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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1898)
-LWwKi'faft frfr DEATH OF PRIVATE BRI6BS NEBRASKA SOLDIER DROWNED WHILE BATHING. Private John C. Manor Reports the Sad Funeralnnd EloquentOratlon byChnplalnTateat Chlckamauga -A Sad Event. Camp George II. Thomas, On., June The llrsl funeral In the regiment enued the tears to come to the eyes ot the brnve boys n8 the tiuln of thoughts It suggested Unshed through their minds. It win ovei the teuiuins of Private Ernest G. Brlgge, who was drowned while bathing In Chlckamuugn creek. The funetnl servlcta were ion ducted by Chaplain Tnte of the regi ment. The body was placed In a casu ket nnd carried beneath the tiees of the avenue fronting the headquarters. Tho band played n funeral dirge, after which the chaplain offered prayer. Tho day was very hot and oppivsilVo und Chaplain Tnte tnndo the services shoit. Colonel Hills and staff headed the pro cession, followed by the ufllceis of the regiment. Then enme the pnll boarera and the wagon containing the body and the battalion of which company H be longs followed ns mourners nnd march, ed to the edge of the ennip nnd then returned to quarters. The chaplain nnd a military escort of 15 men uccompa. tiled the remains to the national ceme tery at Chlckamauga. Too much can. not be said of Chaplain Tate, as he rode fifteen miles In order to give Christian burial to our dend comrade, and by his mnny nets of kindness he hns won the hearts of the boys of the Second Ne brnskn. At the national cemetery h ppoke very eloquently. Among other things, he said that In this sacred ground we tenderly deposit his body, where he will peacefully sleep beside the 12,958 men who died In camp and Held from 1861 to 1805. ThlB very ground wbb red with the blood of oui noblest sons in the awful struggle for jthe preservation of the union. What stirring thoughts come trooping to tho poul as we think of the days gone by. Days of weeping and parting, days of camp nnd battlefield, days of hunger and suffering, days of pain and death, days of roll call when many did not answer, days of home coming with chattered health and mutilated bodies, days Of weeping and mourning In thou sands of homes. Millions of mone. and streams of blood were spent in 'those darg days. Our national sky was overcast with dark and ominous clouds. Then men who lived and fought for our flag could not see the coming of tho glory of the Lord, nor the glorious frui tion of the battles they were lighting. They were In the valley. Beyond the distant hills great opportunities were awaiting their children. Today our hearts are sad at the loss of oru comrade, but through our blind ing tears wc see the glorious heritage sur fathers bequeathed morethan thir ty years. This very ground trembled jbencath the trend of contending armies and two (lags Moated In the sky. Look Vip my boys, look up. search where you will, only one flap can be Been. The same states are represented here aa today as were here thlrty-flvc years ngo but there Is only one flag, one camp, one army, one president and one na tion. Oh, that thosn dead could rise from their graves and see the fulfill ment of their fondest hopes, the real .lzatlon of that for which they gave their lives. Thank God they did not die In vain. Again our country Is at war, but thank God not at war with Itself. Today our country Is lighting (or humanity. The danger and privations Incident to war are apt to discourage us. When our hearts nre full of aching for a sight pf the dear faces of our loved ones, and we long for home and fireside, let us Uraw our Inspiration from the fact that we are engaged In tho first war fr hu manity known to history. It Is an honor to be a soldier In this war. Let our hands be strong, our eyes clear, our arm true, for a we conquer tho foe so we exalt mankind. We shall suffer and perhaps die, but when this war Is over a new song will be sung, a new princi ple established and a new era entered upon. Henceforth nations will not tight ,for conquest or glory. Only man and his wrong will be ground for war. To toe participants In such a struggle and 'heirs tcf such an heritage is glory enough for nny life. Humanity's great est possessions have come from its greatest struggles and sufferings. The wny to heaven Is through Calvury and Gethsemane. The steps to a Pullman rar lead by the poverty stricken home of a Wntts. The amelioration of Aime nla and the freedom of Cuba nre by way of battlelleld and death. Childhood lb life looking forwnrd, old age Is life look ing backward. The woes of life nre the chisel strokes which hew out the beau teous vision. From the Inndlng of thu Pilgrims to Independence was by way of Concord, Valley Forge nnd Bunker Hill. Preservation of the union wns by -way of Shlloh. Vlcksburg. Missionary nidge, Chlckamauga, Lookout Mountain und Appomatox. So the establishment of human rights In all the earth may lend us by wny of Key West nnd Cuba. Already we have passed Manila hnrbor nnd are knocking at the gates of the Philippines. God grant the day when we s-hall all be mustered out nnrt leave every man In all the world In full pos session or the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness " The national cemetery at Chnttanooga is perhaps the most beautiful In the United States. The services were at tended b a large number of people from the city and other parts of the state. The Nebraska boys are all well and In good spirit, but regret very nuch the accident which cnuxed t he death of our comrade. Colonel Bills felt very badly about It, and during the exercises he was seen wiping the tar from his eyes, No one knows how long we will be here, but all the Indications seem to be that we will see the better part of June In this camp. J. G. M. Tied fast to the railroad track, un able to move hand or foot, the poor wretch could hear In the distance the fumble of the approaching train1 Near ?i and nearer It came to where he lay louder and louder grew the roar of Its swift oncoming the earth shook with Its mighty rush' He struggled and strained at his bonds, but wns powerless to move them, while horrid t(-r clave his tongue to the roof of his mouth when he would have screamed fur help! Nearer nearer louder loud-jj-r' Hn! There there the fenrful rum bling fills his ears and Hoods his brain! It Is on him' Merciful heavens1 Will With an agonized start the sleeping tramp nwoke and fell to kicking his mate "Give me nightmares with yer snorin'. will yer!" he savagely snarled. "Take aat! An' dat!" To whomsoever the soil at any time belongs, to him belong the fruits of It. White parasols and elephants mnd with pride are the flowers of a grant of land. East Indian Proverb. i u.ufavv stmr m.i. -vHmi-.r rvi."'1uaHHHTrj4HVP.'rHB:iv.aiaii ri vu ,r-e- zlmt itr. - rtj. t. i atiXJiamA' , '-n kz-'!Scfrir" Ty BuTflgiflv . ii juvmT' iMMiw . i jth.ia?iij-umr&:r$- rar . rx'm: m&msmmMm BIRDS Omaha, June 15. The exposition, representing In Its eeml-olllclal character tho Trans-MlsslsslppI country, haa, during its opening weeks, Impressed the thousands nnd thousands of people who have visited It from every state In the union to their full satisfaction. It In not so big, but It Is more beautiful than the World'B Fair. And even Chlcagoans concede that many of its exhibits are marked Improvements over like exhibits at the Columbian Exposition. The Trans-MlsslssIppi outBlcen and outclasses the Nashville, Atlanta and San Francisco expositions In every respect. The above picture lacks a great deal of doing the subject matter Justice. Usually pictures of plnces nnd things are misleading, but the trouble Is that this one docs not lend far enough, nnd at night when the main court Is illum inated by a little over 17,000 electric lights Its fairylike beauty la Indescriba ble. The exhibits are not all placed yet, but an army of thousands of artisans and decorators are at work completing them, and In about two weeks every thing will be in tip top shape. The solid, substantial people throughout the west will fully realize as soon as they have spent an hour or so on the grounds how marvelous are our peo ple and their country, and the wonderful amount of useful knowledge to be Brained by a careful study of these acres and acres of exhibits. It Is nonsense r2-- UNCLE SAM'S BIG bXHIBIT. Leaving or entering the government building at the south entrance visi tors Invariably stop to Inspect a fea ture absolutely new In the exhibit of tho agricultural department. This U the microscopical examination of pork for trichina. It Is not a pantomime, and the four women who sit nt the long tublo nre not hnndllng the little tin boxes of rnw meat and looking down the bright, brazen nnd curious tubes Just for fun. They have simply for a few months stopped doing their work at the South Omaha packing houses and are doing It In the govern, ment building. It Is bona fide work, nnd reports all furned In on It every day Just as If they were at their usual quarters In South Omaha. MIhs Brere ton Is In charge. She Is assisted by Mr. Kllbourne, Miss Wilson nnd Miss Sayre. They get the boxes from the packing houses every day, each tagged to Identify the sample with the car enss from which It comes, nnd the way -if: -:- s?& - -- ' ' -J. - if' . -5 - " Jr 15 i.x 'mj v- r.'&?-sr SJrtMLT. 2 i&sSfawLi n rsyfesy1 -- - & v-"- 1 r . w9ts. - EYE VIEW OF THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION. U BSiBnBiir BXiv f-tr NEBRASKA the sample Is prepared for Inspection unaer the glass can be enslly followed by the spectator. In a glass case at one side may be observed models showing Just exactly what the little varmints nre like which are being scouted for through the microscope. These models show the daogeroua little animal magnified to Hcfe proportions as to appear truly form! Sable; and a visitor, as he views them, could be pardoned If he became filled with much regret that he had eaten pork that same day. Tho whole exhibit of the bureau of animal Industry has great Interest, but it must be confessed that It Is more curious than plenslng, for there Is so much of It that carries uncanny sug gestions For Instance there nre models nnd specimens In nlcohol representing some of the Infectious disenses In the domesticated nnlmnls, models of dis eased horses' hoofs, cultures of bnc terla. animal parasites nnd the like. In the section of chemistry is nlso something which In Its completeness at least Ik a new thing nnd one which It was naturally thought would have fs - . G02EBW2JT ECEIHW5 "X S t. 2- 'KUU-HISt.VWHA trfTJHOUtaifcw liXUXSM GOVERNflENT BUILDING.. ! -&$& '""fefes" ." ' . w-oc-r -Bar" Jjr&55& Z -Si. &fZz& - to classify such an exposition as simply a fleeting pleasure, a luxury, a place for Idle mlndB and Idle hands. Nebraska proudly stands at the very head of the educational column of the nation, and to have the advantages of Buch a wonderful, practical schooling within Its borders is a blessing whloh makes public and private errors and misdoings connected with its management sink Into insignificance. Even the Midway, where there Is a little mixture of everything, a place where It takes an awful level-headed person to tell where the good leaves off and the bad begins, has Its lasting and useful information to Impart, and which Is to be gained from no published book. The purpose of this notice Is not to boost anything or anybody, In fact It la written by a country newspaper man who feels chagrined because he was not provided with even the usual courtesy of an admission ticket to the grounds. If this was Intended as a character sketch of a part of the personnel of the "management," Its general tenor would doubtless be somewhat less flatter ing. But it is not. Beside the exposition which Is the product of the brains of thousands of men and women, those individuals who are enjoying ft little brief authority are mere pigmies. However, after all, there Is much good which can be Fnld nbout them, and as the big show progresses from week to week and lengthens out Into months, the various features of the exposition and the actions of those men who assume to shape Its destiny will bo discussed. BUILDING. special Interest for westerners, for It Is an Illustration of the beet sugar industry. Here nre shown beet pro ducts and models of typical beets with the appliances used In sugar analysis and nppaiatus for examining beets for seed collection. On n map Is shown the beet sugar belt and photogrnphs show the prominent beet sugar fac tories of the country. The fiber exhibit Is n collection of the more prominent examples of the com mercial flax and hemp of the world. In connection with the exhibit Is alo shown a series of (lax samples. Illus trating the experiments of the ofllce of fiber Investigation in the cultivation of llnx In the United States The collec tion Is nrranged In twenty-two panels under plate glass In such a way as to show the fiber at full length. In some cases the series shows the whole story from the raw product as grown on the farm and unprepared to the manufne. tured product. Specimens are shown grown In the United States from lots of flax valued at S500 per ton. These samples and a collection In an- t -9 i "erHt? J t'VS zS ms av-vr Wim& Tr v. other place that will be mentioned rep resent the favorite field study of Charles Richards Dodge, who, In the absence of Colonel Brlgham, is In gen eral charge of the agricultural exhibit. It Is not strange therefore to find that Mr. Dodge has his desk room In this corner of the building, so that tho fiber panels surround It on three sides. He has been engaged In fiber investigation for thirty years. He became connected with the department of agriculture first In 18G7 as assistant entomologist and assistant curator of the museum. It was then that he became interested In fibers, and he has made from that time to this a practical study of fiber culti vation and Incidentally of fiber manu facture. There are 24,000 Gaellc-speaklng High landers in the city of Glasgow. The strength of two horses equals that of fifteen men. Twenty-four members of the house of commons are total abstainers. WOUNDS PROM MODERN QUN8 The most assiduous care hnvlng been bestowed Upon the selection of men for a campaign and the most minute precautions taken for removing all risk of epidemics, it Is necessary to examine the nature of wounds produced by weapons of war and to arrange the measures necessary for minimizing their effect. In the science of war weapons are divided Into two categories, offensive nnd defensive. Defensive wenpons con sist of pieces of metal protecting the body. Offensive weapons ure cold steel and firearms. The arms of defense are the helmet and cuirass. The lntter does not afford protection ngalnst modern firearms. Still less must It be supposed that there can be any safety afforded by a certain cloth recommended by a German tailor, of which so much was bald five or six years ago. Cold steel, ns used In war, Is repre sented by the saber, bayonet, lance nnd sword. These weapons are used for thrusting, and the saber Is also used to cut. Firenrms nre divided Into pirtable nnJ non-portnble kinds. Within the last twenty-five yenm portnble firearms have been completely tiansformed. At present guns of small caliber, furnished with a repenting mechanism, have been adopted by all the powers. Spain began In 189! to sub. ctitute for Its 1871 model of the item Ington type of eleven millimeters a Mauser rifle, 1803 model, weighing 4.070 kilogrammes nnd having a length of 1.234 meters, with a caliber of seven millimeters. The projectile Is a bullet weighing 11.2 giammes, fired by means of smokeless powder, with an initial velocity of 097 motets per second. The rifles of small caliber with which all countries nre provided are Incon testlbly superior to those hitherto used. They enn inflict serious havoc upon massed bodies nt a distance of 1,500 meters. Artillery, which, It must not be foi gotten, plays a most Important part, now employs in the field three kinds of projectiles shrapnel shell, cylindri cal case shot and segment shell. The shrapn-1 shell, furnished with a double fuse, by which It can be ex ploded In the air or on hitting a mark, Is the typical field projectile. Its de structive principle is composed of bul lets of hardened lead and Irregular fragments caused by Its explosion. All European armies have adopted this shell for field artillery, which mostly works against infantry and seeks to attain its ends by the aid of time fuses, exploding the shell In the air. The weight of the bullet varies, according to the country, from ten to fifteen grammes. The fragments of casing generally weigh twice as much. Cylindrical case shot consist of a cyl indrical envelope containing bullets of hnrdered lead, either free or cemented by various methods clay, plaster, saw dust, rosin or molten sulphur. This projectile Is used at close quarters, at ranges not less than six hundred met. ers. In seeking to Increase the destructive power of their arms, artillerymen have, been successfully led, first to assure the segmentation of shell in such a way as to multiply the products ot explosion, nnd then to make projpctlles whose splintering and bullets have di mensions that are determined and InJ variable. The segment shell or obus torpllle, gives a minimum of 400 fragments and also a quantity of metallic dust that .has been pulverized by the ezploslve gases. TIiIb projectile Is loaded with various explosives. When the projectile Is of steel the splinters are longer than those of cast Iron. All the fragments, great and smalla nd there are some very large ones are bevelled. They act like a lot of two edged knives pro jected with utmost violence. All, even such as weigh only 50 centlgrnmmes, can Inflict deep wounds.cuttlng through the limbs, fracturing bones and carry ing with them portions of clothing. These fragments no longer have, as In the case of old fashioned projectiles, a velocity but slightly superior to that of the shell itself at the moment of bursting. They exert their action over a radius of 1,200 meters, Instead ot being hurled only 300 meters, which gives an Idea of their velocity. Lastly, they arc so hot that It Is Impossible to hold them In the hand Just aftei the explosion. When the 7-mm. bullet encounters a bone the Injury varies according to the distance at which It was flred and the part affected. At close range, that Is, less than four hundred meters, the effect Is of an explosive kind, far reach ing In character. The bone is fractured, again and again, and the lesions are. about ns serious as thpse caused by ar 11-mm. ball. At the extremities of the bones, where they widen out for the1 Joints, a 7-mm. bullet generally causea mere perforation. At long range, exceeding 500 meters that is to say. under the ordinary con ditions of firing, the 7-mm. projectile usually makes clean perforations nt the oseeous extremities of a diameter, but slightly larger than Itself Articular1 lenlons are consequently less serious. Bones struck In the medial region are less splintered than with the old bullets. In short, the greater the range at which the shot Is fired, the less serious Is the frncture. Perforations of the cranium are clear cut. as If they hnd been punched out. and the explo sive effect dlstnnces Is not met with. When the 7-mm. projectile traverses clothing it does not. like the 11-mm. bullet, so often carry with It more or less rounder portions of tissue Into the wound, but frngments of wool or linen are always found In Its passage through the flesh. The presence of these debrlt, however slight. Is the chief cause of in fection of wounds from firearms The bullet itself has been rendered aseptic by the high temperature which follows upon Its explosive discharge, but these filaments are charged with germs, which they deposit In the wound. Sup puration must therefore be reckoned with In wounds of this character. The adoption of small caliber fire, arms has on the whole resulted In diminishing the gravity of the wounds Inflicted by them and opening up a wider field for surgery But the condi tions of surglcnl Interference have not much altered. It Is still the first care of the surgeon to extract the projectile, for although rifle bulletin are not nn liable ns formerly to remain In the tis sues, the Fame does not npply to case shot, which has a much smaller power of penetration. And as there Is reason to expect nn Increase of at least 20 to 25 per cent over the losses In the last great wars, too much nttentlon cannot be bestowed upon the organization nnd equipment of the army medical contingents. "I have fallen hopelessly in love with' her," sighed the strong man of tho museum. ' "No wonder," responded the Jealous woman with the Iron Jaw and In wltlu erlng tones, "I always asserted that shcl Is the only genuine snake charmer I ever 6aw,' Syracsue Post. r x Y r