Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 24, 1898, Image 1

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The Heminer
All That Is Necessary Is to Allow
American Ships to Take the
Dons In Out of the Wet Sees
No Escape.
Camp McCalla, Outer Harbor of
Quantanamo, Juno 17. Noon (via the
Associated Press Dispatch Boat Wanda,
via Kingston, Jamaica), June 21. S:l.i
a. m. The following intercepted re
port from the Spanish military com
mander at Guantanamo was taken
from the body of an unfortunate mes
senger who attempted to pass the Cu
ban lines. It gives the official Span
ish version of the attack of the Ameri
can fleet In the captuie of the outer
Guantanamo harbor, and discloses the
fact that starvation Is facing the Span
ish troops in Eastern Cuba.
This Is verified by extracts from n
Santiago paper, recently cabled, and the
fact that some Spanish troops have
surrendered at the American camp,
with the excuse for so doing that they
were starving. The letter reads:
Caimanera, June 13. To the Com
manding General of the Military Divi
sion of Santiago de Cuba: At dawn on
Saturday seven ships appeared before
the port of Caimanera and fired grape
shot and all kinds of projectiles on the
Playa del Este and the Cayo Toro, un
til they set fire to the fort on the Playa
del Este, burning the houses of the
pilots, which were occupied by a de
tachment of American marines.
The cannonading continued with
more or less intensity until 5 o'clock
In the afternoon. As the Playa del
Este had only two muzzle loading guns
and sand entrenchments the detach
ment could do nothing against six
ships, and they returned Into Man
agan and to Cuzoc hill, where they
remain today, making sallies on the
From that day the soldiers occupied
Punta Caracoles, observing the move
ments of ships, which occupy all the
outer port with war transports. A
variable number of armed ships, other
vessels of war and armed merchant
ships. The total is never less than
four. 1 have also taken the Enato
passes and the vlllgant gunboat Mag
nei Is here ready to fall on them
where damage can be done.
I remain at Caimanera and will only
leave when 1 think It necessary. I
have not been able to antagonize the
American ships with rifle fire. Forts
Sandoval and Cayo Toro fired their
pieces of artillery, but their effective,
ness was Interfered with by the short
ness of their range or when the ships
retired to the center of the channel
and took up a position in the middle
of the bay.
Sandoval has not over seven rounds
of armor piercing projectiles and
Caimanera battery did not lire, re
serving its fire until the ships en
tered the channel which is where Its
guns reach.
I am told that the insurgent forces
at Baracoa have come down to Slgna
bos, being apparently greatly pleased
at noting that the American squadron
has taken possession of the outer bay
as If for a base of operations, the
American ships having anchored as
if in one of their ports.
Since Saturday the Americans have
cut the cables, which are at the en.
trance and the center of the haibor.
and I have not been able to repair
them, but they have not again mo
lested me, except with two cannon
shots on Monday. It appears from the
work which is being done that the
Americans are preparing to plant the
harbor with mines or to place their
ships as to disembark troops at Playa
del Este, their favorite place. If this
turns out to be the case, and that 1
have been the llrst to call your atten
tlon to it, 1 would suggest that some
of our vessels should come here.
The members of the First brigade ar
In good spirits. I am continuing to
serve out half rations of everything,
and In that way I shall be able to reach
to the end of the month, especially in
bread. I have no flour of any kind, an
I have previously said, and I have no
way of getting any, as there has been
no grain here for. some time past. We
are equally short of quinine In the hos.
pltals. However, I have taken posses
sion of the private drug stores, and will
have enough until the end of the
month. The town Is suffering from
On Saturday we had only two men
wounded. At Craigo Morro the cable
house was riddled with shells, hut It
will stand, and If the Americans
abandon the port, which I doubt, every
thing possible will be done to re-estab.
llsh communication, to which end 1
have everything ready.
Today there Is In the harbor a large
armored vessel, the Oregon, and seven
more vessels, with a large uarsport,
the St. Paul, which appears to be a
store ship. They patrol the Playa with
armed launches. I return to Caimanera
after seeing the bearer of this dispatch
He Is worthy of my confidence, as a
messenger of brigade has rendered me
good services. By sea I have a ready
youth who has served In the navy and
who volunteered to go, I earnestly rec
ommend him to your excellency, should
he arrive. FELIX PARE.IA.
Commanding Second Brigade, Eastern
Military Division of Cuba.
To prevent wear of the edges of
books from sliding over shelves a num
ber of metal rollers are set In a frame
and covered with rubber to turn ns the
books are pushed back on the shelves,
or an endless web may be carried by
two rollers for the same purpose.
"You've talked enough now, Katie,"
paid her mother. "Children should be
seen and not heard." "You heard what
mamma said," protested Katie an hour
or two later, when the nurse was try
ing to persuade her It was time to go
to bed. "Children should be eerene and
not hurried." Chicago Tribune.
A LonR Drawn Out War the Prob
able Outcome.
Washington, D. C, June 21. The sec
ond American council of war was held
at the White house and it was
decided to push the Porto Rico expedl
tlon to the utmoBt, to seize all the chief
points In the eastern end of Cuba, to
prepare for Camara's squadron, wher
ever It may be bound, to pour Into Cuba
an army of 200,000 troops and to Issue
n third call for volunteers and to be In
readiness to reinforce Shatter,
President McKlnley summoned the
secretary of war, the secretary of the
navy, General Miles, In command of the
army, and Admiral Slcard and Captain
Mahan of the board of strategy. The
president and his advisers consumed
two and a half hours In discussing the
situation. Duilng the discussion Gen
eral Miles, It Is understood, strongly ad
vocated the sending of relnfoi cements
to Shafter at once, nnd without waiting
for him to request aid.
Geneial Miles discovered enough dur
ing his recent visit to Tampa to con
vince him that Santiago Is much more
formidable than Is generally believed.
He thinks that in view of the plan
which contemplates the seizure of San.
tiago and the taking of Port de Banes,
Glbrara, Nuevltas and Puerto Principe
by Shatter's troops that that general
will not have enough men to do the
work thoroughly.
The fact that an order was sent
by wire to the commanding general, de
partment of the east, directing him to
form another siege train, to be composed
of four batteries now at Fort Monroe is
regarded as extremely significant. This
siege train was ordered to proceed Im
mediately by rail to Tampa, and there
report to General Rogers, chief of ar
tillery. The Inference Is drawn that the
commands will Join Shatter's forces,
since the orders are Imperative as to
Immediate departure.
If It Is found necessary to send 10,000
or 12,000 troops to Shafter, the Porto
RIcan expedition may be subject to a
slight delay.
The war council thought that In case
Shafter Is sent more troops the part ot
wisdom would suggest first the subju
gation of Santiago by the force sent
down there, and then the re-embarka-tlon
of three-fourths of the troops for
Porto Rico, the gap left by this with
drawal to be filled by the volunteers
now In camp.
The Investment of Havana, as fore
cast In these dispatches, will be post,
poned until fall, and the council of war
expressed the opinion without a dis
senting voice that 200,000 men will be
required in Cuba before the end Is
At least 100,000 men, It is estimated,
will be required for Havana alone.
As a result ot the conference It Is
stated positively by persons high In au
thority that the expedition to Porto
Rico could not possibly f-nll In less thun
two weeks.
There Is some doubt as to sending an
expedition for the relief of the suffering
Cubans at once, although Shatter's
army, when It moves on the eastern end
of the Island, will distribute provisions
to the Cubans, who are expected to take
them Into the Interior and feed all the
Our Boys are Getting Sick of Patrol
Key West, Fla., June 21. The captain
of a vessel returned from the blockade
of the northern coast of Cuba said:
"We are sick of the patrol duty, drift
ing and cruising along the coast. The
work has become more disagreeable.
Sometimes a squall will follow another
the whole day long, and the rpugh
seas will drench us even on the bridge.
The smaller boats approach as near
to the coast as they can. Between
Port Cabanas and Balha Honda the
blockaders run along about half a
mile from the beach and Just outside
of the white water.
"From five to six fathoms the bottom
pitches suddenly to 200 or 300 fathoms,
and the boats can safely skirt the outer
edge of the surf. The system of watch
kept by the Spaniards from Cardenas
almost to Cape Antonio is admirable.
Even on the darkest, stormiest night
they see us, and as we move slowly
along lanterns Hash the newe of our
approach down the const, so that it
would be impossible to make a landing
with a small boat. In the daytime
smoke signals are used and the beach
Is patrolled also by Spanish cavalry
men. Our vessels move about five miles
nn hour and the Spanish horsemen can
keep up with us. Three troops fol
low us along the beach for several
miles till they come to a station of
three others. These take up the work
and run along with us, and so on.
They never lose track of us, night or
"The new fort at Port Cabjtnaa looks
to be very strong. The old fort at
Bahla Honda does not seem to be oc
cupied; at least there is no flag on it.
"From Port Cabanas to Bahia Honda
small hills rise Lack of the beach, and
between these hills and the summit
of the mountains far inland are beau
tiful fields of sugar cane and other
crops. The land seems to be cultivated
to the utmost. All of this territory Is,
of course, tributary to Havana and
furnlBhes food to the city.
"There may be vessels In Havana
harbor anxious to slip out, but they
are not warships. The Spaniards have
two or three small gunboats at Ha
vana, but no other warships, and Cap
tain General Blanco's dispatches about
warships entering and leaving are nil
bombast. The gunboats, if they ever
got, would never return The re
ports that the mouth of the Huvana
has been left open Is not true. There
are always three of four boats prowling
"Commodore Wutson's flagship Is
now the Nashville, but he has moved
about fiom one ship to another, so
that he says his toothbrush is on one
vessel, his hair brush on another nnd
he wonders when he will be able to col
lect his personnl effects."
Stair carpet can be securely fastened
without breaking the fabric by using
a newly-devised bracket which Is
formed of a metal bar having a hinged
place adjustably attached to Its center,
with the upper end of the latter to be
Inserted under the edge of the stair
above, to lock the bt.r In a vertical
position against the stair riser.
Holds Wife and Chlldron of the
Spanish Governor and Treats
Them Like Royal Prisoners
Dewey the Lion of Manila.
Manila, Philippine Islands, June 21.-.
Agutnaldo, the lender of the Philip,
pine insurgents, In nn Interview, says:
'I want to tell America that I am
humane. The Spanish governor put a
price of $25,000 on my head. I have
been poisoned once nnd stabbed by
his braves. My generals have captured
his wife and children. They are treated
like royalty and will be freed. 1 prom
ised the Amerlcnn coiibuI, Wlldman, 1
would forget nnd forgive. I consider
Admlinl Dewey the Hon of Mai.lla and
1 thank America from my heart for
giving us Wlldman nnd Williams. They
aie wonderful men for freeing my
country from Spanish cruelty nnd licen
tious greed. God und l.lstoiy will lepay
them. I do not believe America will
sell the Philippines to the highest bid
der." Madrid Special: It In said here that
Captain General Augustl has leslgned
the military leadership at Manila, so
that the capitulation of that place may
be signed by a person of less Import
ance than the captain general of tht.
Philippine Islands.
London Special: The Star publishes
an absurd story from Paris to the
effect that Captain General Augustl has
Infoimed the Spanish premier, Senor
Sagasta, that he has handed Manila
over to Admiral Dledrlcks, the com
mnnder of the German fleet, who hat
occupied the citadel and arsenal on
the plea of protecting the Inhabitants
from tliu Insurgents.
Congressman E. R. Rldgely has been
unanimously renominated by the popu
lists of the Third Kansas district.
Secretary Alger has decided to assign
Major General Warren Kelfer of Ohio
to Seventh corps. The latter is now
stationed at Jacksonville.
The Italian ambassador at Madrid has
sent to the minister of marine a detailed
report of the condition of the Spanish
navy. TIiIb report says that Cervera's
only tally powerful ship Is the Cristo
bal Colon.
The navy department has concluded
that It has purchased as many small
vessels for the auxiliary licet as It re
quires, and an Intimation to that ef
fect has been conveyed to Admlial
Erben, In charge of that service.
Spain has Issued a semi-official note
emphatically contradicted all the
American reports of the operation In
Cuba, and even denies that American
forces have effected a landing In Guan
tanamo bay or elsewhere.
Senor Romer Glron, the Spanish
minister of colonies, according to a
special dispatch from Madrid, has In
the course of a recent interview ex
pressed the opinion that nothing short
of a miracle can save Manila.
While the work of arming and feed,
ing the Insurgents Is pushed vigorously,
the Spaniards in Santiago arc reportea
suffering from an Incipient famine, and
a Cuban officer asserts that the guer
rillas aie 'deseitlng In force to the In
surgents. The famous wheat deal of Joseph
Lelter went to pieces Mondny. It lias
gradually been getting Into position for
such a collapse for a week past. Cash
wheat has dropped $1 In thirty days,
July wheat 50 cents and September
wheat more than 25 cents.
The National City bank and the Cen
tral Trust company of New York, nnd
Vermllye & Co., have Informed the
secretary of the treasury that in order
to insure the Immediate success of the
ioitn they will subscribe for the entire
loan of $200,000,000, or such part there
of as may not be subscribed for by the
Ernest T. Hooley, the English Com
pany promoter, who applead for and
obtained a receiving order In bank
ruptcy, promises, In an interview, to
make startling revelations regarding
the extent to which blackmnlling is
prevalent In the city portion of London,
and adds that his estate will probably
show a surplus of $500,000.
The flagship San Francisco, with
Commodore Howell on board, while
attempting to round Cupe Cod In a
heavy fog, went ashore near High Head
life saving station at 7 o'clock Monday
morning, but by the hard work of the
ciew, who threw over a large quantity
of coal nnd ballast, and the assistance
of four tugs from Boston, she came oft
at 6 o'clock Monday night uninjured.
President Ulysses Heureaux of the re
public of Dominica believes he has dis
covered proof that the steamer Fanltn.
formerly of the Clyde line, which was
used by Senors JImenes and Morales, In
their unseccussful attempt to overthrow
the Dominican government, left the
United States with the countenance of
the American government, under a
mere pretense of taking munitions of
war to Cuba.
Information has reached the state de
partment that the revolution which has
prevailed In Venezuela for the past
six months ended Sunday night by the
defeat nnd capture of Hernandez, Its
lender. The people are celebatlng the
termination of the revolution by public
demonstrations. As a result, President
Andrade remains more firmly than ever
seated In the executlvu office in Car
acas. Captain Low of the fruiter Allegany,
which has arrived at New York from
Cnvanllla and other West Indian ports,
says that from what he learned on the
trip the condition of things In Cuba Is
deplorable. Nearly all the peaceable
Cubans having been starved to death,
and the Spaniards on the Islnnd are
In a bad way for food. Hundreds t
thousands of Cubnns have died since
the outbreak of the revolution, and the
greater portion of the people have per
ished since Consul General Lee left
Havana andwar was declared between
the Uunlted States and Spain. "The Cu
ban race." added Captain Low, "has
been practically exterminated."
The Managers Hnve Agrood Upon
t The Following Ratoa.
Omaha, June 21. The following gi-n
eral passenger rate will obtain during
the exposition:
From points In Northwern Michigan,
Wisconsin, Illinois, lown, Minnesota,
Eastern North and South Dakota, Ne
braska, Kansas, Eastern Wyoming and
Colorado, the rate will be one nnd a
third fare for the round trip, tickets
good to return for thirty dayB from dnte
ot sale, not to exceed November 15.
Except from the points named the
rates will be as follows: Chicago, $20;
Peoria, $17; Denver, $25; Colonial.
Spilngs $2G; Pueblo, $25; St. Paui.
Minn., $15.75; Minneapolis, $16.75. On
special days lower rates will be In ef
fect. On June 23, lown day, the rale will be
1 cent per mile, pluH one way bridge
faie f i om lown points 160 miles from
Omaha ; tickets to be sold on June 23
only, limited to return June 24. One
fnie for the round trip from Iowa points
outhldc of the 150 miles radius; tickets
to be Hold June 22 nnd for trains arriv
ing In Omaha on the morning of June
23, tickets limited to return on or be
fore June 2JI.
Tickets will be sold on June 21 from
all points In Illinois to Omaha, good to
return until and Including June 21, at
one flat fare for the round trip. TickclB
will be sold to Omaha June 21 and 22,
good to return until and Including July
7, from all stations In Northern Michi
gan, Wisconsin, Northern Missouri,
Iowa, Minnesota, Eastern North and
South Dakota, Eoustcrn Wyomlng.Colo.
lado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian
territory at one regulnr one way rate,
plus $2, for the round trip.
Tickets will he seld to Omaha on June
20 nnd 21, good to return until and
Including July 7, from points In South
ern Michigan, Indiana and Ohio; also
from points east thereof to and Includ
ing Toronto, Canada, Suspension
Bridge, Niagara Falls, Tonawanda,
Black Rock, Dunkirk, Salamanca,
New York, Erie and Pittsburg, Pa,
Wheeling, Parkersvllle and Charleston,
W. Va., and north of the Ohio river.
Including Louisville, Kyt, at one fare,
plus $4, for the round trip.
Tickets will btf sold on June 20 and
21 from points east of the boundaries
named to and Including the Hudson
river at one nnd one-third fare for the
round trip. Any one reporting that
tickets cannot be secured at these rates
should Immediately Inform W, N. Bab.
cock, manager of the department ot
transportation, either by mall or tele
graph. Tickets will be sold to Omaha at one
regular fare, plus $2, for the round trip,
ns follows:
On June 29, from points In Minnesota,
Iowa, Northern Missouri, Eastern
North and South Dakota, Nebraska,
Knnsas, Oklahoma, Indian Tenltory;
final return limit, July 8.
From Colorado common points and
west, tickets on sale June 28, final re
turn limit July 8.
The following arrangement for Knn
saB day, June 22, hnB been anounced:
A flat rate of one fare for the round
trip from all points In Kansas and from
Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo., tick
ets to be sold for tralnB nrlvlng In
Omaha June 22, limited to return on or
before June 28.
The growing popularity of the free
sents and free entertainment at the
exhibit of Montgomery Ward & Co.,
on East Midway, Is remarkable. Out-of-town
people are beginning to know
that at this building everything ia
free and that no attempt Is made even
to induce them to buy goods. This
firm has a bairel of Ice water for thu
visitors and also toilets for both sexes.
A Youthful Bucket Shop Nipped
In the Bud.
Omaha Special: The John L. Boyd
commission firm was on the wiong side
of the wheat market and the firm was
forced Into liquidation. Its head, John
L. Boyd, cannot be found by n horde of
customers who would have profited by
his failure to get on the right side ot
the market had he staid In Omaha and
paid their wlnnlgs.
The failure of the firm affects at
least fifty customers, whose Investments
with the firm ranges from $5 upward.
One customer, a traveling man, makes
the assertion that his winnings
amounted to $200. Ab the firm did a
bucket shop business on a very small
hcnle and hnd for Its customers a class
that are not overburdened with wealth,
it is thought that the failure will not
amount to over $C0O.
None of the big dealers with whom
the firm placed business Buffer by the
collapse so far as known. The firm
of II. R. Penny & Co. was given a check
for $200 by Boyd Friday, but on pre
sentation nt the Comemrclal National
bank ft wns repudiated. The check,
Mr. Penny of the firm said, had been
given In good faith by Boyd, he having
at the time Just that amount to his
credit, but the- check went through the
clearing house too late, as the money
on deposit was attached by some ot
Boyd's creditors before It reached the
bank. Mr. Penny, however, will, he
thinks, lose nothing, as some of Boyd's
stock thnt he holds will fully cover
the amount If sold.
Young Boyd wns seen Friday night
He then spoke of the hard blow the
firm had been struck by the turning or
the market, but said he could meet all
demands. But he failed to bIiow up at
his office In the board of trade building
and an Investigation of his affairs re
sulted in the discovery that he had
taken all the money In the office and
had withdrawn all his funds at the
Commercial National bnnk but $200. Hi
could not be found at his boarding
place somewhere on Cnpltol avenue and
it Is the belief that he has left the
The John L. Boyd commission firm
was established In n very small way
about six weeks ago. Its capitol, It Is
said, was represented in the energy
of its young founder.
A combined chair, cradle, bed and
walker for children has been designed
by a western inventor, a square frame
being provided with legs on casters,
with a chair suspended on swinging
arms to be adjusted in any position to
form the cradle or bed.
Dons Think Atlantic Coast Cltlos
Offor Capital Onmu For Their
Flylntf Squadron of War Ships
Whloh Has Sailed From Cadiz.
London, June 21. Advices from Gi
braltar make It a certainty that Ad
miral Camaia's fleet, which ha8 sailed
from Cadiz, Is bound for the other side
or the Atlantic.
In some quarters In Madrid tho en
deavor Is made to have It appear that
the fleet Is In such bad shape that It
cannot make a lengthy voyage, and
that, consequently, It will hide ItBelt
along the Canary Islands, become u
misery and a bugaboo to thu Ameri
cans. 1 enn stated n the best of Informa
tion that the fleet Is In a pMiuukably
good state of preparedness of either
battle or a long voynge. The Pelnyo
Is not tho wreck she has been pictured
and the Carlos V. Is really formidable
The Patrlota and Rapldo are as fast
and iih seaworthy as they ever were
as part of the Hamburg-American
steamship line, and tho Glralda, form
erly Mr. Hugh McCalmont's yacht, Is
a very serviceable dispatch boat.
The toipedo boat destroyers Audaz,
ProBpeilna and Osndo are tho only
questionable elements, nnd even they
are quite effective in their way.
My Informant thinks It a great mis
take If tho Americana belittle the
significance of the sailing of the lleet.
it Is not going to the Philippines. I
can state this with posltlveness.
There nre sinister rumors that Cnm
ara will make a sort of flying squadron
of his command. The bottling ot Cer.
i'vra at Santlngo, after bo much wns
expected or him, Is a lesson to the
Spaniards. Camnra will not be bottled.
He will net. And It Is said will do
some desperate and substantial work
on the American coast. The New Eng.
land cities nre considered capital gamo
by Senor Aunon, to whom the desira
bility of a bombardment of Boston has
been suggested time nnd again by nrmy
and nnvy officers.
It Is even said that this Is one of
the objects of Cnmara's voynge.
The fact that the fleet hnd been
sighted at Gibraltar sailing enst menns
something. This. Is unquestionably a
Spanish ruse and a maneuver purposely
perrormed to befuddle the Americans.
At nightfall the fleet will double on
Its course, and, going through the
straits, bo on the broad Atlantic long
before daylight.
Red Tape at Chlokamauga.
Inquiry among the regiments at the
park has developed that the system of
carrying the requisitions and requests
to army headquarters through a long
list of sub-headquartcrE Is causing de.
lays which orten hamper the com.
mandlng officer and discourage cher
ished plana. A prominent regimental
officer who wiih questioned about the
wystem snld that In his opinion there
ought to be more short cuts to bring
about prompt results. He Illustrated
by taking one Item that a regiment
might be In need of, an Item the prompt
receipt of which would be highly bene,
flclnl to the progress of the regiment.
To obtain It there Is almost an endless
round through which the papers must
go. Perhaps, by the time a reply
reaches the command the war is half
over and everybody hns been worsted.
Instead of having time to get In effi
cient work In training the volunteer.
It Is suggested that the time Is taken
up In answering papers and In attend.
Ing to the routine of clerical work.
The regiments are also feeling rather
seriously the detailing of so ninny men
to the hospitals and thu various head
quarters for duty. Practically for one
regiment yesterday only twenty-eight
members of one company were able
to report for duty.
Recrultc continue to arrive by the
hcore. It Is estimated that between
400 and 500 come dally. The new men
are put In awkward squads Immediately
nftar their arrival, and the work ot
making soldiers out of them Is prose
cuted without delny. The Indications
are that tho recruiting work will be
finished In u much shorter time thnn
wns at first expected. It Is now under
stood that no movement cf troops will
be mnde for some time, but that Chlck
amauga will be drawn on Just as may
be needed for the various expeditions
that may hereafter be ordered against
Cuba and Porto Rico. Hard drills are
being undergone by nil the regiments.
Tho Bank of Spain.
London Dispatch: The Statist, com
menting upon "Is the Bank of Spain
Solvent," says:
Upon the bank's ability to finance
the government depends the continua
tion and duration of the war. Practi
cally, the Spanish government Is now
reduced to the expedient of using the
printing press to meet Its wnr outlays,
and the longer the printing press Is In
operation, and the more notes are Is
sued, the greater will be the depre
ciation In the value of the paper peseta.
If the war lasts much longer we may
see the paper peseta, which Is now at
a discount of 60 per cent, depreciate
as did the asslgnat of France nt the
close of the Inst century. The cessa
tion of specie pnyments cannot long be
delayed. Indeed, the suspension has
practically occurred.
The Statist then presents an array of
figures showing the exact position 'ot
the bank, with a note circulation ot
1.31S.OOO.0OO pesetas, without any cur
rency reserve available for Its redemp
tion, and further pointing out that
such note circulation may be Increased
to 2,500,000,000. Finally, the Statist says
that In three yenrs the Spanish nnd
Cuban governments have borrowed
1.000,000,000 pesetas from the Bank of
The "Mercury Fool" team of New
York Athletic olub won in the games
contested with the Chicago Athletic
association at Chicago.
The gospel wagon, with n coipH of
singers nnd workers at Omaha has
begun work nt Jefferson square. Meet
ings will bo held nightly until 11 or
On complaint of Henry Bose before
Judge A. F. Young nt Berlin, Henry
Vctty wns arrested for the alleged lar
ceny of one load of corn stolen from
complainant's crlbe. Constable Taney
made the arrest.
The state board of public lands and
buildings let contracts for tln-rooflng
and other finishing work on the Nor
folk asylum. There were three con
tracts let, and nil will amount to about
William T. Satterfleld, son of William
M. Satterfleld, one of the oldest set
tlers of Sarivy county, fell from a
windmill tower, a distance ot thirty
feet, and Btistalned injuries from which
he died. Satterfleld resided on a farm
near Springfield. He hnd mounted to
the top of the windmll to make somo
11. A. Glenn, an old and respected
citizen of Hlldreth, was shot and In
stantly killed by an eccentric fanner
who HveB near there, named Grlpsky.
It Is suposed that the latter Is crazy.
Mr, Glenn represented this county In
the legislature one term and wns a
prominent man In the county.
Detective Fny of Omaha has gone to
St. Joseph after George C. Bailey, ar
rested for nn alleged crlmlnat nssnult
upon the IG-yenr-nld daughter of C. M.
Blue, Bailey Is a carpenter, who boarded
with Mr. Blue, on Lake street, during
which time ho took advantage of the
girl whllo out for a walk June 23, and
then lied from the city.
The condition of ex-State Treasurer
Bartley's eyes Is hucIi that unless ho
has the best of treatment, the attend
ing speclnllBt says he will be totally
blind nnd that before very long. Sev
eral years ago Bartley hud trouble with
his eyes, the lids becoming deeply gran
ulated. At that time a cure was ac
complished, but ever since his eyes hnvo
been very weak. Some three weeks
ago granulation again mnde Its ap
pearance, and since thnt time his sight
has been rapidly falling. His coll In
the Douglas county Jail Is not In a
place where It can be protected from
the bright afternoon sunlight, nnd, as
a result, ho BUffera greatly. Bartley
keeps up hope, but admits that It is
very doubtful If he will ever regain
his sight.
Augustus Wallace, a colored child 2
years of age, waB run over by a Btreet
car and killed In front of 1205 North
Twenty-fourth street, Omaha. Motor
mnn Jacob A. Rose, on the Bouthbound
car, saw the little mite of humanity
dart across the pavement nnd tried to
Htop the car, but his efforts were In
vain. The running board Btruck the
child and threw him beneifth the
wheels. The mother, who saw the acci
dent from the doorway of 1204, ran Into
the Btreet and picked up the mangled
body nnd bore It, sobbing nnd weeping.
Into the house. Denth waa lnstantnn
eous. Later the remains were tnken
to the undertaking establishment of
Coroner Swanson. Policeman Glover,
who was on the car at the time ot tho
accident, placed Motorman Roue and
Conductor W'. F. Willis under arrest, as
is customary under such circumstances.
The policeman stated that the car wna
running rather Bwittly, duo to a delay
which had been caused somewhat far
ther north, but he wns or the opinion
that the dlsnBter could hardly have
been prevented hnd the car been going
a slower rate of speed.
Summer Supply of Hoes.
So far as the estimates of observers
can suggest the Indications In regard to
the marketable supply of hoga in the
west for the summer season, March
to October Inclusive, point to no Im
portant change in comparison with last
yenr, the average of returns showing
about 4 per cent increase.
While the Investigation of the Price
Current a yenr ago suggested a moder
ate gain In the marketable supply of
hoga for the Bummer Benson the esti
mated gain was tar short or the in
crease Bhown by the records. So far as
the returns Indicate the estimated per
centage Incrense varies but little in
comparison with Buch estimates last
year but It should be borne In mind
that the comparison this year Is with
the decidedly enlnrged basis, the full
significance of which may not have
been fully taken in account by some
of the correspondents.
In consequence of returns recently ob
tained from our special correspondents
results in the following averages by
states: Ohio, 105; Indlann, 104; Illinois,
103; Nebraska, 110; Minnesota, 95; Wis
consin. 100; Michigan, 103; Kentucky,
100; Tennessee. 97. TheBe averages ap
plied to the varying merits of tho dif
ferent states result In a general aver
age of 104 per cent Implying an In
dicated average expectation of 4 per
cent gain In marketable number of
hogs for the eight montliB, In compari
son with Inst year.
The greatest gain suggested Is In Ne
braska, 10 per cent, and next Iowa,
8 per cent, the latter being of much
greater Importance as a source of sup
ply. In Ohio and Missouri the appar
ent Increase 1b 5 per cent, Indiana 4
per cent, Illinois. 3 per cent, Kansas
2 per cent, etc. the states of lesser Im
portance not varying much in the com
parison. War Revenue Bill.
The wnr revenue bill was signed by
the President at 3:05 Monday afternoon.
The act declares that It should go
Itno effect on the day next succeeding
Its passage. It was signed In both
houses, and by the president Monday,
and became operative at midnight.
The secretary or the treasury held
that imported fas, which renched the
port or first arrival herore 3:05 o'clock
Monday afternoon, the time when the
bill received executive npprovul, are
exempt rrom the adltlonal tax. All tea
arriving utter that hour is subject to
a duty or 10 cents a pound.
Immediately upon receipt or Inrorma.
tlon from the White house that the
war revenue bill hnd been signed by th
president Secretary Gage Issued a cir
cular explaining to the publlo the pro
posed bond Issue.
A member or Emperor William's court
declared yesterday that his majesty had
no Intention or Interfering in behalf
or Spain. Statements to the contrary
have greatly displeased the emperor.
President- Fnure. on M. Rlbot's sug
gestion, is said to have aBked M. Sor
rlen to form a cabinet.