Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190?, June 17, 1898, Image 5
r i ,4 x ilk Hh The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF OX BUTTE COUNTY T. J. O ' K U B I' 12 . Publisher. I'liMUItrd prry ! ritln nml rntrriil at tlit iiMt.tlir in Iliiiiini'ord, NdiraHkn. a Foomiil-la-m mail nutter. Tiik llriUi.i1n-UTotcl to tin- ititcrpNtH of llumiiiKfocd and Ilux Kuttrt (Ullllt. HUIIHCII11TION nVTKH! ONi: YKAH MX MONA'IIS ..... ..ISO COUT.Y K. M. PlIKM" A. M.JIll.i.rn -Jm. II. II. Hi- Kir... K.P. Hwkknv r AV. M. Iouksck Mms A. 1'. Niikmnd.. ClUB. llllNN 4)u.W.K. Mii.i.eii. .. 1)11. C. V. Ililt.pitoOt' OKKICinW. Clerk. .'... TrpMiirpr. , Itidit". HhorllT. Attornwy. Hi ClUl'Mul'Mlt. Snrvryor. ,. ('oront-r. I'liyHictnn. ..('(iniiiiloRiotier lt Difct .('iinii4tduinr 4ml Ilt. .(HiniuilHRliriiril Dint. J AM KM HUtllV .. . AH. IIW.MNHMIK "". V. IIUNUAN.... J. E, rPORTE'R, ocAttornoy - at - Lav CKAWKOUI),.. ...NKII. .Ollicoia Sjndicato llloclc. IV. M. WpEMfiE, ATTORNEY - AJV - Xj.'W, jl'ractlccti in all tlio ecu-its Uomi'igford,.. .....Nob. TUTTLE fr TSH Attorneys - at - Law, llemingford, Nebraska. DR. .(3. A. HOLBROQ.K, QH YSICIAJ1 and SUttGEOJI, JiosidotU'e. Hull house. Qljico First, door nortli Box Ihittu Bank Bldg. Hemingford, -:- Nebraska T. J. O'KEEFE, tfcj. $. 0.lMJSSIGNER, DISTRICT OF NUURASKA. All matters coininu before the United Status .circuit Court or lh United mute. Laud Oflleo will receive prompt and careful attention. Also attend toall kinds of business for non residents; real estate, rentals, collection., etc. Correspondence solicited. Oftlcosnt HKMINUFOUO ANliCKAWKQItU NKIJ. Time Table FOR, Hemingford JvLVCOLK, (Omaha, (Ohioavo .Br Joseph. Denver, Helena, Buttj?, Salt Lakh City, Pon'rr.ANi), Kansas City, .St. LquihuihI uIIJSan Fuancisco, points oust midland ull points bouth IwuSjt Tiuinh Lewe ah KoM.OUB. J"u. 41. l'ttwuuer, daily, I)iduood. llillliiKH and nil poiutH mirth and wmt 4i?J a. in Ji. Ci. I'ruiulit, d-tiTy. Deadtvood, Ulllim-H and interinediatu htatiiiiiK t).2tp. m. Ix'o. 47. l-'reiulit, dally. New Cantlo and inteiiiuslialo Htallons.. 2.53p,ra. IJo. 42. PaHMcnuer.ilfiily.for Iilijrnlu, Unialia, ( ldcai;o and 11 (KiinlK ,sHt... 11:15 p.m. tn. 10. Pn-iKlit. daily, fur Lincoln and iutcrinisitatoKtatioiiK. .. S.Q8 p. in. Jlo. 48. l'Velclit, dally, for Lincoln, and int'rimsliatHtalionn 10:2jft. m All trnins daily except Num. 47 and H. ij dally except Sunday. 4i daily except Monday. Weeping. diuiiiK and reolinjinr clialr earn natn fnsij un tliniuli traiim. Tickets w.ld and ImKKaKeciiecketl toauy point In tlio UniUsl 'HUlfM or Canada, I'nr information, n)alR, time tlile and tick rtH call mi nr urit (o V. M.Cmw'laiid, AKeut, prj. KltANUlH, (iett'l I'aHuent-erAuent.Uinaliu MehraHku. I have some of tbe bast seed porn iatltu counly for sale (white ind ylloy) also 2iQ bush els of tbo very best mjllot sued for .sale Jn quantitos to suit purchaser. Ordors left at H, P. Green's will bo filled or write to the under signed. E, Mabin, Notice. Tbo undersigned will take pattlcor horses to pasture thir teen miles northwest of Heining prd. Terms reasonable. In. fpiir at AVm Ci.qsh. Patella Taylor, AttQixtion., Horsemen! Tho l-Vt'iifli coach stallion WU1NAULT mid tlio $Iiire stal lion, SAXON KING, will stand the proent sooson at my place six inilcs vest and two miles north of Hemingford. Terms: $5 to Insure a niaro in f(al; SG to insure foal to teat. All mures traded or romoved will for feit any inuranee S! will bo duo at one. Care taken to prevent accidents but 1 will not ho respoiw sihlo if any occur, A. S. J3NYEAIIT. I viil buy your county war yants. JI. 11. Green. mmm "W. J. Beau is ropapering bis drug store. Dr. Miller was in town a couple of days this week. Tho county commissioners are in session as a board of equaliz ation. Rev. Bowdish spent a couple of days in Hemingford this week. Mr. J. A. Heist was np from Alliance Tuesday and made this oflico a call. Tho ladies will serve ice cream Monday, Juno 127 opening of the creamery. Sup't Pholan, J. C Birdsall, and L. II. Muslim Were up from Alliance Tuesday attending court. Miss Mary ami Master Michael Elmore are spending a couple of weeks .with Uieiriimt Mrs. John Lomiuon. Mrs. McFaddeji eanio down from Custoi S. D. Saturday night and is visiting her daugh Mrs. CopelaiuL Jlov. Hazultou and family camo up from Lakeside yesterday and will visit friends for a couple of days. Clark Olds has the contract for building the creamery. 'Work on tho building is progressing nicely. E. S. Wildy returned from Illinois this morning. Ho spent a few days at tho Exposition on his return. The jadjes of tho Methodist Missionary society will servo dinner at .the homo of Mrs. Kern next Tuesday. Mrs. .Ford and children of Lawn dcjinrtpd Tuesday for Ri pen, Wis., where they will yj&it relatives for alQut six weeks. Dr. Holbrook's horse ran away yesterday. The doctor as well as the buggy looks somewhat worse on account of tho accident. Judge Hamer of Kearney and Hon. M. A. Hall of Omaha were here Wednesday. They are counsel for tho Hemingford people in tho county seat case. Mike Elmore is expected here daily with his grading outfit to widen tho road-bed of the B. $ M.. oast of the section hose and also tho cuts east of town. Crawford Bulletin. Sheriff Swenoy took Mrs. Jas. Driscojl to tho Norfolk asylum last Saturday. He was accompa nied byjiis daughter Miss Jessie. They spent Monday at tho Ex position. Among tho Alliancoites who attended court Wednesday wore Thos. Beck, Editor Broome, E S. McWhinnev. W. D. Rumer. D. W. Butler. O. E. Burke and Postm.ster Paradis. R. McLeod spent Wednes day in Hemingford shaking hands with old friends. Mac is now travelling for a drug house. His family resides at Belle Fouiche, 6. D. C. Klem ke of Lawn precinct transacted business in Heming ford Tuesday. Mr. Klein ke thinks the creamery is just what we need and says it will bo a good thing for the town. Ho re ports a hail storm in bis neigh borhood and his ryo was cut down. Clyt-o Badgely, a 10-year-old boy of Alliance was brought bo fore Judge Hewett Thursday on complaint of D. Eberly who alleged that the boy had stolen $20 dollars from him. Tho case did not come to trial as the boy's father paid tho costs and settled tho mutter, Tho writor.in oompnny with W. M, Copoland, (our gonial, affable and scientific station agont), Mrs. Conoland aiul Mrs. McFadden, last Sunday afternoon drove out to Mr. W. J. Britton's place nine miles northeast of town where Mr. Copoland has a herd of fine cattle which ho is holding until ho gets ready to uiovo to tho ranch. Wo believe that Mao would make a good ranchman If ho would leave tho jackrabbits and prairie dogs alone. It is unnecessary to say that the drive was a pleasant one. A GRAND 4tli of July CELEBRATION AT. Hemingford. Hemingford will colobrato tho Fourth of July in an appropri ate manner. The program will bo in charge of tho Ladies of tho Progressive club but they have invited the gentlemen io assist them and with tbo combined for ces no doubt the day will be ob served in tho most becoming manner of any celebration over held in tho county. At tho meeting Monday even ing Mr. A. M.Miller was elected President and I. E. Tash chair man. A program was prepared and tho following committees appointed. On Salute: Frank Shimek, Harry Pierce, Jos. Herncall. On Parade: E. P. Sweeney, I. E. Tash. Music: R. II. Blanchard. D. K. Spacht. Parade-; A. M. Miller, A. Slier wood, Clark Olds, W. K. Hern call, Harry Pierce. Speakers-: Ladies progressive club. Reading of Declaration of In dependence; Lyndon Pierce. Dinner. Indian Parade: W. J. Bean, Geo. Pinkorton, Mrs. Sweeney. Bicycle Race: II. R. Croon, T. J. O'Koefo. Target Shooting. W. M. Io deuce, S. P. Tuttle.B.F. Oilman. Egg and Sack Races: A. Uhrig, Frank Shimek, A. M. Miller. Fireworks; W. J. Boan, Geo. Pinkerton, Frank Olds, C. J. Johnson. Finance: C J Wildy. J T Pink orton, Mrs. Iodence, Mrs. Bean. Mrs. Sherwood. Advertisings O'Kcefe, Blanch ard. Ice Cream; Mcsdamss Sher wood, Olds, Holbrook. Awnings; J C Parkin, John O'Kcefe. Shade Trees; F Book, Cope land and Blanchard. The ladies will make a flag, size 5x10 feet -which they will present to town or precinct bring the largest delegation. Judges to decide which town brings the largest delogation: Rovs.Wunderlich, Kern, Garness and Bowdish. Everybody come and help cel ebrate the day wo all so doarly love. Court Notes The following cu.ses wero dis posed of sinco our last issue. Tho "saddle" case was acaso wherein Andrew Oleson replev ined a saddle from Grant Hal stead. Oleson claimed that the saddle had been stolen from his barn and that it was found in Hal stead's possession. Tho question in the case was the identity of the saddle. Tho jury found that it belonged to Oleson. The saddlo was valued at 25 and tho costs are? 1 50. Hough vs Donton was a case wherein Joo Hough took up a cow belonging to J. B. Denton which ho claimed had been on his potato patch and done damage. The jury did not agreo with Joe and ho will have to pay the costs which are about S70. In the case of the Kara Cattle Co., vs Duhon, the plaintiff main tained that tho case had been ad judicated by Judge Kinkaid at tho last term of court and tho Judgo held it for further investi gation. In the county sont caso the court ordered tho commissioners to moot on July lth and call tho election. In the mean time application will ho niado to the supreme court for supersedeas bond and stay of pro ceedings until the matter is hoard there. Court adjourned Monday night. II. F. Fillmore departed yester day for Sioux Rapids. Iowa, whore ho will reside in tho future. Mrs. Fillmore and tho children loft Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fill more have resided in this county for the past ton years and they havo many friends who regret their doparturo. Miss Agnes Esaucy entertain ed sovernl friends at a tea party Wednesday evening. Miss Nollio Goodenough enter tained a fow friends Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Loulu Blair who is her gueBt. A pleas ant evening was spent. A number of Miss Bertha Kern's young friends gave her a birthday surprise party Mo day evening, She was tho re ceipient of several beautiful presents. There wero about .twenty persons present. Gauntananio Bay, Juno 15(v;a Kingston, Jamaica, June, 10)- Tho dnfonses of Caimanera havo been demolished by tho Texas, Marblehead arid Suwaneo. Camp MoCalla Guuntanamo Bay, Wednesday, Juno 15, !J:15 j). m. (via Kingston, Jamacia), Thuisday, Juno 1G, 8 a. in. The brick fort and earthworks at Caimanera nt th ond of tho rail road loading to tho city ofOaunta iiiiino, wero domoli-Jiod todajy by tho .bonibimltno.ut, .f the Texas, Mnr.blcherul and Snwanee. Tho warships opened fire at 2 p. in., and tho bombardment lasted one hour and thirty minutes. Tho Texas steamed slowly up the channel leading to tho forti fications, followed closely by the Marblehead. Tho Texas fired two shots as range finders, lioth falling short and to tho right. Tho Murblolmud stood off to tho west sido of (ho channel and opened with lior fivo-inch guns on tho fort, knocking down part of tho wall. The Texas then threw in some twelve inch shells, tearing dowji tho wall of tiio fort uud throwing tho bricks and mortar thirty feet in tho air. After badly damaging tho fort, tho Marblehead stood further in to shell tho earthworks and barracks at tho west of the harbor. Sho knocked them into the air annwhon tho Spaniards flud from tho fortthoy were shelled by the St. Paul and driven into the bushes Tho Spaniards fired only fivi shots, which did no damage. After tho ships stood out into tho harbor, tho Spanish in tho hushes opened firo on tho Marblehead's launch, which replied vigorously. The Suwaneo then turned back and shelled tho bushes, driving tbo Spaniards inland. There will bo services at the Catholic church Sunday Juno 2G. BURLINGTON ROUTE Low rates, East, West and South. Dunrcrnnd return, June IB, 17. 18, Oiniilui und return, Junu 10, 20, KJ, 3, CO. 27. V9 San Krancisco and roturu Juno 28 and 20, Hot BpriuB. mid return, Jur.oliO atidJulv 5. Portland, Ore. ami return, Junc'iO and July 1, Nnuhvllle, Teun. and return. July 1, 2, :i, Salt Lake City and return, July 3, Yiinilni'toii, I). C and return, July. 3. 4, S, lluflaloaud return, July 11,12, Ask tho local ticket agent for particulai's. J. Francis, General Passenger Agunt, Omaha, Nob. Tourist Pamphlets de.sCi iptivo of Yollowotono Nation al Park and the summer resorts of Colorado and containing, be sides maps and illustrations, a great deal of information of inter est to .sight-soors and tourists can bo had by addressing J. Francis, General Passongor Agent, Bur lington Route, OinvJia, Nob. Write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Routo, Omaha, for handsome 32 page phainplot descriptive of tho Trans-Mississippi Expos it ion. FREE, rnitmitmftMMiiiiithm?7iM-H J.L.- U Uj! li. Ji.. CASTORIA 73 u Ti i, "Tli,, ," tr.H .'. , , AvcCclnblcPrcparationfor As similating thcFoodandncyJula t'uig the Stomachs aiulDowcis of Promotes Dicslion.Chccrful ncssandRcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Zbv ef(HdHrSXMun.aTatEa Wvlut Stti' Mx.Srnna frdn Stcd JVmrmml Jti OutonSff ' flirmStt -(litnhid Siiatr . Ancrfccl Hcincdy forConstipa lion, Sour Stoiaach.Dmrrhoca, Worms .Convulsions JcvcrisU ncss andlOSS OF SLEEP. TacSimile Si-jnnturc of r-TEW YORK. XXACT COPY OF WHAEFEBi Jnjrwyp'.-w.. -bL2 New si Complete Of latest styles, superior fabrics, at fabulous LOW prices are now on sale at The BIG DOUBLE STORE ; Come AT YOUR SERVICE ANTON UHRIG, - PIONEER Hardware and Saddlery. Tub Ui.uicvr Kstaumsiijikst in tiik County Charter Oak Cook Stoves, r , ... Genuine Round' Oak' Heating Stov $ Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Special Agent for BAKER FERFECTSBarb Wire the Best on Earth HEMINGFORD HILLING CO., . .Manufacturers of- - Flour, Graham, Meal and E'eecl And Dealers in All Kinds of COAL, illCriJIBIEIK, HiIIMIIEX Paper, Sash and Doors. HILLER & WILDY. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the t Signature W The Kind Have Always Bought. CASTORIA THI CtNTMin COMPANY, NEW YOBS CITY. : Spring Goods and see mw f You Line - C.J. WILDY. i)