Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 24, 1898, Image 7

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Gained Forty-eight Founds.
'"I hsd n strong appetite for liquor which was
iIietiPR.nn iik of the breaking down of my lirnltli.
1 was also a slave to tea and ciilfrn drinking. I
took tho cold cure, but It did not help mo."
Thlilsn portion ir nii tnten lew clipped from
tho Daily IlrnM, of Clinton, town. It might
well be taken tor tho subject of a tcinpcrauco'
lectiiro but that Is not our object In publishing
It. It Is toshoiv how a s stem, run down by drink
and disease, may bo restored. Wo cannot do
bettor than iuotc further from tho tame:
"For years I was
unable to do my
work I could not
"deep nights or rest
days on account of
continuous pains In
jny, stomach aim
back. I was unable
to digest my food
jleadHchcenMl pain
ful urination were
Jreqnent, and my
tieart's action be
fame Increased. 1
eft my farm and re
tired to city life, for
I was a eoniirmed
Invalid, nnd tho doe
.tors said I would
ncYer be well again.
I "Soon after I haj)
jpened to use four
poxes of Dr V.
Wains' l'lnk I'llls for
'Ta'ePeoploand slnco
ithen I have been free
Treni all pain, head
ache and dyspepsia.
I eat heartllv nnd
7 ncUvtd Ut Cltu Life.
have- no appetite for strong drink or tea or codec.
and fool twenty year.- vnimper.
"My vetuht lieu Jiicnwnt 41 noianN. 1 cannot
jay too much for lr Willi ins l'lnk I'llls and
olalm that they havo cured mo.
.John n. Cook."
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this six
teenth day of February, IS'.i;.
A. P ItAltKKH, Xntary rubUc.
To people run down In health from whatever
jCause-drlnk or dlseaso-the abovo Interview
yill be of Interest. The truth of It Is undoubted
as tho statement is sworn to, nnd we rcproduco
the o.tth here. For any further facts conccrnlnji
this medicine write to Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
The name and address of the subject of abovo
Interview is .lohn It. Cook, of aw South 5th
Street, Lyon, Iowa.
The bottling up of Cervera's fleet In
the harbor of Santiago tie Cuba is not
the only claim to distinction possessed
by that curious old city; for, as the
Inhabitants never fall to remind the
traveler, It has lone been a disputed
fact whether Columbus first landed
at aSn Salvador or Santiago de Cuba.
However that may be, St. Jago, as the
Spanish call It, Is far older than any
city In North America.
The peculiar narrow stieets and the
the facades of the houses remind one
of the old towns in Italy, but there the
resemblance ceases, for the houses of
Santiago de Cuba are nearly all built
around a court, or patio, as they are In
most Spanish towns. With their high
barred windows and glaring plastered
walls, on the outside they look more
like prisons than like tho American
Idea of a dwelling house. But go In
side the patio, and everything is differ
ent. There are palms and shrubs and
flowers, and in some of the richer
houses even fountains. Meals are ser"
ed In the patio in pleasant weather.
In Santiago, as well as in other Cu
ban cities, the proprietors of most of
tho shops and warehouses live In the
same building In which their business
Is located. The shops open about 9 In
tkfi jnorglng nnd remain open until
about noon, when they close up, and
everybody goes to the noonday meal.
After that everybody takes a nap in
tho heat of the day. The shops open
up again about 2 o'clock In the after-,
noon and remain open till B;30 or 6.
Co to an office In Santiago at S;30 In
the morning nnd nobody will be up; go
sgain at 12:30 and everybody will be
eating; go again at 1:30 and everybody
will be asleep.
In the evening the people sit around
and take life easy, and smoke, of course
for In Santiago everybody smokes
men, women and children. Even th&
waiters In the hotels and cafes pull out
a cigarette and smoke between the
courses. The porters and cabmen smoke
at all times and seasons. Thn steve
dores on the wharves smoke at their
work, and even the clerks in the dry
goods stores roll a cigarette and take
a puff between two customers. The
eenorlta blows a cloud of smoke from
under tho lace of her fascinating, mys
terious mantilla, while negresses walk;
along the streets puffing away at huge
cigars. Children of 8 and 10 may often
be seen with cigarettes In their mouths,
and It Is no uncommon sight to see
men and women smoking in church.
All the young bloods In Santiago1
wear white duck suits and straw hatsj
and they may be seen lounging around
the city and the- Club de San Carlos,
looking cool and comfortable, nnd
smoking, of course, for that goes with
out saying In Santiago. At the Club
de San Carlos, which Is the Union
League of Santiago, the Spanish offi
cers from Morro castle and the gilded
youth of the city make their idling
headquarters. It is a pleasant place
in which to loaf, drink cooling bever
ages, smoke nnd gossip. The club
house Is one one story high, like the
most buildings in the city, and In front
Is a little gnrden with a fountal nand,
flowers. Opposite the Club de San Car
los Is the Cafe Venus, where, an en
thusiastic traveler declares, as good
a meal can be had as at Delmonlco's.
There Is less wine drunk In Cuba than
In most Latin countries; but there Is,
a native rum, cnlled barcardi. which lS
rondo from molnsses. and which, well
mixed with water and cooled with Ice,
makes a very smooth sort of beverage
nnd a somewhat Insidious one. A
quart bottle of this rum costs only 6p
cents, and as n good deal of It Is usu
ally drunk at the midday meal, It Ip
not to be wondered at that a nap Im
mediately follows It.
At all plnces In Santiago where drink
is sold, as well as In the telegraph of
fices nnd postofflces. one always finds
lottery tickets on sale, nnd men anil
boys peddle them nbout the streets.
Of all the cities of Cuba, Santiago,
with Its 40.000 inhabitants, is by far
the mns-t picturesque and Interesting.
It Is many years older than St. Augus
tine, and after walking for an hour
or two through Its medieval looking
streets, the most matter-of-fact Ameri
can Is ready to believe any romantic
story about the place which may lip
told to him. except, perhaps, the story,
of the Immense chain stretching from
Morro castle to a huge Ftnple in the
wnll of rock on the opposite shore,
fifty yards away, which can be hove
up by a captain till It is level with the
water, so as to form an Insurmount
able obstncle to any nttempt to force
an entrance In time of war.
The country houses around Snntlago
are infested with mice nnd lizards. The
latter are very alert and active, and
quite unlike the slupglsh lizards seen
In northern cllme. There Is a curiou
kind of if "ser whose presence Is rath
er encouraged about Cuban country
houses. These moufers are not eats,
as one might suppose, but large Mack
snakes. As they are quite harmless,
nobody thinks of being afraid of thrm.
and they come and go as they please,
A Most IntoroatltiB Account or the Philippine Islands, Olven In Two
Parts Part Two.
"Speaking of rebellions reminds me
that there have been seventeen respect
able sized rebellion In the last sixty
years. It seems strange that such nn
easy, slumbering, hnppy-go-lucky race
us the natives of the Philippines should
have such turbulent polices. With nl
most any other government over them,
the natives would undoubtedly be
peaceful and contented. Of late years
the rapacity of the Spnnlsli has In
creased, and the poor people nre des
perate. They long for any other gov
erning power thnn the Spanish. I can't
begin to think now of all the taxes
and licenses that the people In the Isl
land pay for their government. All
males over 21 years of age must pay
an annual poll tax that equals J18 In
our money. All females must pay ?11
as n poll tax. A person must get a
license to gather cocoanuts from his
own trees nnd sell them. I have my
self paid hundreds of dollars for li
censes for poor farmers who wished
to harvest their Indigo crop and sell
It to me. Every nrtlcle or furniture
that costs a sum equal to $2 In our
money Is taxed. The curtain never
goes up at the thenter that $10 Is not
pnld to the government. No one In tho
Philippines may kill his own animals
for market, clip his sheep or cut down
a tree without first paying a fee to
some of the army of collectors that In
fest the country. A couple pay a tax
when they wish to be married, besides
a fee to the padre. The natives love
showy funernls, and the Spanish de
cided a few years ago that the grave
digger must collect Jl.r.O for the gov
ernment before he enn bury nnyone In
the cemetery. These sums may seem
petty, but It should be considered that
the average native has little opportun
ity to work for hire. That If he does
succeed In securing employment his
wages nre often not more than 5 cents
a day, and that he Is usually unable
to dispose of his farm products for cash,
being compelled to exchange them for
other commodities. In addition to these
nnd other taxes that I do not recall,
there Is a tax on bensts of burlen, a
tax for keeping a shop, n tax on cock
fighting. At every turn the poor na
tive finds himself face to face with
the dire necessity of paying tribute, nnd
he frequently spends ills life in an In
effectual effort to meet the obligations
thus imposed. The revenue goes to
Spain to pay the soldiers nnd navy.
"There Is no escape from these taxes.
I have seen women whipped in the rural
towns becnuse they had perhaps fulled
to get a license before they sold their
annual crop of cocoanuts. or had se
creted a cow or a goat so thut the tax
collector did not see it in his official
rounds. For the collection of taxes the
Spanish have revived the plan which
was in use in France before the revolu
tion of 1789. For each district of 2,000
square miles a tax collector Is ap
pointed by the governor of the prov
ince. He is called a gobernadorclllo, and
he Is responsible for the estimated
amount which his district should pay
in taxes, so that If collections fall short
he must make them good from his own
pocket. He has under him a number
of deputy collectors, known as cabezas.
each of whom collects the taxes of
from forty to sixty taxpayers, and Is
personally responsible for the amount
expected from each. If they fall to
pay ap he distrains their property and
sells It. If the proceeds of the sale
fall to cover the Indebtedness the df
llnquent debtors nre imprisoned. I once
saw a dozen ragged, hnrd working men
on the Island of Snmos that had lost
their houses, cattle, lands and who still
owed sums ranging from $2 to $40. They
were being sent prisoners to the jail
yard at Punta Chavallas, while their
families were left to shift for them
selves. "A large book might be written about
the popular revolts that have sprung up
In the Philippines because of these
tyrannical oppressions. In 1876 the na
tives lost 5,000 of their best men in re
bellion against Spain. In 18S2 they lost
several thousand more men, and 600
of their lenders were beheaded and shot
to denth In squads at t lie garrisons nt
Cavlte as a warning to other sympath
izing rebels. The present rebellion
broke ou' last June nnd was quelled for
a time by Spanish troops. Last Jan
uary COO rebels were shot In the suburbs
of Manila. Suddenly the rebellion broke
out again, and now it seems to be the
most general revolt yet known In the
Islands. The Intent of this last rebellion
seems to be to rid the Philippines of
the Spanish by any menns whether by
dynamlf, poison or assassination. The
natives hoped for a year or two that
Japan would assume control of the Isl
ands and that the hard, cruel hand of
Spain would be removed. When they
found that their hopes were ground
less they rose In armed rebellion, Gen
eral Schlatter, who was sent to the
Philippines by the German government
last August to look Into affairs there,
reported that the Japanese are leading
the revolt. There are 10,000 Spanish
regulars on guard In the Islnnds. The
Insurgents last fall numbered about 46,
000, of whom 5,000 were armed with
good guns. The insurgents have a
few good cannon, cast from melted
church bells and bits of metal that
they gathered here and there. Manila,
like Havana, has naturally been In
control of the Spanish troops, and the
Insurgents have been carrying on a
warfare forty and sixty miles from
Manila, similar to that of the Cubans
about Havana.
"In the summer of 1S96 the order of
the Kntipunan was secretly formed
among the Malays and Chinese. The
purpose was to 'remove by blood and
bondnge of Spain.' The members of the
order were sworn by a gash across the
left upper arm. With the blood which
Issued from the wound the Initiate
crossed himself and daubed his mouth
and solemnly swore that he would spill
the blood of at least one Spaniard every
six months. The Spanish got hold of
the plot. By trials that lasted an hour
or two In some cases and thirty or
fortv minutes each in most cases, 4,700
of the persons suspected as being in
the plot were convicted and shot to
death. In the month of November. 1S06,
there were 800 executions on the out
skirts of Manila. In one day some seventy-five
men were stood up before a
wall and shot.
"The earthquakes In the Philippines,
especially on Luzon and Negros Islands,
deserve a special story by themselves
The whole group of Islands Is of vol
canic origin. There are seventy vol
canoes In constant eruption on the Isl
ands. Several of them are the most
violent In the world, and are always
being studied by scientists from Europe
and America The famous volvano
Mayar Is within sight of Manila, An
earthquake occurs onan average of once
every ten days. I have known small
quakes to come at the rate of a dozen
a day for a week at a time. About a
dozen times a year there are shocks
so severe that people will run about
in fright and damage will be done to
the buildings. The big bridge over the
Paselg river at Manila has been so
swerved by enrthqunkes twice In my
residence In the city thnt It has been
made unsafe for travel. In 18S4 an
earthquake nearly ruined the great
stone cathedral In Manila, razed mnny
buildings to the ground, rocked hun
dreds more, and 2,000 people on Luzon
Islnnd were killed by falling timbers
and walls. In I860 the great earth
quake occurred on Negros islnnd. It
hns never been known how many peo
ple were killed then, but the number
Is estimated ut 7,000. Almost every
structure on the Islnnd wns shaken
down, and great gaps yards wide und
miles long, were erncked across tho
Island The qunkc opened seams In
the enrth from the sencoast and made
pussnges from the Interior Inkes to the
ocean. I supose If such a qunko should
occur In New York city there wouldn't
be one building left on all Manhattan
"The people of Manila have the fond,
ness of Spnnlsli countries for exciting
sports. The old thenter, which seats
about 1,500 people. Is nearly nlwnys
filled. It pays the Spnnlsli government
a revenue of nbout 15,000 n yenr. Some
times n"h opera or theatrical company
will come there from Paris or Madrid,
and play seven nights In the week for
months nt n time. Operas with a lot
of buffoonery nnd n lot of desperate
villains are immensely popular in Man
ila, und drnmns In which there Is a
vein of Immorality will draw for weeks.
While the ploy piocceds boys go nbout.
the thenter vending cigars nnd sweet
meats. Often a cloud of tobacco smoke
obscures stage at the close of on even
ing. When the piny pleases a whole
scene will be repented. I once attended
an opening night of a new Spnnlsli
(iruniu, ana the audience cheered so
lustily that the whole llrst scene wns
repented twice before the second camo
on. There nre some marvelous Incon
gruities In the drama there, but tho
audience enters so enthusiastically into
the plot that there Is no chnnce for
such trilling criticism. I snw a play last
year In which a Roman soldier shot
the villain to, death In n room where
there were curtains and glass window
"Gambling Is unlversnl In the Phil
ippines. I don't known anyone except
the hnlf-clvlllzed men on the little Isl
nnds In the Philippine archipelago who
do not do some gambling. There are
lotteries galore. The government gets
one million dollars revenue a year from
the lotteries, nnd no mntter how hard
the times, there are always some lot
teries In full blast under the protection
of the Spnnlsh. Sellers of lottery tick
ets have booths along the streets, at the
plazas and wherever the people congre
gate for an evening's promenade. Thou
sands of people will scrimp, nnd pinch
n whole month to get money to buy
chances In some lottery scheme. The
business men lny aside a certain share
of their receipts to buy tickets from
advertisements for lotteries.
"Naturally the average native of tho
Philippines Is humble nnd penceable
sort of fellow. He has very little edu
cation and has no knowledge of the
world outside of the Islands. I know
men In Manila who have held govern
ment offices and are accounted great
successes there, who hod never heard
of the United States, and asked me If
our country was anywhere near China.
I guess they have brushed up their
geography along that line since I left
the Islands. The natives are simple
people; they love to dance, sing and
loaf. Poverty Is more general than
anywhere on the continent. Under a
good government there would never be
a suggestion of a rebellion and these
people could be made prosperous."
Deadly Navaja of Seville
It Is said that every Spaniard car
ries a knife, unless he belongs to the
upper class of the aristocracy. Even
then Instinct frequently lends them to
Its use. With the peasants and com
mon people a blade Is an- Indispensable
article of dress. The ugliest of Spanish
knives Is the navaja of Seville. At the
first intimation of trouble the Spaniard
pulls his knife, If It Is n nnvnja and
provided with a big rachet and spring
he Jerks the blade open, the racket
snapping like a rattlesnake's warning.
This adds dramatic effect and appeals
to thnt love of braggadocio and display
Inherent in the Spanish people.
The navaja Is used with the blade up.
This gives the blow a terrible ripping
and thrusting force. It Is hard to par
ry, and, the point once In, little avails
the victim. The wound is nearly al
ways fatal, for It leaves a trail like
a battle ax, save that it is up Instead
of down. The long knives, such as
this form of the navaja presents, offer
a tremendous advantage, and In the
street brawls and private quarrels so
often Indulged In always overmatch
more fragile weapons.
Matches are seldom used, except by
certain of the better classes, In the
land of Ferdinand and Isabella, and the
practice of striking a light from the
flint will Illustrate how common an ar
ticle of use the ever handy knife Is.
Neaxly every Spaniard carries In his
belt a bit of flint. When he wants a
light, out comes the flint, the knife Is
produced and the stone Is struck with
the back of the knife. A small piece
of punk catches the spark as It flies,
nurtures it, nnd In a second there Is
all the blaze needed. Calmly the Span,
lard blows the smoke of his cigarette
In rings about his head, ever ready for
a resort to the friend who never plays
him false his navaja.
One of the most elaborate Is that of
the king of Portugal. Its Jewels alone
ore valued at 18,000,000. The crest of the
crown which the czar of Russia wears
on special occasions Is a cross com
posed of five marvellously brilliant dia
monds resting on a large ruby, uncut
U polished. The state crown of the
czarina, though small, Is composed,
according to authorities upon the sub.
Ject of gems, of the finest stones ever
Queen Victoria's crown, valued at
$1,800,000, contains a splendid ruby, one
large sapphire, besides sixteen smaller
ones, eight emeralds, four moderate
sized rubles. 1,360 brilliants and 1,273
rose diamonds, with four smaller pear
formed pearls and 269 of other shapes.
When the sultan of Johore wears his
crown and his state clothes the dia
monds he wears alone are estimated to
be worth $12,500,000. His collar, his
epaulets, his girdle and cuffs, the han
dle and blade of his sword, are all stud
ded with precious gems. His bracelets
are of massive gold, and his fingers
are covered with rings that are almost
But perhaps the most costly Insignia
of princely dignity are those of another
tributary prince of British India, the
Maharajah of Baroda. This gentle,
man's chief ornament Is not a crown,
but a necklace of five strands contain
ing 600 diamonds, some of which are as
large as hazel nuts, while the upper
and lower rows consist of emeralds of
the same size.
All Intelligent butter makers havo
admitted the fait that a reliable ther
mometer Is the must Important machine
In the factory. It Is the guldo to gilt
edge butter making.
The hot sun Is the young cnlfs worst
jeiu'iny. They nte young and tender
nnd the hot sun Is too much for them.
'Better calves will be raised If they nro
kept Inside altogether.
liuttir metchnnts who make n spc
.cialty of handling storage butter say
tl.ut It requires two weeks at least
nfter the cows nre turned Into the pas
ture before the butter Is good enough
to put nn. Ftesh grass butter In
soft bodied and slushy.
The term uncle! In In reference to milk
nnd cream dots not menu a dlsense of
some kind, as many suppose. It Is sim
ply u town used In specifying the
changes nccessaiy In the manufacture
of butter and different kinds of cheese.
By some It Is commonly culled seeding
for the growth of the desired flavor.
It Is a well known fact that the com
fort of tiny aiilmul hns n great Influ
ence on its general lunlth and thrift,
t'omfoit la summer is ns Important ns
comfort In winter. The nnlinal that
must hunt almost all night nnd day for
it scanty supply of food, that Is exposed
to the burning sun and tormented by
flies cannot be said to be enjoying sum
mer comfort.
. We learn from high market author
ities that the use of parchment paper
Is to bo more general this year than
ever before. In nil the large markets
parchment lining Is required now. If
for no other renson the ndded nentiicss
which parchment paper gives a butter
tub would moke It popular. But It does
all that Is claimed for It, and the do
Jiiaud for Its use will continue to grow.
To specially illustrate the value of the
right kind of feeding, President Mnthlc
son of the South Dakota State Dairy as
sociation, makes the following stnte
roent which enme under his observa
tion: A neighbor of his who hnd n herd
of flfty common cows of mixed breeds,
but one who Is a enreful feeder, receiv
ed In cash from the Lansing cienmery
last year $50 per cow for milk dellv
icred. Grandfather's way of dairying made
him n prosperous man. His methods
are not likely to make you a prosperous
man in this nge. 'TIs becnuse the world
do move. Competition Is keener, cost
of production must bo reduced, a better
article is demnnded. The pushing, up-to-dnte
dairyman Is doing his work In
nn easier way, he Is doing more of It
find In less time, he Is feeding less cream
'to his pigs and calves, and not of least
Importance, he Is mnklng a liner grade
of butter.
Make It a point to havo your poultry
(of the best quality beforo Bhlpplng to
mnrket. One who Is not necustomed
to visiting the largo markets knows
'nothing of the enormous amount of
Inferior poultry thnt Is sold, and which
'largely affects the prices; yet, there Is
always n demand for thnt which is
good, and at n price above the regular
quotations. The nssortlng of the car
'casos before shipping also leads to bet
ter prices. Old roosters (which seldom
'sell at more than hnlf price) should not
(be In the same boxes or barrels with
better stock; and to ship poultry alive,
nnd have roosters In the coop with fat
hens is simply to lower the price of the
hens, as tho buyer will estimate the
value by the presence of the Inferior
stock. In fact, never send nny poultry
(to market unless in first-class condition,
and under no circumstances ship tho
Inferior with thnt which Is better.
Very often dairymen write us ex
pressing great surprise at the fluctua
tions In the nmount of butter fat In
their milk nt the crenmery, as shown by
the Babcock test. Since the advent of
the Babcock test we ore learning that
men have lived for a great many years
In very great Ignorance of the truo
philosophy of milk and the cow. It Is
safe U) say that anything and every
thing that can affect the nervous sys
tem of a mother, whether human or bo
vine, will affect the fat content of her
milk. On this law is founded the oft
repeated advice to treat the cow gently.
Grow a crop of turnips for ducks, If
you Intent to raise a large; number of
ducks. In the Inrge establishments,
uhrre hundreds of ducas are raised, tho
principal food for them Is cooked tur
nips, with a small proportion of ground
grnln. No crop can be grown to better
advantage than turnips, and In no way
can turnips be grown so profitably as
to feed them to ducks. Ducks and tur
nips are adjuncts to each other on the
duck farms, for without turnips the
ducks could not be made to lay bo well.
Let the chickens onto the newly
plowed garden. They are splendid "In
secticides." Highways AboutSan Juan.
The roads of the Island are not wor
thy the name.
They arc little better than tracks
made by cattle.
The principal highway Is a military
road connecting San Juan and Ponce.
Protection Is afforded this road by
about twenty small forts.
Of the highways on the Island but
five are flrst-elass.
The telegraph system Is In nn incom
plete state, nnd thi- service Is only par
tlally maintained. The length of wire
in the system is KF4 kilometers.
The bridge of Son Antonio connects
the capital. Sun Juan de Puerto Rico,
with the large Island.
The principal ports nre: San Juan on
the north. Fnjnrdo and Ensenada Hon
da on the east, Josn and Guanlcn on the
t-outh nnd Puerto Renl on the west.
Aside from these are some roadsteads
and anchorages, such ns Humacao on
the east. Ponce on the south, Mnyaguez
on the west and Areclbo on the north.
The const service Is composed of
schooners, sloops and a very few
From east to wst the Island Is trav
ersed by a rnnge of mountnlns. This
begins nt the head of San Juan In tho
northeast and terminates at the Cape
of Rlncon. In the west.
The highest point Is El Yunque. 3.600
feet above the sea level. This peak
Is situated In the Sierra de Luqulllo,
near the noithenst corner
There are time rnilronds In opera
tion. One from Son Juno to Areribo
and Carmuy: another from Ponce to
Yauco and the thiid fiom Mayaguea
to Aguadllla. The entire illMaiiro cov.
ered by these roads Is 179 kilometers.
One line nf cable exists between Cu.
ba. Mexico. Pnnamn and the coasts of
the South American continent An
other conneiib the islands with St.
Thomas, Juuuiica and the rest of the
A new fUt'Ftltute for blasting powder
hns been Invented by an Aoftilan engi
neer for use in F.nlt nnd Iron mines. It
Is composed -f 6: per cent of sodium
nitrate, 5 percent of potassium nltr-ate,
10 per cent of sulphur, 11 pr cent of
coal tar nnd 1 per cent of Jotueb.um
mini: uesrnoYiNa.
Kvn n export In the branch of mill.
ii sdni'p thill deals with blowing
I linns up ,osiscs l"tle more knowi-
l-f or the action of mines In nctunl
urfan thnn the royal astronomer bus
f the man In the moon Tho mln-sl
I ed In our civil wm -the only war m
lilcii they hnvo been exploded unit i'
i'iIpm, were orudi affnlrs nnd clectihlty I
a applied to wnr was then in nn un-
i evelope (1 Mule. Nvet their, those '
' Id mines were deadly enough to send
i vi nty-nve snips to the bottom durln?
i 'ip war. In the Inst ten years murh
I iventlvo renins hns been devoted to
I u' perfection of stibmnrlnp exploslv -s
I ir harbor defense. Tho result Is that
i lines will do about what Is expected of
lliem. Many experiments have been
node with gun cottcn nnd dynamite to
Ust their strength ns mining mntcrlnl
I nd their notion agnlnnt vessels has
I'oen determined bv blowing up old
I ulks and dummy ships.
As Independent Investigation has been
olhg on In every civilized country that
Jms seaports to be defended, them Is
nnturnlly n vnrlety of submarine mines,
And only the officers In the torpedo serv
ice of each country know Just what
f ontiivnnces nre prepared for keeping
hostile fleets out of its harbors or blow
tag holes Into them when they do get In
But broadly stienklng, all hnrbois are
defended by "observation mines" or
"contact mines," nnd operations In mine
testroylng will be directed against these
two kinds of mines.
Observation mines nre mines con
Jiected with the shore by electric cables
by means of which an operator station
ed nt a point usually a protected nnd
masked pit whence the movements of
attacking ships can be observed, can
turn n key nnd explode n sci les of mines
at the moment n vessel passes ovrr
them. These mines nro placed In rows
across a channel. Each mine I n
spherical or cylindrical copper case
containing ubnut 500 pounds of gun
cotton. It Is nbout three feet In dltim
cter. The explosion of this quantity or
gun cofcton will be fatnl to nny ship
within a radius or sixty feet from tho
point on the surfnee above It. A line
of six mines will, therefore, guard n
channel 720 feet wide. Gun cotton Is
lighter thnn water, so an observation
mine Is nttnehed to nn iron sinker
weighing nbout a qunrter of a ton. Ench
row of mines Is strung on one electric
cnble, which is nttnehed to the sinkers
nnd mils nlong the bottom. The wire
mooring rope, by which ench mine" Is
nttnehed to Its sinker, Is between ten
nnd fifteen feet long, so thnt the mines
float nt this distance from the bottom,
If the mines nie nearer than this the
explosion or the first one is liable to
break the cable and cut off the electric
current from the other mines before
they explode. Each mine Is Joined to
the mnln electric cable by a branch ca
ble meeting It nt the point where It Is
connected to the sinker. For the guid
ance or the operntor, buoys ore plnced
at the ends of ench line of mines. At
paint dealer and do roar own kalomlnln. Thla material la made on Mientllle rrlnclnl.. br ro
cbtnerr and milled in twentr-fonr tint and le tuberlor to anr ooneoctlon of Ulna and Whltlne- that
can poulblr be made b band. Te be eUd nltfc did Taur. "
irKD FOB SAMPLE OOI.OH OAHIIS and tf on oannol rorehan UiU material from joar
looa.1 dealers Ut oe know and we will put jou In the war ot obtaining it.
night Holme lights or something slm
lar are used. These lights are an Ingen
lous invention nnd nre used whenever It
is necessary to make temporury marks
In the water at night. They consist of
a chemical composition that In contact
with water generates a gas which Ig
nites and burns with a dull light when
It renches the air. The light Is p'.accd
below the surface and the rising bub
bles mark Its position. Mined harbors
are filled with false buoys and lights
to deceive the enemy. Observation
mines of the ordlnnry kind should bo
from forty to sixty feet below the sur
face. At this point they are Bafe from
attack, and they exert the grentest
force against the bottom of a ship.
Two kinds of contact mines are In
genernl use, the electro-contact and the
mechanical or automatic. They are In
tended to explode only when they are
struck by the bottom of n ship. The
proper depth for these mines Is fifteen
feet. They nre about one-fifth the size
of an observation mine; nre moored to
sinkers, nnd the electro-contact mine Is
Joined by an electric cable to a battery
at the firing station on shore. A number
of these mines, arranged In groups of
from three to hnlf a dozen, nre usually
connected with one main cnble.
A Pennsylvania women has Invented
a dustpan which Is designed to fit in
a doorway to take up the dirt as it Is
swept over the sill, the pan telescoping
near the center so It can be extended
to fit any door.
, A New Zealander has a bicycle which
Is fitted with a row of small pumps
around the rim of each wheel, the pis
tons running on the ground to com
press the air which Is designed to be
stored In the frame and used to pro
pel the wheels.
Dressmakers will appreciate a new
sewing machine attachment consisting
of a U-shaped frame attached to the
back of the table to support a cloth
basket, which prevents the work from
jiulllng or getting on the floor.
, To adjust the chains on bicycles the
rear hub Is mounted on an eccentric
disc, Inside a ring, which is split on
one side and clamps the disc to prevent
tit from turning .the ring being a part
3f the frame of the wheel.
Screws can be driven without the
Hrlver slipping from the slot by using
ki new attachment, which has screw
bontrolled Jnws to grip the head of the
screw and hold tho tool while the driv
ing blade does Its work.
' To prevent the slipping of the wheels
of electric cars on grndes a pair of sup
plemental rails Is placed Inside the
Vnaln rails, with grooves cut crosswise
kn their surfnee, to engage toothed
wheels mounted on the shaft.
J A German woman has designed a
music holder for violins, which Is form
ed of a wire frome fitted with clamps
'to attach It to the violin head, the
sheet of music being Interlaced between
a number of cross wires to hold It In
To close fire shutters and door au
tomatically they are mounted on an
Inclined track to slide as soon as a
fuslVle cord on the door Is burned, the
icord allowing a weight to drop on the
Jatch and release the door.
Gas Is automatically shut off when
blown out by a new attachment con
sisting of a balanced arm with an umbrella-shaped
hood, which Is held above
,the burner by the heat of the flame
and descends ns soon as the flame Is ex.
.tlngulshed, thus pulling a lever which
cuts off the gas.
i . i ij
Why let your neighbors
know It?
And why give them a
chance to guess you nre even
five or ten years more?
Better give them good
reasons for guessing tho
other wav. It is vcrv eavi
for nothing tells of ago so
quiciuy as gray nair.
Is a youth-renewcr.
It hides the age under ft
luxuriant growth of hair tho
color of youth.
It never falls to rcstoro
color to gray hair. It will
stop the hair from coming
out also.
It feeds the h'alr bulbs.
Thin hair becomes thick hair,
and short hair becomes long
It cleanses the scalp; re
moves all d'.ndruff, and
prevents its formation.
We have a book on the
Hair which we will gladly
send you.
If Ton fin nnt nhtaln all tha fcann.
(llnyou expected frnmtlieuient the
Vlffor. writ, tho ilnrtfir atinut It.
Probably there la unit ilimculty
with your general eyilem which
muf be eatllr removed. Addreti,
Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mm,
jthe Summer
in Colorado,
! whero it is always sunny, yet never
I hot whero rain falls but seldom, yot
f tho landscntin in rinrAnniiillv rrrnon
where tho air is itH light as a feather,
i VOt stroncronniH'll tnrentnrn thn flnoti
of youth to tho cheek of the nged.
An oxnennivn ntiHmr? Ttfnt nt nil
) Tho summer tourist rates offered by
the Burlington Route bring a trip to
j mis most wonuoriui or states within
t reach of every tnnn nnd woman who
knows how necessary vocations are
I and acts in accordance with thnt
i J. Franclt, General Pat icnger Agent,
I Omaha, Neb.
J P.8.-U you po we.t through Omaha,
X you can stop oil and seo the Tran-Mlsli-
ilppl Kx position.
IV. E. A. Honle to Wnehtngfnn
from tho West and Northwest will bo
through Chicago thence over tho Penn
sylTania Short Lines. No change from
Chicago to tho National Capital. Send
for guide to Washington containing in
teresting information nbout tbat attrac
tive city. Address II. R. Deki.no, A. Q,
P. Agt., 218 South Clark St., Chicago.
To relieve the sudden pull of winds
on swinging signs, etc., a new hanger
Is formed of an outer coning to screw
Into the board, with a colled spring In
side to support a central rod having an
eye at the outer end for attachment
to the building.
An Improved method of heating rooms
is by colling steam pipes Inside an air
passage through which air is forced by
blowers, to be heated as It passes over
the pipes, after which It Is discharged
through pipes to different rooms.
Acent wanted to isell a new patent liono
hold article. Addres J. C. I.kau.nkd. Lock
110X669. t'hlcaco, Ills.
O. P. Co., Omaha.
No. 29. 189a
nat.TeKanri ym j,i -i
( lyKtS VTMlkt Alt llil FAILS.
I.I)aetCouhsrun. Taste Good. Um
I in time. Knin br druoe-uta.
KMel g mif ft B zMm 11 J 1