo necessary to provide for union
of forces in tho nominntion of
governor and other stnto officers,
The apportionment for the
populists stato convention will ho
one delegato at large for each
county nnd ono delegato for each
100 votes or major fraction there
of, cast for Samuel Maxwell for
supremo juiJgo in I8H0. This
provides for a convention of 798
The sub-committees appointed
appointed by tho democratic and
silver republican sf.ato committees
mota like uoinmittoa from the pop
ulist state committoo and agreed
totjjeabova provisions regarding
tiino and place of holding tho
stato convention.
Tho call for the state conven
tion will bo published next week.
Commissioners Record.
Homingford, Neb., June 20, '98.
Board mot as per adjournment.
Present James llollinrako and
James Barry. On motion James
llollinrake was elected temporary
chairman. On motion J E Wha
ley was appointed overseer road
district No. 20, there being no
qualified overseer in said district.
Ofllcal bond of W J Lorance,
overseer road district No. 13 was
examined and approved.
James May presented tax re
ceipt No. 3046 showing $115.21
personal taxes paid by him under
protest and which were assessed
to him in Wright precinct in the
year 1890 nnd asked that tho sum
of $L14.41 of Baid amount be re
funded, to him account crrouously
assessed. Upon investigation the
board ordered that refund bo
niaib as asked. Board adjourned
to meet at 9 a m June QL
Junu 21 Board met as. per ad
journment. Present G W Dun
can, chairman, James llollinrake
aim dames parry, it appearing
to the Board that Mary A Way
has required county help in this
county and- -that alio is- legally
chargeable to Adams county, the
clork was instructed to send a bill
for $10.93 to saiij county, being
the expense of her hoard and caro
in this county to date, and to noti
fy tho county board of Adams
county that unloss sho is removed
from this county her furtheV care
will bp charged to Adams county,
Estiiay Notice.
1 uken up on May 12, 1803, at
my place on Section 21, Tp 27,
H. 51, ono yearling mare colt,
brown color, with both hind feet
whito,'star in forehead, no brands.
C. Km:mkk.
Successor of ilif " I nabrltlicd "
rf tliel'.H.nov'Hltntlins
Ofllrc.tlie I .H. Siiiin-Mio
loiirt, nil :m Mate M'
iirrinef ourt,niiilvl lieu!
ly ull tlio bCllOulbvHAl.
bT Plate Rnpcrlnlt mlfnU .
dfiiU.ntKlotlKrl iHh'jU"! '
amioti w iinoui nuuitK r.
In tho liniuehflM. ami to ,
inc u.irner, 'lilr, r-
It It easy to find tho word wanted.
It Is eaiy to ascertain the pronunciation.
It If easy to trace the growth of u word.
It Is easy to learn what a word means.
The Chicago Tlmes-llvraUl siiya t
WohsUT'i International I Hrlloiuirv In i. a invent .
lurm unmuiuw nuuioruy uu trvryiuinK iwrmin
a ..........." .. - .. -?.i. r . . I
lliKiUitur lUUKlinK lu inv ruT ni nn
line In tho way of urtliuicraiiliy,
nolorfv, mid (Itllnlttoii. 1 rum H
al. Ills rlcclaliumanflfort (
orinorpy, (lyinoio,
thtrA it tm nnnal.
i and schi 'Unhlp can iiuko It,
aiir Tim uesr.
TjrSjKelmen jxigcs tent on njijiilcaHon lo
G. .1- C. 3IBKKTAST CO., lublMiers,
Springfield, Mass., r. S. A.
CAUTION- deceived
in buying small so-
called " Webster's Dictionaries." All
1 nntlionticabridcments of the International '
)il tho various sizes bear our trade-mark on
iuu iruui cotcr aa mown in too cum.
I tfr P
Lijpe! I1 gg
select jwS s2Jjy
cedar ".TJ
'. inds fe&Ji
1 1 N N
Q I majcmc ImcHUHuil Ictftuisxal Imwnraul
A VpcTuwy aciijtJ ktkwV VtcTUkwry
It Conoid the Despair of a Blecnr
Lecturer In Rrcli of licit. I
"I liavo long tnndo it n prnotico to '
sleep whenever I Ret nn opportunity,"
on id n mnu who lectures, "but n recent
oxpericuad in Hnltlnioro bus luiulo tuo
flby of opportunities. Von gee, I spend a
great deal of tlnib ou rnilrnnd traitiH,
and frcqucntlr, in order to, kuopengnRo
flouts, I nut forced to travel at night.
Now, I linvo great difficulty in getting
afilcop ou n blcopiug car, and noiuutiuies
I toRs nrohud nil night,
"Last week 1 loetured in Baltimore, ,
nnd after tho lecturo I found n eleoping '
car iu fljo railroad yard which w;jy lo
bo added to thu train bound for Now
York. That was my opportunity. I
bongb n Hoctioii, hunted up tho porter
nnd naked him if 1 might retire with
tho expectation of uut bu.ug nroubcd bo- ,
foro morning.
" 'Thnt'8 what tho car ia hero for,
colonel, ' ho nuHWcrcd. 'Wo don't pull
out till 1 ;30 iu tho morning, and you
cau Just go right tp sleep.'
"That Houudud inviting, nnd I retir
ed. I fell nslecp promptly. Tho move
ment of tho enr nrousod mo, nnd, think
ing that wo had been coupled on to tho
Now York trniu, I closed my cyeB ngaiu,
At that moment tho car ran into some
thing ou tho track with a crash and
etopped bo Bnddonly thnt my head Wni
bumped agninut tho end of thu berth.
Undoubtedly u Hinash up, I thought, and
I proceeded to got out of my berth. Tha
porter wns sitting in tho seat opposito.
"'Fpr henven's sako, wbaf tho
troublu?' I asked.
"'Nothin,' ho replied: 'just Bwitch
ip.' "Bnck I prnwled, feeling very cheap.
Again I felt drowsy, nnd onco moro tho
car was bumped violently, theu shoved
nloug tho trneltH ut n rapid rate apd
Ehunted into tho cud of another train,
starting a soried of crashes that sounded
ono after another clear awny up tho
track. Tho quiet that followed lasted so
long that 1 began to dozo. Another
bump harder than tho previous ones
nronsed mo, and for tho next iivo iniu
Utes it seemed as if two ongineamust be '
engaged in shuutiug my cur back and
forth for tha fun of it. I would feel tha
. V ...&. .
car slido along only to como to an abrupt
stop with n lot of poise. TIJeu it would
Blido back to another track nnd stand.
Still. For tho next hour I waH tossed
and bruised iu my berth, nnd I could
tand it po longer. I crawled out and
dressed as best I ppuld pudcr tho eirr
cumstancey, made n flying jump from
tho cur ou ono of its shuutiug trips past
thft Klntlnii mill irnnf. tn n hnfnl nlirl
spent (1)0 ujgbr. Tbo memory of tbuj ,
Dxperienco pns mado mo cautious about
entering sleeping cars that aro loatlng
around tho yard waiting to bo coupled
to a train, oven if it does scorn to offer
an opportunity to make up sloop. The
amount of shaking up that ono man re'
ceives iu a car that is 'just fiwitchjn' ii
surprising." Now York Sun.
The Locality of Dlipase,
In mi interesting artielp pu tlio area!
of disoasp the jondoi Saturday Rovitiw
remurku upon tho consensus of medical
opinion that diseahcu jn general hae,
their local habitations some, llko trop
ical animals and plants, living' only in
tbo tropics; some, liko consumption,
gradually spreading over tho whole
earth, whilo others, liko leprosy and
smallpox, aro by degrees becoming lim
ited in their distribution, possibly tend
ing, it may bo, toward extinction. Ou
tho other -hand, however, there nro re
gidus to, which iltkunes huVo" never
reached, for instance ou tbo summits oj
high mountain ranges and in tbo cir
cumpolar suowflelds tho earth and nil
and water pro as barren of tbo microhei
of disease us they aro of animal life'.
Tho writer in Tho Roviow admits thaj
iu a couutry liko Britain, thickly popu
lated for many ceutprios, nud with thf
lrcctit circulation of population, it cant
pot bp donbtod that every yard of Bnr
faco contains tho germs of tho more
commou diseases, aud the nu.tivo q
some newor laud brought over to lint
nin's shores falls a victim to its plagiiiij
stricken soil, but by genorutiops of ft
destructive olimiuutiop Pritona biv
becomo highly resistant tq their native
diseases, yet uot fully bo, for cancer and
consumption, two of tlio most common
tcourges, still hold powerful ivvay.
"Think of it!" exclaimed tho somo-
what pedautio citizen. "A generation
or so iigp boys wero BnppoBcd to hnvo a
good kuowledgo of Latin before they
wero 10 years pf pgo."
"Wlmt of thut?" inquired the mild
juannered friend.
"Doesn't thnt show that our preteud
cd advancement iu refinement ia a mis
"Not ut all. It proves that wo nre
moro considerate aud hunmuo, nnd
thereforo moro refined. Thiuk of the,,
amount pf corporal punishment it must,
tako to give a boy a good kuowledgo of
Latin before hu ih 10 yeara ol.dl"
YViuhingtop Star.
Itfudlni; Character.
Dribbler Iu my opinion, a man whq
writes tin illegibjo baud docs it becanse
hu tbiuks people are- willing to puzzle ,
over it. In other words, ho iB a chunk '
of conceit.
Scribbler Not always. Sometimes a
mail writes illegibly uot btcan&o hu it
conceited, but because he is modest.
Dribbler Modest? What nbont?
Scribbler About his bpolliug. Now
York Weekly. i
A I'leamnt Chance. '
Softleigh Vou must excuse mo,
Miss Cuttiug. I'm not qnito mybclf to
uight. Miss Cuttiug How delightful, how
delightful! Iutroduco me to the other
fellow, will you? Chicago News.
A Doubtful Iterooiuiendatlon.
Buyer Is this dog uffectiouate?
Dealer 1 should Fay sol I have sold
him four times, aud ovcry time ho's
como right buck to mo. Fliegcude
now lie Got
n Qnarter of
In Want Of.
Bel Do W01
A prosperous Pittsburg physician, whp
resides in uu nrlstoorntio part of tho
City, rolatotl JlU experiCUCfl bo met With
About a yoar after bo bad gradnntcd
from college Ho was practicing iu a
Btuall villngo in Indiana conuty nbont
18 rqleH from tiuy railroad. Ho bad
been recently mnrrioil, aiid n tbo straR
glo to make ctitlH meet tjio prospect nt
times bocamo very disconraglug. It was
during ouq of tbeso dopressiug periodo
iu tbo middlo of thu winter, with buow
n foot and a half deop coveriug tho
ground, (bat ho was called to uttcud a
farmor jvho lived somouiilesawny. Tho
stock of provigloiiH iu tho bonso was ex
hausted, and it Eeemed certain that the
roHolutiou that had been tuado by tbo
young couplo not to usk any ouo for
orodit nlnst bo broken. When tbo call
nrrivod, tho doctor waH propariug to go
to tlio nearest Etora to nslc tbo proprie
tor to give biui "tick" so that bo could
get hoiiiGtbhig for breakfast. Instead of
going to tho store ho mounted 1)1b faith
ful maro Molly aud started off through
tbo drifts to visit his patient. When
tho doctor roso to ieavo, utter attending
to tho patient, tho old farmor said:
"Doo, I ain't got no mouey, but if a
quarter of beef'll do you any good I'll
send it in when tho roads git broke."
Tho youug doctor's heart gavo a
bound. Concealing his exultation as
best bo oould, ho said: "What's tho
matter with me takiug it right aloug? I
was thinking of buyiug some beof, and
(his will como iu handy."
Tbo proposition was accepted, aud tho
farmer's sou helped put tho quarter of
beef across Molly's shoulders, and tho
homeward journoy beguu. Tho maro
was skittish, and tho doctor bad difli
culty iu keeping tbo beef from falling.
Finally the maro shied at soraethitig,
nnd itway went tho beof into a big enow
Tbo doctor was n member of tho
Methodist church, and, according to his
story, did not sweur. Ho dismounted
. . a ,
au(l euuoavorea ro pui too ooei on mo
rrinro, but sho wouldn't stand still, and
ofter wpeated attempts the task seemed
a hopeless ouo. Thinking of tho resolu
Mon, thu youug doctor set his (oetb and
tried again. This tjiup ho was success
ful. Ho felt liko a conquering hero as
ho dumped tho beof on tho portico of his
tnodest homo about midnight. Tho
faithful little wife waH sum it was a
dispensation of Providence, but tho doc
tor, remembering his struggles at thq
Knnvydrift, reserved bis opinion. Pitts-
burB dispatch
Bhe Could Get the Answer, bat Still Sho
I Wandered,
' A dear littlo woiuau up on Capitol
bill married and went to housekeeping
I iu tho most determined inuuuer. Sho
I set to work to keep an exnot account of
her expenditures, balancing her books
regularly ouco a month. Ono of ber
earliest purchases was an ico ticket for
, thp season. It cost, I believe, $10.
A mouth later, in making up ber co
conuts, it occurred to her that that $10
i should bo divided proportionately among
tho several months mentioned on tbo
ticket fu order to giro to each day's ao
count only tho amount of mouey actual
ly expended on that day. Also sho
wished to calculate and set down tho
number of pounds of ico nsed each day.
The problem had several ramifications
which I have forgotten, but, at unyrhtu,
it was exceedingly difficult, nud tbo
housewife covered sheet after sheet of
paper with her calculation. Tbo or?
rival of her husband found tier dishovol
ed and iu n stato of ovidont distress.
" What in tho world is tbo matter?'
ho asked. Tho wife explained.
"Well, cau't you get nuy answer
without that figuring?" bo asked. The
wifo's eyes begun to blink rapidly and
the sniffed suspiciously.
"Ob, I can get an answer," she said,
wallowing bard "1 cau get n lovely
uuswer, but I can't put it in my book
because I cau't tell I cnti't toll wheth.
er it's days or
iugton Post.
ico or money." Wash
Tim I'ony In Franc-Josef Land.
At an early stage in our journoy onr
difficulties began. Tbo pony broko looso
the second night out, nud, nnfortnuate
Jy. gorged horsclf with dried vegetables.
These, together with dog biscuits aud a
tow pounds of oats saved from tho pre.
vions sledgiug, wore ber usual fodder,
owing to tho lack of legitimate horso
food, which had quito run out moro
than 12 mouths before. As I expected,
tbo surfeit of dried vegetables brought
on u serious illness, to remedy which
Armitage aud I clubbed toguther tho
Email supply of pills which wo bad
with us. lie produced, I thiuk, two va
rieties of pills, and 1 had a number of
podophylliu ; so wo mado up a doso of
33 in all, which I administered to our
invalid pony, mixed up iu some frozen
fat from onr fryiug pan. This, 1 am
glnd to say, bed the desired effect of at
all events partly restoring her tq health.
Geographical Journal.
1'oatace 6tuinp,
Stamps wero put ou the market in
August, 1847, but were so littlo used
that tho government had to pass n law
enforcing prepayment of postage, which
weut into oileot iu 1855. Before this ac
tion was taken scarcely ouo letter in a
dozen was found with a stamp affixed.
Today tho postofllces of the country sell
4,000,000,000 stamps (couutiug postal
cards, stamped envelopes aud ttamps of
ull kinds), valued at $75,000,000, dur
iug a single yenr.
Many English accident
roinpauiea ohargo an extra
when their policy holders
Canada or tho United States.
travel in
Tho diamond mining companies of
South Africa estimate their losses by
theft at i.1 1,000, 000 a year, of which
they recover about one-half. i
Final Proof-" Notices,
, V. WEHN. Jit., ItcKlktitr.
V. It. AKHltS, Itocctver.
l'tirtlcK linvliiK iioticpHlti tliiHcolnmii re rn
(liirntivi lo rwiil tlio nwn' cri)fiill- nml rcjiort fv
tliiN olliri for corrrctiujt nny errur iiiinisy
'oxIkU Thin will prevent posnlhlo delay ill
matting proof.
T.tuid Onice at Allluncc. Hib.. .lime 23. 1RH3.
Notice Ih hereby given Hint tlio following
ntitnrdHCtllrr han lllcd notice oftilx Intention
in mnkf tlnnl in-oof In Minnort of hlsrlulm. and
t thnt Huld proof will ho made before lt"K-
iHtcror liucoiver, ut Aiiinntv;, Neu,, on aurusv
J, 1KS8, viz:
Minnie M. Grnlinm.
of IJox llutto. Nch..homrdo h c noMO for tho
h w fi i-po 15, tp 27 ij. r in w.
She names tho following witnesses toprovfe her
continuous resldcnco uim and vultltutloii of
wild land, vlr. James Collins, Mary Collins,
John Muliony. Martin Mabony, ullof Hoc llutto
Meb. Also
.Tames Graham.
of llox llutto, VoK. who matlo hUNO. 303fcr
thr s w see 22. tp 27 n, r 48 w.
Honnincs tho following wltnfSKes to provo
his cnntlhuous rrsldent'O upon nud cultivation
of said hind, viz: Jauios Collins, Mary Collins,
John Mnhony, Martin SInliony, all Of llox
Uuttc, hub. Also
James Collins,
of llox llutto. Nh,. who nindo h o no nai for tho
kw ! M 22, tp 27n. r 48w.
Hennmes tho following wltncssr.s to provo
his continuous reslil onco upon and oultlvattnn
of vntd land vlr: Jumes (Irnhum Mtmilo M.
Ornlinm. John Mahouy. Martin Mabony, all of
Uox Uutte, Neb. AUo
Mary Collins,
of Uox nuttr, Nob., who mado h c no, 252 for
tho hW U cc 31, t p 27n, r 48 w.
Ilo names tho followlt.u witnesses to provo
Ms contlnucuH lehldencc upon anil rtilttvntlon
of said land, iz; James Oralmm. Minnie M.
(iraham, John Mahouy, Martin Mnhony, allot
llox lluttc, Neb.
J. W, AVehn. Jit., Register.
U.S. Land Olllce, Alliance. Neb., June 9, 1893.
Notice Is nereby Riven that
John Knudtson,
of Ilemlncford. ych , h.'.s fllfd notlco of Inttn
tloii to mako Pnal pioof hefore T. J. O'Keefo,
U. a. Commissioner, at llcmlimford, .q)., on
July 16, 1898. on timber culture application no.
1V7H for tho k o ! see 34. tp Vt'n. r 4iiv.
Ho namps as wltucsavs: PcterG Andorcon,
Jnmcs llollinrako, Karl FnrKtrom, Otto Gib
son, alt of hcmlngforil. mIi.
J . W. Wi'lm. Jr.. IteKlBtcr.
Land rtfflco nt Alliance. Ncl., Juno 9, 1808.
Notlro Is hereby Riven that tho following
rnmpd ettlcr has lllcd notice of his Intention
to l.uiltc Html proof in support of his claim and
that Mild proof will be mado before Hcglstcr
or llecvlvcr at Alliance, Neb., on July 16, 1m,8,
Vaclav Potmcsil,
of Dunlap, Neb., who mndc It, K. for tho
w U H, e M sw H see 31, tp 29n, r 47 w.
He names tho Mlowlnif witnesses to prove
his continuous rcsldonce upon nnd cultivation
of said land, viz: Frank J. W. Fcidler. Nor
bt'rt A Krenek, Ned A. llrezlna, f llcmlnx
ford. Nob., Joseph Lnmplot, ef Dunlap, Neb.
Also Prank J.W.Foidler,
of HrmlnRford. Neh.. who mado h No. 4.129
for tho no sec 12.tp28n, r48w.
Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his
continuous resldcnco upon nnd cultivation of,
raid land, viz: Vaclav I'otmesil, Joseph I. amp
lot, of Dunlap, Neb., Notbcrt A. Kienek, Ned
A. Urezlna, of IlcmitiRford, Neb. Alio
Notice Is hereby given that
"Wolfgang Freimntli,
of Uox llutto. Neb., has filed notice of Inten
tion to mako final proof ut samo time nnd
place on timber cultuio application No. 149
for tho k o sec 28. tp 2Hn, r 4B w.
He names as witnesses; Frank J. IV Feld
Ur, Ned A. llrerlna, Norbcrt A. Krenek, of
etninKford, Neb., Vaclav Potmcsil of Dun
lap, Neb.
J. W. Weiin. Jit., Ilcglslor.
U. . Land Olllce, AUJatice, Niib., May v5, 1898.
Notice it hereby that
John II, Shirk,
of Hemlnirford, Neb., lias filed uotico of Inten
tion to makn huul proof before T. J. O'Keefe,
U. 8 Commissioner, at his ollioi in Hi-mimr-ford.
'. i' b., on the 2nd dav of July oil timbor
(nihil" applicatien No. 164 for thenn 'A fitCH
tp 2 ii, r 50w.
Heuamea as witnesses: John Micliaelson,
Henry Uifl'RfUon. C E ltosenbtrtccr, Fred
Abl, all of Jlemii'iiiord Neb. AIbo
Notice ! hereby Khen that
Nelson 13. Shouquisi,
of Omaha. Nob., has (Tied notice of intention to
make final proof at same time and place on
tinihrr culture applicatloa No. W'J" for tho pe'4
nee til, tp28n r 82 w.
lie na,ms at witmpa John TV Hr;tril. of
Ilcminurord, Neb., I.eo Hraudlo, Kilwin Ii.
Ford, Inutile llomricheiireu, of Lawn, Neb.
J W. Wtis, Jn., Kt-Kiiter.
U. H. Lund Olliee, Alliance, Nnb May 21, 189s.
Notii'o is hereby niven that the following
named snttler has filed notice of intention to
mak final proof in support of hiu claim, nn.1
that said proof will Imi mado before HigUit-r
and llecelver at Alliance, Neb,, on July 'J, 189;,
Thomas O'Keoffo,
of Heminefonl, Neb., who made lid entry No.
7)0 for the 11 o 4 mhsSI, tpUGn. r4Hv.
He usiiicH tlin following wit uoHprn to provo
hie continuous renldnnrn upon anil cultivation
of Maid Inntl, viz: John Htraxak. Arthur H.
(irovr, l'uter llolHuni. Patrick H. Dillon, allot
Alliance. Neb. J. W. Wehn, Jr., lleKietor.
In the Matter of thu Estate of Alanson D.
Alexander, deceased.
Notice of honrliiK on petition for tho appoint
merit of an administrator.
At a Mission of nald court held nt tho county
court room In llrmit,'ford, Ncbrutki, Present,
Jan. II. H. Hewett, County Judge.
Upon rendlni' tho Petition of (Irani P. Alex
ander, piaylne; that administration of Uih
Kstato of Alnuinn U, Aloxandor. Deceased be
had and that William Fosket 1 tipptiiitul
Administrator of Mild Kstate. it Is ordered and
decreed Unit Wednesday, the twenty-fourth
day of June. A D. IMIH. al 1 o'cloel; p. m., ut
tho County Court Room In tho Court Hoiiho In
Hemitinfunl. Nebraska, be dosh;nuted as the
time and placo ut which heariui; shall be hud
upon suld petition whet eat nil parties iutorestcd
iu said estate may appear uud show why such
administration should not bo had and whv tho
suld William Kosknt should not lo appointed
Administrator thereof, and It isfuilherordend
that duo notlco of said heat iui shall bo Klven
to said interested partlos by publication or by
personal notlco.
In witnksh wiimtKorl have hnrounto set
my hand and aMxod tho soul of said Court this
Itniia. of April A. D. 18SW.
t'ouuty Judge.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
(""S it
.' m. r-t i ti h - iwi l r
In nn
IV fs
It It '
Kllitlt U.-. t
iae llll'ft'f tint
li ,l sr.tl.' II,
.111 .
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rc.hIh.' I. ii -i t,,,:...., ci i
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-3Ai,K3, t-'C
l U"X2 rai-n t "
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& Scheme fiUffRnUml to Torreet Owe
Inaerurte I.fp Year.
The present year la. ns la well known.
a leap year, says London Echo, and ad
cording to the arogcrlnn, correcting
tho Julian rule of the calendar, it will
be the laBt leap year for right ycaM, or
until the year 1004. The Gregorian
rule, however, though n great Improve
ment on tho Julian and assimilating on
the average the length pf the caleniar
year much more nearly to that of tbo
true year, is not perfect. By It a leap
year 1b dropped at tho end of three Cen
turies out of four, fo that nny year di
visible by 100 without romnindor Is not
a leap year unless It la nlso divisible by
00; tbUB. 1900 will not bo a leap vear:
2000 will and 2100 will not A.
moro accurate rule would be to drop'a
leap year at the end of each buccpsbIvo
period of 123 years; and, In nccordancJ
with this, n French astronomer. M.
Auric, points out that it would bo prcf
ferablo to retuln 1900 rb a leap yenr and
drop one in 1920, which Is a multlplo
(flftecn tl.-aes) of 12S. But tinkering too
frequently with established calendar
rules Is much to be deprecated; he sug
gests, therefore, to abide by the Greg
orian rule until tho year 3200 and dinp
a leap year In that year and every suc
ceeding multiple of 3200 (6100, 0COO,
etc.), which would be leap yean
according to Gregorian rule. Strictly
speaking. e,vcry Interval of 12S years
should contain 31 bissextile leap years,
Instead of tho 32 which It would by tho
Julian rule, making every fourth vear
a leap year. Now, 25 times 123 amounts
to 3,200, which number of years! Bhoilld
therefore contain 25 fewer leap years
than they would by the Julian rule; 1. ft.,
775 instead of 800. The Gregorian rnlo
puts 97 leap years In 400 years (thna
fewer than the Julian), and therefora
776 In 3,200 yearB, which Is one too
many. The suggestion, then, appeal a
to be n good ono. but It obviously will
not be poBlsblo for this generation or
many future generations) to decide up
on Its adoption. For the present
will condole with those who t-hull bo
born on the 29th of February next On
their having no birthday for disht
years, as there will be no other 29th of
February until 1904, except Jn Hussta,
which still adheres to U Julian calen
dar. Fatnlltte from LlRhtnlnff.
Dnmago by lightning is unmlBtaltablj
Increasing, according to tho director of
the statistical office of Berlin. Various
causes are assigned, such aa the em
ployment of electricity In various In
dustries, the continual change of forip
of the earth's aurfaco by deforestation,
drainage, etc., and the impurities in
troduced into the atmosphere by tha
growing consumption of coal. Profes
sor Von Bezold some time ago showed
that for Bavaria tho Area due to light
ning Increased from a yearly avetago
of thirty-two in 1833 to 1343 to one hun
dred and thirty-two in 1830 to,18S2;
while the number of persons struck by,
lightning and thoso killed rqso frpm
ouo hundred and thirty-tour and bovch-ty-three
lespeetlvely ln 1855 to oup
hundred and elghty-slx and ono hun
dred jnd sixty-one in 18S5. An inter
esting fact noted Is that pprsona gcu-,
oraly struck perceive neither llghtuhp
nor thunder, but re'cielvo the IrapreBJloo
of being enveloped by fire. PublU
Fifty Claims Wanted,
for Cash.
I want to buy improved farina
and prairie lnnd fpr cash; must,
bo cheap. Gjyo number of. sec
tion, town and range; also ini
prQympnts in detail. Address
E, A. Blunck,
Carroll, Towa.
New Goods!
I have moved my millinery
stock across tlio street, in tlui
Wheeler house, where I will be
pleased to see I ho ladies and show
them my stooltof gootls purchased
while in the east. Flowers of all
tho shades and colors, new ribbons,
now triminjjs and new hats in lh
lajtost detains.
Th nuking you for tho past
pr.troiinge and I hope to merit a
continuance of tho himio.
Miss L. Adams.
Bulls For Sale.
I have 8 head of thoroughbred
Jlerefords ono lo two years old
at my ranch four miles southen
jif liox Uutte.' Will tnke yoiir old
bulls in exeknngo. W. E. Hall.
OLDPAPEltS for sale at
oflico. oc a dozent
Iow rates, East, West and South.
limit cr and return, Jiiuo 18, 17. 18,
Onmlui and rottirn, Juno 11'. 'JO, 22, a3. 2rt,2T, Ti
San FrmicUco undruturn June A nd V.t,
UutKprlnKs, itnil return, Jui:pau nudJulv h.
1'urtluud, Ore. and return. J uiieiio nud Jul I.
Ntmlivilif, Ttmn. and retnrn. July 1, 2, ;j,
Salt I.nko rity and roturn, July 3,
WdhhiiiHlon, I). C und return, July. 3, 4, ,
lluflulo mid return, July 11. vj;
Ask the lqcal tickot agent for
J. Francis, General Piiisengor
Agent, Oinahn, Neb.